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SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held
on Tuesday, September 11, 2012. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with
Commissioners Husain, Miller, DiNella, Demuth and Weber present. Also in attendance were
Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, and Recording Secretary Hanson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was read.
Additions to Agenda:None.
Audience Input: None.
Consent Agenda:
Approval of the August 28, 2012, Regular Meeting Minutes
MOTION by DiNella to approve the Consent Agenda.
Second by Weber.
Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Abstaining: 1: Commissioner Miller was not present at the August 28,
2012 meeting. Motion approved.
Public Hearing
5.a. Request by KJ Walk, Inc. for a Preliminary Plat, Master Development Plan Planned Unit
Senior Planner
Development with Rezoning and Final Plat (12-20-PP, 12-21-PUD, 12-22-FP).
Zweber stated that the applicant, Warren Israelson of KJ Walk, Inc. has submitted an application
for an eight lot commercial subdivision for a potential hotel. Since the submittal, the developer has
discussed splitting the lot east of Business Parkway and constructing a SuperAmerica gas station on
the southern of the two lots at the corner of County Road 42 and Biscayne Avenue. The plans and
conditional use permit application for the gas station will be submitted on September 11. Due to
the change in the application, Mr. Zweber stated that staff recommends withdrawing the current
public hearing notice and post a new public hearing notice for September 25 including the
conditional use permit and rezoning to C-3 for the gas station.
Commissioner Miller asked if the applicant was present and they were not. Commissioner Miller
then asked how many members in the audience were present for this item and about half of the
audience raised their hands. Chairperson Powell asked Mr. Zweber if the public hearing could be
opened to take public testimony and then close the public hearing. Mr. Zweber said there was no
additional information to provide tonight but comments could be received.
The public hearing was opened at 6:35pm.
Patricia Dangor, 14896 Brenner Court, stated she was uncomfortable with how close the new
development is to her neighborhood and the cul-de-sac on which she lives. She stated she does not
want to look out her windows and see a gas station or a hotel and she is concerned about the
increase in traffic. She requested the Commission take this situation very seriously and do a lot to
mitigate the extra traffic with berms, landscaping, signal lights, etc. so safety is not compromised.
Melissa Kenninger, 2734 148 Street, stated she lives on the curved corner of the housing
development and concerned with the additional traffic and speed around the curve. She requested
to be involved with the applicant to design the landscaping and discuss how the hotel is positioned
so people staying in the hotel cannot see in her backyard. She remembers when the developer
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
planned on building townhomes on the property and the Mayor said the parcel is too close to the
railroad tracks for a housing development but that a hotel will bring children also.
There were no further public comments.
MOTION by Miller to close the current public hearing.
Second by DiNella.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion approved.
5.b. Request by Thomas and Beverly Logelin for a Lot Split and Combination (12-23-LC).
Lindahl stated that the applicant, Thomas and Beverly Logelin, requests Lot Split and Combination
approvals to acquire approximately 1,366 square feet of land from their northern neighbor. The
purpose of this application is to allow the applicants to own all the property containing a retaining
wall that currently spans both properties.
Commissioner Weber asked if the Commission would be setting a precedent by approving this
request. Mr. Lindahl stated that recommending this request for approval would be consistent with
staff policy where the landowners are actually moving closer to lot size conformance by completing
the transaction. He further stated that each request is viewed on a case-by-case basis and does not
see it as precedent setting.
Commissioner DiNella asked how much more land would need to be exchanged to bring the lots in
complete conformance. Mr. Lindahl stated that with this transaction, the applicant is bringing their
side yard setback from 9.5 feet to 19.5 feet but to bring it into complete compliance, they would
need 30 feet. With the minimum lot size, Mr. Lindahl stated the largest lot is still less than the
minimum lot size but that with this request, the lots are moving closer to compliance and more
importantly, the overall density is not increasing.
The public hearing was opened at 6:52pm.
There were no public comments.
MOTION by DiNella to close the public hearing.
Second by Miller.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:52pm.
Chairperson Powell stated he felt it was good planning on the part of the current landowners to
address this issue before the property is sold to a new owner.
MOTION by Powell to recommend that the City Council approves a Lot Split and
Combination to allow the transfer of 1,366 square feet of land from the Jerin property
(12795 Bengal Avenue) to the Logelin property (12845 Bengal Avenue), subject to the
following conditions:
1.Recording of the proposed lot split and combination as shown on the approved survey
with the Dakota County Property Records Department.
Second by Demuth.
Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion approved.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
Commissioner Miller thanked Mr. Lindahl for working with the property owners on this issue. Mr.
Lindahl stated that this item will be going before the City Council at the meeting on September 18,
Old Business None
New Business None.
Reports None.
Adjournment There being no further business to come before this Commission, the meeting was
unanimously adjourned at 6:54p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary