HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140722 PCM RM PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 22, 2014. Co-Chairperson Husain called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners Kurle, Kenninger, and Forster present. Commissioner Miller was absent. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, Assistant City Engineer Olson and Recording Secretary Roudebush. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Additions to Agenda: None Audience Input: None Consent Agenda: th a.Approval of the June 24, 2014, Meeting Minutes MOTION by Forster Second by Kenninger Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passed. Public Hearing: 5.a. Request by Friedges Excavating for a Preliminary Plat (14-46-PP), Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning (14-48-PUD) and Final Plat (14-47- FP) to Develop a 14 Lot Subdivision named Wilde Lake Estates. The applicant, Friedges Excavating (Friedges) requests approval of a Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning and Final Plat for the Wilde Lake Estates to allow 14 buildable lots on approximately 56 acres. The property is located on the northwest corner of South Robert Trail and McAndrews Road. The property is currently farmland, wetlands and a farmstead. The land is guided for Rural Residential development. Friedges proposes splitting the farmstead property on the west side of Dodd Blvd onto two parcels and to install a cul-de-sac on the east side of Dodd Blvd to create 12 additional lots of at least 2 acres in size. Two outlots will also be created. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Kenninger inquired as to what is the current code maximum for cul-de-sac is as well as the impact should there be a fire. Planner Zweber stated that the code maximum is 700 ft. Most of the other rural residential neighborhoods in Rosemount also have cul-de-sacs that exceed 700 feet. The typical fire hose is 150 feet long and the setbacks would allow adequate access for fire hoses to reach homes. Kenninger also inquired about the plan to preserve trees and where any would be removed. Planner Zweber stated that the plan is to preserve as many as possible, only areas where removal maybe need are off the intersection of the cul-de-sac and Dodd Blvd, to install storm water pond and for grading purposes. He also noted that when Dakota County is ready to PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 2 build the bike trail the City would then go out and determine the best path for the trail by planning it around any existing mature trees. Kenninger was also concerned about how the entrance to the cul- de-sac would line up with driveway on the west side of Dodd Blvd and the possibility of moving the entrance to avoid alignment with the existing driveway. Planner Zweber stated that the placement can’t be moved too far south as it would impact the wetland and stormwater pond on south side of property. Kenninger also inquired about the future of Dodd Blvd and whether or not there are plans to pave and who would pay for the pavement of Dodd Blvd. Planner Zweber explained that the proposal states that developer would provide funds to pave Dodd Blvd. The current plan does not include paving of Dodd Blvd but only the cul-de-sac would be paved with concrete curbing. The current fee of $226,700 to pave Dodd Blvd is based on today’s costs and in the future the expense could exceed funds allotted for this project. But it should be noted that the funds would be put in an escrow account earning interest and any exceeded expenses would be paid out of city funds. Commissioner Kurle inquired as to who would be assessed to pave Dodd Blvd and would current home owners be affected? Planner Zweber stated that the developer will provide the funds to pave for the future or they could pave it to the cul-de-sac entrance as part of the project. Currently there are no assessments in this area but he could not state whether or not any assessments would be imposed in the future. Commissioner Forster inquired as to how this development would impact on future master plan of McAndrews. Planner Zweber stated that Dakota County has stated that they need 75ft right-of-way instead of the existing 50ft to address future expansion of McAndrews Road. Commissioner Forster also inquired what impact the 75 ft. right-of-way would have on property lines or wetlands. Planner Zweber stated that Lots 2, 4, and 5 may have to be adjusted to maintain the 2 acre lot minimum. Planner Zweber also stated that MnDOT has no plans to make Hwy 3 into a four lane road in the future due the wetlands along the roadside making Hwy 3 curve through Inver Grove Heights and Eagan. Downtown Rosemount on Hwy 3 does not allow for the expansion either. The future alternative four lane route running north and south would be Akron Avenue to accommodate future growth. Commissioner Forster also inquired if there have been any discussions as to what he future land use north of the development would be. Planner Zweber stated at this time nothing has been proposed but they would have to follow the Rural Residential zoning guidelines. Planner Zweber did th note that 120 Street is proposed to continue across Hwy 3 on the east side connecting to Akron Ave. Commissioner Husain inquired about the storm water plan, how would we avoid flooding, and the impact should there be flooding. Planner Zweber referred to the plat showing the elevation of the land stating that houses are 10 ft. above the point where the water would collect. Should flooding happen water would run down to culvert and into storm water pond, the storm water pond is large enough to collect run off from backyards on south side of cul-de-sac. Planner Zweber stated that the current elevation of area causes no concern for flooding. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 3 The public hearing was opened at 7:12 pm. Public comments: th Katherine Gayl, 2980 120 Street, approached the Commission regarding whether or not there are future plans to install bike lanes on McAndrews or Hwy 3. She stated she was in favor of the bike path and the connection to Lebanon Hills Park. She was also wondering if the fully grown trees on the west side of Dodd would be affected in anyway. Robert Hosking, 2890 McAndrews Rd, questioned if the property lines on the plat are correct because there is some land on the east side of Hwy 3 that is a part of the farm. He also requested a bypass lane on McAndrews Road. Paul Scarpari, 12700 Dodd Blvd, approached the Commission asking about the direction of the bike trail. He also concerns about the location of the stormwater pond and the proximity to the wetlands. He also wondered why City of Rosemount would take on 4.5 acres where the bike path would run when it could be taxed and be income for the City of Rosemount. He also stated that he wasn’t sure why the City of Rosemount is so concerned about saving trees when the energy company will come in and remove the trees to install power lines. He is also concerned about land erosion and pollution of the area wetlands from the development of this area. Shelia Senechal, 12125 Dodd Blvd, approached the Commission stating that she was concerned that a precedent would be set if Dodd Blvd was paved on the north side of McAndrews Road for the rest of Dodd Blvd. She was concerned about preserving the oldest road in Minnesota, and wants to keep it as gavel road. She also noted that other developments in the area did not have paved roads. She was also concern about the trail head that would be placed just north of McAndrews and whether or not there would be a parking and the traffic it would bring to the area. She also inquired as to the price point of the houses that are proposed to be built on the 14 lots. She also stated that she was against the 2 acre lot minimum. Grayme Bartuli, 12685 Dodd Ct, approached the Commission inquiring which side of Dodd Blvd the bike trail would run on. He also wondered if the width of the road could be reduced to allow for more room for a bike trail, allowing the lots to be bigger. Carol Ann Opatrny, 12255 Dodd Blvd, approached the Commission stating that the developments off of Cobblestone Lane and Coffee Trail have a 5 acre min. She also stated that she was concerned about the culvert run off coming into pond. Stated she was opposed to the development. Jared Hammond, 12375 Dodd Blvd, approached the Commission stating that he approves the development; he hopes that it will reduce the pollution that farming of the land has caused to PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 4 wetlands and lakes. He also stated that the house on the current property had bad tenants living there and brought problems to the area. He also stated that he is in favor of the trail connecting to Lebanon Hills Park. He also mentioned that he wants the city to stop using the sodium product on road, it causes cars to rust. Mike Klassen, 12430 Canada Court, approached the Commission asking that the public can review the final PUD as it sounds like there are some adjustments that will need to be made before the properties are developed. He also wondered what changes to the PUD or plat would be considered minor changes and what are major ones that City Council would need to approve. st Gerald Groff, 3255 131 St W approached the Commission stating that he opposes the development. He just built his retirement home and was not expecting the neighboring land to be divided. Patrick King 12645 Dodd Ct, approached the Commission stating his concern of paving Dodd Blvd and who would foot the bill. He also inquired as to where the bike path would run on the south side of McAndrews. He stated that mound septic systems should be shied away from as his blew out during the winter. He was also concerned about the traffic safety on McAndrews Road, specifically people passing on the shoulder and how added residents in the area would increase problems. He wondered why the City of Rosemount would allow 14 homes to go this area when there is plenty of other space within Rosemount for development. th Bill Huffstutler, 3296 127 Ct W, approached the Commission because he is concerned about water safety and traffic safety. He asked what the current code is for septic testing and ensuring that they don’t fail causing contaminates to leach into the drinking water. He also stated that there have been many traffic deaths on McAndrews Road, some due in part to the lack of turn lanes and attentiveness of drivers. Adding in more traffic would only add to this problem. He opposes the 2 acre minimum. Cindy Egan, 12675 Dodd Ct, approached the Commission stating that she opposes the current plan for the development. She likes her gravel road, she said that the width of the road deters speeders and would like to keep it that way. She suggested that the whole design be scrapped and the entrance to the development should come off of Hwy 3 or McAndrews Road. She also stated she was concerned about the traffic levels and safety on McAndrews Road. She also states that having a trailhead with parking would add to the problem as well. She said that turn lanes are just a band aid to the problem. She is also concerned that there would be pressure to pave Dodd Blvd. She is also opposed to smaller lot sizes Jeanne Hanson, 12490 Canada Ct, questioned why the lot on the west side of Dodd Blvd can be split when it was originally part of the Wild Ridges Estate plat in 70’s. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 5 th Jeff Fadden, 12231 Biscayne Ave, approached the Commission stating that continuing 120Street over Hwy 3 would be dangerous, due to the landscape of the area it is hard to see on coming traffic. th He also questioned if the bike trail would extend to the equestrian trail that is off of 120 St. He is also concerned about the future of Dodd Blvd and was angered about the closing of Dodd Blvd in Eagan. He also stated that the gravel road in front of his house it too hard packed that it allows drivers to speed down his road. He is also concerned about what type of system will be used for the septic system, he stated that mound systems don’t work. Dave Senechal, 12125 Dodd Blvd, approached the Commission stating his concern about extending the length of the cul-de-sac and how it would affect firefighting if necessary. He is also concerned that 2 acres isn’t large enough for the septic and the possibility of it leaching into area wetlands. He is also opposed to paving of Dodd Blvd. He is also has concerns about liability issues related to the bike trail. He also was concerned who would foot the expense when/if the power poles would need to be relocated. MOTION by Kenninger Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. MOTION by 7:54 to close the public hearing. Troy Freidges, the real estate agent for the sellers spoke to give some history on the property. He stated that the property has been for sale for over 2 years. When the property was first listed he approached Planner Zweber to discuss possible options for the property to help attract buyers. He stated that he could have easily sold the property on the west side of Dodd Blvd numerous times, but the sellers wanted to sell all the property as one. On Feb 7, 2014, Irene Beberg, one of the owners, passed away adding her children into the listing. He currently has an offer on the property and is in the due diligence processes. He then met again with city planners and engineers to again discuss the buyer’s options. He stated that the developer doesn’t want Dodd Blvd to be blacktopped but thinks that paving the cul-de-sac would help the salability of the 14 lots. He also stated that the developer has two custom builders lined up and lot prices would be between $219,000-279,000 and completed homes would be priced between $600,000 and $800,000. He also stated that neither the seller nor the developer are making millions on this deal, the offer on the property is $899,000. He also reiterated that the developer is not asking for a variance but a PUD and is donating land to city for a future bike path. The developer is also losing land due to the County taking an extra 25ft on McAndrews Rd for future expansion. He wants to make it a win-win for everyone and is trying to do his job for the seller as well as buyer. This is not a money maker for the developer and he is getting ready to walk away from the deal. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 6 Planner Zweber addressed the questions and comments from the public hearing. First, he clarified the difference between the lot minimum of 2.5 acres vs. density maximum of 1 unit per 5 acres. He also stated that current zoning would allow11 lots on the 56 acres of land. He also stated that a PUD doesn’t set precedence for other rural residential development, in fact the PUD allows for deviation from current code for the public benefit of the wider trail corridor. In this case, it would allow the bike path to connect Downtown Rosemount to Lebanon Hills Park and surrounding cities. The PUD is for 2 acre vs. the current 2.5 acre minimum and noted that there are numerous rural residential lots in Rosemount that are smaller than 1 acre that have functioning septic systems that pass testing. Code states that all septic systems must be tested and inspected every 3 years and all issues must be addressed before passing. The Building Official has been out to the property with the septic designer to inspect the area and deemed soils suitable for septic systems. Once the developer submits a plan for each house, a building inspector will review design of septic system and complete the additional soil test for the specific lot. Planner Zweber also stated that trees on the west side of Dodd Rd will only be disturbed to install the shared driveway, and that is only if needed. He then went on to explain the tree preservation ordinance in Rosemount; developers will have to inventory trees before any can be taken down. They can remove 25% of trees, anything above that will be have to be replaced. Currently the only area where Planner Zweber can see any tree removal happening is near the area of the cul-de-sac entrance. The bike trail will run on east side of Dodd Blvd all the way into Downtown Rosemount to follow the current layout of existing trails south of Connemara Trail. The exact alignment of the trail on the east side of Dodd Blvd hasn’t been determined. There would not be adequate room to have a parking lot at the trailhead but would be a spot for a resting place and map. There would be no bathrooms there since there is no city sewer or water in this area and there is no plan of that in the future. The extra room donated on the south side near McAndrews Road is widened to accommodate the possibility of an underpass under McAndrews Road. The Lebanon Hills Master Plan is for the park to be the hub for biking, hiking and pedestrian paths through the County, which includes connecting th to the equestrian trail off of 120 St. As for Dodd Blvd being paved or not is based on the density and road classification shown on the Comprehensive Plan, not due to this proposed development. This development will allow the City of Rosemount to address the current stormwater and culvert issues. Most of area off of Dodd Blvd was developed before 1985, and most of the area runoff goes directly into wetlands. The City of Rosemount would design the stormwater pond for an outlet structure so that water retains in pond and only run off and into the wetland and culvert once it is cleaned. He noted that this would only address runoffs in the area of this development and all other stormwater issues in the rural residential area would remain as is. Planner Zweber went on the talk about the recent addition of a bypass lane at Shannon Park and McAndrews Road, he stated that this was collaboration between the City of Rosemount and Dakota County. He stated that the City can approach the County and see if a similar collaboration can be done for Dodd Blvd and PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 7 McAndrews Blvd. He also addressed the public comment concerning liability on the trail by stating that the City of Rosemount already has many different liabilities at city parks and trails and they still choose to provide those amenities. He also reiterated why the entrance to the development had to be off of Dodd Blvd and that a connection cannot be made onto McAndrews Road or Hwy 3. Engineer Olson addressed the public’s concerns about stormwater management, quality and quantity of water from new development. This project will allow updates in the area to meet standards, reduce run off, and improve water quality. He also stated that more population in the area would increase the likelihood of a of bypass lane being installed. In the future, Dodd Blvd will be a 28 ft. wide road, which they are asking developer to provide fees so the funds are available when Dodd Blvd is expanded. He also stated there are currently no plans to pave Dodd Blvd north of the proposed development. Any paving would need resident support for paving south of McAndrews. Commissioner Forster stated that there may need to be some compromises. He was also confused about the lot minimum of 2.5 vs. 5 acre density minimum. He also wondered if the sellers can compromise. After hearing all the details in staff responses, he feels better about the development. Commissioner Kurle thought that difference between 11 homes and 14 homes would not really have a huge impact on traffic. Commissioner Husain had concern with septic but thought they City of Rosemount already has good control over septic inspections. He also stated that his concerns are eased after hearing the stormwater management process. 1.MOTION by Kurle to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Wilde Lake Estates, subject to conditions: a.Approval of a Major Planned Unit Development rezoning the subject property and designating minimum lot requirements and setbacks. b.Submittal of a landscape plan and a tree preservation plan in compliance with City Code Section 11-6-3. c.Submittal of a Stormwater Management Plan is conformance with the City Code. d.Joint driveway access is required for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1. e.Payment of $100 per front foot for the future reconstruction of Dodd Boulevard (2,267 feet x $100 = $226,700). f.Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 16, 2014. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 8 Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 16, 2014 Second by Husain. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 2.MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from AG – Agricultural and RR-Rural Residential to RR PUD – Rural Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions: a.The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i.Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii.A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii.A side entry garage; iv.Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. b.A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-3 F.1. to reduce the minimum lot area of two and a half (2.5) acres to two (2.0) acres. c.A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-3 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width from two hundred (200) feet to one hundred sixty (160) feet. d.A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-3 F.6. to reduce the maximum gross density from one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acre to one (1) dwelling unit per four (4) acres. e.A deviation from City Code Section 12-3-1 K. to allow for a cul-de-sac longer than seven hundred (700) feet. f.Dedication of Outlot A and Outlot B to the City for recreational trail purposes. g.Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 16, 2014. h.Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 16, 2014. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 3.MOTION by Kurle to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat for Wilde Lake Estates, subject to conditions: a.Approval and execution of a subdivision agreement. b.Dedication of Outlot A and Outlot B to the City for recreational trail purposes. c.Submittal of a landscape plan and a tree preservation plan in compliance with City Code Section 11-6-3. d.Submittal of a Stormwater Management Plan in conformance with the City Code. e.Joint driveway access is required for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 9 f.Payment of $100 per front foot for the future reconstruction of Dodd Boulevard (2,267 feet x $100 = $226,700). g.Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 16, 2014. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 16, 2014. Second by Kenninger. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 5.b. Request by Richard and Jean Heinen to Combine Four Existing Parcels into One Property (14-40-LC)The applicants, Richard and Jean Heinen, request permission to combine the th four parcels they own at 3110 (two parcels) and 3120 (2 parcels) 145 Street West. Recently, the th applicants removed the house at 3120 145 Street West. Should the City approve the lot combination request, the applicants intend to combine the four parcels they own into one property th and make improvements to the house at 3110 145 Street West. Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Kurle inquired what the intention is of combining the four lots. Planner Lindahl stated the owners want to make improvements to the house. Commissioner Forster wanted to clarify that all other existing buildings would remain and that the amount of hardscape falls within zoning guidelines. Commissioner Kenninger wanted to clarify that going forward this would be considered one parcel only allowing one dwelling unit per parcel. Commissioner Husaian inquired whether or not they conform to other plots. Planner Lindahl stated they would follow historical pattern. The public hearing was opened at 8:53p.m. There was not public comment. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:54 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 10 MOTION by Kurle to recommend that the City Council approve Combine Four Existing Parcels into One Property Second by Kenninger. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 5.c. Request by KJ Walk for Preliminary Plat (14-42-PP), Final Plat (14-43-FP), and Rezoning for Anytime Fitness(14-44-RZ).The applicant, KJ Walk, Inc, requests preliminary and final plat approvals for the Rosewood Center subdivision along with a rezoning and site plan approval. The preliminary plat subdivides the existing 14.9 acre property into six commercial lots and three outlots. Based upon the preliminary plat, the final plat creates one developable lot and four outlots (2 for future development, 1 for storm water management, and 1 remnant parcel). The rezoning is for the entire site and site plan approval is request for an approximate 11,000 square foot commercial building to house an Anytime Fitness center and an additional undetermined user. Staff recommends approval of these requests subject to the conditions outlined in the recommended action section above. Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Husain inquired what the status is on the gas station that was approved previously. He also inquired about the distance between the gas station and the Anytime Fitness building. Planner Lindahl stated that is about 350 ft. between the two locations. Commissioner Kenninger wanted it to be known that she knows the owners and has no special interest in the approval of this project. She inquired about access between Lots 2 and 3. She also inquired about what type of tenants can go in on the north side of building. Planner Lindahl stated that anything that falls within C-4 zoning and anything outside of that would have to come back before the board for approval. Commissioner Kenninger wondered if there is any possibility to add additional landscaping in Outlot A. She also wanted to know how big the building in Lot 1 would be, doesn’t seem big enough for much. Planner Lindahl stated that it would roughly be an 8,000 sq. ft. building. Commissioner Kenninger also inquired about the flexibility of the Anytime