HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the January 11, 2016 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday, January 11, 2016 beginning at 6:32 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Nelson, and Weisensel. Council Member Demuth was absent. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Recording Secretary Roudebush, Public Works Director Wrase, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Public Works Coordinator Watson, Public Works Supervisor Koslowski, and Fire Chief Schroeder. Guests included Dakota County Engineer Mark Krebsbach, Assistant County Engineer Brian Sorenson, and Dakota County Commissioner Nancy Schouweiler. STAFF UPDATE DISCUSSION 2.A. Annual Meeting with Dakota County Transportation Representatives Public Works Director Wrase thanked Mark Krebsbach, Brian Sorenson, and Nancy Schouweiler for attending the meeting to provide an update on various roadway improvement projects for Dakota County that impact Rosemount. TH 52/ CSAH 42 Interchange and Intersection Improvements Mr. Krebsbach thanked Community Development Director Lindquist and Public Works Director Wrase for their hard work on the TED grant application for the 42/52 Interchange. He stated that they were awarded $3.1 million for 42/52 interchange project last week. Mr. Sorenson stated that construction will begin in 2017. They will need to assess how it will affect the traffic in the area. There are two options for construction and staging. The first option would be to leave traffic open as much as possible on County Road 42, but would be longer construction time, possibly two construction seasons. Option two would involve closing down traffic on CR 42 at the bridges and direct Hwy 52 traffic to the on/off ramps, this option would have a shorter construction time. He also stated that they will need to factor in cost and also need to secure right- of-ways. Public Works Director Wrase stated he attended the stakeholder’s meeting; at first attendees thought using on/off ramps would not be a viable option but most came around at the end and thought it was the best choice. Council Member Nelson inquired of the cost savings in one year project vs. two year project. Mr. Sorenson said they weren’t sure at this point. But he did state that if traffic was shifted to one of the bridges improvements would have to be made prior to the start of construction to account for the increase in traffic. Council Member DeBettignies verified that MnDOT has been involved and approves of the project. Mr. Krebsbach confirmed they have been involved and approve the project. 6.a. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 Mayor Droste inquired if traffic was directed to the off ramps when the improvements were done in Cannon Falls. Mr. Krebsbach stated he wasn’t sure but that improvements would need to be made to the on/off ramps prior to work on the bridge and that would be a lot to fit into one construction season. Fire Chief Schroeder stated that rescue personnel would have to use CR 46 to access the east side of Rosemount. Everything on the east side is already critical and Inver Grove and Hastings would need to be on alert. However, neither department is trained on internal firefighting on the east side businesses. They will make it work but prefer a one year plan vs. the two year. Council Member Nelson inquired when the cost analysis will be complete and the decision announced. Mr. Sorensen stated it would be about a month. City Administrator Johnson noted that additional road widening and left turn lanes would be added to CR 42 east of the interchange as a part of the $3.1 million grant just received. Council Member DeBettignies inquired where the four lanes would be extended to on CR 42. Mr. Sorenson stated it would be just east of Conley Avenue, just before the golf course. DeBettignies inquired if there would be a turn lane east of the four lanes. Mr. Sorenson stated that the median from the four lanes would become the left turn lane, and then it would eventually taper back down to a two lane road. Mr. Krebsbach stated that the county is in charge of engineering and pricing will be taken into account on how the lanes will be constructed east of Hwy 52. Council Member DeBettignies inquired how the portion of city expenses is determined. Mr. Krebsbach stated that actual policy dates back to the 1970’s, the cities and counties both need to adjust to growth and that is where the 45/55 cost sharing is necessary. That split is on primary cost; there will be additional tear downs as well. State and federal aids will be taken off the cost first then costs split between the county and city. The City’s share won’t be a straight 45%. They are estimating the city’s portion to be around $1.7 million, which is about 10% of total cost of the project. The average cost for a city’s cost is usually about 17% across the county for similar types of projects. The County will do cost participation for the project to give a snapshot across the county. Council Member Nelson inquired how many county roads in Rosemount vs. other cities in the county. Public Works Coordinator Watson stated that there are 25 miles of county maintained roads within Rosemount. There are a total of 420 miles of county roads within Dakota County. Mr. Krebsbach stated that Phase II will be lowered on the County’s priority list; development hasn’t happened to drive the need for the clover leafs. The city and county also need to develop local roads first, and access would be affected to the interstate. Council Member Weisensel questioned why the priority would be lowered. Mr. Krebsbach stated there are two levels of priorities; first is sight lines which would be addressed with the widening of CR 42. Once congestion increases it would drive it back up on the priority list, but wouldn’t come ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 off the list. Second priority is safety issues, which is where the highest priority has been and will also be addressed with the widening of CR 42, so priority would be lowered as well. Mayor Droste stated that just the priority of Phase II, the construction of the ramps and clover leafs, would be lowered. They’re using the funds for the most important part of the project. Mr. Krebsbach stated that Dakota County needs beyond 2025 have zero dollars allotted for improvements. There are currently about $425-490 million in projects that aren’t funded in Dakota County. It will be hard to get future funding so we need to do what we can now. The Council agrees to lower the priority of Phase II on the county list. City Administrator Johnson put into perspective what $2 million would mean to the City; it would mean about two years of no other roadway projects for city. Mr. Krebsbach stated that there are other options to get funding, like truck highway bonds and general obligation bonds. There is also a local improvement program, where local county or city is willing to lead the project, solicitation process is every 2 years. Mr. Sorenson stated this project is the first phase and will help get us one step closer to final vision. Council is interested in working with county when the next solicitation occurs. Pine Bend Corridor Study Mr. Sorenson stated that the study has gone on longer than anticipated, mostly dealing with neighboring concerns. The recommendation for the short term plan on Akron Avenue is to pave all the way to Cliff Road. The longer term plan would realign 73 to the east. Realigning can’t happen now because of cost to acquire land, as one property in the process of being mined for valuable aggregate. They want to allow Bituminous Roadways to complete their current mining plan. One key to this approach would be to get right-of-ways from Flint Hills, an important element that needs to be worked out now. City Administrator Johnson stated that Flint Hills is about to have a change in leadership. He also inquired when this would come to the cities for approval. Mr. Sorenson stated they need to walk through recommendations with an Inver Grove Heights neighborhood. The next step would be a workshop with both cities to get recommendations before formal adoption, looking at March or April for city approvals. Mayor Droste confirmed that none of the city’s athletic fields would be removed. Mr. Sorenson stated the road would run just north of the fields. It would be too tight of a curve and pushed into Shafer’s mining. Mr. Krebsbach stated there are many variables to work out, as it could be 20 years before this plan pans out, but it would be necessary to pave Akron Avenue before then. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 City Administrator Johnson stated in the long range this project opens up access to the 117th street interchange on Highway 52 for Rosemount residents. CSAH 42/145th Street Mr. Sorenson gave a look into crash history for this intersection; 2012 - 3 crashes, 2013 - 2 crashes, and 2014 - 1 crash. They won’t have 2015 crash numbers until later, though we could ask police chief for 2015 rates. The crash number is a little higher than typical side street intersection and lower than at a signal. Long term plan is to add traffic control; crashes might go up with new signal. County will continue to monitor the intersection. Council Member Nelson is concerned about left turns on to CR 42; right turn can’t see and cut off. Mr. Krebsbach stated that most likely the left turn lane would be removed and only able to turn right at this intersection. Mayor Droste inquired if then a light would be added at Biscayne Avenue. Mr. Krebsbach stated that could possibly get a credit and wouldn’t have to pay for the