HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. 2016 Proposed Public Works Equipment PurchasesI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items Jan 11 WS\2.b. 2016 Proposed Public Works Equipment Purchases.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session: January 11, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: 2016 Proposed Public Works Equipment Purchases AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer Jim Koslowski, Public Works Supervisor Christine Watson, Public Works Coordinator AGENDA NO. 2.b. ATTACHMENTS: Equipment Evaluation Matrix 2016 Equipment Purchase Recommendation Report Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND In accordance with the guidelines for equipment replacement as outlined in the Public Works Quality Standards, staff has developed a list of equipment proposed for replacement in 2016. This list represents the vehicles and equipment with a score of 30+ as described in the attached Fleet Evaluation Matrix. The Fleet Evaluation Matrix was developed with Council and adopted in 2012. The goal of the matrix is to establish a data-driven, objective formula for determining when equipment should be considered for replacement. Based on a number of parameters, each unit is assigned an overall score from 1 to 30+. Equipment with a score of 30 or greater is recommended to be considered for replacement. The attached Equipment Purchase Recommendation Report provides detailed information about the existing units that are proposed to be replaced, as well as a staff recommendation for the replacement of each unit. All quoted replacement pricing is from State Bid vendors, and includes all applicable taxes and licensing. The attached Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary is provided to show the projected equipment replacement needs through 2020. All of the vehicles proposed for replacement in 2016 will be available for inspection in the lower-level City Hall parking lot at 2:30 p.m. Monday, January 11 prior to the Work Session. Updated photos and maintenance records for each unit will also be available at the Work Session. SUMMARY Staff is requesting Council feedback and direction on this item. Pending Council direction, a request for City Council authorization to purchase the equipment as recommended in the report will be brought forward at the January 19, 2016 Regular City Council meeting. 1 2 3 4 5 AGE One point for each year of chronological age, based on in-service date. Light duty vehicles and pickups - 1 point for every 10,000 miles Plow trucks - 1 point for every 15,000 miles Off-road equipment over 150 hp - 1 point for every 1,000 hours Off-road equipment under 150 hp - 1 point for every 500 hours CONDITION This category takes into consideration body condition, rust, interior condition, accident history and anticipated repairs.Like New Slight Wear / Few Deficiencies Moderate Wear / Some Deficiencies Significant Wear / Multiple Deficiencies Extreme Wear / Numerous Deficiencies SERVICE TYPE 1, 2, or 3 points based on how the vehicle is used.Administrative or Infrequent Use Frequent Light Duty Frequent Heavy Duty REDUNDANCY (CRITICAL FUNCTION) This category takes into consideration the vehicle function and the effects of downtime on overall service levels. More than one same unit. Service levels unaffected by downtime. One other same unit. Service levels slightly affected by downtime. One other similar unit. Service levels moderately affected by down time Only unit of this type, but easily rentable. Service levels moderately affected by downtime. Specialized and not rentable. Service levels significantly affected by downtime. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Points are assigned based on the total M&R costs as a percentage of the vechicle cost. Less than 20% of the vehicle cost Between 20% and 30% of the vehicle cost Between 30% and 40% of the vehicle cost Between 40% and 50% of the vehicle cost Greater than 50% of the vehicle cost RELIABILITY Year-Round Equipment Less than 5 hours per year Between 5 and 10 hours per year More than 10 hours per year RELIABILITY Seasonal Equipment Less than 3 hours per year Between 3 and 6 hours per year More than 6 hours per year Range Rating Number of Units Percent < 20 Points Excellent 20 37% 20 - 25 Points Good 12 22% 26 - 30 Points Qualifies for Replacement 10 19% > 30 Points Needs Immediate Consideration 12 22% 54 1, 3, or 5 points based on how often the vehicle is out of service for repairs. This excludes routine maintenance and repairs due to accidents. Equipment Evaluation Matrix Category Definitions Points MILES / HOURS G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Equipment Rating 20161109 Scoring Matrix G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2016 Equipment Purchase Recommendation Report G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx Proposed Equipment Replacement Summary Unit Description Age (Years) Mileage Score Purchase Cost CIP Replacement Cost Quoted Replacement Cost Anticipated Salvage Value Anticipated Net Cost 8303 Dodge Dakota 17 52,360 33 $18,206 $25,000 $25,716 $2,000 $23,716 8614 Ford Taurus 11 53,225 33 $13,433 $20,000 $25,716 $2,000 $23,716 8613 Ford Focus 16 41,700 31 $13,806 $20,000 $27,837 $2,000 $25,837 8306 Ford F350 Dump 17 54,810 34 $40,914 $50,000 $54,905 $7,000 $47,905 8344 Ford F350 Dump 16 59,150 32 $40,600 $50,000 $48,871 $7,000 $41,871 8343 Ford F250 Pickup 16 82,715 35 $23,900 $30,000 $29,702 $4,000 $25,702 8311 Ford F350 Pickup 13 80,500 32 $26,315 $35,000 $40,448 $4,000 $36,448 8312 Ford F350 Pickup 13 75,610 32 $26,170 $35,000 $36,182 $4,000 $32,182 8334 Ford F350 Pickup 13 66,900 32 $27,265 $35,000 $38,081 $4,000 $34,081 8336 Ford F350 Pickup 12 84,100 31 $26,410 $35,000 $37,899 $4,000 $33,899 8433 Single Axle Dump 15 73,600 33 $104,867 $195,000 $198,172 $31,194 $166,978 8435 Tandem Axle Dump 11 82,850 32 $161,609 $225,000 $224,764 $49,000 $175,764 8409 Tractor & Ditch Mow 15 3,150 39 $156,448 $125,000 $183,671 $38,000 $145,671 0514 Equipment Trailer 26 n/a n/a $8,994 $12,000 $23,338 $1,800 $21,538 0516 Bobcat Trailer 21 n/a n/a $3,751 $12,000 $9,298 $700 $8,598 0001 Shop Hoist 25 n/a n/a $4,905 $8,000 $10,000 - $10,000 8057 Generator (Portable) 20 n/a n/a $49,458 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 Totals $747,051 $972,000 $1,014,600 $160,694 $853,906 Net Cost Shown in CIP $850,500 G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 1999 DODGE DAKOTA (8303) DESCRIPTION • 52,360 miles • Purchase Price: $18,206 • CIP Replacement Price: $25,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $25,716 • Estimated Salvage Value: $2,000 CONDITION • 17 years old • Overall score: 33 • Condition score: 5.0 (extreme wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $5,656 • Maintenance needed: Significant rust over entire unit. Very poor general condition. Heating and defrost systems function very poorly. USED FOR • Building inspections DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Mid-size SUV with 4 wheel drive STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase Ford Escape SE 4WD for estimated net cost of $23,716 after $2,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2005 FORD TAURUS (8614) DESCRIPTION • 53,225 miles • Purchase Price: $13,433 • CIP Replacement Price: $20,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $25,716 • Estimated Salvage Value: $2,000 CONDITION • 11 years old • Overall score: 33 • Condition score: 3.5 (moderate wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $10,497 (substantial diagnostics and engine work completed in 2015; engine would stall while driving) • Maintenance needed: Electrical issues in wiring harnesses USED FOR • Fire Marshal • Code Enforcement DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Mid-size SUV with 4 wheel drive STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase Ford Escape 4WD for estimated net cost of $23,716 after $2,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2000 FORD FOCUS (8613) DESCRIPTION • 41,700 miles • Purchase Price: $13,806 • CIP Replacement Price: $20,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $27,837 • Estimated Salvage Value: $2,000 CONDITION • 16 years old • Overall score: 31 • Condition score: 4.0 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $6,575 • Maintenance needed: Body starting to rust. Oil pan and valve covers are beginning to rust, which will lead to engine fluids leaking. USED FOR • Summer Parks & Recreation programs DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Pickup truck to accommodate staff and equipment for summer programs • 4-door Crew Cab with 2 wheel drive • Tow package for towing puppet trailer and other trailers STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase ½-ton Ford F150 2WD Crew Cab for estimated net cost of $25,837 after $2,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 1999 FORD F350 1-TON DUMP (8306) DESCRIPTION • 54,810 miles • Purchase Price: $40,914 • CIP Replacement Price: $50,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $54,905 • Estimated Salvage Value: $7,000 CONDITION • 17.5 years old • Overall score: 34 • Condition score: 4.5 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $11,827 • Maintenance needed: Springs and frame rusty. Box needs new paint. Rear wheels rusty, need paint. Dump box has holes rusted through. Exhaust leak at manifold, approximately $3,500 to repair. USED FOR • Hauling dirt, gravel, sod, equipment, etc. for various park projects • Hauling materials for street/trail/sidewalk maintenance • Reserve unit for plowing cul-de-sacs, parking lots and rinks DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with similar 1-ton dump with plow package STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F350 dump truck for estimated net cost of $47,905 after $7,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2000 FORD F350 1-TON DUMP (8344) DESCRIPTION • 59,150 miles • Purchase Price: $40,600 • CIP Replacement Price: $50,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $48,871 • Estimated Salvage Value: $7,000 CONDITION • 16 years old • Overall score: 32 • Condition score: 4.0 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $15,913 • Maintenance needed: Dump box needs to be sanded and painted (rust holes all the way through). Needs new rear bumper. Hydraulic tank is rusted and will need replacement. USED FOR • Hauling dirt, gravel, sod, equipment, etc. for various park projects • Hauling materials for street/trail/sidewalk maintenance • Reserve unit for plowing cul-de-sacs, parking lots and rinks DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with similar 1-ton dump (no plow package needed) STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F350 dump truck for estimated net cost of $41,871 after $7,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2000 FORD F250 ¾ -TON PICKUP (8343) DESCRIPTION • 82,715 miles • Purchase Price: $23,900 • CIP Replacement Price: $30,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $29,702 • Estimated Salvage Value: $4,000 CONDITION • 16 years old • Overall score: 35 • Condition score: 3.5 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $11,247 • Maintenance needed: Needs new tires and step bars. Rust beginning to appear. USED FOR • Horticulturist – Hauling dirt, mulch, flowers, tools, etc. for daily projects DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Downsize to ½-ton pickup • Regular cab with 8-foot bed STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F150 pickup for estimated net cost of $25,702 after $4,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2003 FORD F350 1-TON PICKUP (8311) DESCRIPTION • 80,500 miles • Purchase Price: $26,315 • CIP Replacement Price: $35,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $40,448 • Estimated Salvage Value: $4,000 CONDITION • 13 years old • Overall score: 32 • Condition score: 4.0 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $6,505 • Maintenance needed: Needs new transmission. USED FOR • Mechanics – Parts runs; hauling fuel, repair equipment, supplies, etc. DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with 1-ton pickup • Add compressor/welder unit for mobile repair capabilities • No plow package necessary • No light bar necessary (re-use light bar from current unit) STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F350 pickup for estimated net cost of $36,448 after $4,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2003 FORD F350 1-TON PICKUP (8312) DESCRIPTION • 75,600 miles • Purchase Price: $26,170 • CIP Replacement Price: $35,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $36,182 • Estimated Salvage Value: $4,000 CONDITION • 13 years old • Overall score: 32 • Condition score: 4.0 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $10,125 • Maintenance needed: May need rear differential (high amount of metal in differential oil when changed in August 2015). Plow has rust holes. USED FOR • Daily Public Works fleet unit • Plowing cul-de-sacs and trails DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with 1-ton pickup • Plowing and towing package (9’2” plow) • No light bar necessary (re-use light bar from current unit) STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F350 pickup for estimated net cost of $32,182 after $4,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2003 FORD F350 1-TON PICKUP (8334) DESCRIPTION • 66,900 miles • Purchase Price: $27,265 • CIP Replacement Price: $35,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $38,081 • Estimated Salvage Value: $4,000 CONDITION • 13 years old • Overall score: 32 • Condition score: 4.0 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $11,922 • Maintenance needed: Plow has rust holes. Numerous body dents. Front bumper recently replaced. USED FOR • Equipped with water tank for watering hanging baskets and planters • Plowing cul-de-sacs and trails DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with 1-ton pickup • Plowing and towing package (9’2” plow) STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F350 pickup for estimated net cost of $34,081 after $4,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2004 FORD F350 1-TON PICKUP (8336) DESCRIPTION • 84,100 miles • Purchase Price: $26,410 • CIP Replacement Price: $35,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $37,899 • Estimated Salvage Value: $4,000 CONDITION • 12 years old • Overall score: 31 • Condition score: 4.0 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $7,257 • Maintenance needed: Significant rust on box, fenders and plow face. Needs new step bars. USED FOR • Daily Public Works fleet unit • Plowing cul-de-sacs and trails DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with 1-ton pickup • Plowing and towing package (8’2” plow) STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase F350 pickup for estimated net cost of $33,899 after $4,000 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2002 SINGLE -AXLE DUMP TRUCK (8433) DESCRIPTION • 73,600 miles • Purchase Price: $104,867 • CIP Replacement Price: $195,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $198,172 • Quoted Trade Value: $31,194 CONDITION • 15 years old • Overall score: 33 • Condition score: 4.5 (extreme wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $31,716 • Maintenance needed: Frame and rear springs have significant rust. Rusted rear brake cans will need to be replaced. Many engine components rusted. Needs fuel injectors. Hole in gas tank has already been welded. Dashboard and front grill are both coming loose. Air horn doesn’t work. USED FOR • Plowing • Hauling gravel, dirt, asphalt, etc. DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with similar single-axle dump truck STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase single-axle dump truck for estimated net cost of $166,978 after $31,194 trade-in of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2005 TANDEM -AXLE DUMP TRUCK (8435) DESCRIPTION • 81,850 miles • Purchase Price: $161,609 • CIP Replacement Price: $225,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $224,764 • Quoted Trade Value: $49,000 CONDITION • 11 years old • Overall score: 32 • Condition score: 4.5 (extreme wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $50,413 • Maintenance needed: Front plow is bent and frame is very rusty. Needs engine valve train repair very soon (intake valve actuator replacement). Needs hydraulic filter housing replacement. Rear fender brackets are rusted and falling off. Will need front axle tires and one rear axle tire before next snow season. USED FOR • Plowing • Hauling gravel, dirt, asphalt, etc. DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with similar tandem-axle dump truck STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase single-axle dump truck for estimated net cost of $175,764 after $49,000 trade-in of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 2001 NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR (8409) & DITCH MOWER (0177) DESCRIPTION • 3,150 hours • Purchase cost: $156,448 (tractor and mower combined) • CIP Replacement Price: $125,000 (tractor only, mower accidentally omitted) • Quoted Replacement Price: $183,671 • Quoted Trade Value: $38,000 CONDITION • 14.5 years old • Overall score: 39 • Overall condition score: 5.0 (extreme wear, numerous deficiencies) • Maintenance costs to-date: $66,945 (tractor and mower combined) • Maintenance needed: Rust on hood. Metal shavings in hydraulic fluid indicate bearings or bushings beginning to fail (estimated cost to repair up to $8,000 and two weeks of downtime). Ditch mower main frame cracked and welded in many spots. Mower wing is bent and one mower shaft worn at bearing mount (one wing not usable). USED FOR • Ditch mowing • Plowing parking lots (with plow attachment) and trails (with blower attachment) G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Replace with John Deere tractor with ditch mower