HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151214 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION
December 14, 2015
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utilit�- Cominission meeting of the Cin� of
Rosemount was called to ordeY on December 14, 2015, at 5:37 p.m. in the Conference Room of the
City Hall, 2875 145`h Street West, Rosemount.
President Speich called the meeting to order with Coininissioners Connolly and 1�1cDonald, Public
Works Director Wrase, City rldministrator Johnson, Public Works Coordinator Watson, Council
I�lember Demuth, and Recording Secretary I�ladar attending. Rosemount l�iayor Droste arrived at
5:45 p.m.
Motion by 1�icDonald. Second by Connolly.
Motion to approve the minutes of the No�-ember 16, 2015 LTtilit�� Commission meeting.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
6.a. Splash Pad Water Usage
Wrase summarized the item regarding city water use including the splash pad. Watson explained
that there are two meters which are attributed to splash pad use but one of the meters is actually for
Erickson Park irrigation. A corrected irrigation summary was distributed. Watson further pointed
out that irrigation at Erickson South was Yeduced due to the installation of the tennis courts.
Demuth noted that there are currendy three fields in use at the Flint Hills �thleuc Complex but
there will eventually be seven. She noted that in the past she suggested an irrigation well similar to
that used at UMore. Demuth estimates the cost of an irrigauon well to be between $50,000 and
$100,000. There was discussion of such a well being a potential future capital project and possibl�-
including it as part of the new fields.
Wrase referred to the 2014 WSB Technical 1�lemorandum for options regarcling splash pad water.
Option 1 is a recirculation system that involves an underground storage tank where water is
disinfected and sanitized before recirculating back to the splash pad. The cost of this option is
$258,000 with an annual espense of$16,000. Option 2 is a flow through system to sanitary at a cost
of$62,000 with an annual eYpense of$20,800 and ma�� require a lift station.
Option 3.A (a flow through system to Erickson Pond) is currendy used at the splash pad. The
upfront cost of this option was $0 with an annual eYpense of�13,740. The alternate options of the
flow through to Erickson Pond include 3.B which flows to an infiltration trench with a cost of
�86,000 with an annual eYpense of�13,740. Option 3.C.1 would flow through for irrigation re-use
with a cost of�111,000 with an annual expense of$13,740. Lasdy, Option 3.C.2 would flow
through with irrigation use from a storage tank at a cost of$276,000 with an annual cost of�13,740.
Demuth inquired whether anybody had been checking pond levels. Wrase noted there was a small
variation from day to day which doesn't significandy impact pond storage. He noted that the pond
maintains a normal level and if the City were to start drawing down it would reduce elevation.
Demuth inquired whether the Citv should seek other quotes on the cost of getting the water out of
the pond. She also noted that the Vermillion Ri�-er Watershed�vould potentially� pro�ide grant
money if the City was to reuse the water.
The Mayor noted that in 2010 (a dry year), the city used 30,000,000 gallons to irrigate and said it
would make people feel good if they knew we were reusing the water. Wrase is concerned that if the
season was dry� the pond�vould be dra�vn down too far as some of the water would be lost to
infiltration unless the storage tank option is used. Demuth will look into the grant options for�vater
re-use. Wrase will get more details on the various water re-use options and report back at the neYt
There�vas general discussion about the master irrigation controller�vhich the Cit�-will be purchasing
which includes moisture sensors and can be operated remotely. This system will increase the City's
efficiency regarding irrigation.
6.b. 1.5MG Storage Tank and Booster
Wrase summarized the status of the 1.5I�iG Storage Tank and Booster and pro�-ided the plans for
review. The plant is set up as iron manganese treatment plant and the lay�out was for gravity
filtration. There has been previous Council discussion about potentially adding softening. Wrase
noted there are current three plants envisioned, southwest, southeast and northwest areas. If
softening is added the footprint of the plant�vould change. l�Ta��or inquired�vhether it�vould make
more sense to have one large plant rather than three smaller ones. Demuth noted she was hoping
Met Council would help pay for cost of softening as it would eliminate the salt brine discharge.
Mayor noted if that even if Rosemount did soften the water, the brine discharge�vould continue as
surrounding cities use one outfall. Demuth�vould like to explore the issue of softening water.
Wrase noted that 1�1et Council isn't treating for chlorides and if the le�-els are oaer 200 the water
can't be used for anything.
PYesident Speich had nothing to report.
8.a. City Projects Update
The attached project report was reviewed and Wrase provided a brief summary. Well 1G blasting
has been completed and pump testing will start in mid-December. Regarding Danbury Way,Wrase
reported there are three property owners who signed up for rain gardens. The 1.5I�IG tank final
plans are being prepared and the project will be bid in January and online by end of the year. Wells
4 and 5 sealing project was awarded to Keys. The Ciry is waiting for the construction schedule to
proceed with abandonment of well 4 and if it is suitable to be converted to an obser�-ation well.
East Side Utility Study is underway to examine eYtensions of utility service necessar�� to prepare
southeast portion of the City for development.
8.b. 2015 Well Pumping Report
The attached report was reviewed. There was discussion about the rainfall, 10 day snow melt and
pond management. Wrase reported that the ne�ver portion of the citt� has been designed to
accommodate 100 y�ear rain event. Some areas in the south�vest portion of to�vn don't ha�-e same
level of freeboard and mav not accommodate such an e�-ent.
l�fayor inquired about status of Vermillion Ri�er Watershed Stud�- and the potential stormwater
pipe. Wrase reported that modeling has been done and a storm hy�drological will be run o�er the
entire basin and to determine what the flow would be from Rosemount to�-arious points. The
representati��es from`'ermillion Ri�-er are agreeable to entertaining a eariance from City regarding
increasing the outfall from certain locations. The City could potentially get a variance and
contribute to developing additional ponding outside the ciry limits. Wrase added there is some
capacity to the south but there is a pipe heading east which is bulkheaded at rlkron and Connemara.
Wrase noted that a solution can be engineered for the overflo�v.
8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for January 25, 2016
Wrase will provide more details on the splash pad water re-use options and will provide any updates
from Barr Engineering regarding the Verinillion Rieer Watershed study.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by President Speich at 6:35
Respectfully submitted,
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Karin Kladar
Recording Secretary