HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. Authorize Scope of Services for the East Side Utilities StudyEXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: November 17, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: Authorization of Scope of Services for the East Side Utilities Study, ENG 0183Consent PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. 6.o. Works/City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from SEH, Inc. City of APPROVED BY: ddj Rosemount Request for Proposals RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve of the Proposal for Professional Services by SEH, Inc. for the East Side Utilities Study ISSUE Staff is requesting City Council to approve the proposal from Short Elliot and Hendrickson, Inc. (SEH) to provide preliminary design, engineering and cost estimating services associated with the East Side Utilities Study BACKGROUND The th 140 Street. There are limited municipal utilities located within this eastern portion of the city. The water system is a rural water system designed for potable uses and is not capable of delivering standard fire flows. The sewer system consists of a Metropolitan Council interceptor line with service radials extending out to area industrial properties and is without any trunk sewer lines in place east of Connelly Avenue or south of County Road 42. With development interest in the eastern portion of the city of Rosemount, it is necessary to prepare detailed utility development plans for the sanitary, water and storm sewer systems. These system plans will serve as a guide for future development and will define the funding and timing of infrastructure investments. Requests for Proposathree engineering firms with extensive utility comprehensive planning capabilities and knowledge of the city of Rosemount utility systems. Two proposals were received on the proposal deadline of November 10, 2015. The proposals were reviewed by a selection committee consisting of the Public Works Director/City Engineer, Community Development Director, and the City Administrator. The proposals were reviewed with respect to Project Understanding, Project Approach, Project Schedule, Team Experience, Unique Ideas and Estimated Cost. After review and discussion, the selection committee made a decision to recommend award of the professional services contract to SEH. The SEH proposal was also the lowest cost submittal at $35,505. SUMMARY Staff is requesting City Council approval of the proposal for services by Short Elliot and Hendrickson, Inc. for the East Side Utilities Study. G:\\ENGPROJ\\ENG 0183 - East Side Utility Study\\Council Information\\20151117 CC Authorize Scope of Services East Side Utility Study.docx City of Rosemount, MN REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR East Side Utilities Study Date October 23, 2015 City of Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Request for Proposals October 23, 2015 General Project Overview The City of Rosemount contains approximately 22,000 acres of land within the city limits. Of this area, approximately 5,500 acres is currently developed with municipal sewer and water service and 2,800 acres is developed as rural residential without access to city sewer and water. Approximately 3,900 acres is undevelopable and is taken up by large industrial land uses and buffer zones. The area of remaining developable land is therefore approximately 9,800 acres At this time, there is an industrial development proposal to construct a large warehouse and distribution facility in the eastern portion of the city of Rosemount. This development would convert approximately 330 acres of agricultural land which is not in the MUSA, to industrial development. The location of this facility is approximately 0.7 miles east of US Hwy 52 and on the north side of Highway 42. With development interest in the eastern portion of the city of Rosemount, it is necessary to prepare a detailed utility development plan for the sanitary and water systems. Specifically, the areas that require detailed Utility Plans at this time are those denoted as Southeast, and Southeast Central within Figure 6-2 of the 2007 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sewer System Plan. For the purpose of this study, this There are limited municipal utilities located in the eastern portion of Rosemount. The water system was originally constructed by the University of Minnesota and the sewer system is generally available west of the existing Rosemount wastewater treatment facility and associated Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Interceptor. The water system is known as the Rosemount East Side pressure system. It consists trunk system connecting the East water tower to Rosemount Rural Wells 1 and 2 and a connection through a pressure reducing system to the Rosemount West side system. The East Side system contains various dimensions that provide domestic water and some level of fire protection to a number of industrial and agricultural properties located within the system area. The East Side Water system must be developed to be capable of providing domestic and firefighting water flow and storage requirements to all future developing areas. Previous Comprehensive Water plans have indicated that the development of additional wells and storage facilities within the study area in order to develop the necessary water supply capabilities. This study should determine the most cost effective plan for providing fire flow requirements to the area of immediate need while providing for the need of future development. The proposed industrial development will be constructed with on-site water storage for fire protection needs. Therefore, existing East Side water facilities are expected to be capable of supplying domestic needs but the study should verify this to be the case. The sewer system consists of a MCES Trunk line with service radials extending out to area industrial properties. The trunk line previously delivered sanitary sewage to the Rosemount WWTP where the sewage received primary treatment prior to being conveyed to the Mississippi River. In 2008, the MCES intercepted the flow from the Rosemount WWTP and redirected the flow west and then south through Rosemount, to the Empire WWTP. The Empire plant now treats the wastewater to advanced secondary standards. A lift station at the Empire Plant sends the treated effluent back to the Rosemount WWTP location where a gravity sewer then routes treated effluent to the Mississippi River. Trunk sewer system will need to be extended from the MCES Interceptor, upstream of the former Rosemount WWTP location. The immediate need is to make this extension in order to provide service to the industrial project site. With this initial extension, future connection points should be provided to accommodate development in other areas of the Southeast study area. The Rosemount stormwater system is unique in that there are no outlets out of the City, at this time, to convey stormwater runoff to receiving water. All stormwater runoff must be contained within constructed stormwater ponds capable of holding the runoff from the 100 year rainfall event with 3 feet of freeboard above the high-water level to the lowest adjacent structure. For events exceeding the 100-year event, the drainage systems are allowed a discharge rate of 0.05 cfs/acre. This extreme event flow will be provided by a trunk storm line that is being constructed across the city of Rosemount with ongoing development. Ultimately, the trunk line will discharge the extreme event runoff to the Mississippi River. With the inability to provide for a municipal stormwater outlet, development within Rosemount is required to contain all stormwater runoff within storage facilities located on site. While no analysis of the stormwater system is required at this time, it will be required to consider the recommendations of the Stormwater Comprehensive plan regarding the location of future trunk stormwater facilities. If right of way is required for the future extension of trunk stormwater, the consultant must identify recommended stormwater corridors and right of way requirements. This effort will help to insure cost effective development of the future stormwater system, minimizing over depth and the need for stormwater lift stations. Available Reports/Data 2009 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Plan 2007 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan 2007 City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan 2007 City of Rosemount Surface Water Management Plan City of Rosemount GIS Data, including existing pipe attributes Historical Hydraulic Models Attachments 1)Existing Water Distribution System Figure 4 2)Ultimate Trunk Water Main System Figure 5 3)Existing Sanitary Sewer System Figure 5-1 4)Future Trunk Sewer System Layout Figure 6-2 Project Deliverables The purpose of this project is to develop an updated system plan for the municipal utilities necessary to service the East Side development area. The initial infrastructure needs for the industrial development must be completed within 30 days of contract start date with the remainder of the tasks completed within 60 days of the contract start date. At a minimum, the Report should include the following components: I.Review of Land Use II.Review of Previous Growth Projections III.Analysis of the Existing Sanitary, Water and Storm Sewer Systems a.Capacity of existing systems b.Inadequacies of existing systems c.Prepare updates to previous hydraulic models for sanitary sewer and water systems. IV.Recommendations for Future Sanitary, Water and Storm Sewer Systems a.Systems must provide immediate service to the industrial user location; in the short term potable water is required with fire flow being supplemented by a water storage tank on site. b.Size sanitary sewer and water mains to adequately service immediate development needs and accommodate future growth areas c.Utilize existing ROW and Easements where possible d.Identify future utility corridor needs and locations for sanitary, water and storm sewer pipelines e.Identify adjacent service areas and service populations/areas capable of receiving with initial extension f.Insure initial installations are capable of serving future development areas in order to minimize the use of lift stations and future re-dimensioning of utility pipelines. g.Coordinate the initial extensions to function as trunk systems as necessary h.Coordinate location of utility extensions with existing CR42 access plans V.Phasing Plan for the immediate utility needs and future system extension a.Detailed plan view layouts of extensions required for immediate service needs b.Identify areas capable of development through initial extensions c.Recommend orderly phasing plan for future development VI.Capital Improvement for Utility Extension a.Detailed cost estimates for initial and each subsequent phase of utility extension b.Preliminary discussion of utility extension timing and funding requirements Specific Proposal Content Provide a Proposal cover letter that identifies the name, address, telephone number, email address for the contact person for the Proposer. Provide a narrative report that describes the work associated with this request for proposal and any other tasks the proposer identifies as being necessary for the with the task, the methods used to accomplish the task and any critical issues, concerns or alternative methods. Identify the Project Manager to be assigned to the Project and any Key Personnel that will be working on the project, and provide a copy of their resume. Identify and briefly describe any projects that person is currently assigned to, their expected completion dates and any projects this person may be simultaneously assigned to during the course of this Project. Provide evidence that clearly demonstrates the qualifications of the key personnel proposed for the Project. Proposers are free to provide information concerning any and all members they consider as Key Personnel. Project Schedule: Provide a proposed Project schedule that completes all tasks necessary in the delivery of the Project. Provide current Hourly Rates of personnel that will be working on this project. References: Identify a minimum of three (3) projects that Key Personnel of the Briefly describe the role th Identify the owner and provide the name, address and telephone number of a person Personnel. Fees Compensation for services shall be on a time and expense basis. Proposals shall be on a Not-To-Exceed basis for an agreed upon scope of services. Provide schedules of hourly rates and a breakdown of hours for the quoted fees. Payment will be made monthly for work completed. RFP Questions and Clarifications All questions, comments or clarifications shall be submitted to: Patrick Wrase Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Rosemount th 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN (651) 322 2025 patrick.wrase@ci.rosemount.mn.us Due Date, Time, and Location Three (3) proposal copies in response to this RFP must be received no later than 5:00 PM on November 10, 2015 at the following address: City of Rosemount ATTN: Patrick Wrase th 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN Proposals may be submitted via email. Proposals delivered after the time and date due will not be considered. Process for Selection their proposals reviewed by the Public Works Director/City Engineer, Community Development Director and the City Administrator with the final selection being made jointly by November 13, 2015. The proposals will be ranked based on content, previous experience, methodologies, and cost effectiveness in order to determine which proposal provides the greatest overall value to the city of Rosemount. The Contract for Services will be awarded based on the Proposal determined to be the most advantageous to the City of Rosemount, at their sole discretion, after consideration of the requirements set forth in this RFP. The Price Proposal and Scope of Services may be negotiated between the City of Rosemount representatives and the successful Proposer before execution of the Contract. PROPOSAL FOR East Side Utilities Study ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA November 10, 2015 November 10, 2015 City of Rosemount RE: City of Rosemount, MN ATTN: Patrick Wrase East Side Utilities Study 2875 145th Street West SEH No. ROSEM 134715 Rosemount, MN 55068-4941 Dear Mr. Wrase: Pending development of the Great River Energy (GRE) site provides the City of Rosemount (City) with the unique opportunity to open upŽ the East Side service area to development by extending municipal water and sewer service to an area that is currently largely undeveloped. The key to the success of this development project lies in the upfront planning desired by the City. A comprehensive utility study is a vital component that will help you prepare, plan, and program for the Citys future health, growth, and prosperity. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. that serve the proposed development in the near-term, while providing the initial trunk water and sanitary sewer the following: Project Manager Mark Wallis brings more than 30 years of utility system Extensive Project Experience. planning experience to the project. Mark has prepared Comprehensive Water System plans for over 20 Minnesota communities, including several of the City of Rosemounts neighbors. Mark has extensive experience leading Cities and project teams for water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater projects to a cohesive set of utility system comprehensive plans. Not only that, he is very familiar with Rosemounts East Side Utilities, having performed the water system planning with the team that prepared the original East Side Utility study for the City of Rosemount. Mark also served on the team that provided preliminary utility planning for the UMore site. Mark is supported by a team of water and civil engineers with a wide breadth of utility system planning and implementation experience. These team members have worked with many communities on projects in the metro area and around the country, and are able to draw from these experiences to provide innovative solutions speci“cally tailored to Rosemounts needs. Our experience in taking plans from the planning document through design and construction is second to none. SEH team members have been involved in the previous utility Familiarity with the East Side Utilities. system planning that was completed in conjunction with the initial East Side Utility study, as well as the UMore AUAR and utility analysis, and MCES facilities. What this means for the City is that we are able to get to work without delay. We can provide a fresh perspectiveŽ on the current comprehensive plan, but still have an understanding of the interceptor and utilities. solutions that achieve your immediate priorities and your long-term objectives. We are very excited for the City of ||| Engineers Architects Planners Scientists , 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. |||| SEH is 100% employee-owned 651.490.2000 800.325.2055 888.908.8166 fax sehinc.com City of Rosemount November 10, 2015 Page 2 opportunity to work with the City of Rosemount on this project, and appreciate the opportunity submit this proposal. We look forward to putting our experience to work for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 651.490.2020 or mjensen@sehinc.com. Respectfully submitted, Miles B. Jensen, PE Mark D. Wallis Regional Practice Center Leader Project Manager 651.490.2020 218.279.3017 mjensen@sehinc.com mwallis@sehinc.com ||| Engineers Architects Planners Scientists , 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. |||| SEH is 100% employee-owned 651.490.2000 800.325.2055 888.908.8166 fax sehinc.com Table of Contents Cover Letter Work Plan / Schedule ........................................................................................1 Key Personnel .....................................................................................................7 Relevant Experience / References .................................................................18 Fees and Hourly Rates ....................................................................................26 ©2015 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. The information contained in this Proposal was prepared speci“cally for you and contains proprietary information. We would appreciate your discretion in its reproduction and distribution. This information has been tailored to your speci“c project based on our understanding of your needs. Its aim is to demonstrate our ideas and approach to your project compared to our competition. We respectfully request that distribution be limited to individuals involved in your selection process. SEH is a registered trademark of Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. SEH may use one or more of its subsidiaries to provide the services: SEH Design|Build, Inc. SEH of Indiana, LLC Work Plan / Schedule Work Plan / Schedule Pending development of the Great River Energy (GRE) site provides a unique opportunity to open upŽ the East Side service area to development by extending municipal water and sewer service to an area of the City that is currently undeveloped. This project therefore presents an opportunity to install utilities required to support important immediate economic development while at the same time installing some of the trunk utility systems required for additional development of Rosemounts eastern service area (East Side). The key to the success of this project lies in the upfront planning desired by the City at this time. SEH is in a unique position to provide valuable serve the following purpose: € Review and analyze design assumptions to-date and suggest potential alternative utility system strategies. € Provide recommendations for utility systems required to serve the proposed development in the near-term. € Provide recommendations for utility systems required to serve ultimate development of the East Side. € Serve as a portion of the Water Resources Element of Rosemounts 2040 Local Comprehensive Plan for the East Side € Serve as a guidance tool for decision making as development occurs in the East Side. € Allow for ”exibility in both the rate and area of development GIS Services for Comprehensive Plan City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 1 € The last comprehensive utility planning study was completed in 2007. Since that time, some infrastructure has been constructed, some additional evaluation has been completed for portions of the City, and some of the planning assumptions (land use, service area, and population projections) have changed. This report will update the plan to current thinking. to balancing the proposed GRE development with future needs and phasing. to serve ultimate build-out of the East Side. The following outlines some of Water System Improvements Minnetonka, Minn. the major issues that will be considered as they pertain to each system. Sanitary Sewer € Determine appropriate pipe sizing and depths especially the “rst trunk sewer extension from the former Rosemount WWTP to the GRE site. € Economical and operationally appropriate lift station phasing. Water € Determine capacity of existing rural system and ability to support the proposed GRE development. € Determine appropriate trunk main sizing. € Determine how long the East Side can be supplied with water from only the western side of the City, and when the “rst East Side well and additional East Side storage is required. Storm Sewer € Determine space required for future trunk storm sewer pipes and ponds. Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan Sister Bay, Wisc. Sanitary Sewer Planning and Needs Analysis Somerset, Wisc. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 2 Work Plan 1. Update East Side Land Use, Growth Projections, and Design Flows planning documents and current thinking. An equally important goal is to take a step back and review all of the design assumptions from previous studies to see if these approaches are still valid, or if there are other ways of approaching the design. € Obtain and review existing utility studies. (Update and review existing utility system models in Task 2). € Compare the new Land Use Map and proposed demographic assumptions (people per acre and design ”ows for each land use type) to the assumptions used in previous work and update design Water System Comprehensive Planning City of River ”ow projections accordingly. Since the results of the entire East Side Falls, Wisc. Study rest on these assumptions, we will present our results to City € The analysis performed in this task is for the East Side only, speci“cally the area designated as the Southeast and Southeast Central Sanitary Sewer Districts. Calculation of developable acres by land use type will be performed in GIS, and allocated to the sanitary sewer and water models by junction nodes. Data Provided by City: € Land use map for City (GIS) € Land use for East Side (GIS) € East Side population projections and commercial/industrial phasing Sanitary Sewer System Study City of Stevens Point, Wisc. € Overall City population projections € Elevation data for East Side (GIS) € Existing sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer comprehensive plans (including updates for Umore) Deliverables: € Technical Memorandum (draft of the “rst chapter of the “nal report) and Land use map for City review € City comments incorporated into “nal report 2. Analysis of Existing Utility Systems The goal of this task is to determine if the proposed GRE development can be served by the existing utility systems. To perform this analysis, the sanitary sewer and water distribution system models will be updated Comprehensive Sewer Plan Addendum City of Lakeville, Minn. incorporate new water demands and sewer ”ows into the models. a. Sanitary Sewer i. Update existing model to a GIS - XPSWMM based model Update existing pipes and allocate design ”ows to junctions ii. Review existing modeling methodology and suggest improvements if appropriate iii. Update existing pipes and allocate design ”ows to junction ”ows iv. Determine appropriate sewer connection point (former Rosemount WWTP) and available capacity at that location v. Sizing of sewer extension required to serve the proposed GRE development performed in Task 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 3 b. Water i. Update existing WaterCAD model and establish GIS data relationship ii. Review existing static pressures iii. Update existing pipes, junctions, and water demands iv. Perform existing maximum day demand analysis with proposed GRE development to determine impact on existing rural system customers (under normal demand conditions) v. Perform existing “re ”ow analysis vi. Improvement analysis performed in Task 3 c. Storm Sewer i. All stormwater generated by the GRE development will be contained on site; therefore no existing stormwater analysis is required Data Provided by City: ................................ € Existing water distribution system model € Existing storm sewer model ................................... € Water and sewer billing and pumping records Water System Study City of De Pere, Wisc. 3. Utility System Recommendations a. Sanitary Sewer i. Create ultimate system sanitary sewer model and allocate future ”ows to the model nodes (using GIS) ii. Review and update the sanitary sewer service areas iii. Determine trunk pipe sizes required to serve each sanitary sewer service area. iv. Size ultimate system lift stations and forcemains. v. Evaluate trunk sewer and lift station sizing required to serve the GRE development and existing University system only vi. Compare GRE only requirements to ultimate trunk requirements and provide recommendations for phasing (especially lift station phasing) vii. Identify adjacent service areas that could be served by the initial GRE sewer extension Stormwater Master Plan City of Steamboat Springs, viii. Prepare cost estimates and capital improvement plan. Identify Colo. clear triggers for each improvement b. Water i. Create ultimate service area model and allocate water demands to future junctions (using GIS) ii. Evaluate supply and storage required to support ultimate system iii. Perform maximum day and “re ”ow analysis iv. Determine trunk sizes to serve ultimate service area v. Evaluate supply, storage, and distribution system requirements to serve the GRE development only CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 4 vi. Compare the GRE only requirements to ultimate trunk requirements and provide recommendations for phasing (especially to determine when additional supply and storage is required) vii. Prepare cost estimates and capital improvement plan. Provide clear triggers for each improvement c. Storm Sewer Our understanding of the scope of work related to the stormwater system is to provide input to the team during the evaluation of utility system routing and determination of easement requirements. We will review the current master plan for the proposed trunk storm system and regional ponding areas, identify potential and preferred routing paths and make recommendations on the need for additional easement areas and/or for expanded multi utility easement corridors to accommodate future (short and long term) storm system needs. 4. Report The report is used by a wide audience for a variety of purposes. As such, it will be organized with clear and concise executive summary provided (usually in an appendix) for Public Works and Community Comprehensive Drainage Study Porter County, Ind. went into the analysis, compare the assumptions used in this study to future development proposals, and adjust the plan as the implementation phase moves forward. The report will also be set up so that it can be used as a portion of the Water Resources Element of the Citys 2040 Local Comprehensive Plan. The report phase consists of the following tasks. a. Technical Memorandum 1: East Side land use, population projections, water and sewer ”ows. b. Technical Memorandum 2: Existing system analysis. Description and map of existing system, discussion of adequacy of existing system to serve the rural area with the GRE development. c. Progress Meeting 1: Final discussion and concurrence on items discussed in Technical Memorandums 1 and Draft 2 prior to Sanitary Sewer System Needs Analysis New Richmond, proceeding with further analysis. Wisc. d. Draft Report: Draft of entire report (Tech Memos 1 and 2) with new chapter on utility system recommendations. Description and map of East Side ultimate system facilities and facilities required to serve the proposed GRE development. Draft discussion of phasing and recommendations. e. Progress Meeting 2: Review entire draft report, including utility system recommendations chapter. Decision if additional analysis is required or if the report is ready to be “nalized. f. Final Report CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 5 € Draft Report submitted within 58 days Potential Additional Services a. Additional modeling or analysis for additional € Progress Meeting 2 on day 60 phasing scenarios.€ Submit “nal report seven days after comments from the b. Analysis of Existing Trunk Charge SystemCity (assume to be received at Progress Meeting 2). c. Hydrant tests to con“rm existing “re ”ows Schedule assumptions: Schedule € Existing utility hydraulic models are calibrated, fully SEH understands the urgency of completing portions of this functional and up to date. report so that the GRE site EIW can be completed in time for construction and opening of the proposed facility. Our business day of submittal of Technical Memorandum 1. familiarity with the existing utility system and utility planning for the UMore site and East Side allows us to begin work within one business day. immediately upon receipt of executed professional service agreements and required background data. days. schedule: € Technical Memo 2 (initial infrastructure needs) submitted within 30 days Key Staff Availability Mark WallisBelknapp Ave water main replacement (Superior, WI)April 2016 Miles JensenCentral Region Water Practice Leader QA/QC role on projectsOngoing Kirby Van NoteMCES NAI Phase 9, M200, Lining ImprovementsJuly 2017 Ron LeafWater Resources Team Leader QA/QCOngoing Chad KatzenburgerWater Tower Design (Lake Elmo)Winter 2015/2016 Water Treatment Plant Rehab (Little Falls)Spring 2016 Bid Date John FrielRosemount WWTP DecommissionSubstantially Complete Sioux Falls WRF Digester Gas ConditioningSubstantially Complete Brendan Wolohan MCES Metro Miscellaneous Improvements (anticipated)May start late November Michael OstendorfMCES Rich“eld, M130, Bloomington InterceptorsApril 2017 Toby MuseNine Mile Creek TrailMay 2016 Morningside and White Oaks Reconstruction (Edina)February 2016 Dan CarlsonGIS support for St. Paul and Minneapolis I/I ProgramsDecember 2016 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 6 Key Personnel Key Personnel Our project team was hand-picked to meet the needs of the East Side Utilities Study. The team comprises specialists in water, sanitary sewer and stormwater, and several specialty services. Project Manager Mark Wallis brings more than 30 years of utility system planning experience to the project and has prepared Comprehensive Water System plans for more than 20 Minnesota communities, including most of the neighboring communities to the City of Rosemount. Mark has extensive experience leading Cities and project teams for water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater projects to a cohesive set of utility system comprehensive plans. He, along with the following individuals are available and ready to help the City of Rosemount realize your goals related to this study. This section contains the proposed organizational structure of our team for this project and their relative experience, training and availability. Resumes of all key project team members follow. City of Rosemount Mark Wallis, PEMiles Jensen, PE Project ManagerQA/QC CIVIL SANITARY SEWERSTORMWATER WATER ENGINEERING Chad Katzenberger, PEMichael Ostendorf, PEToby Muse, PERon Leaf, PE Engineer/Water ModelingProject EngineerCivil Engineer Mark Wallis, PEJohn Friel, PEBrendan Wolohan, EIT Wastewater EngineerGraduate Engineer Miles Jensen, PE Kirby Van Note, PEDan Carson QA/QCGIS Organization Chart CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 7 Miles B. Jensen, PE Principal / Regional Practice Center Leader Mr. Jensen is a Professional Engineer with more than 30 years of experience as a project manager, client service manager and water discipline leader. He currently leads SEHs Central Region Drinking Water Group, and specializes in the design and construction of pumping systems and YEARS OF EXPERIENCE water treatment plants; speci“cally hydraulic analysis of pumping systems and advanced water treatment facility process design, construction management, and plant start-up.SEH: 4 Industry: 30 EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Project manager for Water System Comprehensive Plan (City of Anoka) Anoka, Minn. Bachelor of Science the water system master plan for the City of Anoka. Civil Engineering University of Minnesota- Plant Needs Assessments/Operations Audits (20) Minneapolis (1985) 10 Ground Water Treatment Plant Assessments 10 Surface Water Treatment Plant Assessments PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Water Treatment Plant Renovations/Expansions (37) Professional Engineer in Notable projects include: Minnesota (#19869, 1989), € Apple Valley, Minn. (22 mgd) Plymouth, Minn. (13 mgd) Wisconsin (#27788, 1991), € Fridley, Minn. (10 mgd) Rich“eld, Minn. (20 mgd) Indiana (#PE19700293, 1997), € Inver Grove Heights, Minn. (12 mgd) South Bend, Ind. (12 mgd) Illinois (#062062027, 2009), € Maple Grove, Minn. (30 mgd) Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (10 mgd) Virginia (#0402051131, 2012), North Dakota (#PE-9186, Water Treatment Plant Needs Assessment/Operations Audits 2013),and South Dakota Minnesota (#11966, 2014) Benson (3.0 mgd) Ortonville EDR/RP Feasibility Study Brooklyn Center (9.0 mgd)* Feasibility Study Prairie Island Indian Community AWARDS SW Sartell E. WTP Improvements (2 mgd) Eveleth (1.44 mgd) CEC State and National P Savage Improvements (7.9 mgd) Minnetonka Beach Awards, Projects in Hector and Eagan, Minn.; Marsh“eld, Wis.; Wisconsin and South Bend, Ind. SWLS Cudahy (6.6 mgd) Waupun (2 mgd) Improvements SWLS Port Washington (4 mgd) Wisconsin Rapids (10 mgd) LS Wisconsin Rapids (10 mgd) Improvements Program* Indiana South Bend Water Works Pinhook (12 mgd)* Virginia LS SW North Rivanna (2 mgd)* South Rivanna (12 mgd)* LS SW Observatory (5.5 mgd)* SW * SEH employee Surface Water Supply LS Lime Softening/Lime Feed Water Treatment Plant Filter Reconstruction (12) Notable projects include: Eveleth, Minn. (1.44 mgd) Rich“eld, Minn. (20 mgd) Fridley, Minn. (10 mgd) South Bend, Ind. (12 mgd) Port Washington, Wis. (4.0 mgd) Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (10 mgd) Plymouth, Minn. (13 mgd) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 8 Mark D. Wallis, PE Senior Project Manager Mr. Wallis is a Senior Project Manager with extensive experience working with a wide variety of comprehensive utility system master planning and design including water main, wells, booster stations, water towers, and treatment facilities. Project Manager Mark Wallis brings YEARS OF EXPERIENCE more than 30 years of utility system planning experience to the project. Mark has prepared Comprehensive Water System plans for over 20 Minnesota communities, including most SEH: 1 Industry: 30 of the City of Rosemounts neighboring communities. Mark specializes in working with communities to implement the plan as development proposals come in. Please refer to EDUCATION the References Section for a detailed example of comprehensive planning followed by Bachelor of Science implementation in Eagan. Civil Engineering University of Wisconsin- Mark is very familiar with Rosemounts East Side Utilities, having performed the water Platteville (1983) system planning with the team that prepared the original East Side Utility study for the City of Rosemount. Mark also served on the team that provided preliminary utility planning for the REGISTRATIONS/ UMore site. CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer in EXPERIENCE Minnesota (#19145, 1988), and Comprehensive Water System Plan and Cedar Grove Redevelopment Analysis Eagan, Wisconsin (#40696, 2009) Project Manager for the Comprehensive Water Supply and Distribution Plan, Minnesota. Certi“ed Construction which was done in collaboration with an update of the City Comprehensive Plan and updates Speci“er (CCS), Construction to the sanitary sewer and storm sewer master plans. Focus of the plan was to evaluate how Speci“cations Institute (CSI) to best provide municipal utility service to the remaining areas of potential development/ Certi“ed Construction Contract redevelopment within the City. Since Eagan was nearing full development of the City, special Administrator (CCCA), emphasis was given to proper sizing of the last trunk water mains, wells, treatment, and water Construction Speci“cations towers required to serve ultimate development. Institute (CSI) Mark continued in an advisory role to the City as development questions came up. Examples PROFESSIONAL include the southeast water tower siting analysis, golf course redevelopment, and the Cedar ASSOCIATIONS Grove redevelopment analysis. The Cedar Grove analysis included a thorough comparison of American Water Works existing water use and “re ”ows to required water demands for the proposed redevelopment, Association (AWWA), Member modeling of pipe sizes, and determination of pressure zone modi“cations required to provide National Society of Professional the desired level of service for the proposed redevelopment. Engineers (NSPE), Member Project engineer for Water System Comprehensive Plan (City of Anoka) Anoka, Minn. Chi Epsilon, National Civil the water system master plan for the City of Anoka. Mark provided recommendations for the Engineering Honor Society, renovation of Wells 1 and 2 and Water Treatment Plant 1/2, and provided recommendations for Member water system operation to maintain compliance with MDH radium standards. East Range Joint Water System Preliminary Engineering Report (City of Biwabik) Project manager and project engineer on the preliminary engineering report Biwabik, Minn. to investigate the feasibility of combining the water systems of Biwabik, Aurora and Hoyt Lakes. This project included identifying alternative water sources, treatment and distribution of treated water to each community. Project engineer for Midway TH 53 Utility Relocation (City of Virginia) Virginia, Minn. Booster Station and trunk water main relocation work associated with the Trunk Highway 53 relocation project. Marks role included hydraulic analysis for over 10,000 ft. of 12 in. and 14 in. high density polyethylene water main. Mark also served as Project Manager for the design of the new Midway Booster Station a 600 gpm pump station with a discharge pressure of 220 psi. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 9 Chad Katzenberger, PE Professional Engineer / Water Modeling Mr. Katzenberger is a Project Engineer with 10 years of experience with SEH working in the Water Services Group. Chad has generated extensive waterworks experience while completing a variety of municipal projects. Chads responsibilities include preparing plans, YEARS OF EXPERIENCE feasibility reports, comprehensive water system planning, water system modeling, project design, and construction administration.SEH: 12 Industry: 12 EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Comprehensive Water Plan City of Lakeville, Minn. Bachelor of Science Chad was the lead engineer for the comprehensive water system planning. The primary Civil Engineering emphasis of this study was to plan for future water system facilities required to serve areas University of Minnesota- of anticipated growth in the City. Chad worked to update the existing computer model of Minneapolis (2003) the water distribution system. The system was evaluated with respect to pressure, ”ow, pipe friction, and “re ”ow availability. Extended period simulations were also used to analyze REGISTRATIONS/ system operations. The model was ultimately used to locate a new elevated water storage CERTIFICATIONS tank and future trunk water main facilities. Chad has further assisted the City in operating Professional Engineer in the model to right size water main for yearly street and utility projects. Minnesota (#46613, 2008) Comprehensive Water System Plan City of Anoka, Minn. PROFESSIONAL Chad assisted the City of Anoka in developing a new water distribution system model from ASSOCIATIONS existing CAD based record drawings. The model was then calibrated with “eld data and American Water Works provided by providing a GIS export of the water model to serve as the Citys water system Association (AWWA), Member GIS base. A full analysis of the water system was completed and results were presented in a complete system report. This report will now serve as the Citys roadmap for future water system improvement decisions. Airport Utility Extension City of Brainerd, Minn. Project Engineer on for the development of water distribution and sanitary sewer service for a new utility service. Chad developed a City wide water model and then utilized the water model to develop water service options to the Regional airport service area. Chad helped develop ultimate design options and also produced “nal facility design documents. Water System Computer Modeling and Planning Project Engineer/Water Modeler for construction and updating computer models of water distribution systems utilizing WaterCAD and H2OMAP system software. Chad calibrated the distribution models utilizing data collected in the “eld, and operated the models to analyze system issues. Recommendations based on water model operation were made in to or for system planning reports and technical memorandums. Below is a summary of clients that Chad has served with water system computer modeling and planning services. € City of Little Falls, Minn. € City of Anoka, Minn. € City of New Prague, Minn. € City of Becker, Minn. € City of New Ulm, Minn. € City of Brainerd, Minn € City of St. Joseph, Minn. € City of Cambridge, Minn. € City of Sauk Rapids, Minn € City of Cannon Falls, Minn € City of Sidney, Neb. € City of Chanhassen, Minn. € City of South Bend, Ind. € City of Edina, Minn. € Virginia Public Utilities, Minn. € City of Fridley, Minn. € City of Waite Park, Minn. € City of Lakeville, Minn CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 10 Daniel W. Carlson GIS Analyst Mr. Carlson has 17 years of varied experience with SEH in GIS projects, data integration and automated mapping. Dans in-house system experience includes Adobe Acrobat, ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS Modelbuilder, AutoCAD Map, Cityworks Desktop, Cityworks Server, YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Crystal Reports, SQL Server, Access, Word, and Excel. Dan also has extensive experience incorporating GIS data with the following modeling software: InfoSWMM, InfoWATER, SEH: 7 Industry: 17 XPSWMM, and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Programming experience includes SQL for SQL Server, Python for ArcGIS and Windows Command Line. EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts EXPERIENCE Urban and Regional Studies GIS Analyst on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan City of Golden Valley, Minn. University of Minnesota Duluth municipal utility planning project. Dan prepared GIS data to be accessed by InfoSWMM’ (1992) software. Existing GIS data was analyzed to determine completeness and any required Associate in Applied Science Geographic Information method to populate the required sewer structure and pipe attributes into GIS. Once the GIS Systems Alexandria Technical College incorporated into the Citys GIS database. Developed GIS procedure to incorporate Citys Alexandria, Minn. (1997) water consumption data and land-use into InfoSWMM’ Generated maps in ArcGIS utilizing model capacity output data from InfoSWW’. CONTINUING EDUCATION Trimble GPS Systems (1998) GIS Analyst on the Sanitary Storm Sewer Evaluation Study City of Ashland, Wis. CarteGraph SIGNview (1998) municipal utility maintenance project. Dan prepared GIS data to be accessed by InfoSWMM’ software. Existing GIS data was analyzed to determine completeness and any required CITYWORKS for ArcView (1998) method to populate the required sewer structure and pipe attributes into GIS. Once the GIS CITYWORKS for ArcGIS (2000) ArcGIS ArcInfo9.3 (2000) incorporated into the Citys GIS database. Developed GIS procedure to incorporated Citys water consumption data and zoning into InfoSWMM’. CAD and GID Integration with Geodatabases (2004) GIS Analyst on the municipal Comprehensive Utility Plan City of Plymouth, Minn. ArcGIS Modelbuilder utility planning project. Dan prepared Water and Sanitary Sewer GIS data to be accessed (2006) by InfoSWMM’ and H2O Map software. Once the GIS data was complete for the modeling Building Geodatabases (2006) Developed GIS procedure to incorporated Citys water consumption data and land-use into InfoSWMM’ and H2O Map. Generated maps in ArcGIS utilizing model capacity output data Using Python in ArcGIS Desktop 10 (2012) from InfoSWW’ and “re ”ows and pressures from H20 Map. GIS Analyst on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan City of Stevens Point, Wis. REGISTRATIONS/ municipal utility planning project. Dan prepared GIS data to be used to model sanitary sewer CERTIFICATIONS trunk mains. This project utilized the classic hydrological analysis method. Existing GIS Pipeline/Manhole/Lateral data was analyzed to determine completeness and any required format changes. Once the Assessment and Certi“cation GIS data was complete for the modeling process, it w (PACP, MACP, LACP) (#U incorporated into the Citys GIS database. Generated maps in ArcGIS utilizing model output 1110 11773, 2014), National results. Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO, Inc.) GIS Analyst on the Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan City of Lakeville, Minn. municipal utility planning project. Dan prepared GIS data to be used to model sanitary sewer trunk mains. This project utilized the classic hydrological analysis method. This project is currently in the model analysis stage CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 11 Kirby Van Note, PE Principal / Sanitary Sewer QA/QC Mr. Van Note is a Project Manager and Technical Leader with extensive years of engineering experience in solid and hazardous waste, soil and groundwater remediation, environmental compliance, water and wastewater projects. Kirby has completed In”ow/In“ltration (I/I) YEARS OF EXPERIENCE analysis, combined sewer over”ow and sanitary sewer system evaluation surveys to isolate and identify I/I services. His project work has included comprehensive collection system SEH: 23 Industry: 37 evaluations, meter station design improvements, sanitary sewer collection system pipe design and implementation of sewer rehabilitation alternatives. Additional experience EDUCATION includes solid waste planning and land“ll alternative evaluations, soil and groundwater Bachelor of Science investigations/ assessments, compliance reporting, underground storage tank (UST)/ Civil Engineering aboveground storage tank (AST) design, RCRA permitting, and remedial investigation/design Iowa State University-Ames projects. (1978) EXPERIENCE CONTINUING EDUCATION Comprehensive Planning Water Distribution System Analysis and Design (1981) Project Manager Comprehensive Sewer Plan Development City of Golden Valley, Minn. for the development of a sanitary sewer plan on the Citys sanitary sewer collection system Water Quality Management of as part of the Metropolitan Councils 20-year planning and operational analysis. Kirby was Land“lls (1991) responsible for a system-wide hydraulic model using MWH Soft InfoSWMM software to Groundwater Pollution develop existing and future wastewater ”ow estimates, and evaluate hydraulic capacity of the Remedial Actions (1993) collection system, a review of all City operations and maintenance policies and procedures, Leachate and Gas Management In”ow/In“ltration program documentation, and development of a Capital Improvement Plan Systems Design (1994) for the next 10 years. Land“ll Golf Course Project Engineer for sanitary sewer Comprehensive Sewer Plan City of North“eld, Minn. Development (1995) modeling tasks of the project using SewerCAD software to determine long range collection Solid Waste Association of system needs. Kirby directed the installation of “ve portable ”ow monitors will be used to North America (SWANA) 8th calibrate the model for the existing wastewater ”ows. Annual Land“ll Symposium (2003) Project Manager for North Minneapolis Design Flow Evaluation City of Minneapolis, Minn. Capacity, Management, a separated sanitary sewer evaluation around the Bryn Mawr area to determine future design Operation and Maintenance ”ows for a turn-back section of Metropolitan Council Environmental Services interceptor (CMOM) Training (2004) as part of the Dupont Sewer Rehabilitation project. A hydraulic model using XPSWMM was Sanitary Sewer Design and used to simulate design ”ow volumes during dry and wet weather conditions. The model was Modeling (2005) supported by “ve portable ”ow monitors used to “eld calibrate model. REGISTRATIONS/ Project Manager for Flow Monitoring/Smoke Testing Program City of St. Paul, Minn. CERTIFICATIONS an In”ow/In“ltration pilot study in the Highland Park area of St. Paul which included a ”ow Professional Engineer in monitoring and smoke testing investigation on the sanitary sewer system. The investigation Minnesota (#16241, 1983) was the initial phase of a comprehensive investigation to reduce in”ow sources remaining from pervious sanitary sewer separation activities completed within the last 20 years. In”ow sources were located using GPS tracking and all data was electronically gathered through handheld Trimble units in the “eld during the smoke testing for downloading into the Citys GIS database. The smoke testing program expanded into a citywide investigation based on the wastewater ”ow monitoring results from more than 30 meters installed by SEH across the City. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 12 Michael Ostendorf, PE Sanitary Sewer Project Engineer Mr. Ostendorf is a Project Engineer with seven years of civil and water engineering experience with SEH specializing in hydraulic conveyance projects for large sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems. Michael serves as a project design leader/project manager from project YEARS OF EXPERIENCE planning through construction including programming system improvements to provide value engineering within conveyance systems. He coordinates all disciplines of project SEH: 8 Industry: 8 execution including geotechnical, structural, electrical and mechanical engineering. Michael provides hydraulic modeling and analysis using InfoSWMM by Innovyze and the EPA EDUCATION SWMM 5.0 engine; prepares detailed plans and speci“cations; and provides construction Master of Science administration and inspections. Michael also provides design recommendations for Project Management Saint Marys University of sanitary sewer system and hydraulic conveyance projects, including programs that require Minnesota ”ow projections based on future population and commercial industry growth. He has Winona, Minn. (2012) prepared and evaluated hydraulic models and analyzed the results to help identify potential improvement projects in comprehensive sanitary sewer system plans. He also has reviewed Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering ”ow-monitoring data to identify system areas susceptible to in”ow and in“ltration and Michigan Technological evaluated methods to mitigate in”ow/in“ltration. University Houghton, Mich. (2007) EXPERIENCE Bachelor of Science Sanitary Lift Station 3 Apple Valley, Minn. Mathematical Sciences Project Manager for completing a design of a new lift station. Michael prepared design University of Wisconsin- recommendation for installing sewer lift station and piping. He coordinated drafting and Superior, (2007) design of construction drawings, provided bidding assistance to the owner and contractors. CONTINUING EDUCATION Lark Avenue Storm Sewer Lift Station City of Maplewood, Minn. Safety Training Refresher Project Engineer for completing a design report detailing existing lift station requirements (2008 2014) for communications and hydraulic conveyance. Michael prepared design recommendation for installing storm sewer lift station and piping. He coordinated drafting and design of REGISTRATIONS/ construction drawings, provided bidding assistance to the owner and contractors. CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer in Sanitary Lift Station 1 and 2 Reconstruction (Lake Washington Sanitary District) Minnesota (#50022, 2012) LeSueur and Blue Earth Counties, Minn. Pipeline/Manhole/Lateral Project Engineer for design report detailing existing lift station inadequacies for conveyance, Assessment Certi“cation communications and hydrogen sul“de corrosion. Michael designed temporary diversion (PACP, MACP, LACP) (#U- plan for force main. He prepared design recommendation for installing Hobas structures 1110-11773, 2014), National within existing lift station site, coordinated drafting and design of construction drawings, and Association of Sewer Service provided bidding assistance to the owner and contractors. Companies (NASSCO, Inc.) Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Reconstruction City of Coon Rapids, Minn. Project Engineer for composing the design reports detailing existing lift station inadequacies for conveyance and communications. Michael designed temporary diversion plan for the force main and prepared design recommendation for installing new wet wells and submersible pumps with improved communications to City facilities. He also coordinated drafting and design of construction drawings, and provided bidding assistance to the owner and contractors. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 13 John M. Friel, PE Process Engineer Mr. Friel is a Project Manager with 21 years of civil and environmental experience working on water and wastewater treatment, stormwater and sewage pumping system design and construction projects with facilities ranging in size from less than 0.01 to 70 mgd. John has YEARS OF EXPERIENCE worked on all phases of project delivery and has prepared water and wastewater system plans and speci“cations, cost estimates, studies, evaluations, reports, and facility plans SEH: 5.5 Industry: 21 utilizing numerous treatment technologies for both municipal and industrial clients. EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Master of Science Lift Station Improvements City of Pine City, Minn. Civil Engineering Project Manager for the lift station improvements to the Hockey and Sauter Lift Stations. University of Minnesota- John provided design, bidding and construction administration services. This project Minneapolis (2007) upgraded and converted two lift stations from above ground to duplex submersible wet well Master of Business and valve vault lift stations. Business Administration DePaul University - Chicago, Ill. Lift Station Demolition and Replacement (Metropolitan Council Environmental Services) (1999) Oakdale, Minn. Bachelor of Science Project Engineer on the demolition and replacement of the existing lift station in Oakdale. Civil Engineering The existing lift station was replaced with a new caisson type lift station the included four Marquette University submersible pumps. Milwaukee, Wis. (1995) Metro Wastewater Facility Vactor Waste Receiving Project (Metropolitan Council REGISTRATIONS/ Environmental Service) St. Paul, Minn. CERTIFICATIONS Project Engineer for the preliminary design of a new vactor waste receiving complex. The Professional Engineer Metro Wastewater Facility Vactor Waste Receiving Project is a design of a new vactor waste in Minnesota (#42130), receiving complex at the largest wastewater treatment facility in Minnesota. The design Wisconsin (#35549-6, 2002), includes the addition of a vactor waste receiving station and building to provide two vactor Illinois (#062.053175, 1999), truck bays to accept vactor waste. and Alaska (#13669, 2012) Water Reclamation Facility Heat Exchanger Replacement City of Sioux Falls, Minn. PROFESSIONAL Project Manager for the replacement of the existing heat exchangers. The project was a ASSOCIATIONS replacement of the existing heat exchangers with new spiral type heat exchangers. Design Minnesota Wastewaters and bidding phase services were included with this project. The project also included Operations Association assistance with equipment procurement for the City to purchase the heat exchangers directly (MWOA) to expedite the construction schedule thereby fast tracking the delivery of the new heat Society for Mining, Metallurgy, exchangers. and Exploration (SME), Twin Cities Chapter Water Reclamation Facility Fats, Oils, and Grease Receiving and Digester Complex Improvements Study City of Sioux Falls, Minn. Water Environment Federation Senior Project Engineer on the water reclamation facility improvement project. The study (WEF) reviewed the existing digester complex and recommended capital improvements related to Central States Water the aging infrastructure. This project also included reviewing the acceptance of food waste Environment Association and fats, oils and grease for co-digestion. (CSWEA) American Water Works Association (AWWA) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 14 Toby P. Muse, PE Civil Engineer Mr. Muse is a Project Manager with 15 years of experience in a variety of municipal engineering projects ranging from capital improvement planning and feasibility stages to “nal construction and project closeout. Project design scopes have included road, trail YEARS OF EXPERIENCE and parking lot rehabilitations, storm water detention and conveyance systems, sanitary SEH: 12 Industry: 15 is responsible for planning/feasibility development, preliminary and “nal design, cost estimating, preparation of plans and speci“cations, and construction observation. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science EXPERIENCE Civil Engineering Water Main and Sanitary and Storm Sewer Planning and Design City of Edina, Minn. University of North Dakota- Project Manager for utility planning, feasibility and design of water main, sanitary sewer Grand Forks (1999) and storm sewer systems in conjunction with the Citys annual neighborhood street reconstruction projects. Project scopes have included utility design utilizing traditional open-CONTINUING EDUCATION cut methods and several trenchless technologies including horizontal directional drill, pipe MicroStation (2003 2004), jacking, and cured-in-place pipe structural lining with pipe diameters ranging from 4-inches SEH to 30-inches. Neighborhoods include the following: AutoCAD 2000 (2000), SEH € Arden Park Trenchless Technology Forum (2005) € 54th Street Minnesota Asphalt Pavement € Minnehaha Woods Association Contractors Workshop (2005) € Richmond Hills Minnesota Public Works € Normandale Association (MPWA) € Southdale First Addition and Woodhill Permeable Pavement Seminar (2005) € Nine Mile Village Cured-In-Place Structural Water Main Lining REGISTRATIONS/ Project Manager for projects that rehabilitated 6-inch to 12-inch water main using Cured-In- CERTIFICATIONS Place Pipe (CIPP) structural water main lining for the following Cities: Professional Engineer in Minnesota (#43364, 2004) € Golden Valley, Minn. PROFESSIONAL € Hutchinson, Minn. ASSOCIATIONS € Fridley, Minn. Minnesota Public Works € Crystal, Minn. Association (MPWA), Member (2003 present) € Coon Rapids, Minn. City Engineers Association of € Marsh“eld, Wisc. Minnesota (CEAM), Member € Wauwatosa, Wisc. (2003 present) € Wausau, Wisc. Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE), Member (2003 present) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 15 Brendan C. Wolohan, EIT Graduate Engineer Mr. Wolohan is an Environmental Engineering graduate from Michigan Technological University. Brendon has experience with Rosemounts Treatment Facility, lift station facility planning, and regional water supply planning for MCES. As a Process Engineer for Aeration YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Industries, Brendan designed new and retro“tted existing sequencing batch reactor (SBR) SEH: 1 and oxidation ditch systems as well as aeration systems for various other wastewater Industry: 3 processes. EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Bachelor of Science Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plan Decommissioning Metropolitan Council, Environmental Engineering Rosemount, Minn. Michigan Technological Graduate Engineer responsible for construction administration for the Pond 3 University, Houghton, Mich. decommissioning project. Brendan coordinated with the Metropolitan Council Environmental (2012) Services (MCES) during the shop drawing review process. REGISTRATIONS/ South Washington County Water Supply Feasibility Study Metropolitan Council CERTIFICATIONS Environmental Services Fundamentals of Engineering Graduate Engineer responsible for preparing water supply alternative plans and cost (EIT) (2013) estimates to assemble in a “nal report. The feasibility study investigates seven potential alternative water supplies for the South Washington County region in the event of reduced PROFESSIONAL groundwater appropriation in the future. ASSOCIATIONS Water Environment Federation Little Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan City of Little Falls, Minn. (WEF), Member (2013-present) Graduate Engineer responsible for preparing a facility plant that evaluates the existing infrastructure at the wastewater facility including two lift stations that send wastewater Central States Water directly to the wastewater facility. Both lift stations and associated forcemain were evaluated Environment Association at projected 20-year design ”ows. Brendan made recommendations for improving the (CSWEA), Member (2013-present) existing lift stations and wastewater processes. Melrose Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Melrose, Minn. Graduate Engineer involved in the upgrade of the Melrose WWTP. The upgrade project involved new mixing equipment in the equalization basin, as well as upgrades to the dissolved air ”oatation thickening (DAFT) tank and centrate piping for the anaerobic digesters. Brendan was responsible for shop drawing and operation & maintenance manual review, coordinating with the Contractor through construction phases of the project. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 16 Ronald B. Leaf, PE Principal/Senior Water Resources Engineer Mr. Leaf is responsible for managing a variety of water resources projects and has extensive experience on stormwater pond and storm sewer system design, comprehensive surface water management planning, ”ood studies and mapping, stormwater ordinances, National YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, stormwater low-impact development practices, and in“ltration practices. SEH: 14 Industry: 23 EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Surface Water Management Plans Master of Science Project Manager and Lead Water Resources Engineer for more than a dozen local surface Agricultural Engineering water management plans including those listed. Key deliverables of these plans include Minor: Civil Engineering assessments of ongoing issues and a prioritized 10-15 year implementation programs that University of Minnesota- identify program activities and improvements. Minneapolis (1994) Bachelor of Science € Burnsville, Minn. Includes Citywide model update Agricultural Engineering € Shoreview, Minn. - Includes Citywide model update University of Minnesota- € Oakdale, Minn. - Includes Citywide model update Minneapolis (1992) € Chanhassen, Minn. - Includes Citywide model update € Long Lake, Minn. - Includes Citywide model update CONTINUING EDUCATION € Vadnais Heights, Minn. Annual Water Resources € Arden Hills, Minn. Conference (2001-20015) € Maplewood, Minn. € Roseville, Minn. Annual Minnesota Erosion Control Association Annual Lake Elmo Regional Drainage Study Washington County, Minn. Conference (2005-2015) As part of this multi-phase project to implement transportation improvements in the area, REGISTRATIONS/ SEH analyzed and developed an overall drainage and storm water treatment system plan CERTIFICATIONS that would reduce historic ”ooding in the downtown area, serve the immediate project needs and serve future development projects in the area. The design included a regional in“ltration Professional Engineer in basin and XP-SWMM analysis of a proposed 60 inch diameter trunk line need to reduce the Minnesota (#24411, 1996) downtown ”ooding. Water Resources Management Plan City of Burnsville, Minn. The Plan included an update of the City-wide hydrologic model and establishes a 15-year, $25 million Capital Improvement Plan for addressing goals and activities of more than 24 implementation topics. South Annexation Utilities Improvement City of Cannon Falls, Minn. Ron was responsible for the evaluation and preliminary design for the Dow and Floyd Street storm sewer; hydrologic modeling and design in near the Anderson property; South Pines storm sewer and pond modeling and design; ponding and pipe sizing at the wastewater treatment plant. Industrial Park Stormwater Plan City of Worthington, Minn. The project required coordinating review of the project with two local watershed districts having jurisdiction in the project area and assessing the function of the existing stormwater pond located in the ”ood plain. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 17 Relevant Experience and References Relevant Experience and References FIRM BACKGROUND SEH is a 100% employee-owned company providing engineering, architectural, planning, and environmental services to public and private clients throughout the country. SEH has more than 700 continues to grow in size and abilities by anticipating and meeting client expectations. Our clients rely on our comprehensive services to address the variety of issues that can arise on each project. To do this requires a clear communication plan and an understanding of the concerns and goals of each project from the clients perspective. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDYSHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 18 WATER ENGINEERING SEH assists water providers with our comprehensive range of water services. From comprehensive planning and treatment evaluations through design and start-up of new water facilities, our specialists customize solutions to your communitys water needs. From well siting studies and water quality evaluations through the design and start-up of water treatment facilities and water storage towers, SEH engineers and scientists develop effective solutions to address all of your water needs. Our experience includes: € Wells and water supply € Water treatment € Water storage € Water distribution € Water utility planning and rate studies € Funding acquisition Weve designed more than 60 water treatment facilities in the past 10 years. Whether a 20 mgd surface water treatment facility or a 100 gallon per minute well, our engineers design ways to address the challenges of each. SANITARY AND STORM SEWER ENGINEERING planning, evaluation and design (force main and gravity pipe), gravity ”ow monitoring, interceptor system rehabilitation, force main rehabilitation and ”ow meter rehabilitation/replacement. Final design and rehabilitation services include: € New interceptor evaluation and design force main and gravity € Interceptor system rehabilitation € Force main rehabilitation € Permanent ”ow meter rehabilitation/replacement € Lift station Capital planning and evaluation services include: € Temporary gravity ”ow monitoring € Sanitary sewer hydraulic modeling € CCTV pipe review and evaluations € Pipe risk assessments/asset management plans € Lift station evaluations CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 19 Water System Comprehensive PlanEast Range Joint Water System Preliminary Engineering Report City of Anoka, Minn. Water system master plan for the City of Anoka. City of Biwabik, Minn. Recommendations for the renovation of Wells 1 and 2 and Preliminary engineering report to investigate the feasibility Water Treatment Plant 1/2, and provided recommendations of combining the water systems of Biwabik, Aurora and Hoyt for water system operation to maintain compliance with MDH Lakes. This project included identifying alternative water radium standards. sources, treatment and distribution of treated water to each community. TH 53 Utility Relocation City of Virginia, Minn. Midway Booster Station and trunk water main relocation e 41stAv WELL NOS. 6 & 8 work associated with the Trunk Highway 53 relocation project. Included hydraulic analysis for over 10,000 ft. of 38Ln th 12 in. and 14 in. high density polyethylene water main. Also LundBlvd 38th Ave lvd WeaverB WATER TOWER NO.2CarlAve WontWELL NO.7 provided design of the new Midway Booster Station a 600 ils S WATER TOWER NO.3 NorwoodAve gpm pump station with a discharge pressure of 220 psi. II I RooseveltSt GarfieldStW Garfield St E StateSt WELL NOS. 1 & 2 Jo hnsonSt MarSt tin Pleasant St RiversBluffLn NorthSt Church St NorthSt WELL NOS. 4 & 5 Polkt S BobEh lenDr BeanSt Harrison St WesternLn VanB urenSt Dou glasSt Van Buren St ParkSt GolfSt JacksonSt MonroeSt BentonSt MadisonSt WATER TOWER NO.1 Rice St AdamsSt WELL NO.3 Legend New Trunk Water Main Water Main Looping Existing 4-inch Main (Upsize) Existing Main Caculated Available Fire Flow (gpm) <500 500-1000 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-2,500 2,500-3,000 3,000-3,500 This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey map and is not intended to be used as 3,500+ one. This map is a compilation of records, information, and data gathered from various sources listed on this map and is to be used for reference purposes only. SEH does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and SEH does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking, or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The user of this map acknowledges that SEH shall not be liable for any damages which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. REFERENCE Mark Anderson Public Works Superintendent 763.576.2921 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 20 Water Treatment Plant Systems Water Treatment Facility Needs Improvements Assessments and Improvements Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority, Charlottesville, Va. Apple Valley, Minn. Over the past 27 years, SEH team members have worked Since 2012, SEH has been working on a variety of aspects to with the City of Apple Valley on planning and implementing help the RWSA with its water treatment plant improvements solutions to their water treatment facility needs. planning. These older conventional surface water treatment plants are in need of upgrades to many of the unit Currently, Miles is the program manager providing planning, operations and unit process to improve operations, reliability design and construction services required to expand this iron and reduce DBP production. and manganese removal plant to 24 mgd. REFERENCE Carol Blommel Johnson Utility Superintendent 952.953.2441 REFERENCE Dave Tungate Water Manager 434.973.0870 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 21 Comprehensive Water System Plan and Cedar Comprehensive Plan Development Grove Redevelopment Analysis North“eld, Minn. Eagan, Minn. (Personal experience for Mark Wallis) SEH was retained by the City of North“eld to develop a comprehensive plan for water and sanitary sewer extension Mark Wallis was the project manager for the Comprehensive for a “ve and twenty year capital improvement plan. The Water Supply and Distribution Plan, which was done in plan addressed and identi“ed concerns in their existing collaboration with an update of the City Comprehensive utilities and developed a plan for future growth. Individual Plan and updates to the sanitary sewer and storm sewer system-wide water and sanitary sewer hydraulic models master plans. The focus of the plan was to evaluate how to were used to determine existing and future wastewater ”ow best provide municipal utility service to the remaining areas estimates based on current and future land use and the of potential development/redevelopment within the City. evaluation of the hydraulic capacity of the collection system. Since Eagan was nearing full development of the City, special emphasis was given to proper sizing of the last trunk water mains, wells, treatment, and water towers required to serve ultimate development. Mark continued in an advisory role to the City as development questions were posed. Examples include the southeast water tower siting analysis, golf course redevelopment, and the Cedar Grove redevelopment analysis. The Cedar Grove analysis included a thorough comparison of existing water use and “re ”ows to required water demands for the proposed redevelopment, modeling of pipe sizes, and determination of pressure zone modi“cations required to provide the desired level of service for the proposed redevelopment. REFERENCE Russ Matthys, PE Public Works Director 651.675.5646 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 22 Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System PlanComprehensive Storm, Sanitary and Water Utility Planning Coon Rapids, Minn. University of Minnesota Facilities Management (Saint Paul SEH delivered a “ve (5) part study of the City of Coon Campus) Rapids Sanitary Sewer System which included a prioritized “ve year capital improvement plan to address identi“ed The University of Minnesota needed to study its storm, system needs. The key components of the study included sanitary and water system networks on the Saint Paul a community planning overview, system inventory and Campus to make policy and “nancial decisions regarding capacity analysis, comprehensive evaluation of system future improvement projects listed in their 6-year Capital needs, development of an operation and maintenance plan Improvement Plan. The university also needed the study to and capital improvement plan.guide them in future operation and maintenance of their utility infrastructure. The plan included constructing models of all three utility networks form both paper records and data collected in the “eld, analyzing the existing network under existing ”ow and demand conditions, estimated room, building use and areas, and usage descriptions provided by the university. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 23 Comprehensive Sewer Plan DevelopmentRegional Drainage Study and Design Washington County, Lake Elmo, Minn. Golden Valley, Minn. The Regional Drainage Plan evaluated options and identi“ed As part of Golden Valleys overall comprehensive plan, SEH an overall framework that would allow the County to was retained to evaluate the City of Golden Valley sanitary meet stormwater management needs for the pending sewer collection system as required under the Metropolitan transportation improvements, would begin addressing the historic ”ooding issues, and allow the City to address Saint Paul greater metro area. The sanitary sewer collection stormwater management for future improvement projects system review included a system-wide hydraulic model as well as redevelopment projects in the Village Center. using MWH Soft InfoSWMM software to determine existing and future wastewater ”ow estimates based on current and More than 20 future conditions scenarios were evaluated to future land use and the evaluation of the hydraulic capacity understand the potential ”ood reduction bene“ts that could of the collection system. In addition, the plan included a be obtained in the Village Center Area. review of all city operations and maintenance policies and procedures, in”ow and in“ltration program documentation, and development of a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Wildflower the next 10 years. at Lake Elmo Village North Minneapolis Design Flow Evaluation Preserve 4 (Parcel B) Minneapolis, Minn. Schiltgen Parcel A 2 SEH developed an XP-SWMM hydraulic model for a 1,100- 3 acre sewershed in northeast Minneapolis (Bryn Mawr, Irving/ Schiltgen 7 Currie and Dupont Avenue sewersheds) to determine design Parcel C Potential 1 Future Potential Potential Pond 5 ”ow rates from three areas served by the old 1-MN-320 Future Future 6 Pond Pond MCES interceptor. The project team calibrated the hydraulic Easton Village model using water records and a network of “ve Isco Model 2150 and ADFM ”ow meters to isolate dry weather and wet weather ”ow conditions from the three sewersheds. The Legend Village Park Preserve team installed a temporary 120-degree V-notch weir in a Proposed Storm Sewer Existing Flow Path section of the old MCES interceptor (an 86-inch pipe formed Downs Lake Subwatersheds from limestone rock and concrete) to capture daily low and Goetschel Pond Diversion Area Sunfish Lake Diversion Area potential peak ”ow rates. Proposed Developments Village Center Redevelopment Area The XP-SWMM model was used as a design tool to 01,3002,600650 Feet evaluate the ”ow parameters necessary to remove the old interceptor redesign from service. The sanitary sewer collection system incorporate two new lift stations and REFERENCE rehabilitated the Dupont Avenue sewer to divert ”ow into Frank Ticknor, PE the new I-MN-320 MCES interceptor. A six-month ”ow 651.430.4319 monitoring period was completed to recover multiple wet frank.ticknor@co.washington.mn.us weather events to determine the current impacts of in”ow and in“ltration on the sewershed. The project which was completed in coordination with MCES, facilitated a transfer in the operation and maintenance requirements of the old interceptor. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 24 Regional Pond Analysis and DesignsSurface Water Management Plan Update Minnesota River Quadrant, City of Burnsville, Minn.City of Vadnais Heights, Minn. The Minnesota River Quadrant (MRQ) is approximately Key deliveragbles for this SWMP included an update to the 825 acres situated in the northwest corner of the City of Citys volume control requirements of the three watershed Burnsville. In January 2006, the City of Burnsville prepared districts (Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District, a future development concept for the MRQ that details Valley Branch Watershed District, and South Watershed the future land use, road locations and conceptual pond District). One of the CIP items created after the plan was sizes and locations. SEH took this concept and developed completed was a GIS-based database of model results for an overall assessment of stormwater management and incorporation into the Citys asset management system. treatment opportunities in the quadrant. Basins were sized REFERENCE to meet rate controls for the 2, 10, and 100-year peak ”ow conditions and to achieve 90% Total Suspended Solids Mark Graham (TSS) and 60% Total Phosphorous (TP) removal from the 651.204.6050 storm water. In“ltration is not an option due to the location mark.graham@cityvadnaisheights.com of the area in a zone of high vulnerability for groundwater contamination. SEH has used that plan as the basis to complete “nal design of three regional basins, two of which have been constructed and one which is beginning construction in November 2015. REFERENCE Ryan Peterson, PE 952.895.4459 ryan.peterson@ci.burnsville,mn,us CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 25 Fees and Hourly Rates Fees and Hourly Rates The fees on the following worksheet include approximately $5,000 for review of existing design methodology. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EAST SIDE UTILITIES STUDY SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 26 2012111313 465101. .01411.02.06342690. 00$760.00$160.00$4,567.0000$760.00$160.00$4,567.0000$456.00$0.00$3,348.0000$456.00$0.00$2,806.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00470.00$912.00$0.00$6,154.0000$304.00$0.00$6,469.00$0.00$304.00$0.00$5,132.0000$304. 00$0.00$2,080.00$3,360.00$912.00$0.00$13,681.00$160.00$717.0000$760.00$320.00$3,339.0000$456.00$480.00$2,703.00$0.00$152.00$240.00$944.00$0.00$0.00$160.00$3,400.00 QA/QCPMSenior P.E.Senior P.E.P.EP.ESenior P.E.P.E.Graduate EngineerGIS AnalystAdmin $224$160$213$196$114$131$164$100$105$152$80 JensenWallisVan NoteLeafKatzenbergerOstendorfFrielMuseWolohanCarlson$131.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$152.00 00$131.00$164.00$400.00$1,155.00$131.00$164.00$400.00$1,155. 00$393.00$656.00$0.00$1,470.$524.00$1,148.00$600.00$3,360. $0.00$0.00$0.00$600.00$0.00$262.00$492.00$0.00$0.00$262.00$164.00$0.00$0. 710.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0. 710.00$393.00$656.00$0.00$1, 964.00$0.00$0.00$1,000.00964.00$524.00$1,148.00$2,200.00 $228.00$0.00$164.00$0.00 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$912.00$1,048.00$0.00$0.00 1.0 $0.00$160.00$0.00$0.00$114.00 $0.00$320.00$213.00$0.00$0.00 $224.00$480.00$213.00$196.00$684.$224.00$480.00$213.00$196.00$684.$0.00$640.00$213.00$196.00$456.$224.00$480.00$213.00$196.00$228. $0.00$160.00$213.00$0.00$0. $0.00$640.00$0.00$0.00$1,$0.00$800.00$213.00$0.00$1, $224.00$640.00$0.00$0.00$2,$224.00$960.00$213.00$1,176.00$2, $0.00$0.00$0.00$1,176.00 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$160.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$1,280.00$0.00$0.00 1.0 Project Name: East Side Utilities Study SEH Project #: ROSEM P-134715Project Manager: Mark Wallis, P.E. Client: Rosemount, MN Role / Staff Billing Rate1 - Update East Side Land Use, Growth Projections, and Summarize population projections & design flows Date: 11/10/2015 Review Land Use, Population Projections, Flow Compare existing storm sewer plan to proposedIdentify potential trunk pipe and pond locations Submit draft electronically for City concurrence Recommend pipe and ponding easement size Description of facilities required to serve GRE GRE site water supply, storage, distribution Evaluate supply and storage requirements East Side Ultimate System Map (Sanitary) Description of East Side ultimate facilities Ultimate lift station and forcemain sizing East Side Existing System map (Sanitary) Existing maximum day analysis with GREUpdate draft maps with staff comments Review Growth Projections and PhasingUpdate Water and sanitary sewer flowsDescription of existing East Side utilitiesEast Side Ultimate System Map (Water) Update East Side sanitary sewer modelEast Side Ultimate System Map (Storm) East Side Existing System map (Water) East Side Existing System map (Storm) Description of adequacy to serve GREIncorporate staff comments into text Update existing system water model Update sanitary sewer service areas Review existing model methodology Water Supply & Distribution System Review existing model methodology Water Supply & Distribution System Maximum day and fire flow analysis Printing - at cost if desired by City Update East Side water demands Phasing Recommendations & CIP No analysis required for existing 2 - Analysis of Existing Utility Systems GRE site sanitary sewer analysis Update East Side Land Use Map Allocate East Side design flows 3 - Utility System Recommendations Create ultimate system modelCreate ultimate system model East Side Land Use map figure Review Existing Utility Studies Determine existing capacity Compile PDF of final report Phasing RecommendationsPhasing Recommendations GRE sewer extension sizingCreate static pressure map Ultimate trunk pipe sizingUltimate trunk pipe sizing Task Labor Fee SummaryTask Labor Fee SummaryTask Labor Fee Summary Existing fire flow analysis Tech Memo (see below) Sanitary Sewer SystemSanitary Sewer System Task Hours SummaryTask Hours SummaryTask Hours Summary Cost Estimates & CIP Subtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesStorm Sewer SystemSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesStorm Sewer SystemSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor FeesSubtotal Labor Fees Progress Meeting 1Progress Meeting 2 Technical Memo 1Technical Memo 2 Review Land Use Subtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal HoursSubtotal Hours Cost Estimates Draft Report Final Report Projections Meetings Design Flows 4 - Report 1.14.2 engineering planning environmental construction 477 Temperance Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Tel: 651-286-8450 Fax: 651-286-8488 November 6, 2015 Mr. Pat Wrase Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount th 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Revised Proposal and Fee Estimate for Professional Engineering Services East Side Utilities Study City of Rosemount, MN Dear Mr. Wrase: WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) is pleased to present this revised proposal to the City of Rosemount (City) to provide professional engineering services as they relate to updating the existing Comprehensive Plans (Plans) for the water, wastewater, and stormwater systems as they relate to the East Side Utilities Study. Our original proposal to study the water and wastewater th systems was submitted to City Staff on April 10, 2015. We appreciate that you have provided us the opportunity to update our original proposal to reflect the expanded requirements of the Request for Proposal (RFP). In addition to studying the water and wastewater utilities for the East Side as originally proposed, the current RFP also requires the stormsewer utilities to be studied for this area. The east service area development includes the areas along County Road 42 and east of Highway 52. The City of Rosemount anticipates a majority of the continued development will occur within the eastern portion of the City as there are very few developable acres remaining in the western portion of the City. To accommodate the east service area development, the current water, wastewater, and stormsewer systems will need to be evaluated to create a systematic plan detailing the following: 1.The minimum infrastructure required to initially begin development within the east service area; and, 2.The ultimate water, wastewater, and stormsewer system infrastructure to accommodate full build out. The updated Plans will be completed by relying on as much information as possible from the 2009 Plan to maximize efficiencies and minimize cost. It will be completed based on the project understanding and detailed work plan as outlined on the following pages. The Plan will document the following within the east service area development: Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com C:\\Users\\gjohnson\\Desktop\\Projects\\Rosemount\\East Side Utilities Study\\Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Proposal.docx Mr. Pat Wrase November 6, 2015 Page 2 1.Determine the demand increase for peak water demand as well as determine location and volume of wastewater generated by initial and ultimate development (based on projected land use); 2.Update the 2030 water system plan accounting for the revised peaking factor, updated future developable areas included in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and updated growth projections; 3.Identify wastewater and stormsewer infrastructure necessary to collect and convey wastewater and stormwater flows generated by existing and future initial and ultimate development; 4.Update computer model of the existing and future water system (WaterCAD) to determine the most effective way to extend infrastructure to the east service area developments; 5.Develop cost estimates for the planned infrastructure and update the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) based on the updated future water, wastewater, and stormsewer systems; and 6.Evaluate development fees and utility rates necessary to fund the updated CIP. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING As described above, the next area within the City to be developed is the east service area development (East Side). To systematically plan for these developments, ensuring the water, wastewater, and stormsewer systems are appropriately sized, it has been recommended to update the 2009 Comprehensive Plans accordingly. Smaller service areas plans for both the proposed utilities are typically required based on the City’s overall Comprehensive Plans to ensure the Plans that were developed for City-Wide planning are applicable and more detailed for the smaller service area. Since the 2009 Plan was completed, phasing changes have occurred within the potential developable area in the east development area in the City. Therefore, the 2009 Plan can be updated to accommodate the known phasing. This is important because it may affect the size and number of wells, towers, and water mains, and the development fees necessary to fund those improvements as well as the location and number of lift stations required to service these areas. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB’s project scope and proposed work plan is based on our understanding of the project and experience on similar projects. The following are the major tasks that will be performed in preparing the update to the City’s Comprehensive Plans for the water, wastewater, and stormsewer systems. Task 1: Project Management and Coordination Project management is a key task included in each project undertaken by WSB. This task consists of management, project coordination, and communication with the City on the project. Proper completion of this task will help keep all affected parties routinely updated and informed regarding project challenges as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. The proposed work plan will include four (4) meetings with City staff and will include the following: C:\\Users\\gjohnson\\Desktop\\Projects\\Rosemount\\East Side Utilities Study\\Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Proposal.docx Mr. Pat Wrase November 6, 2015 Page 3 Kickoff Meeting: Meet with City staff to reach consensus on the future land use plan to be used, boundaries of future development, water demands, wastewater flow projections; and stormsewer flow ad volume projections; Status Meeting No. 1: Meet with City staff to review type, locations, and sizes of recommended future service laterals, interceptor sewers, lift stations, stormsewers, wells, water towers, and other important infrastructure; : Status Meeting No. 2Meet with City staff to present final report; Council Meeting: Presentation to City Council. Task 2: Data Collection and Existing Water and Wastewater System Evaluation Task 2.1: Project kickoff meeting with City staff to review project plan, discuss data necessary to be collected, review land use plan, establish future service area boundaries, and develop water, wastewater, and stormsewer flow projections. Task 2.2: Review previously completed projects to account for previous water and sewer service planning efforts as a part of the Plan. Task 2.3: The City’s existing GIS database for the water system will be updated and brought into WaterCAD. The City’s existing GIS database for the wastewater system will be updated and used for the wastewater system evaluation. Task 2.4: Data will be collected to aid in the calibration process for the existing system evaluations. Hydrant flow testing will be utilized within the WaterCAD model. Pump down and refill tests will be completed at each of the existing lift stations are performing adequately and consistent with pump curves. Task 2.5: Existing water demands and resulting sanitary sewer flows based on lift station pumping records, existing land use, and existing flow meter data will be correlated to allocate demands and flows to each existing land use or sewer shed for each of the proposed utilities, respectively. Task 2.6: Both the WaterCAD model and wastewater evaluation of the existing systems will be updated and verified based on estimated demands and flows from each land use or sewer shed. Task 2.7: Review the 2030 Land uses and make any necessary updates to the Fully Development conditions assumptions in the existing City Wide Stormwater Model. Task 2.8: The evaluations will be reviewed to locate any capacity deficiencies within the existing systems. For the stormwater analysis, WSB will Review the 2030 Land use changes within the Eastern Service Area in the City to identify any updates necessary to the fully development condition runoff volumes in the existing City Wide Stormwater Model. C:\\Users\\gjohnson\\Desktop\\Projects\\Rosemount\\East Side Utilities Study\\Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Proposal.docx Mr. Pat Wrase November 6, 2015 Page 4 Assuming the Vermillion River Watershed stormwater model update is completed before the end of this project, WSB will evaluate if alternate routing to new intercommunity discharge locations will have any significant impacts on the assumptions used in the current stormwater management plan. If modifications are needed they will be summarized in the final report to be reviewed and incorporated into the upcoming stormwater management plan update. Task 3: Future Water Demand and Wastewater Flow Projections Task 3.1: Existing land use and topography will be analyzed to determine proposed water demands and wastewater and stormsewer flows within the east development area. Task 3.2: Based on existing water distribution piping and sanitary sewer depths and ground elevations of future service areas, water distribution areas and sanitary sewer sheds will be developed to minimize required infrastructure. Task 3.3: Calculate water demand and wastewater and stormsewer flow projections for each of the City’s future land uses and sewer sheds. Task 3.4: Meet with City staff to reach consensus on existing system flows, future flow projections, assumptions, and existing systems deficiencies. Task 4: Updated Ultimate Water and Wastewater System Evaluations Task 4.1: Based on existing topography and sewer shed boundaries, the existing sanitary sewer system will be expanded to model the updated sewer extensions and wastewater flows. WSB will develop an updated wastewater evaluation spreadsheet to serve the potential developments in the east development area. Task 4.2: Verify potential future water treatment needs based on existing well raw water quality data. If raw water quality indicates a treatment plant may need to be constructed to provide finished water quality similar to other Metro communities, water treatment will be incorporated into the updated model. Task 4.3: Evaluate and make recommendations regarding the type, locations, and sizes of future trunk mains for both the water and wastewater systems as well as other necessary infrastructure such as water towers, wells, booster pumps, and lift stations required to meet the future projections. Task 4.4: The 2030 system water model developed as part of the 2009 Plan will be modified to model future extensions and demands and flows to serve future land use as developed in Task 3. Task 4.5: Modify existing Fully Developed Condition Stormwater Model. WSB will complete updates to the 2030 land uses changes in the existing Stormwater Model based findings from Task 2.8. C:\\Users\\gjohnson\\Desktop\\Projects\\Rosemount\\East Side Utilities Study\\Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Proposal.docx Mr. Pat Wrase November 6, 2015 Page 5 Task 4.6: Evaluate and recommend stormwater corridors and ROW requirements . WSB will review the existing Stormwater Management Plan proposed regional basin locations and trunk storm sewer alignments to provide recommendations for stormwater corridors and right of way requirements. Task 5: Cost Estimates and Funding Projections Task 5.1: Prepare a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) for the water and wastewater systems. The plan will include construction cost estimates for each improvement based on present day values. Task 5.2: Based on the construction cost estimates necessary to complete the construction of the updated systems for future development in the east development area in the City and land available for development, development fees and utility rates will be projected. These projections will not account for any of the City’s existing liabilities, but will identify the potential fee and rate increases necessary for funding the 2030 CIP. Task 6: Comprehensive Plan Updates Report Task 6.1: Prepare a draft report for both the water, wastewater, and stormsewer systems updates incorporating our findings. Task 6.2: Review the draft reports with City staff. Task 6.3: Present the updated Plans to City Council. Task 6.4: Finalize plan reports based on City staff comments and provide 10 copies to the City. The final reports will include a description of the work completed, assumptions made, and a figure showing the existing and future water, wastewater, and stormsewer systems. FEE WSB will complete the proposed work plan as proposed herein on an hourly basis with a not-to- exceed fee of $35,923.00. The hourly breakdown by task for each employee class proposed for the project is located on the attached spreadsheet. The proposed fee is based on our 2015 rate schedule. SCHEDULE WSB will complete the Plan Updates within 6 months of receipt of a written authorization. This represents our total understanding of the project and proposed scope of services. If you are in agreement with the scope of services, please have the City block of this letter signed and return a copy to WSB. Our receipt of an executed copy will be WSB’s authorization to proceed. Should the City request additional services outside of the above scope of services, we will work with you to establish a revised scope and fee. Please contact me at your convenience 651-286- C:\\Users\\gjohnson\\Desktop\\Projects\\Rosemount\\East Side Utilities Study\\Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Proposal.docx Mr. Pat Wrase November 6, 2015 Page 6 8466 if you have any questions or concerns relating to this proposal as presented. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and your staff with the completion of the Plan updates. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Greg F. Johnson, PE Water/Wastewater Group Manager Attachments cc: Andy Brotzler, WSB & Associates, Inc. Mitch Hatcher, WSB & Associates, Inc. Leslee Storlie, WSB & Associates, Inc. ACCEPTED: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Date: C:\\Users\\gjohnson\\Desktop\\Projects\\Rosemount\\East Side Utilities Study\\Rosemount East Side Utilities Study Proposal.docx