attachment • Mower attachment to allow in-house clearing of volunteer growth around ponds, as required by MS4 General Permit STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase John Deere tractor for estimated net cost of $145,671 after $38,000 trade- in of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 1990 EQUIPMENT TRAILER (0514) DESCRIPTION • Purchase cost: $8,994 • CIP Replacement Price: $12,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $23,338 • Estimated Salvage Value: $1,800 CONDITION • 26 years old • Overall score: n/a • Overall condition score: 3 (moderate wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $4,009 • Maintenance needed: Needs new flooring/decking USED FOR • Hauling pavement roller and other large equipment to job sites DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • 24 feet long x 8.5 feet wide • Oak decking STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase similar unit for estimated net cost of $21,538 after $1,800 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 1995 BOBCAT TRAILER (0516) DESCRIPTION • Purchase cost: $3,751 • CIP Replacement Price: $12,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: $9,298 • Estimated Salvage Value: $700 CONDITION • 21 years old • Overall score: n/a • Overall condition score: 4.5 (extreme wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $6,596 • Maintenance needed: Rear trailer cross-members rusted through (entire back end needs to be re-fabricated/replaced). Needs new flooring/decking. USED FOR • Hauling bobcats to job sites DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • 16 feet long x 8.5 feet wide • Oak decking STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase similar unit for estimated net cost of $8,598 after $700 auction of current unit • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 1991 SHOP HOIST (0001) DESCRIPTION • Purchase cost: $4,905 • CIP Replacement Price: $8,000 • Quoted Replacement Price: TBD • Estimated Salvage Value: $0 CONDITION • 25.5 years old • Overall score: n/a • Overall condition score: 4 (significant wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $325 • Maintenance needed: Weak hydraulic pump. Manufacturer no longer in business. Does not handle new squads safely; can only be used safely on smaller sedans. This type of underbody lift is necessary because it is the only type that allows access to tires/wheels (other hoist lifts from the tires). USED FOR • Routine maintenance of smaller fleet vehicles DESIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT UNIT • Stationary underbody lift rated for pickups, SUVs and sedans STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Purchase underbody lift for estimated net cost of $10,000 (cost TBD) • Funding from Equipment CIP Fund G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Purchase Recommendation Report 2016.docx 1999 PORTABLE GENERATOR (8057) DESCRIPTION • Purchase cost: $49,458 • CIP Replacement Price: $60,000 • Estimated Salvage Value: $5,000 CONDITION • 20 years old • Overall score: n/a • Overall condition score: 2 (slight wear) • Maintenance costs to-date: $5,770 • Maintenance needed: None USED FOR • Portable backup power for City wells and lift stations STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Do not replace at this time. Defer replacement until 2019. Unit is expected to be serviceable until that time. Updated 12/31/15 Vehicle ID Description Service Type Rating Condition Rating Critical Function Rating Purchase Date Purchase Cost * Estimated Replacement Cost Years Since Purchase Scheduled Replacement Year (CIP) Recommended Replacement Year Age Rating Current Mileage or Hours Mileage Rating Total Maintenance Costs M&R Rating Reliability Rating Total Rating Condition Category 0001 Shop Hoist n/a 4 n/a 01/01/91 $4,905 $8,000 25.0 n/a 2016 n/a n/a n/a $325 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0516 Bobcat Trailer n/a 4.5 n/a 04/06/95 $3,751 $12,000 20.8 n/a 2016 n/a n/a n/a $6,596 n/a n/a n/a n/a 0514 Paver Trailer n/a 3 n/a 01/01/90 $8,994 $12,000 26.0 2015 2016 n/a n/a n/a $4,009 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8057 Generator n/a 2 n/a 05/17/96 $49,458 $60,000 19.7 2016 2016 n/a 374 n/a $5,768 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8303 Dakota - Inspections 1 5 1 03/27/99 $18,206 $25,000 16.8 2016 2016 17 52,361 5 $5,656 3 1 33 IV 8306 Pick Up F350 Dump 2 5 2 04/02/99 $40,914 $50,000 16.8 2016 2016 17 54,807 5 $11,827 2 1 34 IV 8311 Pick Up