Fitness building. Planner Lindahl stated that there are many entrances and the space can be adjusted to tenants needs. Commissioner Kurle also inquired about the status of the gas station. Planner Lindahl stated that the applicant is present and he can speak to that. Commissioner Kurle also inquired about additional tree cover in Outlot A. Planner Lindahl stated that the elevation of the homes is lower than the proposed commercial properties and the current vegetation provides a good amount of screening. th The City of Rosemount has installed a white vinyl fence on the eastern end of 149 St where the residential property runs closer to the road. He also thought that when the approval of the gas station was passed they were requiring them to add in additional landscaping. Planner Lindahl confirmed that landscaping is to be installed once construction of gas station is complete. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 11 Commissioner Forster inquired about the parking spots on the east side of Lot 1, would the parking lots between Lots 1 and 2 be connected? He also inquired where access points to the business would th be. Planner Lindahl stated that accesses on the far east and west sides of 149 St are at the minimum and have already been installed. One or two more access points can be added as lots are developed. The western entrance would access the gas station and Lot 1, the eastern entrance would access Lots 4 thru 6. Planner Lindahl also reiterated that the change in zoning is to what is shown in the Comprehensive Plan from 10 years ago; we aren’t deviating from something that has already been approved previously. The public hearing was opened at 9:21 p.m. Public comments: Joe Dangor, 14986 Brenner Ct, approached the commission stating his concern about signage and access to 24 hour fitness site. He thinks adding berms would help. He is also concerned that the commercial development will diminish his property value. He also inquired if the orientation of the building could be faced to the east instead of west. Kathy Keller, 14892 Brenner Ct, approached the commission stating her concerned about trash and traffic right now. She also stated she was unaware that a gas station is going in. She also has concerns about signage, noise and lights. She also thinks berms would help block the view from the residences. Trisha Dangor, 14896 Brenner Ct, approached the commission stating that she though the City of Rosemount was very prepared with their presentation. She would like similar landscaping to take place as neighborhood behind Cub Foods. She is also concerned about noise and traffic. She also wants to make sure that dumpsters wouldn’t be seen from the residential areas. She also shared her concerns about the neighborhood kids living that close to a gas station and also not having a neighborhood park. She understands that the area will be developed; she just wants what is best for everyone. She also told us that her son said if he wins the lottery he is going to use the money to put in a neighborhood park. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 9:34 p.m. Planner Lindahl stated that the overall lot design is that buildings will be north and south, the area facing residential will have minimal exposure to residential property. There could be more landscaping where residential is closer to road and City of Rosemount has installed a fence on east PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 12 th side of 149 St. The design of the commercial buildings is pushed south to increase distance from residential. Trash is proposed on south side of property. He also stated that the commission could ask applicant to increase landscaping to block exposure. The current building design will provide screening of parking. He also stated that he has already asked applicant to address lighting patterns. He noted that the attachment showing the front elevation the top image is mislabeled, should be labeled as west not east. He stated that if the placement of building was moved it would block access to Lot 1. He also stated that the commission could ask the applicant to provide landscaping on lot 1 to block the view of the Anytime Fitness building. He also stated that most likely businesses would want to advertise on the County Road 42 side of the buildings so there should be little exposure to the light from the signs and any signs facing residential areas would be subject to follow limitations. He also believes that when the building on Lot 1 is built it will screen much of Lot 2. He stated that there is room for compromise and the Commission could put in a condition on Lot 1 to provide landscaping to screen lots on Brenner Ct. Engineer Olson stated that if additional trees were planted they would need to be held against road He said it could be possible to plant a few trees to block view of commercial properties. He also stated that the pond will stay and there are no proposals to make any changes and there isn’t a way to put in a park in Outlot A. Warren Isrealson with KJ Walk addressed the commission stating he worked with staff to come up with site plan that is several 100 ft. from houses. He cannot address specifics of Anytime Fitness building. He stated that the gas station is still going in but he doesn’t have a date yet. He also stated that the gas station will stay on currently approved lot. 1.MOTION by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve the request to rezone Outlot G, Rosewood Estates from R-1, Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 2.MOTION by Kenninger to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Rosewood Center, subject to conditions: a.City Council approval of the request to rezone the Outlot G, Rosewood Estates from R-1, Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. b.Dedication of 25’ of additional right-of-way to Dakota County for County Road 42. c.Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014. d.Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Department as . detailed in the attached memo dated July 17, 2014 e.Development of Lot 1 of the preliminary plat shall include enhanced exterior materials and additional landscaping along the north side of the site to mitigate its impact on the adjacent residential development. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 13 Second by Forster. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 3.MOTION by Forster to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat Rosewood Center, subject to conditions: a.City Council approval of the preliminary plat for Rosewood Center. b.Conformance with all requirements of the Rosewood Center Preliminary Plat. c.Execution of the subdivision development agreement for Rosewood Center. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. 4.Motion by Kenninger to approve the Site Plan for Lot 2, Block 1, Rosewood Center allowing construction of an 11,018 square foot commercial building, subject to conditions: a.City Council approval of the request to rezone the Outlot G, Rosewood Estates from R- 1, Low Density Residential to C-4, General Commercial. b.City Council approval of the preliminary plat for Rosewood Center. c.City Council approval of the final plat for Rosewood Center. d.Submission of a landscape security equal to 110% of the proposed landscaping in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. e.Ground or wall signs shall be approved through a separate permit. f.Approval of a revised lighting plan consistent with the exterior lighting standards for the C-4 General Commercial district. g.Approval of a revised trash enclosure plan consistent with Section 5-1-3 of the City Code. h.Lights and signs along the north and west sides of the site shall not be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. For the site in general, all nonessential lighting will be required to be turned off after business hours, leaving only the necessary lighting for site security. i.Approval of a revised landscape plan including additional landscaping along the north and west sides of the site to mitigate its impact on the adjacent residential development. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. Old Business-none New Business PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2014 PAGE 14 7.a. South Urban Gateway Analysis for Reinvestment (SUGAR) The South Urban Gateway Analysis for Reinvestment (SUGAR) is an area-specific planning study to review the current businesses and land uses in the South Gateway and evaluate the possibilities for private investment and redevelopment. The South Gateway District is an hourglass shaped neighborhood currently comprised of commercial and agricultural uses along South Robert Trail between County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 and CSAH 46. The project area serves as a gateway to Rosemount for all travelers heading north on South Robert Trail including commuters from Farmington, Empire Township, and Northfield. The north half of the project area is developed with commercial and light industrial uses, many of which are over 25 years old. The south half of the project area is a mix of farm fields, a former village dump, a car repair business, and a natural gas storage facility. Port Authority is set to review August 19, 2014. Commissioner Kenninger stated that one of the most interesting parts of the Maxfield study is the part about the leakage of retail expenditure out of the City of Rosemount. Commissioner Husain wanted to know if Maxfield had any recommendations how to attract businesses and the best use of current businesses Planner Zweber mentioned the contract that the City of Rosemount recently signed a contract with Buxton who specializes in helping cities attract large retail businesses. It is a 3 year contract and we are only 2 months into the contract. Planner Zweber mentioned that one of the recommendations from Maxfield is to attract more entertainment oriented businesses that Rosemount could become an entertainment zone. The report shows leakage and where residents are going to buy those items. Motion by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve the South Urban Gateway Analysis for Reinvestment (SUGAR) Report. Second by Husain. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion approved. Reports: none Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Co- Chairperson Husain adjourned the meeting at 10:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Roudebush, Recording Secretary