HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140325 PCM RM PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 2014 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Vice Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. with Commissioners Weber, Husain and Kurle present. Commissioner Powell was absent. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Project Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was read. Additions to Agenda:None. Audience Input: None. Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the February 25, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION by Weber to approve the February 25, 2014, Regular Meeting Minutes. Second by Husain. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. Public Hearings : a. Request by the City of Rosemount for a Two Lot Preliminary and Final Plat of Rosemount The applicant, the City of Rosemount, requests approval of a Senior Living (14-14-PP, 14-15-FP). preliminary and final plat for Rosemount Senior Living, to allow the creation of two (2) lots. Lot 1 will be sold to the Rosemount Senior Living Associates I to construct a 90 unit senior housing with services building. Lot 2 will be retained by the City of Rosemount and houses the Steeple Center (former St. Joseph’s Church) and future public activity center. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Husain asked if the property is considered Downtown property and if the easement condition would not apply. Mr. Zweber stated the property is zoned Downtown, has a comp plan designation of Downtown and was included in the Downtown Framework. He further stated that with approving the plat, the reduction in the easement is also approved and no variance is required. Vice Chair Miller asked Mr. Zweber to show where the sidewalks are located within the project. Mr. Zweber showed the sidewalk locations on the site plan. The public hearing was opened at 6:46pm. There were no public comments. MOTION by Kurle to close the Public Hearing. Second by Husain. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public Hearing was closed at 6:47pm. MOTION by Weber to close the Recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Rosemount Senior Living, subject to the following conditions: 1.City Council approval of a Maintenance Agreement to the joint use and maintenance of the Parking Lot, Access and Connection Corridor. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 2014 PAGE 2 2.Payment of $204,000 of Fee-in-Lieu of Park Dedication for the 60 units of Assisted/Independent Living units. No Park dedication will be required for the Memory Care units due to the independent activity limitations of those residents. 3.Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer’s Memorandum dated March 21, 2013. 4.Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation Director’s Memorandum dated March 11, 2014. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. The applicant, Cingular Wireless, requests b. Cingular Wireless Site Plan Review (14-20-SP). site plan approval to allow construction of an 11’ 5” by 28’ (319 square feet) building to house equipment for cellular antenna mounted on the adjacent Connemara water tower. The building will be located on the Connemara water tower site at 13831 Connemara Trail. Staff recommends approval of this application subject to conditions. Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Vice Chair Miller asked if there is sufficient access for emergency vehicles in the event of a fire. Mr. Lindahl stated that City staff accesses this property often and there is sufficient room. Senior Planner Zweber added that City code requires a turn around at the end of a 150 foot driveway and therefore, the parking lot is sufficient and designed to allow emergency vehicles to turn around. The public hearing was opened at 6:53p.m There were no comments from the public. MOTION by Miller to Close the Public Hearing. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 6:54pm. Commissioner Husain asked the proximity of the building to the other building by Verizon and whether or not the light on the building will affect traffic. Mr. Lindahl responded that the building is 25 feet from Verizon’s building and the light on the building is designed to shine towards the ground so traffic should not be affected. MOTION by Weber to approve the site plan application from Cingular Wireless allowing construction of an 11’ 5” by 28’ building to house cellular antennas equipment at the Connemara water tower site (13831 Connemara Trail), subject to conditions: 1. Approval of a building permit for the proposed building and antennas. 2. Execution of a lease agreement with the City to locate the proposed building and antennas on the Connemara water tower site. 3. The applicant shall replace any existing landscaping removed during the construction process and shall provide a landscape escrow equal to 110% of the total value of the required landscaping. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 2014 PAGE 3 The applicant, Verizon Wireless, requests site c. Verizon Wireless Site Plan Review (14-19-SP). plan approval to allow construction of an 11’ 6” by 17’ (196 square feet) building to house cellular antenna equipment. The building will be located on the Connemara water tower site at 13831 Connemara Trail. Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Kurle asked why there will be a light on the northern side of the building where there isn’t any door. Mr. Lindahl referred that question to the applicant. The public hearing was opened at 7:01p.m. Sarah Hill, with Faulk and Foster, the project manager, stated the light on the north side of the building will be there to assist with lighting in the event someone needs to work on the HVAC unit. Robert Opdyke, 13802 Crosscroft Place, asked the timeline of construction, how the City benefits from this and whether or not the two buildings by Verizon and New Cingular could be similarly designed. Staff stated that the City Engineer has reviewed and approved the plans so the applicant will be able to obtain a building permit if the item is approved at tonight’s meeting. The City leases the space for antennas and the equipment building, so the City does receive rent revenue. Staff also stated that currently both buildings meet the standard for materials and are somewhat different although both are rectangular and will have masonry. The landscaping and setbacks will be the same. There were no further public comments. MOTION by Miller to Close the Public Hearing. Second by Weber . Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:08pm. Commissioner Husain stated he liked the second light on the north side of the building and asked if the previous applicant, New Cingular, could do the same. Vice Chair Miller stated that item had already been approved as is so that motion could not be modified, but staff could possibly talk to the applicant. MOTION by Kurle to approve the site plan application from Verizon Wireless allowing construction of an 11’ 6” by 17’ building to house cellular antenna equipment at the Connemara water tower site (13831 Connemara Trail), subject to conditions: 1.Approval of a building permit for the proposed building and antennas. 2.Execution of a lease agreement with the City to locate the proposed building and antennas on the Connemara water tower site. 3.Provide documentation for the proposed light fixtures that demonstrates all lighting will be directed toward the ground and not produce glare onto neighboring properties. 4.The applicant shall replace any existing landscaping removed during the construction process and shall provide a landscape escrow equal to 110% of the total value of the required landscaping. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 2014 PAGE 4 Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Old Business None. : New Business : th a. Request by Lennar Corporation for an Eight Lot Final Plat of Prestwick Place 9 Addition (14- The applicant, Lennar Corporation (Lennar), requests approval of a Final Plat for Prestwick 21-FP). th Place 9 Addition to allow development of eight (8) single family lots. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Kurle asked how the amount of park dedication was calculated. Mr. Zweber stated that staff looks at the entire neighborhood when determining park dedication amounts, including the neighborhood north of Connemara. Vice Chair Miller asked if the site will be seeded after grading to mitigate weeds until the time the site is developed. Project Engineer Olson stated that the site will be stabilized with a grass seed and once the area is planned for development, they will look at final stabilization of the property. Mr. Zweber added that the seed mix is from MnDot and will need to be maintained per residential requirements. MOTION by Kurle to Recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat for th Prestwick Place 9 Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1.Drainage and utility easements with storm sewer infrastructure may contain fences but shall be required to include gates to provide truck access; shall prohibit sheds or other accessory structures; and shall prohibit landscaping that would impede drainage. 2.0.32 acres of Prestwick Park dedication will be attributed to these eight (8) lots. 0.08 acres of Prestwick Park dedication remain for the next Lennar final plat. 3.Outlot B shall be graded and deeded to the City for use as Prestwick Park by September 1, 2014. 4.Compliance with the conditions and standards within the City Engineer’s Memorandum dated March 19, 2013. 5.Compliance with the conditions and standards within the Park and Recreation Director’s Memorandum dated March 20, 2014. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Reports : a. Training Opportunities. Senior Planner Zweber stated there will be two new commissioners at the next meeting. He thanked Commissioners Powell and Weber for their service. Also, Mr. Zweber shared information about the training seminar at WSB this Saturday. th b. Next Meeting – April 8 – 5:30pm Legal Training, 6:30pm Special Meeting Senior Planner Zweber stated that the next meeting will be April 8, 2014, beginning at 6:30pm preceded by training at 5:30pm given by Kennedy and Graven. Staff will arrange dinner for the commissioners. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MARCH 25, 2014 PAGE 5 Adjournment There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner : Miller motioned to adjourn; the meeting was adjourned at 7:27p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary