HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151116 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION
November 16, 2015
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount was called to order on November 16, 2015, at 5:31 p.m. in the Conference Room of the
City Hall,2875 145`'' Street West, Rosemount.
President Speich called the meeting to order with Coininissioners Connolly and 1�1cDonald,
Rosemount 1�layor Droste,Public Works Director Wrase, Ciry rldministrator Johnson, Council
Member Demuth, and Recording Secretary Kladar attending.
Motion by Speich. Second by Connolly.
Motion to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2015 Utility Cotnmission meeting.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
6.a. MCES Water Conservation Grant
Wrase provided an overview of the new MCES Water Conservauon Grant Program. MCES has
$250,000 available to be awarded to municipalities making an effort to reduce potable water
consumption. Grant funding co�ets 75% of the program costs and municipalities would be
required to match 25% of the allocated amount. The 25% match would come from the Rosemount
Water Utiliry Fund. The funds may be used as rebates toward the purchase of low-flow toilets,
Energy Star-rated washing machines and WaterSense irrigation controllers. City Council approved
moving fonvard with this grant application at the recent work session and the item is on the
upcoming City� Council agenda.
Wrase advised that he is modeling the program after Eden Prairie's e�isting program but more
research can be done before rolling out the program to adjust rebates if needed. The sa�-ings could
be substantial with the installation of the toilets,washing machines and irrigation controllers. Staff
estunates savings of 526,000 gallons of water annually. Total rebates pa�ments estimated to be
$11,666 with$2,916 coming from the City Water [,Ttility� Fund.
i�lcDonald inquired about ongoing adininistration of the program and whether additional staff
would be required. Wrase stated that the staff time is an estimate. Clearly- there are initial steps to
set up the program and also potentially do random inspections. The 200 hours of estimated staff
time was based upon inspecting all submitted items rather than random inspections. Wrase hopes to
administer the program with e�sting staff.
There was a brief discussion about the City's portion of the rebates and Wrase advised that the
projected reserves would be well above the expected $3,000 contribution. Wh.ile staff estimates
savings of 526,000 gallons, this is only a $750.00 reduction in potential revenue.
Wrase added that with the grant money available the program makes good sense, particularly when
the use of groundwater is currendy under scrutiny�. Demuth doesn't think it would look good if we
didn't apply for the grant. Wrase noted that City would also apply for the grant in the second year
but after that the City would need to pick up entire cost.
Motion by Speich. Second by 1�tcDonald.
Motion to direct staff to request City Council appro�-al for application to the l�fetropolitan
Council Water Efficiency Grant Program
Ayes: 0.
Nays: 0. Absent: 3. Motion carried.
President Speich had nothing to report.
8.a. City Projects Update
The attached project report was reviewed and��Ixase provided a brief summary. Wrase advised that
there are 15 potential rain gaYden sites in the Danbury Way project. l�n open house was held last
week and was well attended. If the homeowner chooses to ha�e a rain garden installed, they need to
sign an agreement stating that the City�will�vai�-e their��earl�- storm fee if the rain garden is properly
maintained. Residents ha�-e until the end of November to return the agreement. 1� decision will
need to be made whetheY rain gardens will be installed if thej� only ha�e a couple of people
Regarding the 1.51�7G GST and Booster Wrase has received the 60% plans and project is moving
forward eYpecting a bid yet this year.
Wells 4 and 5 were bid a while ago but there was problem with Well 5. The City has now received
confirmarion that Well 4 can potentially be used as an obser�-ation well and the award will only be
for sealing of Well 4. The I�ZDH will assist in inspecting well and determine whether it can be used
as observation well. The City will come back to well number 5 on a future project after some
research whether that well can be sealed or abandoned using conventional methods.
The City is currendy investigating and planning in detail for development in the area east of
Highway 52 and South of 140`'' Street. Request for Proposals were distributed and the City intends
to award the utiliry study to SEH at the upcoming Council meeting.
8.b. 2015 Well Pumping Report
The attached report was re�iewed. It was noted that pumping was up for October and numbers are
in line with 2014.
8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for December 14, 2015
The Mayor is requesting the splash pad usage numbers for 2015. Wrase will also include the plans
for the 1.51�1G ST and Booster.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by- President Speich at 5:55
Respectfully submitted,
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Karin ILladat
Recording Secretar��