HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Water Conservation Efforts � ROSEMQI..�� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: February 22, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Water Conservation Efforts AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer and Christine Watson, Public AGEND NO. Works Coordinator ,�' . ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ISSUE Concern about the increasing demand on our groundwater supply is motivating local governing bodies to implement new conservation efforts. In 2010,with guidance from the I�fetropolitan r�rea Water Supply Advisory Coininittee (l��WSAC), the Met Council developed a I�iaster Water Supply Plan. This document,which was updated in 2015, provides information about key water supply issues throughout the metro region,with guidance on how to address them. The City of Rosemount has an acu�e interest in utilizing this document to help reduce water consumption in City facilities and throughout the community. BACKGROUND The City recognizes the unportance of conserving water and educating our citizens to be responsible stewards of our natural resources. Numerous conservation efforts ha�-e already�been unplemented in the Ciry,including: • Lawn sprinkling restrictions • Tiered water rates (rates and tiers adjusted for 2016) • r�n annual newsletter article targeting conservation • A City website page devoted to water conservation • r�n informational flyer a�ailable online and in the City Hall lobby • Annual discussions with Fifth Grade classes at Rosemount Elementary • r1 water efficiency rebate program that�vill begin 1�larch 1, 2016 • A master irrigation control system that will be installed this year is expected to reduce water usage at City facilities by 20-25% annually (approsimately 5 million gallons per year) G:\Water�20160222 UC Water Conservation Efforts.docx While these efforts aYe worthwhile and effective, more can be done. There are many other ways for the City to reduce its own water consumption, as well as help educate citizens and morivate them to become a more active part of the solution. The following items are possible iniriatives that can be added to our current conservation efforts: • Explore water re-use at the Central Park Splash Pad (in progress) • Explore stormwater and/or treated effluent re-use for irrigation and other non-potable uses (in progress;proposal from WSB for LCCMR grant applicarion to fund a study) • Distribute targeted educational material to second meter households • Distribute targeted educarional material to irrigation system permit applicants • Annually mail letters to the top 10% of residenrial water users (appro�nately 650 households) comparing their use to the average household • Include an informational insert with utility bills • r,ctively enforce the sprinkling restrictions (include a monetary penalry) • Enhance the City webpage with new information, and draw attention to it with a news flash and/or Mayor press release • Provide credits to businesses that agree to have their irrigauon systems controlled by� our master controller Some of these efforts can be unplemented relatively�quickly and with litde cost. Others may potentially require additional staffing or utilizing external resources. Staff is interested in discussing the feasibility and potenrial effectiveness of these initiatives, as well as prioritizing both the existing and potenrial new efforts. SUMMARY Staff is providing this information for discussion purposes; no formal action is required. G:\Water�20160222 UC Water Conservation Efforts.docx