HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995/04/18-CCM RM � _ : . . . _ . __ DATEc 04-Ob-95 TIME: 10:42 CITY OF ROSc"IOUNT � � � � PAGE: 1 � � PROGRAM AP06 • VOUCHE4 APPR3VAL LISTING VER. 4.0.02 BANK: 999 VENOOR: ALl VENDORS WIL� BE REPORTED SELEtTION CRITERIA: ALl RcCORDS NILL BE REPORTEO REF N0. DATE _ VEPJDOR NAME VEN/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTiON TRAN AMT VENDOR AMT ,� � _: __..�._--.�_._ ---; ' -! IN01540 04-06-95 FIRST BANK APPIE VAI�EY 280AY5 101 28 DAYS DUE 5/8/45 200.000.00 ' 416 28 DAYS DUE S/8/95 60.000.00 � ° 419 23 UAYS DUE 5/8%9�----�0. � ' 620 28 DAYS DUE 5/8195 180.000.00 r= 5' IN0154i 04-06-95 63DAY5 101 63 'JAYS DUE 6/12/Q5" 200.000.00 - ---- -- --- __--- ------- _- _ _ _ ___---_____--. �----- 201 63 DAYS DUE 6%12/95 : - _ 90:000:00-- " _.�._._._ _ __ . - r- 8. - 203 63 DAYS DUf 6/12195 40.000.00 ; ,(' '� _ 205 63 DAYS DUE b/12/95 40�000.00 ;,-,� 10 407 63 �AYS DUE 6/1 /95 . �+-i � " b02 63 DAYS OUE 6/12/95 40.000.00 '�'-"' � +2 IN01542 04-06-95 91DAY5 204 91 DAYS OUE 7/10/95 60�000.00 ;_:;� ;_; ------------ --.._ .. ._ __- - . _. .. ------- '' ---601 ---— 91 DAYS OU��L10�95__------ -'-'TO.�IfO.60"-- � 14 606 91 DAYS DUE 7l10/95 310•000.00 ,; ;( 1° _ 607_ 91 OAYS DUE 7/10I95 60.000.00 1500.000.00 !:�j � 16 � .. � . � .,.� � �� IN01531 02-25-95 fRONTIER COMMUNICATI0N5 OF M 6U00 101-41810-01-321 COMMUNITY CENTER 486.94 � •�l t°� 650-45130-01-321 LOMMUNITY CENTER 83.33 - �si IN01532 Q3-19-95'------ —'------_� � 6017 __._.101-41810-01-321 COMMUNiTY �C�NtER--TINY TOT ROOM------`-i$.33 —`---__._.� _ __ _ t •q IV01533 03-25-95 3444 101-41810-01-321 FIRE HAti 259.61 _ �^ 2+ IN01534 03-25-95 4411 101-41810-01-321 CITY NALL 2.179.96 �,a 2 INU1535 03-25-95 5897 6J1-49410-01-3� 21—�tURAI. WATER 7.T�6 'i� (_ 3 INU1S36 03-25-95 6219 101-41810-01-321 HEARIN(i IMPAIRED tINE 14.10 '-�(Y,* I�'i + IN01537 43-25-95 4491 101 POLICE OEPARTMENT .64 = ---------- : I ; ----------101=418i0-0i�2�1--P�3LtZ��6EPARTFiEflT—`----- —_460:37�3.-570.-98-- :_ m� � � I " r�-t IN01525 03-13-49 N.S.P. 13001 101-43160-01-381 SIREN 8 12 6.28 � .� N _...__.___...__-.-_. ' . _ _ .____�� ' _ '_.. ! � z I�+l01526 03-24-'95 02875 �lbi 65��0-01-��-E'T�fCK�OiI-I�i�R(C-ATNIC�---�_� 8:L7 � ' I =l s IN01527 03-23-95 15570 101-43160-01-381 STREET 1IGHTS 49.79 ''(� � ,�! IY01528 03-24-95 15700 101-45100-Oi-381 uiN�S PARK 8.53 - i�'' IN01529 :03-24-95-- --------- . __2901_ ---6�2=494�3.=�1=�$1 tTFI'-5T7iTt0A-�-3-- --- - -------�,7:38- ----- � � �=1 IN01530 03-24-95 - 2899 101-43160-01-381 STREET IIGHTING 248.19 368.64 . � � �' " IN01543 Ol-lU-95 ROSENOUNT NATIONAL AANK ^ 91UAY5 102 91 AYS DU / - /43-- . '- s • 206 91 DAYS DUE 7/10/44 T00.000.00 '_`'� ' 321 91 DAY5 DUE 7l10/95 80.000.00 `- ------ -- __. ... ---_ _.. ___ ..._ ----- -1 324 41 OAYS DUE 7%10/95_.__ .__.----�..4(T;2106.Q0------- -------'- �: 329 91 DAYS OUE 7/10195 90.000.00 (: °� 383 91 DAYS DUE 7/YO/95 50.000.00 - 605 91 �AYS OUE 7/10/95 . . U. ��-� l �� �` � IN01538 04-05-95 STECKART. JAMES SRVCES 220-49020-01-31,9 SERVICES FOR MARCN 95 739.13 - 3f IN01539 04-05-95 �SRVCES 22 0-49 0 20-01-3 19 SERVICES FOR APRIL 95 �.$33:3�3-3.-5T2:�6--- _ , ,< - .CJ �x�TOTAL VOUCHERS T0 BE PRID� ' ., �� . . � 6:1� ..��_. :_._`PROGRAM4AP06.. . _,._..._. .... . . _ __.__:.... ..._:_�.._..�..... .,-.._._....._._,.. . ,._... .VER.��4.. :�� j 95 TI!1E: 10:42 CIiY OF ROSEMOUVT Z VOUCNER APPROVAL LISTING �0.02 BANK: 999 vErtDOR: ALL VENpORS NILL BE REPORTED SEIECTION CFtIT£RIA: ALL R_COROS WIII dE REPORi�D �---REF NU. DATE VEPrDOR NAMF VENJiNV ACCOU+lT NUMdER TRANSACTION -0ESGRIPTION TRAN AMT VENDOP. AMT --. �__�__.__�..-__ �----- � � �K�k�k#'��k'�,c##>k#�k####�k�k#�k�#�k#�t�# _ _._�__ �__ > > > _ '� # < �z—�Ct�FR�ffV�Et5-6Y:--- � — — L; ( 5 � F ,, � e� � #�##'u##i�#>X#',e#�ic%�t���t'M#�K##�K#�.�'cXc# �_ ---------...___..�._--�----�----— . ._ ..__.__...--- __ ---.. . ___-------. ' . � �� . . . _.. ...____ . .___._._._._.__..--.__...--`---�--.. .___...--._-----_. __.__. _ _. '--------'_:.----- j _______ . __..-- —' -... �. 3 . � , � DATE: 04-12-95 TIME: 13:38 CITY OF ROSEMOUVT PAGE: 1 PROGRAM AP06 VOUCHER APP?OVAL LISTING VER. 4.0.02 BANK: 999 VENOOR: Al� YENOORS �ILL 8E REPORTED SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL RECOROS WILL 8E REPORTEO ----- _:_ . _._.__ .-----__ _ __ _. ----_� __ . . ___ _._ . _ __ .__... .�__ �. _ ---..�_ REF N0. DATE YENOOR NANE VE�/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT YENUOR AMT _ , _LNO15_4_4�_0_3-24-95__AL_CO.SAP_II.AL_ RESOURCE._INC____. 988674 _ 101-41810-01-580 ,__..LEASE 3062 SHARP_COPIER _____ _ 785.9�_ 78�.97 ' IN01737 03-20-95 AMERICAN SOCIETY -0 F COMPOSER 132400 650-45130-01-433 IICEN5E5 337.50 337.50 _ __._ _ . _ _ _. _ __. . ._.. __ . _ ___._ . _ _____.� IN01794 04-OS-95 ANOERSON. JO-ANNE E� CLASS 101-45100-93-319 AEROBIC CLASS INSTRUCTOR 136.20 136.20 _LNQ1545__03-.28-95.__/1QPLE..PR.I.N7.ING_.6..SECRETARIAL _.110597 __ 101-43100-01-205 _._.__REDUCTION BOND.__COPIES _.._____--___ 7_.56_ IN01667 04-04-95 110493 101-41810-01-209 BUSINESS CARDS 173.60 - 220-4�020-01-219 BUSINESS CARDS 24.49 _ __IN01668 ._04-OS-95 _ . _ _ . _-. - 110614 101-41810-01-204 PARK 8 P.EC LETTERHEAO ._ _ __ _ 247.08__�______4.SZ�Z�__. i"101546 03-23�95' APPLE VAILEY FORO 55508 101-43100-01-221 DISC. ROTORS. SHOES 409.56 _ _LNQL238__Q.4-_�4--25 ---_ _..------_._ 56317 _--_.1Q1-43100-01-22i.____PADS � PO80 _ _. _ _ _ _ _ --------161..05_. S.7.Q._61 IN01739 04-06-95 APPLE YALLEY HEALTH CARE CEN MEALS 801-490A1-01-319 MEALS FOR MARCH 1.695.00 1.695.00 - _ _ _ _--__---- --__----. . -- ---------- __--- _,. . __ _. _. _----__ IN01547 03-23-95 APPLE VALLEY TIRE 8 AUTO SER 018815 101-43100-01-404 ALIGN. TIE ROD 8 ASSY 161.79 161.79 _ _IN0154_fl___03-2.9-45__�RM[0({_DLSTRIBUTLNfl_C0 _._ ____: 47535 101-41940-01-223 MINABOARD CORTEGA _ __.... 536.7b _.__53.6.7_�-._ IN01549 03-24-95 AUTOMATIC �ARAGE DOOR COMP AN 4982 101-41440-01-401 GARAGE DOORS 8 INSTAL�ATION 3.218.00 3.218.00 � _...--- ---____ - ------- __ _ _ _._ .-- -._. _ _ INO1550 03-01-95 8 8 J AUTO SUPPIY 159055 101-43100-01-215 BRAKE F�UID. PUMP. FILTERS 278.54 IN01551 03-06-95 159256 101-43100-01-221 ELBOW. LIGHT _Ix015.5Z-03-08r45.:._ _.------- --__159334___101-43100-01-221-----CREDLT NEMO - LIGHT ______:--- _. 138.80- _-_-- IN01553 03-08-95 159323 LO1-43100-01-215 AIR FZESNNERS. BELTS 38.10 , IN01554 03-13-95 159539 101-43100-01-221 FILTERS 13-97 __IN01555 03-14-95 __ 159629 101-43100-01-215 COUPLEH. AIR HOSE 42.56 IN01556 03-15-95 159690 101-43100-01-215 8UL85. TROUBLE LAMP 3.41 101-43100-01-241 BULBS. TROUBI.E LAMP 10.64 --IN01557_ 03-21-95 ..._-- -- _. -_------___ 160009 _ 101-43100=01-215 _-. BULBS _ 48.78 _ ___.-.__ _ .__ __- - 37.49 IN01558 03-21-95 160050 101-43100-01-221 BRAKE PA05 IN01559 03-22-95 160082 101-43100-01-22L SPFtAY. BELTS 31.59 _ IN01560 03-23-95 160167 101-43100-01-221 MARKER LIGHT, ACC PLUG Z1-Z9 INO1561 03-23-95 160166 101-43100-01-221 WIPER 3LADE5, IiGHTS 23.96 _ IN01562 03-24-95 160249 101-43100-01-221 OIL 8 FUEL FILTERS 83.55 �•% --IN01563 _.03-27-.95----__-------- 160360 __ _101-43100-01-221 AIR FILTERS _ 99.28 __. _.___----___ . - _ -- _ _ ----- -- 20.35 IN01564 03-28-95 160446 101-43100-01-221 V 8ELT5 _ IN01565 03-29-95 160491 LO1-43100-01-241 FEEIER GARAGE 7.44 _: LN01566 03-31-95 __ 160626 101-43100-01-221 FILTERS 51.61 735.32 _ _. .. IN01669 03-31-95 80ECKERMANN, HEINEN 8 MAYER 23008 101-41810-01-301 94 AUDIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1.750.00 1.750.00 _ -___ __.--- .._ _ ___-._--------- -- - ---------- _ _ _ - -- __ _ _.---- --- IN01740 04-04-95 BRAD RAGAN INC 69279 101 TIRES. DISMOUNT. RINGS 3.767.40 3.767.40 :,. IN01741 04-01-95 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 35864 601-49400-01-216 SULFATE TESTS 30.00 30.00 IN01567 03-29-95 BUSINESS ESSENtIALS INC 775344 101-41810-01-209 CREDIT MEMO- CORR RIBBON ZZ�lZ- - _._ IN01568 03-28-95 777986 101-41810-01-2U9 SUPPLItS ------- - _. _. ___ _ -- - 9.84 IN01569 03-29-95 776246 101-41810-01-209 SUPPLIES IN01570 03-29-95 7Tb215 101-41810-01-209 PARK 3 REC SUPPlIES 212.55 IN01571 03-29-95 776247 101-41810-01-209 POLICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.97 IN01572 03-29-95 776Z50 101-41810-01-209 P.u. OFFICE SUPPIIES � 46.28 IN01573 03-29-95 776253 101-41410-01-208 ELECTION OFFICE SUPPLIES 11.52 101-41810-01-204 ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES _ _ 17.43 __..____ _._ r . � DATE: 04-12-95 TIME: I3s38 CITY OF ROSEMOUPIT PAGE: 2 PROGRAM APOb VOUCNER APPROVAL LISTING VER. 4.0.02 BANK: 999 VENDOR: ALL VENDORS NILL BE �EPORTED SELECTION CRITERIA: AlL REGOROS WILL BE REPORTED --------____ ___ _.__ ___ _ _ _ _ ------ . ---- - REF N0. DATE VENDOR NAME VEN/INV ACCOUNt NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRZPTION tRAN ANT VENDOR AMT - _ __- ---------- --- . . _ _____._ _ __._ ...:------_:. ___-- _ _ _ _._----- _. _ ------._ .--..___.._- -�_ IN01574'03-21-95 BUSINESS ESSENTIALS INC 768242 101-43100-01-205 CREDIT MENO- CAREER NALL CLOCK 32.05- _ IN01575 03-21-95 768241 101-41810-01-209 CREDIT MEMO- COROS 11.15- ^ _LN01576. : 03-20-45 _ 768030 lU1-41810-a1-203 _ GOLDEN ROD 8 CANARY PAPER _ _ 63.74 . _.. _ ,_ IN01577 03-20-95 767768 101-41810-01-209 12 MOUSE PADS 38.08 416.T8 _ -, _I.PlO1b.ZQ�4-Q5-95-L_E .L_---COE_1L EQULP_MENT._IN_C ._.40.94A1 ___101-43100-OL:205 ,___IEMPLATE.-PENS .__. __ _ __..----------_._26..25._ _2fi.2S ' IN01742 03-31-95 tAPITOL CITY WELDING SUPP�Y 118778 101-43100-01-215 OXYGEN 24.23 24.23 _..' - - . _ _-- ------ IN01743 04-03-95 CARLSON TRACTOR 8 f�UIPMENT 14378 601-49400-a1-416 RENTAL HYDL HOE - 144TH 8 CAND 334.68 - _ IN01744 03-29-95 175553 101-43100-01-221 HOSES 14.04 _ _3_[�1�1Z4�-43_-30._95---__:__-_---__--_ .-.---- --.----.--_----_175609 _101-43100-01-2ZL_-_.HUB. SPINNER. SHAFT_ p .M215_.--__-----_128.83__. 4_7_7_55 - ., IN01T46 04-10-95 CELLU�AR ONE 297858 601-49400-01-312 P.W. CELL PHONE 5.53 - 602-49450-01-312 _ P.i�. CELL PHONE 5.53 ______ _11..06__ IN01578 09-26-95 CNICAGO NN TRANSPORTATION CO CRSSNG 414-48000-01-530 STREET CROSSING BISCAYNE AVE 43.385.00 43.385.00 _' ----- ----------_-- -._, __.. .___ .__ - ---_. _ _ . _ . __ __ .--- -- __ _ _ _ _._ ._ _ _-------- IN01579 04-06-95 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FEE'S 101 CITY SHARE OF SAC FEE 3/95 102.00 102.00 _ _IN01580 03-16-95 COMHISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATI 128388 418-48000-01-310 LAB TESTING 145TH ST RECONST 557.41 557.41 _ . IN01581 03�12-95 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECH IN 11598 202-49002-01-539 NEW FIIE SERVER, yATERIALS 12.356.66 - ���_��Q3�g_� -------__----.- -�--11654____._].01-41520-OL-392_----P.ARALLEL PORT _8 CABI.ES -_-r-_--�.--_ 46.86 ,..__:12.403..52._. IN01583 03-39-95 COOK. GWEN 39 101-41810-01-208 REPAIRED 9 FLAGS 72.00 72.00 _ IN01584 03-24-95 COORDINATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS 76278 101-41810-01-202 OC 114 TONER 35.65 35.65 ., __LN01585__03-31-95 _:CORRIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY ___ .22571 _ __101-45100-01-22L __lAMPS _ _ . 10.39 - IN01586 03-24-95 44960 101-41940-01-319 MATERIAL B lABUR - OIl R00M 481.97 _ IN01747 03-24-95 44961 101-43160-01-409 STREET IIGHTS 76.25 �� __1NQ1748 03-30-95 44978 101-43160-01-409 STREET 1IGHT5 108.51 677.12 IN01587 03-16-95 COUGAR SPORTS 130T01 650-45130-01-265 HOCKEY TAPE 476.78 476.78 +� . -- _..__ ---- _. _ _.. _ . . __. ., ___. -- __. _. -- ._ _... ----_.. IN01749 03-29-95 CROWN RENTAL 087012 101-41440-01-415 SCAFFOLOING RENTAL - OIL ROOM 90.00 90.00 ' ___IN01588 03-23-95 CURTIS LNDUSTRIES 29b55 101-43100-01-215 NUTS. WASHERS. BOLTS. RINGS 166.47 166.47 IN01589 04-OS-95 DAKOTA COUNTY TREA5URER TAXES 201-46300-01-319 PROPERTY TAXES BUSINESS PARK 1.779.18 - -.I.K�159� -�4-03-95------- -- -- - --- - -�----TAXES -- - 101-41110-01-598 .____PROPERTY TAXES NENSMANN OUTLOT 34.02 _-__. __- _-___ ---- - -- - IN01591 03-22-95 FEE'S 101-41810-01-301 FEE SCHEDULE FOR AUDITOR5 75.00 1.888.20 _ :s _ IN01592 03-27-95 DAKOTA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 66366 101-45100-01-381 JC PARK CONTROL BLDG 6-$2 IN01593 03-2T-95 72492 602-49453-01-381 LIFT STATION # 3 106.78 - IN01594 03-27-95 72414 101-45100-01-383 JC PARK SHELTER/LIGHTS 168.56 -LN01595 -Q4-04-95 ._--. -.-_ . -.-_65589. _._ 6�2-49455-�1-381 - _ LIF7 STATION # 5 96.48. _--__ _....._-_--- _._._. _ _ _ _.__ __ IN01596 04-04-95 55535 602-49454-01-381 LIFT STAtION k 4 127.59 IN01597 04-04-95 37074 101-43160-01-381 SIREN # 9 5.33 IN01598 04-04-95 5289 101-43160-U1-381 STREEj LIGHTS 1.680.41 ------ - IN01599 04-04-95 75129 101-45100-01-381 JCPARK TRAIL U GHTS 88.46 - IN01600 04-04-95 70264 101-43160-01-381 SIREN tl 10 5•33 Y -L-N01601-- 04-04-95- -_._. .._ __ ._ ,._ _. __ __-- - _.. 66655 - 601-49416-01-381 . WATER TOWER If 2 _. 79.41..__,__�. DATE: 04-12-95 TIM E: 13:38 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 3 PROGRAM APOb VOUCHER APPROVAL LISTING VER. 4.0.02 BANK: 999 VENDOR: ALL VENOORS NILL BE REPO�TED SELECTION CRITERIA: ALL RECOROS WILL BE REPORTED � ---- _ --- - -- . ._..:__ ___ ---- ---- _ _ _ __----__.._ _.____ -. REF N0. DATE VENDOR NAME VEN/INV ACCOUWT NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VENOOR AMT _ _..___----------__ -_ _�___ _.___. _ ._. _ -- -.. _. _ ._.. _ _ __--- -___-- - IN01602 04-04-95 DAKOTA ELEtTRIC ASSOCIATION 66630 601-49408-01-381 WELI � 8 1.277.15 IN01603 03-20-95 66498 101-43160-01-381 SIREN # 13 6-Z8 � ' ---- ---- -- -- -_ _. _--- - ._ .. _. _ _. _._._ 101-45100-01-381 IRR PUMP/CONTROL dLOG _.____._.. _ 16.17__. .________ IN01604 03-20-95 66316 101-43160-01-381 SIREN # 14 6•Z8 101-45100-01-381 IRR PUMP 2.15 - _. �LrO_,1._6Q5�4-04-95_ __ �__ __66315____.101-45100-01-381___ _CONN pARK_SHELTER/LIGHTS, _._ __10:.5.5__3._683_75 IN01606 03-29-95 DAY. ERIC EXPNSE 101 REIMBURSEMENT CLOTHING ALLOW 65.09 _. 1a1-43100-12-217 REtMBURSEMENT CLOTHING AI.LOu. _ _ 48.91 ,__ ___114_._09 IN01607 03-20-95 DIRECT MARKET MEOIA 54240 101-41110-01-307 SPRING ACTIVITIES BOOK 54.59 "_ --_ _-- __.___ __-_- -._10.1-45100-01-315 ___ SPRING ACTIVITIES BOOK . _. __--_-:__. -.131._00.___.-1fl5.5�. iN0160$ 03-20-95 E. A.H. SCNMIDT 8 ASSOCIATES 19214 101-41940-01-319 DAMPER 421.50 421.50 ' , ------------.-_..__ __ - __._ _ _ _ ,____. -_ _ IY01750 03-27-95 ECOLAB CENTER 323418 101-41940-01-319 PEST tONTROI CITY HALL 47.93 ,� 101-41940-01-319 PEST CONTROL MN DOT BLDG 24.50 ___ _ _ __. _________ _ . _ 101-41940-01-319 _ PEST CONTROI MN FIRE HALL/PW 42.60 ______115.�0.3 INO1751 03-31-95 EDWARO KRAEMER b SONS INC 54882 101-43122-01-224 LIMEROCK - 1120TH ST u 581.19 581.19 --_______ ___. _ . _ _. _ _ . IN01609 03-20-95 EMED - EMERGENCY MEOICAL EDU 95U301 101-42210-OL-308 FIRST RESPONDER REFRESHER CLAS 1.175.00 1.175.00 _ _LN0.161Q_0.�04-95_-EYENSON..�IARK_____ _ ___ . EXPNSE _.101-42210-01-308 . _._EXPENSES DULU7H SECTIONAL SCNI. .__ 16.56 __.___ ___16..�6___._ ' IN01611 03-13-95 FARMIN6TON PRINTING 14129 101-45100-01-315 SPRING ACTIVITIES BROCHURES 330.57 - iN01612_._ 03-13-95 1413A 101-41110-01-307 SPRING ACTIVITIES/CITY NE'aS 675.97 101-45100-01-315 SPRING ACTIVITIES/CITY NEWS 1.303.84 2.310.38 _LN01613__Q3-29-45 __fEEO-RITE..CONTROLS.._INC.___.._. 56505 601-49403-01-223 _ ALUMINUM CHLORINE CABINEt 958.S0 . _ __ _ _.___.. � IN01614 02-28-95 DM2419 601-49400-01-216 CONTAINER CHARGES 10.00 968_50 LNU16Z1 0�.-07-95 FLRE INSTRUtTORS ASSN OF MLN BOOKS 101-42210-01-319 BOOKS 171.42 171.42 ,. IN01752 04-0�-9$ FIUEGEL ELEVATOR. INC. 575130 101-41810-01-208 RUBBERS 52.90 52.40 <. =-- --- -----------_-______ ____--=--------_. _ _ _- - ___ _ _ _ _ . -------__ IN01753 03-29-95 GARY•S RADIATOR INC 706 101-43100-01-221 RADIATOR REPAIR � M215 37.00 37.00 - LNQ1�54 02-28-95 _. GENL-RYAN PLUMBIN� tOMPANY 143661 101-45202-01-223 JAYCEE PARK SHELTER LABOR 147.00 147.00 IN01755 04-03-95 GOPHER SPORT 551391 101-45100-01-219 PRO-GOALER MULTI-USE GOALS 186.28 186.28 - ------------�.. _:_ . ____ -___. __--- _ _ _ _ __ _ __--�-- IN01615 03-28-95 GRAINGf R. W.u. 255581 101-45202-01-241 10 PAIR SAFETY GLASSES 241.09 . IN01756 03-29-95 495806 101-43100-01-215 CARTSi GAUGE 469.T0 710.79 ::r IN01616 03-29-95 H 8 8 SPECIALItED PRODUCTS 253505 101-45100-01-401 BASKETBALL HOOPS 72.00 72.00 _.2�01617 ._a3-04-95 __HAEG. MICHAEL __.. .__. EXPNSE 101-42210-01-308 _ fXPENSES SECTIONAL SCHOOI 54.82 _ 54.82 _ IN01757 03-24-95 HARMS. BfV REFUND 101-34721-00-000 REFUND OVERPAYMfNT SOFTBAIL 30.00 30.00 _ .___ .._ _. IN01619 03-21-95 HILIYARD FLOOR CARE SUPPLY 125688 690-45130-01-211 BELT REPLACEMENT KIT 75.37 75.37 _ IN�1618 _03-20-95 _ HOLMES 8 6RAVEN _. . -. __ FEE•5 101-41810-01-304 MARCN ATTORNEY FEE'S 2.500.00 __.__2.SAO.,Qa___ : DaTE: 04-12-95 TIME: 13:38 CItY OF ROSEnOUNT PAGE: 4 PROGRAM AP06 VOUCHER APPROVAL LISTING VER. 4.0.02 BANK: 999 VENDOR: 0.LL VENDORS NILL BE REPURTED SELECTIUN CRITERIA: ALL RECORDS WILL BE REPORTEO ' - _ ._ __._ _ ___ ___ .._ . _. _ . _ _._ _._ .__ r_ - ---.._ REF N0.' DATE VENOOR NAME YE4/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VENOOR AMT � ---------- __---------- -. _._ . . . ___ _ ._._.. -- -- _ _.__. . _ . _ _.:_ -----_-----_ -- ---- IN01620 04-21-95 J.D. AUTOBODY PAINT 221-49021-01-319 PAINTED 3 DOORS FIRE ED HOUSE 135.00 135.00 _ „ INQ1761 __04-06-95 JERDE. DON - EXPNSE 101-43100-11-217 WORK SHOES REIMBURSEMENT ___ ... 42.99 . 42..9.9._ _.._ � j,� IN01758 04-07-95 JIM HATCH SALES C0. 4468 101-43100-01-241 BROOMS. SHOYELS. 606GLE5. RAKE 197.12 197.12 _•- _. _.._ :_.. ---- _ _ _ _ _._ _ ___ _.. __ . .__ _---.._ - --_. _ - ------_. .__ _--- I?101759 04-04-95 JONN HENRY FOSTER MINNESOTA 132975 601-49410-01-223 VALVES 98.41 - IN017b0 04-04-95 139297 601-49410-01-223 COIL 8 BRACKET 31.84 130.Z5 _. • _._ _ _ _..._____..---- -- --- _- _ _ _ IN01762 04-07-95 JUBLIEE f00D5 206b LO1-45100-01-315 POP. DONUTS 19.43 19.43 _- :. _LNQ.LZfi3.-Q3-2Z-9:5-J.lIKELANQ_EURD TRl1CK_SALES_.IPL_2b5865 - .lUi-43100-01-221__.__SHAFT 8� 800T5 #-M208 _ _ _ ..___ 369.�82__- _ IN01764 03-ZT-95 265840 101-45100-01-221 PARTS # U114 120.35 490.17 : ,, _L1�1Q162L - 03-21-9i_ LARRY•S. AMOCO SERVLCE -- 42892 101-43100-01-4U4 BRAKE ROTORS TURNED � A601 __ . _ ._ 8..50 ,_______.8.�0.__.__ IN01622 04-04-95 LEEF BROTHERS INC 749715 101-45100-01-211 MATS 33•37 = 6 5 0-4 5 130-01-21� -_NATS _ -.---- 28.44__�_.__-QL..flL.-_ IN01623 03-31-95 LITIN PAPER COMPANY 25682 101-45100-01-315 tiP lOC BAGS 27.69 27.69` -: ----- --- _ __ ._ _ - ._ . IN01624 03-16-95 LOCH PHARMACY 011226 101-41910-01-219 FILM DEVELOPING 10.30 ; IN01625 03-21-95 01200 101-45100-01-208 FILM OEVELOPING 5.23 15.53 --------- __ _ _ __...___-----_ --- --- - ___.._ __. __�.___.._. -_.----._..- -- IN01626 03-29-95 MADD CRASH CAR PRO�RAM 110 101-42110-01-331 MADD CRASH CAR USE TRANSPORTAT 125.00 125.00 , ._LN0162T 03-24-95 ..MACaUEEN EaUIPMENT. INC. ._ _. 95325Q 101-43100-01-221 CASTE YUT. DIRT SHOES � M203 59.76 IN01628 03-22-95 953123 101-43100-01-221 DIRT SHOES 52.29 IN01T67 03-29-95 295335 101-43100-01-221 6UTTER BROOMS - 252.41 364.46 --------------- -- --._ . ..._ __ . _ _._ --------- ---------_-- -- - IN01629 04-04-95 MAIL BOXES ETC it 101-42110-01-333 UPS SHIPPING - FOR POLICE 8.45 8.45 _ r _LN01630 Q4-01-95 HASYS CORPORATION b197 101-42110-01-396 ENFORS MAINT 8 HARDWARE 5/95 871.60 871.60 .� IN01631 03-31-95 MCMENOM1f. EDWARD EXPNSE 101-41110-01-437 MEAL REIMBURSEMENTS 23.46 2-3.46 .� ___.._._ _ _. _ _ _ _. . __ . - ____---- __ _ 85.20 _ ---- . I?l01768 03-31-95 MC NAMARA CONTRACTIN6 INC 22595 101-43121-01-224 CURE MIX 70.29 IN01769 03-31-95 22595 101-43121-01-224 COLD MiX - __INO17_70 .-03-31-95 -- - --- - 22595 101-43121-01-224 ASPHALT MIX 123.54 IN01771 03-31-95 22595 101-43121-01-224 1.7 TWS COLD MIX 72.42 351.45 __LNO 1ZZ2___Q3-31-95 __NLKE MGPHILL.IE'S. _LNC -_-.---11832____- 101-43�21-01-319 _____SHEEP STREETS _. _ . _.3.306.00, _... .3.306.00__. IN01632 03-02-95 MENARDS 41193 101-45100-01-223 SHELVES FOR P8R STURAGE AREA 127.74 r _:IN01633 03-0Z-95 - 441258 221-49021-01-221 DOOR JAHBS 10.65 IN01634 03-07-95 41262 221-49021-01-221 PLYW000 16.08 IN01635 -03-16-95 41398 101-41810-01-208 t�EAR P�ASTIC. RIB MATS 21.28 _._LNQ1636--A3-16-45 _-._.__:_ _ _ _ _. _.. ._ _ __.__---------522835 _- 101-41810-01-208 ____ CLEAR PLASTIC. RLd MAiS _. 17.22. --_-----.--_ --- IN0163T 03-20-95 41443 101-43100-01-215 CASTE�S 18.09 IN01638 03-23-95 41515 101-41940-01-223 PIUMBiNG SUPPlIES 158.62 3b9.68 IW01639 04-04-95 METRO SALES INCORPORATED 104488 10i-41810-01-321 LEASE PAYMENT 42.79 42.79 - -IN01773 - 04-11-95 . .METROPOIITAN COUNCIL --- ----- - -�DAN 101-41110-01-601 - PLANNING ASSISTANCE LOAN L92-T _... S.T25.00 ___.5.725�OQ-__ DATE: 04-12-95 TIME: 13:38 ClTY OF ROSEMUUNT PAGE: S PROGRAM AP06 VOUCHER APPROVAI LISTING VER. 4.0.02 BANK: 949 VENDOR: ALL VENDORS WILL BE REPORTED SELECTION CRITERIA: AlL R:CORDS W[LL BE REPORTEO '� ---- --- _ . _ _.__ _. __-__ __. __ ._ __ ----------- ---- � REF N0. OATE �ENDOR NAME YEN/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VENOOR AMT , _ _ .__._- .------___. __._. __ _---.___:..---. _..--._ ____._ _ . _ __ __ _ -------.- _____ _ ---- _._..-- _� __ __.._� _ IN01774 04-03-95 METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL S1b205 602-49450-01-602 MAY SEWER SERVICES 30.602.00 30.602.00 _ , IN01649 04-06-95 METROPOLITAN 11ASTE CONTROL _ FEE'S 101 _ _. MONTHLY SAC FEE 3/95 , .___. .._10.098.OQ ___10._0_98.�QQ__ _ ..� IN01640 03-24-95 MID4IEST COCA-COIA BOTTLING C 656575 22'0-49020-01-219 SOOE FOR TEEN NIGHT 201.90 _. _LN0164L_:03-27.-95 _ . __,._ --.---.--._. . ...666582 220-49020-01-219 _____CREDIT MEMO __ ___ _ .____.____.66�50--�---135�49 _ IN01642 03-23-95 MIOWE51 SPECIALTY SAlES 5279 LO1-43100-01-Z21 SPACERS. SIEEVES �P509 142.80 _ _IN01643 _ 03-28-95 . 5291 101-43100-01-221 FILTERS ._ __118.22. - _- -___ _-- iN01644 03-28-95 5282 101-43100-01-221 Ct1PS. CONES. SEALS 120.20 38L22 _ 1NQ164i-03-24_-9S _._MILLER'S SUPER_VALU._ .-_._____ ._.19 ____ 220-49020-01-219..__._ .48 PAPER PLATES - TEEN NLGFIT..______12.34 �].2-;4 _ � IN01�75 04-10-95 MILLER, KRISTINE STPEND 801-49001-01-319 APRIL 95 STIPEND 275.00 2T5.00 _ - --- -.._. . _ . _ . _ ____ _. _ _. _ ._ ____ _ _ -- . __ --- ------ -_ IN01672 04-01-95 MINN COMM PAGING 804952 101-42110-01-321 PAGING SERVICE 4/95 25.56 _., IN01673 04-01-95 804957 lU1-42210-01-321 NUMERIC PAGERS FIRE DEPT 15.88 � _�@101ZZ6___04-01-95_-.--- __ -.__ . - . _ 600174 _.. 101-41910-01-329 ---.__.MONTNLY PAGERS - CD _ .____... _ __34.08 .__ -___ - _-- -- _ __ _._.__. _ _.. 101-4310U-01-329 MONTHLY PAGERS - PW a-52 . 101-4510U-01-415 MONTHLY PAGERS - P8R 42.60 126.64 . ._ __ ... -._-_._ __.__. _ _ . . _. . . :.. _. ._ IN01646 03-25-95 MINNESOTA ELEVATOR. INC. 30337 101-41940-01-319 MARCN ELEVATOR SERVICES 63.40 63.40 _ �I.Q�16�T_�Q3=Q_2-93_�II_dNE50TA.LIFTS_ _` �0861----._20.2-49002-01-534_,LIFT. .CHARGER_. _._____.--_._-__ ._5.524_._SS___5•_5_24.�,�_-- IN01648 03�31-95 MINNESOTA PtPE B EQUIPMENT 21350 601-49400-01-229 BRASS BALL VALVE. AOAPTER 144.90 144.90 � _ _... _ . _ . _ 15.00 15.00 -------.._. _ . ._ IN01T77 Ob-05-95 MINN FIRE SERYICE CERT BOARD TESTS 101-42210-01-308 RE-TEST f EE .,,.LNOlT_t8__.0.3-28..-95___MN.. S?/lT_E..HORtICULT.URAL._SOCIE ___5496 _. 220-49020-a1-439 .____HANOBOOK __. ____ _ . 8.33_______-_$�3.3 IN01650 03-01-95 MOE. JACK EXPNSE 101-41910-01-331 ICBO CHAPTER MEETING �•27 7-27 ___ _----- ___ ._ - _ _ ..._ _ 21.43 IN01651 03-17-95 MODEL STONE CO 303819 101-41940-OL-223 TR041EL �. 101-41940-01-223 BLOCK. CEMENT 32.30 53.73 .� --. � . ._ -- --------------- - ------ _ --_.._._ _ ---- _ __. -----... _-_ _ ---_. -------- IN01809 04-12-95 MULIERY. MIlDREO RMBRMT 206-49006-01-305 4/1/95 CLAIM REIMB FOR GLASSES 146.88 146.8d __LN01652 __03-25-95 _ MU NICIPAI TOY COMPANY. INC 0582 101-45100-01-315 PLASTIC EGGS. INFLATABLE BUNNY 1.003.00 1.003.00 IN01653 03-27-95 NATIONAI CAREER MORKSHOP REG'S 101-43100-01-437 2 REG'S (WIDSTROM.LONNQUI57) 198.00 198.00 �. __ ._.. _. ___._ __ _ _-- _ __ __._ _ _ __ __ _ _ ---_. _ ---------- _ . _---._. - [N01779 04-11-95 NATIONAI SEMINARS GROUP SEMNR 101-41910-01-437 MICROSOFT WINDOUS SEMNR-DONNA 79.00 79.00 •/ INQ1780 04-OS-95 NOSS. RICK - _ . KARATE 101-45100-93-319 HINTER KARATE CLASSES _ 928.13 _ 928.13 IN0165i 03-28-95 OSLAND JANITORIAL SUPPLY SUPPLY 101-41810-01-2U8 CI.EANERS. MOPS. ETC 117.35 117.35 -- _...____ _ _ _ _: _ __-- ---- _ --. . __--- - ---- -- -- - - SHANNON PONO 2N0 ADD'T 301.00 iN01781 03-10-95 OS M 313006 101 IN01782 03'10-95 315007 101 uENSMANN 6TH AOOITION 60.20 _LY017.83 .03-10-95 880008 418-48040-01-303 145TH ST W - CHILI AVE - CAMEO 151.88 .__ .___._____ IW01784 03-10-95 520003 417-48040-01-3U3 ARMORY - H[GHWAY 3 IMPROVEMENT 838.69 IN01785 03-10-95 414003 428-48000-01-303 WACNTER 186A OUTLET 505.69 __.LNU1786 _Q3-10-95 . - � 800008 40T-4 80 00-01-3 0 3 SHANNON HILS 6TH AOD _. __-__-. -_--934.95.___LZ42..41.--_. UATE: 04-12-95 ilnt: 1s:Sti � ii � �� �,u�._��w +� Al�t: PROGRAM AP06 VOUCHER APPR�VAL LISTING 4ER. 4.0.02 BANK: 999 vENDOR: aLl vEN0oR5 JtLI. BE REPORTED SELE�TION CRITERtA: AlL kc `__� tLL BE REPORtED ^ __ _ ___ _. __ _. . _ ----- -- , --- -- _. . _ . . _ REF N0. DATE VENOOR NAME VEN/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VENDOR AMT , �� _.,_ -_� -- ---- - __ _-_.----- --- __--- ___ _... _ _ _ ---- IN01655 03-01-95 PC EXPRESS/PC TRONICS 41323 202-49002-01-539 11 COMPUTERS 19.552. 34 _ IY01787 04-04-95 43350 101-41520-01-391 REPAIR TO LYLE'S PC 65.A0 19.617.34 �_. .__ ._.._ --__ _. ___ _ . _ __ . __ __ _ _ __.__.._ _ _ _. _ _ IN01788 03-28-95 PEDERSON-SELLS EQUIPMENT CO 6322? 101-43100-01-221 NUTS � M203 1T.93 11.93 _ , tNO1Z�9_._.03-Z2-45._QLII1�fAN__Q.IL.._INC__.._-_- ____.-47Z5 _._ ._ 101-43100-01-z13...__._l. (55 GALLON 15-40) ._ _176..SS 1Z6SS IN01656 03-31-95 PR 0 1-HOUR PHOTO 32825 101-42110-01-202 FIIM DEVELOPING 16.93 16.93 F� ----__._- __ __ _ .... _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ------- �_---- ----- IN0165t 06-01-95 R 6 R CARPET 5£RVICE 4264 101-41940-01-389 RUGS FOR MARCH 95 ` •�,.,�_ 99,58 99.58 - _LIIQl�i8�_03-Qfl-95___HACINE_JI,eP�tAISALS .B�.ASSOC _..__.95-173__ 404-480-00-01-510_.___.APPRAISALS FOR EASEMENTS ____ 4.500..0.0_ � 420-48000-01-510 APPRAISALS FOR EASEMENTS 3.000.00 -� 428-48000-01-510 APPRAISALS FOR EASEMENTS 1.500.00 9.000.00 - ___.__.__ __ --------- -- --- - ---..._ ___ .. _ __ _...___ _ _ IN01674 04-07-95 RAHN MFG INC 12391 221-49021-D1-521 MOUNTING WEIGHT OIST HITCH 374.78 374.�a = �.N01fl�9:_.Q3-31--45 __ROSEHUUNi_EXPRESS_ACCOUNi ___. 9116 __ _ _ 101-43100-01-2Q3 _.__: EASENEPIT DOCUME�TS SHANNON.PKY__.___._. 8.A0_ __ IN01T90 04-OS-95 REIMBT 101-41320-01-435 CORRECTION REIMe TNICE 6.44- 101-41810-01-203 CHECKS 8 DEPOSIT S�IPS 106.05 _LN0179L .04-06-95 _ _,_ ___. .__ TRNG _ 101-41110-01-598 _EMPLOYEE RECOG EXPENSES ___ 185.78 _ _ _.__-...: 101-41320-01-437 POSTAL TRAINING iS.OD IN01792 04-03-95 CERT 601-49400-01-437 RENEWAL CERT C-3884 KORPELA 15.00_-- 323.39 v- - --_ _. ------------. - _._ __ _... - IN01793 04-10-95 ROSEMOUNT FAMILY PNYSICIANS PMYSCL 101-45100-01-341 PHYSICALS FOR P 3 R EMPLOYEES 427.25 , 650-45130-01-341 COMMUNITY CENTER PHYSICALS 180.00 607.25 , . __.._. - ---_ _ _ .. _ - _ _ IN01660 03-29-95 ROSEMOUNT SAiI 8 TOOL 036182 101-43100-01-221 SAW CNAIN. STEELS. 5HARPENED 40.00 IN01795 03-30-95 36206 101-43100-01-221 BLADES SHARPENED. BLADES 21.30 __.,_____ �.01-45202-01-24L-__BLADES SHARPENED. BlADES __-_- _ 62.44_.--123.T4 IN01796 03-31-95 ROSEMOUNT TONN PAGES 1040 101-41810-01-351 VARIANCE PETITION AMOCO OIl 17.50 17.50 __ _ _ _ __ _ IN01661 03-21-9S SEH - SHORT ELlIOT HENORICKS 2�325 414-48000-01-303 BISCAYNE AVE IMPROVEMENTS 22.014.94 y IN01662 03-21-95 27324 401-48000-01-303 0'LEA4YS 77H 8 STH ADOITION 56.42 �� -INU1b63�03:.21-95. _27323 _-___409-48000-01-303 ._ _._WEST RIOGE STH ADD _�_ _.._ 112.84 --- -- --_ -_- - IN01664 03-21-95 27322 403-48000-01-303 ROSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK 352.95 22.537.15 __I.N01665...04-U4-95 -SHLiH. GREGORY J . - - .-- EXPNSE - 101-42210-01-308 EXPNSES DULUTH SECTIUNAL SCHO� . 96.00 IN01666 03-14-95 EXPNSE 101-42210-01-308 EXPNSE MANKATO SECTIONAL SCHOL 62.52 158.52 ._.LNDIZ2LQ!.-Q3-95__SM-LTH--MLCRO__tECHNOLOGLES...-IN _442829...__.101-41810-01-Z21____SERVICE -0N SWINTEC _ .______ 56.20.__ ___.:56.2�___- ", '- ^S SOI.BERG AG6REGATE COHPANY 022115 202 31.85 7N5 LIME ROCK 264.24 � �' J' 1- i 22051 202 57.50 TNS GRAVEL 022057 202 110.05 TNS LIMEROCK 505.81 � 5 71.8 TNS LIMEROCK 330.01 - y 022056 202 ' 15.____-------------.-.-------._----022054_--2Q2 ---- 139.65 TNS LIMEROCK _ _-----_ 641.87_.-_____.---- - - �5 022053 202 168.25 TNS LIMERO�K 7�3-3Z 95 022052 202 138.2 TNS IIMEROCK 635.20 ------ �S _ 022055 202 42.75 TNS LIMEROCK 196.49 _ 022049 101-43122-01-224 73.85 TNS LIMEROCK 339.43 295 22050 101-43122-01-224 25.80 TNS tIMEROCK 118.59 � �95- ._�.- _--0220T2.__-601-49400-01-224 _..__..27.50 TNS LINEROCK -,-_--126..41 DATE: 04-12-95 tIME: 13:38 CITY OF ROSEM�UNT ` PAGE: 7 PROGRAM APOb VOUCHER APPROVAL LISTING VER. 4.0.02 9ANK: 999 VENOOR: ALL VENOORS WILL BE REPORT60 SELECTION CRITERIA: AlL RECOROS WILL BE REPORTED --__.__ _ ____.._.. --__ .__.___�. __- __.. _ .--------___ REF N0. DATE VENOOR NAME VEN/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER TRANSACTION OESCRIPTION TRAN AMT VENDOR AMT -_ _ __ __--- _ _ -- ----_ .__ ---- ___� _..__ ------_ _ IN01799 02-24-95 SOLBERG AGGRE6ATc COMPANY 022448 101-43122-01-224 140.7 TNS LIMEROCK 499.38 = IN01800 02-23-95 022048 101-431Z2-01-224 156.60 TNS �IMEROCK 760.44 5.344.98 _ _ -- _- -----_.� .---_.__ . .__ _.. ___ __------- . _ .___` IN01685 03-19-95 SPEED PRINT. INC. 60488 101-42210-01-202 TRAINING MANUAL COPIES 17.00 17.00 _ ,� : . 1N01686.__.03-29-95_.��UUEFER._�AUGI.AS _5�_ ___EXPNSE 101-43100-13-21T _.:_CLOTHING ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEM.T__-___.39.78 _-._ INO1801 04-04-95 EXPNSE 601-49400-01-437 REIMB HATER TEST C1A55 C 15.00 54.78 _ IN01802 04-10-95 _STEICHEN'S SPORTING G0005 _ 113445 101-45100-81-219 SOFTBAlLS _ ______4.829.66 , __4._824...�4-__ IN01687 03-24-95 SUBURBAN PROPANE 58834 650-45130-01-212 PROPANE FUEL CHARGE 50,02 = _58834 b50-45130-01-212. _ _PROPANE FULE CHARGE _._____._.--: 30.OL___ 80_03 __ �1Q16&8__Q3-.13_-95 _ IN01689 03-23-95 SWANSON. GENE EXPNSE 101-42210-01-308 MANKATO SECT SCHOOL REIMBURSE 87.35 87.35 _ '� _ _---- -------'--._ _--. __-_-_ ._ _._ _ ____.._ - - --- IN01690 03-02-95 tE RRY•S ACE HARDVARE 4373 93 i01-45202-01-221 SUPPLTES - JCPARK SHELTER 24.62 IN01691 03-03-95 437612 101-45202-01-221 CREDIT MEMO 24.62- _ _IN0169_:2.___03-OZ-95---:�---------- ------ ---- 437393 101-45100-01-223 . COMMUNITY CENTER HAIL SUPPLIES.___ . 44.12 . ___ IN01693 03-02-95 437423 101-45202-01-221 JAYCEE PARK FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES 15.25 IN01694 03-03-95 437551 101-41940-01-223 SUPPLIES RICK'S OFFICE 7•63 --IN01695.. _03-09-95..--_._-_--. 438789 601-49403-01-223 BOLTS. CHAINS _ 6. 73 ---.__ _ ---__.. _ ------- -_ IN01696 03-10-95 438926 101-41940-01-241 DRYWALL POLE. SANDPAPER 18.�6 . IN01697 03-10-95 438991 101-41940-01-223 KEYS 8•24 �Q1698.�0.3-13.-95._ _... _439.794 ..._.101-45100-01-221 . __.BELTS. SCREWDRI VERS _ ___-___ __._. 40.52 ___._. IN01699 03-13-95 � 439822 101-41520--01-392 POwER OUTIET STRIPS 44.70 = IN01700 03-13-95 439923 101-42210-01-211 CLEANING SUPPLIES 46.46 _IN01701 03-14-95 ,_._ _ 440037 101-43100-01-215 FITTINGS. KNIFE 4.62 _ __.______ _ _ _._.__ 5.21 IN01702 03-16-95 440422 101-41940-01-241 dLOCK JOINTER IN01703 03-16=95 440472 101-41940-01-223 ANOCHORS. DRYWALL SCREWS 5.53 ._LN01704_ _03-16-95_-_ 440476 101-4510A-01-219 DISHSOAP. OUT�ET P�UGS ___,._.._ 13.58 __.._______ ___------ __..-----�.- - 3.3 2 INO1105 03-17-95 440816 101-43100-01-221 C-RINGS IN01706 03-21-95 441662 101-41810-01-208 MtSC SUPPLIES 26.64 _ IN01707 03-21-95 . _. ._ _ _ 441691 101-41810-01-208 CLOTH. BATTERIES 31.63 � 441738 650-45130-01-221 BELTS. KEYS 121.45 IN01708 03-21-95 1.27 � IN01709 03-22-95 441930 601-49400-01-219 PLU�S _LN01710 ..03-22-95_--_---.------------ -- 441959 . _101-43100-01-241 _. RAKES _ :_ _ _ 51.10 __--------.: INO1711 03-23-95 442237 101-43100-01-215 OUCK 7APE 21.69 I IN01712 03-23-95 442282 101-41940-01-223 EL80W5. CLAMPS. SCHEWS Z3-�7 ' __IN01713 03-24-95, _.__. __. _ _: _.__ __:_ _ 442476 101-41810-01-208 CLEANER. PAiNT 20.62 ___ .... IN01714 03-24-95 44Z499 101-43100-01-221 5�1AP CLIP. RINGS. SCREENS 6•79 IN01715 03-25-95 442709 101-41310-01-208 POIE. PAINT 30.51 � � �NQ1716 03-25-95----�--------------- ---_ 442724 101-41810-01-208 TURPENT INE. PAINT _ .__-__.. _ 31.18 _ ._.______.-----_. IN01717 03-27-95 443198 101-41940-01-223 ELBONS. ADAPTERS. CLAMPS 10.94 _ I�01�18 03-27-95 443229 601-49400-01-219 VALVES 59.69 �� _ IN01T19 03-28-95 _-_------ -.----- - --- --- 443475 101-41940-01-223 SHEETROCK SCREWS 6.36 __._-- __. ---- -- 6.17 IN01720 03-3-0-95 443952 101-45100-01-219 SPRAY CAN ✓ IN01721 03-30-95 444036 101-42210-01-230 BATTERIES 43.44 __IN01T22 03-31-95 .._ --- _ __---_.-- 444207 101-41520-01-392 STRIP SURGE OUTLET ____. --_--_._ 29.78 ___ _._.----_. - __------- ___- - IN01T23 03-15-95 440265 650-45130-01-223 PLEX GLASS, BIADES, BOITS 35.92 IN01724 03-15-95 440278 650-45130-01-223 NINDGES 5.73 I�01725 -03-30-95 _ _ __ 443972 101-45100-OL-221 TPE. UNIONS. VALVES. COUPLtNGS 28.67 _ ..._ .. .. Iy01T26 03-30-95 443884 101-41940-01-223 ROLLER, CLAMPS 29.34 IY01T2T 03-30-95 443959 101-41940-01-223 NIPPLES. ELBONS 24.28 IsV01728 . 03-30-95 _ -._:----._.______--- -._._-- ---------- 443922 101-41940-01-241 WRENGHES ----.-..----.-__21.29 ___ __432.53--_-- vtn. Y.� C ITY OF ROSEMOUv? DATE: 04-12�95 TIME: 13:38 VOUCHER APPROVAL l.[51ING PROGRAM APOb SELEtTION CRI7ERIA: AI.L RECORDS W[1L.-8E REPORTE=_ _..___ VENDOR: ALL VENDORS NILI. BE REPORTED „__ TRAN AM7 VENDOR AMT BANK: 999 ..__. . - TRANSACTION OESCRIPTION VEN/INV ACCOUNT NUMBER ���_.__.---DATE�--- 'VENOOR NAME ._ _ _ ..--_.___-----.___-------238.00 REF N0. - ---- _v._..:--- _ ___..._._ __.. _. 238.00 .-. � FAIR LABOR STANOARD HANOBOOK . _ __— - ---- ._: .._ __,_-.166.67 _----- 272549 101-41320-01-43 _,_166.67 � i' IN01803 03-�6'9S ^THOMPSON PUBl.ISHiNG GROUP - 206-49006-01�319___ _MAY 95 A6ENCY FEE'S 213.93 _ �, FEES 213.93 �=; MISC EXPENSES SCHOOLINGS i.=__LNO180_4 . 05-0.1-95 _TOOM95 LNSURANCE AGENCY _ __ _, _____ EXPNSE 101-42210-01-308 _ _ _ _ 385.82 , _.__ _ TUCKER• KEVIN T -- � " 446.12 - ---- �' i�' IN01t29 04-02-95 _.. -__ ---- ---- -� FRAME. �OOR. HINGES. CLOSERS 60.'30 - 61�758 101-41940-01-223 LEVEL. KNOCK DOWN HOLDERS _:._____ - i3� _------ --- .- 315.25 TWIN CITY HAROWARE 315.25 ��.} IN01730 04-13-95 614756 101-41940-01-223 I�•+ IN01T31 03-14-95 ACTIVITY BOOKS. E2ASERS ~' � t0Y C0 INC/CONSTRUCTIVE 587595 101-45100-01-315 __1q.�67_.----- _.. _. _ .-- — -- -- tOWELS. MOP - - 2.00 IN01T32 �3-27'95 �'S' ENV CHARGE 17.70 - 790 411 ..._:101-431QQ-O 1-21L.--- _; _ ____ 101-4310Q-01-417 95_UN_It�G COM P ANY -- - ,��; a1SQ�-QL�11�- TOWELS. MOPS 2.00 ------- 41.37 r 790328 101-43100-01-211 . - �-! IN01806 03-28-95 101-43100-01-41Z.__ ENV tHARGE 1,000.00 1.000.00 ,_ _ _. __ 7ENANCY AGREEMEN7 APRIL 95 _ -- --� 101-41940-01�415 100.00 ----_-.. .._._ 9 03 4 - ----- __-- , _ . - 100.00 ------- . - - - 4/19/95 SCHOOL -SANDSTROM. RY ' IN01T33 03-31-95 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA __.__ 44.5- ' "- SCNOOL 101-43100-01-437 44..53 __ - -------___.___ 2 — NIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA =� IN01134 03-29-95 U PALICE/RA010 PHONE LINES "- 109.1c ,_ E0628T 101-42110-01-319 109.10 . _•' YELLOW PAGES ADVERTISING _ • :<� L,yQ180_7---.0-4"01-95 ---US WES? COMMUNLCATIONS - ____---- 101-45100-01-349 ..------- 2.200.0�. _ 123704 -. - - 2.200.00 :,, -- - �g WEST DIRECT - -------- � -- SEM1-ANN.UAL SUPPORT FEES zE� IN01735 03-21-95 --_--� _�10 1-415 20-Q1-391 _ 594.0� �� 'z=i ----- 3 _ 5 94.0 0 _ " �:°I IN01736 03-30-95 VIRCHOW. KRAUSE R ��MPAN 101-45100-82-311 OFFICIATED VOLLEYBALL GAMES � 100.00 100.0 �, � _�i TOURNMENT ."' 3c� p_4-48-99 __VOLLEYBALL OFFICI.ALS A55't�l 6AME REFUND URPA STATE �8 ___..__._-. �Lti0.1T_�5__._ _ _--- - ---- - ' ,3�� REFUND 101-34722-00-000 --- �-- - -��___._.-----. .- - 223.66t.4 YE f0A• DAVE �` �J _ _ .__--_-_ _- __-._ ---- --.__ INO1808 04-OT-95 ------ _ . - � ��7''f � _.__.----..l-»._..�_ . . . . . . . ��'=1 ,e�#TUTAL VOUCHERS TO BE PAID� _ 3_I _ � 3a � � . . . .. . _ . _ ... . __ .____ . . .__.�_._.._......__..__-�- . . . .. . . _..._. . :�...__.��.�'.' . . , ..._.-_'__'_' . � �-� ... . . . . -_"_-__'-. . r_ � . . . . _��###�#���$�f###�#��*i�F#���## .. "".- . . , � '.3et —__�__'—_ --_._"�____ _"_'__—'— � # .. �� ,� APPR�VED BY: # ;;,� # --' - _ #���#�##�x###�##���#�###�### _____- _�_-- _ _ __-- -- __ �:. _____ _, _.__. ,..� ----------__ _---- ---- ------ r- __�-_____------ ----------------- ��: I,;� ----------------------- _ _. _ _. _ _.... ---- ; _ _._ _ Y _' - ---------------------------------------------- _ _._-.-- -- _._-------_ -- __ _ , �—______� _ __ _ - _ ROSEMOUNT CITY P'ROCEEDINGS . REGULAR MEETING I APRiL 4, 1995 '' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, Apri14, 1995 at 7:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, and Wippermann present. Councilmember Staats was absent. Also present were City Attorney LeFevere, City Administrator Burt, Community Development Director Wasmund, Senior Planner Mack, Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer, Assistant Planner Pearson, Community Development Department Intern McKnight, Public Works Director Osmundson, and Police Chief Knutsen. The City's Risk Management consultant, Mr. Simicek, was also present. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer submitted a corrected Ordinance XII.14 relating to snowmobile operation in Rosemount. No changes were made to the agenda.. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda. Second by Busho. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Busho. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson presented Wensmann 7th Addition Fina1 Plat and Rezoning. Dakota County requested that the plat be divided into two additions, Wensmann 7th Addition and Wensmann 8th Addition. The 7th Addition would be for the single family housing and Wensmann 8th Addition would be for the townhouse development. No lot boundary changes will occur with the division, just minor name changes to the mylars and final plats. The Development Agreement is still being worked on and will be presented at the next City Council meeting. MOTION by Busho to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE WENSMANN SEVENTH AND WENSMANN EIGHTH ADDITIONS FINAL PLAT. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt Ordinance No. B-52, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B - CITY OF ROSIIVIOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE REZONING OF PROPERTY TO ACCOMMODATE THE WENSMAI�TN SE`�ENTH . AND EIGHTH ADDITIONS. Second by Busho. Ayes: McMenomy, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Assistant Planner Pearson presented the final conditions for the issuance of a 1995 Interim Use Permit for the Adventure Zone. These conditions had been sent by certif'ied mail to Mr. Brett Harvey, manager of the Adventure Zone. MOTION by Wippermann to adapt A RESOLUTION SETTING OUT THE CONDI'TIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF A 1995 INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR THE ADVENTLTRE ZONE. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays: None. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ~ REGULAR MEETING APRII. 4, 1995 Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer presented an amendment to the Rosemount City Code Section 8-3-3 regarding snowmobile operation. The new ordinance was written by the Parks 8c Recreation Committee, the Rosemount Snowtoppers club, and input from the Police Department. Topitzhofer compared snowmobile regulations from several cities around Rosemount. This Ordinance is very similar to Eagan and Lakeville's but without a curfew; however youth 17 and under must obey the Dakota County curfew limits as always. Police Chief Knutsen said complaints have been very low regarding snowmobiles out late at night. Disobeying the Ordinance would be a misdemeanor which is a maximum fine of$700 or 90 days in jail. � MOTION by Wippermann to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XII.14, PERTAINING TO SNOWMOBILE OPERATION WPrHIN THE LIlVIITS OF THE CITY OF ROSF�VIOUNT, AMENDING ROSFMOUNT CITY CODE SECTION 8-3-3. Second by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Busho. Nays: None. Community Development Depamnent Intern Assistant McKnight presented the Building and Property Maintenance Ordinance. Residents petitions and complaints since 1990 had initiated the need for the ordinance. The ordi.nance is based largely on Apple Valley's and Mounds View's ordinances already in place. The ordinance details five public nuisances. The Chamber of Commerce and Dakota County Board of Realtors were included in discussions on preparation of the ordinance. After publication, in about two weeks, the ordinance will be in effect. Residents issued notices to improve their property will have 35 days to come into compliance. If no attempt is made to comply a citation is issued and it becomes a court case which could be charged as a misdemeanor. MOTION by Anderson to approve the ORDINANCE XVIII.9, BITILDING AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. ' Parks and Recreation/Community Center Director Topitzhofer reviewed the liquor rules for Rosemount parks. At this time Erickson Park is the only park to allow any beer or wine with a permit. Topitzhofer said a substantial amount of business for the parks is going to neighboring city parks because no liquor is allowed. The revised ordinance would allow consumption of wine and 3.2 percent malt liquor, as defined in Nlinnesota Sta.tues, Section 340A.101, in four Rosemount parks, Erickson, Schwaiz, Connemara. and Jaycee parks. A permit would be required which would require the hosts' homeowers insurance policy. MOTION by McMenomy to adopt ORDINANCE NO. XVI.30, PERTAINING TO THE CONSUMPI'ION AND POSSESSION OF LIQUOR IN CITY PA�RKS, AMF.NllING ROSEMOUNT CITY CODE SECTION 43-10. Second by Busha Ayes: McMenomy, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: None. Parks and Recreadon/Community Center Director Topitzhofer noted that Teen Night was attended by�350 plus middle school age youth. Music was held in the banquet center and everyone had fun. The department is looking forward to more programs with additional chaperons. Also, staff is looking at housing the Senior Program at the Community Center. 