HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. ExecSumm_compplan E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Port Authority Date: January 19, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Comprehensive Plan Schedule AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.b ATTACHMENTS: Schedule and Map APPROVED BY: K.L. ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information Item ISSUE At the last Port Authority meeting the group discussed having a goal setting meeting and planning out some of the activities for the 2016 year. One of the main goals, from staff’s perspective, is having the Port manage the update for the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount. The Framework was initially approved in July of 2004. As part of the Comprehensive Plan work, and because the plan is obsolete, staff is recommending the Downtown be one of the small group focus areas to be addressed. An overview schedule for the entire update process is provided along with a map illustrating the three small area planning studies staff is proposing. Staff is initiating a planning grant request to ask for funding to defray costs associated with a market study update that would be used for the Downtown Framework Update. The status of the grant will not be known for several months. RECOMMENDATION Information Item. Additional discussion is needed in terms of how to proceed with update. Task Primary*Start End STEP 1 - REVIEW/PREPARATION Overall Project Kickoff PL Jan-16 Feb-16 Demographics and Development Update PL Feb-16 Jun-16 Area Plans/Discussion - Southeast Area and MUSA Expansion PL Feb-16 Dec-16 - Nothern Rural and Transition Areas PL Mar-16 Jan-17 - Downtown Rosemount PA Apr-16 Feb-17 Specific Area Plan Tasks - Identify Area Boundaries PL Feb-16 - Develop Stakeholder Group PL Feb-16 - Meetings with Stakeholder Groups PL Feb-16 Nov-16 Review of Key Issues (Umore, Area Plans, Public Participation, etc.)PL Mar-16 Aug-16 Develop Sketch of Updated Land Use Plan PL Mar-16 Jun-16 STEP 2 - DRAFTING Individual Section Preparation - Exectutive Summary/Intro PL Mar-16 Aug-16 - Community Background/Demographics PL Feb-16 Aug-16 - Housing PL Apr-16 Oct-16 - Economic Competitiveness PA Apr-16 Dec-16 - Community Facilities PL Mar-16 Dec-16 - Environmental and Natural Resources PL Mar-16 Nov-16 - Land Use PL Mar-16 Mar-17 - Transportation PW Jun-16 May-17 - Water Resources PW Jun-16 May-17 - Utilities PW Jun-16 Jun-17 - Resilience PL Sep-16 Dec-16 - Parks and Trails PR Jun-16 Mar-17 - Implementation PL Nov-16 Jun-17 STEP 3 - REVIEW AND ADOPTION Preliminary Met Council Review PL Jun-17 Sep-17 Planning Commission Hearing PL Oct-17 Dec-17 City Council Action PL Dec-17 Adjacent Community Review PL Dec-17 May-18 Submit to Met Council PL Jun-18 Oct-18 Met Council Approval PL Oct-18 Final Adoption PL Oct-18 Dec-18 * Primary Responsible Entity PL - Planning PA - Port Authorty PW - Public Works PR - Parks and Recreation Ja n ‐16 M a r ‐16 J u n ‐16 S e p ‐16 D e c ‐16 M a r ‐17 J u n ‐17 S e p ‐17 D e c ‐17 M a r ‐18 J u n ‐18 S e p ‐18 ST E P  1  ‐   RE V I E W / P R E P A R A T I O N Ov e r a l l  Pr o j e c t  Ki c k o f f De m o g r a p h i c s  an d  De v e l o p m e n t  Up d a t e Ar e a  Pl a n s / D i s c u s s i o n ‐  SE  Ar e a  an d  MU S A  Ex p a n s i o n ‐  No t h e r n  Ru r a l  an d  Tr a n s i t i o n  Ar e a s ‐  Do w n t o w n  Ro s e m o u n t Sp e c i f i c  Ar e a  Pl a n  Ta s k s ‐  Id e n t i f y  Ar e a  Bo u n d a r i e s ‐  De v e l o p  St a k e h o l d e r  Gr o u p ‐  Me e t i n g s  wi t h  St a k e h o l d e r  Gr o u p s Re v i e w  of  Ke y  Is s u e s De v e l o p  Sk e t c h  of  Up d a t e d  La n d  Us e  Pl a n ST E P  2  ‐   DR A F T I N G In d i v i d u a l  Se c t i o n  Pr e p a r a t i o n ‐  Ex e c t u t i v e  Su m m a r y / I n t r o ‐  Co m m u n i t y  Ba c k g r o u n d / D e m o g r a p h i c s ‐  Ho u s i n g ‐  Ec o n o m i c  Co m p e t i t i v e n e s s ‐  Co m m u n i t y  Fa c i l i t i e s ‐  En v i r o n m e n t a l  an d  Na t u r a l  Re s o u r c e s ‐  La n d  Us e ‐  Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n ‐  Wa t e r  Re s o u r c e s ‐  Ut i l i t i e s ‐  Re s i l i e n c e ‐  Pa r k s  an d  Tr a i l s ‐  Im p l e m e n t a t i o n ST E P  3  ‐   RE V I E W  AN D  AD O P T I O N Pr e l i m i n a r y  Me t  Co u n c i l  Re v i e w Pl a n n i n g  Co m m i s s i o n  He a r i n g Ci t y  Co u n c i l  Ac t i o n Ad j a c e n t  Co m m u n i t y  Re v i e w Su b m i t  to  Me t  Co u n c i l Me t  Co u n c i l  Ap p r o v a l Fi n a l  Ad o p t i o n SMALL NEIGHBORHOOD STUDY AREAS AG AgricultureDT DowntownNC Neighborhood CommercialRC Regional Commercial CC Community CommercialAGR Agricultural ResearchRR Rural ResidentialLDR Low Density Residential TR Transitional ResidentialMDR Medium Density ResidentialHDR High Density ResidentialPI Public/Institutional PO Existing Parks/Open SpaceBP Business ParkLI Light IndustrialGI General IndustrialWM Waste Management 2020 MUSA Line2030 MUSA Line Path: T:\GIS\City\Maps\Departmental Maps\CommunityDevelopment\Land Use - Small Neighborhood Study Areas.mxd Date Saved: January 2016 Last Approved: April 15, 2015 NORTH CENTRAL SESIDE DOWNTOWN