signal. Mr. Sorenson stated that Biscayne Avenue operates fine currently, but make adjustments as traffic on Business Parkway increases. They could add to program in 2017, and thinks Biscayne Avenue signal and 145th Street traffic change would need to be bundled together as one project. Council Member Debettignies inquired as to why are there no arrow chevrons on the curve heading east on CR 42. Mr. Sorenson stated that the curve is designed for 55 speed limits; advisory speed limits have been added and helped slow traffic. Mr. Krebsbach stated that there has been good success when transitioning from higher speeds to lower speeds, and they will look at data to see what has been happening over the last several years. CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road) Mr. Sorenson stated that the county has received funds to add a center turn lane on McAndrews Road in 2018. $1.1 million in federal funds will help to support the project. Drainage is a big issue; right-of-way acquisitions are still needed. The project design has begun, though they may have to hire a consultant if it gets too complicated. Mr. Krebsbach stated that Anna Wills had constituents bring this to her attention. East/West Transit Study Mr. Krebsbach stated that an RFQ will be going out in the next few weeks to hire a consultant for the study. There are different transit providers across the corridors, and the County will need to work with transit providers to make improvements and how to make it seamless across two service areas. Mayor Droste noted that MTVA is adding two routes on Hwy 52 into St. Paul. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 Council Member DeBettignies noted that he thinks the solution should be similar to Bloomington’s B line. He also stated that syncing of lights is important, and noted that the Cedar Avenue lights are synced nicely. Mayor Droste inquired how we can make the job easier for county. Ms. Schouweiler stated that the City of Rosemount has been a great partner to work with. Mr. Sorenson stated that meetings like this help county as well. Early discussions help solve problems early on. Mr. Krebsbach stated that there is a great relationship between the City of Rosemount and Dakota County. He appreciates the time taken just to sit down with staff. 2.B. 2016 Proposed Public Works Equipment Purchases Public Works Director Wrase stated staff recommends the items listed on the Executive Summary to be replaced in 2016. Replacements are based on scoring achieved on the Public Works Fleet Evaluation Matrix. Equipment with a condition score of 30 or greater is recommended to be considered for replacement Mr. Wrase gave a short background on some of the equipment being replaced. Council Member DeBettignies inquired why the change from double axle to a single axle. Public Works Supervisor Koslowski stated they are trying to make things simpler. Mayor Droste questioned why Code Inspection would need a 4-wheel drive vehicle; the standard has gone from fuel efficient vehicles to larger vehicles. Public Works Coordinator Watson states that the Taurus is getting 17 mph and Escape would beat the mpg of the Taurus. Council Member Weisensel stated that maintenance would cost more for an SUV. Ms. Watson stated that staff has trouble getting into the site with a two wheel drive, having to go off-site to do commercial inspections. The current vehicle that Park and Rec has was handed down to them. They need a larger vehicle to carry cargo and travel with multiple staff. This will also serve as the backup vehicle to use for the puppet wagon, as well as hauling people to events like fishing events. Currently they have to get a vehicle from Public Works to use. They also need to transport equipment from the community center to the Steeple Center. Council Member Weisensel commented that the mileage is low for the age of vehicle. Mayor Droste also commented that we are buying vehicles that will run for 100,000 miles. Mr. Wrase reminded council that usage is commercial usage, hot/cold starts, and short trips. Mr. Koslowski stated that staff is in and out a truck 6 or more times a day, seats are worn need to replace. Also, he stated lower mileage is helpful when selling the vehicle. Mayor Droste inquired about leasing vehicle vs. purchase for light duty vehicles. Wrase stated that about two years ago the city looked at leasing, after a 3 year lease you have already paid roughly 75% of the cost. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 Council Member Weisensel inquired about vehicle maintenance. Wrase stated that most maintenance is done in house. The maintenance cost listed includes labor cost as well. Council Member Nelson inquired if there would be any cost saving by having oil changes done elsewhere. Ms. Watson stated that 90-95% of mechanic’s time is dedicated to working on a vehicle. Council Member Nelson inquired if the current trailers are made of steel and if we track the miles put on a trailer. Mr. Wrase stated that the trailer would be replaced with another steel trailer, as the cost is more for aluminum trailer. Mr. Koslowski stated that the smaller trailer pulls the Bobcat so aluminum wouldn’t be feasible, but maybe aluminum for hauling mowers. He also stated that repairs can’t be made to aluminum trailers. He also stated that they are currently not tracking mileage on trailers but could if council wanted it. Council Member Weisensel inquired if could extend item 8343, the 2000 Ford F250 ¾ Ton Pickup, last another year by replacing tires. Mr. Wrase said that it is an option. The truck is 16 years old, 4 years past what is an optimum, and it’s really a roll of the dice. Ms. Watson reviewed the repair and expense history on the truck. Weisensel also inquired why we are replacing the New Holland Tractor with a John Deere, as John Deere’s are more expensive. Mr. Koslowski stated that the New Holland is no longer available. They would prefer to have this model due to the capabilities of the tractor. John Deere is what is on the state contract. Mayor Droste inquired if renting a mower would be more cost effective. Mr. Koslowski stated that it is used for ditch mowing for 2-3 times a year for about week and a half each time but it is also used for snow blowing. The current snow blower attachment will be kept and used on new tractor. Council Member Nelson inquired why not try to auction off the vehicles instead of trading them in. Ms. Watson stated that the larger items will be traded in and smaller vehicles will be auctioned. In the past they have had trouble selling a loader and did not get the trade in value at auction. Ms. Watson stated that the values listed are conservative salvage values, and is confident they will get more at auction. Council Member Weisensel inquired if there is anything that can be done to extend the life of the equipment. He also asked if there are any metrics that can be shared to show the citizen the value of the equipment as well as City vs. industry standards. He wants to ensure that the council is being a good steward for the residents. Mr. Koslowski stated that buying smarter and evaluating when smaller equipment can do the job. Mayor Droste inquired if it would a better financial decision to contract ditch mowing instead of purchasing equipment. Ms. Watson pointed out that we would be losing a plowing unit if we get rid of the ditch mower. Mayor Droste stated that in the past attachments were purchased and never used when the equipment was sold, doesn’t want that to happen again. Council members stated that they would like to keep one of the vehicles to use for community engagement events, the Public Works Director and Public Works Coordinator will determine which vehicle will be kept. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 11, 2016 Council Member Nelson inquired what the City’s policy is on cell phone usage in city vehicles. Staff was unsure and would look into it to ensure we are complying with it, as well as state laws. Mr. Koslowski stated that when staff is plowing they use two way radios to communicate. Fire Chief Schroeder was also on hand to discuss the two vehicles that the Fire Department needs to replace in 2016. Rescue Truck #1 is not user friendly and would be replaced with a rescue pumper. It would function as a frontline pumper and easily transitions from fire and rescue to medical emergencies. Cost is about $250,000. Council inquired about the high cost of the truck. Chief Schroeder stated that it is mini fire truck; the rescue trucks have a very limited use, haul personnel and rescue. The second item that needs to be replaced is one of the pickup trucks; the current one isn’t large enough to haul fire hose. Council Member Nelson inquired if it would be a 2 or 4 door. Chief Schroeder stated that it is needed to haul hose not personnel, they would keep current truck in the fleet to transport personnel. UPDATES City Administrator Johnson inquired who will attend the meeting with Nininger Township to discuss the annexation. He stated it will mostly be a fact finding meeting. Council Members reviewed goal setting notes and agreed to go forward with the goals discussed. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz reminded everyone about that Steeple Center Ribbon Cutting Monday Feb 1st at 5:00 pm. Council Member DeBettignies mentioned that he has followed up with a resident who had emailed him about shoving snow in the street. Mayor Droste commended the work done by Rosemount Police Department and the Dakota County Electronic Crimes Task Force to help solve a crime involving city youth. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Roudebush, Recording Secretary