HomeMy WebLinkAbout13012 AYRFIELD CT Address: 13012 A,yrfield Court �v o ��a �o��y G PLAIV NO, 6012 B3 �.,� ��g'��,�� ��%2 No� ' � Lot 9. Block 1, BELLA VISTA 2ND '� ��' �j� �S SCALE IN FEET PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: LOT 9 = 45,221 S�. FT. ��� �a :�;*.;� 0 40 80 120 C � � ADDITION, Dakota County� Minnesota. HSE/GAR = 2,224 SQ. FT. o � =�:::�. o ; PORCH = 202 SQ. FT. �,�o° �v w DRIVEWAY = 740 SQ. FT. � ,� 1 inch = 40 feet � � � We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above Total Impervious = 3,166 SQ. FT. ��°Q��' .. Bearin s are on assumed datum = � �� described ro ert and that it was erformed b me or under m OR 7.0% OF LOT AREA a� 9 h � " P P Y P Y Y ��,Q�, � . � � direct su ervision and that I am a dul Licensed Surve or under the P Y Y ► �r ��:' � � � t laws of the State of Minnesota. That this survep does not purport to . �'::::::�::•::::::`.�:;::::::::::::::::::::'::;:;:;::;;::::�::::•. z, � ti:::;;•::::•::�:::-:;•::..........................::.:�:.:�. show all improvements, easements or encroachments, to the property � �^.::::::::::_;;...:.,;.;.:.�::;.::.:;.;;:'.::::;;'.:;::::::;:':;:.;`�:'.::;:;. � � � d except as shown thereon. , �` � � � � 23rd October �n � ^ Si ned this da of 20�5. J I C � � , ames R Ha n � q 9 Y � , � , t5 � a � � � � � . .. . . . . .. ............................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................. .................................................................................. 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