HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a Minutes from 20151027 meetingPLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2015 PAGE 1 Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, October 27, 2015. Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners Kenninger, VanderWiel, Kurle, Henrie, and Freeman. Commissioner Forster was absent. Also in attendance were Planner Lindahl, Community Development Director Lindquist, Project Engineer Hatcher, and Recording Secretary Roudebush. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Additions to Agenda: None Audience Input: None Consent Agenda: a. Approval of the August 25, 2015 Meeting Minutes MOTION by Kenninger. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Public Hearing: 5.a. Request by Js Quad, LLC for a preliminary plat, final plat, and planned unit development to allow construction of a restaurant facility with a drive through. (15-32-PUD, 15-33-PP, 15-34-FP, 15-35-CUP, 15-36- PUD) Planner Lindahl summarized the staff report for the Planning Commission. Chair Miller inquired about the distance between the sidewalk and drive-through. Lindahl stated the distance was thirteen feet on southern side and closer to the drive through six feet and with three feet. on north side. Miller also inquired if sidewalks would connect though the drive-through lane. Planner Lindahl stated it would likely go through the northern point of drive-through which would be a stopping point for cars or the cars would be traveling at a significantly reduced speed. He noted that it would be similar to the Starbuck’s sidewalk that is at about 25 ft. from the drive though lane. Commissioner Kurle asked for clarification about the fence and landscaping. Lindahl stated that black hills spruce would be too big in the space designated and staff has asked the applicant to propose new plantings that would be a better fit. The applicant will fill the gap in the fence to create a continuous 6 ft. tall fence for screening along with trees and shrubbery. Commissioner Kenninger inquired if the drive-through could face south to avoid headlights on the CDA property. Lindahl stated a condition of approval requires additional landscaping to create a screen for the CDA housing. Kenninger also verified that the site is narrower than the Starbuck’s site. Lindahl stated the plan proposed is the best placement for residential to the west, to place the restaurant as far away as possible. He also stated that stacking requires the traffic pattern to wrap around the building and prevent blocking parking. Commissioner Henrie expressed his concern that a drive-through would not meet the goals the city has for the downtown district. He also inquired how pedestrian improvements would be addressed for crossing Hwy 3 as well as how it would tie in with historic features. Lindahl stated that walkability is important in the downtown district; building businesses as close to Hwy 3 as possible to access the trail system, and incorporating sidewalks within property for connectivity. The proposed building would reflect history by exceeding building material requirements for Downtown District and incorporate more PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2015 PAGE 2 architectural requirements. Lindahl referenced the submitted plans by the applicant showing the details of the building and architectural accents. Commissioner VanderWiel inquired if a drive-through was a conditional use in the downtown district. Lindahl stated it is a conditional use in Downtown district, but only for banks. In this case, staff recommends approval of the drive-through use through the planned unit development approval. The public hearing was opened at 7:11 pm. John Laundenbach, the applicant, along with his daughter Amanda Brammel and son Matt Laundenbach were present to answer any questions. Mr. Laundenbach expressed how his family business would be a benefit to the community and talked about how they would be good neighbors. They also explained how they give back to the community and want to create jobs within the city. They also spoke of the Eagan location they just took over and have already drastically improved the reputation there. Chair Miller expressed concerns about the closeness of the drive-through to Hwy 3. Mr. Laundenbach stated that at lunch time about 50% of business is done through drive through but at dinner it falls to about 30%. Dinner time brings in more sit down customers. Pat Sarver, the Architect from Civil Site Group clarified the set back is not three feet to the sidewalk but 20 feet. The drive-through is three to ten feet from the front property line. The existing sidewalk on Hwy 3 is located within the right of way. Chair Miller inquired why the site will have double the amount of parking spots required. Mr. Laundenbach stated that they often hold different events to bring in business that need more parking. They also stated that at their West St. Paul location all spots are used during peak times. Miller also inquired about the hours of operation. The applicant stated the hours of operation will be 10 am -10 pm. Commissioner Freeman expressed her concerns about exhaust from cooking. Mr. Laundenbach stated that low profile vent hood removes 85% of build up and smell. Commissioner Henrie stated he is excited to have Culvers in Rosemount, but there is concern about the PUD and drive- through. He inquired if other locations were looked at. Mr. Laundenbach stated that they haven’t looked at too many other sites as they wanted to be Downtown. The public hearing was opened at 7:32 pm. Public comments: Jim Klatt, 14770 Cambrian Ave, stated that he previously had many questions but they have been answered by staff and the applicant. Some of his concerns were screening, trash, and the location of drive through. He is pleasantly surprised the way the property will be developed. He has seen Hwy 3 grow throughout the years and has been worried about what would become of the site. After hearing about the family and what they will bring he is excited to welcome them and not lose more business to Apple Valley. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Henrie. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 7:35 pm. Additional Comments: Community Development Lindquist gave a brief history of the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount and its purpose to bring in more retail and residential. The Port Authority has owned the property since 2006. The only other potential purchase was for a medical clinic that fell through. The Port Authority hasn’t entered into the agreement PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2015 PAGE 3 lightly. The initial intention was to not have a drive-through in downtown; however it is a use that would be welcome in the community. The best decision was to do a PUD vs. a text amendment so that the city can control which businesses are allowed in the district. Staff feels this is a good use for downtown that will drive people to go Downtown. She agreed that there are competing goals, which is not ideal, but the project will achieve a lot of the goals found in the adopted Framework. Chair Miller inquired if there has been any discussion about moving the building further back to add additional screening. Lindahl stated that the proposed positioning is the best placement due to proximity to residential neighbors, ensuring that the drive lane doesn’t block traffic, and optimizing pedestrian access points. Commissioner Kenninger inquired what type of trees will buffer the drive-through from Hwy 3. Lindahl stated that it will be a deciduous bush about 4 ft. tall, slightly smaller than what Starbucks currently has. The ordinance requirement is for a four foot tall species to screen the base of the car from pedestrians, but not completely block the drive-through and to create a screen. Kenninger also reiterated the distance from parking to sidewalk along the Hwy 3 to address commissioners concerns about proximity to Hwy 3. Lindahl stated that given the requirements for buffer area, parking spaces, drive lanes and building the layout is spaced at its optimum location. Kenninger also inquired if the drive through screening extended north of drive-through window, and could it be extended further north. Lindahl stated that a condition of approval requires the applicant to extend screening along the entire drive -through. Commissioner Kurle stated that he doesn’t have the same concerns as other commissioners. He feels that the applicant went the extra mile to address concerns of neighbors and feels Culvers will fit the feel of the area. His only concern is the lights shining on the CDA Housing, but it is being addressed. Commissioner Henrie is torn, loves the look and layout but is concerned about the walkability of the location and the amount of drive-through business. He feels it compromises the vision for the Downtown District. He recommends that the vision for downtown be updated so it is clear what the Council is looking for. Commissioner VanderWiel also struggles but would vote to recommend approval. The neighbors are in favor of Culvers. Leaving the lot undeveloped isn’t benefiting the city and adding Culvers will bring in business to the Downtown. Motion by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat, subject to conditions: a. The applicant to submit copies of the cross access easements with both the Dakota County CDA and Master Transmission. b. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memo dated October 22, 2015. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 2 Henrie and Miller. Motion passes. Henrie and Miller voted no because a drive-though doesn’t align with initial vision of the city as found in the Framework. 2. Motion by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat, subject to conditions: a. City Council approval of the preliminary plat. b. Conformance with all requirements of the Preliminary Plat. Second by VanderWiel. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2015 PAGE 4 Ayes: 4. Nays: 2, Henrie and Miller. Motion passes. 3. Motion by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve a PUD Master Development Plan and Rezoning from DT- Downtown to DT – Downtown PUD allowing construction of a 4,310 square foot restaurant with a drive through facility, subject to conditions: a. City Council approval of the preliminary and final plat. b. The applicant shall revise the site plan to provide formal sidewalk connections from the building to the parking lot and the public sidewalk along South Robert Trail. c. The applicant shall submit a revised landscape plan adding 3 additional trees, modifying the landscaping along the western property line, and installing additional evergreen plantings to screen the Dakota County senior housing site from the drive through, and increasing shrubbery adjacent to the drive through in the east. d. Submission of a landscape security equal to 110% of the proposed landscaping in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. e. Signs shall be approved through a separate permit. f. Approval of a revised lighting plan consistent with the exterior lighting standards for the DT – Downtown district. g. Approval of Site Plan by MN Dot. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 2 Henrie and Miller. Motion passes 4. Motion by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve a PUD Final Site and Building Plan allowing construction of a 4,310 square foot restaurant with a drive through facility, subject to conditions: a. Conformance with all requirements of the PUD Master Development Plan and Rezoning. Second by Kurle. Ayes: 4. Nays: 2, Henrie and Miller. Motion passes Old Business: None New Business: 7.a. Public Storage Facility and Booster Station (15-41-IN) Community Development Director Lindquist gave an overview of future plans for the public water storage facility Commissioners commented they like the look of option 3 as it most closely aligns with the current look of Fire Station 2. Reports: Ms. Lindquist inquired about meeting dates for the remainder of 2015 and the possibility of needing to move the dates if needed. Commissioners stated that November would not be an issue and will address timing for the December meeting at November meeting. Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson Miller adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Roudebush, Recording Secretary