HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Director's Report �► ROSEMO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: December 28, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 a. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: � RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of November 30, 2015: $435,499.53 Inflows to the Paxk Improvement Fund last month wexe as follows: Dedication fees—$0 Grants/Other- $0 Interest-$49.71 Donations -$0 Expenditures - $ 120,597.67 (Fina1 payment for Erickson Paxk tennis courts,Ailesbuty Paxk (formerly PaYk Prestwick park) construction) Community Facility Requests—Staff will provide an update to the Parks and Recreation Commission with regaxds to the requests foY a second sheet of indoor ice,new indoor court space and an artificia,l turf field. Activity Updates -Now that winter has made an appearance some projects are wrapping up for the year and others axe just getting started. Even though we got lots of xain in October and November,there was a short window of dry weathex that allowed us to get the garden plots tilled this fall. T'hat tilling occurred on Novembex 9 & 10. This fall,work sta,rted on xepair of the batting cage at Jaycee Park. All of the larger frame posts were straightened and the smallex, more badly bent posts were removed. Those smallex posts will be replaced and a new batting cage net will be hung in the spring.Work at Ailesbury Park (foxmerly Prestwick Park) has ended fox the yeax. All of the asphalt trails have been completed and much of the concxete work has been done. 'The posts fox the backstop have been installed and the concrete woxk around the backstop is done. Weathex permitting,the fencing on the backstop will be hung this winter. The final grading, seeding,and landscaping will be accomplished next spring. The tempoxary rink has been installed at Jaycee Park and is ready for ice making, and the warming shelter fox Bloomfield PaYk was delivered on December 2. Breal�ast with Santa-The annual Breakfast with Santa.offeYed by the Parks and Recreation Department was held DecembeY 5 in the gymnasium of the community center. Appxoxixnately 100 kids plus their families enjoyed a catered continental bxeakfast, crafts,games and a chance to visit with Santa and Mrs. Clause. Thanks go out to Twin C's Catering and Mike and Maureen Bouchard fox volunteexing and foY making this event a total success.