2 • ROSIIVIOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS • REGULAR MEETIl�TG _ APRII. 4, 1995 M01ZON by McMenomy to go into a Closed Session for the City Administrator's yearly . evaluation. Second by Busho. Ayes: Busho, Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy. Nays. None. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 p.m. MOTION by Busho to adjourn the meeting. Second by Wippermann. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Busho. Nays: None. The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 p,m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 1995-9. 3 Y CITY OF ROSEMOIINT L%SCIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA SECTION: EXPENDITURE APPROVAL FROM DONATION ACCOUNT CONSENT PREPARED BY: AGENDA N�� E(�j� � ELLIEL KNUTSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE 1��� � � ATTACHMENTS: APPROPED BY: REVENUE WORKSHEET AND INVOICE According to City Policy F-2, any request for expenditures from a designated donation account must be approved by the City Council. Account number 101-22222 has been opened for donations received for the Police Equipment Fund. The amount of $557.64 is being requested for payment of one microcassette transcriber with omni-directional microphone and two tape recorders. The main unit will be used in the interrogation room and the two tape recorders are replacements. RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF $ 557.64 AND APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO BUDGETS AS GIVEN ON THE ATTACHED DONATI�N REVENUE WORKSHEET. COIINCIL ACTION: , DONATION FtEDENIIS WORKS�ET _ BECEIPT OF DO�iTION Donation Received on: — Amount Received: $ _- Receipt � for ponation: purpose of Donation: ��� E�np� � Account # for ponation: I01-22222 - (Must be Liability � assigned fo= each individual Departmeat) EgPENDITIIRE OF D03IATIO�i Amount to be Spent: $ 557.64 To be Spent from Acct �: 101-42110-01-208 (Must be Expenditure # correspondinc� to individual Department) Puzpose of ExpeAdittlZe: Purchase of Recor ing��ir=�nPnt _ �l�MENT OF BIIDGETS Amend Donation Revenue Acct �101-36230-00-000: $ 557.64 Amend Expenditure Acct � 101-42110-01-208 : $ 557'.64 (The two dollar amounts should be the same) GENERAL JOIIRNAI� ENTRY TO AIhTIIST DONATIOH LIABILITY # Debit: 101-22222 (Donation Liability �) $ 557.64 Credit: 101-36230-00-000 $ 557.64 Credit: 101-29300 $ 557.64 Journal entry to reduce deferred donation revenue and increase donation revenue to actual per council action on 04/18/95 . Fed.Tax No.41-6005501 � Minn.Tax No.0070716421 �i�� ol C�J�,osemoun� P.O. Date: Fixed Asset PURCHASE ORDER 2875145th St. W. • PO Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-osi o Yes � No. 2 9 5 21 Phone (612) 423-4411 FAX (612) 423-5203 0�_ ��_9 S-- Employee Signature �/�ndOC#: . ' � Q[,�5 rf✓e S't �ss c.✓��s�' r TO Supervisor Signature � ' NBW � � .__ Solid shaded areas tor tinance use only______ _ _ — — -- - — �---- -------— - —;�-------_�------- � • . � �- -• �- • • � •' �: �. � � 1 /h/�-m -aboo 7'��'s��.,d� 0��9'� �'� � o�-y�I� D -or- �o� � rn �--Ec rvt- kt ts'o ►�v i c�..o��.�..L �'9.� S". � M � - ,n Gx7 V �e�o�.�c2s Ss'9b I I I . `f�. ffl ,5�- mc�� r�ss�res �. �y I f, r19 �__ 3 �(. 0 3 : '7''"�-x. 53'�• �`/ , , . Use Tax 1 2 3 4 Return Check to: ��. • Amount Paid ^1 White:Vendor Copy Yeilow:Accounting Pink:File Gold:Department : ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETWG DATE: April 18, 1995 ' AGENDA ITEM: Resolution Accepting County Road 38 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N��� � � �"g City Engineer/Public Works Director � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Map, Agreement APPROVED BY: r/��. On August 16th of 1994 City Gauncil agresd to accept the turnback of County Road 38 from Blaine Avenue (County Road 71) to CSAH 42 within the City of Rosemount. The Council authorized that signatures be placed on the attached Agreement. Since that time the County Highway Department did construct a bituminous overlay, striped and signed the roadway and it looks to be in good shape. In the best interest of the City, this section of roadway was tentatively put on the City`s Municipal State Aid System. This will increase the amount of State Aid we receive for what are calted "needs" in the formula used for aJlotting State Aid monies The State Aid Department requires that a resolution be used to accept a turnback. Therefore the resolution attached is only a formality since the Agreement entered into last August already placed responsibility for old County Road 38 in the City's hands. County Road 38 is now referred to as 140th Street, fhlers Path and 142nd Street. Staff recommends adoption of the resolution as stated. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION WHEREBY THE CITY ACCEPTS THE RELEASE OF COUNTY ROAD 38 BETWEEN CSAH 71 AND CSAH 42 FROM DAKOTA COUNTY AND ESTABLISHING AND DESIGNATING THIS STREET AS A MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREET. ; COUNCIL ACTION: 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNfSOTA RESOLUTION 1995 - A RESOLUTION WHEREBY THE CITY ACCEPTS THE RELEASE OF COUNTY ROAD 38 BETWEEN CSAH 71 AND CSAH 42 FROM DAKOTA COUNTY AND ESTABLISHING AND DESIGNATING ' THIS STREET AS A MUNtC1PAL STATE-AID STREET WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 163.11, Subdivision 5, authorizes a Gounty Board to revoke County Road status by resolution of tfie County Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the County Board passed a resolution on August 2, 1994 revoking County Road status on that portion of County Road 38 between CSAH 71 and CSAH 42, and WHEREAS, as a result of said revocation of County Road 38, said roadway as described above will revert to the City and the City entered into an Agreement accepting the abave described roadway on August 16, 1994; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests ofi the City to have the described roadway designated a Municipal State-Aid street under the provisions of Minnesota Law. NOW THEREFORE BE Ifi RESOIVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1 . That the City accepts the release of said roadway by the County. 2. That the roadway described above, be and fiereby is establisF�ed, located, and designated a Municipat State-Aid street of Rosemount subject to the appraval of the Commissioner of Transpartation of the State of Minnesota: 3. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for;his � consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said streets or portions thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as Municipal State-Aid streets of the City of Rosemount, as the following Municipal State-Aid streets • 140th Street from CSAH 71 to a point 2.25 miles east I RESOLUTtON 1995 - • Ehlers Path from that point to a point 0.75 miles east • 142nd Street from that point to CSAH 42 ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 2 . . . � . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . - . r� . . . . � � � . ' 1� � . � . � `�� . '�, E�''� • 2 Traffic Volumes � � � ��' , 199 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT `, �1C �Y �....�..•'� ECALE T � 3000' I _ .. _ . .. ___. __ __.. �..s..__ O�tkt f �. ► .�.._ , a "•t��""t114r�'��� . N • •� 1 � , '9 � � .r.. J� 2010 /�6! 9101 • 2000 � o r � �' N N . , . ,,,,,. .. � eu �.� � � �,�, ..:. g � $ °'�b � �!j:. �$ � 4M 310 260 � ,�� o . � S00 550 ' ,�+�,�, �.. � N 1�1 1�1 ,��i t�l 1�1 o ..�. .�,� � o � ,`� 1 �'� 9�00 ° � �- . � �,' � � - / M � 8000 �1st 7900 3000 ry e�se nse , esio- teee Bie-�9o2e 9300 m .ru. aw r. � W� �O � Q � .ya.ui r�r n � � . o F- „� o o � ' W & q . o N �i r UNIVEHSIi OF MlNNESOfA ' i p� � 1380� ���� ��.�. • 1+� � . _��.. R S[AACM ClNIEN t = �� :'b ="� . . � . � . ..w � O . ��'.. .....•� O ..� • ClTY � OF h '��.�"' COAiEi �� � � ��.'�'. .._ ' 1960 19b0 _ � . � RNO. pEP�. (�C8 o�nvp�1 . � ; . . • • AC#RSEMENT BOR REVOCATION OF CO�N'1'Y ROAD 38 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between � the County of Dakota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Rosemount, hereinafter refer=ed to as the "City". WITNESSETI�i THE FOLLOWING: WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 1&3 .11. Subd. 5, authorizes a county board to revoke county road status by resolution of the county board of commissioners; and WHEREAS, the �County Board intends ta pass a resolution revoking County Road status on that portion of County Road 38 described below; and WHEREAS, as a result of said revocation of County Road 38, said roadway as described below will revert to the City; and WHEREAS, the County and City desire to define the responsibilities and obligations which will result from this � road revocation; NOW, THEREFOi2E, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Description of Roadwav That portion of County Road 38 described as follows: . . ' . • County Road 38 between County State Aid Highway 42 and County State Aid Highway 7i as shown on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAPS NOS. 10, 78, 79, 80, 81 and 82 as recorded in Documents 178932, 758747, 871733, 871734, 871735, 871736, and 871737 on file in the Dakota County Recorders Office. 2. Effective Date Revocation of County Road 38, described in pa=ag=aph 1 shall be effective upon resolution of the County Board except as otherwise pravided by law. 3. Condition of Road The City agrees that when the County has completed the repairs and improvements to County Road 38, as set forth below, the roadway will meet county standards for a comparable road in the County and will be acceptable for turnback to the City. Improvements will consist of the following: a. that Dakota County will overlay County Road 38 with a 1 1/2" bituminous surface and place gravel shoulder material as needed. 4. Future Repairs and Maintenance Upon the effective date of revocation the City � will be responsible for all maintenance, repair, reconstruction, traffic control devices, and such other matters concerning County Road 38, which are implied by ownership. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this . Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officials. , COII�iTY OF DAROTA RECONIlKENDED FOR F,PPROVAL: � r C� � z��� By � County Engineer Ch irman of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: (SEAL) � � , -� By Count ey Cou ty Auditor Dakota County Board RESOLIITION N�.�- � �- c�- \� Date � �J � � )ate _ CITY OF ROSEMOIINT RECOMI�NDED FOR APPROVAL: By � City Engineer Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: (SEAL) �c�-Q- 1���� J City Attorney Cit Clerk Date �" �� '" �� This instrument was drafted by: the Dakota .County Highway Dept. 14955 Galaxie Ave. Apple Valley, MN 55124 � BOARD OF COIJNT.Y. COMMISSIONERS • ' ' ' + � � DAKOTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA - DATE August 2 . 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-591 Motion by Commisaioner Turner Seconded by Commi�sioner Jensen WHEREAS, the Dakota County Board passed Resolution No. 84-447. adopting a tumbacfc program of County Roads; and a WHEREAS. a tumback agreement with Rosemount is necessary for transfer of roadway titie and maintenance af existing CR 38 between CSAH 42 and CSAH 71;and WHEREAS.the County has met the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Sedion 163.11�Subdivision 5;and WHEREAS, the City has �equested that the County piace a 1 112" bituminous overiay on CR 38 to bring it to standards of comparable County Roads. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners authorizes entering into an agreement with the City of Rosemount for the tumback of existing CR 38 between CSAH 42 and CSAH 71 with said tumback to occu�upon compietion of a 1 1/2"bituminous overiay; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,That the appropriate County Officials are hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed, releasing the right of way by the County forthe above described segment of road. � .._ YES N� Harris X Harris Maher x Maher . eatsgtia ABSENT eataglia Ricbards X Richards Tumer X Tumer Jensen X Jensen �oea��9 ABSENT �o�a��9 State of Minnesota County of Dakocs [,Joan L. Kendall.Clerk to the Board of the Count�oi Dakota. State of iiinnesota,do hereby certi[y'that I have compared the foregoi�g copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners. Dakota County, Minnesota,at their session held on the 2nd day of AL1�l1St 1994,now on file in the County Administration Departmenc.and have found the same W be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and o�cial sea!of Dakota County this �"'�`� day o[ ����� OG Clerk to the Boud ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Bids/Award Contract AGENDA SECTION: Biscayne Avenue improvements, City Project #249 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ���n � r_ � City Engineer/Public Works Director �V� ��� ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation, Resolution, Executed APPROVED BY:__� Acknowledgment and Consent Form Bids were received on March 3, 1995 for the referenced project. Due to some legal maneuvering the Council tabled action on March 21, 1995, but did pass a motion of the intent to award the Contract to Richard Knutson, Inc. Attached is an executed Acknowledgement and Consent Form from Richard Knutson, Inc. and verified by the City Attorney which was requested by the Council prior to awarding the bid to Richard Knutson, Inc. Also, Staff has received verbal notification of the Plan Approval by State Aid, therefore, Staff recommends that the project be awarded to Richard Knutson, Incorporated in the amount of 51 ,453,713.81 . RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR BISCAYNE AVENUE STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #249. � COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTiON 1994 - A RESOWTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR BISCAYNE AVENUE STREET AND U7ILITY 1MPROVEMENTS _ CITY PROJECT 249 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. All bids on construction of Biscayne Avenue Street and Utility Improvements are hereby received and tabulated. 2. The bid of Richard Knutson, Incorporated in the amount of $1,453,713.81 for the construction of said improvements in accordance with the plans and specificafions and advertisement for bids is the towest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to retum forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of all successful bidder and the next two lowest bitlders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: � Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: .�. •'"� ` . . ` .� . . , . - - . B/D� RECEI�ED FRIDAY,MARCH 3,1995 ! t0:40 A.M. BiDDER ORIGINAL BIQ +� OPENING� FINAI CORRECTED BID Richard Knutson,Inc. $1,453,813.85 $1,453,713.81 Ryan Contracting $1,513,304.85 $1,513,304.85 Arcon Construction $1,523,725.34 $1,523,725.34 Northdale Construction $1,595,195.29 $1,594,182.23 Brown&Cris,Inc. $1,618,687.54 $1,619,513.49 ` IIcor Construction $1,697,682.40 $1,699,015.00 B.H.Heselton Ca $1,710,166.90 $1,710,166.90 S.H.Hentges&Sons $1,858,347.95 $1,713,872.95 Imperial Developers $1,864,222.10 $1,864,222.10 Arnt Construction $2,227.581.62 $1,892,561.62 t HOLMES & GRAVEN �� A'tce°'7'at L"' r»PUWwn c.afer,ll�...pdb.Mtoadafa�2 Ao�sa1'A.AfBo� (f12)33T-9Ci9� iDD�s�re'G f.0l1G JAt�as Nt srso�F A�ONAta H.BATTY lr�(612)33T-9Ci10 JA�.�T801�M,iR. �1'�}ffiI j.H[J�UL LAttT M.Adi�Ot JO�1 H.1�AN HONNRL wlLmMi MAtY G.DO�/1Ns GAtT P.RR'f[g Si�ANtE N.GsLtY CORRD+�e A.Asurs W[tITER'S DIItECT DW. Du►vm 4 Gsnv�r(�as-vnl _ IA�es S.HOta1�s (q2�337aus O!O�IA�B. DAYID.I-KENNEDY RO�ERTC CAtIdON JOffi�1 R Ir►idON 1L01�i7'L DA��If CRAiLiS L.LEFBVEk6 WO.LIIYfiTON H.LAR Io�M.LSFEvae.,�. T..T�►YS�.Mrx Rosaar J.Ltnu�[.L April 10, 1995 Bud Osmundson City of Rosemount � 2875 145th Street West P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 RE: RKI Bid for Biscayne Avenue Improvement Project Dear Bud: Attached is the original executed Acknowledgment and Consent form executed by RKI which was discussed at the city council meeting where the council decided xo award the bid to RKI for the Biscayne Avenue Improvement Project Very truly yours, • �r Charles L. LeFevere CLL:cI� ,��,._�-•3., , ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND CONSENT OF CTTY'S RIGflT TU UNII.ATE,RAj.j�Y �scnv�coN�acr aw� WHEREAS,Richard Knutson,Inc. ("RKI'�submitted a competitive bid to the City of Rosemount("City'� for certain public construction,specifically the Biscayne Avenue impravements utility and street construction,City Project No. 249, S.A.P.Na 208-108-01 ("Project'�;and WHEREAS,on March 3, 1995,the City opened bids and RKI's bid in the amount of$1,453,7I3.81 was tne low bid; and WI�REAS,following bid opening,the second low bidder,Ryan Contracting, Inc.,conta.cted the City and claimed that RKI's bid was materially nonresponsive for failing to acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. 2,and Ryan further threatened to commence a bid protest lawsuit against the City unless the City rejected all bids or awarded the Project to Ryan; and WHEREAS,the City has subsequently determined that RKI's failure to acknowledge bid Addendum No. 2 was a minor defect,uregularity, and informality which would be waived by the City in its discretion and in its determination that an award of the Project contract to RKI would be in the City's best interests; and WHEREAS,the City has concerns over the potential for delays in commencement and completion of the Project should Ryan Contracting,Inc. proceed with and have success in its threatened bid protest lawsuit;and WHEREAS,at an open meeting of the City Council on March 21, 1995, following opportunity for all interested parties to be heazd,the Rosemount City Council moved and appr�ved a resolution to awazd the Project contract to RKI and to issue a notice of award and intent to award a contract to RKI on the Project oa the canditions that . any contract would not be signed until on or after April 11, 1995,that the City be able to secure a11 required state aid approvals,permits,and other easements,and further that RKI � acknowledge and agree that the City would have the unilateral and exclusive right to rescind its notice of contract awazd at any time prior to execution of a contract in the event that Ryan Contracting,Inc. commenced a bid protest lawsuit and in the further event that the City determined, at any stage of the bid protest lawsuit proceedings, if any, that the Project would be unduly delayed because of said legal proceedings. .� :+- • NC�W,in acknowledgment of the City's concerns,and in consideration for the City's resolution to awazd the Project to RKI on the basis that RKI submitted the low, responsive,responsible bid on the Project,RKI hereby expressly acknowledges and agrees that the City ma.y,in its sale and eacclusive discr�tion,and pursuant to unilaterat action,rescind its notice of award and intent to awazd the Project contract to FLKI at any time in the event that the City becomes concerned thax any commencement of a bid protest iawsuit by Ry�Con�accing,inc.in Dakota County District Court may,at any stage of the proceedings,operate to unduly delay the commencement or progress of the � Project RKI acknowledges and agrees that the City's decision to pursue such course shall be in the City's sole and exclusive discretion,and that RKI would not make claim or pursue damages against the City for any rescission of the notice of contract award. RKI fiirther understands that in the event that the City elected to rescind the contract award because of delays by way of court proceedings,the City would reject all bids and readvertise the Project. R�CHARU KNUTSON,INC. l Rueben Mausolf,President � : 'Sheri B yum,Vi President STATE OF l��NNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SCOTT ) On this�day of April, 1995,before me,a Notary Public within and for said County,personally appeared Rueben Mausolf,to me personally known,who,being by - me duly swom did say that he is the President of Richard Knutson,Inc.,and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said corpora�ion by authority of its Board of Directars and that he acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. f.,.,.,�.-,.._-_._ . J�•::;;�?.C?c"SHAR NOTARY FVoL!^�—�'wuW�cSOTA Mr��.�000 o ' Public -2- .r- . ;�• . STATE OF 1��1NESOTA ) )�- COUNTY OF SCOTT } On this ,��day of Apri1, 1995,before me,a Notazy Public within and for said County,PersonallY aPPe�d Sheri Boyum,to me personally known,who,being bY me duly sworn did say that she is the Vice President of Richard Knutson,Inc.,and that said insttvmeIIt was signed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directars and that she acknowledged said instrume�t to be the free act and deed of said corporation. � �EtlC—+."u�it�lES^'T;; � ' , �' � �L�i...���.�u.- , L..Yk.- �.� aaxoracau�mr � r,s��c-��,�,� Notazy Public � 14�LS:1542 I.DQCJ7210-16 -3- � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CtTY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Clarification of Storm Water Access AGENDA SECTION: Charge (STAC) Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA��I� .L� ), � City Engineer/Public Works Director �t y' ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 1988-31 , Resolution APPROVED BY: �--r-� ^ � /v� . In 1988 when the Storrn Sewer Access Charge was established (which is on page 5 & 6 of the attached resolution) there was verbiage used to imply that the Storm Sewer Access Charge should only be collected on buildings which are built on platted property. There has been some confusion in the Building Department whether or not they are to collect the Access Charge on properties which are built on Metes and Bounds described property. For example, the National Guard OMS Facility on Biscayne Avenue is not on platted property, but has 8 to 10 acres of impervious surface. However, because their property is not formaHy platted, they may not have to pay a Storm Sewer Access Charge. This does not seem fair. In addition, the City's Storm Water Utility which is also used to pay for Storm Drain facilities, is charged to all properties. To clarify this situation we are recommending that Council adopt a resolution cfarifying this issue. We do not feel there is any differenc8 in collecting an Access Charge in the un-platted areas versus platted area. City storm sewer trunk facilities include ditches and major culverts on rural roadways. Also, the City is responsible for all storm sewer facilities on County roads and fiighways. Therefore, Staff and the Utility Commission are recommending that Councit adopt the attached resolution. The fees are not being changed, just clarified that the fees should be collected on all properties when developed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION CLARIFYING THE STORM SEWER ACCESS CHARGE FEES WHEREBY ALL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WOULD PAY THE ACCESS CHARGE. COUNCIL ACTION: 6 �.!_. � . . . . CtTY �F ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA CQUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995 - A RESOLUTI�N CLARIfYiNG THE COLLECTION OF THE STORM SEWER ACCESS CHARGE WHEREAS, the City has been collecting Storm Sewer Access Charges on newly developed platted properties since 1988, and WHEREAS, the Storm Sewer Access Gharges fund trunk and other storm drainage facilities which benefit the entire City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Storm Sewer Access Charges be collected on all newly developed properties in the City as determined by the Public Works Director. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: ���� � , CITY OF xOSEMOIINT � . � RESOLUTION 1988 - 31 � � A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AATEB AND SEWER RATES, CHARGES AftD DEPOSITS I. IISE CHAxGES A. Water Consumption Charges The amount due and payable by each water user within the City for water taken from the water system shall be as provided below, payabie quarterly and deposited in the Utility Dperating Fundc RATE SCHEDIILE Quarterly Rate All Sizes $.95/1,000(M) Gallons MINIM[TM QUARTERLY CHARGES Meter Size Minimum Charge r- All Sizes None � 1 1) In case the meter is found to have stopped, or to be operating in a ---� faulty manner, the amount of water used will be estimated in accordance with the amount used previously in the year. 2) Any pre-payment or overpayment of charoes may be retained by the City and applied on subsequent quarterly statements. 3) Each quarterly billing for water service not paid when due shall incur a penalty charge of 10� of the amount past due. 4) For turning on water, where service has been turned off, a service charge of $15.00 will be made. 51 Water billing shall start at the time of installation of the water meter B_ Water Meter Maintenaace Charge A quarterly meter maintenance/replacemeat charge shall be made for each meter as set forth below and deposited into the IItility Operating Fund: Meter Size Quarterly Mete� Maintenaace' Charge r- . 5/8 _ $ 1.25/Ruarter � ; 1 $ 1.50/Quarter ' i 1-112 S 3.50/Quarter . ... L . ._ � .-t~�,�-- . �_ . /�G• 8esolution 1988 - 3I �--- Page 2 2 . S 5.00/Ruarter 3 $ 6.SdiQuarter 4 $12.50/Quarter 6 $28.00/Quarter g N/A lp $56.00/Quarter C. Automatic Sprinkler System Charge Where a connection is made to an automatic sprinkler system for standby service onlq on municipal mains and privaLe Iines a charge for such service shall be made on an annual basis as follows, and deposited into the Water Core Fundc Size of Line Charge 2 $ 45.00 3 $ 61.00 4 S 90.00 6 $122.00 g $152.00 10 ._ $245.00 ,.._., _ 12 $380.00 , � 1) These charges shall apply in alI cases where automatic sprinklers ' are installed and where fire gates and other outlets are sealed. 2) Installation shall meet the requirements of the State's plumbing code. D. Sewer IIsage Charge A charge is hereby imposed upon every gezson whose premises are served, either directly or indirectly, by the sanitary sewer system withia the Citq, for the use of the facilities of said sewer system. The charge for residential use will be based on the amount of water used during the lst quarter months of January, February and March. Commercial, institutional and industrial charges shall be based upon the amount of water usad during each quarter. The cflarges shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Utility Operating Fund. AI1 IIsers Quarterly Charge $1_25 /M gallons . Charges for sanitary sewer users without municipal water or metered non-municipal Water shall be $25.00 per quarter per unit. � . . _ � f'� � 3 - , 8esolutioa 1988 - 31 -- Page 3 � E. WATER SUxCSARGE � A surcharge will be made for debt service of the core water facilities. II. CAPITAL CHARGES Capital charges for connection to the water and' sewer system are adjusted annually on January 1, based upon the Engineering News Record. A. Citp Water Connection Charges A connection charge shall be imposed for each new connection to the municipal water system. The charge shall be utilized to pay for the cost of core facilities (water supplq, storage and distribution main oversizing and etc.) . The charge shall be as stated below, and deposited into the Water Hook-Up Fund: 1. Single family detached homes, mobile homes, and single fami.ly attached homes with individual laundry facilities: $909.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and single family attached homes with central laundry facilities: , $727.00 per unit 3. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional: Water Service Size Connection Charge 1�� $1,515.00 1-1I2" $3,032.00 2�� $4,549.00 a) The connection charge for water services over two inches (2") shall be determined by the City Council, b) A connection charge shall be made for each individual water _ service line, based upon the minimum line size required according to the fixture unit calculations in the State's plumbing code. B. Citq Sewer Connection Charge - A sanitarq sewer connection charge shall be imposed for each unit connecting to the sanitary sewer system, or for aay unit for which a . building permit is issued and which is located within the City's 1990 - sanitary sewer service district, as determined by the City•s last . . comprehensive plan as approved by the Metropolitan Council. The charge �._. _ _ . � �� . ¢ Besolutioa 1988 - 31 �'�' Page 4 � ._. . shalZ be utilized to pay for the cost of core facilities {trunk sewers, lift statian�, forcemains and unusual circvmstances). Any unit involving a single family structure vhich is located oa groperty greater than 13,SOO square feet, shall be charged one basic connection charge uait for each 13,500 square feet of property area or fraction thereof, but in no event shall a charge result in more than 2.5 basic units for each acre of propertq. Ponding easements, scenic easements or other extraordina=y easements will not be included in the square footage of the property area. These connection charges sha11 be deposited into the Sewer Hook-Up Fund. 1. Single family detached homes, mobile homes and single family attached homes with individual laundry facilities: $909.00 per unit 2. Apartments, condominiums and single family attached homes with central laundry facilities: $727.00 per unit ,� 3. Industrial, Co�ercial and Institutional: E � The connection charge shall be based upon the number of equivalent single family detached dwelliag connections taken from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, as stated below (the equivalents for uses not listed shall be determined by the City Council): TYPE OF FACILITY PARAMETER EQIIIVAI.ENT CONNECTIONS Arenas 110 seats 1 Athletic Clubs 2 courts 1 Auto Service Center 2 service bays 1 Barber Shop 1 Boarding House S beds 1. , . Bowling Alleys 3 alleys 1 Car Wash (Autamatic) 1 stall 3 Car Wash (Self Service) 1 stall 3 Churches 275 seats 1 Cocktail Lounge 25 seats 1 General Office Bldg. 2400 sq.fx. floor space 1 Hospitals 3 beds 1 Laundromats 2 machines 3 Motels and Hotels Z rooms " 1 Nursing Home 3 beds ' 1 � - Restaurant (Drive-in) 9 parking spaces 1 , xestaurant (Fast Food) 22 seats 1 ► Restaurant 12 seats _ 1 � Restaurant (w/Cocktail Lounge) 9 seats 1 �G s. . Besolutioa 1988-31 � Page 5 � 8etail Stores 3000 sq.ft. floor space 1 Booming Houses 3 beds 1 Schools (Elementary) 20 �tudents I Schools (Secondarq) 15 students 1 Service Station gas only 1 Service Station w/service center Z Service Station w/service center � car wash 5 Swimming Pools 900 sq.ft. pool area 1 Theater 75 seats 1 Theater (Drive-in) 55 parking spaces 1 Narehouses 14 employees 1 C. Metropolitaa Waste Control Commission Service Availabilitg Charge The City sha11 collect, in addition to City connection charges, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) Service Availability Charge (SAC), as set forth by the MWCC. D. City Storm Sewer Connection Charge A storm sewer connection charge shall be imposed for each unit a building permit is issued for new construction provided the unit meets either of the following criteria: ~ a) The subdivision, in which the unit to be built is located in, was platted since January 1, 1985, or b) The subdivision, in which the unit to be built is located in, was less than 90 percent developed by March 1, 1988. The following is a list of subdivisions that meet either of the above criteria: (a) Roseaount Plaza 2nd Addn Shannon Park lst Addn Westridge lst & 2nd Addn 0'Leary's Hills 2nd � 3rd Addn Evenson 1st Addn Country Hills lst & 2nd Addn Wensmann Addn Carrollton 2nd Addn (b) Valley Oak Replat Addn South Rose Park Addn Replat South Rose Park 2nd Addn Broback Industrial Park - The charge shall be as �tated below, and deposited into the Storm Sewer Conaection Fund: 1. For single family detached homes, mobile homes, and single family twinhomes being considered as a unit, the coanection charge shall be : ,:��- . . $200.00 per unit . �--� : � i L . . . ,��. � Hesolution 1988-31 •--- paga 6 2. For multi-family developments such as apartments, condomiaiums, and townhouses the connection charge shall be one and one-half (1.5) ti.mes the rate stated above in D.1. for each equivalent aumber of single family residential connections. The equivalent number shall be based upon three (3) single familq units per acre. Then the connectioa charge shall be: $900.00 per acre The minimum multi-family connection charge shall be for one (I) acre. 3. For industrial, cammercial and institutional developments the connection charge shall be two (2) times the rate stated above in D.l. for each equivalent number of single family residential connections. The equivalent number shall he based upon three (3) single family units per acre. Then the connection charge shall be: � $1,200.00 per acre The minimum industrial, commercial and institutional connection charge shaZl be for one (1) acre. III. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES, DEPOSITS AND PERMITS — A.Water Meter Accuracy Check A Consumer map, by written request, have his meter accuracy checked by depositing the amount stated below with the IItilitp Department. Ia case a test should show an error of over five percent (5�} of the water consumed, the deposit will be refunded to the consumer, a correctly registered meter will be installed, and the bill will be adjusted accordingly if the error was in favor of the City. Such adjustment shall not extend back more thaa one billing period from the date of the written request. The charges for meter testing are as follows, and shall be deposited into the IItility' Operating Fund: For testing 5/8" - 2" meLers $ 3Q.Q0 For testing 3" meters $ 3b.00 For testing 4" meters $ 70.00 For testing b" meters $100.00 B. Sewer and Water Permit A permit must be obtained to connect to the City water and sewer spstem or to construct a private sewer or water system in accardance with Section 1.12 of the City Sewer and Water Ordinance. A fee shall be charged as established by the City Council, which covers the cost incurred by the City to process and inspect the system installation, and shall be deposited into , the General City Deposits. ' C. Property Assessments ,.__.. G . � • � Sesolution 1988 - 31 - Page 7 � If a lot or tract of Iand receives abutting lateral saaitarp sewer or water � ' benefit, a buildiag permi.t or connectioa permit shall not be issued uatil ��� one of the following conditions has been complied with: 1) A lateral sanitarq sewer and water assessment flas beea paid, levied, ar will be levied in due course, or 2) The applicaat shall pay aa additional connectioa fee for lateral sanitary sewer and watermain sezvice per lineal foot of assessable abutting praperty based on the rates in effect at the time of building or connection permit application. The 1988 rates per lineaL foot are as follows: Sanitary Sewer 21.80/l.f. Watermain 18.70/l.f. These rates shall be adjusted annually on January 1, based on the "Engineering News Record" index. These charges shall be deposited into the Sewer Hook-up Fund and Water Hook-up Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the "City of Rosemount Water and Sewer Rates, Charges and Deposits" is hereby adopted this 19th day of April, 1988, effective with the first billing period of 1988. : BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that adoption of this Resolution hereby repeals City of Rosemount Resolution 1988-18. All Amendments thereto. ADOPTED this 19th day of April, 1988. ollan Hoke, Maqor ATTE5T: � lStepha Jilk, Adm✓.�'�fs�ator/Clerk � . . ,.—: .. . _ CITY OF ROSEM�OR ACTION - EXECUTIVE SUMMAR ' EETING DATE: April 18, 1995 - CITY COUNCIL M AGENDA SEC'i'ION' Consent : Receive BidslAward Contract for Vac AGEN�A► �TEM Truck pGEND�► N 1 1 EM � �� PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson C�ty EngineerlPubiic Works Director Sion Summa� APPROVED BY: �. A-n'ACHMENTS: Bid Tab, Utility Comm�s urchase of a Vac ets inciuded p This Vac nitary Sewer and Storrn Drain budg �a ability• for Sa ettin9 and vacuumin9 p rovide The 1995 C.I•P• sumps and This Va� Truck wou�d �omb►ne both a 1 isers, cleanin9 in k. . ;� environmental catch bae►�ns and manho es, at Truc ate va�� Truck wouid be �'n�1zwate ma n b eaks, cieaning 9 and each city ava 9 'ft stations� and for a multitueS of other excav safetY ►n exc and storm water li wet we��s in sanitary erm it as "i�dispensabte"- ersonnel have viewed Vaa �rucks at area ci projects. The UtilitY P h ressure co mes up w�th more uses for the Vac Truck an •nation vacuum and h+9 p 3 b�ds �g95. The CitY rec e i v e d t h r e e t i ved the bids for the truck �m n A p e d6 �m b i The City rece mach�ne jet sewer catch basin cieanm g ected lifie of at t a l b i d p rice of S129,930 to 5137,2�8.� • e a n e x p rang�n9 �n to very careful This mac h i n e �►the City should be This is a very major purchase for 15_2 years. Therefore, ears and probabiy least ten t��� y actl what is in the best interest of the C�fil• i� purchasing ex Y o to MacQUeen t��ity Commission that the e ca�a ned ng he attached u#���� Staff recommended to the U h bidder. The reasons ar The Utility Commiss�on Equipment which was the h�9 self and Mike W►dstrom. Commission Summary from mY concurred. The refore, Staff recommends the action below• Np pWARD THE CONTRAHT EOR D ACTION: MOTION TO RECEIVE B��S A Ma�QUEEN RECOMMENDE NTED COMB�NATION VAC�UUM AND HIG p CATCH BASIN CLEAN1Nt3`1�1�AC�NE T Y THE PURCHASE OF A �995 TRUCK MOU PRESSURE JET SEWER AN EQUIP MENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $137�29$'�`�� COUNCIL ACTION: 5 ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION UTILITY COMMISSIQN MEETING DATE: April 10, 1995 AGENDA ITEM; Accept Bids/Award Contract AGENDA SECTION: Vac Truck Oid Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Public Works Director 4b. ATTACHMENTS:Bid Tabulation, Memo from Mike Widstrom APPROVED BY: e ity received the bids or the truck mounted com ination vacuum and hig pressure�et sewer catc basin cleaning machine on April 6, 1995. The City received three (3) bids ranging in total bid price of 5129,930 to S 137,298.74. This is a very major purchase for the City. This machine will have an expected life of at least ten {10) years and probably 15-20 years. Therefore, the City should be very careful in purchasing exactly what is in the best interest of the City. As explained in Mr. Widstroms' memo, the Vactor Model 2110C as bid by MacQueen Equipment,)nc., is the only bid received which met specifications completely. However, their bid was the high bid at 5137,298.74. The RBM Equipment machine specified, which was a VAC-CON Model V290THA/1000 machine did not meet many of the specifications. In addition, ABM failed to complete the compliance section of-the specification and instead offered their spec's in an order which creates hours of work to try to compare to our bid. In this sense alone, this is a non-responsive bid and could be thrown out. However, we did take the time to peruse their submittal and found major changes from the specifications we wrote. One major change is that ABM is requesting an extra and unknown amount of dollars for very important safety features and operator training which were required in the specification. Without a known dollar amount we cannot compare it to other bids. Another unknown area is water tanks, where it is uncertai� what is being supplied: at one point it refers to one t1) tank and at another point it refers to plural tanks. Another major difference from our specification is that the jetting capability is run off the auxiliary engine which causes the operator to run both engines simultaneously to jet/clean sewer lines which is the majority of the time spent with this truck. Alternatively an operator could shut off the truck engine at each stop which will cause an undo amount of maintenance dollars to be spent on the truck engine. The truck engine is not built to tum on and off frequently. Another major change is that the vacuum compressor is driven off the truck engine. These operations are vice-versa from our specifications, The Crysteel bid of an Aquatech Model B-10 does not meet specifications either. The Aquatech has no auxiliary engine and all jetting and vaccing operations are mechanieally connected to the truck engine. What this does is place an enormous amount of strain on the truck engine which will cost dearly in engine maintenance and replacement dotlars. In addition, the Aquatech machine cannot pick up dry materials, road grindings or sands without large amounts of water. This machine will not allow the vacuum operation to be done simultaneously while the truck is being moved. This would be the case in vaccing leaves in the gutter. A major non-comptiance with the specification is in the vacuum drive. The jack shaft, cogged polychain belt and pulleys constitutes many more moving parts than what is specified. The operator panel on the Aquatech is on the rear of the machine which is not conducive to operating the equipment. Another non-compliance issue is that the water tank is located high on the machine, thereby putting the center of gravity much higher which is a safety concem. Therefore, Staff is recommending the award ofi the Vac Truck to MacQueen Equipment for the�VACTOR Model 2110C. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTIDN to recommend to City Council awarding the contract for one new truck mounted combination vacuum and high pressure jet sewer and catch basin cleaning mach+ne to MacQueen Equipment, Inc., in the amount of $137,298.74 including sales tax. COMMISSION ACTION: BID TABULATIONS 1995 TRUCK MOUNTED COMBINATION VACUUM AND HIGH PRESSURE JET SEWER AND CATCH BASIN CLEANING NIACHINE BID OPENING: APRIL 6, 7995 � 10:00 A.M. BIDDER BID ADDITIONAL TOTAI BID BOND BASE BID WARRANTY (Indudes Sales Tau� ABM Equipment ,/ S 122,000.00 -0- S 129,930.00 Crysteel Truck Equipment ,� 5119,806.00 53,210.00 $131,012.04 � Flexibie Pipe Tooi Co ---- ---- ---- ---- MacQueen Equipment None $128,919.00 -0- $137,298.74 Bid Bond was not required * Includes sales tax on Additionai Warranty, totai should be $127,593.39 without tax on Additional Warranty . j�_ � - Memorandum To: Bud Osmundson, Pubtic Works Director From: Mike Widstrom, Building and Utiiity Supervisor ' Date: Aprii 7, 1995 Subject: Specification Deviations for Vac Truck. A. VENDOR: Macaueen Equipment EQUIPMENT BID: "VACTOR" Mode! 2110C Equipment TOTAL COST: 5137,298.74 iincludes sales �ta�c� DELIVERY DATE: 45 - fi0 Days after award SHOP LOCATION: St. Paui MacQueen Equipment met all requirements of the City's Specifications. B. VENDOR: ABM Equipment EQUIPMENT BID:' "VAC-CON" Model V290THA/1000 TOTAL COST: 5129,930 (inctudes sales tax) DELNERY DATE: 30 - 45 Days after receipt of chassis SHOP LOCATION: Hopkins ABM Equipment could not meet specifications in the foliowing areas: 1. ABM is not specific in delivery information to the City in regards to how they meet or not meet specifications, a non-responsive bid. 2. Vacuum system is single stage vs. two stage compressor spee 'd. Compressor driven off main e�gine vs. auxiiiary engine spec`d. 3. Water tanks - one (1) la�ge vs. four (4) smaller tanks spec'd. Built out of plastic vs. atuminum spec'd. 4. Water pumps being driven off auxiliary engine vs. main engine spec'd. This means that both engines are required to jet sewer lines, a major change to spec's. 5. Hose �eel articulating 180 deg vs. 270 deg. spec'd. � � 6. ABM is also asking for_additional cost regarding mirror mounted.lights, visual screen for backing operations and for training. No dollar " / ^ ; . M�+iO ON VAC TRIIC�C SPSC'S amount provided, a non-responsive bid. C. VENDOR: CRYSTEEL EQUtPMENT EQUIPMENT BID: "AQUATECH" Model B-10 TOTAL COST: $131,012.04 {includes sales tax) DELIVERY DATE: 60 Days aftef receipt of chassis 120 days after award SHOP LOCATION: Fridley Crysteei Equipment wiil not meet specifications because the City asked specifically for a fan operated compressor unit and not a positive displacement pump unit, a major change to specifications.. Listed are other areas that do not meet specs 1. Debris box construction (thickness of 3/16" vs. '/." spec'd1, dumping angie and number of air ports. 2. Piasfic tanks vs. a(uminum spec'd. Piacement of water tanks is above frame not below as spec'd. No bid on automatic fil! system. 3. Rating design with the high pressure pump does not meet spec. Type of pump and how it is d�iven. 4. Mounting of work station on rear of truck vs. front mount work stafion. 5. Hydraulic system does not meet spec. Asked for two separate hydraufic systems; their bid machine has one. 6. Additional costs (S1000) for sandbtasting and painting requirements. 7. Page 8 - It is unknown whether or not the bidder comptys with bid. .,.. - , ,.. . . 2 � � MEMO TO: Ma.yor McMenomy Councilmembers Anderson, Busho, Staats, Wippermann . FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant : DATE: April 18, 1995 RE: Fire Department Pay Increases Attached is additional information for city council agenda item #4.I. , . y���� . � . � � . � .. � . . . . � . � � . . . . �.:� Volunteer firefighter pay for the period of November 1, 1993, to November 30, 1994. This : pay includes officer salaries (if any), fite calls, and drills. Annual pay will differ depending upon firefighter's attendance at drills and response to fire calls. Firefi�h� ter Annual Pav Annual Hours Anderson, Leigh $ 2,942.82 388.25 Aker, Scott $13,503.40 839.00 Burkhalter, Bryan $ 1,474.55 188.50 Bailey, David $ 2,268.55 270.50 Comgan, Daniel _ $ 7,099.09 687.50 Evenson, Mark $ 2,446,26 350.25 Ford, Jay $ 3,730.05 525.25 Gerrits, Joseph $ 1,904.31 275.50 Gardinier, Scott $ 2,234.30 317.50 Haeg, Michael $ 3,170.81 431.50 Helgeson, Scott $ 2,129.20 306.40 Hill, Shawn $ 2,132.62 303.00 Komovich, Ashley $ 1,837.26 269.25 Lundell, Peter $ 2,020.26 268.00 McNearney, Donald $ 1,977.55 284.75 Mooney, Terrence $ 2,965.28 392.25 Nelson, Edward $ 1,253.41 183.00 Paulson, Wayne $ 2,495.96 356.75 Reis, Michael $ 9,539.66 763.25 Stauffer, Charles $ 818.45 119.25 Stauffer, Douglas $ 1,996.51 280.50 Smith, Gregory $ 4,637.91 505.50 Strese, Steven $ 2,498.36 328.50 Snyder, Glenn $ 2,274.01 326.00 Swanson, Gene $ 2,681.27 352.25 Tucker, Kevin $ 3,772.60 524.50 Turek, Robert $ 2,091.06 302.25 Wegner, Paul $ 2,474.66 356.25 Zwart, Harold $ 1,980.80 288.00 �,.,�� ** If the city council approved the proposed firefighter pay with the five year salary freeze, the additional cost for one year is $8,683.00. This additional cost is based on - three months of firefighter's salaries for January, February and March of 1995. FIItE DEPARI`MENT SURVEY April 18, 1995 PRIOR LAKE _ CHASKA Fire Chief $1000/yr Fire Chief $2540/yr Asst. Chief $ 350/yr Asst. Fire Chief $1270/yr Per Call $ 6.25/hr. 2nd Asst. Chief $1016/yr lst Ltd. $ 762/yr SHAKOPEE 1st Captain $2540/yr 2nd Captain $ 953/yr Fire Chief $3000/yr 3rd Captain $ 953/yr (2) Asst. Chief lst $1500/yr 2nd Ltd. $ 653/yr Asst. Chief 2nd $13001yr (3) Fire Marshalls $1270/yr Engineers - Head $2400/yr Secretary $1270/yr 2nd $20001yr Computer Coordin. $1270/yr 3rd $1000/yr Ambulance $1270/yr 4th $1000/yr Engineers $12�0/yr Captains 1 $2000/yr Per Call/Drill $ 2.SO/hr 2 $ 744/yr Per Ambulance Call $ 8.ZO/hr 3 $ 740/yr 4 $ 740/yr Per Call/Drill $ 7.50/hr CHANHASSEN FARNIINGTON Fire Chief $2500/yr Fire Chief $4493/yr _ Asst. Chief $1800/yr Asst. Chief $1377/yr Training Officer $1200/yr Captain $1050/yr Rescue Captain $ 900/yr Secretary�Treasurer $1200/yr Captain $ 700/yr Rescue Captain $1216/yr Chief Engineer $1000/yr Rescue Ltd. $ 728/yr Asst. Engineer $ 700/yr Per Call/Drill $ 7.00/hr Lieutenant $ 500/yr Per Call/Drill $ 7.00/hr SAVAGE Fire Chief $4200/yr Fire Marshall $3000/yr Training Officer $ 90fl/yr Asst. Chief $4200/yr (3) Dist. Chiefs $ 900/yr Per Call $ 7.65/hr - _ . Per Drill $ 7.00/hr . - CITY OF ROSBMOUNT - SXECIITIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, I995 AGENDA ITBM: City Administrator Salary AGSNDA SBCTION: Adjustment Consent PREPARED BY: Ma.yor E. B. McMenomy AGENDA �EM � �� ATTAC�TTS: None APPRO�TED BY: Following a very favorable performance evaluation of City Administrator Tom Burt, it was agreed Mr. Burt should receive a salary adjustment. This adjustment is a 3% salary increase and a $1500 lump sum bonus. The Council agreed Mr. Burt did an excellent job during his first year of employment with the City. RECON.Qr!'ENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a 3% increase retroactive to January, 1995 and a lump sum bonus in the amount of $1500 . COtTNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSFNiOIINT LXECOTIVS SUb�1ARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 1S, 1995 AGENDA ITLM: FIRE DEPARTMENT PAY INCREASE AGI3NDA SLCTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH, ADMINISTR.ATIVE AGEN'DA �EM • ASSISTANT # ATTAC�lErTTS: SALARY SPREADSHEET SURVEY APPROVED BY: ' The Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department membership has proposed salary increases which would remain the same from January 1, 1995, through December 31, 1999 . This is a request for council to consider approving the following pay increases which would remain frozen through the year 1999. Fire Chief $7,500/yr. Fire Prevention $ 375/yr. - Asst. Fire Chief $4,300/yr. Lieutenant $ 250/yr. Secretary $2, 000/yr. Firefighter pay $ 8 .25/hr. Training Coord. $ 700/yr. Training pay $ 6.00/hr. Captain $ 425/yr. The attached salaries spreadsheet illustrates what salaries would be if a three percent increase was given for each of the years. For the officer salaries only, the city would realize a savings of $4, 813 over the next five years as opposed to three percent increases over the next five years. The savings would be $3, 606 over the next five years if 2.5 percent increases were given over the next five years. There are adequate funds in the fire department budget to cover pay increases over three percent. Fire Chief Aker advi.ses funds would be available because of the low number of firefighters on staff and savings realized by changing providers for pre-employment physical, Hepatitis B vaccines and annual pulmonary tests. This five year plan would allow the fire department to have a "no increase° salary budget for the next five years and allow them to budget more closely. This approach merits council consideration and I recommend its approval. Increasing firefighter pay should help the department with its recruitment efforts. The membership approved this plan and feels these salaries will be appropriate until the year 2000 . RECOb��1+TDED ACTION: Motion to approve the above fire department pay increases which will be effective for the years 1995 through 1999 . ' COUNCIL ACTION: Fire Department Salaries/Pay ° . ......�.r Future �_._ future j Future.: 3: . . ..� � . . . � �. .� . .�., . .:... .........b. �.............,.. ............,..... .. Current � Proposed � Future � .�. � ,.. . .�.. . Fire Chief � $7450 00 , $7,673 50 3 $7 903 71 , $8,140 82 , $8,385 04 8 $8,636 59 3Fire Chief � ; $7800.00 3 9 ) 3 Assistant Fire Chief ^ � $4050 00 ; $4,171 50 � $4,296.65 3 $4,425.54 � $4,558 31 � $4,695.06 3�Assistant Fire CI; $4300.004 . . .. .. �.... �q.................... .............�.. .......,.............�...�................. � .........., .,.j...................,......,.............. . .. ._ i f.......,................................a. �................................� ......... . ........................�.............................................. Secretary } $1900.00 � $1,957.04 p $2,015.71 w�w$2,076.18 ; $2,138 47 k W$2,202.62 �Secretary ; $2000.00 _w_ �. w�..�..,_w.. �. .�wwWw� ww Traming Coord � $650.00 ; $669 50 � $689 59 ; $710 27 { $731 5$ ; $753 53 {Trainmg Coord^ ; $700 00 . .. _.___ �..�_...._.__.._._ __�......._................_ _.,.�_ .._..... ....._.... ........� ..�. ._... _..�._._. , � t _.. ,� ��.�......_._......_._�.__. _...,. . ..}...�___....._� .._.�_._._: Captain � ; $400.00 , $412.00 � $424 36 ; $437.09 �µ $450.20 ; $463.71 3Captain ; $425.00 � � .� � �. M.,.,�,.� r.,�......._.�..�, ...a�... ....�, ......,......�.�....,�, Lieutenant � $225 00 � $231 75 $238 70 ! $245 86 3 $253 24 $260 84 3Ueutenant 3 $250.00 3 � .�._,.._.�. .��.� .m,._..�m � �. .m�.T�.�.�,m_._�. ......:... Fire Prevention �m � $350 00 ; $360.50 T � $371.32 � $382 45 ��m $393 93 i $405 75 � Fire Prevent�on� $375 00 w_._.,.._...W.,.�..,.... w....,w....,....._._....,...,.._...�...,.__..........M...__._ }� ,.._....,..,..,....w...w �M._______-....�:�...._._.... w ...�. .,...w._.M._.,,,,_ i3 ._3 "� ...i.,...,.,,...........x......._.,..}._..........,.w..,.....,.....,....� ,�:................ ........ .........._......... . ..... .............�......... ................... .. ...« .. ...3..............:.........................3 Firefighter Pay ; $7 40 ��. $7 62 � �.�,T.�.�.�,�,� �.�.�.�.���.� • _ ...._., _. 3 $7.85 � $8 09 + $8 33 � $8 58 ;Firefighter Pay � $8 25 w.....�..�__...wW._.___w_., w_.w_ww :� __M.._ � ....__ ..w_�._,_ W�.www.ww_�._w_w :...w__.W�.._.. Training Pay 3 $5 80 3 $5.97 � $6 34 � $6 53 � $6 72 'Trainin Pa 3 $6.00 , � _ .�._.�._. .�._._.�... .w�._,_.���__._._. �_ ...._3...�._._..,._._.........._......... :..$6.15w...........�:.....�. __._....�....�._.wa.._. .._,�.�._��......_.�._,:.._._.�...._._._.w......._.3 9 Y ,�_..__.�.�_._.�._._._._._. .,�...................... . 3 �.... . � 3 3 �........................._.......... ...........3 . , . . . 3 .� � . . . � �.3�..,... .....�. _._........:................, i ..�.. � 3. ,�' _..., 3 ,..,.. .,.,..�.......,.,_.M. . ^.3 1995 , 1996 3 1997 ,� 1998 a 1999 � � � � 3 � . � g. � . . . ..� . . . . ... . .;. ,6 .. . ... . . 3 . .......,..... . .,}..............................................., .f��T.�.. ; 1994 ; Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed : Proposed ' ' .._»».,..M._.,..w...«..»........,...................... ......�:._......,.....,......,.....»....y...,,..�....,..»..,..,,..... w»..... ...�,..........,......,..w_..,._. .. 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' 3 3 3 3 3 .....�,.......�,......,.,...,..,........ � � �3 3 3 3 ? � 3 3 . � . .. .w,..M.3..,..,...,__ � ..3... . .,3. . ..,...,w.,..,.�,�.....,.....,�.M...,,._......�.,.. . ,� ....�,.... . ..,.�. � .�....„,.,.3.M,�.-,...,....�,., . "y "3'..,w................M .,�,,... Fire CMef ; $8,280.00 i $7,560.00 ; $7,470.00 3 $6,000 00 ; $6,600 00 i Full Time ; Full Tirrre ; ; $7,416 00 ; $7,601 40 ; $7450 � �..._.._ ................._._....�...._. .......,_._.._,._.._... ........_ ._ . .. ..........�....�.�......... .�..__.� _ �_.�.�.�. �....._;.. ....,. .m�T..._._.m.�.�. ....�....� ..�_ ....__... .... �.�.. Asst /Deputy Ch. ; $5,140.00 i $4,320.00 ; $4,320.00 ; $5,000.00 ; $4,800.00 i Full Time ; $2,500.00 ; ; $4,017 00 ; $4,117 43, ; $4050 _....,..M.,............,», . ......».,......-._.3 .�....,......,w.».,...,.....,.....' ..........,..,.;.....w.,...... ............... . 3 ' �,.:......-...:......._......� �.....3..-.,.........'.,...._.,............' �� ' 3 Secretary � M�Pt TimeM ; Fuli Time " Pt Time ; Full Time � $2 400 00 ; Full Time � Full Time ; �' $1 854.00 �`~m�M1 ~900.35��.���~�M$1900M~M� .................._.................................._. ...................�................................. .:................j........... . ._,........ . .,,,............ . .......,.........................;..... .»...... .................»....... ..............,..................._....... 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Engineer e� ,— $2700 00 ; 3 � m i ; ; ; ' , �.!�9..._..�.. . _.� ��. ...�..,m..:.___..�..._.�_. � .� __.�_�.__ � � � � �..�_._m�. .�...N�_ �.._�..�_....�.m....M....,.�..._.� Engineer ww� n��� $2100 00 ; � No Pay.M � m i Full Time ; $940 00 3 3 NwMY M . .M. � ; � 3 ,....._...... ..._.... �.._....................w.... �. ,...�.....____._.......,.._....3 .� � �...,...._..._......_.,.... 3 ,� .�.. ...._,._...._.�,.._...w._................. _. . ..... �...�.._ __._.. . w _._...._.._.,... m.... _..,�. Station Command. � ' , $1944.00 3 3 � Q� �- ;, r 3 3 � 3 ...�......................... .....:........... .. ,.._. ��5. ................�............._. ,. . . �,� .. ...1�...��..........m..................� �. ....................... ............ ........................... ....................... ....................... .y.._..��. .��....�.�._.�.�.�.�._ � , 3 � , � � �._._._._.�._._.�.��..�._.�._. 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None = Dept. does not have this position Inc. = Pay/Responsibilities included in another position� , ; � �Nw jm �^^M1^�� j .............................. ........... .......,.......,,........,.. ...,.«......,...,........,�.,,....,....,,,..........., r....M„.....,.............,..... . . .......... .,�._.,....-,.....,,....................��...�M.......,...........,. .... ....,�..................»....,.._._.......,�__.,..,..,.............................,. ...,. 3 3 �....-.,._.M.......M.......�.....,. 4 j 3 3 7 .���._. __.�.��.._�.�...._._._.,.._._....� �..�.._._.� _.�._.�._�.._._.�._.�...._. .�...�._�.._._._.�._.�.��..3._..�..._._ . . .�._.�m.__._.�..._._._._._._._.�._._._._._..�_.�._._._._.�......._._...._�..� + $/hr.�=This position paid at higher hourly rate ������N.� � �T����~.��.�.~.�.�.�m.�.�.�.�.�.�.T.�.�.� 3 � 3 � 3 , : City of Rosemount Sxecutive Summary for Action City Couacil Meetiag Date: Aflril 18, 1995 Ageada items Wensmann Seventh and Eighth Agenda Sectioas Additions Development CONSENT AGENDA A reement Prepared By: Richard Pearson Agea��� Assistant Planner � # )� � ilkh� l Attaclm�eats: Revised Development Approved By: Agreement. / The attached Planned Unit Development Agreement and Development Contract for the Wensmann Seventh and Eighth Additions has been revised in response to suggestions and concerns indicated by the Developer. Cit�r staff is in agreement v�rith the modifications and the agreement has been forwarded to both the Developer and the city attorney. 'Recommeaded Actioa: A MOTION to authorize the execution of the Planned Unit Development Agreement and Development Contract for Wensmann Seventh and Eighth Additions. City Couacil Action: 94-18-95.001 � Planned Unit Development Agreement and Development Contract WENSMANN SEVENTTi & EIGHTH ADDITIONS AGR�r dated this day of , 1995, by and betweea the CrrY oF RosENtouN'r, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("City"), SIId WENSMANN REALTY, I1vc., a Minnesota Corporation, (the "Developer"). 1. $�iest for Plat A�Froval. The Developer ha.s asked the City to approve a plat of land to be known as WENSMANN SEVENTH AND WENSMANN EIGHTH ADDITIONS (also referred to in this contract as the "plat"). The land is legally described as follows: The Northwest Quarter (NW1/a) of Section 31, Township I15, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota., except the east 1,273.96 feet thereof; and except the south 1,613.00 feet thereof. Subject to County Road No. 42 and C.S.A.H. No. 9 (Dodd Road), and also subject to any easements of record if any. 2. P.U.D. Auproval. The City approved the Wensmann Seventh Addition Planned Unit Development on February 7, 1995 with the conditions set forth below_ At the request of the Dakota County Surveyor, the proposed Wensmann Seventh Addition plat has been divided into two plats: 1) Wensmann Seventh Addition (the single family portion of the development) and 2) Wensmann Eighth Addition (the planned community portion of the ' development and Outlot A). a. The grading and utilities plan must be approved and accepted by the city engineer and the grading plan be modified to include berms along the Diamond Path right-of-way; b. A cul-de-sac or "hammer head" tumaround must be provided at the ea.stem terminus of the private street parallel to County State Aid Highway 42 {CSA�I 42) as appmved by the fire marshal; c. No parking shall be allowed on the private streets and signs, required by the fire marshal, stating "No Parking Fire Lane" must be installed. d. Fxecution of a planned unit development and master subdivision development agreement that: (1) approves the six (6) dimension varia.nces and the private street setback variance to CSAH 42. The PUD must conform with all other zoning ordinance standards in effect at the time of execution. (2) requires a homeowners' association agreement and declaration of covenants that x., . . secures the maintenance of common areas, driveways, and private streets; and .���- ._ . (3) establishes driveway locations on lots fronting cul-de-sacs and corner lot driveway locations, as specified by the city engineer. Wenstnan7&8.dev Page 1 of 10 5 e. Conformance with all applicable building and fire'codes; and f. the landscape plan be refined to enhance screening in the vicinity where the private street intersection is adjacent to CSAH 42. g. The PUD contains variances to lot dimension and setback standards that are hereby � granted; (1) 1 t,�width: Lots 4, 5, 8, and 9, Block 2, Wensmann 5eventh Addition; (2) �D�pth: Lots 4 and 5, Block 1 and Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, Wensmann Seventh Addition; and (3) The private street shall be setback twenty (20) feet from the CSAH 42 right-of- way in the Wensmann Eighth Addition. h. A Homeowners' Association created by the Developer will be perpetually responsible for Lots 52, 53, 54 and 55, Block 1, Wensmann Eighth Addition except for the � maintenance of an eight-foot wide trail to be constructed on an easement over the northerly twenty feet of Lot 55, Block 1, Wensmann Eighth Addition which maintenance shall be the obligation of the City. The obligations of the Homeowners' Association inciude the following: (1) Maintenance of the lawn or turf areas and landscaping on common areas. This obligation includes maintaining and cutting grass, replacing dead trees or landscaping, caring for or removing disea.sed trees, eliminating nuisance weeds and abating any nuisance conditions. (2) Maintain, repair, replace, and keep in good working order all streets, water services from and including the curb stops to the housing units, sanitary sewer services from the eight-inch lateral pipe to the hausing units, storm sewer, and drainage improvements in the common areas of Lots 52, 53, 54 and 55, B1ock l, Wensmann Eighth Addition, and outside of City rights-of-way. 3. Conditions of Plat A�proval. The City hereby approves the plat on condition of 1) approval of a grading, utilities, and construction specifications by the city engineer; 2) approval of blanket easement language for Lots 52, 53, 54 and 55, Block 1 by the city � attorney; 3) rezoning of the property from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential Detached, R-2 Single Family Residential Attached, and PUB Public and Quasi-Public; 4) Pazk Dedication in the cash amount of$26,240.00 in combination with 1.6 acres of land dedication identified in the plat as Outlot A to the City; 5) execution of a Planned Unit - Development and Subdivision Development Agreement to secure the public improvements and the responsibilities of the Homeowners' Association; 6) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Dedication of$50.00 per lot and per unit totally $4,050.00; � approval by the Dakota Counry Plat Commission; and 8) execution of a pre-assessment agreement to escrow funds in the amount $40,643.00 for the Developer's share of improvements on County Road 33, Diamond Path. Wensman7&8.dev Paga 2 of 10 ! 4. Phased Development. The City may refuse to appmve final plats of subsequent additions of the plat if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. 5. Effect of Subdivisiun Aunroval. For two (2) yeazs from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, except an amendment placing the plat in the current urban service area, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot la.yout or dedications of the appmved plat unless required by state or federal la.w or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the da.te of this Contract. 6. Development Plans. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be atta.ched to this Contract. With the exceptioa of Plan A, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in this plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A -- Pla.t Plan B -- Soil Erosion Control Plan and Schedule Plan C -- Drainage and Storm Water Runaff Plan Plan D -- Plans and Specifications for Public Improvements Plan E-- Grading Plan and House Pad Elevations , Plan F -- Street Lights 7. I�tprovements. The Developer shall install or cause to be installed and pay for the following; A. Sanitary Sewer B. Water C. Storm Sewer D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Boulevard Sod G. Street Lights H. Sidewalks and Trails I. Street Signs J. Setting of Lot and Block Monuments K. Surveying and Stalcing of work required to be performed by the Developer L. Gas, Flectric, Telephone Lines, and Cable Lines Wensman78c8.dev Page 3 of 10 � The improvements shall be installed in accordance with City standards, ordinances and plans and specifications which have be prepared by a competent registered professional engineer furnished to the City and approved by the City Public Works Director. The Developer shall . obtain all necessary permits from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (N�CA), Minnesota Department of Health (1VIDOH}, and other agencies before praceeding with construction. The City shall provide field inspec�tion to ensure an acceptable level of quality control to the extent that the Developer's engineer will be able to certify that the constructioa work meets the approved City standards as a condition of City acceptauce, The Developer or his engi.neer shall schedule a preconstruction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all the parties concerned, including City staff, to review the program for the construction work both for the grading and utility construction. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "Record Plan" drawings. 8. Secu�tv. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Agreement, payment of the costs of all public improvements and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a cash escrow or irrevocable letter of credit from a bank (°security") for S 7d8,760.00. The amount of the letter of credit was calcula.ted as follows: Engineering, Grading, Survey Monuments . . $ 85,000 Sanitary Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 81,230 Water Main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 123,420 Storm Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 120,940 Street Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 185,910 Street Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 6.�0 SuBTOT�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 602,500 Construction Engineering, plus 4% . . . . . . � 1�QQ SUBTOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 626,600 Landscaping & Bituminous Trail . . . . �__�' � ToTA�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � The bank and form of the letter of credit shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The letter of credit shall be for a term ending December 31, 1998. In the alternative, the letter of credit may be for a one (1) year term provided it is automatically renewable for successive one year periods from the present or any future expira:tion dates with a final expira:tion date of December 31, 1998, unless sixty (60) days prior to an expira.tion date the bank notifies the Ciry that it elects not to renew for an additional period. The letter of credit shall secure compliance with the terms of this Contract and all financial obligations of_the Developer under it. The City may dra.w down on the letter of credit - without notice upon receiving notice that the Ietter of credit will be allowed to lapse before December 31, 1998. In the event of a default under this Development Contract by the Developer, the City shall furnish the Developer with written notice by certified mail of Developers default(s) under the terms of this Development Contract. If the Developer does not remove said default(s) within two (2) weeks of receiving notice, the City may ,draw on the letter of credit. The letter of credit shall be reduced from time to time, as financial obligations are paid and public improvements are completed to City's requirements. wgnsman�&s.ae� Page 4 of 10 .. 9. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required improvements enumerated in ParagTaph 7 which will serve the plat by July 31, 1996. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time to the Ciry. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditianed upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. i0. ra i g Pla /Site Gra ing. The Developer shall submit to the City a site grading and drainage plan for the entire plat acceptable to the City showing the grades and drainage for � each lot prior to installation of the improvements. Site grading shall be completed by the Developer at its cost and approved by the City Public Works Director. Developer shall furnish the City Public Works Director satisfactory proof of payment for the site grading work and shall submit a certificate of survey of the development to the City after site grading, with street and lot grades. All improvements to the lots and the final grading shall comply with the grading plan as submitted and shall be the responsibility of the Developer. All basement and/or foundation excavation spoil piles shall be kept completely off City right- of-way and shall be completely surrounded with an approved erosion control silt fence. The City also requires that approved erosion control fencing be installed around the perimeter of each lot at the time of building pemut issuance and remai.n in place until the lot is seeded or sodded. A twenty-foot opening rock construction entrance (perBest Management Practices specifications) shall be installed on each lot for construction deliveries. 11. Lis,ense. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City during the installation of public unprovements by the City. The license shall expire after the plat has been developed. 12. Erosion Control. Prior to site grading, and before any utility construction is commenced or building permits are issued, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be unplemented, inspected and approved by the City. All areas disturbed by the exca.vation and backfilling opera.tions shall be reseeded within five (5) days after the completion of the work in that area.. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be rye grass or other fast- growing seed suitable to the existing soil to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidiy as possible. Sod is required on all slopes greater than ten percent (10%) or as directed by the ciry engineer. Selected lots and/or building permits may contain a clause which requires complete yard sodding prior to issuance of Occupancy Permits. All seeded areas shall be mulched and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The pazties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the plat development does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion, including those provisions listed in paragraph 10. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advaace of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's or City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the Ciry incurred for such work within thirty (30) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the erosion control requirements. Wensman7&8.dev Page 5 of 10 t 13. Planting,and Seeding. The Developer shall install landscaping in accordance with Section 8.3 of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance as well as the attached landscaping plan as approved by the City. The City may withhold a portion of the security until landscaping has been installed and in accordance with the City approved landscape plan. 14. �. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, its agents or assigns. The City will inspect the site on a weekly basis and determine whether it is necessary to take additional measures to clean dirt and debris from the streets. After the Developer has received 24 hour verbal notice, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean-up at the Developer's expense, as per the conditions under Paragraph 12. 15. Ownership of ImFrovements. Upon completion and City acceptance of the work and construction required by this Contract, the public improvements lying within public rights-of- way and easements shall become City property without further notice or action. The City has the right, for perpetuity, to enter the property and make rea.sonable repairs, replacements, or maintenance of the utilities as stated. The Homeowners' Association owns and is responsible � for all maintenance, repairs, and replacement of the storm sewer facilities outside of City rights-of-way, water services from and including the curb stops to the housing units, sanitary sewer services from the eight-inch lateral line to the housing units, and all streets outside of City rights-of-way, the water main and sanitary sewer lateral lines, plus water services from the main to the curb stop, through the common areas of the plat are to be owned and maintained by the City. 16. Warr,antv. The Developer wa.rranties all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of two (2) years after its completioa and acceptance by the City. All trees, grass and sod shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. The Developer shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to the City to secure the warranties. 17. Responsibili for Costs. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat including, but not]imited to, Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the prepara.tion . of this Contract, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat, and the enforcement of this contract. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third pa.rties for damages sustained or costs incuned resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers and employees for all costs, damages or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. This is a personal Wensman7&8.dev Page 6 of 10 . obligation of the Developer, Wensmann Realty, Inc., and shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells one or more lots, the entire plat, or any part of it. D. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incuned under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development work and construction including, but not limited to, the issuance of building permits for lots which the Deveioper may or may not have sold, until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall • accrue interest at the rate of nine percent(9%) per year. E. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as, but not limited to, sewer availability charges ("S.A.C."), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, City storm water connection charges and building permit fees. F. The Developer shall pay all energy costs for street lights installed within the Wensmann Seventh and Eighth Additions until seventy-five percent (75°lo) of the lots are occupied. After that, the City will assume the energy costs. 18. Bu'il�' g Permits. No building permits shall be issued until: A. The site grading has been completed and approved by the Ciry and erosion control measures are in place for the lot. B. All public utilities must be tested, approved by the City Engineer, and in service. All curbing must be installed and bacl�'illed, the first lift of bituminous must be in place and approved by the City. . C. The City Public Works Director has certified that the timetable for construction of public improvements is compatible with private home construction and occupancy. D. The Developer, in executing this Agreement, assumes all liability and costs for damage or delays, incurred by the City, in the construction of public improvements, caused by the Developer, its employees, contractors, subcontractors, materialmen or agents. No occupancy permits shall be issued until the public utilities referred to in paragraph 7 are in and approved by the City, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the City Public Works Director. E. All "No Parking Fire Lane" signs shall be in place as required by the fire marshal. 19. Develoner's Default. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, not less than 48 hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. Wenstnan7&8.dev Page 7 of 10 20. DTiscellaneous. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state and federal la.ws and regulations including, but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plax until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. : C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third pa.rties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. , E. No occupancy permit shall be issued until public improvements in paragraph 7 are in and approved by the City. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contra.ct. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Councii. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. The Developer represents to the City to the best of its knowledge that the plat is not of "metropolitan significance" and that an environmental impact statement is not required. If the City or another governmental agency determines that such a review is needed, however, the Developer shall prepare it in compliance with legal requirements so issued from the agency. The Developer shall reimburse the City for all expenses, including staff time and attorney's fees, that the City incurs in assisti.ng in the preparation of the review. H. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. After the Developer has completed the work required of it under this Contract, at the Developer's request, the City will execute and deliver to the Developer a release. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to the Ciry, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each - and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter aay other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. Wensman7&8.dev Page 8 of 10 K. The City assumes no responsibility for the design, construction, maintenance, or longevity of developer installed retaining walls. L. Park Dedication will be a combination of cash and land dedication. A total of 1.6 acres of land will be dedicated for park development. Outlot A, Wensmann Eighth Addition will be dedicated to the City. The cash contribution will be in the amount of $26,240.00. M. Sidewalks will be installed by the developer on the north side of the east-west street labeled December Trail. Eight-foot wide bituminous trails will be constructed by the developer south of C5AIi 42. If construction is deemed premature, then the value of the delayed improvement must be escrowed. N. The Homeowners' Association previously referred to in this Agreement may not be dissolved or otherwise relieved of obligations herein described without prior approval of the City by recorded resolution of the City Council. O. The Developer agrees to the assessments for the proposed Diamond Path trunk water main project{City Project No. 26'� which will be constructed simultaneously as the plat, and grants the City or its contractors the right of entry to construct this water main. The preliminary estimate of this assessment is $10,941.00. 21. L[otices. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to th� Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by registered mail at the following address: 3312 151st Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or . mailed to the City by registered mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Rosemount City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068. Attention: City Administrator. IN WITNESS WI�:I[iEOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY• � E.B. McMenomy, Mayor BY: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk WEtvsNt�►tv1�t REAI.TY, I1vC. BY: Its . BY: Its Wensman7&8.dev Page 9 of 10 STATE OF PJIIlVNESOTA ) } � COUNTY OF DABOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of_ , 1995, by E.B. McMenomy, Mayor, and Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corpordtion, on behalf of the corporrattion and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) � COUNTY OF DAgOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1995, by Herbert H. Wensmann, President of Wensmann Realty, Inc., a corporation under the laws of Minnesota as the free act and deed of the corporation. Notary Public D�BY: Ciry of Rosemount 2875145th Street West P.O. Box S10 Rosemount, MN 55068-OS10 Wensman78r.8.dev , Page 10 of 10 ;. � CITY OF ROSEM4UNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 4995 ' AGENDA ITEM; Receive Bids/Award Contract for Loader AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N����A � City Engineer/Public Works Direetor ��r� �� ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation, Resate Value Comparison, APPROVED BY:`�� Summary of Comparisons he ity received bids on a new "170 HP Wheel Type Loader" on April 6, 1995. The City received three i ) bids as shown on the attached bid tabulation. Vendors could bid new machines or as an Alternate, a "used" machine with less than 500 hours. The actual initial cost to the City is in the column highlighted as "Total Bid to be Paid". The range of these bids is from 5137,767:73 to 5146,600. The bids included Midwest Machinery Incorporated, the vendor for the John Deere Model 644G; St. Josephs Equipment Incorporated, the vendor for a Case Model 821 B; and Ziegler, Incorporated, ihe vendor for a Caterpillar Model 95OF11. The Cat machine was "used", the others new. Cat's machine would have approximately 20Q hours on it which is virtually new. The low bid was the John Deere and the high bid was the Case. Staff has done a comprehensive comparison of the machines and included on-site demonstration by the John Deere and Cat machines. The following items were investigated and used in o�r analysis and recommendation: •Initial Cost: The actual price to be paid by the City, not including sales tax, shows a $4,748 difference or 3°/a between the Cat and John Deere machines. •Maintenance: In the bid documents we required scheduled maintenance costs over the first 5 years of operation. In this area, the John Deere was the lowest and Cat, second low. In other maintenance areas we presentty have a Cat 950 loader and would use many of the same#ilters and parts on the new machine. By the same token, the John Deere loader would use many of the same filters that are used on our existing John Deere grader. We would have to stock new items for the Case. We have had excellent service from both Ziegler and Midwest Machinery maintenance departments. We do not have in-house experience with the Case vendor. •Operations: The Public Works Maintenance Staff has compared the three (3) machines through professional experience. In their most recent demonstration experience the John Deere machine was slightly preferred over Cat. •Resale Value: A guaranteed minimum value after 5 years (which was required in the bid) had the John Deere low at S86,000 and the Case high at 590,400. When Jooking at further future resale, a good indicator is past sales history. When this past sales history is taken into account it is clear that the Caterpillar has a significantly higher resale value. See the attached comparison. •Time of Delivery: All vendors could deliver within 60-120 days, Midwest Machinery (John Deerei had the highest (120 days). When all factors are taken into consideration, the John Deere 944 and Cat 950 are both excellent choices. Taking all matters into consideration, Staff feels that the best interest of the City would be served by awarding the contract to Ziegler for a Cat 950. The major influencing factor is the resale value, botih the guaranteed and future. The difference in initial cost is small when you look at keeping a machine a minimum of 10 years and spending approximately 5150,000. In addition, fleet uniformity is attained by having two almost identical 950 Cat loaders. Staff feels that the City can't go wrong by purchasing either the John Deere or Cat machines. Therefore, most comparison items become a wash except for the resale value and uniformity. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR ONE (1) NEW 170 HP WHEEL TYPE LOADER TO ZIEGLER, INCORPORATED IN THE AMOUNT OF 5142,516.00 PLUS SALES TAX. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 . � . . . s BID TABULATIONS 1995 NEW 170 HP WHEEL TYPE LOADER BID OPENING: APRIL 6, 1995 @ 10:30 A.M. BID TABULATION FOR: 170 HP WHEEL TYPE LOADER : BIDDER BID BASE PRICE TRADE-IN NET PRICE WARRANTY TOTAL BID TO SCHEDULED GUARANTEED BOND �/ALUE (#2) tA�TR^oE1 (#4) BE PAID MAINTENANCE MINIMUM (#5) (#6) TOTAL BID Midwest Machinery, Inc. ,/ S161,767.73 525,000.00 St36,767.73 51,000.00 S137,767.73 S2,940.00 $86,000.00 $54,707.73 (A) Midwest Machinery. Ina --- ---- ---- ---- ---- '--- ---- ---- ---- lBl St. Joseph's Equipment, ,/ 3172,600.00 S28,000.00 5144,600.00 82,000.00 3146,600.00 54,138.00 S90,400.00 560,338.00 Inc. (A) St. Joseph's Equipment, ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- _.__ Inc. (B) Zeigler (A) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- .___ ---- ---- Zeigler ig) ./ S168,516.00 326,000.00 5142,516.00 -0- S142,516.00 53,312.00 ,S88,000.00 S57,828.00 (A) NEW MACHINE {B) ALTERNATE MACHINE The total bid to be paid does not include sales tax. SUMMARY OF COMPARISONS . ZIEGLER CAT 950 VS. MIDWEST MACHINERY JOHN DEERE 644 All costs in 1995 dollars: _CAT JOHN DEERE 950 944 DIFFERENCE 1. Net Price After Trade 5142,516.00 S 136,767.73 2. Extended Warranty -0- $1,000.00 3. Actual Price Paid by City S 142,516.00 S 137,767.73 $4,748.00 (Does not include sales tax) 4. Present Value of Guaranteed 575,944.00 574,218.00 51,726.00 Minimum After 5 Years (1) ' 5. Present Value of 53,033.00 S2,693.00 5340.00 Maintenance Costs for First 5 Years (2) Notes (1) Assuming 3% interest (2> Calculated after averaging the vendor provided costs over 5 years at 3% interest. RESALE VALUE COMPARISON Date: Qpril 10, 1995 CAT 950 VS. JOHN DEERE 644 By: HCO A. The average resale values for the two loaders based on sales history per "The Last Bid", annuai 1994, volume 36, Published by the tnternational Equipment Exchange: 1984 Cat tAverage of 4 sales) _ $51,750 1985 John Deere (Average of 5 sa�es) = 529.800 Difference = $21,950 Therefore, based on past sales history, the difference between the value of a Cat and John Deere loader in 10 years will be $21,950 or 522,000. B. With this assumption, the present value of the 522,000 difference based on 10 years assuming a 3 percent interest {inflation) rate per year is calculated as follows: PVtF = 1 = 0.7441 3%, 10 years (1 +3),0 522,000 x 0.7441 = 516,370 Therefore, the present value of this difference is 516,370 meaning the Cat is worth S16,370 more than the John Deere in 1995 dollars. If the interest rate is less, say 2%, the 522,000 is worth 518,040 and if the interest rate is higher, say 4%, the 522,000 is worth 514,872. The higher inflation rate, the less difference or vaiue there is in today's dollar. , � ` ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 1995 AGfNDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public AGENDA SECTION: Heari�g, Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, Consent • City Project #267 PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA �Q.�,.� � City Engineer/Public Works Director � t # �. � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Feasibility Report APPROVED BY: City Staff has completed the Feasibility Report ordered by City Council Resolution for Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, City Project No. 267. The proposed improvement involves the construction of 1,500' of 12" watermain from 152nd Street to Dodd Boulevard near the western boundary of Rosemount. The total project cost is estimated to be 5151,000. Only S 10,900 wiH be assessed to the Wensmann 7th and 8th Additions with the remainder to come from Water Core Funds. The report notes water supply concerns as described in the 1988 "Comprehensive Water System Plan" for the City of Rosemount. Watermain loop closure and trunk Iine construction were recommended for the western part of Rosemount in 1988 Plan. The construction of Wensmann 7th and 8th Additions support the construction of the 12" trunk line. The proposed improvement is feasible and is best made as proposed and not in connection with some other improvement. Staff recommends proceeding with City Project No. 267 as soon as possible. On April 10, 1995 the Utility Commission recommended proceeding with the project. Since this is not a petitioned project it will take a four/fifths vote of the Council to proceed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTWG A PUBLIC HEARING FOR DIAMOND PATH TRUNK WATERMAW IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 267. - COUNCIL ACTION: 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA - RESOLUTION 1995 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORTISET PUBUC HEARING DIAMOND PATH TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #267 WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City construct certain improvements, to-wit: City Project #267, Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said improvements described in City Project #267 are feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made untit the Council has held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #267 and places it on fi)e. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council af the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #267, Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements to be held on Tuesday, May 16, 1995 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of City HaIL ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Vo#ed in favor: Voted against: FEASIBILITY REPORT DIAMOND PATH TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 267 APRIL 10, 1995 PREPARED BY: CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CERTIFiCATiON SHEET 1 hereby certify that this ptan, specificafion or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly Registered Professional EnginBer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. �• Henry C. Osmundson, P.E. Date: April 6, 1995 Reg. No. 19156 Douglas Litterer Date: April 6, 1995 EIT No. 11078 ,,,. .�<,�.- TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. 1NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1 Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Scope/Existing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Data Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1 Watermain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 4 2.2 Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 Right-of-Way and Easements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. FiNANCING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 6 3.1 Cost Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2 Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 � 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ': APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 City Project No.267 DIAMOND PATH TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 267 EXECUTNE SUMMARY The 1988 "Comprehensive Water System Plan" for the City of Rosemount identifies problem areas in the existing distribution system; and it develops a plan for future additions to the watermain distribution system. The plan recognizes the distribution network in the Delft Avenue and Dodd Boulevard (Broback Addi#ions) as incapable of sustaining basic fireflows. The report afso recommends trunk watermain improvements throughout the westem part of the City. City Project No. 267, as described in this report, provides fior the improvement of water supply to the Broback Additions north of County 42 and the Wensmann Additions south of County 42. The proposed improvement is feasible and is best made as proposed and not in connection with some other improvement. This feasibility report proposes the construction of approximately 1,500' of 12" trunk watermain line. The total project cost is estimated at $151,000. The proposed funding is to come from Chapter 429 Assessment provisions and Core Funds. Project construction would be completed by the end of August 1995, Staff recommends proceeding with this project as soon as possible. � F,.���-. . . ~ � City Project No.267 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Authorization - On March 13, 1995 the Rosemount Utilities Commission approved a motion to request City Council to authorize the preparation of a Feasibility Report to address the need for trunk watermain improvements in the Diamond Path right-of-way from southem border of Wensmann 7th Addition to the Delft Avenue & Dodd Boulevard intersection. On March 21, 1995 the City Council approved the motion to authorize the preparation of a Feasibility Report to address the Diamond Path Trunk Watermain Improvements, City Proje+ct No. 267. 1.2 Scope/Existing Conditions - This project provides a trunk watermain connection in the extreme westem part of the City. Generally, the connection would be between the Wensmann Additions south of County 42 and the Broback Additions north of County 42. The 1988 "Comprehensi�e Water System P1an"for the City of Rosemount noted the following: !t was determined by computer analysis that several locations were - particularly deficient in fire fighting capability. Two residential areas were found to be incapable of sustaining basic fireflows during peak daily utilization while maintaining a 20 psi residual pressure. Based on the Insurance Services Offce, Commercial Risk, of Minnesota (ISO) standards, basic residential fire protection should be 1000 gpm or greater. The first area is in the vicinity of Dodd Boulevard and Qelft Avenue. This area and the area west and north of here`[Broback Additions] are serviced by relatively smalt diameter watermains and only about 750 gpm was determined to be available. The summary of the 1988 Plan also noted the following conceming the Broback Additions: The other residentia/area is located on the west side of the City, south of 145th Street. Severa/ proposed connections are shown on the Comprehensive P/an, mostly as /oop c/osings, which will substantia!ly improve this area , � �: The 1988 Plan recommends the construction of Well No. 8 south of the Wensmann additions. The construction of Well No. 8 is now complete. In addition, the Plan recommends the construc#ion of a trunk watermain line �� °b�etw�en Well No. 8 and County 42. This trunk line is complete from Well Na 8 to proposed Diamond Path right-of-way where it ends about 150 feet north City Project No.267 2 " . of 152nd Street West. The remaining segment of trunk line from this end north to Delft Avenue and Dodd Boulevard intersection is the subject of this feasibility report. The Plan recommends the trunk line be 12" diameter. About 2,250 feet of the constructed trunk Iine is 12 inches. Ur�fortunately,watermain installations in Westridge 4th Addition and Wensmann 4th Addition fail to cor�form to the 12"trunk line recommendatians. However the 8" and 6"watermain nefinrork in place may be sufficientfor the short term. In the long term (possibly when streets are reconstructed), a relatively short stretch of 8"and 6"watermain should be replaced with 12"watermain to complete thistrunk 1ine. This may change as wells and towers are constructed in the future. 1.3 Data Available -The information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: • City of Rosemount Record Plans • City of Rosemount Aerial PhotoslTopography Maps • City of Rosemount Comprehensive Water System Plan, October 1988 • Field Observations of the Area • City of Rosemount Plats . . . . . - � . __,'. ..�.!4,_ .. � . � � . � � � .. .. . . . � ::::• . � � . ... � � . : City Project No.267 3 2. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS 2.1 Watermain - City Project No. 267 proposes the construction of a 12" diameter watermain. Most of the watermain installation would be along the east side of the proposed Diamond Path right-of-way starting at an existing 12"watermain that ends about 1 b0 feet north of 152nd Street West. The watermain would continue north to 150th Street West (CSAH 42) right-of- way. At CSAH 42 right-of-way the 12° watermain woutd angte northeast through CSAH 42 right-of-way toward the Dodd Boulevard intersection with Delft Avenue. The proposed construction would end at the existing 6"x6"tee at Dodd Boulevard and Delft Avenue. Mos��f the watermain construction will consist of trenching, placing of pipe, backfilling, and landscape restoration. At CSAH 42 right-of-way steel casing pipe will be bored and watermain jacked through it. About 260 feet of 6"watermain would be removed from just north of CSAH 42 right-of-way to Delft Avenue. This 260' of watermain is an extension from the 6"x6"tee. Removing the 6"watermain extension and replacing it with 12" watermain wiil give the proposed 12" watermain a connection to finro 6" wa#ermains instead of one 6"watermain. Streetremoval and replacement would take place at the intersection of Delft Avenue and Dodd Boulevard. - City Project No.267 4 2.2 Permits - Permits will be required for this project from Dakota Cou�ty for work within the County State Aid Highway 42 right-of-way. A permit wilt also be needed from the Minnesota Department of Health. . 2.3 Right-of-Way and Easements -The proposed construction will take place in existing or proposed right-of-ways and easements. Watermain south of CSAH 42 will be in right-of-way dedicated during the fina( platting of Wensmann 7th and 8th Additions. This right-of-way is being dedicated for the future Diamond Path from CSAH 42 #0 160th Street As previously mentioned, part of the proposed watermain will pass through CSAH 42 right-of-way. The remaining segment of proposed watermain from CSAH 42 right-of-way to Delft Av./Dodd Blvd. would be entirely within the right-of-way previously used for old County 42 (Dodd Blvd.}. Af this time, there is some question on the existence of the old County 42 right-of-way and if the 6"watermain that is to be replaced with 12"watermain is within the old County 42 right-of-way. The watermain wifl pass through power and possibly gas, phone, and cable easements that are adjacent to CSAH 42 right-of-way. Cii�r Project No.267 5 3. FINANCING 3.1 Cost Estimate-A detailed cost estimate can be found in the appendix af this report. The estimate is based on 1994 & 1995 construction costs and includes a 10°lo contingency factor and a 25°!o factor that includes legal, engineering, in#erest and administration. The total estimated cost for City Project No. 267 is $151,000. 3.2 Funding - The funding for the improvements is proposed to come from Chapter 429 Assessment prowisions and Core Funds per past practice and City Policy. A 12"trunk line will be installed but it is proposed that Wensmann 7th and 8th Additions be assessed for a 6" Residential Equivalent. The funding will be as fotlows: Assessments $10,941' Water Core 140�059 Total $151,000 City Project No.267 6 4. PROJfCT SCHEDULE if this proposed project is ordered, the proposed schedule would be as follows: Utility Commission Receive Feasibility Report ....-_........ ..................Apri1 10, 1995 _ City Council Receive Feasibility Report ............... ........:..................Aprit 18, 1995 City Council Order Public Hearin9 ••--••.............................................April 18, 1995 Public Hearing ......................................................................,.......... May 16, 1995 Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specifications .............................. May 16, 1995 Approve Plans & Specifications ....................................................... June 6, 1995 Authorize Advertisement for Bids ...........................................,........ June 6, 1995 Award Contract ................................................................................ July 4, 1995 Work Completed by ...............................................................End of August, 1995 City Project No.267 7 APPENDIX . .� . .� . APPENDIX Preliminary Cost Estimate Diamond Path, Trunk Watermain Improvements City project no. 267 WATERMAIN Remove 6" Watermain 260 L.F. $6.00 $1,600 Replacement Backfill 50 TON $4.00 $200 Granular Bedding 40 TON $5.00 $200 12" Gate Valve & Box 4 EACH $8,000.0� $32,000 Adjust Valve Box 1 EACH $100.00 $100 Connect to Existing Watermain 3 EACH $400.00 $1,200 2" Corporation Stop 1 EAGH $50.00 $100 Bore 24" Steel Casing 200 L.F. $130.00 $26,000 12"D.LP. Watermain(Jacked Carrier) 200 L.F. $25.00 $5,000 12" D.I.P. Watermain 1300 L.F. $23.00 - $29,900 Bend 2 EACH ` - $200.00 $400 Tee 5 EACH $200.00 $1,000 Subtotal $98,000 + 10% Contingencies $9,800 Watermain Construction Cost Subtotal $107,800 ..� : Cit�l Project No.267 8 Preliminary Cost Estimate Diamond Path, Trunk Watermain tmprovements City project no. 267 STREET CONSTRUCTION Saw Cut Bituminous Pavement 100 L.F. $3.00 $300 Remove Concrete Curb & Gutter 50 L.F. $3.00 $200 Remove Barricade & Salvave Signs 30 L.F. $2.00 $100 Remove 12" CMP Culvert 50 L.F. $5.00 $300 12" CMP Culvert w/ CMP Outfalis 50 L.F. $20.00 $1,000 Aggregate Base, Class 5 (1D0% crushed) 80 70N $10.00 $800 , Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture, 1 1/2" 20 TON $75.00 $1,500 Type 31 Base Course Mixture, 1 1/2" 20 TON $75.00 $1,500 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 45 GAL. $5.00 $200 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 1 EACH $200.00 $200 Concrete Curb & Gutter, Mod. "S" Design 50 L.F. $10.00 $500 Type 3 Barricade & Salvaged Signs 24 L.F. $30.00 $700 Sodding 2500 S.Y. $1.50 $3,800 Seed, Mulch, and Fertilizer 1.5 ACRE $350.00 $500 Subtotal $12,000 + 10% Contingencies $1,200 Street Cons#ruction Cost Subtotal $43,200 Watermain Constru�tion Cost Subtotal $407,800 1Natermain and Street Construction Cost Subtotal $121,000 + 25%o Overhead&Eng. $30,000' TOTAL PROJECT COST $151,000 - City Project No.267 9 ,:,.�.- , WENSMANN 7TH ADDITION 4/04/95 Calculation of Assessments HCO A. Diamond Path R.O.W Length: Per the Preliminary Piat, the assessable le�gth of the property adjacent to Diamond Path is determined by the totat length minus the dedicated R.O.W. for December Trail {60'). 885.10' + '/s (103.17') - 60' = 876.69' B. Street Assessment for Diamond Path: A street having a width of 64' is estimated to be constructed when it is built. Only one half of the cost of a 32' wide street is being assessed. 876.69' x 546.36 per foot = �40.643 546.36 = One half of a 32' wide Street Residential Equivalent C. Watermain Assessment for Diamond Path Trunk: A 12" trunk will be installed but a 6" Residential Equivalent is proposed to be assessed. 876.69' x 512.48 per foot = S 10.941 512.48 = One half of a 6" Watermain Residential Equivalent � , . . . . . . .. � . . r;.b:� .. � . RESIDENTIAL WATERMAIN EQUIVALENT ESTIMATE R Project#242 Project#243 Project#248 Project#251 Project#254 ITEM QUANTITY UNITS UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE 1. 8" D.I.P. 500 L.F. 13.00 12.00 13.00 14.50 17.00 2. Fittings 500 Lbs. 0.30 2.00 0.30 1.00 1.60 3. 8" Gate Valve 1 Each 500.00 440.00 500.00 480.00 435.00 4. Hydrant 1 Each 1,200.00 1,300.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 1,200.00 Totais $ 8,350.00 $ 8,740.00 $ 8,350.00 $ 9,330.00 $ 10,935.00 Average Total $ 9,141.00 + 5% Contigency 457.05 Subtotal $ 9,598.05 + 30% Administration 2,879.42 Total $ 12,477.47 ` Totai/ 500 L.F. $ 24.95 , /2 $ 12.48 Equivalent Residential WatermainAssessment �'' H2OEST.�C�S 4/3/95 2:34 PM � �tZ ,6. = �� � . STORAGE TANK , • • �6 _ a t - . . - . 12'``�•,6� 6' , . 12':: •. • 12'' �� ;: ' _ 6 ,_6. � •12. .i 8.• :-�-8• 8' g, ` 1D' - . - i � . . . . � ^ �. Y• .V _ - --• - ' 12' ... 16' ------ --- �.---s•• - - __- _ . - 6'_- ,: .- = � . . . . . S' ; . . . � �- L � �_s���' � f-T ��. . � .. 12� �V� • . S� 6��,. _p� .a.:'.. g�.R . . . . . �, r�� � . � . . .. . - - i . � - s�� . . . . .,. "_' - : t2_ 12'- _ �`- i2�-----��-y8-12' ___.12•�. �:--g. • 22. - � - . . - -- - _ . ,, 6_ 6�g' ��'_$- ' • —~ __� - 8 g- � � -'g'- 'fi; _•�_6`.; ---r -` � __ _16' - - 1a' _ ;g- --_�- -� .._`: _" -__ -. - � ,-. , 6' t r�_ j �V� � . ! �� 6 8' g- . 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'"' � . . . . � . :� � ' v� - . • IG�.' . �G• r � _�` _ .. . _ 160th STREET � � �`� v � ' � Proposal i Rosemount Fire Station � i Rosemount, Minnesota ' March 28, 1995 t �.$.: ,��, � � .e. � � ,,� � � . , S�`�' �� ��°. . , ,'� '� , � ��- ' � ' � ' ' ��,. ��,� �� i��� ' ;� $y ' � �, �.� , � ' � _ Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. � 10700 Old County Road 15 Plymouth, Minnesota 55441 ' ' ' i � � VETTER JOHNSON , � ARCHITECTS ' ' March 28, 1995 ' Mr. Thomas D. Burt City Administrator � City of Rosemount P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 ' Dear Mr. Burt: , On behalf of Vetter Johnson Architects, thank you for this opportunity to present our qualifications to serve as your architects for the proposed Rosemount Fire Station. ' As you can see in our proposal, we have extensive experience with projects of the size and comple�rity proposed. Too, the majoritX of aur work is with local governments on projects directed by councils such as yours. We understand the concerns of elected ' officials, administrators and staff when dealing with planning issues and strive to provide innovative, cost conscious solutiQns in a timely manner. ' It is our belief that projects such as that propased require the direction of a Project Manager e�rperienced in all phases of development of municipal government facilities, from programming through canstruGtion administration. We can provide the City of ' ' Rosemount with that leadership. It is also our belief that successful projects are possible only when we listen carefully to � ' our clients and encourage them ta participate throughout the process. We are excited about the possibility of serving the City of Rosemount and look forward , to hearing form you. ' Sincerely, r;���� ' Steven C. Johnson, AIA Principal ' . SCJ/jr � � 10700 OLD COUNTY ROAD 15 • SUITE '?80 • PLYMOUTH, MN. 55441 • 612 • 545 • 6500 ' ' , , DI"�B�IZatI011 � Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. was established in 1989 by Mark Vetter and Steve Johnson ' to provide quality planning, design and construction administration services to clients throughout Minnesota. With seventeen years of experience in the practice of architecture, both principals recognize that successful projects require a high degree of personal service ' and a close working relationship between architect and client. As a result, the �rm is structured in such a way as to allow both principals an active participation on each project, from start to �nish. ' Our work philosophy for projects such as ou which the �rm, consultants, and city representat'vesawo katoge he ppowards a s uccessful ' project. With this in mind, we have established a proposed team configured to address the specific needs of the City of Rosemount. ' • Vetter Johnson Architects will lead and coordinate the efforts of the team under the direction of Project Manager, Steve Johnson. , • Jack Anderson of JEA Architects will assist with programming and design and will remain involved as a consultant throughout the project. • Clark Engineering of Minneapolis will serve as structural engineering consultants. I . M echanical and electrical engineering cansultants will be Gausman & Moore of ' Roseville. • Hurst and Henrichs of Fargo, North Dakota will assist in establishing cost estimates. ' VJA has worked with all team me mbers m the past and can move quickly to form a smooth working team. ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' Ezperience ' The experience of our team in the design of similar facilities that include vehiele storage, ' administration and training spaces is our primary qualification. Please refer to the resumes of team members for a complete list of projects with which we have been involved. Tliey include: ' • Savage Fire Station #1 Savage, Minnesota ' Jack Anderson, of JEA,Architects served as Pro'ect Architect while with a former Frm. The 16,000 square foot building inc�des 10,000 squre feet ' of offices and training space on two levels, and 6,000 square feet of vehide bay and mechanical space. The building was designed to 6t with the existing city buildings and into an area surrounded by residential development. JEA Architects has subsequently ' worked on sixteen projects with the City of Savage. • Chanhassen Fire Station -Addition and Remodeling Chanhassen, Minnesota ' Jack Anderson seroed as P ' ro�ect Architect/Manager for this project while with a former employer. The 16,000 square foot building includes an 8,000 square foot addition and ' 8,000 square feet of remodeled space. The apparatus area includes five truck bays, SC$A area, hose tower and emergency generator area. The of6ce/training facilities includes exercise, training, lounge, storage and office spaces. ' • Champlin Fire Station Champlin, Minnesota ' While with a former employer, Steve Johnson re conversion of an existing public works facility to a sat of-the-arttfire stat o� for the ' • Le Sueur Ambulance Facility Le Sueur, Minnesota ' Vetter Johnson Architects is currently workin with the ' plans for a svc-stall highbay space for the storage of ambulancesf aivil defense response � vehicle and city buses, along with of6ces and a training/conference room. Of particular concern is site layout for the ef�cient dispatching of emergency vehicles. ' ' , ' , • Lake City Public Safety Building ' Iake City, Minnesota Vetter Johnson Architects provided full services for this 4,700 square foot addition to the ' existing ambulance facility. Included were office, training and vehicle storage spaces for the police department and an office and vehicle storage spaces for the ambulance director. ' • United States Post O�ce Bemidji, Minnesota ' While with another �rm, Mark Vetter served as designer for a new ost office for t Ciry of Bemidji. P he ' • Communications Facility Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota , Steve Johnson designed this facility while with a former employer. Included were offices and a highbay vehicle faciliry for the maintenance of radio equipment. , • Cottonwood County Law Enforcement Center Windam, Minnesota ' Vetter Johnson Architects designed a new 1.7 million city/county law enforcement center constructed in Windom. Garage, of�ce and training/staff spaces were included in this project. ' • Nicollet County Highway De artment Facili P ty S� Peter, Minnesota ' VJA has completed eleven projects for Nicollet County in the past five years. In 1993 the firm designed a significant addition to the County Highway Departrnent Building , which doubled the size of the Department's office/training facilities. In addition, modi�ications were made to the separation between vehicle storage and office areas and to highbay ventilation systems to meet current codes. , � ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' Process/Approach ' Interactive is the best word to describe the process Vetter Johnson Architects will employ in support of your project. It will involve those members of your Task Force,administration and ' staff to ensure a broad base of representation. The following steps represent a tentative project approach. They are meant to be viewed as a beginning point from which the team can expand or re�ne the scope. ' ' ■ Project Kick-off Session t The project team will meet to establish goals and objectives. We will review the work scope, make assignments and prepare a schedule. ' ■ Interviews/Workshops ' Our team will conduct concentrated interviews to establish and document factors which affect the design of the project. We understand that a basic program has been ' developed and suggest that it be reviewed early. ■ Fire Station Tours ' As we consider the design of your new 6re station, it may be bene�icial to tour similar facilities in the area and to discuss what works well and what does not. i ■ Needs Analysis Upon completion of interviews/workshops, a final space needs program will be prepared ' which will provide detailed area requirements for each area/space in a tabulation format. Related parking and site access issues will be addressed as will the adjacency requirements for the facility. Primary and secondary adjacencies will be established based ' on activity and need to be close to the apparatus room. ■ Options ' Based on data gathered, broad-stroke concepts will be prepared, outlining options that will allow the Ciry to identify long-range Eacility plans. Each option will be presented ' with pre(iminary estimates of probable costs for construction,other probable project costs such as surveys, soils analysis, professional fees, bond sales, contingencies, etc. Both single level and two story concepts will be explored. ' , ' ' ' ' ■ Final ReportlGraphic Analysis ' A document will be re ared and distributed to resent the rocess and findings of the P P P P study.Bound within the easily readable narrative format will be graphics such as building ' plans, preliminary code documentation and diagrammatic options for the facilities. Vetter Johnson Architects will make a final presentation to the City Council and/or your Task Force. ' ■ Public Relations ' Vetter Johnson Architects and their team of engineers and estimators will work closely with administrators, Task Force members, and staff to derive a program for disbursing factual information to City residents; will help prepare news articles, press releases and ' a factual brochure for distribution, if desired. We will gladly make presentations to groups and organizations about the proposed project. Assistance will be given in any way we can to the bond consultant or fiscal agent the City chooses to engage. Most of our projects have been funded through successful bond referendums, so we have a variety ' of ideas and materials to share. ' ■ Project Development When funding is secured, VJA will undertake the stages of project development, including design development, construction documents, bidding and construction ' administration. Continued owner involvement will be critical as the project is developed and specific reviews will be scheduled. Because we feel that team continuity is important, Project Manager, Steve Johnson, will lead the team through all phases and � Jack Anderson will continue to work closely with the team throughout the project. We are confident that such continuity results in a better coordinated project. VJA is ' frequently complimented by contractors for the thoroughness of our drawings and we are pleased that change orders on our projects have been minimal. ' � ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' ' Key Issues , The following issues will need to be looked at carefully as the design for a �re department facility is developed for your site. ' Site ■ Access ' • Easy access onto Shannon Parkway for �rst line response. ' • Rear access to site, perhaps off an extended Covington Avenue to minimize intersections at Dodd. ■ Building Location ' • Position building on site for ef�cient circulation. ' • Look at possibility of buffer from Limerick Way Development. • Pursue location of open space/water detention area to serve as buffer from future , single family residential development to the east. • Provide adequate adjacent parking for �re�ghters. ' Building: ' ■ Efficiency • Location of spaces and buiiding configuration to minimize turn out time. ' ■ Single story or two story ' • Compactness of plan vs. need for vertical circulation. • Study possibility of utilizing exit stair for access to hose drying/drill tower. , ' , , ' ' ■ Flexibility ' • Study possibility of opening lounge to training room to accomrnodate larger groups. ' • Look at potential for fold-down bunks for volunteer firemen during bad weather. ■ Maintenance ' • Incorporate easily cleaned, durable materials, requiring little or no maintenance. , • Provide ef�cient and self suf�cient mechanical/electrical systems since facility will be unoccupied at times. ' ■ Expandibility • Recognize potential growth in.the community and the need to incorporate plans for , the existing facility and a future facility into this planning process. • Design an "open-ended" facility that will allow expansion of the apparatus room as ' well as support spaces. ■ Aesthetics ' • Integrate building with residential neighborhood. ' .� ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , , ' Cost Control ' cilities where the amount of Cost control is a cntical issue m the design of mumcipal fa available funds may be determined early and must be strictly adhered to. We propose ' utilizing the services of an independent professional cost estimator to determine both short and long-term costs. Such expertise will be helpful to the team in balancing the equation "Quantity x Quality = Cos�" ' Because of the potential long lead time belween inception and construction, it is important that budget costs include factors for inflation and contingencies for the level of development ' of each phase of design. As the design and construction documents are developed, the estimates become more detailed and contingencies are reduced. A final estimate is prepared as if the estimator is bidding the project from a contractor's point of view. During the pre- ' design or design state, the estimator,with our input, provides cost per square foot data. This will be valuable to the team members in helping to determine the next step in the ongoing process. ' We have worked with Mr. Roger Henrichs of Hurst and Henrichs many times over the last 16 years and are pleased with his process and his results. , ' , ' ' ' , ' ' ' � ' ' Schedule ' As your design professionals, we will provide momentum by constantly clarifying issues to encourage decision making and real progress. Though we do not encourage haste, we have ' demonstrated the ability to move a project quickly, as at Nicollet County where we recently took a one million dollar construction project from inception to occupancy in about one year. We feel that your proposed timetabte, establishing a bond referendum for this fall and ' construction next spring,is appropriate. We are available to start now,set a detailed schedule with you, and stick to it. ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' , ' � Compensafion For the Rosemount Fire Station project, we propose compensation on an hourly basis with � a not-to-exceed maximum of$9,000.00 plus reimbursable expenses, for work leading to a fall bond referendum. Reimbursable expenses for that phase are estimated at $700.00. ' If a construction project follows,we propose compensation to be a percentage of construction cost, to be agreed upon when the scope and complexity of the project is determined, but likely in the range of seven and one half percent. � Please keep in mind that if a construction project proceeds, the portion of the study cost attributable to schematic design will be credited against the percentage fee. ' If the scope of the project changes considerably, we would propose campensation to be on an hourly basis with an agreed upon maximum. ' Rates are as follows: Architectural ' • Principal $85.00/HR • Architectural 55.00/HR • Technical 30.00/HR � Structural � • Principal $90.00/HR • Engineer 60.00/HR • Drafter 45.00/HR ' MechanicallElectrical • Principals $90.00/HR ' • Registered Engineer 85.00/HR • Senior Designer/Engineer 65.00 - 50.00 HR • Designer/Drafter SS.OQ - 65.00/HR ' Cost Estimatar • Fstimatar $75.00/HR ' , ' ' , ' , References ' Mr. Robert Podhradsky ' Nicollet County Coordinator Nicollet County Courthouse S� Peter, Minnesota ' (507) 931-6800 Mr. Wendell Sande ' Assistant Administrator City of North Mankato North Mankato, Minnesota (507) 625-4141 ' Ms. Kathleen Johannsen City Clerk ' City of Le Sueur Le Sueur, Minnesota (612) 665-6401 ' Sheriff Glen Ward Cottonwood County Sheriff's Department � Windom, Minnesota (507) 831-1375 ' Chief Robert Schmidt Lake City Police Department Lake City, Minnesota ' (612) 345-3345 Mr. Paul Baker ' Public Works Director City of Mankato Mankato, Minnesota (507) 387-8600 , ' ' ' � E� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' � ' Steve Johnson, AIA Bachelor of Architecture � Project Manager North Dakota State University, 1978 Reg�stered Architect - Minnesota, 1982 ' American Institute of Architects NCARB Certified ' Related Experience: • Le Sueur Ambulance Facility ' Le Sueur, Minnesota • Champlin Fire Station Champlin, Minnesota •� Westside Air Terminal , Fargo, North Dakota • Fridley Municipal Center Fridley, Minnesota ' • Communications Faciliry Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota • Nicollet Counry Highway Department Building � St. Peter, Minnesota • Lake City Public Safety Building Lake City, Minnesota ' • Aitkin Public Library Aitkin, Minnesota • Fergus Falls Public Library Fergus Falls, Minnesota � • Olivia Public Library O(ivia, Minnesota • Nicollet County Services Building ' North Mankato, Minnesota • Becker County Courthouse Study/L.E.C. Detroit Lakes, Minnesota ' • Isanti County L.E.C./Courts Facility Cambridge, Minnesota • Stark County/Dickinson L.E.C. Dickinson, North Dakota ' • Cottonwood County L.E.C. Windom, Minnesota • Nicollet County L.E.C. � St. Peter, Minnesota ' , 1 1 1 1 Mark Vetter, AIA Bachelor of Architecture ' Project Architect North Dakota State University, 1978 Registered Architect - Minnesota 1982 ' American Institute of Architects NCARB Certi6ed ' Related Ex rience: Pe ' • Mankato Airport Terminal Study Mankato, Minnesota •. Post Of6ce , Bemidji, Minnesota • Billings County Courthouse Medora, North Dakota ' • Nicollet County Services Building North Mankato, Minnesota • Judiciai Wing and State Office Building Addition to the Capitol ' Bismarck, North Dakota • Fergus Falls Public Library Fergus Falls, Minnesota ' • Aitkin Public Library Aitkin, Minnesota • Olivia Public Library ' Olivia, Minnesota • Park Elementary School Renovation Le Sueur, Minnesota � ' • Montevideo Middle School Montevideo, Minnesota ' ' � ' , ' ' ' , , Jack Anderson AIA Bachelor of Science in Architecture � JEA Architects University of Minnesota 1970 � Associate of Landscape Architecture Northwest Technical Institute 1974 ' Registered Architect - Minnesota 1982 NCARB Certi6cate Holder '. American Institute of Architects Related Individual Experience , • Savage Fire Station #1 ,Savage, Minnesota ' • Chanhassen Fire Station Addition and Remodeling Chanhassen, Minnesota • Prior Lake Fire Station Study Prior Lake, Minnesota , • Chanhassen City Hall Addition and Remodeling Chanhassen, Minnesota • Chanhassen Public Works Addition ' and Remodeling Chanhassen, Minnesota • Savage Public Works Addition and Remodeling � Savage, Minnesota • Savage City Hall Addition and Remodeling Savage, Minnesota ' • South Lake Minnetonka Police bepartment Study Excelsior, Minnesota • Fairmont City Hall Addition and Remodeling ' Fairmont, Mi�nesota • New Prague City Hall Addition and Remodeling New Prague, Minnesota ' • Eagan Public Works Addition and Remodeling Eagan, Minnesota • Apple Valley Public Works Storage Building ' Apple Valley, Minnesota i 1 1 ' , ' ' James Giefer� PE University of Minnesota, 1972 Electrical Engineer/Principal , Gausman & Moore Registered Engineer, Minnesota American Consulting Engineers Council ' Related Experience: , • Elk River Fire Station Elk River, Minnesota • Foley Fire Station ' Foley, Minnesota • New Hope Fire Station New Hope, Minnesota •� Sandstone Fire Station ' Sandstone, Minnesota • Savage Fire Station Savage, Minnesota ' • Cloquet Fire Station Cloquet, Minnesota ' Jim Keller, PE Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineer/Principal University of Minnesota Gausman & Moore ' Registered Engineer, Minnesota American Society of Heating, Refrigerating ' and Air Conditioning Engineers Design and Construction Quality Institute fRelated Experience ' • Elk River Fire Station Elk River, Minnesota • Foley Fire Station , Foley, Minnesota • New Hope Fire Station New Hope, Mmnesota • Sandstone Fire Station ' Sandstone, Minnesota • Savage Fire Station Savage, Minnesota ' • Oak Grove Fire Station Cedar, Minnesota ' ' ' ' ' McM Bachelor of Science in civil En ineerin Lazry urtY g g Structural Engineer University of Minnesota 1968 ' Clark Engineering Group Registered Engineer, Minnesota Consulting Engineers Council of Minnesota � American Concrete Institute Related Experience: ' • Fire Station Chaska, Minnesota ' • Fire Station Spring Lake Park, Minnesota •, Fire Station Remodeling ' Blaine, Minnesota • Scott County Maintenance Facility Jordan, Minnesota ' • Anoka County Maintenance Facility Andover, Minnesota ' Roger Henrichs, ASPE Drafting/Estimating ' Cost Fstimator North Dakota School of Science Hurst & Henrichs, Ltd. ' Related Experience: , • Fire Station Fargo, North Dakota • Frazee Fire Station , Frazee, Minnesota • Nicollet County Highway Department Building St. Peter, Minnesota ' • State Highway Department Building Duluth, Minnesota • Minnesota Power and Light Service Centers ' Cloquet, Minnesota Crosby, Minnesota ' ' � � ... .Q .., � W � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ,'u�I���iui u��,� I ���I�li���i ' lif�i I�i,l i iii i �� NP,�� i 1f ii� ui I � I . �iI i IN � i 4 r ��� I i I �i�����ll�����i�y�, I �i, . I h��I�'i ����������� i ' i �'j�I.,. Iqii I . i,' i��. i :'��I� i I �j I�i ' i i �i� tl�i4�, �i�Il��i.