F350 2 4.5 2 05/08/03 $26,314 $35,000 12.7 2016 2016 13 80,480 8 $6,505 2 1 32 IV 8312 Pick Up F350 2 4.5 2 05/08/03 $26,170 $35,000 12.7 2016 2016 13 75,602 7 $10,125 3 1 32 IV 8334 Pick Up F350 2 4 2 02/24/03 $27,264 $35,000 12.9 2016 2016 13 66,887 6 $11,922 4 1 32 IV 8336 Pick Up F350 2 4.5 2 05/05/04 $26,410 $35,000 11.7 2016 2016 12 84,097 8 $7,257 2 1 31 IV 8343 Pick Up F250 1 4 1 06/12/00 $23,897 $30,000 15.6 2016 2016 16 82,715 8 $11,247 4 1 35 IV 8344 Pick Up F350 Dump 2 4 2 07/06/00 $40,599 $50,000 15.5 2016 2016 16 59,128 5 $15,913 3 1 33 IV 8409 Tractor & Ditch Mower 3 5 2 11/15/01 $156,448 $125,000 14.2 2015 2016 14 3,149 6 $66,945 4 5 39 IV 8433 Dump Single 3 4.5 3 05/21/01 $104,867 $195,000 14.6 2016 2016 15 73,552 4 $31,716 3 1 33 IV 8435 Dump Tandem 3 4.5 3 07/27/05 $161,609 $225,000 10.5 2016 2016 10 82,822 5 $50,413 3 3 32 IV 8613 Focus - Comm Center 1 4.5 1 04/03/00 $13,806 $20,000 15.8 2016 2016 16 41,653 4 $6,575 4 1 31 IV 8614 Taurus - Inspections 1 3.5 1 06/16/05 $13,433 $20,000 10.6 2017 2016 11 53,225 5 $10,497 7 5 33 IV $747,044 $972,000 2016 Total $263,296 8408 Tractor - John Deere 3 4.5 2 08/14/02 $37,963 $100,000 13.4 2015 2017 13 3,785 7 $31,317 8 1 39 IV 8621 Minivan - City Hall 1 3 1 04/01/98 $19,559 $25,000 17.8 2016 2017 18 54,458 5 $4,033 2 1 31 IV 8068 Groundsmaster 3 4 2 03/12/08 $73,653 $85,000 7.8 2017 2017 8 3,425 6 $21,902 2 3 28 III 8310 Pick Up F350 Dump 2 4 2 03/12/03 $43,580 $50,000 12.8 2017 2017 13 47,123 4 $7,367 1 1 27 III 8315 Pick Up F350 2 2 2 05/26/06 $24,252 $35,000 9.6 2018 2017 10 62,312 6 $18,318 7 1 30 III 8333 Pick Up F350 2 3 2 03/05/03 $27,846 $35,000 12.8 2016 2017 13 63,478 6 $11,128 3 1 30 III 8417 Sidewalk Trac 2 3.5 4 11/23/03 $74,336 $100,000 12.1 2016 2017 12 1,191 2 $20,640 2 3 29 III 8444 Sweeper 2 3 2 02/10/05 $143,953 $175,000 10.9 2017 2017 11 2,504 5 $52,391 3 3 29 III 8612 Focus - Inspections 1 2 1 04/03/00 $13,806 $20,000 15.8 2018 2017 16 42,793 4 $4,893 3 1 28 III 8088 6" Trash Pump n/a 3 n/a 01/01/89 $4,256 $20,000 27.0 2016 2017 n/a 1,397 n/a $1,726 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8089 6" Trash Pump n/a 2 n/a 05/19/95 $17,940 $20,000 20.6 2016 2017 n/a 481 n/a $1,408 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8129 Pavement Roller n/a 2 n/a 06/23/03 $29,888 $35,000 12.5 2015 2017 n/a 470 n/a $2,430 n/a n/a n/a n/a 8601 Van - Parks 1 2.5 1 05/22/03 $20,478 $30,000 12.6 2017 2017 13 28,431 2 $4,710 2 1 22 II 8443 Sweeper 2 3 2 02/23/07 $144,197 $175,000 8.9 2017 2017 9 1,678 3 $26,004 1 1 21 II $675,706 $905,000 2017 Total $208,267 Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Equipment Rating 20161109 Updated 12/31/15 Vehicle ID Description Service Type Rating Condition Rating Critical Function Rating Purchase Date Purchase Cost * Estimated Replacement Cost Years Since Purchase Scheduled Replacement Year (CIP) Recommended Replacement Year Age Rating Current Mileage or Hours Mileage Rating Total Maintenance Costs M&R Rating Reliability Rating Total Rating Condition Category Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary 8329 Pick Up F150 Crew Cab 1 2 1 04/14/06 $28,760 $32,000 9.7 2018 2018 10 59,640 5 $13,797 4 1 24 II 8340 Pick Up F350 Dump 2 2 2 06/05/06 $43,334 $50,000 9.6 2018 2018 10 36,559 3 $6,787 1 1 21 II 8346 Pick Up F150 Ex Cab 1 2 1 05/08/06 $24,865 $30,000 9.7 2018 2018 10 44,107 4 $5,777 2 1 21 II 8413 Grader 3 4.5 4 05/16/01 $174,707 $300,000 14.7 2015 2018 15 6,559 6 $79,868 4 3 39 IV 8418 Bobcat 3 2 3 02/27/08 $32,822 $50,000 7.9 2018 2018 8 1,631 3 $9,148 2 1 22 II 8420 Bobcat 3 2 3 05/28/08 $32,416 $50,000 7.6 2018 2018 8 1,433 2 $13,102 4 1 23 II 8436 Dump Single 3 2 3 07/27/05 $126,878 $160,000 10.5 2018 2018 10 47,380 3 $39,785 3 3 27 III 8445 Jetter1 2 2 4 04/10/06 $172,453 $200,000 9.7 2018 2018 10 2,950 3 $27,914 1 3 25 II $636,236 $872,000 2018 Total $196,178 8342 Pick Up F350 w/Crane1 2 2 4 03/23/07 $93,402 $100,000 8.8 2019 2019 9 37,702 3 $16,659 1 3 24 II 8345 Pick Up F350 Utility1 2 2 3 05/18/07 $42,520 $50,000 8.6 2019 2019 9 86,394 8 $13,601 3 1 28 III $135,922 $150,000 2019 Total $30,260 8401 RTV Kubota 2 3.5 4 03/25/04 $12,813 $17,000 11.8 2020 2020 12 1,618 3 $7,096 5 1 30 IV 8430 Dump Single 3 1 3 08/29/08 $156,970 $175,000 7.4 2020 2020 7 32,000 2 $23,750 1 1 18 I 8615 Ranger - Inspections 1 1 1 01/28/08 $17,896 $25,000 7.9 2020 2020 8 46,618 4 $6,355 3 1 19 I $187,679 $217,000 2020 Total $37,201 G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\2016\Equipment Rating 20161109