HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. LLCMR 2017 Funding Application � ROSEMO[..I1�1T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL Utility Commission Meeting: February 22, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: LCCMR 2017 Funding Application AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. Works/City Engineer � - �t ATTACHMENTS: WSB Proposal, MCES Chloride data sheet APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of a Funding Application to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) BACKGROUND In 2015, the City of Rosemount and WSB submitted an application for 2016 Grant funding for an Integrated Water Management Plan (IWI�� for the ciry of Rosemount to the Legislarive-Cirizen Commission on l�linnesota Resources (LCCl�fR). The source of the Grant funds is from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF). The application was prepared joindy for Rosemount, Lino Lakes and Hugo as each community uses groundwater as the source of water for their municipal water systems and is each is interested in minimizing aquifer impact while maYimizing reuse potential. The application for 2016 was not awarded funding. WSB has provided a proposal to assist the City of Rosemount with the preparation and submittal of an application for LCCMR funding in 2017. Staff and WSB are scheduled to meet with the 1�1et Council to discuss the development of a collaboYative application by the City and Met Council for a similar Rosemount specific submittal seeking funding in 2017. If the application is successful, the funding will be utilized to prepare an IWM Plan for the City of Rosemount. The IWM will create a policy and implementation links between drinking water, surface water, groundwater, stormwater and wastewater to develop water programs that meet local and regional sustainabiliry goals. The intended focus of the Plan will be the UMore site, currendy being marketed for development by the University of Minnesota. Additional opportunities for re-use of storm water and treated wastewater beyond UMore are also proposed to be evaluated. The research conducted will examine the potential for reuse of treated water from the l�letropolitan Council Environmental Services (1�10ES) Empire plant (average of 10 l�1GD) that flows direcdy adjacent to the Ul�lore site before discharging to the l�Zississippi River. Discussions with I�fetropolitan Council Environmental Services (1�TCES) staff ha�-e occurred in the past concerning the reuse possibilities. I�10ES staff has indicated that reuse possibilities for the Empire effluent are limited due to the high chloride concentration present in the empire effluent. Suitable irrigation water must contain less than 100 mg/1 of Chloride. The Chloride concentration from the Empire plant is typically 489 mg/1. MCES staff has indicated that irrigation reuse oY industrial reuse is not possible without additional treatment, typically reverse osmosis. 1�ICES staff has indicated that implementing reverse osmosis would develop a cost of over$10/1000 gallons or approxirnately 4 times higher than the current Rosemount irrigation water rate. C::AE?NC:PROJ\}?NC:01G9-]ntc�;ratcd Watcr Managcmcnt\r1 20160223 U"1'COi�I LCC�1R Gxant:�pplication.docx WSB has submitted a proposal to prepare the application materials on behalf of Rosemount. The proposal would prepare an application to the LCCMR seeking$250,000 for the development of the IW1�1 Plan. A professional services fee of$5,700 has been estimated by WSB to prepare the LCCI�IR Application. Engineering staff would like to open a discussion with the Utilities Commissioners regarding the IW1�1 Plan and Grant rlpplication. While there is no guarantee that the application will be accepted for funding,if it were, the Plan will help to document the potential for water reuse and the economic realities of water reuse projects within the city of Rosemount. With the continued growth and development in the 1�Tetro region and the increased demand on water supply and water resources, the Plan will be valuable in idenufying potential economically feasible projects and documenting the efforts of the city of Rosemount related to water conservation and reuse. SUMMARY Staff is seeking to initiate a discussion with the Utilities Commission regarding a LCC1�1R 2017 Funding Applicauon. 2 - ��� - 540 Gateway Boulevard Burnsville,MN 55337 Tel: 952-737-4660 Fax: 763-541-1700 February 11, 2016 Mr. Patrick Wrase Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal to Provide Services to Develop an Integrated Water Management Plan In Conjunction with a Legislative-Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources Grant Proposal for the City of Rosemount, MN Dear Mr.Wrase: We are submitting for your review the following proposed scope of services to assist the City of Rosemount with an application for funding through the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) to develop an Integrated Water Management (IWM) Plan for the City of Rosemount. Integrated Water Management creates policy and implementation links between drinking water, surface water, groundwater, stormwater, and wastewater to develop water programs that meet local and regional sustainability goals. The goal of an IWM Plan is to address the projected increase in aquifer demands while encouraging economic growth using a sustainable water supply. Having an IWM Plan allows for consistent public communication, provides regulatory guidance, and will make the City of Rosemount a leader in water management. The envisioned IWM Plan in the City of Rosemount will focus specifically on the UMore site and other large water users as well as the potential for treated wastewater effluent reuse. LCCMR Summarv The LCCMR is composed of seventeen individuals appointed by the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Governor. The main function of the LCCMR is to make recommendations to the legislature for the allocation of the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) on an annual basis. The ENRTF provides funding for activities that protect and conserve Minnesota's natural resources. The ENRTF was established in 1963, and has