� . �lif I � � �I i I� i ��������NI� i i I�li I���� � � I. i�l� i�. i li �II�IIIP�i�i�l � i i�I� � � ���'�'�I'i ��,. ,N�i� r�: ,„I�� ��u���,� ,[ "�, ,.i��,��,i...� .�'�,. I �II��.:� ...I ,� �,. .,�... � �.,..,. _ . . I � ,il�..�q.i.. ,,...,1:�� . � �J... ��, . ..8 .. , ., i n.. � ., , �. ..�. II:, . 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Il�,,lli �.�I�i�JI��,� I���I � IIIIIII �����!�� �ii�i.����I�4:p. �il itl��lll.i,yllii�l�Il�ili;�.'.� �il.i��,i,i.� „il ii ,�.�;il �II Ilp,llil� ii .���,ii�lli.i„ �i� .��, ',� i ii i ��'.,,,, ,i � .i �I �ii;.i��: �il I w-I�:i,'�I�.�PII���1�, ,�i�,� �m,i..., ,�I.���� i i i i iI' �.,�.��I��ii 6.,���,lil��ll i r����l�l� I�� .��'I i� il i . J��� ii ii ��i ' �r�ii„ �I I� ,�i�l �� ,,I � �iii,l��, i �,�....; �i�.� i '� i � ��I�: i�l�� q���iil,l ill�lll �ri�i i�i6����I�� ��;:�,�illl�i�lil ;;;,,, ��� �� Ill �lll�lill :I, I; {���i�il�I�������I����li�Ili�I��illi�i�l�lqldiiill�i�li� i��III�IIIIII������i��ilU�iil,ll�il,li iiil,���'�^^.,��.i�.. 'i r' 'IVililli�i.; I��I�Ilul�,�l�' i ililiililHl�il��lilV ';Ii4�li�I�I�Ii����IliV�i��,. �IIIIi�III . . �� i ,ef�,, _ CWAf�F9ASSE[�9 �IE3E S�'ATeOf�AD�IT80�1 AP�D 9�EMODELIIVG JACK ANDERSON,AIA,CID CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA PROJECT ARCHITECT/DESIGNER (while with another 6rm.) ' � ' NICOLLET COUNTY , HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDITION St. Peter, Minnesota ' Completed in 1994, this project involved the construction of a 3,500 square foot ' addition ta Nicollet County's 9,500 square foot highway department garage and administrative building in St. Peter. When ' the addition was complete and administrative staff were moved, existing office space was remodeled to ' accammodate conference, training and storage functions. In addition, existing vehicle storage areas underwent ' modifications to meet cunent fire and ventilation codes in addition, the building was "re-skinned"for energy efficiency and - to provide a uniform appearance. - ' ---- � ' � � � � , � � , � � . � � T�rWc«ke� i..e � s�«.r v.nn , ' V . I � I � i �V �� i , i -- �}_....� P�rb Prfnt � �t�ot I I`-,�I MuMokal i � i I ' ' I � � P PW Copy i I I I ' �� ___ _ ... ; j � i � I � I oma � � ���.�� I ''�. Rke6en � O �I I� c I. i I � -- -- Omrs � ' ' I P....i. �b' i ' I /,�.j I � /� � " � �� � O�ce Ofeee M«h Ofllec � � � YaN6uk . O O ' � � � S 1� ' ' ' ' ' LAKE CITY PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING , Lake City, Minnesota , Generator This project involved a signif'icant � Garage Storage addition to and the remodeling of an existing ambulance garage facility across from the City Hall in Lake City� Evidence ' Minnesota. Public access is gained through a new lobby to a public service S�� Lab__1 , counter. Beyond, a corridor provides secure access to offices and leads to �� staff work azeas, booking and interview ' rooms, a lab and evidence storage. A 1 � private drive extends along the building °ff� � wo� B��s ��. to a staff entrance, a vehicular sallyport �__ � and a garage near the rear of the site. i o 1 ot�� w�x M ' � Staff I � Office 1 w .. , ust. Recept. i� ' — �i �� �I�b�, Aiebulance Gazage i --.�� ii i , Vest. ' ' , . . , ' ' ' , � I �� North o 5 is zs , , , ' , COTTONWOOD COUNTY � ,. r � , �p _ ,,�,,, Y ,,,�� �� �N���� " �.:� , LAW ENFORCEMENT : '' f � ' _�, � CENTER : `;�, � f� Windom, Minnesota ,� `; � a , �~ Completed in 1992,the Cottonwood County �: � .:,� :� � �; , � Law Enforcement Center was designed to .-�, � , accommodate 21 prisoners of a variety of classifications as well as offices for the ' Cottonwood County Sheriff's Department and the Windom Police Department. To ` minimize staff, the jailor/dispatch room • ,�:..��.... . , :: __.. ' was located to provide visual observation of the lobby, visiting, program/activity rooms, and detention spaces. An adjacent ' central records room allows the jailor/ dispatcher to access records without leaving the secure perimeter. ' ' � ° � . �°��;a,�.� ��ti ,� ,�� �. ���,:�`���F�� z s��,t ,�� �' ,,.,,, . ';�;���,,,�.�a.�, m.,�,. a�,. ;... ��� \'��������,1� '��1��'��� �� - � , . ,#,. a. ' --- ; ., z��. ai . an w aa ..��"h'� � xe�w. 4aMm sM.a. . i. .. exf w nn � aN oM .. . , " �. ., , . . . . . "� . . < .�. — � �, � ,�,� -- ---- �. -- - '------..., c�. -- � �..q.E�an�.srorw � ..�w�..�I . ' . � � r--.....-------- ' � � v � �^�^8�w �a �j n�m�a. E p� : .. .t � � ��_ . ----_-' m,.p. � �J _-�'- e�xro� : � s°"'° a�a. , � � --- T. ��; � ��. �. , __... � � °'� caa. axa ano. anw ``, ye '. F. :+ ...5.._.��.`.. .. .a ' � First Floor Pian o��-� �� ' ' , , ' y, .., � WESTSIDE AIlt TERMINAL ����� � � Fargo, North Dakota �� ����� �� ' fi z� � � ��"������� a ��v��� Access to Fargo's 90,000 square foot * � ��- � ����':r r �,� , Westside Air Terminal is from the south, �" ' � "� �,.,� ,.� . �: where a steel structured cano p y protects a drop-off traffic lane and provides covered ' access fromthe curb to the building's lobby. Designed to promote ease of circulation, M��_.;� . . the two story lobby opens all major public ' spaces to immediate view, but separates arriving and departing passengers by the ' location of ricket counters, and the bag- gage claim area. (Steve Johnson served as project designer while with another firm.) � s,�,:� , � ' ' ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ �.o. �.� � a....�. % , . . . , �, � s.�.o...b.o •� ��„� � � j'� f-� � I ;�;,,� ;��� , � �.`' � � '� � ' . . � � ,�„��.. ��.... �.�,... ��.... � � a�.. w.� , _ �� � � � � _ �, � . �i ��' I • • • s o • • • • • • � ..'VA' I l v I I ` �• • • • • • • • • • • i � . , I L— -- ------------------�-----�-----------�— ---------� ' � Lower Levei O 10 tl �0 , , ' ' , NICOLLET COUNTY — �� �� � SERVICES BUILDING ' - North Mankato, Minnesota � c�,'°m� � � As a satellite facility for the southern ' �, � � portion of Nicollet County, the 10,000 �, � square foot facility will accommodate ___� �,. public access to a number of County ' �` � departments, including Social Services, Probation, Nursing and the Assessor. se�,� r�m,k.. �.� om� The design was developed around a ' o� � �' � central waiting area to serve all ___ __ __ _ _ = departments, which can be closed off o� i W.��,�, ; during non-business hours to promote , i_--- __-------- -___:_�' �° the use of the large meeting room by ° community and civic groups. o� � � �� � ��,�.� A teal green, vaulted roof will enclose , mechanical space above and will � � � distinguish the building from its larger _ � industrial/warehouse neighbors. ' Construction will be complete in November, 1994. ' , � o�'L�'-I 1 ' ' o a o 4 ' ao 0 o a a � � — ❑ Q ' ��� � 0 4 8 lb ' , � ' : : ' � ' ■�■��■■■e■■■■��■�■�■t��■�■�■� ■ _ � . • - • . � � • . -� • • • ' - � . :� � • � � � •�• -� ■ . • ■ � . - . - . • - - � . - . ���� ■ � �`;.� ���� `.� �� ■ -- ___ _ ------- • �� • • - . • • • � • �- '`u .••..• ■ u =_ � � ______ � • • .� - �. � • ■ �� • __==__ ■ , �o� • �..� •_____ � - � . � � • • ■■/'1 1 I .• �� �� �----- . n n ------ � " • � s ' � � ii -_-___ � � r. �� �' •�• • ' • � • • � '���/ ii' -----� ■ - ■ • ��`-t'' — —! i . . . . • �- - • � rr���ii Y� - .�■■s■�■� �� . � . ���e��■�■`�; . d,, ■ . . - -� v �ii ? :::::� 3'� ' ! • ��- ■ . . ..- - . - , i�ii �i ' � : � I(JI=�=����� i . • . . ��■�:rii■��■■■■■■■i���i���ii�•���►�■■��■■�■�■�� �- ��ei��i� .. .� � .. I�������,. y.����'�•��� � � `'v�s� .����.r � ���,,�`""� \ "r� -�7��tk'���' ���MM�y,` il �� � , , _ `'`'����i+ � � y r.�. i.��•� \\ �',���������✓����� ��+• �`�j{��'��If���jt�R..� .. . /r•+��y���• i ������ �j���j1;�� ( ���� '+:i�` y�,.���✓/„���7� r ;'. " / �� .1��.,�I,.���������r�'f� ,,,�� ��.�,��j���'�. ��/��� ' � ����ll����r �\, (� l�!'�y� �►r „ �4��� l. ���i��`' �����'�1/�'�i�l�,����i�� �� — ���� � �� ���/�'�� ��������������'�;�.'� __�_�---- �,������j�/�n�� ��+t����s��1 ��`�]�rrli'.,,ti�����'c'' —,; .,,, , ,� .�,t �, fy�, ,\1�/ 4> i��'� :� / ,r��r i Es...:._'__.��o =� r!�;���'l/�f� ;�{��Ivai .'. � '� 1 ' . IIAIiV�_ ' 71= � III�'MI — . w,, ���� �/.������.,,ninnaw��..iinnewwiw�"�r fl�ur�iu ' �Ii,_ ���IA` ��_" '� 1� I., ''' / — � _ � IVN���I��I��III �uro� � ���'�����IIpi11N�II' iF�l��i--�'��%��.:�:, :iM � I�( P iui�ll ..d ='j���,;��''���'����� ' °sal�"�'tl��l� ��qtl ��� :i�, i� i F: meorIIIIIRi���l'I�IIP"°'�,.9S��Ni�I�N��1�A�� '_l�M�I�� ,,?�!'I�.��) 1 ;�I���IV���Ad� : _�,�I,��"�I'��I���ifi�piYx�r� � f r .':; \ sR,-!�.' I I I � �••..: � Ill�l�i iilY � 1 ��;������� � s�ra�ii�lillpl�lA6��i{°�p :�i�i �i66� � �N�� i�'�a� �el�s'MNl�iAli�l� ■1 s�I�11111 ��.�.«...,�/ir��r,u : �ia�i � 1 � �u n i� . ��r �V" �� � ` 'II��I y!��r,�►+.rtiw«�,�� ��;.�'i�� � 4�►,r;�.c�#u�l�l�`,+1� �.��I�F�' a""'-..� .�� --_ � ---- ';�II IIIIII���I,���U��, �',�"`�,�Y��������,�, = s..,`•.�,,,,e:.,��.T:�,.;--��.����� ,rQ��,. ���. � ��g-3�'1 # � ..." �.,n�,zi t;¢,Of�Yir'n� ,�, � I ' � ' I BILLINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE ' Medora, North Dakota This 24,000 square foot facility houses , county offices, a 90-hour detention lock-up` � �_ area, the county courtroom and ancillary spaces. High, rugged bluffs influenced the � articulated, sloped roof planes and edges. (This project represents the �personal experience of Mark Vetter while in the ' employ of Foss Associates in 1983) ' .. , �. ;. � � �������� �ti �T�� �; ; � � ���� , ���\ � � ����z �� � ' � � c � : �� : . �, <�. �r r�� �., � �i' ��'��, . ��' �:,�(.�: � a > �� � . q ..`�'<n`\�fI � u' � F 6��T i�s. :`X�� � . ..� ��. . f . 2 � � �Z M S `i R. . A ` . " C � ��`�� ,!F � k;.�¢ .�U� g,..'$ �I � : '� ,+ .r� �,.,;�a � 4't�Zx'� � � ,�. r�,�,,,� � ; '�,E �' `..... ' �"'d x � '``,3�. � ,�� � �,� �.� ������1��1�1�1''�'' ,., ' L i�: �` � � 3�+Sa3 i�i�� �II'i � � aY , V.i <! � v� '�I� I. � � : ��.: ill ;�" '..�"�� :zcym�gw� �,,. �.�, �' ' �.. � � (f��,. , ,: � �: i:� i : a. � ���< .' '' M ' ���� ,� � �. � ,: ? .. �^ : ;: �3 �.,�y '. ; y :���.: ,.. . ^'?: ::�> � : �:!... ' .�: �r �ui . • � a �;. , , . ;i. � � �` ' �_.., . :�a::._. ' ' � � ' t ' , ST. CLAIR PUBLIC SCHOOL ' Addition and Remodeling St. Clair, Minnesota ' Having completed a kindergarten/multi- purpose addition in 1990, Vetter Johnson ' Architects was asked to design this 1.8 -- o00 od million dollaz expansion project. Included ' are classrooms,flexible instruction space and _ � � r � � �:�. a state-of-the art media center. , : - -- %��� _` - Construction is now und�rway. ' , - -- � o � � I � \ ' �� 0 � �o t � ` r � � , Z � ,� _,. � . . . ._.____ � 3 I6 � �,�. � .�,-�� � �l�`� . �� I 'I .� ` >� \.. , �� � � ' !I u ' __ � � '�� , --= > � � � � ��t3\ � � � 4 � �6� �7 6' -' � '��� . ' � ''/ \ \` � . _ � It � •^���,.��� IS I � '� � 1. Rxeivin �t0%�° i'c�� -- , B i — I O ; i i _ 2. Modified Kitchen i . � � _ 3. Facisting Kindergatten � � /— � 4. Cliapler I =__ 15 � 5. Medis/Compoter 16 ( 6. Hefore/Afler School for 4yw Olds � � '7. Co�d'erence/Speciel Services ' � 8. Work Room(Audio-Visual Storage . �� t7 IB \ . 9. Circulation \Q�� �� \ � 10.Media Center:Studen[and Community �lL� I l.Stack Aree � � �\.,, 12.Hoys'ResVoom i 13.Lobby i . i � 14.6'vls'Resvoom � � � � 15.Classroom . i i . . ' 16.Mechaniql/8lectrical i i . 17.Special FAucation I8.Elementary Science i 19 i. 19����� Architectural Plan r � 20.Parlting.(47 speces) i � i i �� i � • �o a � a . � . i . � i �--. � \ . ,l__'_____' `'y."__.l . . _ . ' t ' ' CENTER FOR AEROSPACE ' SCIENCES University of North Dakota Grand Forks, North Dakota ' This 81,000 square foot two-phase aerospace education faciliry provides state- ' of-the-art learning spaces for aviation,air- uaffic control training, computer science and the atmospheric sciences. Lazge ' gathering spaces for students and staff are provided below circular lightwells. Classrooms doriunate lower levels while staff and administrative support spaces ' aze located on the second levels along with graduate laboratories and study azeas.Wide, horizontal expanses of glass ' were required to view weather systems and this horizontality is expressed with brick,precast stone bands and continuous �.,__=:���Kk,: �.,� tinted horizontal windows. ,_...:�.;, �::�..: , ,,�..,,�:. >k:yn����:%�.��'�'�'<.�iis `;:�.:s' �' ' ��� � ��� ..��; �;,: ,;� (This project represents the personal �.��� �� �� ��'�� ::_:��..�. w experience of Mark Vetter while in the �� � �::��; �3 F � ����� employ of Foss Associates in 1985.) ' � �; �. � ���;` w'�. E k ♦:" ,<3,::�;:da.,b;�:::::x..,... ' \. ' '.. . ..... ..:.:.:.:::::: .....:.... y .: n. ..::i..:r��.y;�� .... � r�` �::: �::i,,:.�.:... �. '�'Z'�'. i's�:i��L> Y�U:,I :�, r . •s€.. �Y���E��"'�'' � ., '[CS;y"�\`�..?':�..?:�.ya�:��;�' ���� 'rt F , `h3� �.:;, �'��x "'�'. �`��'� �i L � ��. � s ��r�<��. <!'.�..T .�. .: ' i , ...`��a� c¢.`',R;3 :..� ::�2 ' ...........::::.... .. • .� . ...... ...... ......:..�� � ' � ... ... � ' . ' .... ... .. . ,..... ' f � MEMORANDUM DATE: April 18, 1995 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator � SUBJECT: Add-On to Council Agenda Please find attached the resignation of an accountant from the Finance Dept. to be added to the Consent Agenda. Action is requested to find a replacement as soon as possible. ,, � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Resignation/Authorize Posting and AGENDA SECTION: Advertising for Replacement Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. ADD-ON ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Resignation APPROVED BY: Jane Gilb, Payroll Clerk, has submitted her resignation to the City effective May 12, 1995. Janie has been with the City since May of 1991 . I am requesting at this time to post this position and to advertise for a replacement as well. We hope to have completed interviews and bring a recommendation back to the Council at the May 16th meeting. This is an aggressive schedule but by meeting this schedule we will be able to minimize the time that we are without this position. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the resignation of Jane Gilb, Payroll Clerk. Motion to authorize the posting and advertising for the replacement of the Payroll Clerk. COUNCIL ACTION: , >� , • Date: April 14, 1994 , To: Jeff May From: Jane Gilb Subj : Resignation .. For your information, this is my resignation from the City of Rosemount. I have accepted another position. My employment with the City of Rosemount will continue through May 12, 1995 . 4 ,/�� � ,� •� c�nr Ha« C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T : z8�5—,45th s��,��t .P.�.Box St0 Ever thin 's Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemo�nt,nnN Y � g f� 55a68-O510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 . Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice : BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS,INC. -MINERAL EXTRACTiON PERMTr RENEWAL GRACE SUZ1vIA-OTTO PED PROPERTY STATE OF 11�IIlVNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) SS CrrY oF Rosnv�ourrr ) ' Susan M. Walsh, being first duiy swom, deposes and sa.ys: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the Ciry of Rosemount, Minnesota. On Apri16, 1995 acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal for mineral extraction activities to occur on the Grace Kuznia/Otto Ped property, 4992 145th Street East, as requested by Bituminous Roadways, Inc., enclosed in sealed envelopes, with posta.ge thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is deli�ery service by United 5tates Mail between the place of ma.iling and the ' places so addressed. LL.�e�'/�/ su�ivt. w�sn City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, esota w m to before me this �'da of , 1995. . Subscnbed and s o � , N�. Notary DONNA l.t�UiK1Z13 ra��wr Pueuc-�sarA L?AKOTA COUNTY My Comm.Expkes Jen.31,2000 � � r��rcd«��xkdwv� � �a����saoec . . posFconsurtKr matenals. � ,, . C 1 TY O F RO S E M Q U N T ze�5-`��,�,�� P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U Rosemounrt! R°se�"o°m'MN Y 9" 9 P s�aba�osio Phone:612-423-4411 Faxs 612-423-5203 - : Public Notice BUZI�IIA-PIDBTTfJ1bIINOUS ROADWAYS, INC. MIlVERAL EXTRACTION PERNIIT RENEWAL Site I,acaiion -4992145th Street East TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS AEREBY GIVEN, the Ciry Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, begi:�uiing at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received from Bituminous Roadways, Inc. for renewal of a Mineral Extraction Permit. As set forth in the conditions of the permit, mineral extraction activity is limited to a site not to exceed 39 acres of the entire property. The subject property was recently legally divided into two equal parcels. These parcels are owned by Ms: Grace Kuznia and OttQ � Ped and are generally described as the west 871/z acres of the Southeast quarter and the east 75 acres of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Townslup 115, Range 18; subject to highway easement over the north 50 feet and addressed as 4992 145th Street East. Phasing of the mineral extraction project will ultimately include both parcels. Persons wishing to comment on this issue are invited to attend and be heard at the City Council Public Hearing scheduled for'�`���da�, Anril tR_ 1995 at RsMI n_m. Formal written comments will be accepted prior to the public hearing date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. Dated this 4th day of April, 1995. .,�u��/ � ' Su M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � ���� �� �.�� ,� Bi �mino�s Roadwa�i Inc_ -Min�ral Extraction Permit Renewal (j�� �ai�i�r��i� _ 1. Fine Bend Development Co. . . , . . . . . . . . 3402900-010-20 % Melvin G. Astteford 3402900-011-25 _ 1200 Highway 13 West 34-02100-011-90 ; Burnsville, MN 55337 3402800-010-05 34-02800-010-10 34-t)2800-010-15 3402800-011-25 3402800-011-30 3402800-011-36 3402800-010-50 3402800-010-75 34-02900-010-35 3402000-010-SZ 3402900-010-75 3402900-010-01 3402900-010-15 3402900-010-20 2. Ninth Street Properties Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 34-02000-010-37 % Union Pacific Corp. P.O. Box 2500 Broomfield, CO 80038 3. David A. & Nancy V. Phillips . . . . 3402800-Q12-30 5693 142nd Street East � : Rosemount, Mn 55068-2408 4. Rich T. Burger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-02900-fl10-10 . 650 N Via.Miraleste 3402100-011-75 - Palm Springs, CA 92262-6055 34-02800-011-Ol 5. Dale B. &Betty L. Agre . . . . . . . . . . 3402900-010-15 14175 Eilers Path E Rosemount, MN 55068 b. Richazd C. & Ramona A. Cordes . . . . . . . . . 34-02900-010-60 4594 145th Street Fast Rosemount, MN 55068 7. Otto Ped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-02900-010-50 (Site) 4992 14Sth StT�t EaSt APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER Rosemount, MN 55068 S. John A. Reese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-02900-010-69 12205 Parkwood Place 34-03000-013-75 Burnsville, MN 55337-6861 9. Rahn Family Ltd. Ptnshp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3403000-010-09 3855 145th Street East 340300Q-010-25 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-03000-010-30 10. Frank A. Jr. &Betty J. Knoll . . . . . . . . , : . 34-03000-012'-�5 4322145th Street Fast Rosemount, MN 55068-2218 11. 7ohn 7. Ostertag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-03000-014-75 4230 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068-2207 �.� . nt . � . . . . � � � . � . . . . . . . . � 12. Marlin &Joann Rechtzigel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3403000-011-35 14727 Clayton Avenue East 34-03000-012-35 Rosemount, MN 55068-2214 34-03000-013-35 13. Hans 7. Abrahamsen . . . . . . . . 3403000-010-50 1700 Bellows 3403100-010-01 West St. Paul, MN 55118-3845 3403100-010-11 3403100-01Q-19 3403200-010-35 : 3403200-0i0-60 14. Earl & Gerda LV TST Knodt . . . . . . . . 3403100-016-25 15150 Clayton Avenue East Rosemount, MN 55068-2234 15. Ken & Linda. Schindeldecker . . . . . . . . . . . . 3403100-010-21 4485 160th 5treet East Rosemount, MN 55068 16. Henry J. & Catherine Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3403200-010-01 15391 Emery A�enue 34-03200-010-25 Rosemount, MN 55068-2349 34-03300-010-12 34-03300-011-62 : 3403200-011-01 1�. Jonaxhan & Teresea A. Salili . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-03300-010-35 15172 Emery Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 18. Harvey&Bernice Swoboda , . . . . . . . . . . . 34-033Q0-01440 15400 Emery Avenue East Rosemount, MN 55068-2348 19. Fred & Fdna, Ohmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3403200-010-50 4979 160th Street East,, Rosemount, MN 55068-2331 20. Greg Dambroten, Project Manager . . . . . . . . APPL�c.41v'r _ _ Bituminous Roadways, Inc. � 9050 Jefferson Trail West Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 22. Gra.ce Kuznia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPLICANT/PROPERTY OV�i+�TER 556 lst Avenue South South St. Paulk, MN 55075 Rosemount:Town Pages : . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION` : Kristin Francic,being duly sw�n,o�oat6 says that she is an authorized . . ,: � agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Pabllc Nubioe Rosemount Town Pages, and has full lmowledge of the facts which are , �,p��y,�p� - Stated below: _ � ROADWAY3,ING (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the req�nts constituting ; � �L EXTRACrioN qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues ' pg�g�wN, 331A.02,331A.47 d o licable la as amended. �'si�Locaaon-�a 1.�sr�sax�eBan (B)The printed �� � `��� 0 :;mweo�rr�r,►yonxc� ' �,,, DtpTics Is HBBSBx c1YSt+.tbs 6ts+Caaa�dt d me • �`i�►dRnemo�nt wIB hoW a p�blio�ni oo'16�d�1. ` .:;Apit 18,1995 m dr C.oem7(�mbw d�hs Q�Y FL�. which is attached, was cut from the columns of said ne and was ��14��06t W��u&4t1 pm ar as+om wS�A�r+ �o po�nbk. printed and published once each week for � successive %�_ - � eks;,' was fir ublished on Friday, the day of :���,����� 19���and was thereaftsr printed an ublished on :�.���s"�'��'. ry Fri�i y, to and i 1 ding Friday, the�day of �,�,m�r�n�wa�����r�4�� � 19��'� and ted below is a co of the �'°""°"'�'°°°°'"'°°°"°�°°`°�a`t" : , P� PY ��ame�r�r• 'n».��r.�,.�w . - lower ase alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby ��a����«�� T��'"°' � - acl�owledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition �,,���a��°iia��i w ` and publication of the notice: so.m��ma�«��s.�.�r me s�u� � Qa�er of Satdm 29.TcwntiiP 113,Rye t8i+��'. ,��p�me�ma�he naW 3�kd aod addca+cd a I �f8�7'k��� 1942145mS�ceetFart.P�a(thamiaaate+aaaim ; n �, y„�oa.r;n�b�.a.��.�r: . By:��.:�� ' ` _._?��`�1 � tkr,ao.ai�hins w aommeot cn�mis iwa ue-.i�ted w � � � . `�amna�a��a u me a�r cx.�t e�w�x�s ; ( TiflB:TypeSCttCt .a.mba ra�'� •R ��is.is9s.e s:ee o.m. : p«m�i weita.aa�eob wiu be aoospbd p¢ar m Ur pablio hearin6 dits. Plars lanad aII oamqeab a� Subs ibed and swom to before me on this r_�_day ��«��+������°�'°d�' : � o ,n`"°'�`�wo�` _ 19�. n.ea e:.am m,oc,►�a.i�s. �. � � ' _"���: s..��.wrre.aa�c� . , . , _ Notary Public _ ___..�o��d `, �h AFFIDAVTT CONNIE E. FIFAREK NOTAfiY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA ;_.__.' MY COMMISSION EXp�RES t-31-Op , � � , t ! _ � GITY HALL CITY OF ROSEMOU NT z8�5—,45thsu��►�t_ P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemou�t,MN Y 9� 9 P sw�s•o5�o . Phone:612-423-4411 : Fax:612-423•5203 : Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice . . TEXT AMENDMENr TO ORDINANCE$-G'ITY OP FAST TRAC%ORDINANCE (Site Plmt Review Procedures/Enhanced Design Standards) STATE OF MINNE50TA ) ' COUNTY OF DAKOTA )SS CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount,Minnesota. On April 6, 1995 acdng on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a text amendment to Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance regarding a fast track ordinance for the streamlining of the site plan review process and establishing enhanced site design standards.animals. _ S M. Walsh City Clerk Ciry of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota ��� � Subscribed and sworn to before me tlus_L�L day of , 1995. . Notary Public DONNA!.. QUi�� NOTARV PUBLIG- MI QAKOTA COt1NTY My Camnt.Expres Jan.3Y 2000 • .� .._ . . . . . . . .. . � nirxeam�.ccnled�wcr . . cvnninirry�JO% yostca�wmn matenaf.. • w ' .� . . . . . ... � . . � � . . � � . � . . .� � .. . . . . . . . .. . . f �. . . . . . . _ . . . .. � � . . . . � . . . � � . . .. UTY HALL . C[TY OF ROSEMOU:NT z8�5-,45�s�W� ` P.O.8ox ST0 Everything's Coming Up-Rosernountl! R 5so�aos o� Phone:612-423-4411 ..�, fax:612-423-5203 - : Public Notice : : . TEXT AMENDMENT TO . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE . (Fast Track Ordinance) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No�cE IS H�sY G�v�t, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the item listed beiow on Tuesday, April I8, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a text amendment to Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance known as the Fast Track Ordinance which authorizes a streamli.ned site plan approval procedure and establishes enhanced site design standards. A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review and comment at City I�all located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thzough Frida.y. Persons wishing to comment on the proposed amendment are invited to attend ttus public hearing on ��d �., A—o��i 1995 at R�III) n_m_ Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Department. Dated this Sth day of April, 1995. � , � S M. Wals , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota . . . � . . . . . . � � � . � �. . , ��� RiMedon�Py• . . carM+i�M%� � . pasbcaniunKr m,xNiah. � , . .r � .. . . . . . . : . . . . .. � � ... . . ... . . . � . Rosemaunt Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION _ . Kristin Francic,being duly sworn,on oach says thaz she is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, lmown as The Rosemount Town Pages, and has full l�owledge of the facts which are �N� - stated below: TEXT AHtENDMEI�T To (A)The newspaper has camglied with all of the requirements c�nsdtuting . CiTY oF Ro�i1sOUNr qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues ��G oRD,INANeE . - 331A.02,331A. and ther ap ' le laws,as amended. (Fart�ine1E o,�ieauce) B)The printed l� 1JC� .co mwsoMrri►uyoar� :. " . . t�oacs rs�er ctvsr,�u.c�,c�►�c�. C1q c[Ro.emo�.n7t naa.g�blio Le�ous a om�t,ir �r ikm lurod beiow m I6ady.Apol l&1993 io t6s Casodl C7wmbecs ot t6m Qt:Ha11.28TS 145t6 Sueet which is attached, was cut from the columns qf said newspaper, 1IId w3S �.�d�'°�u s:oo y.m.a a��u printed and published once each week for \ successive -,�p�or�,n�.�ns u�,��_�� eeks; it was f9'�t�ublished on Friday, the day of ��,�8_�,,�,�� � "� and was thereafter printed an published on o,�.0 m�..����t o���.�n�u ; om�e..�a:�r�n�.r y�ao�ma every �riday, to and i�luding Friday, the day of �,r.�.�aaea�,�a., , i �'�,.n , 19`'i ; and printed below is a copy of the ����������� - lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby ����a H.n,«�e��s�4sm sa� � acknowle ed as bein the size and kind of used in the com ition �"''�"°'b`n�°"�rT`3°''m"'�°'"m~i'�°°a.'' � g rYPe P� a��r�m,. and publication of the nodce: �..,;,��,��ua¢�a� � ae imiud to wmd�Lis poNio Lar�an�( �,s►n��n is.�vus�aee9 e.�Pa�.l.rriueo oo�aus w�71 aLo bs aooepbd pdat eo ILe meeNrg d�M. Pbus tanrad aIl � oo�easaodmqoivaeotLsPLminfDep�mem. ay: � � ' . .. Tide:Typesetter �.,n.ea�.�a�a�.i�s. . � _� - a`�� �;:.., ---- . ._.. . _ .y �da , sw��.w.�n.� � Subscribed and swom to before me on this y �r of °.�me`ca�g��eae.o�'. , 19.�—. � _ . , � Notary Public AFFIDAVTT CONNIE E. FIFAREK NOTARV PUBUC�MINNESOTA � MY COMMISSION EXPIRES t•31-00 , � City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Couacil Meetiag Date: Aflril 18, 1995 Ageada Item: Ruznia-Ped/Bituminous Ageada Sectioa: Roadways 1995 Mineral PUBLIC HEARING Extraction Permit Renewal Pr�pared By: Richard Pearson Ageada No: Assistant Planner lT��n � � �rf Attachmeats: Draft 1995 Conditions; Public Approved By: Notice & Mailing List; � A lication; Site Ma . � Mr. Gregg Dambroten, Project Manager for Bituminous Roadways, Inc. is requesting renewal of the Mineral Extraction Permit for 1995 on the Otto Ped and Grace Kuznia property. The 160 acres was subdivided into two approximately equal SO-acre parcels with the settlement of their parents ' estate. The mining operation is organized into three phases, the first and largest consisting of an estimated 16.5 acres located in the extreme southwest corner of the property. On March 28, 1995 the Planning Commission reviewed the renewal request and recommended approval. Planning staff' s primary concern related to the potential for extraction extending from Otto Ped's 80-acre parcel onto Grace Ruznia' s SO acres. Comparison of the phasing plan with the subdivision survey indicates that only phase three involves the eastern 80 acres owned by Grace Kuznia. Mutual access rights were provided for via deeds that will be granted to each half of the original 160 acres by the estate. Comparison of the phasing plan with the subdivision survey indicates that only phase three involves the eastern 80 acres owned • by Grace Kuznia. The other change that will be recommended is the enclosure of any processing activity with cyclone or other suitable portable fencing. This is consistent with other extraction operations previously renewed this year. No complaints have been received within the last year concerning this mineral extraction operation. Recommeaded Actioa: A MOTION to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 1995 RENEWAL OF THE MINERA.L EXTR.ACTION PERMIT FOR PED- RUZNIA/BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS. City Council Action: _ 94-18-95.002 1Vlineral Eactraction Permit 1995 Conditions For IVlineral Extraction Permit Renewal KuztvraiPEn -Brrumnavous RoanwaYs, Irrc. A. That Otto Ped (hereinafter "the Property Owner") and Bituminous Roadways, Inc. (hereinafter "the OQerator") sign a written consent to these conditions binding itself and its successors or assigns to the conditions of said permit. B. That this permit is granted for the area designated as Phase l, on Fxhibit A which is attached hereto as one of the exhibits dated December I9, 1989 and revised on 7anuary 10, 1994. C. That the term of the peimit shall extend from May 1, 1995 until December 31, 1995 unless revoked prior to that for failure to comply with the peimit requirements. A mining permit fee of$250.00 shall be paid to the City of Rosemount. D. That all required permits from the State of Minnesota, County of Dakota and City of Rosemount (hereinafter "City"} or any of their agencies be obtained and submitted to the City prior to the issuance of the permit. That failure by the Operator to comply with the terms and conditions of any of the permits required under this para.graph shall be grounds for the City to terminate said mining permit. E. That the final grading for the permit area shall be completed in accordance with Exhibit A, or as approved by the city engineer, and any other conditions as may be imposed by the City from time to time. F. All gravel trucks shall enter and exit the mini.ng area from County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42) from the location shown on Exhibit A and the designated truck route to (and from) the site shall be CSAH 42, west to State Trunk Highway 52 (STH 52), north on STg 52 to the City boundary. It shall be the Operator's responsibility to obtain easements for ingress and egress. The location of the accesses and/or easements for ingress and egress shall be subject to approval by the City, as well as the County Highway Department or the Minnesota Department of Transportation if applicable or if any changes occur relative to the mining process. G. "That a plan for dust control shall be submitted to and subjectto approval by the City. The Operator shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulterl from extraction or hauling operadons related to the Niineral Extraction Permit. After the Operator has received 24- hour verbal notice, the City will complete or contract to complete the clean-up at the Operator's expense. - 1995 btining Pecmit OP/BiNtninous Page 1 of 4 , H. Tbat the surface wazer drainage of the mining area shall not be alter�d so as to interfere, contaminate, or otherwise effect the natural drainage of adjacent property. � That no topsoil shall be removed from the site and that the Operator shall ratae necessary measures to prevent erosion of the stockpiled topsoil. The location of the stockpiled topso� shail be indicated on Exhibit A the Phasing Plan. J. Any costs incun�d now or in the future in changing the Iocation of existing public or private utilities including but not limited to pipelines, transmission structures and sewer infrastructure located within the pernut area shall be the sole obligation and expense of the operator. K. Tfiat all costs of processing the permit, including but not limited to planning fees, engineering fees and legal fe�s, shall be paid by the operator prior to the issuance of the permit. That the Operator reimburs� the City for the cost of periodic inspections by the City Public Works Director or any other City employee for the purpose of insuring that conditions of the permit are being satisfied. That the Operator agrees to reimburse the City for any other costs incurred as a result of the �anting or enforcing of the permit. L. That the daily hours of operation for the mining area shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., subject, however, to being changed by the City Council. M. That the Operator andlor the Owner deposit with the Planning Department a surety bond or cash escrow in the amount of Two 'Thousand Dollars per acre ($2,000.00/acre) or active phase in favor of the City for the cost of restoration, regrading andlor revegetating land disturbed by mining activities in the event of default from this aareement by either the Operator or the Owner. The required surety bonds must be: (1) With good and sufficient surery by a surery company authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota witli the right of the surety company to cancel the same upon thir[y (30) days written notice to the permit holder and the City. (2) Satisfactory to the Ciry Attorney in form and substance. (3) Conditioned that the Operator will faithfully comply with all the terms, conditions and requirements of the permit; all ruies, regulations and requirements pursuant to the pemnit and as required by the City and all reasonabie requirements of the Public Works Direcwr or any other City officiais. (4) Conditioned that the Operator and the Owner will secure the City and its ofFcers harmless against any and all claims, or for which the City, the Council or any City officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to persons or property through the fault of the Operator. (5) The surety bond or cash escrow shall remain in effect from biay 1, 1995 untii June 30, 1996. 1995 Mining Permit OP/Bituminous Pagn 2 of 4 . U'Pon thirtY (30) days notice to the permit holder and surety company, the City may reduce or increase the arnount of the boad or cash escrow during the term of this pezmit in order to insure that the City is adequateiy prot�. N. That the Operator fumishes a certificaze of comprehensive general liability insurance issued by insur�rs duly licensed within the State of Minnesota in an amount of at least�ve Hundred Thousand and no/100 ($5o0,000.00) Dollars for injury or death of any vne person in any one occurrence, bodily injury liabilitY in an amount of at least One 1blillion and no/100 ($1,000,000.00) Dollars and damage liability in an amount of at least Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and no/I00 ($250,000.00) Dollars arising out of any one occurrence. The policy of insurance shall name the City as an additional insured and shall remain in effect from May 1, 1995 until 7une 30, 1996. O. That no processing or mixing of materials shall occur on t�e site and constcuction of any ponding areas or wash plants shall require additional City Council approval and aotificatioa of adjacent property owners, except as approved by the Dakota County Environmental Health Department as incidental to a sand and gravel mining operation at which time such activities will be enciosed with cyclone fencing, or as approved by City staff, and provid�d � that the fencing is properly maintai.ned. P. That the Operator and the Owner shall hold the Ciry harmless from all claims or causes of action that may result from the granting of the pernut. That the Qperator and the Owner shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages or expenses, including but not Iimited to attorney's fees which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such ciaims. Q. That the OQerator comply with such other requirements of the City Council as it shall from time to time deem proper and necessary for the protection of the citizens and general welfare of the communiry. R Complete mining and reciamation is required in all phases before any additional muung is authorized. Modifications or expansion of the mining areas must be approved in writing to the City. S. That the Operator shall incorporate best management practices for controlling erosion and storm water runoff as specified by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. T. The Operator must have a copy of the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District mining application completed and on file with the City of Rosemount Planning Department prior to the approval of the Mineral Extraction Permit. U. Reclamation requires the replacement of the entire stockpile of topsoil to the mined area, reseeding and mulching necessary to re-establish vegetadve cover for permanent slope stabilization and erosion control, pmvided also that the minimum depth of topsoil shall not 1995 Mining Permit OPlBituminous Page 3 of 4 y be less d�ua two inciies after reclamation. No restored slopes may ex+reed a grardient of 15 96 or fomr tio 1 (4:1). V. The Operator must show tiow materials stoci��ed for recycling w�71 be process and i�oim the C'ity of all stuckp�ed a�ater�als. W. All recyciing must be completed with the completion of the ciurent phase. No recyciing proce�es shall be allowed to co�inue irno subsequent phases. That Otto Ped, a Minnesota resident, the Property Owner, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. By: Date: That Bent Peterson, Vice President for Bituminous Roadways, Inc., 2825 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, the pit ogerator, hereby consents and agrees to the foregoing conditions of said mining permit. . By: Date: 1995 Mining Permir OP1Bituminous Page 4 of 4 0 [ , � � � CITY�OF ROSEM4UNT Z875-°TM��►� - P.O.Box 510 Rosema�1WN Every�hing's Coming Up Rosemount!! 