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SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
Call to Order:
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session meeting of the Planning Commission was
held on Tuesday, September 11, 2012. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 7:07p.m.
Commissioners Miller, Husain, DiNella, Demuth and Weber present. Also in attendance were
Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, and Recording Secretary Hanson.
Also in attendance were Dave Hume, from Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. (LBG), Nancy
Ziegler of WSB, Jim Aiken from Barr Engineering, Carla Carlson and Larry Laukka from the
University of Minnesota, Shawn Dahl and Pat Mason of Ames Construction and Tim Becken and
Pat Bergen of Cemstone making up Dakota Aggregates.
a. Request by Dakota Aggregates for a Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit, Annual Operating
Permit for Dry/Wet Mining Sub-Phase 1A; and an Interim Use Permit for Aggregate Processing
Dakota Aggregates has submitted an application for Large Scale
(12-17-ME, 12-18-ME, 12-19-IUP).
Mineral Extraction permit for the forty year mining operation, the annual operation permit for
dry/wet mining sub-phase 1A, and the IUP for the aggregate processing. Senior Planner Zweber
gave a brief overview of applications submitted.
Mr. Zweber reviewed the changes to the ground water monitoring plan since the last meeting and
showed on the map where the monitoring wells will be installed for the first phase of mining.
Commissioner Demuth asked what the procedure is if the model is incorrect and contaminants
from the soil do get into the groundwater. A discussion took place on whether or not
contaminants could come from pesticides from farming that takes place after the reclamation is
complete. Jim Aiken from Barr Engineering stated the model an analysis of a spill of an intense
amount of pesticides and that the revised monitoring well locations will give a good indication of
possible future contaminants.
Commissioners Demuth and Miller asked if other contaminants could be tested for such as the
chemical in RoundUp, copper, cyanide and arsenic. A discussion took place on the types of
contaminants tested for and the monitoring frequency. Mr. Aiken gave a detailed explanation of
Barr Engineering’s baseline monitoring procedure and their normal routine monitoring program
consisting of two events per year. He stated there will be an annual report which will be included in
the Commission’s packet at the annual operating permit renewal. Commissioner Miller asked if any
testing will be completed by an independent party separate from Barr or if there will be a quality
assurance project that the City can review. Mr. Aiken stated they complete quality assurance on all
of their testing.
Commissioner Husain asked if the University could do independent testing and Mr. Zweber stated
that as the landowner, the University should be kept separate from any testing.
Mr. Zweber reviewed the four revisions to the groundwater monitoring plan that staff has
recommended: First, revise the description of the bituminous patch plant within the drinking water
supply management area (DWSMA) on pages 20 and 21. There is information on the design of the
asphalt plant in the spill prevention plan that can be added to this description. Second, revise Table
2 to describe that the existing monitoring wells MW-C2-002 and MW-C2-202 will be abandoned
and sealed within 180 days of permit issuance. Third, revise Figure 17A to show that monitoring
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
well RMW-3 will be installed within 180 days of permit issuance. Fourth, revise Figure 17B to
show the actual screened interval for monitoring wells RMW-1, RMW-2, RMW-3, RMW-4, and
Commissioner Weber asked if a trail runs through the mining area. Mr. Zweber stated there are
plans for the County to develop a trail that will connect Lebanon Hills to a park in Empire
Township along the east side of Akron Avenue but the trail currently isn’t there.
Commissioner Demuth asked for more clarification of the asphalt tanks mentioned in the SPCC
plan. Pat Bergen of Barr Engineering gave an explanation of the tanks and the research they
conducted of other facilities. Mr. Zweber showed where the tanks will be located on the map of
the area.
Commissioner Powell asked for clarification of the stormwater routing for future development and
how the lake will be involved. Mr. Zweber explained the process of the stormwater runoff in the
catastrophic event beyond the 100 year flood and stated that the lake would not be involved unless
the stormwater pond in the Business Park is inundated beyond the 100 year volume.
Commissioner Demuth asked Mr. Dahl how many employees will work in the ancillary use facilities
and whether or not there will be a water supply well and septic system to accommodate the
employees. Mr. Dahl stated there will be 25 employees, excluding truck drivers and explained the
proposed water supply and sanitary sewer systems.
Commissioner Powell asked the process of the materials trucked in for the asphalt tanks and Mr.
Dahl stated the tanks are usually filled in the winter and derived from Flint Hills.
Hours of Operation
Mr. Zweber stated he received an email from Shawn Dahl just prior to the work session revising
their request for 24/7 operation for the mining operation. Mr. Zweber stated he has not fully
reviewed the revised request and cannot recommendation either way but wanted to let the
Commissioners know the request had been made and will be discussed more at the September 25
meeting. Mr. Zweber stated that staff was aware that when the mining would proceed to the wet
mining phase with the barge at a slower and quieter pace, that Dakota Aggregates would be asking
for a 24/7 operation but staff did not commit to a 24/7 dry mining operation. The Commission
asked Mr. Dahl if he wanted to add anything to his email request. Mr. Dahl stated that since the
beginning of mining discussions and in all of the public meetings and open houses, Dakota
Aggregates has talked about having a 24 hour mining operation and he feels it has been
miscommunicated that they do not need a 24 hour operation. Mr. Dahl stated that operations will
be 1 – 1.5 miles away from residents. Chairperson Powell asked about the truck traffic routes at
night and Mr. Dahl stated that all truck traffic would be contained to County Road 46 going to east
to Highway 52 or west to Pilot Knob Road.
Chairperson Powell asked staff to explain the approval process going forward and Mr. Zweber
explained the public hearing process at the next Planning Commission meeting on September 25
with anticipated approval recommendation; then it will proceed to a Council work session with
proposed approval at a regular Council meeting after that.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
Adjournment There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson
Powell adjourned the meeting at 9:04p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary