HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Steeple Center Lighting Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session Meeting: November 9, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Steeple Center Lighting Project AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 2.a. ATTACHMENTS: Lighting Pictures, Final Budget, April 7, 2015 City Council minutes, Initial Budget Document APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Item SUMMARY On April 7, 2015, the Council discussed commissioning Jeff Bartlett to develop a lighting art installation at the Steeple Center. The art feature will be exterior lighting of the old church building and will focus mainly on the steeple and the front façade of the building, along Hwy 3. At that meeting there were four concepts discussed which were packaged by cost and the number of lights proposed. The majority of the Council supported a fuller package, of approximately $133,000. Over the summer, Mr. Bartlett has been working on a design for the Steeple Center. The question has been the number of lights in the installation and how to affix some of the lighting to obtain the preferred locations. Attached are pictures of the proposed lighting options associated with the installation proposed. With the budget direction from the Council in mind, Mr. Bartlett is estimating costs of $124,180. The cost estimate includes anticipated electrical work but final numbers will not be available until after bids are received. The quantity of the lights is fairly consistent with the discussion in April. It appears that the one change to the design from that discussed, is the backlighting of the three windows along the front façade of the building; the large window off the balcony and the two smaller windows adjacent to the front doors. The effect of that lighting is illustrated in one of the pictures provided. The idea of a light installation has been of interest to the majority of the Council. While the pictures are consistent with the direction of the Council in April, it is assumed that the elevations will appear slightly different than the pictures. The pictures illustrate a dark façade with only the new lighting. In reality there are street lights, lights from the Library and new Steeple Center Addition, and other ambient light that will affect the final visual effect of the project. ROSEMOUNT STEEPLE CENTER PROPOSED LIGHTING INSTALLATION BUDGET Jeff Bartlett, 10/27/2015 FIXTURES Mounting Location:Purpose:Qty Type unit price extension Confessional Roofs Steeple from NW / SW 6 ColorReach Compact Powercore w/ lens $2,900 $17,400 Parapet Corners Top of Steeple from East, uplight 2 ColorReach Compact Powercore w/ lens $2,900 $5,800 Parapet Corners Lower portion of Steeple from East, uplight 4 Desire D40 XTI $1,600 $6,400 Base of Steeple Steeple uplight from S / N / W 6 Desire D40 XTI $1,600 $9,600 Ground-Mounted Face of Façade, uplight 2 ColorReach Compact Powercore w/ lens $2,900 $5,800 Along Downspouts Side-Graze Façade 4 ColorGraze QLX Powercore, 4'$1,100 $4,400 Landscaping S / N of entry Façade Washlights 4 Desire D40 XTI $1,600 $6,400 Interior Backlight Large Window 4 Desire D40 XTI $1,600 $6,400 Interior Backlight Two Small Windows 2 Colorburst Powercore RGB w/ lens $790 $1,580 Subtotal Fixtures 34 $63,780 CONTROL, INSTALLATION, DESIGN / PROJECT MANAGEMENT Controller; Data Enablers $9,400 Installation, estimate based on 42 fixtures $31,400 10.0%Contingency $6,400 Gopher Stage Lighting addressing, system programming, project management $5,500 Design Fee (incl current contract)$7,700 Subtotal $60,400 GRAND TOTAL $124,180 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 7, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, April7th, 2015 at 7:55 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Weisensel, Demuth and Nelson attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist and City Clerk Hadler. DISCUSSION 2.A. Steeple Center Lighting Project City Administrator Johnson gave an overview of the creative lighting project for the Steeple Center. He stated there seems to be interest in the project, but concerns about pricing. Mr. Johnson introduced Jeff Bartlett, the potential provider of project. Mr. Johnson stated we are aspiring to something greater than a simple lighting project; something more artistic. Mr. Bartlett gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the importance of light in the natural and built environment. The presentation showed some of the work he has done in theater productions. The centerpiece of the project would be the steeple itself. Mr. Bartlett stated the project development process would be different than the one for the Triskoli outside the library with more feedback back and forth from the owner and designer. Mr. Bartlett showed computer modeled images of the examples of lighting on the steeple. The lights would change color slowly. Mr. Bartlett gave quotes for four different levels of expenditure. The “full package” would cost $132,580. Eliminating the façade lights brings the price down to $112,090. Removing the detail lights on the steeple brings the cost down to $79,790. The lowest quote is for 9 lights for $67,500. Council members discussed various benefits to the system. Members Droste, Weisensel and Demuth were in support of the larger project. Council member Nelson expressed concern over the cost and feels it should wait until there might be some grant funding available. Mayor Droste instructed staff to continue to work with Mr. Bartlett to work on the design. UPDATES City Administrator Johnson inquired whether Council would like to interview Youth Commission applicants. Council members expressed interest in meeting with them in advance. It was decided to hold a “meet and greet” event on Monday at 5 pm. City Administrator Johnson inquired about rescheduling the second regular council meeting to Wednesday, May 20th. Council was generally in favor. City Administrator Johnson stated there were currently 16 applicants for the Public Works Director position. Council member Nelson gave a summary about a meeting he and staff had with the National Guard. 6.b. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 7, 2015 Mayor Droste gave a summary of the recent Resilient Communities asset-based development focus group event. Approximately 25 people attended. He felt it was a positive and uplifting event. Mayor Droste stated that challenge to the City will be to determine what to do with all of the data from Resilient Communities in the next few years. He reminded Council of the May 1st event at the University of Minnesota. Mayor Droste gave a summary of a mayors and managers group meeting he had attended. Adam Duininck of the Met Council had spoken and expressed need for transportation funding. Mr. Duininck had stated the Met Council does not want to dictate housing development. Mayor Droste stated he has spoken with a member of the community band who had inquired about getting funding from the City. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Weisensel, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:09 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk