HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUAR Kelley Trust - SRF Group PROPOSAL ` ' . : , AL��RI�A�I'V� URB�N A��A���� � _ : REVIEW �AUAR ) FOR KELLEY TRUST PR� PERTY SUBM�TTED TQ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESC�TA �U����T'TEt3 BY S1�[' C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . r< �u�lE 38, 1999 � � C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . Transportation■Civil ■Structural ■Environmental ■Planning ■ Traffic ■Landscape Architecture ■Parking ' June 28, 1999 ' � Mr. Dan Rogness Community Development Director CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55901 ' SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AREAWIDE URBAN ALTERNATIVE REVIEW FOR THE KELLEY TRUST PROPERTY , Dear Mr. Rogness: The Kelley Trust Property is one of the last large, undeveloped parcels in the northwest corner of , the City of Rosemount. The size of the parcel, its location adjacent to residential areas and the numerous surface water bodies located in and adjacent to the parcel make it important to carefully consider the impacts of development of this site. The location of approximately ' S0 acres of the parcel within the City of Apple Valley also creates some potential coordination issues for review and approval of development plans. , SRF Consulting Group, Inc. is a full-service consulting firm with the technical expertise, leadership and enthusiasm needed to prepare planning/environmental documents such as AUARs. SRF has 3Q years of experience providing public sector clients with environmental , planning, traffic engineering and transportation planning, and we have worked on many projects that combine traffic, land use and environmental issues. Our project team also includes The 106 Group Ltd., a cultural resources consulting firm. , Our project team's strengths include: ' • Familiarity with all aspects of issues relating to development, including land use planning, traffic and natural resource impacts. , • Project management that the City of Rosemount can trust to get the job done within the desired time frame. , • Experience with all aspects of environmental documentation, including preparation of Areawide Urban Alternative Review documents. ' • A seasoned project team that is qualified and available to do the work within the project schedule. ' One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55�47-4443 Telephone (612) 475-0010 ■ Fax (612) 475-2429 ■ http://www.srfconsulting.com ' Ar� Equal Opportunity Employer � ' Mr. Dan Rogness - 2 - June 28, 1999 ' Charleen Zimmer, AICP, a Principal with SRF, will lead the SRF team. Ms. Zimmer has more ' than 25 years of experience preparing environmental documents, and she has managed many similar projects for cities, counties and the State of Minnesota. Jennie Ross, a Senior Associate with SRF who has 20 years of experience, will serve as Project Manager. Ms. Ross is known far � her attention to detail and her ability to keep a project on schedule and on budget. This project will have a lasting effect on development and traffic circulation in one of the City's ' most attractive areas. The SRF/106 Group team offers a skilled and energetic project team and a proven ability in all aspects of AUAR preparation. We would very much like to meet with the City to discuss the objectives for the Kelley Property development concepts and AUAR process, , and how our project team can achieve those objectives. If you have any questions about our proposal, please call Charleen Zimmer or Jennie Ross at(612) 475-0010. , Sincerely, SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. ' • Charleen A. Zim er, CP � Vice President 1�G��'�-'` �/ 1 • � Peter A. Fausch P.E. � � Executive Vice President CAZ/PAF/jal ' , � � ' ' ' ' ' Proposal for � � Alternative Urban Areawide Review � --�..+�.�� s� u ��..;t+d+i. €� t a��ir�a1 i� i i�e�'3 a.i ir m i a i 6.ie�a � �lanned Unit Development � � Submitted to: � City of Rosemount � � � t Submitted by: � SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC. One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 � Minneapolis, Minnesota 55447-4443 Telephone 612-475-0010 � Fax 612-475-2429 ' http://www.srfconsulting.com 1 ' Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review � ' � 1 Table of Contents i ' Page Summary 2 � Project Background 3 � Project Approach 4 1 Schedule and Cost Estimate 8 � Project Team 10 t Project Experience 16 � Appendix � • Cultural Resources Assessment ' • Resumes ' ' ' � 1 Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' ' � , , ' ' ' � , � � 1 � , , , ' � , � Summary � The City of Rosemount is seeking consultant assistance in the preparation of an Areawide Urban Alternative Review (AUAR) for the Kelley Trust Property, a 535- acre site located at the northwest corner of the City. This site is one of the last � large, undeveloped parcels in this area of the City. The AUAR process provides an opportunity for combined land use planning and environmental review prior to development, to ensure that adequate City services are available to accommodate ' the development and that mitigation is provided to minimize environmental impacts associated with the development. ' Our proposal reflects the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) requirements for completion of an AUAR and addresses unique concerns related to the planned � development, including consideration of the appropriate density of development, traffic operation/circulation issues, consideration of water resources impacts (wetlands, storm water) and the need to address residents' concerns. , The SRF team is a very strong technical team with the expertise and experience needed to prepare this AUAR in a timely and effective manner. The particular � qualifications of our team which will contribute to a successful and short AUAR process include the following: ' • We have completed numerous environmental reviews including AUARs (in Eagan, Maple Grove, Fridley and Bloomington), EAWs, EAs, and EISs. As a ' result, we have a thorough knowledge of the required procedures, reviews, approvals and required analyses. In addition, we have long-standing, positive relationships with the environmental review agencies. � • We have the technical expertise and experience to address all technical issues, including traffic forecasting and operations analyses, air quality and noise ' modeling, water quality and quantity issues, and cultural resource investigation. • We have successfully completed numerous projects that have required multi- ' agency coordination and extensive public involvement. We are recognized for our ability to facilitate consensus on difficult issues and deal respectfully with the public on projects that may be complex or controversial. ' • With a staff of over 120, we have the resources to complete the work in the required time frame. Our level of repeat business is an indication of our ability � to complete projects on time and within budget. ' ' 2 1 Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' ' ' � ' , � ' � , � ' ' ' , � ' r � ' � Project Background , The City of Rosemount recently approved a concept residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a 535-acre site owned by the Kelley Trust. The site is currently designated as Transitional Residential in the City's comprehensive plan, � due to the five acre rural residential lots along the northern edge of the Kelley property. ' The proposed development includes 1,153 housing units of differing types with an approximately 75/25 percent split between single family detached and multi-family , units. Approximately 25 percent of the site will be maintained as public and private open space. The City plans to utilize the AUAR environmental review process to compare this development scenario to a more traditional development of � standard single family lots and standard townhome lots at a 75/25 percent split. The design concept for the proposed development has been fairly well developed. ' The "traditional" scenario, however, will have to be developed to a concept level in order to analyze it in the AUAR. The City has not yet decided whether the developer's engineer or the AUAR consultant will prepare the traditional scenario I concept. SRF has the in-house expertise to assist in development of this concept, and has included this work as an optional task in the work program. , While there are numerous issues to address, the preparation of the AUAR can proceed swiftly due to the extensive work that has already been done for one of the � two development scenarios being considered, and because previous public meetings have made many of the issues/concerns known. The proposed project schedule reflects the City's desire to complete the AUAR preparation within 90- � 120 days. � , ' ! 1 � 3 ' Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' � ' ' , ' � ' � ' i 1 I 1 i t 1 1 t ' � d � '> � d � U � � C i� � � V �° � °' G� �3 }'�:�1 � � 1 � �p � , .� ,� � L t y j�`'�'t . �j'����Y. ' � (� � Q � _ r, yd_ � O � �C �;� . � � � o � ' � U ' - O O� N � _ t, a� � � °� o > � �' �� �- , � i � A � � c � O �O � � �- • � L d � (�� U � 3 ++ y�i L N L-� ' � �t � Q � �.. 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Our approach is � to work closely with our client and their "clients" to ensure that the project approach is consistent with their way of doing business and that specialized expertise is available when needed. Preparation of the AUAR will involve 1 interaction of three major work tasks that are described as follows: • Coordination , • Technical Analysis • AUAR Document Preparation , Coordination ' Coordination includes the expedited transfer of information—both technical and political—on the proposed development project in the study area to/from SRF and City staff, developers, other agencies and other stakeholders in order to identify ' and resolve issues as early as possible. It includes early coordination with the regulatory agencies that have an interest in resources in the study area and the potential impacts on their jurisdictional interests, to ensure that issues are identified , early in the study process and that adequate time and information are available to resolve any concerns that may arise during the study process. ' Our team has a very strong commitment to effective public involvement in planning and environmental review. Our general approach is to work in a team ' relationship with the client's project manager to coordinate meetings with City staff, agencies, residents and potential developers. Based on our experience in working with residents and businesses on many environmental projects, we believe ' that effective public and agency involvement requires: • Creating ownership by involving all affected groups early in the planning and environmental review process. , • Clearly understanding and communicating the problems that the study is addressing and the alternatives being considered. , • Addressing people's concerns to the fullest extent possible. ' • Listening respectfully and keeping an open mind to exploring new and different ways of solving problems. ' 4 � Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' Project Approach ' We are ro osin to rovide an o ortunit for ublic and Cit leaders' comments P P g P PP Y P Y ' at City Council meetings held periodically during the AUAR process. Coordination with regulatory agencies will be accomplished primarily by letter and phone, although meetings could be utilized if needed to resolve pertinent ' issues. Technical Analysis � Technical Analysis will be used to identify issues and study impacts and mitigation alternatives. Special studies are included in our work plan to address the potentially controversial issues identified in the study area, including: � Potential local traffic volumes and operational impacts that may result from the , proposed Build scenario will be addressed in detail to identify improvements that need to be implemented in conjunction with the two development scenarios being ' studied. The analysis of local and regional traffic impacts will be completed for one year after planned build-out on the site (to address the City's potential need for implementing immediate roadway improvements) and for the year 2020 (to � address the City's and Metropolitan Council's need to identify local and regional transportation system needs for the future). , Traffic operations analysis at the intersection level will be conducted using the SIG-CINEMA and CORSIM models as appropriate. Four intersections are included in the proposed scope of work for the AUAR traffic analysis. Traffic ' analyses for one year after development and for the year 2020 will be completed for the AUAR. The results of the traffic studies and recommendations for roadway improvements will be incorporated into the AUAR and Mitigation Plan. ' A number of surface water bodies (lakes, wetlands) of varying sizes are located in jand adjacent to the study area. The regulatory agencies will likely be concerned about potential impacts of storm water runoff, as well as potential fill impacts, on ' these water resources. To address these issues, the AUAR analyses will include an estimate of the potential extent of wetland fill impacts and describe potential opportunities for mitigating these impacts. , Storm water impacts will be assessed by estimating the percent impervious surface for the two development scenarios (based on available development concepts), in � order to estimate the potential increase in surface water runoff. Measures to detain and treat storm water, as well as best management practices that can be used to decrease erosion and runoff, will be identified. � 1 5 Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review � � ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 � ' , � � ' ' � � [ I ! Project Approach � , The results of the traffic forecast and operations analyses for one year after project completion will be utilized in the air quality modeling. Monitoring and modeling locations and methodologies will be coordinated with the Minnesota Pollution ' Control Agency (MPCA). Preparation of an Indirect Source Permit (ISP) is not included as part of this AUAR proposal. ' Modeling will be done using the MOBILESa emission factor model developed by the U.S. EPA and CALINE III Diffusion model developed by CalTrans. We have developed a variety of inethods to streamline both input and analysis using 1 specialized spreadsheet templates and using AUTOCAD and DCA software. I, Noise monitoring and modeling will be completed to identify any projected variances from regulatory compliance requirements. Noise modeling will be done ' using the MINNOISE highway traffic noise modeling software, STAMINA 2.0, as modified by Mn/DOT for use in Minnesota. We have developed a variety of methods to streamline both input and analysis using specialized spreadsheet � templates and using AUTOCAD and GIS software. This task will include monitoring existing noise levels at four locations and ' modeling existing, No Build and one year after Build conditions for two scenarios. � A reconnaissance survey of the study area will be completed to identify any potential historical or archaeological impacts that may occur in conjunction with , the planned development scenarios, including proposed mitigation measures. This survey will be conducted by The 106 Group Ltd., a firm that has worked on a number of cultural resources evaluations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. t AUAR Document Preparation will follow the completion of the technical analysis , and preliminary coordination efforts. Coordination will continue throughout the draft and �nal AUAR document preparation process, to ensure accurate presentation of issues in the study area and development of mitigation measures � acceptable to the City and to environmental regulatory agencies. The AUAR document will include the results of the environmental and traffic ' studies and will conform to EQB guidelines for AUAR form and content. Pre- draft copies of the AUAR document will be reviewed with City staff and the City Council prior to release for public review and comment. The draft AUAR ' document for public comment will also include a draft mitigation plan, to provide an opportunity for public and agency comment on proposed mitigation measures. � 6 Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' ' Project Approach ' Followin the ublic comment eriod, the AUAR document will be revised to g P P , reflect the comments received. The revised document will be reviewed with City staff and the City Council prior to release as the Final AUAR document. 1 Optional Tasks Alternative tasks have also been included in the work program for items identified in the City's RFP as being optional: 1) preparation of a "traditional" development ' concept and 2) inclusion of approximately 50 acres in Apple Valley in the AUAR study. � � � � � � � � � � ' ' � � ' Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review t � � � � � � � � � N � t � r � � � � 1 � Schedule and Cost Estimate � A schedule and a detailed work program, person hour estimate and cost estimate entitled "Work Tasks and Person-Hours Estimate" are provided on the following pages. � � � � � � � � � � � � 1 i � 8 � Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ! � 1 M 1 � � 1 � � � � � 1 1 I � � j ' � 3 G� � � � ' � � � � � s ,� U 3 ' � � � d ++ � ., c,� ¢ a..� G� c `� •O � � � y � � � d > , � � y = � d � a ' +a- c � � y o U'' E 1 � N � � � �� V. y��,� V�.. � , � ' 1 � � � � 1 � � � � � � T ��, � � � 1 � � � � � � � a � � Q � � � � � z � �, � Q ._ � , � c v � c �� br) �+ c�ii � Q o 0 � }' � '� � 0 � � �}' C. � tn cC3 u O � � � -� � Q O � � � � O ' 1= � � a � � � � � � � p � � � � Q O f� � � O O � � O �j � � ,�N-+ � .b.� � I..� � � t.�i � � � Q � � N ;~' O tn C '� a�i � p � � ,� � � � � � .4J Q � � � C7 , � "- 0 = � � n- � � � � � � o z c a� � E � � � � � .. � � � �+--' � � O � Q = Q O �n � � � � (/') � V :,._, � � � � }, � a� a , � O c� .c� cts � Q *-' �u c� � � � •� � '� � � � � '� c� � � � v�i � m � O � C � � � N � � O Q Q Z V � W � a a � � i.� O V � �� � , � .--i N �� u e� N f'rl � L.fl � � � ' � , , , ' ' ' � ' , � � ' ' , ' 1 ' � � � W � o o � a J uj O a � ~ u� z 0 0 o Z J � Q U � + U : : Q o 0 0 � U � � ? � U O W a = F- � ' �n �n o � O Z N � � � � � � �I za � �- F � w � J O � Z � Q O O � O � � � a LLW Q � y � � � � � �n o 0 u� Q w w Q F- F *« Q � � Z Z `s (A � � � ` ln Q � > > J ll� O O 2 O Z Z d W Z z p V m Z a W � a z a Q � � � � ¢ o0 3 ° w tn �'Q � �n u�^ ? 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' Z � � Q N � O N C�D O�D � � f- a 69 � � V> � U .- tL W a N H � � ' ~ F- � N ti N n � Q OD � CO (O CO Q H � +L Q � � � � 6M-? � � aa * � � _ ' J O 6�9 O O t� � u1 O Z Z a M cO o� En eA Z ' o � m Z � � � g a � � d z w � ¢ a � ' a z � � a w ' Y � � N ' y W U � � G�, � W Y Z V y , a Q � x O � J W O = � W a a 2 � � g � o ° , � o w w 'o � ° N o W a � � z ° w W Q w Z 0 � I�=- U Q Z tL � � uW. , �J fA � H Q � � W lY Q } � 0�0 w W Y Z 0 W � = o Q � Q � g o � aW w � � � Q w � Q Q W o � � � � N z , ►- a � U � Q Q W Z � a W a � J � � � '� a � � a � � `� a � -� O N > W F- H I- H W � 1- C7 w � o z � � cn cn o d � o o � U Y U W F- n. W W F- O � Q H Z ' ~ H O J j: o o v=i � W Z o 0 o z rn W � Y � cV ri Q � O N -J � Q LL ' o c� a r � � ' 1 ' r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , ' ��; Pro�ect Team iPreparation of an AUAR for the City of RosemountlKelley Trust Property Residential PUD will require diverse technical skill — specifically, environmental ' analysis and documentation, traffic analysis, water quality and quantity modeling, air and noise modeling, natural resources, wetlands, cultural resources and agency coordination. The SRF team assembled for this project possesses all of the skills Irequired to successfully complete the AUAR project. SRF employs over 120 environmental planners, traffic engineers, transportation � engineers and planners, community planners and technical and support resources. The number of people we employ and their diverse skills allow us to maintain the flexibility needed to meet established schedules, and to devote the right people at ' the right time throughout every project. Our resources include a full complement of computer hardware and software needed for traffic analysis, planning and 1 engineering projects. We use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in a variety of planning and engineering applications. ' Over the course of more than 30 years of working with public sector clients, SRF has earned a reputation for outstanding creativity and problem-solving abilities, as ' well as a reputation for successfully completing projects that affect multiple jurisdictions and draw strong public opinion. We are committed to devoting our most experienced planners and engineers to this project. The figure identifies the , key staff we will assign to the City of Rosemount/Kelley Trust Property AUAR project. , Charleen Zimmer,AICP � Vice President B.A., University of Michigan , Charleen has more than 25 years of experience in environmental planning and documentation for a variety of projects. She is particularly skilled in building ' consensus among residents and agencies. As Principal-in-Charge, Charleen will be responsible for reviewing all technical memoranda and reports prepared for the study, and she will provide overall direction to the project team. ' ' , 10 � Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' , ' , � , ' 1 1 , � , � ' ' ' ' , , , � 3 d � � ' H � +� � u � � 3 ' �O � i " = U C. a ° Q o � � � � � � R , � � � � � � U L O �V � v� _ � L o �, d •�' W � 2 � � -� � > , C CS i CS CCS �/1 a'' Q d l.1 V' m �J C • • • ` W a+ ' a c 3 0 ' � � 0 pn �i � C � � ' •GJ � � GJ � C � v� •� ca _ � � � C � W � Q � � � O = � V L � � � � CJ � cCS Q G� �`' O � L � � � • • � � � U � = p ' � � � ' � � � _ �n bA C � � � � � '� N � � C o a.p � °- a�i °u' v ' v a� � � .� v .� ^ c � �V i � G. ^ � � a U � a L7 v � _ � � � � o 0 0 0 � O O � � Q � O � � � ,O � � � � > � v Z cu � �c a C U C '�,' � � W � � � � � . � � i O O C p � � � Q oo Q � z '� � . . . . v°-� _ � � � . � � � .a u ] o�� O ' 3 � o � � »� C7 a � � 0 �i � � � °- a �, � z _ �^ � c � � �; cs ca � E. E"' V Q 'v U a I aS a � m , � c� � Q � a � � � � a� � z ~ � � U ' � ' ' ' ' ' ' , � � , � , i 1 1 I ! 1 1 ' Project Team � ' Jennie Ross Senior Associate M.S., Pennsylvania State University � B.S., Pennsylvania State University Jennie has 20 years of experience managing and preparing environmental tdocumentation. As Project Manager, she will be responsible for coordinating the day-to-day project tasks and serving as the consultant's primary liaison with City staff. Jennie is respected as an efficient and detail-oriented Project Manager with ` a proven ability to complete projects on time and within budget. Her experience includes the Crescent Ridge Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) in � Minnetonka; the Cornerstone Commons EAW in Plymouth; AUARS for the Cities of Bloomington, Fridley and Eagan; and the TH 5/CSAH 30 EA in Waconia. , Marie Cote, P.E. Associate ' B.S.C.E., Loyola Marymount University Marie has 12 years of experience with a wide variety of traffic engineering ' projects. Her related experience includes corridor studies; the I-35W EIS; and an operational analysis of I-394 through Minnetonka, Wayzata and Golden Valley. Marie's traffic impact study experience includes the Chicago-Lake Redevelopment � Site in Minneapolis, traffic studies for the Decathlon Club EAW in Bloomington, the Crescent Ridge development in Minnetonka, and Eagan Office Park in Eagan ' and many others. , Jeff Bednar Senior T�-affic Engineering Specialist � Jeff has 30 years of experience with traffic engineering projects, including analysis, design and operations. His related experience includes traffic studies for numerous developments, including Park Commons West in St. Louis Park, � Crescent Ridge in Minnetonka, Cornerstone in Plymouth and many others. ' � ' 12 Rosemount Aiternative Urban Areawide Review , 1 ! 1 1 1 1 � i 1 1 [ 1 1 � ! 1 t 1 1 � Project Team � ' Tom Hillstrom Senior Environmental Scientist B.S., University of Minnesota � Tom has 10 years of experience in environmental planning, wetlands analysis and delineation, and related natural resource investigations. Examples of projects he ' has worked on include Crescent Ridge in Minnetonka, Cornerstone in Plymouth and Eagan Office Park, as well as many roadway projects. Tom also provides ' ongoing wetland monitoring services to the City of Maple Grove. He has also contributed to several noise and air quality projects, including the I- 35W/Crosstown Indirect Source Pernut in Richfield and the Ayd Mill Road EIS in � St. Paul. � John Crawford, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer B.S.C.E., University of Minnesota , John has eight years of experience with noise, air quality, traffic engineering and transportation planning projects. His recent experience includes preparing an ISP ' application for the Chicago-Lake Redevelopment site in Minneapolis and traffic, air and noise analysis for the Decathlon site in Bloomington. His responsibilities ' include traffic analysis, noise monitoring field data collection, noise and air quality modeling, and preparing ISPs and Noise Exemption Applications. � Donna Roscoe Environmental Planner ' B.A., University of St. Thomas Donna has three years of experience preparing a wide range of environmental � planning documents, including EAs, EISs and EAWs. She is also familiar with the AUAR process and requirements. Donna's related experience includes the Ayd Mill Road EIS in St. Paul, TH 47 EA in Ramsey, Victory Drive EA in Mankato, � Cornerstone Commons EAW in Plymouth, City of Fridley AUAR and CSAH 9 Pedestrian Bridge Project Memorandum in Plymouth. � � ' 13 � Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � t � � � i Project Team � ' David Filipiak, P.E. Senior Associate B.S.C.E., University of Minnesota � David has 14 years of experience with water resources engineering projects. He manages all of SRF's hydrologic and hydraulic engineering projects. David is ' currently managing final drainage design for I-35W and TH 100; his recent experience includes managing final drainage design for TH 610 in the City of ' Brooklyn Park. ' Jim Dvorak, P.E. Vice President B.C.E., University of Minnesota ! Jim has more than 17 years of civil engineering experience spanning both design and project management. He has an excellent reputation for effective coordination ' of complex, multi jurisdictional projects and attention to detail. Jim provides municipal engineering to several cities, including Maple Grove and Eagan. , Ann Hopkins,AICP Senior Associate ' B.A., Lawrence University , Ann has 20 years of experience in environmental planning and documentation. She has thorough knowledge of the environmental review and permitting processes. Ann has played a key role in many EIS projects, including Ayd Mill � Road, TH 36, Shepard Road, TH 610 and Mankato South Route. She was also involved in the Promenade Office Development EAW in Eagan and Riverpark Office Complex EAW, in Eagan. Ann will provide quality control reviews of all � environmental documentation. � Chris Pryce Graphics Coordinator � Chris has nine years of experience in graphic design, public relations and advertising. As Graphics Coordinator, he manages SRF's Graphics department, � supervises corporate promotions, serves as a project artist and develops new communications software implementations. Chris is particularly talented in the creation of computerized photographic visualizations of proposed projects. � 14 Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review � � ' ' � ' ' , � ' ' ' ' � � ' r f � r ' Project Team � Blaine Hackett ' GIS Coordinator B.S., University of Wisconsin — La Crosse ' Blaine has six years of experience with a broad spectrum of GIS applications, including preparation of planning studies, environmental reviews, and engineering feasibility studies. i 1 i 1 � 1 i ! � i i 1 1 ' 15 , Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' ' ' � ' � i i 1 1 i 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' Project Experience ' SRF Consulting Group, Inc. is a full-service consulting firm with a broad base of planning and design services, including: , • Transportation planning • Environmental services ' • Traffic engineering • Landscape architecture and urban design • Community planning ' • Civil engineering • Highway engineering 1 • Structural engineering • Land surveying • In-construction services , SRF is an entirely local firm that is owned and operated by its 13 principals. Located in the City of Plymouth, SRF was established in 1961, and we now , employ over 120 professional and technical personnel. SRF offers a wide spectrum of services, including travel demand forecasting, community planning, feasibility studies, environmental analysis and documentation, streetscape design, � bicycle and pedestrian trail planning and design, civil and structural engineering, transit planning, park planning, surveys and construction supervision. , SRF provides a broad range of environmental services related to transportation projects. These capabilities include air quality modeling, noise monitoring and � modeling, wetlands delineation and mitigation design, water quality analysis, floodplain, hydraulic studies, visual impact evaluation, ecological studies, and environmental document preparation. Our current projects include preparing an , AUAR for the City of Bloomington's Airport South area. The majority of our clients are state, county and local government agencies. In ' more than 30 years of working on a wide range of projects, we have amassed a thorough and intimate knowledge of state, local and federal planning and design procedures, including the standards, rules, regulations and other requirements , pertaining to a variety of projects. Our philosophy is simple — provide quality service, be sensitive to the need for ' community involvement, maintain close and responsive communication with clients, remain open to alternatives, be a team player and meet clients' schedules. ' Those principles are carried out in every project we undertake from planning and feasibility studies through design and in-construction services. , Project briefs for SRF and 106 Group are attached. 16 ' Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' , ' , ' ' ' � ' i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' GRAND OAK BUSINESS PARK , ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEw (AUAR) ' EAGAN, MINNESOTA , �___�. - , „ � , _.. ��a,� ,�y � � ;; SRF assisted the Ci of Ea an c .�`J�~'�� �HER� �-. �°' r <;_ ;�, ' r �' g �A-fay � �,/ r--',- ,�� �.,� I � .;%- in the AUAR/Mitigation Plan �k. �il��`r' `�Gr ���8'�� °A. '� ,,,`°�\;��1.='y, �a�'�`� , process for an approximately ) � K��s �ke � � <: � � '°°ry,�°yy��, tl�$� ` ,��`'� LAKE OR. � a' Qb y,�� 2 ¢ 2 � C APACHE� 200-acre site located at the � N W �, $ � � �`° �R a ���r�ti intersections of I-494, I-35E, ��� � � 'tic� ci. � aau:sti�� ' TH 55 and TH 149. Existing 3? �N�P' MED1LLip! �. � o ps �� ���E,� �,. � Y ���Q Q o OIY��NAYEN O '� d•`e land uses include residential, ,3 � ��A.w �� �4.^� r o ; commercial, office park and '�"°°T' �""Tsg , R°. `m = 5'.=wy�* � � j Iy q V�� �� Cj ,/� ' v a c a n t l a n d. T h e c o m p r e h e n- � �, s � �'"°'�r�� �,� - � x����� sive plan designates the entire � �� ���� �� 5,. site area for future development �, ,� ��, � � as an office park. `" "` � R°. LENi1aH ��� a. � ' �� � O� o`t � M• k' Q Impacts to an existing pond/ � $ DNR protected water resources ��' �� Q � & ,�,T�� �Q � H 1 on the site were a concern, N�E p��' $ p4RK'kPY 3 making storm water planning , 13 �9�pf � o an important issue. �1.�, � KEraiETn St. � `�f ' ,f � Opb Due to the intensity of � � bE�7RICE�' ST. �?�, ,a �� �,� � �EE =° ST. `�y� development planned and the �,Q� � KEEFE � ST. �, `4,� �• °� site's location adjacent to major ,�ST " e � �� � ' roadways, extensive analysis of o `�-� existing and forecast traffic was � § also performed. This analysis `°"E �K Ro. was used to help define the �'� �� � � dT cLuev7Ew�� $ Co�R- intensity of development that � «�. ���� Ao. �-- ��SE could occur on the site, as well 2 ; � \ �'� �R,7, �,. as roadway improvements that � � ���k o-` *u},�r����.Y �% ' would be required to accommodate the planned development (and background � through traffic in the area). cultural resources investigation and an Additional studies include assessment of the adequacy of � identification of contaminated City sewer and water service properties,wetland impacts, a provisions for the site. , i_ ____. -----_ . Year: 1998 ' i Client: City of Eagan � ---_�.____._.________.. _ , C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . 1 ' ' ' ' , ' i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' AIRPORT SOUTH DISTRICT ' AREAWIDE URBAN ALTERNATIVE REVIEW ' BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA ' With its proximity to the Minneapolis/St. Paul - ' International airport and major ` highways, the 2,350-acre Airport .:qx� � ' ` � �f��� � ���: ���� d s.5y ; South District poses exciting t �� � , opportunities for the City of Bloomington. Bounded by the Minnesota River on two sides ' and including environmentally sensitive bluff and wetland areas,however, the Airport � ' South District also poses unique challenges for development. In preparation for the significant ' level of redevelopment that the City anticipates in the next 3 to 5 years, SRF was retained to , prepare an Areawide Urban Alternative Review that will address the juxtaposition of high-intensity uses and sensitive ' environmental resources. In addition to environmental ' studies, technical analysis for the AUAR will include: • Traffic analysis ' • Storm water analysis • Air quality modeling ' • Noise modeling k '"�.fT s,�, zr � .: 4{- �� S? �ga- �'�^��^c e3 -€. € '.�n • Cultural resources '`� 5 `` ' •' :� ° , � t ' � � y+ �� . .:x�. . .. . , ' I Year: 1998 � Client: City of Bloomington � ___-- � , C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . ' ' GRAVEL MINING AREA � ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEW ' MAPLE GROVE, MINNESOTA , Advancing development ' encircled more than 2,000 acres of undeveloped land known as "the gravel mining area" in the City of Maple Grove. A combi- ' nation of development pressure _` __ and shrinking development � � ' ,'� , � n� �� n ��P��nfil�l���� ��Fiii options prompted the City to � `` � ' retain the consultant team of ` c r -- � SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and '3 I k ••R�d`","� ' '� r---� � � IACALROADWAY SYSTEM WITH Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban _ �° � � ��«��e, PROPOSED GRADE � .,-.,��K to study land use mix and � ��•.,,�, � sr.rnRnnoN ' � : � �'� patterns, traffic impacts and � � environmental issues associated I � `"` I � ��� • co�r N w�„ with gravel mining area `�---��� '� `°""` --- �� �! � development. I .To,��:`` '� . � : � ' � %'<<M�, �;; _�.� ��''� � e� <<�,.a� t �~ �� The SRF/DSU consultant team �' ""` � - � �, a ��,,,, , ; � �` �° o ��� provided comprehensive plan- � «�« ��.. � ning services, including: `�`�, �T°""` ' ' I Mediral � \� � Cenler Regional \\1 NOtHthe�'°au'�'h°"° �/���I .\�c� \ Cento il �'hewe • Evaluating a variety of 4 �� Y - '�_ , � �, �, � land use scenarios for traffic I,�'� _ �'� ����,_\ ' ' ,� ,� ,�m � impacts. � � � � �„„„ -� � ,�.,,�.� ,li, � � u i � -' �':"� 1 °.'.i i • �eflrilrig 1 T'OdCIWdy SyStelTl iI� �'��r� � I�,''��iu��u��+� ;� ' that serves both the area's `r"'' development and external ' traffic. • Defining a minor arterial and ' Managing an extensive public major collector roadway involvement program that ' system for the study area that included business owners, helps protect the integrity of land owners and residents of the regional system. Maple Grove. ' • Defining a list of improve- The study is being used by the ments to the roadway system City of Maple Grove and the land --- -- ----- -- i and setting of land develop- owners as a guide for defining the Completion Date: 1995 , ment in the area. appropriate mix and pattern of Client: City of Maple Grove land uses in the area. ' ' C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . ' ' � ' ' ' ' , 1 ' , ' , , , ' ' ' , , ' ' RIVERPARK OFFICE CENTER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET IEAGAN, MINNESOTA , SRF was retained by the City of ' Eagan to prepare an ti ��,�o�-,^�L ����bL Environmental Assessment 'bb~-T �'F� -� �``'"•���____ Worksheet (EAW) for RiverPark ��--��-�—�--�__ --- Office Center, a 53-acre office --_=—�-'� ' park proposed by Blue Cross/ _ `= I Blue Shield of Minnesota. BCBS - _ _ . I , proposes to add four 100,000- - -_ �F�;;;� II square-foot office buildings to ,� _- �- _ _-;_m:,s�_ ' the site,which already has one `�� �.K�-- -- � .__ -- ----- :r �,"� �-u ...�.,..���,,�. -- -�- 200,000-square-foot building. �. "�` �, >�'' � �"` . - �� `"r� ;� � «. � � =�s�� ;�-- Development will occur in three � ,�,� ' `""`""'� ,���; � w�� �- �.__ � phases between 1998 and 2002. � �- �- � � ' ���y � The EAW addressed impacts � `"'/� '' ��0' ��° G � � f. . I from all three phases. � ��� ` � � � . I � ' Key issues addressed in the _� ' "".i-_ - -L =-- _ - �,, .e �� `�,�vc �� ' ��� �' I EAW included: � �r , -,�4V ;��,�,v �,, o, � I ' Y +Mr.�W� wa.`r\��\� '-IOTs � • Detailed traffic analysis �: �� r �, L s , � • Vehicle-related air emmissions ' ' %'.� � � � � ;� „ 'i- ' /;.� . ;; _ �, I�,:,i� Visual impacts ;>� .;, � �`� �« , �;;,.- �, . • Water quality -��. ��;�� � I ' � : -- --� � ;Y � � Because of the amount of park- ' ��� ��' r-�� -'�ag� __�_�___. Y I ing proposed for the office �' _ _ ' _ ___ ' center, an Indirect Source �_-'- _—_---- ''��`°=°��` �""`w°�_ ---- �I ' L: �� rwc nw no^� 'W'I Permit was prepared to address � �" �"" �i 'I air quality impacts. The permit � � documentation concluded that , carbon monoxide standards would not be exceeded as a for visual impacts on a nearby result of the project. park trail; through coordination ' with the Department of Natural Visual impact was an important Resources, the City and the factor because of the site's developer, a satisfactory proximity to Fort Snelling State solution was worked out to r— ----------� ----- , Park. The Department of minimize visual impacts on the , Client: City of Eagan Natural Resources was state park. concerned about the potential ; Year: 1996 ' ` ' C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . , , ELIM CARE ' CORNERSTONE COMMONS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY ' PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA ' Elim Care's Cornerstone Commons Retirement ' , Community is a 74-acre devel- �--"�— - -- � ���' ,�'�\ _—�._� opment comprised of 406 seruor _ -_ --, ,;�;�� ' \ � g , , ; ? '�\ '':... '�` � ' , uruts, includin 256 townhome � " � ,, �, or garden home units and 150 � -�-- ---�=t ' --�,�� , �� --�-�=-r--T- ' uni ts in a cen tra l care faci li � " � l` ` '� \��' _ 7 �'• ,., I��� �`.� � _ i The site plans also include 18 "���� �� � �I��' � f_ `� � "��� ���` �' �� �' �,�� �� �.= ./, � k � � �� acres that will be sold for future � �� � � � v � ��_. \ '•� � � � _ ' ��� industrial development. SRF i�; �i���:�� �� �k,� °._/ ��-,, . :t--�� , Consulting Group, Inc. was �h _-i_ ��.—��, �'� � � ��_- ��''�� i��: L retained to prepare an ��: ���� ,� .� -- �� ��-:�< Environmental Assessment , �TM � 1 ,� . � �� � Worksheet for the 92-acre arcel. '�i �`i��� ����`�-�' �'�`-''�"����`�-_ -%�' `� p � _ ���; . �-,�_ __� �� �- ��: , �-��� ;^� �,, -� ��,� The property is located adjacent ,`,�_� -� �'�� � � � '�;. , to high-volume state and county >�����'� `: ( , ' �; ' _ ' �� ; )\ highways, resulting in the need , ;� �'' ;:'., V �:�e�, � � ' � �" ,��, to address traffic, noise and air �� ��� . �,: '�' � ��K ' y ,� �- �✓ A`���� . . . ���: � , �r � - , , _, ' quahty issues. The site also has ��,, ;- �,.� �= i �- -=--_, __-_ -__: '.� �� �.. `,� �. ,� � a large wetland complex ' � `4.,� '�` ��= � _� , �� � � covering approximately 25 � � _°�`���� � ?���, '�� ;�J� - , percent of the property, ----,---_ ., ' - J;,� �z;i _ ____. _. _� , . requiring extensive considera- tion of water resource-related � issues. SRF's services include: ' Address potential historical detailed traffic analysis for the or archaeological impacts proposed development. Traffic ' • Coordination between the . studies included traffic fore- Address air quality issues castin develo in a directional developer and City staff g� P g • Monitor existing noise trip distribution, analyzing ' • Identify areas of known or levels, project future levels existing and forecast peak hour potential contamination and address noise impacts traffic operations, review of • Identify vegetation, fish and Potential traffic issues related to specific traffic safety issues, wildlife im acts access review and recommend ' p industrial development was a roadway improvements needed • Identif wetland, flood lain, concern for area neighbors, and Y P to accommodate forecast traffic drainage and water quality in addition to environmental demands. � issues analyses SRF also prepared a - , ' Year: 1997 Client: City of Plymouth , C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . , ' ' � ' ' 1 ' , , ' ' � ' ' , � ' ' , , ' EAGAN PROMENADE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET EAGAN, MINNESOTA , � ' -- 1 . .n�i�,a��'.:_ Narthwoocl �� , 'WETLAND F - -- , �y� -• � c - - �` j' `� ,�, �. � . _ DP-4.2 �'. � y �,.� , ," ;"` .� C. DP-6 � `�'_ --� - ; �� r��� �'� _ � .. .....,..... . ' . ����� VVETLAND E � �� ,' � _�:t�� DP43ic�; .,,. ... r '. � --- • -- ,�a - - --.. _._ ,' l _ �c, . � � � *-� � b � " 1 � ! , �� DR6.2 ti ' '��il .x �� I .r' .r.. � i.Q;� ._ . � �, 1�-�. l� ,;. r, . - VVETLANDA, d ' � ,� � , ---� WETIAIVD G r"'` .... Q 'i - - � , � f � !i � DP-6.1 �� . � DP-4.t � �i• ��,f, .�ti.�.,���� � I��{ ��;�'�� `„`� . DP•26 � 0 � � ` ��, �- �'� .'w_ ���� �� � z�'k,� _ -� ��� �'� �( - '�I. � ��' � � ��-.-�'.�� �. . �, 1 �1�. . _ � ��'._ � .._.:_.. ., �'I , �. �- ..� � � €��� � � 1 �, WETLAND B` I� � �-� �-J 3 ... �, v :. ,�� _i -- I DP-S � i r r e � { ,- . ( ' � � � i---r--,� � WETLANS D WETlA1VD C ' 1 i I �," � _ w �� , `L._ _... ,� - Q .. � _ .. � , ' �? _..�,= -- - -' �. � = >_..- - - __. --vankee Doodlelload Coun yrRoad2�8— --- --- __� - __.. ._., �l�rtsrm•'. .�: ...a..; ��" .r.:::. ._ :�._.�..a.._ � _._ .._. �..u: ..... , The Eagan Promenade is a 120- essential in meeting tight Central Area roadwa Y acre mixed-use development that construction schedules. improvements was necessary to ' will include 480,100 square feet of ineet air quality standards. retail space with 2,833 parking Key issues addressed in the spaces and 300 multi-family EAW included: Noise levels were monitored by ' residential units with 600 parking . Traffic SRF and a detailed noise analysis spaces. The City of Eagan retained SIZF Consulting Group • Air quality was completed to address future , impacts on existing and to prepare an Environmental • Noise proposed residential areas. Noise Assessment Worksheet for the • Wetlands mitigation was addressed for development area. � • Surface water runoff areas exceeding state noise standards. A variety of roadway An Indirect Source Permit � improvements are in progress in Eagan's "Central Area," and the application was prepared to EAW addressed accommodation address vehicle-related air of traffic generated by the emissions. Coordination with the Year: 1995 IPromenade Development and Client: City of Eagan other development anticipated in the area. Coordination of this � EAW with other development and roadway projects was C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . ' ' , ' � , , ' ' ' � � 1 1 1 � t i 1 I ! ' THE PONDS AT BASS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA , ' ,. ,� ;..r � � ,—i � �� � � ,� i z 6 � _ � � � ...w�. � •-- — � —, � -- ���'_. (~ —�-- '--��'�"`���i'"; >� S ,���,_, '^��% e ,..._,t... 1,` � '�`.' _. - i„'. �� `,,,,,;� �`�i �""'^'+t, ! � _ _ r �. �f � � ` .__..___. . ..:,�� �� .. ��___ .':• �'� ,c .. ... -- �_...''� .._ " .._ _._., ,� .�' ,.,..,. ,r/ '+�1\y <,J . ^ � � r _ , -. ._ .. ". _ :'�' /'"` h—'_ ' i.�� -� �� 7 �I �,.�I� 1S �r OUTLOT N� e. r�v (�• � , � . ` � . � * .. ` .,. . I �� 71 y I 0 '� T ._.. I.I' " 4' � �a.. ' �'yAMkti' r{� r. � 1- �rs 3. I,.'t0 ��r._ °'.` :! �... , � � TM J � . .._ ; �,� �':-y � 4 pg . , :I� ..... 1�� ..R."„ A ..� '' �,.�� ��'..'�� ..� � � �4� ',+ --�� 12' �, �. .,-,__ �' . �7, 5 ___' �, � �.^�.� � ....... ._ �� _ f. � ' � ., � �, � '�. ..''h-���.... ; ,. � __ rG ° ��� �..!'+ �� �7 � : I , .� , . / .- -_ , _ , � �-.� _. ,;f. ., �. . 7 ..� . // n ' - - - ., . � _ _ i � _ , � r z � a , _ 'M . 5 ��` •�, ,��•� ^ . ` �i. i .,R..... ._'..__ . . p . / _- _ . _ to ���� y y�� I4 aae -' _, r�/*"� 'o" C4.,.. . . ! a'� �, f�� '' � ''—\\ ''. ° �,. . � .-"�! � 1 '1 ��±"�"'"�.`�w' �. �r,� � �'�� 19 .�,�� �Y �i .r�^, '� �i . ". � t .. r� ; p r .��. I C t i � �� � � i `� r � 1� 1 �.; 9 ! ,�t, �- „.�� ��,, � , �, � 4 f �� r r ', � � �,�� ' S �'a �+', �� i�;i� �#.� . �L+.�' �t Yg./ 1e "� nr io � � � �� , t._�� r__...._ y� 2; � 6 ,''v � � l � � ,r _.` �.� • ,� . _._.1_ ..._ j' >. �I' � t�� f ���, �C ` .. 5 f+✓ , � �\�� 2 •.` _ � � _ I I��,'� y . a� z � �; :.� j� �.\� � ' :`P !� � ,, .l.� ia i�'�-`:-.,� � 2 ,� ; "d ; � � + � ', � , � � i r `� ` r � 2 �/' `� f °� ,W �.��� oVl�ot s tl � �� �� �� � ��� ��� a I...� ' � � ,�!�\ i � � + '� mc ; �s � ; � *� �', .� • � 1 J � ; .�. - I � 8� ��, r� `� +�, �t�� , � \ � 5, � __ , , , �I ' � �� .� ...i ' �' � E � � / � �� .,.,'� ,� a � � � , � e f �� . I _ -._J �-{ � r �. ; i ! " � � f �� � ..- - � _ _ � ' , I _' � � .... �r` ...._ ', i .,. ��r� I � Y' , . I __ � , � � � 1_ . . , , , . . _, .. � �-�- Site Plan , _ . _ ; , , � ; The Ponds at Bass Creek is a 94- site. In addition,a traffic analysis would reduce available habitat, acre Planned Unit Development was completed by SRF to address the site plan was designed to � located south of County Road 10 concerns related to roadway avoid and minimize impacts to (Bass Lake Road) and west of alignment and circulation issues. wetlands to the greatest extent TH 169 in the City of Plymouth. possible. Although one-third of � The development includes 74 units The EAW included discussion of: �e site was covered by wetlands, of single-family detached housing; wetland encroachment was a maximum of 110 units of • Wildlife habitat limited to 1 acre. The proposed , attached townhouses; l4 acres of • Wetlands site plan included 24 acres of neighborhood commercial • Surface water runoff park land that would extend the development;and 23 acres of city . Traffic limits of an existing city park � park.Construction was expected to and would continue to provide begin in 1994 and conclude in 1997. • Noise habitat for area wildlife. • Cultural resources ' The City retained SRF Consulting �__.—_--_.___-____—_____.__.___.______ Group,Inc. to prepare an Wildlife habitat was a significant ' Year: 1994 Environmental Assessment concern discussed in the EAW. Client: City of Plymouth 1 Worksheet for the development Although the development � � C ONSULTING G ROUP , I NC . ' � , ' � r , � � � � � � i� 1� 1� 1� 1� 11 II ' Project Experience i 106 Group Project Related Experience ' Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of the Naas Property for American Bank, National Association, Burnsville, Minnesota. The 106 Group conducted cultural resources survey of a property south of the Twin Cities involved in a federal land � transfer. No archaeological properties were identified, 1995. � Preliminary Cultural Resources Survey for the Lake Wobegon Regional Trail, Stearns County. Conducted a cultural resources assessment for a rails-to-trails project in Stearns County between Avon and Sauk Centre. Covering � approximately 28 miles, the survey area included potentially historic commercial buildings, grain elevators, churches, and railroad properties. In addition, staff members identified a potential ghost town site near the city of Freeport. The � report made recommendations for potential National Register eligibility and identified historic themes which could be incorporated into interpretive materials along the trail, 1997. � Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey, Rosemount Siphon Improvement, Rosemount, Minnesota. The proposed construction included a three-barrel , wastewater pipeline and an inverted siphon that would convey wastewater from Rosemount to another wastewater plant in Eagan, Minnesota. The 106 Group was ' contracted by the Metropolitan Council to identify cultural resources and areas of disturbance. The area was found to contain no cultural materials and was disturbed from previous construction activities, 1993. � Preliminary Cultural Resources Survey for the Proposed CR 190 (Stadium Road) Extension, City of Mankato, Blue Earth County, Minnesota. The 106 Group , conducted this preliminary survey in an approximately 24 acre urban area. A Phase I archaeological survey was recommended for areas within 500 feet of adjacent wetlands, and ten historic properties were recommended for further ' evaluation, 1995. West River Road/Brooklyn Park. Conducted a cultural resources assessment ' survey along this river road corridor. No National Register eligible properties were identified and the area was determined to have a low potential for uncovering archaeological resources, 1998. , Cultural Resource Assessment in Waite Park and St. Cloud Minn , esota. The 106 ' Group conducted a Cultural Resources Assessment of Third Street North in Waite Park and St. Cloud in order to identify potential compliance issues related to historic resources within the project corridor. No areas containing potential � significant cultural resources were identified, allowing the project to continue without further review, 1998. , 18 ' Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' l 1 1 � t 1 ! i i i 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 ' � Appendix .�. � ` � � � 1 � � � � � � 1 � � � � ` � Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' ' Appendix ' 106 Group Cultural Resources Assessment ' Introduction A preliminary Cultural Resources Assessment for the Kelley Trust Property is � recommended at this stage. A preliminary assessment includes: • Background research to identify known sites and previous work completed in the project area � • A preliminary definition of the area of potential effect � • Identification of all structures over 50 years of age within the area of potential effect � • Identification of high potential archaeological areas � This preliminary survey will deternune if there are any known sites within the project area, and if there is a potential to find any unknown resources. This project must comply with state laws concerning cultural resources, including the � Minnesota Field Archaeology Act, the Minnesota Historic Sites Act, and the Minnesota Private Cemeteries Act. All work will comply with state and federal standards. � If, at some time in the future, the project requires federal pernuts or receives federal funding, federal laws require compliance with Section 106 of the National , Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. This law stipulates that a11 agencies undertaking federal projects must evaluate the effects of such projects on , cultural resources, which are properties that meet the National Register of Historic Places criteria for eligibility. ' A preliminary/windshield survey affards several advantages for a project of this type: � • It provides the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) with the necessary information to review the need for an archaeological and historic structures � survey. SHPO does not always require full evaluation of all potentially histaric properties. A "first cut" of historic structures can be made, and structures which are obviously lacking integnty or potential historical significance can be ' eliminated from further survey at this point. � � � Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review ' Appendix ' No unnecess work is undertaken rior to SHPO review of ro�ect lans. ' �'Y P P J P ' Consequently, preliminary surveys help to anticipate, during the early stages of a project, the cultural resources issues involved in the next phase. With a preliminary survey, little money is spent initially to present the known project � information to the SHPO. SHPO can then advise the agency and/or consulting company on additional survey work that may be necessary. , • No work is duplicated if further investigations are required. The study will include the followmg tasks: ' Background research at SHPO and the Office of the State Archaeologist � will identify all known historic and prehistoric archaeological sites, and buildings and structures over 50 years of age that have been previously identified within a one-mile radius of the project area. ' ' A preliminary pedestrian survey of the project area will be conducted. It is assumed that the developers will provide or obtain landowner permission for access to the property. During the survey all extant buildings and � structures over 50 years of age in the project's area of potential effect will be identi�ed. A preliminary area of potential effect for architectural resources will be determined. A photographic record and brief written ' description will be made of all structures that may need further survey. Areas that demonstrate a high potential for containing intact archaeological sites will be identified. � ' A brief report will be prepared describing project methodology, previous investigations, results, and recommendations. The report will include one graphic showing the location of structures and high potential archaeological ' areas, if any. 1 The Project Manager will be responsible for communicating all cultural resources issues to SRF, SHPO, and other appropriate agencies. The , Project Manager will keep SRF closely informed about project status. No meetings are anticipated at this stage. Cost Estimate ' The Cultural Resources Assessment can be completed for an amount not to exceed $2,360. ' ' Rosemount Alternative Urban Areawide Review 11 ' ' � ' ' � ' ' � , � , , , ' ' ' , ' , ' Overview: coNs��.�„���RooP,iN�. Ms.Zimmer has more than 25 years of experience directing planning ' projects,including comprehensive land use,environmental and transportation planning projects. She is particularly skilled in Charleen Zimmer, AICP building consensus among public and private sector agencies, tVice President businesses and citizens. 1 Selected Comprehensive and Land Use Planning Projects: Park Commons West Urban Planning Study,St.Louis Park,Minnesota Cedarvale Redevelopment Plan,Eagan,Minnesota � Columbia Heights Comprehensive Plan Areas of Expertise: Plymouth Comprehensive Plan ' Comprehensive Land Use Stearns County Comprehensive Plan Update,Stearns County, Planning Minnesota Environmental Planning Douglas County Comprehensive Plan Update,Douglas County, � Environmental Documentation Minnesota Policy Issues Identification and South Sub-Area Land Use Plan,Savage,Minnesota Analysis Land Use/Transportation Interface Research,Center for � Consensus-Building Transportation Studies Evaluation of Altematives Nicollet Village Station,Bumsville,Minnesota � Transportation Planning Public Involvement Selected Transportation Planning Projects: St.Croix Crossing Alternatives Analysis,Stillwater,Mirulesota ' Education: Statewide Transportation Needs Study,State of Minnesota B.A.,University of Michigan, 1971 �verview/Hiawatha Transitways,Minneapolis and Saint Paul, ' Minnesota Affiliations: I-494/TH 61 Major Investment Study,Southeast Twin Cities, American Institute of Certified Minnesota Planners ' T'H 23 Corridor Study,Willmar to New Richmond,Minnesota American Planning Association TH 10 Carridor Study,Moorhead to Glyndon,Minnesota Women's Transportation Seminar � (Past National President) TH 61 Values Alternatives Planning,Newport,Minnesota Selected Environmental Planning Projects: � I-35W EIS,Minneapolis,Richfield,Bloomington and Burnsville, Minnesota Shepard Road EIS,Saint Paul,Minnesota � Ayd Mill Road EIS,Saint Paul,Minnesota Hiawatha/Lake Street Interchange EA,Minneapolis,Minnesota ' Alexandria Bypass Study,Douglas County,Minnesota Dell Road and Scenic Heights Road EAW,Eden Prairie,Minnesota Townline Road EAW,Minnetonka and Eden Prairie,Minnesota 1 ' � ' Overview: coNs�L,,,.�cRo�,iN�. Ms. Ross has 20 years of experience in diverse projects,including: ' environmental analysis and documentation,land use planning and zoning-related projects,park and trail system planning and design, Jennie Ross water resources and wetlands planning,and traffic calming and ' Senior Associate other urban design issues. Most of her projects require coordination among government agencies and public involvement in both small- , group and large public presentations. � Selected Project Experience: Areawide Urban Alternative Review for the Airport South District, Areas of Expertise: Bloomington,Minnesota ' Environmental Impact Statements Park Planning,Carver County,Minnesota Environmental Assessments Regional Trail Planning and Design,Faribault County,Minnesota Environmental Assessment Regional Trail and Park Planning,Chippewa County,Minnesota ' Worksheets Cornerstone Retirement Community EAW,Plymouth,Minnesota Areawide Urban Alternative Reviews Chicago/Lake Transit Plaza EAW,Minneapolis,Minnesota , Major Investment Studies 'TH 5/CSAH 30 Environmental Assessment,Waconia,Minnesota Land Use Planning EIS for"Hyperport" (Old Met Center Site),Bloomington,Minnesota � Zoning Areawide Urban Alternative Review,Grand Oak Business Park, Park and Trail Planning Eagan,Minnesota Opus Crescent Ridge Office Development,Minnetonka,Minnesota � Education: Manning Avenue EAW,Washington County,Minnesota M.S.,Pennsylvania State Promenade Development EAW,Eagan,Minnesota University,1979 , Cedar Isles Dean Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan, B.S.,Pennsylvania State Minneapolis,Minnesota University,1976 Stillwater-Houlton Bridge FEIS,Stillwater,Minnesota and Town of � St.Joseph,Wisconsin Northwest Hennepin County Integrated Park/Trail System Plan, Hennepin County,Minnesota , Wakota Bridge Major Investment Study,Southeast Twin Cities, Minnesota TH 23 Corridor Study,Willmar to New Richmond,Minnesota ' TH 10/I-94/TH 336 Study,Moorhead to Glyndon,Minnesota ' � 1 � � , ' , , � , � , i r � � � � � � � ' ' ' Overview: covs�LTTh�cRo�,iN�. Ms.Cote has 10 years of experience with traffic engineering projects and ' manages a wide variety of traffic projects for SRF. She has outstanding technical abilities and is also a detail-oriented project manag- Marie Cote, P.E. er capable of coordinating highly complex projects. Ms.Cote previously ' A s s o c i a te worked in the traffic and lighting division of the Los Angeles County, California,Department of Public Works where she performed analysis of ' high accident locations and made recommendations for improvements. Selected Transportation Studies , Riverview/Hiawatha Transitway Siudy,Saint Paul,Minnesota Areas of Expertise: Study of Bus-Only Shoulders,Twin Cities Metropolitan Area,Minnesota I Transportation Studies Selected Corridor Study Projects: Corridor Studies Highway 52 Corridor Study,Rosemount to Rochester,Minnesota Traffic Impact Studies TH 10 Corridor Study,Moorhead to Glyndon,Minnesota ' Signal Justification Reports Wescott and Lexington Corridor Studies,Eagan,Minnesota Traffic Operations Analysis TH 55 Corridor Study,Eagan,Minnesota , Accident Analysis CSAH 14/TH 242 Access Management Study,Anoka County,Minnesota Access and Circulation Studies TH 169 Corridor Study,Mille Lacs County,Minnesota Surface Transportation Program � (STP)Funding Submittals Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement,St.Paul,Minnesota I-394 Operational Analysis,Minnetonka,Wayzata and Golden Valley, Education: Minnesota � B.S.C.E.,Loyola Marymount Woodland Avenue Corridor,Duluth,Minnesota University Pilot Knob Road/Yankee Doodle Road Operational Analysis,Eagan, Minnesota , Registrations: I-35W Final EIS,Minneapolis to Burnsville,Minnesota Minnesota(P.E.) TH 47 Access and Corridar Study,Ramsey,Minnesota � Califomia(P.E.) West 78th Street Corridor Study,Edina,Minnesota Affiliations: Selected Traffic Impact Projects: , Institute of Transportation Medtronics Traffic Study,Fridley,Minnesota Engineers Decathlon Club,Bloomington,Minnesota ' Great Lake Center Redevelopment Traffic Study,Minneapolis,Minnesota Duluth Downtown Traffic Study,Duluth,Minnesota Super Valu Development,Champlin,Minnesota ' Asset Realty Commercial Development,Champlin,Minnesota Riverdale Commons Commercial Development,Anoka County, � Minnesota Kerasotes Theaters,Coon Rapids,Minnesota Breconwood Village Retail Development,Minnetonka,Minnesota ' ' ' ' ' , , � � ' , �� '� '4 11 'I 'I 'I 11 '1 ' ' ' Overview: COYStiI,TTNG GROUP,INC. Mr. Bednar has 30 years of experience with traffic engineering , projects,including analysis,design and operations. His expertise includes the use of many computer traffic assignment/forecasting Jeff Bednar models and micro computer based applications of the Highway , Senior Tra�ZC Capacity Manual,and traffic operations/sunulation models,includ- Engineering Specialist ing,Synchro and Corsim. ' Selected Project Experience: , I-394 Corridor Traffic Study,Minnetonka,St. Louis Park and Golden Valley,Minnesota Areas of Expertise: I-494/TH 169 Freeway/Interchange Area Operations Study 1 Traffic Operations TH 169 Corridor Study,Brooklyn Park and Osseo,Minnesota Operation of Closely Spaced TH 61 Corridor Study,Newport,Minnesota Signalized Intersections and �169 Corridor Study,Lake Mille Lacs Area,Minnesota ' Queuing Spillback Management 70th Street Traffic Operations/Safety Study,Edina,Minnesota Traffic Impact Studies Traffic Signal Systems 1990 Twin Cities Metro Area Travel Behavior Inventory , Technical Analysis External Origin/Destination Survey,St.Cloud,Minnesota Data Collection/Analysis St.Louis County Traffic Signing Inventory/Replacement Project , Education: Traffic Signal System Design and Signal Timing: Livable Neighborhoods: Mn/DOT(Mn/SOTA) 1 Rethinking Residential Streets Hennepin County Strategies to Alleviate Traffic Cities of: Duluth(Downtown Signal System),Edina,Maple Grove, Congestion Minnetonka and Plymouth,Minnesota , Site Impact Traffic Evaluation Intersection Capacity/Critical Site Traffic Impact/Traffic Operations Studies: , Movement Analysis Major Shopping/Retail Centers "TransyY'Signal System Hospital/Health Care Campuses Optimization Program Special Generators,including Sports Complexes,Amphitheaters and ' Evaluating Highway Safety Special Events Improvements Business/Office Centers Traffic Signal Operation and College/Educational Campuses ' Application Residential/Mixed Use Developments Pedestrian/Bicycle Considerations ' in Urban Areas Affiliations: Effective Supervisory Practices Institute of Transportation Engineers,National Associate Member, Traffic Engineering Short Course 1980 ' Undergraduate Coursework at Certified Engineering Technician,Institute for the Certification of Community College/University Engineering Technicians,1973 level ' ' ' , 1 'I i lf 1! 11 I! II II II II II 11 '1 1 1 1 ' ' ' Overview: CONSULi W G GROUP,INC. Mr.Hillstrom has 9 years of experience in environmental planning , for transportation-related projects,park projects,trail projects and development. He previously worked for the Minnesota Department Thomas G. Hillstrom of Natural Resources as a temporary wetland scientist and was , Senior responsible for identifying and characterizing plant communities, Environmental and identifying and evaluating several non-disturbed wetland , Planner ecosystems for comparison with test plots. He has 5 years of experience managing projects involving soil and groundwater � contamination;his experience includes both petroleum and non- Areas of Expertise: petroleum sites,including metals contamination. � Wetland Assessments Wetland Delineation Selected Project Experience: Permitting I-35W/Crosstown Indirect Source Permit,Richfield,Minnesota 1 Mitigation Planning Opus Development EAW,Minnetonka,Minnesota Mitigation Design Bloomington Ferry Bridge Pedestrian Bridge,Scott and Hennepin � Water Resources Management Counties,Minnesota Environmental Planning Great Lake Commercial Center/Lake Street EAW,Minneapolis, Groundwater Minnesota � Wetland Monitoring Program,Maple Grove,Minnesota Education: Montevideo Trail Improvements,Montevideo,Minnesota ' B.S.,University of Minnesota,1988 Indian Lake Restoration Planning and Design,Blue Earth County, Minnesota Affiliations: Numerous Wetland Delineation Permitting and Mitigation Design Minnesota Groundwater Sites , Association Wetland Delineatars Association Brownfield Investigation and Clean-up Sites in Eagan and Minneapolis, Minnesota , r , � ' ' ' ' , ' ' , '� 'I '� 11 !t It II II II II �1 1 1 , ' ' Overview: ' Mr.Crawford has 7 years of experience with noise,air quality,traffic engineering and transportation planning projects. His noise and air CONStiLTTNG GROUP,INC. Uallt ro ects include re dI']ri and writin noise and air Udllt q YP J P P g g g Y ' sections of EIS documents,EAs,EAWs,Technical Memoranda and Special Studies. His responsibilities also include noise monitoring John Crawford� P.E. and field data collection,and preparing Indirect Source Permit Applications (ISPs)and Noise Exemption Applications. His t Senior Transportation expertise includes the use of the Federal Highway Administration's Engineer STAMINA noise model for traffic-related noise,Mobile 5 and ' CAL3QHC for vehicle emission and dispersion and EMIS for regional air quality analyses. ' Selected Noise and Air Quality Project Experience: Selected Noise and Air Quality Projects Areas of Expertise: I-35W EIS,Minneapolis to Bumsville,Minnesota ' Noise Modeling Mankato South Route EIS,Blue Earth County,Minnesota Air Quality Modeling TH 610 EIS,Maple Grove and Brooklyn Park,Minnesota Indirect Source Permits Environmental Assessment Worksheets 1 Travel Demand Forecasting Scott County CSAH 18 EAW,Scott County,Minnesota Promenade and Riverplace EAW,Eagan,Minnesota Registration: Cornerstone Retirement Community EAW,Plymouth,Minnesota ' Minnesota(P.E.) Opus Crescent Ridge EAW,Minnetonka,Minnesota Sears Lake Center EAW,Minneapolis,Minnesota � Education: Selected ISP,Noise and Air Quality Project Experience: B.S.C.E.,University of Minnesota, I-35W HOV Lane from TH 13 to I-494,ISP Application,Richfield and 1992 Minneapolis,Minnesota , Affiliations: Hiawatha Avenue ISP Modification,Minneapolis,Minnesota Scott County CSAH 18,ISP Application and Noise Exemption Institute of Transportation Application � Engineers—National Associate, Eagan Opus Promenade ISP,Eagan,Minnesota Local Member and Local Newsletter Editor Sears Lake Center ISP,Minneapolis,Minnesota , Opus Crescent Ridge ISP,Minnetonka,Minnesota Ayd Mill Road Scoping Study ISP,Saint Paul,Minnesota ' Selected Travel Demand Forecasting Project Experience: Saint Paul Transportation Plan,St. Paul,Minnesota I-94 Reconstruction Management Plan,Minneapolis to Saint Paul, , Minnesota TH 10 Corridor Study,Moorhead to Glyndon,Minnesota Manning Avenue EAW,Washington County,Minnesota � Twin Cities Congestion/Road Pricing Study Ground Access Impacts of Major Airport Alternatives Twin Cities Regional Travel Behavior Inventory ' St.Cloud External Origin/Destination Survey Roseville Gateway Traffic Study Ayd Mill Road Scoping Study,Saint Paul,Minnesota ' r � � � � � � i � � � � � � � � 1 1 i � , I Overview CONSL'I.TING GROUP,INC. Ms. Roscoe has 3 years of experience preparing a wide range of envi- 1 ronmental planning documents,including Environmental Assessments,Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Donna Roscoe Assessment Worksheets. She is also familiar with the Areawide t Environmental Planner Urban Alternative Review(AUAR)process and requirements. Ms.Roscoe is known for her ability to coordinate complex,multi- , agency projects and to meet tight schedules. � Selected Project Experience Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement,Saint Paul, Areas of Expertise Minnesota ' Environmental Assessment TH 47 Environmental Assessment,Ramsey,Minnesota Worksheet Victory Drive Environmental Assessment,Mankato,Minnesota Environmental Impact Statement � Environmental Assessment Cornerstone Commons Environmental Assessment Worksheet, Plymouth,Minnesota Agency Coordination CSAH 16 Environmental Assessment Worksheet,Anoka County, , Minnesota Education 42nd Street Environmental Assessment,Fargo,North Dakota B.A,Environmental Studies, University of St.Thomas CSAH 9 Pedestrian Bridge Project Memorandum,Plymouth, , Minnesota B.A.,Geography,University of St. T'homas Riverview Transit Study,Ramsey County,Minnesota ' , , ' , � ' ' � ' ' � � � � 1 � , ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' , � , ' Overview: CONSULTINC GROUP,INC. As a Senior Associate,Mr.Filipiak is responsible for managing � hydrologic and hydraulic engineering projects as part of broader roadway,highway and bridge projects. He has more than 15 years of David Filipiak� P.E. experience in engineering and water resources planning;his previous tSenior Associate planning experience includes extensive work with the Coon Creek Watershed District. � Selected Water Resources/Environmental Planning Projects: Sweeney Lake Branch of Bassett Creek Hydrologic Study,Golden � Valley,Minnesota Areas of Expertise: Indian Lake Restoration Project,Blue Earth County,Minnesota ' Hydrologic Engineering I-35W EIS,Minneapolis to Burnsville,Minnesota Hydraulic Engineering TH 610 EIS,Brooklyn Park,Minnesota Drainage Design TH 36 St.Croix River Crossing,Oak Park Heights,Minnesota and � Water Quality Town of St.joseph,Wisconsin Water Resources Planning Storm Water Study for the Next Area of Growth,Brooklyn Park, Minnesota , Registrations: Minnesota(P.E.) Selected Roadway Projects: , TH 610 Final Drainage Design from TH 169 to TH 252,Brooklyn Park, Education: Minnesota B.C.E.,University of Minnesota, CSAH 50 Reconstruction,Dakota County,Minnesota ' 1983 I-35W Drainage Design,Minneapolis,Richfield,Bloomington and Burnsville,Minnesota Affiliations: TH 36 River Crossing Drainage Design,Oak Park Heights,Minnesota � American Society of Civil �d Town of St.Joseph,Wisconsin Engineers Highway 90 Blue Earth River Crossing Hydraulic Siudy and FEMA American Water Resources Revisions,Blue Earth County,Minnesota � Association Nottingham Parkway Hydraulic Siudy and FEMA Revisions,Maple Grove,Minnesota ' TH 14/CSAH 22 Drainage Design and FEMA Revisions,Olmsted County,Minnesota TH 100 Preliminary and Final Drainage Design,Golden Valley, , Minnesota Yankee Doodle Road/I-35E Interchange Final Drainage Design,Eagan, Minnesota , CSAH 17 EA Final Drainage Design,Anoka County,Minnesota CSAH 16 Credit River Crossing,Savage,Minnesota ' ' , � ' Overview: CONStiLTT�G GROUP,INC. Mr.Dvorak has more than 17 years of civil engineering experience, � spanning both design and project management. He has an excellent reputation for effective coordination of complex,multijurisdictional James Dvorak� P.E. projects and attention to detail. � Vice President Selected Municipal Projects: 1 Huntingwood Farm Area,Maple Grove,Minnesota Shady Oak Road/Flying Cloud Drive,Eden Prairie,Minnesota Wedgwood Road,Maple Grove,Minnesota , Dell Road,Eden Prairie,Minnesota Areas of Expertise: Pine Grove Estates,Maple Grove,Minnesota � Feasibility Studies Appaloosa Woods,Maple Grove,Minnesota Preluninary Design Eagan Promenade,Eagan,Minnesota Final Design West Branch Third Addition,Plymouth,Minnesota ,, Highway Improvements East Fish Lake Road Trail,Maple Grove,Minnesota Municipal Street and Utility 1995 Trail Improvement Project,Plymouth,Minnesota � Improvements 1996 Trail Improvement Project,Plymouth,Minnesota Contract Administration Public Involvement 1998 Trail Improvement Project,Plymouth,Minnesota � Agency Coordination Selected Roadway Projects: Registrations: Victory Drive/T'H 14 Interchange Study,Mankato,Minnesota ' Minnesota(P.E.) Schmidt Lake Road,Plymouth,Minnesota CSAH 24 and TH 55 Reconstruction,Plymouth Minnesota Education: CSAH 17 Reconstruction,Anoka County,Minnesota � B.C.E.,University of Minnesota CSAH 1 Reconstruction,Anoka County,Minnesota CSAH 6(TH 101 to I-494),Hennepin County,Minnesota , CSAH 10(I-494 to TH 169),Hennepin County,Minnesota Yankee Doodle Road/I-35E Interchange,Eagan,Minnesota ' Peony Lane,Plymouth,Minnesota Affiliations: , American Society of Civil Engineers Minnesota Surveyors&Engineers Society , ' 1 ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' � ' � ' � ' 1 ' 1 t , ' � ' Overview: CONSULTTNG GROUP,INC. Ms.Hopkins has 20 years of experience in environmental planning , and documentation and she is known for her attention to detail and her knowledge of the environxnental review and permitting Ann M. Hopkins, AICP , processes. Senior Associate Selected Project Experience: ' Ayd Mill Road EIS,Saint Paul,Minnesota Smith Avenue Transit Hub,Saint Paul,Minnesota TH 36(Stillwater Bridge)Final EIS,Stillwater,Minnesota ' Shepard Road EIS,Saint Paul,Minnesota Areas of Expertise: TH 610 Supplemental EIS,Northern Hennepin County,Minnesota ' Environmental Impact Statements Mankato South Route EIS,Blue Earth County,Minnesota Environmental Assessments TH 101 EA,Between Elk River and Rogers,Minnesota Environmental Assessment 34th Street EA,Moorhead,Minnesota ' Worksheets TH 14/CSAH 22 EA,Rochester,Minnesota Cultural Reosurces Management TH 14 EA,Between Owatonna and Waseca,Minnesota , Section 106 Consultations Transportation Planning Major 73rd Avenue EAW,Brooklyn Park,Minnesota Investment Studies Promenade Office Development EAW,Eagan,Minnesota 1 Policy Issue Analysis Riverpark Office Complex EAW,Eagan,Minnesota Public Involvement Alexandria Bypass Studies,Alexandria,Minnesota Permitting Science Museum of Minnesota Cultural Resources Coordination,Saint � Agency Coordination Paul,Minnesota CSAH 3 Reconstruction Cultural Resources Coordination,Blue Earth County,Minnesota � Education: I-35E Design Concept Process,Saint Paul,Minnesota B.A.,Lawrence University, CSAH 18/Bloomington Ferry Bridge Environmental Studies,Scott and 1 Environmental Geology Hennepin Counties,Minnesota Alexandria Bypass Environmental Studies,Alexandria,Minnesota ' Affiliations: American Institute of Certified Planr►ers � American Planning Association Institute of Transportation Engineers Women's Transportation Seminar � ' , ' , � Overview: coNSLt.��cRo�,iN�. Mr.Pryce has over 9 years of experience in graphic design,public ' relations and advertising,including experience as a free-lance designer and business owner. As Graphics Coordinator he manages Christopher Pryce SRF's Graphics department,supervises corporate promotions,serves , Graphics Coordinator as a project artist,and develops new communications software implementations. He has technical expertise in many software tapplications,including Infini-D,Acrobat,QuarkXpress,PageMaker, Illustrator,Photoshop and multimedia communication software. He � also designs and maintains SRF's home page on the World Wide Areas of Expertise: Web(www.srfconsulting.com). ' Project Management Staff Supervision Selected Project Experience: 4-Color Printing Corporate brochure and company marketing materials � Marketing A CD-ROM based presentation of public participation issues for a Graphic Design 52-mile segment of TH 52. Web Design Graphics,computer visualization and multimedia presentation for the ' new Stillwater River Crossing EIS Update. CD-ROM based multimedia Multimedia version of an ITS report titled Field Test of Monitoring of Education: Urban Vehicle Operations Using Non-Intrusive Technology,including ' integrated CD-ROM and Intemet components Minneapolis Technical College Photo-realistic visualization of structure and urban design projects, University of Minnesota,Institute 34th Street Bridge,Moorhead,Minnesota � of Technology Photo-realistic visualization of a proposed interchange at 15th Street and TH 61,Newport,Minnesota ' Photo-realistic visualization of the Plymouth Civic Center Streetscape, Plymouth,Minnesota. Mississippi River Crossing Siudy,near St.Cloud,Minnesota ' Minneapolis Park Board Presentation Materials,Minneapolis, Minnesota Mankato/North Mankato Area Transportation Plan,Mankato and � North Mankato,Minnesota Multi-media and traditional print presentations for open house and 1 public participation meetings Corporate Promotional Materials Project Newsletters and Other Public Information Graphics � ' 1 ' ' ' , � ' ' ' � i 1 � 1 1 1 , 1 � 1 1 ' , ' Overview: CONSULT'ING GROUP,iN�. Mr.Hackett has 6 years of experience with a broad spectrum of GIS ' applications,including preparation of planning studies, environmental reviews,and engineering feasibility studies. He also Blaine A. Hackett provides cartographic support for planning activities. In previous ' Senior Planner and positions with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, GIS Coordinator Mr.Hackett was responsible for technical support,supervision of ' GIS staff,and creating struciured review applications. He also served as the coordinator for the Mn/DOT Statewide GIS Data Set. ' Areas of Ex ertise: . . P Selected Pro�ect Experience: ' Geographic Information Systems South Sub-Area Land Use Plan,Savage,Minnesota (GIS) ARC/INFO Mississippi River Crossing,near St.Cloud,Minnesota ' ArcView East Side Focused Area Study,Victoria,Minnesota MicroStation Steams County Comprehensive Plan,Minnesota CADD Douglas County Comprehensive Plan,Minnesota ' BaseMap TH 169 Corridor Study,Mille Lacs Area,Minnesota TH 23 Corridor Study,Willmar to New Richmond,Minnesota ' Education: Minnesota State Patrol Accident Deptiction Project B.S.,University of Wisconsin— Sherbume County Transportation Plan La Crosse � Carver County Transportation Plan t ' ' ' ' � , , ' t 1 ' ' � ' ' ' ' � ' ' ' ' � � '