5�obe�os�o Phon�:6t2-a23-44t t Fax:612-�t23•5203 Public Notice guzrRa FIDBrr[J�mvovs RoanwaYs, Iivc. MINEI[tAL I�XTRACITON PERNIIT RENEWAL Site Lvcation -4992145th Street East TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No�ricE Is H�sY GivErt, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p•m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The puipose of this hearing is to receive public comment on the application received from Bituminous Roadways, Inc. for renewal of a Mineral F.�ctraction Permit. As set forth in the conditions of the permit, mineral extraction activity is limited to a site not to exceed 39 acres of the entire property. The subject property was recently legally divided into two equal parcels. These parcels are owned by Ms. Grace Kuznia and Otto Ped and are generally descnbed as the west 87�/z acres of the Southeast quarter and the east 75 acres of tiie Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 115, Range 18; subject to highway easement over the north 50 feet and addressed as 4992 145th Street East. Phasing of the mineral extraction pmject will ultimately include both parcels. Persons wishing to comment on ttus issue are invited to attend and be heard at the City Council Public Hearing scheduled for't`»�da�, An�rii 18�,]99S at 5��0 �. Formal written comments will be accepted prior to the public hearing date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the Planning Division of the Community Development Department. Dated this 4th day of April, 1995. �ua/ i • _ . Su M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota _ • . � ����. �� ����� FEB 24 '35 13�23 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT P.2 Permit�: � • Oste o! tssue: Exp�ntior� one: Ci'IY OF RQSEMCUNT Minera! F,ctraetion Permi� Apptication qpp{'�� Bit„mi nrn�a R�adGtay�, Tn� --- : � 9050 Jefferson Trai1 West, Iriver Grove Heights, M1V 55077 • Procertv Owner PersoRlCo�aration Co�esetina Eitraclicn Na�e: Otto Ped N�: Bitluninous Roadways, Inc. q�d�; 4994 145th Street East Addrsss: 9050 Jefferson Trail West . .j �Pr f'r A HPi�hrs, ML�L 55n77 _ ��+P Phone Number: (6I2� 437-4bI 5 � Phone Nurnber. (612) 686-7001 �� cQS'l ��? i=lfitf=f*lf7f�flsl7flf!lfyf#tl1i*i!!f**t'ft*i**7I'tftf*'S!!!fnlf!!1*Y+ttN!*ilvfrl[rtlrlth7�f�fltit*t#t*itft!l4titfr�tlftsf . . Materials being e.Ytracted will be havled Pwpose of Excavatior�/Extradion: (Descrfbe!n Deiail� _ � to Bit�nninous Roadways avel pit in Izvnr Grove H2lahts and incor�orarPd int� yXl 4 1II� C���TRrs-t�nc `�ll S C`C)ti�'+i CtC nf rnr�'_+,,-�,anrl cal oc an� ��ti 1 i�in�matlsr��s i� asphalt production. Some materzal «ill be hauled d.irectiv to various construction ro�ects. rarrsw�r,rrver++�ess:t wi:ttittf trrstw*stirwtnrs�.t,r+es,�,���e�a*s*,tt#itss*t�*+�*+:ttre�siastt*tt#frtwsvrr,rsws=ss*,r*��s�t+s�ers Property tr�formation J Excavation Site �pe�;�on. W 87 2 Acres of SE 4 and E 75 Acres of SW % Sub iect t� �deP�A�} HighwaY Easement Over North 50' 4634-02900-010-50 Section 29 .TOTAL ACAEAGE: 39 Acr�s Type of Materiaf to kie F�traciedt =ravel & ran ar Fill Total Cubic Yards ta be F.�araaed:,�„QQ,Q,n�� Estimated Ntlmbet Of Y9ars Of Operd2i0n: 1� YParc ESiimaied Oate tor Compietier�of SfLB Rehab�iiaiicn: Bv Phase - q����R��; Pri.marv route• Countv Road 42 west t2 i ahwav 52 Norr r,n N;ahway 52 to 117th Street to Rich Vallev Boulevard. Some material will be hauled to various construction proiects which �ill rewire usin� other haul routes. �t�n,.s ot nqAways,s�seis o�osher pubr�e roadwaYi w�nun na C+ty+vpon wnlelf s�+s manrial rwlt u.vansported) This per„u�uporc aurhoriution by C'ity Coseneib is v�lid 1f'Q"=JaRucry I thraugh December 31 of the yeas of isizralrea 77ie F"�1��mirwal euracrioir will be revirwed aaardi,sg to submitted ptmrs arrd ducription of the proposed opuatiai as nequi�ed under proYisjons Qetaelid i� C'.tty of Rasemauu ZoRing Ordincnce, Scuiaa I4.8 �l1NERAL F�YIR�iCTTON. !n submieting this ap�catian th+e applicant rtte�gn'c:rs the nq�wemrntr su fo�rh in ths Gry ojRosemount Zoau�g Or,dina�u jar 1he regularion oj mining and agnrs to meer rhose coRditiau p►ror to requ ' g app�v�al of this permiG /�2cK Z._lS��' .. Dau Sigfiativ+e o ApQ (ovER) G+ZrGG �rcMa2oi�N Pao���r.,na,vac�,Z �. - JUN � �g2 ���� CiTr GF RC,�Ehn?�n•iT .P..� • • `\ . . '�Y�Ni.sY�..��. 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I � 1 Q�y • � . �� �--'�y' , ' . g°° -r 8807 � �o ;,..,. �y. e 9 0 ! � �'oru,� sr ico��c. f �- �,A�- � P�x �z _�`- ��,,,�-� s'�a��.Mo s���t��N` G RAD 1 N G � P� o ni e�+ DEC. 19. 19R9 � , _ City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Cit Coua.cil Meeting Date: Avril 18. 1995 Ageada Item: Fast Track Ordinance Text Ageada Sectioa: Amendment PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Andrew Mack Agea��.iYi � � Senior Planner ' � Attachmeats: Memo; Ordinance No. B-53; Approved �$yz Memo to Port Authority (4/4/95 meeting) ; Memo to Planning Commission (3/28/95 meeting) ; Public Notice; Draft Summary Publication of Ord_ No. B-53 . On Tuesday evening the City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance providing for a streamlined site plan review procedure (Fast Track) along with enhanced site and building performance standards. The main purpose of the proposed ordinance is to establish a new economic development tool which encourages new commercial development and expansion of existing businesses. The attached summary reports to the Planning Commission and the Port Authority provide a descriptive overview of the proposed ordinance amendment and revisions made to the draft document by the Planning Commission. On March 28, 1995 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the proposed amendment to City Council. Recommended Actioa: A MOTION to approve Ordiaaace No. B-53 AN ORDINANCE Ab�TDING ORDINANCL B CITY OF ROS�OT7NT ZONING ORDINANCE BY PROVIDING FOR AN ACCEL33RATSD REYIEW PROCLSS AND BIIILD�NG AND SITS PLANS AND ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL SITE AND BUILDING DSSIGN STANDARDS FOR THT BP BIIS2NSSS PARK DISTRICT and the Summary Publication of the Ordinance as rovided for b state law. City Council Action: _ _, r;:94-18-95.003 � C I TY O F RO S E M O U N T 28�5°TMth n�t W�t P.O.Box 510 Eve rhin s Comin U ROSe►710Ui�t�! Rosemount,nnN ►�/ g� g P _ 55Q68-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612•423•5203 TO: City Council FROM: Andrew Mack, Senior Planner �� DATE: April 13, 1995 SUBJ: Revised Fast Track Ordinance At its meeting held on Apri14, 1995 members of the Port Authority reviewed the Fast Track Ordinance, in conjunction with the restrictive covenants for the R,�semount Business Park. Port Authority members were generally in support of the amendment and directed staff to review the pmtective covenants for changes simultaneously with selection and partnering of a Master Developer for the Business Park. During the Port Authority's review of the ordinance a number of good points were raised concerning a few technical aspects of the proposed regulations. The proposed ordinance arnendment has had the benefit of extensive review from both the Planning Commission and Port Authority. A series of changes have been made through this effort to enhance and improve the overall standards set forth in the regulations. Council will find that the enhanced standards of the Business Park District will serve to improve the long-term character and appearance of the community. A summary of these items, comments, and the corresponding revisions to the draft ordinance are outlined on the attached sheet. � �������� �w��,�83ax po36conwmer matrnan. ` Fast Track Zoning Ordinance Amendment April 18, 1995 C.C. Meeting Page Two URDINANC� PAGE SECTION ISSUF./ UFSTION COD�IlVIIIVT/SUNIlI7ARY OF CHANGE 2 6.14 D(1) Some concem that the Revised language to reference "ground level view" rather wording for vantage than"eye level view." This standard will provide the point of outdoor swrage opportunity for cross-sectional analysis to insure that any screening is vague or outdoor storage azea will be effectively screened. A unclear. person's "eye level view" (typically measured at six feet aboveground) from adjacent or nearby residential or public properry and streets with potential view of an outdoor storage area must be screened. 3 6.14 D(6) Issue raised that For practical reasons such as weight&maintenance �e requiring a dumpster standard does not expect a gate or door to be constructed enclosure gate of of the same materials as the principal building. "durable material" Therefore, color coordination and durability aze believed becomes a clarity or to be the main consideration which leaves a variety of discretional question. construction techniques to accomplish this standard. No change is proposed for�e standard. 4 6.14 D(9) A question was raised There may be unforeseen circumstances that arise making over the uncertainty of it virtually impractical to screen rooftop equipment. In approving alternatives to response to �e concem raised though, it was felt screening of rooftop appropriate to place tlus discretionary appraval with the mechanical equipment Planning Commission rather than anAdministrative apgroval through the City's Development Review Committee. 45 7.2 A{2, 3,&4) A question was raised A review was conducted of the building code and it was concerning the 26-gauge determined that the minimum gauge for use of steel varies steel requirement under depending upon where it is used on a building. In some today's current instances the current 26-gauge requirement is more ordinance and the restrictive than the building code, while in others it is less proposal to require "an restrictive. After consideration, staff is recommending exterior factory that a reference to a minimum gauge steel in the Zoning anodized finish." Ordinance be removed and rely upon the standards wluch Rosemount has adopted through the Uniform Building Code. With respect to the anodizing process, it was determined that�is is an example of one process that is used to accomplish the desired end result of a permanent exterior metal finish. Therefore, the wording has been revised to require that the exterior metal have a factory applied permanent finish. These�hanges are being made to all Commercial and Industrial Districts so that these technical aspects of the ordinance are consistent throughout the regulations. Through these revisions a minor adjustment was also made to the IG District establishing a minimum building' materials threshold of 150 sq. ft. for small structures typical of that need for various service uses. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-53 Atv OitunvalvcE A�vnING ORnnvaivCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE BY PROVIDING FOR AN ACCELERATID REVIEW PROCESS FOR BUILDING AND SiTE PLANS AND ESTABLISHING ADDIITONAL SITE AND BUlLDING D�G1v STA,rmaitns FOR z�BP BUSnvEss P�xK Dr.SzzuC'r TI�IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT�MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SEC't'�oN I. Section 6.14 BP BUs�tv�ss Pa�tx Dts'rlttC'c: A. P�rnc►se and Intent of Ord�btance B- Ciry of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: SEC'rlOrr 6.14 BP BuStrlEss Paitx Dis'r�CT A. �pese and Intent This district is intended to accommodate new, modem, high performances, limited industrial uses, and accessory retail and service uses which are planned as a unit and include an internal circulation system. TYus district is located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and is intended to be served by the public utility systems. Overlay zones with locational criteria will also allow entertainment and service-oriented commercial uses, office/showroom and other uses with high perfornianes standards that will provide a transition to residential uses. Uses shall be conducted eompletely within structures excepted as provided for herein: BP-1 This zone permits planned industrial, accessory commercial, and of�ce uses. This zone is adjacent to General Industrial uses, railroad rights-of-way, or significantly separated from major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storage is allowecl in accordance with the standards as set forth in this Ordinance. BP 2 This zone permits destination, entertainment, or service related commercial, office, or planned industrial uses, including all uses allowed in the BP-1 Overlay Zone. The zone is adjacent to General Commercial uses or has proximity to major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storag� may be nermitted bX Planned Unit Devel�nment in accordance with the standards as set forth in this ordinance. BP-3 This zone permits off'ice and planned industrial uses. This zone is a transition area adjacent to residential uses, or separated from residential uses by a collector or local street. No outdoor storage is allowed. BP-4 This zone permits all BP-3 Overlay Zone uses as well as medium density residential uses. The zone is adjacent to residential uses, or contains natural amenities or features that may provide opportunities for multiple family or attached housing with high standards of architectural and site design. No outdoor storage is allowed. SECTION II. Section 6.14 BP BUS�1vESS P�tK DISTRICT: C. Uses Permitted bv P^, lanned Unit Develo�ment (�l of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zon�ng Ordin"ance is amended to read as follows: SECTION 6.14 BP BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT C. Uses Permitted by Planned Unit Development (�): OrdA�&53 . Page 1 Commercial and Industrial developments involving multiple parcels �,�d p��, or multiple uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. In the BP-4 Overlay Zone, multiple family and attached single family developments shall be required to use the PUD procedure. SrC'rtON III. Section 6.14 BP BUSitvEss PA1tx Dis't�t1CT of Urdi�ianc�B- City of Ros�mount Zoning Ordiiionce is amended by adding the following: $ECTiON 6.14 BP Bus�rt�ss P�D�S'rtttC'r D. The following site design and building standards shall apply to all uses permitted in the BP 1-4 Overlay Zones: 1. Outdoor �tora¢e: Outdoor storage of materials, equipment or products, where allowed, may only be permitted in this district where it is incidental or accessory to a principaI use contained within a building. Outdoor storage areas, where feasible, shall be located in the rear of the building and not on a portion of the site with direct frontage upon a public street. All outdoor storage areas accessible by vehicles or heavy equipmern shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete to minimize dust and control erosion. The perimeter views of all outdoor storage areas shall be completely screened from ground level views on all sides, except at required access points. Particular emphasis shall be placed upon maximizing full opacity from ground level views upon adjacent or nearby streets, all existing or potential residential uses and any other public use or areas. Such screening can be accomplished through one or more of the following measures: a. The placement of the building on the lot. b. Through the use of a combination of berming and a variery of landscaping, Berming should consist of slopes not exceeding a 4:1 ratio. Plantings used to specifically screen views shall, at a minimum, consist of a six (6) feet high evergreen species spaced on twelve to fifteen (12-1� feet centers. A greater minimum height may be required where more than three (3) growing seasons are anticipated to accomplish required screening levels. These plantings shall be augmented by other varieties of landscaping off set along the berm. All plantings shall be installed according to the City of Rosemount's Landscaping Standards. Required landscaping maintenance security for planting screening shall be for an additional two (2) years. c. Screening walls may only be used when the above options are not deemed to be an effective method. They shall consist of durable materials consistent with the colar and appearance of the principal structure. Screening walls shall be augmented by landscaping to reduce the visual impact and massing of the structure. 2. Landscanin�• a. GeneraL• All areas of land other than that occupied by building or hardcover shall be landscaped with sod and/or rock and/ar mulch. Other understory trees, shrubs, flowers anc�ground cover needed to complete landscaping treatments in these areas, shall be included in addition to the minimum number of overstory trees and foundation plantings required h�the City of Rosemount's Landscaping Standards. These areas shall include the proper installation of an underground irrigation system. Portions of the site may be exempt from these requirements where future development or planned expansion is anticipated or where other unique conditions exist, such as large open space area, which make it impractical to landscape in accordance with these standards. In all such instances, these areas shall be: Ord�B-53 Page 2 1) Graded and seeded or planted with prairie grass in accordance with the City of Rosemount Grading Requiremerns. 2) Remain as undisturbed natural areas containing existing viable natural vegetation that can be maintained free of foreign and noxious plant material and will not produce soil emsion due to potential increases in storna water runoff. 3. Parking Lots• Parking lots containing parking for ten(10) or more spaces are required to be landscaped in the amount of five (5°l0) percent of the parking lot surface area interior to the parking lot perimeter. The landscaped area sha�l be in the form of islands or indentarions at the perimeter. Landscape islands shall be a minimum width of eight and one-half(8.5') feet and contain a minimum surface area of one hundred forty five (145 sq. ft.) square feet. All parking lots shall be screened from public right-of-way in order to minimize the impacts of large expanses of paved surfaces. Screening should be accomplished by the use of a combination of berming and landscaping. The surface of all parking lots and paved circulation lanes shall be defined at all edges by curb and gutter with a design as required by City Standards. 4. Set Bacics: The following increased minimum yard set backs shall apply: PARKING& CIRCULATIQN STRUCTURE ADTACENT USE SET BACK SET BACK Principal Arterial ROW . . . . . : . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Minor Arterial ROW . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Collector ROW . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Railroad, Primary . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Elecirical Transmission or Pipeline ROW/Easements 5. Accessory Structures; All accessory structures shall include exterior building materials of the same type, quality and appearance as that of the principal structure. The height of the accessory structure shall not exeeed that of the principal structure. 6. Trash Handlin�: All trash, recycling and related handling equipment shall be stored within the principal structure or within an attached or detached accessory structure. Where an accessory structure is used it shall provide for walls on three sides at a minimum he'rght of seven (7') feet; and include exterior building materials of the same type, quality and appearance as that of the principal structure. A gate or door shall be provided on the fourth side of durable material which is compatible in color with the principal structure. � 7. Si�e: Only wall and freestanding ground monument signs shall be permitted in the district in accordance with the City of Rosemount's Sign Regulations and these additional � standards as follows: a. Freestanding Ground Monument Signs: A freestanding ground monument sign shall be designed with a base structure of the same exterior decorative materials as the principal structure on the site; and which extends from the sign copy area fully to the ground, except for architectural relief treatments. Ord�kB-53 Page 3 All freestanding ground monument signs, if illuminated, shall be only indirect with the light source fully diffused. These signs shall be appropriately landscaped and subject to the same requirements for all landscaping on the property. b. Wall signs: Wall signs shall consist of permanent high quality materials with finished edges. No wood signs shall be permitted. Where more than one (1) wall sign is requested per building frontage (ie: a multi-tenant center), a uniform sign criteria shall be grescribed by the building owner, subject to review and approval by the City. The sign criteria shall, among other things, describe the uniform type of sign to be allowed, limitations of placement on the building, the method of fastening, and the procedure for tenant sign approvaL S. j�gll�iilg; All exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged to direct illumination away from adjacent or nearby residential uses and districts. No exterior lighting shall be arranged and designed to create direct viewing angles of the illumination source by adjacent properties, pedestrians or vehicular tra�c in the public right-of-way. Designs for all lighting, including but not limited to, building "wallpack" fixtures, shall incorporate lenses, deflectors, shields, louvers and/or prismatic control devices to eliminate any direct viewing angles. Site lighting shall be designed so as to limit the illumination intensity created by all fixtures to a level not exce,eding 0.5 lumens at the property line. A site lighting plan may be required to insure compliance with these standards and shalT be prepared where one or more freestanding lighting fUctures exceeding thirty (30') feet in height are planned for the site. 9. Rooftop Utilities: The ground level view of all rooftop equipment, including but not limited to rooftop structures related to elevators and other mechanical utiiities, shall be screened from public right-of-way and adjacent or nearby residential uses and districts. Screening should be accomplished by incorporating architectural building design features such as a parapet wall or sloping roof structures. Wood fencing shall not be permitted. If due to factors unique to the property or the project, it is physically impossible or impractical to screen these utilities, the City's Planning Commission may approve alternative solutions that renders them aesthetically compatible with the building. 10. Underg�ound Electrical Services: No building or structure located in the district shall be served other than by underground electric, telephone and cable distribution;facilities. Poles, wires or other above-ground distribution facilities may only be temporarily installed during site construction or repair of the underground system. No changes in the grade or contours of land above or adjacent to these facilities, once installed, shall be made without the approved written consent of the City Engineer and the utility company providing such services. SECTION IV. Section 7.2 SiTPPLE1vtENT�i1tY REGULATIONS: A. Building Ty_pe and Construction: 2. Commercial istricts (Gl, C-2, C-3, C-41; 3. Business Park District P); and 4. General IndLstrial District (�l,of Ordinance B- C�ty of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: - A. 2. Commer�ial Districts (�'_-1, G2, C-3,C-41: In Commercial Districts all buildings with exterior finish or curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum, or fiberglass shall be required to be faced with brick, decorative block, wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels on onehundred percent (100°b) of wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residential uses, or public areas. The required wall surface treatment on the remaining walls may allow a maximum of fifty percent(50%) of the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed if it is coordinated into the architectural OrdMB-53 Page 4 design . A�,X e�cterior met�l used for the buildin� shall 1Lave a factory,�p.�lied nermanent finish. 3. Business Park District {�P_l: In the Business Park District all buildings with an sxterior finish of curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum or fiberglass shall be required to face with Qne, or a combination�of the following materials: brick, decorative block, rovoo�;gj,�ss� stucco. stane, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels; on at least fifty percent (50%) of all wall surfaces. The use of waod as an exteriar fLnish shall only be�ermitted as an accent material. Anv exterior metal used far the b�ilding shall have a factc�rv-an_ nr l�nermanent fiiish. . Overlay Zones with larger percentages of the above required materials are as follows: � , ,, UVN1iLAY ZOPIE � ----- ------ ------ ----- BP-1 BP-2 BP-3 BP-0 PFRCH2ITAGE OF DF.CDRATIVE MnTr�InL 1YtF'.ATn�2rc 50% 100% 50% 100% pox n�,w,u.r.SvxxacFs r * 10096 for all surfaces facing a public sight-of-w,ay,Public,os Residentiul uses or districts. 4. General Industrial District (,IGI: It is acknowledged that the uses permitted in the Generat Industrial District suggest larger and more extensive uses than in other districts. In the General Industrial District all buildings of one hundred fifty11501 to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of floor area in size constructed with exterior finish of curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum, or fiberglass shall be required to be fifty percent(50%) faced with brick, decorative block, wood, ts one, archite-r±��ral concrete cast in�1ace� or ,�re- cast concrete panels on wall surfaces abutting a public right-of-way, residential uses, or public areas. The required wall surface treatment on the remaining walls may allow a maximum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed. Buildings over one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of floor area shall be reviewed under Planned Unit Development (PUD) requirements. . �y exterior metal used for the building shall have a factory��plied�ermanent finish. SECTION V. Section 8.3 LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: B. Minimum Number of �1�p�it�of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Minimum Number of Plantin s: Z°nmg Overstory Trees Foundation District P AG None None Ag-P None None RR 2 trees/unidfrontagel None _ RL 1 tree/unidfrontagel None R-1 1 tree/unit/frontsgel None R-2 1 tree/unidfromegesi Nocie R-3 1 tree/open space unit e�osure3 4(footnote) Ord�YB-53 Page 5 R-4 8 trees minimum plus i tree/unirS 4(jooarou) R-4 8 mas minimum plus 1 tree/2 unita6 4(fooa+ou) AII Cs 8 trees or 113000 sq.ft.land area� 4(f000wte) ... . . IP 8 trees or 1/3,000 sq.R.lsnd araa? 4(footnou) ^`IG Per recommendation of Ptannin Commission 4 ooarou i Trees shail be deciduous,planted at the boulevard of each me expomu�e. 2 Two Family Da+ellings:Trees ehall be deciduous,pla�ad at the boulevard of each street axposure. 3 (Other Attached Dwellings:Tcees shall be deciduous;spacing must include treea at the boulevacd at fifty foot(50')intervals. 4 One foundation planting per ten(10)linear fcet of building(principal or acceasory) perimeter. 5 One to Threa Story Building:Spacing must include trees at the boulovard at fiRy foot (50')interva(s. 6 Over Three Story Buitding:Spacing must include treea at the boulevard at fiRy foot (50')intervals. 7 Wtuchever is gceater:Spacing must include u+eea at the boulevacd at$Ry foot(50') minimum intecvals. SECTION VI. Section 14.4 BUILDING PERMITS-PLANMNG COIVIIVII5SION REVIEW: A. �g Plan Rea:ii red of Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Site Plan Approval Process Required: 1. Except as provided for by this section, no building or site plan permit shall be issued until a site plan has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and approved by the Planning Commission. 2. Applications provided by the City shall be completed in writing and submitted with the required fee prior to any consideration for a site plan approval. The Site Plan Review Fees are established by resolution of the City Council. Applications shall not be formally accepted until all supportive or supplementary information has been furnished by the applicant. 3. No Site Plan shall be considered until a public hearing has been held by the Planning Commission. A notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published in the City's official newspaper, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. Notices shall be mailed to each property owner within three hundred fifty feet (350') of the affected property, except when located in Agriculture, Agriculture Preserve and Rural Residential Districts which shall require mailed notice to each property owner within one-fourth (1/4) mile of the affected property. The City shall use its best available records to determine the names and addresses of property owners to receive notice. 4. The applicant, the City Administrator, a member of the City Council, or any person owning property or residing within the prescribed notification area may appeal the Planning Commission decision to the City Council. An appeal, as provided for within Section 15.3 of this Ordinance, must be filed with the Planning Department within ten (10) work.ing days after a final decision is made by the Planning Cammission. B. Exceptions: ExceFtions to the requirements for Planning Commission Review of re�iired site �lans are as follows: - Ord�B-53 Page 6_ 1. The erection or alteration of single-family detached residences or accessory structures, when all other provisions of this Ordinance have been met. 2. The erection or alteration of permitted agricultural structures, when all other provisions of this Ordinance have been met. 3. Interior alterations of all structures which do not affect the existing uses or intensity of use, when all other provisions of this Ordinance have been met. 4 The erection or alteration of commercial or indLstrial strnct�res or accpssory stnct�res for Lses ner�tted in the BP BLsiness Park Dictrict, when all other�mvisions of this Ordinance have been met. � Additions to a�rinci�al or accessory structure not exceeding ten�,rcen�(,j� oZ f the b�ildi g foot print of the stnct�re being modified� when all other�rovisions of this 9rdinance have been met. SECTION VII. SectioII 14.4 BUILDING PERMITS-PLANNING COMIVQSSION REVIEW: B. �i�g plan Contents: B. Site Plan Contents of Ordinmtce B-Rosemount Zoning Ord�itance is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Site Plan Contents SECTION VIII. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance r,his day of , 1995. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor _ A�s�r: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk ° ora,�a-s3 Page 7 • - - City of Rosemount - ., � • Fx�ecutive Summary for Acticn � planning Commission Meeting Datc NL�28. 1995 - Agenda Item: Fast Tsack Zoiriag Ord'ma�nse Ame�dm�t Ageada Sationc - OLD BvsINFSs prepared By: Andrev�r N[ad+c Age:ida No.: genior pla�uuer I'TENc No.SA. Attachments: Memo; Revised Fast Tr�dc Q:dinance. Approved By: Citq Code Title 2�L ���//U , ' "II�-� -S�ATracx�M�ro- Recommended Action: A MOTION to recommend approval of the Fast Track Zoning Ozdinance Amendment to the Ciry Council; -.41vD- A MOTION to recommend that the City Council schedule a public hearing to receiv�e testimony concernin the ro osed amendment " Planning Commission Action: _ 03-2&95.002 �-�. ��:"-�.- � . �� � �-�► C 1 TY O F RO S E M O U N T 28�5-��"s�ar� PA.Box 510 RosemounL MN ,r �, Everything's Coming Up Rosemount�► ssa�a-0sro <.��--= Phone:612-423-4411 fax:512�23-5203 '1'p: Planning Commission FROM: Andrew Mack, Senior Planner DATE: Much 23, 1995 � SUBJ: March 28, 1995 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item Sa. ATTACF�IEN'TS: Revised Fast Track Ordinance; City Code Title 2-1 SA. FAST TRACK ZONING ORDINANCE AME�IDMENT During the work session conducted on March 14, 1995 members of the Planning Commission reviewed, discussed issues and made adjustments to the draft Fast Track Ordi.nance. The primary issue discussed in the proposed ordi.nance related to the provisions for outdoor storage in the various BP Overiay Districts. The current ordinance prohibits outdoor storage in all but the BP-1 District. The proposed Fast Track Ordinance establishes standards for the screeni.ng of outdoor storage and initially proposed to make it allowed in all BP 1-4 Districts. After further review and discussion by the Commission, however, it was determined to maintain restrictions upon outdoor storage in the BP 3&4 Districts due to potential proximity to residential uses. Outdoor storage would then be allowed by right in the BP-1 District and by PUD in the BP-2 District. In both cases the outdoor storage as an accessory use would be required to meet the new standards for approval. Revisions to sections 6.14 A &B were made to the revised ordinance to reflect these changes recommend�by the Pianning Commission. Discussion was brought up by members of the Planning Commission over tlie possible discretion that may occur by Staff in reviewing site plans. It was pointed out that Staff will have no discretion in approving site plans provided all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivisioa Ordinance and other City Ordinances/Regulations are satisfied. In the event that variances are contained in a deveiopment proposal, then a full public hearing would be required for both a variance and site plan review by the Planning Commission. A question was brought up during the work session relating to possible effects the Fast Track Ordinance might have upon pending litigation aQainst the City. After reviewing this matter with the City Attorney he advised that the City wauld have no liability for this type of proposed revision to the Zoni.ng Ordinance. The only possible benefit to the litigant's would be an attempt to us�the City's current efforts as a form of grandstanding if the case were to go to court. The proposal that was submitted to the City would not have been eligible under the Fast Track due to a number of variances that were identified in the proposal. Therefore, this proposal is believed to have no bearing upon that issue. There was also some discussion about the threshold percentage of wood to be allowed as an accent material. It was agreed that the standard was acceptable as written which infers than wood must constitute less than 50% of the exterior surface. � ��d�Rcxkewo�. cawaiiriM)Cc ;xxr<amu�mr rst�enak ' '- Fast Track Zoning Ordiaance�Amendment . March 28, 1995 P.C.Reviews . page Two Dis�ssion was also heid over whether or not�e�e should be a threshold scluare footage amount for bu�lding additions ia all distri�cts under t6e 10°1b enIaigement rnle. It was agr�erl to by the Commissioa nnt to stipulate a ma�cimum d�reshold limitation. There was an agr�ement over the �1 to clarify the wording in Sectioa 14.4 Cle) to reference the "�uca�being madified" in p]ace of the °princ�pai sttuct�ue upon a 1ot" Tbis ct�ange has been made bo the proposed ordinance. The Planning Commission r�quested that the above changes be made to the proposed ordinance and brought back for approval at the aext meeting. These chauges have been assembled irno the revised draft ordinance which has been attached to this summary. Staff is appreciative of the effort made by the Planning Commission in working through the Fast Track Ordinance. This proposal is considered to be an important step toward impmving the marketability of our community, while at the same time maintaining a high quality af appearance for new development� in the BP Business Park District Your recommendation for approval of the proposed Fast Track Ordinance to the Ciry Council is recommended. RECONIlI�NDATION FOR I�'LANNING CONIIVIISSION ACTION; MOZZ4N to r�commend approval of the Fast Track Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the City Council; -A1vD- MOTION to r�commend that the City Council set a pablic hearing to receive testimony concerning the proposed amendment. . ' � cuy of�� Ex�utive summary for�ction . p�t Au�orrt3r iVteeting Datie: _�,rn� 4. 1995 Agenda Ite�n: Fast Tru1c�rdi�nce 8t Rusemo�nt Agenda Sec�on: �Park Pro�ctive�oveaants 01d B�s �By: An'�ea' Mac3c A�enda N°' _ Senior Plannet 4a AttacLn�ents: Draft Fast Tra�ck Zoining Ordinance Approved By: . Amendme� Business Park Protective Covenams; 3128/95 Pl,anaing Commission � Executive Summary • - SEE ATTACHED Nm1+t0 - Recommended Action: MOTION to direct Staff to review the Rosemount Business Park Protective Covenants and to provide a recommendation as to the need for revisions or repeal of the covenants. Port Authority Actions � I�, CITY HALL - CITY O F ROS E M O U NT 28�5_,�5�,5��� � PA.8ox 510 . Rosemautn.MN Everything's Comrng Up Rosemount!! ssoea-05io '�".,g� • Phonr:612-423-4411 . fax:6t 2-423•5203 DATE: March 29, 1995 TO: Port Authority FROM: Andrew Mack, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Apri14, 1995 Port Authority Meeting Review Agenda Item 4a. ATTACf7�NTS: Draft Fast Track Zoni.ng Ordinance Amendment; Business Park Protective Covenants; 3128/95 Planning Commission Executive Summary Attached for consideration by the Port Authority is a final draft of the proposed Fast Track Zouung Ordinance Amendment as recommended to Council by the Pianning Commission. The Ordinance is intended to accomplish a number of principal considerations for future development in Rosemount. This initiative has originated from Staff discussions with the Port Authority at a special work session in December 1994 regarding the Rosemount Busin.ess Park and strategies to pursue a Master Developer for the property. A part of this discussion included an identified need to streamline the project review process for the Business Park. After consideration of this concept, it was determined that an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would accomplish this objective and provide for a shortened review of all site plans for property in the BP Business Park Zoning District. This proposed change is a prime example of the types of things Cities like Rosemount can do to remain competitive in the economic development climaie of the region. Generally the ordinance amendment serves to accomplish the following pri.ncipal objectives: 1. To streamline the site plan approval process for new building permits in the BP District and minor expansions of existing buildings in other districts (ie: no hearings or meetings). Staff issues permit where no variances are involved. May save 30 to 60 days in the approval process. 2. To enhance and supplement existing Zoning Ordinance design standards for the BP District to give Staff an additionai level of standards when reviewing projects. 3. To increase the Port Authority's co�dence in the quality of development standards for the Business Park without relying upon overly burdensome restrictive covenants. In particular, the above item number 3 has raised concems over the potential impact restrictive covenants may have upon a businesses decision to build in the Business Park. Subsequent to � ���� ����.,� ��� , ' Apn14, 1995 Port Authority Meeting . Review Agenda Item 4a Fast Track Ordinance & Business Park Protect�ive Covenants Pa�e Z diiscussi,ons with the Port Aathorit3► about this suv�ea, staff later founa c�at ia r�ct che re�ictive covenants had be�n filed with Dakota Courny and presently rnn with the land. A c�py of these covenants have been enclosed with the packet for review. In a genetal sense, the standards referenced in the covenaats are found to be cavered by the Fast Track CKdinance wltich includes an additional level of site and building requiremerns for the BP Districrt. The covenants, however, requir�s the Port Authority to serve as an architecturat review board. There was generai consensus among members of the Port Authority at the Business Park work _ se.ssion in De�ember that this approach to building and site reviews would not be desirable. Accordingly, it is then recommend that staff and the City Attorney review the covenants and prepar� either a revised document or a recommendation to repeal the covenants. Staff would a�icipate completing this review in the immediate future and then bringing the item back to the Port Authority for review and approval. A summary of key considerativns of the proposed Fast Track Ordinance amendment is as follows: * Provides for Staff review and approval (Fast Track) of site plans for buildings in the BP Business Park Zoning District or for buildi.ng additions of 10% or less in all other districts when there are no variances and all standards are met. * Removes prohibition on outdoor storage in the BP-2 Overiay District and establishes an enhanced level of standards for outdoor storage in the BP-1&Z Overlay Districts. * Requires irrigation systems for landscaped areas and establishes a minimum percentage of landscaping to be instaIled interior to the parking lot. * Establishes increased set backs for buildi.ng and parking lot from major roadways, etc. * Requires signs to be high quality wall and monument style signs. * Requires all lighting to be high quality with no glare off-site. * Provides for architectural building design features to screen rooftop mechanical equip. * Requires all buildings to be serviced by underground utilities. * Enhances the qualit� of exterior building finishes by allowing wood oniy as an accent. - * Fstablishes notice and hearing requirements for all Planning Commission reviews. No specific action upon the Fast Track Ordinance is required by the Port Authoriry. It is, however, recommended that Staff be directed to proceed with appropriate revisions or repeal of the existing protective covenants for the Rosemount Business Park. . ��►, , y"' Y ClTY OF ROSEMOUNT 28�5-`;��"�W� PA.Box S1Q Eve hin s Comin U Rosemount'! �oun�,nnN rYt' 9" 9 P 5scjba-os�o Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 . Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice TEXT E�IMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE B-CTlY OF FAST TRACS ORDINANCE (Site Plan Review Procedunes/Enhanced Desig�c Startdards) STATE OF lU11NNGSOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )SS CTfY OF R06EMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh,being first duty swom, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On April 6, 1995 acting on behalf of�e said City, I posted at the City Hall, 28'75 145th Street West, Rosemount, llTnnesota, a copy of�e atrached notice of a Public Hearing for consideration of a oext amendment to Ordinance B- City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance regarding a fast track ordinance for the streamlining of�e site plan review process and establishing enhanced site design standards.animals. � . Sus M. Walsh City Clerk Ciry of Rosemount Dakora County, Minnesora �,/ • 7�� Subscribed and sworn to before me this�day of , 1995. � Notary Public . • DONNA l.t3U1NTU$ NOTARY PUBl1C- MIN�fA QAKOTA COUNTY- My Comrn.E�ires Jan.31.200p • rnnndo�ncnkev.me. . . � � . . . .� cawMx�30� . . . pmt<onwmer nt�Miai> ,� . �r. C1TY OF ROSEMOu NT 28n-°TM�,��� P.O.Box 510 Reuemotutr.MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemounrl! 5�ac�og�o Phonr.bi Z-423-4411 Fax:b12-423-5Z03 Public Notice TEXT AMENDMENT TO CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE (Fast Track Ordinance) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No'riCE Is HIIt�Y Grv�t, the City Council of the City af Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West,beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of thi,s hearing is to consider a text amendment to Ordinance B - Ciry o,f Rosemount Zoning Ordinance known as the Fast Track Ordinance which authorizes a streamlined site plan approvai procedure and establishes enhanced site design standards. A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review and comment at City Hall located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons wishing to comment on the praposed amendment are invited to attend this public hearing on'�`t�� av A�1 iR,..t9Q_4 at R�t1�� Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting daxe. Please fora+ard all comments and inquiries to �he Planning Department. Dated this Sth day of April, 1995. � . ; S M. Wals , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, biinnesota � ���.�• �� �� City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-53 Alv OitnnvAtvcE A�vDING OitnnvatvcE B CrrY oF RosEtvtovrrr ZormvG O�unvat�tcE BY PROVIDING FOR AN ACCELERATID REVIEW PROCESS FOR BUILDING AND SITE PLANS AND ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL SITE AND BiTILDING DESIGN STANDARDS FOR�BP BUSnvEss Pax�Drs�C'r _ _ THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: A Summary of the Contents of Ordinance B-53 The City Council of the City of Rosemount on April 18, 1995 adopted an amendment to the Zoning Ordina.nce regulations pertaining to site and building standards in the BP Business Park District and procedures for site plan review and approval in all other districts. This summary, approved by the Rosemount City Council on April 1$, 1995 provides a brief description of this ordinance amendment. Printed copies of the entire text of the Zoning Ordinance and this amendment are available for sale or inspection at the Rosemount City Hall during regular business hours. SECTION 6.14(A): (Intent& Outdoor Storage) Amends this section of the B-P District to permit outdoor storage in BP-2 Overlay District by Planned Unit Development (PUD) procedure. SECTION 6.14(D): {Site Design & Building Standards) Establishes enhanced building and site design standards for the BP-1, BP-2, BP-3, and BP-4 overlay zones in the following areas: outdoor storage, landscaping &parking lot improvement, setbacks, accessory structures &trash handling, signage, lighting, rooftop mechanical sereening, and underground electrical services. SECTION 7.2(A): (Building Type and Construction) Enhances and clarifies exterior building material requirements for commercial and industrial districts. SEC'rloN 14.7(A): (Prceedure for Planning Commission Site Plan Review) Establishes a public hearing procedure and supporting documentation for site plan reviews required for Planning Commission. SECTION 14.4(B): (Exceptions to Requirements for Planning Commission Review of Site Plans) Provides for a Fast Track approval of site plans in the BP Business Park District and expansions of up to ten percent (10%) for buildings in all other districts when all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance are met. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this day of , 1995. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor A'r�rEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 1995. _�. . • ..-- , � CiTY OF :ROSEMOU NT z8�5-`;TMths`�W�t P.O.Box 510 EVe t�'l)R S �Of71/t1 I../ ROSe/')')OUCit�� Rosemount,MN � g� g p 55068-051U Phone:b12-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice TEXT AIVIENDMENr TO SIIBDIVISION ORDINANCE XVIl.4 OF TSE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Paxg DEnrcATroN (Determina�ion of Park Dedication Require�nents) STATE OF MIIVNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )SS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) . Susan M. Walsh, being first duly swom, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the Ciry of Rosemount, Minnesota. On Apri16, 1995 acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a Public Heazing for consideration of a text amendment to Subdivision Ordinance XVII.4-City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance widi regard to park dedication requirements / S M. Walsh City Clerk Ciry of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � Subscribed and swom to before me this�day of ' , 199 Notary Public - �PIN�iC�A OAICOTA vOt�lTY . Mr c�oaM,�atis�at.'ooa � P,;,�a«��a�v� caw,Mng mx poshconsum vma�enals. a_ ' � S' C1TY �F ROSEMOU NT 28�5-°TM�"s�w� � P.O.8ox 510 Ever �hin s Comin U Rosemount!! Rosemw,m,nnH Y g� 9' p 55068-05t0 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 : Public Notice TEXT AMENDMENT TO CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDMSION ORDINANCE : (Park Dedication) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NoTTCE IS HntESY G�vErt, the City Council of the Ciry of Rosemount will hold a public hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a text aznendment to Ciry of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance XVll.4 for clarification and updating of the language and formula for determining park dedication. No substantial changes are proposed, however the new language will render the ordinance easier to understand for computation and determining park dedication as well as providing for consistency with state statute requirements. A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review and comment at City I3all located at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons wishing to comment oa the proposed amendment are invited to attend this public hearing on '�'l��dav, Anrii 1 1995 at R�00 n_m_ Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward ali comments and inquiries to the Planning Department. Dated this Sth day of April, 1995. ; ► j Su M. Walsh ity Clerk � City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota � ������ crnnim�JO% . . .aosKonrumer m�rmalx . �p �.� . . . � . . . . . . � . � . �. . �. . . . . . - , � . � . . . �. � - .. . - . .. . . � . . .. �� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . Rosemount Town Pages AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION : ` Kristin Francic,being duly swan,on oath says that she is an authorized � _.; p�� . - �� . agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The � ���� Rosemount Town Pages, and has full l�owledge of the facts which are ��;"' �.�g�p� stated below: '.�-sUBDMsioNbBDII�tANCE (A)The newspape,r has complied with all of the requirements consrituting (Pant De�oarton) qualif'ication as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues ��������;`" � � ' 331A.02,331A. and other ap�p.licable laws,as amended. ��������� _ {���P t����tA�Q l L. 1 V'1�.[L"n "¢q d Romo�t w�lt 6atd a p6Ye ho�rio��o aadds is i�em Swd 6ehw m'Mdq Apil tE,1943 tn�6e Co�na7 C�bns at ths C!q Hdl.2673 143t6 Saeat �Ywk beltmie[u 8:00 pm os aa won�Satler as Por�i�• _ which is attached, was cut from die columns of said newspaper,and was Te.�.�ot�.�s c.w�ra..:�� j printed and published once each week for ` successive �`°���,� ' eeks;,ic was f' t ublished on Friday, the day of ��+��sr•���. �� 1 eMuyes.ca ProP�.no�e�tee aaw]m�e win � 19��and was thereafter printed�ublished on ;�a�ua��a���ww� i e � 'day, to and i cl�ding Friday, the�_day of ��s r�����u�s� � i � , 19�., and printed below is a copy of the �`'"'�'mP'�"°�"°�°°�` lowe case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby "������u��� • acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composidon �,.,,�u�s�.�rT:3o.�.�.�o�..� ° and publication of the notice: -.a!��r- wi�ins m oo�aot on me p�opo.od maodmeot � ' a�simiadromeadtHap�bHoLmto�m� 8���]�W�o�Y� �z toos�t�e0�nm.Ii�l wriYao ammacb will aba� By.����� aooeped prior a uis meedos dus. Pbrs ea�a�cA an $o�amd'mq�ciabthsPl�o�Da�at �1f18: +7pCS8ttCT g �aS�hdqatApn7.19�. -# Subscribed and sworn to before me on this�_day _�; �s"°"��''�`°q°`�` a4ax� pf / �� � n.bw'c°.y�,� : 19 . Notary Public AFFIDAVIT CONNIE E. FIFAREK NOTARY PUBUC�MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXP�RES 1-31-00 � � � � , � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORnnvaivCE No. XVII.103 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARK DEDICATION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.4- SUBDIVISION�RDINANCE The City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. ordains as follows: SECTION I. Subsection 5.7a. and 5.7b. of ORDINANCE XVII.4, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISION OxDIN�vcE is hereby amended as follows: a. Dedication. In all subdivisions, the City shall require that a reasonable portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the public for parks, playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. In all residential subdivisions it shall be presumed that a reasonable amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds if the subdivider dedicates at least one twenty-fifth (1/25) of an acre for each dwelling unit of the proposed subdivision (acres to be dedicated = .04 x number of dwelling units). The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of the cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres (determined by application of the formula stated above) times the value per acre of land for residential subdivisions : which may be set from time to tirne by resolution of the Ciry Council. In all commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a reasonable amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population for parks and playgrounds if the subdivider dedicates at least five percent (5%) of the land in the subdivision for parks, recreation and usable open space. The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of the cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres (determined by application of the formula stated above) times the value per acre of land for commercial or industrial subdivisions which may be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council. The dedication of a portion of land for parks or playgrounds, or the payment of cash in lieu thereof, provided for the above shall be presumed to be reasonable. However upon the request of the applicant, the recommendation of Park and Recreation Committee, or at the discretion of the Council, the City may either increase or decrease such dedication or payment upon a determination by the City Council that such dedication or payment is unreasonable or sufficient given the specific characteristics of the proposed subdivision and its intended use. In the case of subdivisions of land which have previously been subdivided and for which land has been dedicated for parks or playgrounds, or cash payments in lieu of such dedication have been made, the City Council shall make reasonable adjustments to recognize such previous dedication or payment. �!� - d. Pedestrian Ways and Trials. The City shall define a meaningful pedestrian circulation system for ea.ch development, which connects to the major trail system, parks,_schools and shopping areas. Subdividers shall be required to install such sidewalks and trails as determined by the City and according to City standards. Pedestrian improvernents required by the City are in addition to land dedication in subsection b. SECTION II. This ordinance is effective the day following publication. ADOPT'ED this 18th day of April, 1995. � �. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: , r Su Wa1sh; ity Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this da.y , 1995. . ' City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action _ Cit Couacil Meetiag Date: Ageada Item: Park Dedication: Subdivision Ageada Sectioas Ordinance (Ord. XVII.4) Text PUBLIC HEARING Amendment Prepared By: Richard Pearson Ageada No: Assistant Planner �TEM # ' � Attachmeats: Draft Ordinance; Public Approved Bys Notice. . This subdivision ordina.nce text amendment was initiated by Mr. Jim Topitzhofer in an effort to clarify the language and ma.ke the ordinance "user friendly. " The ordinance was drafted by the city attorney who also intended to bring some of the language into conformance with state statutes. On March 28, 1995 the Planning Commission reviewed the text amendment and recommended approval. The Parks and Recreation Committee reviewed the draft language on March 20, 1995 and recommended approval of the revision. Recommeaded Actioa: A MOTION to adopt ORDINANCE N0. XVII.103 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. XVII.4 relating to Park Dedication. City Couacil Action: . 94-18-95.004 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PARK DEDICATION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.4 - SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. The City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ordains as follows: SECTION l. Ordinance No. XVII.4, adopted October 19, 19972, entitled SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT , DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA," as amended, is hereby amended as follows: a. Dedication. In all �es�i� subdivisions, the City shall require that a s�€€�ie� reasonable portion of such land be set asi@e and dedicated to the public;for parks, playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. In all residential subdivisions it� shall be presumed that a s�€€�ie�� reasonable amount of land has been dedicated for pazks and playgrounds �esea��� if the subdivider dedicates at least one twentv fifth (1/251 of an acre for each dwelling unit of the proposed subdivision (acres to be dedicated = .04 x number of dwelling units). a., i.a• � ,.�., a.�eir. ..:« ,. ea «,. �,� ,i.a; ,:aea in n� o «..�..e � �v.," The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The �te amount of the cash dedication� shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres �c�- �determined by application of the formula stated above) times the value per acre of land for residential subdivisions which mav be set from time to time � resolurion of the City Council. In all � commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a �sie� reasonable amount of land has been dedicated for pazks and plav�ounds if the subdivider dedicates at least five percent (5%) of the land in the subdivision for pazks, recreation and usable open space. � �k-��eses- The City shall determine whether a cash in lieu of land dedication - is appropriate. The �e amount of the cash dedicarion�s shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres fi�e-�i�e� �determined b�a.pplication of the formula stated above) times � :�' � � the value ner acre of land for commercial or industrial subdivisions which mav be set from time to time bv resolution of the City Council. , � ,� .,• �: $e� � � , c-��� c� '�g-.���, e ,,..,,:.,.. t„ ., �.......,,.. ..�.,�.,;..,,s., ,. _., ,.�,,.:,. ,.r � vr =�.. #�ie-Ci�--Ee��: The dedication of a gortion of land for parks or plav�rounds or the pavment of cash in lieu thereofLprovided for the above shall be presumed to be reasonable. However upon the reQuest of the applicant the recommenda.tion of Park and Recreation Committee or at the discretion of the Council, the Citv mav either increase or decrease such dedication or�avment upon a determination bv the Citv �'ouncil thax such dedication or pavment is unreasonable or sufficient �iven the �ecific characteristics of the proposed subdivision and its intended use. In the case of subdivisions of land which have previouslv been subdivided and for which land has been dedicated for parks or plavQrounds or cash pavments in lieu of such dedicarion have been made the Ciry Council sha11 make reasonable adj�ustments to recognize such previous dedicarion or navment. d. Pedestrian Ways and TriaLs. The City shall define a meaningful pedestrian circulation system for each development, which connects to the major trail system, parks, schools and shopping areas. Subdividers shall be required to install such sidewalks and trails as determined by the City and according to City standards. Pedestrian improvements required by the City are in addition to land dedication in subsection b. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this day of , 1995. E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Thomas Burt Adm�nistrator Date of Publication: Effective Date: _ C1TY� OF ROSEMOU NT 2��5-°TM�,"��� � P.O.8�510 Every�hing's Coming Up Rosemount!! s�to� Phonr.6T2�423-4411 Paxc 612-423-5203 _ Publi� Noti�e TEXT AMENDMENT TO CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDMSION ORDINANCE (Park Dedicativn) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No�cE Is Hnt�Y G�, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hoid a public heazing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, April 18, 1995 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purQose of this hearing is to consider a text amendment to City of Rosemounr Subdivision Ordinance XVII.4 for clarification and updaring of the language and formuia for determining park dedication. No substantial changes are proposed, however the new language will render the ordinance easier to understand for computation and determuung park dedication as well as providing for consistency with state statute requirements. A copy of the proposed amendment is available for review and comment at City Hall Iocated at 2875 145th Street West, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Persons wishing to comment on the proposed amendment are invite�to attend this public hearing on �esd �., An�1 1R 1994 at R_(10 n_m_ Formal written comments will also be accepted prior to the meeting date. Please forward all comments and inquiries to the planning Department. Dated this Sth day of April, 1995. � � Su M. Walsh ity Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota . , � ����. �� „�.��.,�.�. a .. Cl� O�ROSP,ffiOUIIt Ezecutive Summary For Action ` CITY COUNCII,MEETING DATE: APRII. 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Selection of Architect for Fire AGENDA SECTION: Station OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGENDA NO. ���� � ��� n ATTACffiViENTS: Response to Request For Proposal APPROVED BY: We received eight proposals from architectural fums for the proposed fire station. A committee made up of the Fire Chief, Public Works Director, Community Development Director and myself reviewed the proposals and select� four firms for interviews. Interviews were conducted on Apri13, 1995. Each fiim had. municipal experience and three of the four fums had experience in design of fire stations. Upon the completion of the interviews the committee agreed the firm of Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. was best suited for the project. Vetter Johnson's has proposed a not-to-exceed price of$9,000.00, plus reimbursable expenses for all work leading to a fall bond referendum. ff the referendum is successful they have proposed a standard architectural fee of 7 1/2 % (less $9,000) of the constiuction cost. The $9,000 was not a budgeted item for 1995. To fund the architect I recommend using the money wluch was budgeted for a special census under General Government. In the past the State used actual census information once every ten years to determi.ne MSA funding. Since the budget was prepared, the State has agreed to use Metropolitan Council annual population estunates to determine Municipal State Aid calculations. I am concemed with proposed legislation to freeze taxes, as this will take away our ability to have a fall referendum. However, the importance of moving forward to keep our time schedule out weighs waiting to see what the legislature will do. Recommendation: Authorize Mayor aad City Administrator on behalf of the City to enter into an agreement with Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. for Architectural services for a new Fire station. RECONIlVIENDID ACTION: MOTION to authorize Mayor and City Administrator on behalf of the City to enter into an agreement with Vetter 7ohnson Architects, Inc. for Architectural services for a new Fire Station. COUNCIL ACTION: e i . F e 4 � , � / / � � , ` � � • � � ' � • ' • " • . � • • � ` �. _ '!, �, ,,--�� �� � �� � �� . �� s^ � .-� s � l „=. � � _u� � � F � � _:: � �' � �''� s� �� '� � j "r�` `� �i �� `� ;� ■ �.. ,; , i�.. / :• r' . _ ,,• , _�. � t � -, : - . _.._ . _ . '�►... _,. i�t�',�-r ._� . ,i.�.��;� �• � _, . , �+a,�.1 � .. . �. �.;�� ,+►,� � . A R ,`'"�1 � ������',, � -`��. - -,�. t•���- ; ,�`���-��"���. � --- ,e��� -�:;:►`-��'�� .�..... „►��' ,�°'-:. - - . • - i 11 • . . ' •. • ' � ' � . I + -. � � I � _ Organi�ation I Vetter Johnson Architects, Inc. was established in 1989 by Mark Vetter and Steve Johnson � to provide quality pianning, design and construction administration services to clients throughout Minnesota. With seventeen years of experience in the practice of architecture, both principals recognize that successful projects require a high degree of personal service and a ciose working relationship between architeci and client As a result, the firm is � structured in such a way as to allow both principals an active participation on each project, &om start to 6nish. � pur work phiIosophy for projects such as yours is that of a team approach, a process by which the firm, consultants, and city representatives work together towards a successful project With this in mind, we have established a proposed team configured to address the jspecific needs of the City of Rosemount. • Vetter Johnson Architects will lead and coordinate the efforts of the team under , the direction of Project Manager, Steve Johnson. • Jack Anderson of JEA Architects will assist with programming and design and 1 will remain involved as a consultant throughout the project • Clark Engineering of Minneapolis will serve as structural engineering consultants. J • Mechanical and electrical engineering consultants witl be Gausman &Moore oE Roseville. 7 • �Iurst and Henrichs of Fargo, North Dakota wilI assist in establishing cast estimates. � VJA has worked with all team members in the past and can move quickly to Eorm a smooth working team. � � .. 7 � -.] . ; . 4 � , � Eaperienae � The experience of our team in the design of similar Eacilities that include vehicle storage, administration and training spaces is our primary quali6cation. Please refer to the resumes � of team members for a complete list of projects with which we have been invotved. They include: , • Savage Fire Station #1 Savage, Minnesota 1 Jack Anderson, of JEA Architects served as Project Architect/Designer on this project, while with a Eormer firm. The 16,IX10 square foot building includes 10,000 square feet of offices and training space on two leveis, and 6,000 square feet oE vehicle bay and mechanical space. The building was designed to fit with the existing city buildings and 1 into an area surrounded by residential development. JEA Architects has subsequendy worked on sixteen projects with the City of Savage. 1 • Chanhassen Fire Station -Addition and Remodeling Chanhassen, Minnesota ] Jack Anderson seived as Project Architect/Manager for this project while with a former employer. The 16,000 square foot building includes an 8,000 square foot addition and 8,000 square feet of remodeled space. The apparatus area inciudes five truck bays, ] SCBA area, hose tower and emergency generator area. The office/training facilities includes exercise, training, lounge, storage and office spaces. � • Champlin Fire Station Champlin, Minnesota ] While with a former employer, Steve Johnson prepared construction drawings for the conversion of an existing public works facility to a state-oE the-art fire station. ] � Le Sueur Ambulance Facility Le Sueur, Minnesota 1 Vetter Johnson Architects is cunentfy working with the City of Le Sueur in developing plans for a six-stall highbay space Eor the storage of ambulances,a civil defense response vehicle and city buses, along with offices and a trainingiconference room. Of particular � concern is site layout tor the efficient dispatching oE emergency vehicles. 1 .1 i � : __ � � , � Lake Citp Pnb1lc Safety BuiIding I Lake City, Minnesota Vetter Johnson Architects provided full services for this 4,700 square foot addition to the . e�osting ambulance facility. Included were office,trainiag and vehicie storage spaces for ( the poIice department and an office and vehicie storage spaces for the ambulance director. t � • United States Post O�ce t Bemidji, Minnesota , � ( While with another firm, Mark Vetter served as designer for a new post office for the City of Bemidji. I • Communications Facility • � Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota � Steve Johnson designed this facility while with a former employer. Included were offices 3 ( and a highbay vehicte faciliry for the maintenance of radio equipmen� � 1 • Cottonwood County Law Enforcement Center � Windom, Minnesota Vetter Johnson Architects designed a new 1.?million citylcounty law enforcemeatcenter iconstructed in Windom. Garage, office and traininglstaff spaces were included in this project � • Nicollet County Highway Departmenf Facilitp { St Peter, Minnesota � VJA has completed eleven projects for Nicollet County in the past five years. In 1993, the firm designed a significant addition to the Caunty Highway Department Bu�ding which doubled the size of the Department's offce/training facilities. In addition, � I modifications were made to the separation between vehicle storage and otFce areas and to highbay ventilation systems to meet current codes. J • � J ': i J _ J J . ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Aprit 18, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Order Feasibitity Report for White Lake AGENDA SECTION: Acres Outlet Old Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson ��� AGENDA �� , City Engineer/Public Works Director �� � # � � ATt'ACHMENTS: 6-21-94 Executive Summary, Letters, APPROVED BY: DNR Report & Maps ���. As you may be aware, the White Lake Acres outlet has been a discussion item for a couple of years since the water table and lake water level has been raised due to an increase in rainfall. We have fiad Dan Lockler, whose house is on the south side af White Lake complain about the high water level and damages to his lawn and landscaping. We have had a number of other people that live around the Lake send a petition (attached) wanting the water level to remain the same. We also have two landowners on the east side of Bacardi Avenue who claim that the outlet to White Lake never flowed through their property until Bacardi Avenue was built. However, we thought we could alleviate everyones concerns by acquiring an easement east of Bacardi Avenue and doing minor ditching in Bacardi Avenue right-of-way to alleviate the perceived problem. This issue has had a low priority on the Public Works Project List. Also, last fall when we thought we were going to be successful in acquiring a new drainage easement so tt�at we could redirect the flow of water, I became ill and was out approximately a month. Then ' we had snow and we were unable to survey the natural meandering flow line which we would acquire for an easement. Recently we initiated the project again and now it appears that we will not be able to acquire this easement. The landowne� is determined that when Bacardi Avenue was built, the outlet to White Lake was changed completely and he is adamant about the City investigating the natural outlet to White Lake. Therefore, we are coming to Council to order a Feasibility Study to invesfigate the afternatives for an outlet for White Lake and to research the history of the natural outlet to White Lake prior to Bacardi Avenue being constructed. This should have been done when Bacardi Avenue was built in the late 1960's. This will determine once and for all where the water should be flowing and satisfy all landowners. Payment for the Feasibility Report would have to come from Storm Water Utility and/or Core Funding. Therefore� Staff recommends the action as stated. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION ORDERING A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE WHITE LAKE OUTLET. COUNCII ACTION: 7 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1995 - A RESOLUTION DRDERING THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR WHITE LAKE OUTLET IMPROVEMENTS ClTY PROJECT NO. 268 WHEREAS, "White Lake" is a low point ponding area designated in the 1989 City of Rosemount Drainage Plan; and WHEREAS, increasing water elevations in White Lake could damage adjacent properties; and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned with controlling the water elevation of White Lake. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Staff is directed to prepare a Feasibility Report to analyze funding sources and a permanent outlet for White Lake. ADOPTED this 18th day of April, 1995. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: . Voted in favor: Voted against: � ' � ��.� �'..' .,�w. .. . � +y`r'� r •/� .I'r `� .. /..-.����i��•••f �'�,•/i�' �I�Lj�.,,� �I'�1�,11�,'f\,\ • �.:��� �GV\���// • . � � � �_ �'��_�♦ ��` � � . �,� �� i P\ I/I,t''��� e� �.��f �I���..�:�li��" �111��������.������SC1����N� � � � �\ I� i I \ / � ��/�/^ /�/ � ��1�\ � \\2�\ / • i i i r �� � � � ' .r `_ I�l �� ;�� i r. � hr' • "�1��'_-�� �� �'�.' . �A���/ � i � `�'�`•a+ t :���I i� i i �I �I� � ���•�-_�_ L i'. �'i'� �1 . � ; � � �, � �.%�''��:, n,. . ��� � :, (u�aa" ,'� � � i�j:•A �� ,- ' •� i .'_. .�y�1�.elEUSEL6���, �yi��.; ' ' i �i � -i�%III� l ���`;C�`ti��.���i'', 4t�;`�`� . i i � � � ��i i �� � �� .' � a ,- " rC(' "' iJ�i��; �°��_/'��ii ���_� ^��r ..,,�.. r�,�;� I�p ���, . i .�' � = , �' ' ���. �1� � �; .[�`�' �1111{ �' .ii�.� ` '" _-� i ��i���- �` �`��i��- -��`�\��������� i ` � 1 1 � i i��. ♦. . �� ��;, i �/ � � ` , = a " �.�.- .\ ��ll����r'+ II �1;, � � �� �i��=�```��`���%.������������. � / i ♦ . 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' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY fOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 21, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: White Lake Acres Update AGENDQ SECTION: Oid Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA N��� City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director # 7 � ATTACHMENTS: Correspondence APPROVED BY• This item is on the agenda to update the Council on the outtet for Wfiite Lake Acres. The attached information provides you with much background materiaL The basic problem in providing a new outlet to White Lake Acres is that the City must acquire easements as shown on the attached map through the Manseau property, and a ponding easement over the final destination for the water which is owned by the McMenomy Estate and the Wolfson properties. We have had discussions with all the property owners about easements and to this time have not yet made any acquisitions. Mr. Lockler's request to lower the water level is compounded by a number of factors. First of all White Lake is a DNR protected water body and has an ordinary high water level of 966.9'. The water level is currently controlled by a culvert under Mr. Erdrich's driveway, which has an invert elevation of 966.8'. Therefore, we cannot lower that outlet elevation which would lower the elevation in the pond unless we work with the DNR through their permitting process. This will entail a considerable amount of time and money. Second of all, the attached petition by a number of property owners other than Mr. Lockler request that the water level be maintained as high as possible. The actual construction which will provide a better outlet is very minimaL City Crews could excavate the west ditch of Bacardi Avenue which will provide an adequate outlet. However, the water would travel north in the west ditch to an existing culvert approximately 1,300 feet north of White Lake. The water would then travel easterly along Mr. Manseaus' property before ending up in the previously described McMenomy/Wolfson pond. Admittedly this project has not had a number one priority due to a number of factors. Staff does�not feel that human life or safety is endangered and that we have many other ponds which are high and have come onto peoples property and damaged their sod. We have met with representatives from McMenomy's properties and the Wolfson's properties within the last five months. These meetings have led us to believe that the Wolfson parcel may be acquired by the City but the McMenomy property may provide more obstactes for acquisition of an easement. It is believed that Mr. Manseau will cooperate in acquisition of an easement. RECOMMENDED ACTION: COUNCIL ACTION: Sunday , July llth , 1993 . Mayor E. 3. McMenomy ; Enclosed , please find our current invoice for Gity of Rose— ; mountl "Storm Water Fee" . We have been paying for this service for a year, and feel that it is time to receive something in return for our money . Five pears ago , after obtaining permits and permission fram the City of Rosemount and the DHR, we raised the level of ' our prop— ertp. We Were assured by�the DiiR and the excavator that the �+ater on �dhite Lake xas at it ' s highest level then . The xater uhich uas approzimatelp 18" loWer than the present level , Was allowed to floa through a series of ponds and culverts , bp openin� the blocked culvert under Mr . Richard rrdrich `s drive— Wap , which aas near the end of this particular drainage system. After Mr. Erdrich uas forced to open his culvert , the water on White Lake recedsd to the normal ].evel . Over the past several years , the Erdrich' s have again been • depositing debris and £ill in the ditch along Bicardi A.venue. This has been Witnessed by a City of Rosemount�.Mzintenance 0=zictal and Mr . Earl Marotzke , whose land is also being ilooded by this . The efficiencp oE �he cul.vert hzs been re— duced to a trickle , backing the uater up onto our yard , ki1- ling trees and shrubs , and threztening our well . � At the time that Z purchased my property on White Lake, 17 years a�o , the City of Rosemount approved the elevation �o be suitable for building . Since that time , I have spent over 520 , 000 .00 to increase the elevation of my property next to the lake , and to install approved erosion material to protect this investment . Over the past two yezrs , we have requested assistance from the City of Rosemount . The City Engin� and Mr . t,iasmund have been out several times , and nothing has been done . - - We feel that payin� a storm �ater fee , �+hen we in iact are the neighborhood storm Water reservoir, is rather counter—oroductive. We solicit your assistance in immediate attention to our water prob:.ea�.. Ous past attempts have been ignored — as ous future storm uater service bills uill be . .,� , Sincerelyr ! 1� ..�� �Cc.�Q.�_1��� Dan � Barb Lockler Residenc'e �` 423-3053 2187 128th Street Wes� Business � S50—OS�S (Barb) Rosemount , MH 55068 . r� , � � ' � i • Z� O OSGYYt011tYt� � PHONE (6t2�423�t11 2E75-t45tn StreN Wsst.Aoamouro.Minn�sob MAYOA FAX (61�s23-5203 Mailinq Addnss: fsfwutl B.Md�Aw+anY P.O.Box 510.Roa�mouM,MiewHaoa 5506&0510 COUNCIlMEµ8ER5 Sh�iFa Kl�spn Jamas(A�S�ts MEMORANDUM ""'""�°°" o«,nis wpp«mara� ' A01�AINtSTAATOR : TO: Steve Jilk, City Administrator �"0"'"'�` Ron Wasmund, Directar of Pubtic Works/Building Officiat FROM: Bud Osmundson, Assist Director of Public Works DATE: Jufy 16, 1993 tRevised 7-30-93? RE: White Lake Water Elevation Attachments: 1. 1984 Council Meeting Minutes for Aug 21 , Sept 4, Sept 17 2. letter to and from DNR requesting survey & resuit of survey 3. Three DNR ietters to Locker (2), Erdrich Introduction The Public Works Department has had numerous caiis regarding the water elevation of White Lake for the past year. Specificaf{y, Mr. Dan Locker, 2187 128th Street West, has been concerned about the water level of White Lake and its affect on his home and weiL Background information The White Lake water elevation (o� Bacardi area pond as it is referred to in past council minutes) has been an item of discussian at least since 1984. The attached council meeting minutes document that it was discussed at three council meetings, and action was recommended to be taken, but due to funding considerations nothing was done. White Lake is a Department of Natural Resources protected water body with a DNR number of 19-8. Because it is a DNR protected water body, the City cannot work or . excavate iower than the ordinary high water tevel fOHWL) which is set by the DNR. Prior to May of this year, the ordinary high water was assumed to be at particutar elevations by visuat observation. ln May of this year we requested that the DNR survey and complete a study which woufd determine that OHWL. The DNR completed - this study on July 12, 1993. This atta�hed DNR hydrographic survey reports that the ' OHWL is 966.9. Further information which we have in house includes the November 1974 Aerial Photography which has the water elevation to be 964.5. The 1991 aerial photograph shows ihe exact same elevation. As part of the DNR su�vey, the water elevation on June 28, 1993 was 967.4 or appraximately 6 inches higher than the ordinary high 1 , n �J �(, �vers��hir�gs �omireg `UL�i �Jlosemoure��� , water elevation.At the present time, water fiows northeriy through Dick Erdrich's driveway through the Bacardi Avenue east ditch. it then proceeds northeasterly across the Erdrich property ta Robert Manseau's driveway, then northerly through a 6" tile pipe to a point on Manseau's properry where it outlets, then easterly through a ditch to the pand on the Wolfson and McMenomy property. Recommended Corrective Action We are investigating the same corrective action whicfi was discussed in the i 984 council minutes, which is to excavate a ditch on the west side of Bacardi Avenue north of White Lake. The excavation cannot not be lower than the OHWL of 966.9. Ramifications of the proposed work, are that the water will drain to the north, then cross Bacardi Avenue easterfy through an existing culvert, and then easterly across Robert Manseau's property across a natural drainage way, to an enci point at a pond further east in Section 16. At this time, we do not have easements for White Lake on the Locker property, or across the natural drainage way on the Manseau property, or final destination pond in Section 16 on land owned by Wolfson Properties and Mary McMenomy. Our recommendation is to acquire the necessary easements prior to any excavation which will take some time to complete. (f directed to do so, we would try to acquire Rights-af-Entry to allow us to direct water through the mentioned properties, while we are assembling the necessary easements. These easements should have been acquired when Bacardi Avenue was constructed and the flow changed, which was sometime in the late 1960's or early 1970`s. DNR METRO REGION 6 TEL �612-772-7977 Jul 12 93 17 : 15 No .029 P ,01 '�, � NA Q2630�02 Rev.3/9Z tNNESOTA ��C�r��r�p��C SUCV�y Department of -�- Naturat Resources RQ�a� Division of �aters ProJect Lake No. White lake Zg_g CttY County Req.Na Hr. Rosemount Dakota 93-109 Sec. Tw . 16 p 11.5 R�� 19 WaiMrsl�sopol f tan SURVEY DATE: 6/2$/93 - SURVEY CREw: Scherek, Malt , Woodrich t.AxE SizE ��p1�12�31q�s1� Meandered Area Acres � Non-meondered �� � �' Planimet�red Arec 1 I ACres ❑Unknpwn � JUL 199'► ' ' DATUM AQJUSTMENT � RECEj N�t ❑Assumed ❑ 19i2 �1924 ❑19gg Source: Dakota County � ����,RS CONTROL BENCHMARK Locaslon; NE•NE-SW, Sec. 16-I25-19 ��� , �� . Elevotlon: 919.43 �a�li�EGSL`'"� DeSCriptlot�: Pk nail in top of westerly woaden guardrail post on south side of 126th Street which bisects the lake _----- - -----_______ ---__-------_-- SURVEY WORK COMPIFTEO � levels ❑topography ❑c�oss sections (x�j" profllas �'J OHW ❑ estobilsh benchmarks Q outlet elevations (�other. WATER LEVEI.S Hlghest Recorded: rS��CB: 9 6/28/93 Lowest Recorded: OH Eleu: 96 b.9 . . Ronge: OUTLET Generol Description: at NW corner of the smal i parti on of the basi n wi�i ch i s 1 ocated east of Bacardi Avenue (NE�NE-SW, Sec. 16) , north approximately 460' via tfie road ditch, thence NE via a ditch Runout Elevation&Desc�lptlon: 966.9, on a sand bu�1 dup 5' upstream af cul vert through driveway east to address #1242� Bacardi Avenue BENCHMARKS SET . - Locotion: N/A Elevotlon: • Dsscription: � . ' LoCtrtlon: � E(evation: _ _ Descriptlon: Prepared 6y ��y rrtle Date John M. Scherek -�/�!� Survey Crew Supervisor 7/9/93 t •- ' ._`� _ _. __ -� - � ._.. » 1 ,� ' � NA-02684-03 � aeY.a,so REQUIS[TION FOR � INNESOTA , SURFACE WATER/HYDROGRAPHIC Oepartment of Natural Resources '-�• SERViCES Oivision of ��aters Project Unnamed (White Lake) OHW survey - LakeNo. 19_8w ., C�� Fosemount County Dakota Req. No. Sec. 16 TWp_ I15N Rng. lgw Quad No. S17d Inver Grove Hei h s Szatement of Problem/Situation tProvide detailed infoRnation) � Wetland n19-8 (White Lake) is regulated under the Shoreland Zoning program. High water complaints have been received by the City of Rosemount. Area Hydrologist has recently inspected. One house has its wellhead nearly inundated with water. City is interested in doing outlet work along Bacardi Aver.ue on the east end of the wetland. OHW neeaed to determine �ppr�tiria�e outlet elevation �nd building se�backs. Services Requested (Attzch map xs necessary) � Ordinary high water (OHW) determination and current runout eleva�ion at northeast end of wetland unde= Eacard�. Avenue. Note: Bacardi Avenue has been changed to Ba1d �E�g1e Avenue ef�ective May 11 , 1993 . New street signs may or may not be up. , Area Hydrologist available to assist. Landowner(s): unknown Permission obtained for access: � Yes C� No f agproximately 7 - 10 homeowners ) Requested By � Date Phone No. Pat Lynch ��-�� 5/12/93 ?72-7910 prov d by(RegionaF or Unit Supervisort Date �X•�+•�,X� L,1pVCj Kn„Acnn _ .. _ ._ _ nNR MtTRO REGION 6 TEL �612-?72-?977 3ul 12 93 17 :15 No .029 P .02 �- ' Thc O.H W. levei is based on the average reduceti eIcvation of the I4 besi trees af the 24 which. were documented (oalc, elm, cottortwood and ash), We also recorded a washiineltoe in the lal:c at 966.8, A semi-distinct stainiine on an ash tree wa,s recordcd at 968.4, but it was not vist'bie on numerous other smatl trees in water at this dme. Somc saplins cottonwood and wiiiows were recorded in I.8' of water indicatin�a lower stage of water Icvels. Whitc Lake is prescntly scparated into thrca portions(aiI of wluch arc at the same levei}by 126th Streei which runs E-W and Ba�ardi Avenue which nans N-S: The cc3nnecting culvert through 126th Street is a 24" C.M.P, aad the connecting el�va,tian is 963.54 (at tha end of the south apron), ?he connecting cutvcrt through Bacardi Avenuc is a 30" C.MP, located 285'north of I2th Straet and the c,oruiecting eleyation is 964.03 (at the end of tha east apron). . . Following are the pertinent elevations we found at the outlet: Watcr levcl, White Lakc 967.36 - ^ , 0+00 Centerline at bc�inning of ditch 966.4 0+45 CenterIine of ditch 966.7 Q+66 CenterIine of ditch at sand buildup (present runout} 9669 0+71 Upstream flowline of driveway cutvcrt(18" C.M.P.) 966.8 �-- ��,�� f�.�C..� Headwater at driveway 967.11 �L�; � .� -;-.,�;,./ 0+82 CenterIine of driveway 9b9.4 O�i-92 North invert o£cutvert 9G6.4'7 Tailwater at driveway 967.11 (noticeable flow through cutvert) I+17 Ccnterline of ditch 966.G 1+6� Centerline af ditch 96b.2 2+17 Centerline of ditch 966.I - Water Ievel at samc locat;an 96b.52 3+1'7 Centcrline of ditch gbs 2 4+(? Centerline of ditch at bend to NE 964.5 Water Ievel at same location 966.22 � Post-!t''brand fax transmittat memo 7671 r ot p.�.■ > � � Fntim . . . 5 L .�.� � co. �0. � . ��-0�� . . Depi. . Pho�.. �a . 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Osmundson= Re: Water l.evels at White Lake We are writing this letter , to inform you• that as landowners around White Lake and as neighbors , we callectively oppose any plans to artificially reduce the lake level . • We have the following reasons= 1 . The current levels do not adversely impact our property . 2 . In the past , the lake has providec! fishing opportunities for the neighborhood . Maintaining current water levels improve the oxygen carrying capacity of the lake through the winter months which helps to avoi� fish kills . 3 . Current water levels provides a buffer for dry periods similar to the recent low waters of 1988 . 4 . Current water levels provide aesthetic value to us . We acknowledg� that any increase in the current levels may impact properties on the south end of the south basin that may need resolution . We would be happy to work with the City to determine potential alternatives . We request that we be consulted prior to any action . Sincerely: Property Owners in Wi�ite Lake Acres cc: 4layor McMenomy Dan Locklear ,, ,f �,Q Phone �/ (�/ �,i Name__��_"��,� - ---A��_�.��(;�t`�U:J-�!�------------.�`�s��_�C1�1� •��K, �' f�c�j ���s! 2��tS J��` S�' 3�2-!°�7_ � o ���-� Sf ��3 -�4�a� P/� �a n �° ,���g i�.� �` �Z3��� �'�' � 3�2�-�5�46 �� � �-�., ��2� /��' � � , •�z� � . � �/a 3_ �3d I �,� � .� ��d � ��' - e ���e �- � ��. y3 0 0 _ � ,-� s ��-3 � Page _ i , . � � f ,' . . � � �.�i� � ��1 �; �. � �: > � �,Z� - ;y � � . � � J / a.. � s� � . . . .`���1-C � _ ��co>`y' �U • �3 -,�7�5 : � - ��,'� .� y/G dI` �f % ' � / � Z� " S�` !.c) Q�3 �7�5� i" �, ��'� 2 ¢ G ; � ... � .- : �.� r� :. ` + . : -=- , ; 535 GU N CLU B ROAD �:-��` � _ '�i r . „�, :a�Ti , ,..` �' . � �`'�'`` ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 '�� �y�� � : ,, _. � P'S � ,��r�+} . � � I!%I�!/J � ^�' . . . 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" ,.;~ � ��'r.�'� � j f� OII�. �r��,�P,�l� ��'� _.�Cw��S.{. '-�'',,..� �����•`.�.+�"�� ' �'-*�j'�` �-�,` � �. � �,s+� fr � �/ � f / ' ;% l' �r /�I ...../'� f ,,� ,t � � � ,�-�. : � .+�`�t,�,'�+y . . . �T�W'"'r ',N.�,y�l+N� r •�'r i.,�' ?� f.6 -� .i�:.'�t."^9„Y� �,�: �� � .� - (� �:.�, � �� r'..�` ry (�^�.� /��'//�'_ � ��� ����� �� :r�r� f� � . . j�� ,� �`( . `/ ,�./ �ss .��i�r /'1 . . .� ���� . . . � �, ��' V t .. � r 1 � . . � '�,; �,;rr �,:���•�-� �� �� , . � • . , . • + � •` �• . MEMO . T0; Mayor McMenomy Council Members: Klassen Staats Wi((cox Wippermann FROM_ Ron Wasmund Director of Pubfic Works • . - DATE: July 16, 1993 SUBJ: Dan Lockler Letter I have reviewed the file for documentation regarding grading permits issued to Mr. Lockler for filling in around his yard and into White Lake. I have attached this documentation �or your revie�n�. Contrary tD what Mr. Lockler may feei regarding his treatment or Iack thereof, I think that the attached ma�erial demonstrates that a fair amount of hand holding and conferencing has taken place over the years that Mr. Lockler has been altering his shore front and lawn. Sud Qsmundson has also provided you a memo regarding the more recent discussions that have taken place. In that memo he also provided you the ordinary higt�--�vater level as established by the DNR. — This a natura( water body that has no outlet, nor does it have any storm water piped ta it. The drainage that is contributed to White Lake is influenced onfy by the development of houses such as Mr. Locklers, which have been built around it. With the help of the DNR, which controls this water as a protected water body, we are looking at possible ways to contro( the Ieve! of this Iake. We have reviewed the drainage pattern.through the Erdrich property and found no obstructions. In fact, there is reason to believe that this is not the way White Lake ever maintained a constant level. The culvert under 8acardi has been cleaned by us, and the culvert under Erdrich's driveway has been cleaned by us. The only way to get rnore water to flow through them is to adjust their efevation. Since this is a DNR controlled water, we have no jurisdiction to adjust the elevatian without their input. We have sought this solution by having the DNR establish the Ordinary High Water � LeveL � It is our position that the unusually heavy rains a�e contribu�ting�to the.prob1ems that Mr. Lockter is experiencing. We have not ignored his requests for action at any time. Thougfi the answers we've provided to date are not what he wanted to hear, I think that Mr. Lockler is very much responsible for his"storm water fee. � L ' City of Rosemount � t Executive Summary for Action Cit Couacil Meeting Date: Ageada Item: Graffiti Ordinance Ageada Sectioa: PUBLIC HEARING Prepared By: Ron Wasmund Agea iNo: Community Development TE� # Q � Director V Attachmeats: Memo; Ordinance; Sample P.D. Approved By: Letter; Authorization Form; Incident Re ort. This item is the presentation and review of the proposed ordinance for graffiti control. The supportive attachments serve as need demonstration and summary explanation. Police Chief Lyle Knutsen and I will lead the discussion and field questions from you and the public, if any. We will have a second presentation of this ordinance on the consent agenda May 2, 1995 for passage and authorization for publication. The ordinance shall become effective upon its publication. Recoamiended Action: - NO ACTZON REQilESTED; FOR DISCUSSION ONLY - City Council Action: 94-18-95.005 Draft Graffiti Ordinance � , � f City Council Meeting ' April 18, 1995 It is the intent of the ordinance to prevent the acts from happening and to have them removed as quickly as possible if it does occur. PROCESS Reports of graffiti will be tumed over to the Rosemount Police Department for investigation. Upon their verification of the existence of it they will notify the property owner by certif'ied mail. The notice will inform the property owner of the graffiti, cite the ardinance, and request the property owner to remove the graffiti within thirty (30) days. It will also notify the owner that they can request the City to remove the graffiti for them, understanding that the cost for such removal or cover-up is the property owner's responsibility. If the police department finds that the graffiti has not been removed within thirty (30) days they will notify the city clerk. The city clerk will then commence the process of a public hearing under State Statute, Chapter 429. 'This process, which includes a notice sent to the property owner, will enable the City to remove the graffiti and assess the expenses against the legal property for collection. Payment would be made through property taxes as with any other public improvement project. The same public hearing process would be followed if the property owner requested the City to remove the graffiti and then failed to pay the invoiced amount within 180 days of the date of that invoice. A second notice would be sent to the property owner upon conclusion of the public hearing notifying the owner of the Council's fmdings and outlining the correcrive actions to be taken. Prosecution leadang to conviction of person or persons responsible for the graffiti is intended to include restitution for the cost af the clean-up. The restitution will be directed to either the City or the property owner, whichever one has made expenditure for the cost of clean-up. PENALTY Violation of any provisions of this ordinance is considered a misdemeanor offense. Misdemeanors are punishable by fines up to $700 and/or jail term of up to ninety (90) days. As previously mentioned we will also seek restitution in addition to fines and jail term. CONCLUSION This ordinance may appear aggressive to some. It is not intended to punish the innocent victim. Rather it is directed at those committing the offense of placing the graffiti and those that would chose to interfere with the removal process. Cities that have taken a less aggressive approach initially have generally found their ordinance to be less effective. Rochester and St. Paul both have adopted a more stringent ordinance such as ours. Our proposed ordinance has been reviewed by both our general legal counsel and our prosecuting attorney. Their comments have been incorporated into the draft attached. With the most recent incidents of graffiti that have occurred, staff strongly supports this ordinance and recommends its adopdon. L . � CITY OF ROSEMOU NT Z8�5-`�TMthA�tW�t P.O.Box 510 Ever thin 's Comin U ROSemOUi'11'�! Rosemount,MN y 9 9 P ssobs-o5io Phone:612-423-4411 fax:612-423-5203 TO: City Council FROM: Ron Wasmund, Community Development Director � DATE: April 14, 1995 SUBJ: Graffiti Ordinance Attached is the fmal and recommended draft of an ordi�ance for graffiti control. These efforts were commenced approximately one year ago after the complaint and urging of Mr. Hany Willcox stemming from an incident near his neighborhood. This is the third and final draft of language that has previously been presented to you. In this memo I will summarize the ordinance and point out the major sections. PURPOSE Council has been informed of numerous incidents of vandalism by placement of graffiti on walls, equipment, and objects throughout the Ciry. Through discussions with representatives of other cities it has been found that quick removal of the graffiti may assist in preventing the encouragement of undesirable elements. These elements can include loitering, specif'ic gatherings, exchange of inessages between persons or groups, and/o� statements to the general public. Exposure to such displays of graffiti can adversely affect the emotional well-being of city youth and public by threats and create peer pressure on city youth to join these undesirable acts of vandalism. The presence of gra.�ti does create a condition of blight through defacing. This blight is inconsistent with the City' property maintenance goals and aesthetic standards, resulting in deterioration of property values. Graffiti that is allowed to remain causes the affected property and others to become targets of additional graffiti. We are attempting to uphold the image of a clean, safe community. ENFORCEMENT The ordinance has four (4) major points or acts of unlawfulness as described within the ordinance. The four are: 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess graf,j�ti materials for the purpose of placing graffiti on any exterior surface located on private or public property. � 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally place graffiti on any exterior surface . located on private or public property without permission and in accordance with the requirements of the City's Sign Ordinance. 3. It shall be unlawful for any`owner of property to allow graffiti to be placed on any exterrcal surface of the owner's properry. � 4. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any property to allow the graffiti to remain without reasonable attempts to remove it for a period of more than thirry (30) days. �n��,��,�,�,�, ,� � � � � condining 30'Y � � . � .pos!-consumer maMridi.. . ,Z��� � . . . ;� ��� �. CITY OF RCSE�T . � _ DAI�pTA COt�NT7C, MINNESOTA � 1�1i3 ORD INANCE TO CONTRIOL T8E PgOLI���` . UNSIGHTLINESS OE UNDES� � GgAPHICS, MARKS. OR WRITINGS GN` BO$LSC OR P�EZCVATE PROPERTY The City Council of the CitY of Ros�ount, Mi.nnesota - orda.ins a� follows: �nd�d as SECTION I: Title 7 of Rosemount CitY Code is her�bY follows: CHAPTER 7 GRAFF1Tt CONTROi. SECTION 7-7-1; Purpose _ 7-7-2: Definitians 7-7-3: Unlawfiui Conduct and Possession of Graffiti Materiai 7-7-4: Limited Entry Upon land 7-7-5: Unlawful Conduct; Owner Re�sponsibiiity 7-7-6: Poiice Identification of Graffi 7-7-7: Hearing 7-7-8: Notice to Owner 7-7-9: Costs to be Assessed 7-7-10: Graffiti Abatement Civii in Nature 7-7-11: Severability 7-7-1: PURPOSE: A. The Councii finds that there are incidents of grafiFtti throughout the nitY fi�at these incidents are undesirabie for the CitY af Rcsemount The ou that quicic remavai of the graffiti may assist in preventing encouragement of undesirable elements. The Council finds that exposure to the graffiti adversely affects the o^°�°e e B. outh to � weli-being of city youth and creates peer pressure on crty y undesirable and detrimental acts of vandalism._ -_ C. The Cauncii furtt�er finds that graffiti creates a co�dition of blighW��e City's resuit in the deterioration of properry vatues and is incons�stent 1 � Crty of,Rosemount Emergency 911 PO LtCE DEP�4RTM ENT "°"-��e�16'2'4�.�, FAX (612?423-0485 � Chief of Police 2875-146th Street West 81ie1 F. Knutsen Rosemourrt. MN 55068-0510 AIITHORI2ATION TO ItEMOVS GRAFFITI I, , owner of the property at , hereby authorize the City of Rosemount to remove graffiti on my property. I understand that the graffiti will be covered over with primer, but that I, as the property owner, will need to paint the area to match the existing color. In some cases, the graffiti may be removed using new products that "dissolve" the graffiti. Please refer my property to the Graffiti Removal Program. Signature of Property Owner Phone # of Property Owner Date Please return this form to: Rosemount Police Department 2875 145th St West Rosemount MN 55068 ���� ��� ��� � ����� . � f . . � . . . . . . . j . . . � . � . . � � � . , . . • Prevention � • Removal tips ,, • Removal Products • Resources � r7 � � , . , ' ' ` YOU NEED M4RE THAN ELBOW GREASE TIPS TO HELP PREVENT GRAFFITI � TO COMBAT GRAFFITI • Keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. Pay special attention to individuals o� groups who are loitering. If it appears that they are Graffiti is an all-too common form of vandalism. 1f allowed to start in one about to apply graffiti, call 911 I . area it can spread and have damaging effects on an entire neighborhood. The Rosemount Police Department has a number of ideas on what to do if • improve lighting on your property. Consider instaliing motion you are a victim of graffiti, as well as tips to prevent graffiti and detector lights on your exterior lights. If you are a renter or if a suggestions about whom to ca l l to remove gra f fi ti at sites other than on neighbor's property is pooriy lit, talk with the prope�ty owner about your personal property. improving lighting. If your are a victim of graffiti: • Report all incidents of damage to your property. Reporting is important because it may be possible to identify patterns through accumulated reports. This helps the police to deai with the • If you are a victim of graffiti and wish to report the property problem. Please take a picture of it and call Rosemount Police damage, please caQ the Rosemount Police at 423-4491. (ln some Department at 423-4491 ta report it. cases they wili want to investigate before it is removedJ • Don't get mad - get organizedi Rejuvenate your apanment Aroup • Please take plctures of the graffiti for insura�ce and investigative block club/neighborhood watchforce around a er�ffiti removal purposes if you report it. project. Encourage youth to help as well. To pet a neighborhood • Immediately remove graffiti. Left alone, graffiti attracts graffiti. �+atch started, caH the Rosemount Pofice Department. } (Again, you may want to take a picture before you do so.) gy acting quickiy to remove graffiti� helping to preventi graffiti, and • Ask your fiardware store clerk about paint and surfaces from which requesting removal of graffiti on varfous types of public and private graffiti is easily removed. If you are recovering a surface, select a property, you can heip keep graffiti from taking hold in your neighborhood. product from which you can quickly and effortlessly remove graffiti �f you would like more information, call the Rosemount Police Department, in the future. 423-4491. • Call Rosemount Police if eraffiti persists and is a problem in your area. They wili work with you to identify suspecis by working with local schoois or neighbo�hood watch groups. . ' ' . GRAFFITI REMOVAL TIPS: If you see graffiti beinA done, first calt 911 to report it to the Police. If you WOod are a victim of graffiti and wish to report the property damage, please caU � On latex or oil-based paint, use a stain killing white primer fo� Rosemount Police Department at 423-4491. (In some cases they will want exterior use, such as Kilz. Paint on very thickly so the graffiti does to investigate before it is removed.) not bleed through. Then, repaint with appropriate color. The Rosemount Police Department and the City of Rosemount encourage • On oil-based paint only, use "Ciean•Clean", which will remove the graffiti but not the underlying paint. prompt removal of graffiti. Left alone, graffiti attracts graffiti. Piease take � ^Orange Magic" can also be used. a picture af it if you are going to make a report, and info�m the person you report it to of your actions. Fiberglass General tip: • Use paint remover full strength and rinse carefully. � Carbu�eto�cleaner also wo�ks on fiberelass. M cases where you want to paint over the graffiti, apply a pigmented , shetlac. this will seal the graffiti and keep it#rom bleeding through the new Glass ot' Plexiglass paint. • Use carburetor cleaner. � Brick, Cement, Concrete • Use extra strength paint rem�ver or graffiti remover. Apply with,a Metel wire brush, allow to dry and rinse with a forceful stream of water � Try carburetor cleaner first. from a hose. • if you are unsuccessful, try paint remover. • "Orange Magic" ca�n aiso be used. Note: Most of these graffiti removal products are toxic. Please use them StuCco with caution following Fnanufacturer's di�ections and dispose of safely. • Use paint remover with a fiigh pressure water hose. Rubber gloves and masks are stro�gly recommended. • If possibie, sandbiast the affected area. , • Use stucco paint and go over the graffiti carefuliy. • Note: Some damage is likely to occur regardless of which method you use. Aluminum Siding • "Ooops" works well on latex paint� not on oii-based paint. • "O�ange Magic" also works on aluminum. •_ Another alternative is using paint remover sparinely and carefuily, s:` 4 HOW TO REaUEST REMOVAL UF GRAFFITI ON OTHER '� TYPES OF PROPERTY ^s GRAFFITI REMOVAL PRODUCTS AND COSTS Property Type Owner Contact Phone Number NOTE: raffic signs Rosemount Maintenance 322r2022 Other b�and name graffiti removal products exist and new products are Pubiic Works introduced often. When purchasing graffiti removal products, ask which raffic lights, Rosemount Maintenance 322-2022 are recommended by the store you visit. Be sure to discuss the kind of ontroller boxes Public Works surface and the kind of graffiti you want to treat. Metropolitan Product Approximate cost us Shelters Transit Bus Sheiter 642-2673 PiQmented Sheltac 53.00 fo� t6 oz aerosoi can Commission Maintenance Extra Strangth Paint Remover 56.04 per quart (MTCI "Graffiti Remove�" $8.00 for 16 oz aerosol can B1epha�e 435-1100 "Orange Magic" 516.25 per gallon pius 54.25 shipping oles, boxes VISTA Telephone Repair - or - "Klitz" (Primer) 57.00 per quart nd booths g>> 53.00 for t6 oz aerosoi can reen transfer NSP Underground 347-9567 "Clean-Clean" 53.00 per pint oxes Dakota Electric Supervisor 224-5309 "Ooops" 56.00 per quart Carburetor Cleaner 53.00 for 16 oz aerosol can Rosemount Maintenance 322-2022 SandblastinA (P�ofessionali S 150-S200 ark buildings public Works Sandblasting Rental $65 a day Iln sessionl This is not meaM to be an exhaustive list - it is only a starting point. Independent (Summer. when chool buildings School District school is out) 423-7700 Most graffiti removal products are readity available at hardware and paint 196 Generai Foreman, stores. Carburetor cleaner is availabte at auto supply sto�es. "Orange Paint Shop Magic""is available from Orange Power Cleaning Products. Call (7181827- U.S. 1110 or write to 766 Wortma� Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11236. .S. Mail Field Maintenance �23-2679 ollection boxes Government �Letter Box Shop) Post Office Soo Line Security �-g00-999-2111 � ailroad (24 hrs.f Chicago Police 1-414-535-4222 roperty, Northwest , ncluding aiiroad bridges gurlington Security Northem (24 hrs) 298'�200 ,. R088MOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT • � � � M23CELLANEOII3 REPORT PAGE: M-1 OFFENSE: Criminal Damage to Prouerty BILE NIIMBER: 95001395 & 1441 DATE OF OFFENSE: 032595 & 032795 OFFICER: Winters DATE OF REPORT: 033095 VICTIM #1: McCann, 14360 Cantata A�enue West VICTIM #2 : St. John's Lutheran Church, 3285 144th Street West VICTIM #3 : Angeline Buelaa Haack, 3135 144th Street West VICTIM #4: Rosemount Elementary School, 3155 143rd Street West VICTIM #5: Saint Joseph's Cemetery, 142XX South Robert Trail VICTIM #6: Jeff Olsen, 3310 143rd Street West On 032595 at approximately 0939 hours I received a call from Eagan Dispatch of a graffiti complaint from the resident at 14360 Cantata Avenue. I arrived at the residence at 0941 hours and spoke with the resident, Mr. McCann. Mr. McCann then indicated to me that sometime in the early morning of 032595, he believed between 0000 hours and 0100 hours someone had spray painted the word "weed" on his mailbox post in black spray paint and had painted a spot, approximately three to four inch in diameter, on his daughter's car, license plate 657JTV. Mr. McCann also indicated that there was also graffiti spray painted on the school, pointing to the Rosemount Elementary School, and on the Saint John's Lutheran school bus. Mr. McCann indicated that he just wanted to report this in case some similar type of incidents happened around the neighborhood. At approximately 0952 hours I left the McCann's residence and went to Saint John's Lutheran Church parking lot to inspect the school bus. The school bus was parked on the far north side of the parking lot facing east. On the north side of the bus, facing away from the Church, there were several designs painted on the school bus. There was an upside down cross or crucifix, a sign similar to an anarchy sign (letter A with a line drawn through it and a circle around it) and also what appeared to be an upside down star or pentagram type design. Photos of Mr. McCann's mailbox post and the bus were taken. I then drove to the Rosemount Elementary playground and immediately noticed damage to the playground on the west side of the school, particularity' the playground surrounded by the sand section, closest to the school building. In several spots on the playground there was graffiti spray painted in black and also some in green spray paint. This graffiti was spray painted in several locations on the playgraund equipment. I believe the word "pot" was spray painted on one section, the word "Stoner Girl" in one location, I believe the name "Cheech" was spray painted somewhere on the playground equipment. Also the word "weed" and I believe a picture drawn similar to a marijuana weed. Photographs were also taken of this damage. I also drove around the school to check the area and on the north side of the school next to the walk path that goes in between the elementary and ; � � ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT MI3CELLANEOII3 REPOItT PAGE: M-2 OFFEN3E: Criminal Damace to Pro.pertv FILE NIIMBER: 95001395 & 1441 DATE OF OFFENSE: 032595 & 032T95 OFFICER: Winters DATE OF REPORTs 033095 middle schools was a rather large design spray painted in both green and black with the name "Cheech" again. A picture was also taken of this design. Shortly after this I cleared the scene. It should be noted that on this day it was raining and quite cloudy and this is all the graffiti that I observed. Later in the day we received a call from victim #3, Angeline Haack. Ms. Haack, who resides near the elementary school, reported on the north side of her house which would be the back of her house someone had the words "You will die bitch" spray painted on it. Officer Beberg responded to this call and notified me of the situation. I arrived shortly after he had cleared the call and took photographs of the damage. Also there was graffiti spray painted on the large tree which is in the back yard of Ms. Haack's residence. I also noticed toilet paper on the ground. Whether or not this is from the same incident, I do not know. There was also various small design graffiti on the east side of the school and also on the south side of the school. Unknown whether or not these were spray painted in the same incident. Again photographs were taken. - Also in driving through the area of 143rd Street later in the day I noticed one of the parking signs in the area with the same symbol of a marijuana leaf which I had noticed on some of the playground equipment spray painted in green. This is possibly from the same incident. This was all the graffiti observed or reported on the 25th. On 032695 I received a message from Community Service Officer Winters that Sgt. O'Leary of this department had noticed some graffiti in Saint Joseph's cemetery the previous night and that he would like me to take a look at it. In driving through the cemetery I noted several headstones which had graffiti on them. Again there were several things written and several designs on the headstones. Again they were painted in black spray paint. Again the name "Cheech" was written on the headstones, the same upside down crucifix or cross which was painted on Saint Jahn's Lutheran school bus was on a headstone, the same marijuana leaf design on the parking sign and playground was on a headstone along with other various designs spray painted in black spray paint. I believe that these are all related and that the same group of individuals or individual did all of this damage. It appears to people walked through the cemetery towards the school and did the damage or else walked from the area of the school out towards the cemetery as it seems that the graffiti damage seems to be done in the past. Also on the 26th I drove past the school again and noticed that the damage ItOBEMOIINT POLICE DEPARTMENT • � MISCELLANEOIIS REPORT PAGE: M-3 OFFENSE: Criminal Damaqe to Pro�ertv FILE NIIMBER: 95001395 Sc 1441 DATE OF OFFENSE: -032595 & 032795 OFFICER: Winters DATE OF REPORT: 033095 to the school had been removed. All the spray painting on the building along with most of the spray painting on the playground had been removed along with the damage at 3135 144th Street and the school bus. On 032795 at approximately 1626 hours I received a call from Eagan Dispatch that victim #6 listed above would like to report some graffiti criminal damage to property. I arrived at 1640 hours and spoke with the resident, Jeff Olsen, who pointed out a design in black spray paint on his driveway which appeared to look similar to the anarchy sign. This was spray painted in several areas of the bus and the playgraund at the elementary sehool. Mr. Olsen also pointed out on the east side of his residence there was a small design which appeared as though someone had started to spray paint something on the house and then stopped. I asked Mr. Olsen if he had any idea when this had occurred and he indicated that the design was not in his driveway before 1030 hours this date and that both he and his wife had left by 1030 and that when he returned at 1600 hours on the 27th he noticed the design. Also he pointed out the cable line box sitting between his residence and the residence on Upper 143rd Street West (just off the roadway of Cantata Avenue} also had some graffiti on it. This graffiti was in black spray paint with the name or nickname of "Cheech" appearing on this cable box. Mr. OTsen stated he had no idea when this was done. He stated he had not noticed it until 1600 hours today when he saw the graffiti on his driveway. Again Mr. Olsen felt that this was done sometime on the 27th so a separate ICR number was given (95001441) . Due to the similarity between the design and the spray paint I believe there is a possibility that the damage to Mr. Olsen's residence and driveway and also the cable box was also committed at the same time the damage to the other areas was which was the early morning of the 25th or that possibly the same person or people is/are responsible for the damage due to the similarity of the designs and this name of "Cheech" and due to the close proximity of Mr. Olsen's residence to the other areas damaged. Case is pending. I also spoke with Officer Robideau to check in the school to see if there is a person or people who go by the nickname of "Cheech" as this could possibly be a suspect due to the location and the writing of the name "Cheech" on several items. D � . ���� J D. Winters, 3519 Pa o Of f icer JDWdm �� ROSENIOUNT POUCE DEPART�AENT 0 O ' nos�our�r.�w n� INCIDENT REPORT "� OFFENSE �nyEQ� N . , ��(L..�� "'U���� 3�� —sl ���F�T�� �� o�� p 'R� '?c�—c�P�-'� �N o F,� v' Q� � E OAiE RECEIVED T1ME RECEIVED T1AAE/Wq�yEp C�EI�qEp ppTE rl�pCC�pp�p (� N -a -QtS a�3�i o94t o�ts� 3-���t�S �aoo -o�oo � T �oc�noN c�ooAess� l�k 3 b� L+A r�T`o.� E 5 oF�Ra�o� �at C ti 1 DE NA E-IAST.FlNBT.MIOOLE 0.0.8. AOE 8IX RACE MT. WT. NAIR EYE8 BtAW COMPI. P S.b�-�T ' A DRESS STATE DP NOME PHONE WaRI(pHp►�IE S BOTHER iNFORMATION C� 2 COQE NAME-UST,FlRST,MIDDIE 0.0.8. AQE SEX fiACE HT. WT. NAIp EYES BU0.p CpMp1, O ST. JO H N�S W.�N�-+4'N �. ADOfiESS �� CITY STATE �P HOME PHONE WORK PHONE �$S 14�4 ST. W. i2S,�.-c. - �}�-3-�5'ta� � oni�iNFoaManoN N F 3 CODE NAME-IAST,FlRST,MIOOLE • D.O.& AGE SEX MCE HT. 4YT. HAIfl EYEg 9UI�.p CpMpL o G i-1�F /�n+C�Et�nl �t.aEL•Ota la' o- (� ADDRES3 CITY SUTE �P HOF�PHONE WORK PHONE M 3i3S 144� 5:.w . �Ls�-r 4a - 4q84 A OTHER INFORMATION T - ( 4 COOE NAME-IAST,FlFiST,MIDDIE D.QB. AGE SIX RACE HT. WT. HAIR EYE$ BUIID Ct�MPI � C (�SC'wtL�.lw,Yt— 'lvlt"7•�i�1"�.� $GI.lO �- � N ADDRESS CITY STATE DP HOME PHONE WORK PHONE 3t55' ( 3�'O S;. W- �-la-3-�6`�0 ona�+iNFoan�noN G+�sA�'E'�"'n w� Nc.Z^�t{, S:�K-+t�;,1n.�a 'A'��s- S�u�S A�•�o �K 6�LourvD �wi ti', V 1 C OE uC NO. /_S, �JT V UC.ST/YH VEH.YR MAKE MOOEL STYLE COtAR V.I.N. E ,�, �o - H o ea iNFoae,unowowNa� f L 2 C�ODE UC NO: ,�� �Q' $a UC.STIYR VEH.YR. MAKE MO�EL STYLE COIOR V.I.N. � i E OTHEA INFOAMATIOWOWNER s t�:srs -tv o-a A-�3ot,�c COOE aTY. ARTICIE TYPE-DESCAIPTION(BRAND,MAK�,ETC. SEA.�!O.A.N. VALUE P R O P E R � . T . Y PROPERTY UST ❑ATTACHED �TO FOLLOW �EVIDENCE Y TOTAL STOIEN S TOTAL DAMAGE S TOTAL S ❑PARENT OR GUAROIAN ❑RETURN TRANSPORTATiON Wlll BE PROVIDED O ENTERED �CANCELLED O TiME ❑I GAVE NO ONE PERMISSION TO TAKE OR USE 7HE ABOVE PROPEHTY/VEHICIE. (PNsoNPropsAy�VeldcN) O 1 CEfiTIFY THAT THE A80VE INFORMATION IS TAUE ANO CORRECTANO I NALL PROSECUTE p I RECEIVEO ON THE ABOVE PROPERTY FROM Slgnature• CODES C.COMP V-VtCTIM Wa1VITNE33 BUSUSPECT ,WUVENILE RPASSENfiEA DR-0AIYEA M-MENTIONED ETSTOI.EN DA-0AMAGED E�VIOENCE RBAECOVEAED STOIEN MIMPOUNO RIP�tEPORT►NCi PERSON SYNOPSIS • 2�P �x'Pc.�2..'C�D E'A�L-L.`� 'M�S M.s�lL.+v�rv�. �.��Ec�svrc S�t"{ �AnN'�''Q �-lE'� nnfl�t..3�t 'P�S'�" .AN D {4 Sf� a� A�r��E v��c..l..E � w u�c.,� w R S Y�•c�-�o t:.� -r-�� �n:�v�rt�r . �c�� �r�ap �' �R..�r-�.�r*-i �T RES _ gu.��Di nr� Pml� A�AK{,Qn u,.i� q,�a oN �ov e WEs i o�►..c.� saR..r� P��.-v `��{c;K wit..�. �tiE "8i�rc.�l �� �+..50 ��w� KS �A'���. IN v-a.�S Lo�• wi77-� _ a F�n?��.w.�„�. N:.Ti F�( C-,W.v�1A._S O r i'�Ar!'hPl'C�E N O S�SP tZTS �}-T 'TZ-1�S ":tri^�- ?�.tc�s oF G�F�',-rt-i 'TP�t�.� COPY TO REPORT8 ❑MISC ❑STATE IICC. FOLLOW-UP REfER TO ❑SUPP. O OTNgi �YES ❑NO ' STATUS ❑ACTiVE �CLEAFiED BY ARREST �B�iO O CtT IS8U� dTATiONB/YIOl.A710N SUMMONS• ❑INACTIVE �EXCEPTIONALLY CLE/1RED ❑UI�OIN�IDED ❑REFERRED FOLLOW-UP REPORT . , , . . , . � OFFENSE: C.P�M �A�MAC�E 'TO 1�(Z.aPE1��! _ ICR �: qS�I3�IS DATE: :3���-9�J TIME: � i �� OFFICER: 35l�' 6,� 3 -a�o-95 35'D3 �ae,c,v� ��ivtu�r� G�FFi-t-r-% o�v SEVti+�t N���7t�nt ES �/�l 5 i'. �O ES E PH S ��'t E-'74�?y- 'i�01C ��-lOTDGtZ�-i°H S � �A-r.��}b�' '�DD�kY ��L.tElo� �AmE /NIJI VIOLI.�Lr5� jNVOLVt�1? W I'�'t-� p?N�. /NlGI i7��'S �k� 'Tb ?N� SAr+�t� SYMBC?LS �v1� NA-+tit� "CH�E�M " �/�t�r�'!J i N T�-�� �i�E1Z��t`T �.00J4'TlO N.S . i�T l C.L NCSi1 PY r1-�.�' C'.H+�.c Rc+� d F "1�tE D�rw4C�E STi�-c, n�o 5�5�Fc.--ts • , _ • ROSEIIAOUNT POLlCE DEPARTMENT �O w ' , ► �O INCIDEN R PORT "� OFFENSE �ceveo er N . etz�t�n ��rrnwcGE �,�.°�o o�� � c Q � G " r� ,/ ° �i�+'C�L i�, � �KC�Pc�T` Q PERSON II FAX 0 � RApO �MAIt '1�+ D E DATE RECEIVED T1ME RECEIVED TIME ANRIYED CIEAREO DATE GCGURREO TifiE OCCURRED II� N — 7-9s 1to a la !(o�o t los�o -�paa� tc3o -- 1�oc ,p, T IflCAT10N(ADDRE33) GFFlCER8ASSIONED ,a � 33to 1'�3 '2D 5-r.�- -T 1 CODE NAME-LAST,FlRST,I��OLE D.O.B. AOE SOC RACE NT. WT. HAIR EYES BUII.D t�Pl OVSEN JEFF ADDRESS CITY STATE DP HOME PHONE WOfiK PHONE s ABovE 3 aa-a+�+�5 BOTHEA INFORMAi10N '� 2 CODE NAME-LAST,FIRST,MIDOIE 0.0.8. A�E SIX HACE NT. YYL HAIR EYES BUILO COMPI E C AODFESS G7Y STATE DP HOMEPHONE WOHKPHONE T � OTHERINFORMATlON N F 1 COOE NAME-LAST,FlRST,MIDDI.E D.O.B. AC3E SEX RACE HT. WT. HAIR EYES BU11.0 COMPL � R ADDRES3 CITf STATE ZIP HOME PHONE WORK PFIONE M A orH�iNFORMnnoN T I 4 CODE NAME-IAST,FlRST,MIDOIE D.0.8. ACiE SIX fUCE NL WL HAIR EYES BUILD COA�L 0 � N AODRESS CITY STATE DP HQME PHONE WOFiK PHONE OTHERINFORMA170N V 1 CODE UC NO. UC.ST/YR VEH.Yfl. MAKE MODEI STYLE COIAA V.I.N. E H or►�a iNFORau►nownwN� 1 C 2 CODE UC NO. UC.STIYF VEH.YR. MAKE MOOEL STYLE COLOH Y.I.N. L E orra�iNFORManowowN� S COOE �TY. AHTICLE TYPE-DESCfiIPTION(BRAND.MAKQ,ETC. SER.M f O.A.N. YALUE P A O -- P E R T _ . Y PRaPERTY UST O ATTACHEO ❑TO FOLLOW ❑EVIDENCE Y TOTAL STOLEN S TOTAI DAMAGE S TOTAI f p PAf9ENT OR CaUAFiD1AN �RETURN TRANSPORTATtON NA�i.8E PROVIDED O ENTERED O CANCELLED ❑T1ME O 1 CiAVE NO ONE PERMISSION TO TAKE OR USE THE AHOVE PROPERTY/VEHiCLE. (P�noNPropsM1yNsltiels) O 1 C£RT1FY THAT T1iE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TAUE AND CORRECTANO I WILL PROSECUTE ❑I RECEIVED ON THE ABOYE PROPEH7Y FROM Signaturo• CODES C-COMP V-VICTIM WaNIITNES3 SUSUSPECT J,IUVENILE P-PASSENl3ER DN-0HIVEq M-MENTIONED 8TSTOLEN DA-0AMA(3ED E�EVIDENCE R8-AECOVEAED STOIEN HMPOUNO RIP-REPORTNf3PERSON 8YNOPSIS • . CcM� RE'PoitTS Sc�h�cTit�nE �COOAr�t �E"t'W�`► At�aovE 1-1C�L.S �'a.�,ti.cor.s�' SP2.t�cK 'PAn�tt'D Ak �Sit�+� o,.► ►�►i S '�ELivEwE}�t A,�a � 'f� SPRqr`;�1 An�.T Sa-+�.�'ri��NC� .:� ��r S:DE ov� Kis Na�.SE . ?FHtiT w�5 B�.a►t,.xr � t.�•�tc..Noc.s�l Su.S pez.T. ('�,v�n� �'t�t�v�s 7i AKnn:Arto�.� w� "�,,.,� 'lpi�c�Y � 1'"bssi3�.�1 i2ei,.Y�"�'U "R� c.�sc # 95 Ot 39 5 . COPY TO REPORTS ❑MISC �8TATE 11CC. FOLLOW UP REFER TO ❑9UPP. Q OTXER D YES ❑NO ' STATUS ❑ACTIVE ❑CLEIIRED BY ARHEST �P6�IqN0 O dT IS8UED qTATtONB/VIOLATION 9UMMON8♦ O INACTIVE ❑EXCEPTIONALLY CIEARED ❑W�FOUNDED �HEFERRED . 1 A rll 199� �,s p � � Council Calendar .� �� SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY � , Ap:til Fools Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ���J���t S:ISpm I'otEAuEh.; C1ty 5avings �����y ; Newslettsr ' �w��t Deadline 9 10 11 12 13 14 �i5 � d:�t�� �.is�� ; a=ooP� u�� � �� ; �.: usgQ; . co,mn .�. :, Comnsia. �'t►►�e�uss� 6:30pm RAP Meeting at Comm. Ctr. 16 17 18 19 � ; ; 21 22 II Easter 6:O�Pm s.x�P��c A� ` 1�soam Canolls �bx� 7.�E)pm�'ie3' R�a 'tton' Woods �� �' _. Cc�� Luncheoa, ; '7;3dpm Pa�ks 8c : Progiam afi I2;�4.; �dc�Cr�siii�t�:: k 23 24 25 26 27 : : 28 29 S ISptte 7; 6:45 m '�'�� : fM7gm iv1YTA ak P Ptaniiin8 Bums�cnitE Community �°�°'s Res. Meeting 30 March May S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 Adm 4/11/95 4/11/1995 1• Ma 1995 _ `�► y � Council Calendar � �� SUNOAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATUROAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 s:��::�r.a� 7: MN Rock Eri on Garden, 11 T'�<e'``y ; Co unity am-3 pm �. _. _ S at Ctr. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 &.��� s�� . ��� c��y w�de �cruuc�a� p��i� ; �.`�sret , Garage Sale ��ui ,s . .��is. '�'rusc F� 6:30pm RAP Meeting at Comm. Ctr. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6:OOpm 5 ESpas�ort A�uh Rosemount communiry Q � Q Canolls 7�s�city _ Arbo1'Day Clean Up Day � O ,�. Woods.. G,,,acxi 7i�Opm�asks 8a ;; ;:: Mother's Day ;i��co��.:.; 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I �1� ?�E�Opm"kLi�"TA aE ��`1mmmS Burnav�7te ;: ,i. �,'o�xa�. 28 29 30 31 .� Memorial Day, City Hall Closed Aprii June S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 2 3 '4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 93 14 15 i6 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 '29 ' 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adm 4/11/95 4/11/1995