since then provided $900 million in funding for environmental projects. LCCMR grants provide financial support for large environmental initiatives and do not require cost-sharing. The grants are awarded based on LCCMR funding priorities, extent of impacts, and innovation. Water resources is one of seven priorities for 2017 funding. Money from the ENRTF for the 2017 funding can be used beginning July 1,2017. A copy of the expected proposal and funding process timeline is attached for your reference. LCCMR Grant Framework The intent of the LCCMR is to provide opportunities for innovation and research that is likely to have multiple benefits on natural resources or the environment in the State of Minnesota. The City's application will demonstrate that this topic is relevant for local units of government and an important topic for the current political climate at State Capital. It will demonstrate the regional benefits of water reuse and will serve as an example for communities state-wide. It will also describe the urgency for cities to be proactive and involved with water policy and implementation practices in the State. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\03206-010�Admin\Contract\021116 LTF Proposal P Wrase�CCMR Applica[ion.dou M r. Patrick W rase February 11, 2016 Page 2 LCCMR Grant Process and Schedule The submission deadline for 2017 draft funding applications is March 11, 2016 with final proposals due March 21, 2016. During the spring of 2016, all proposals are reviewed, evaluated, and ranked by the LCCMR. In June, the LCCMR selects an unspecified number of top ranked proposals to give presentations. The commission selects a subset of proposals to recommend to the legislature for funding. The selection is based on funding priorities and total funding availability. Between August and November 2016, the projects that have been recommended for funding submit work plans to the LCCMR and undergo peer review. From January to May 2017,the LCCMR presents its recommendations to the legislature as an appropriation bill,the bill is acted upon by the State House and Senate, and the Governor signs the bill into law. Money from the ENRTF can be used beginning July 1, 2017. Anticipated IWM Plan The City of Rosemount's IWM Plan will serve as a comprehensive document for water supply alternatives, water reuse planning, funding, and implementation in the City. The Plan will develop an overall water balance for the City and will examine local, regional, and national rules and their effects on Rosemount's water supply and reuse systems. The City of Rosemount's IWM Plan will include an evaluation and analysis of the water initiatives that Rosemount is currently planning. The following anticipated analyses of Rosemount's water supply and reuse will be conducted: • Implementation plans for new large-scale development water reuse systems • Evaluation of groundwater recharge • Evaluation of wastewater treated effluent water reuse • Development of an combined outlet to the Mississippi River for treated effluent and stormwater emergency overflow • Evaluation of industrial water use and possible reuse options • Developing a 4th utility for irrigation and reuse for non-potable water uses • Quantify water supply system infrastructure benefits by implementing water reuse • Rate analysis for both the water supply system and irrigation system Rosemount's IWM Plan will become an example for other communities within the State of Minnesota. The LCCMR will identify this as an overall benefit to the State's resources and therefore, we believe the probability of funding will increase. WSB Services and Fee The proposed services (schedule and detailed fee estimate attached) include all work required for grant writing, application, submittal, and work plan development (if selected). WSB's services include LCCMR presentation, discussions with supporting Representatives, and meetings required to promote the City's application. The total estimated fee is $5,700 and will be billed hourly. •It is anticipated that the grant application will include a funding request of approximately $250,000 for the City depending on the scope of work desired in the IWM Plan. WSB believes this exciting opportunity will allow the City to be a leader of innovative water supply, reuse, and policy in the State. K:\03206-010�Admin\ConlraR\021116 LTX Proposal P Wrase LCCMR AOPlica[ion.doa Mr. Patrick Wrase February 11,2016 Page 3 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns regarding this scope of work. Sincerely, WSB&Associates,lnc. Andy ro ler, PE Principal Attachments cc: Mitch Hatcher,WSB&Associates, Inc. Erin Heydinger, WSB&Associates, Inc. Anneka Munsell, WSB&Associates, Inc. jmh ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount, MN Name Title Date N:\03206-010�Admin\�ontract\021116 LTP Propowl G Wrase LCCMR Application.tloa - Integrated Water Management Plan Grant Application B Proposed Estimate of Hours and Fee for wsProfessional Services to Complete LCCMR Grant Application for the City of Rosemount, MN Labor Category and Estimated Hours per Task Total Task Description Principal Project Manager Project Engineer GIS Specialist Office Technician Hours Total Labor Fee 1 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Kickoff Meeting 2 2 2 6 $ 558 1.2 Application Preparation 4 8 2 14 $ 1,246 1.3 Infographic Creation 4 $ Z96 1.4 Application Draft Review and Finalize 3 4 8 15 $ 1,366 1.5 Final Application 2 1 3 $ 245 Task 1-Total Estimated Hours and Fee 5 10 20 4 3 38 $ 3,711 2 LCCMR REVIEW PROCE55 2.1 Meeting with City 2 2 2 6 $ 558 2.2 Lobbying for Agency,Representative,and Watershed Support 4 2 $ 568 2.3 Presentation in front of LCCMR 4 4 0 8 $ 776 Task 2-Total Estimated Hours and Fee 10 8 2 0 0 14 $ 1,902 Total Estimated Hours 15 18 22 4 3 52 Hourly Billing Rate $ 90.00 $ 104.00 $ 85.00 $ 74.00 $ 75.00 Total Fee by Labor Classification $ 1,350.00 $ 1,872.00 $ 1,870.00 $ 296.00 $ 225.00 $ 5,613 K:\03206-010\Admin\Contract\Copy of 20161016 2017 LCCMR Proposal Budget-E1H(3) 2017 Process Timeline The expected proposal and funding process timeline for the 2017 RFP is detailed below. Specific dates will be announced as they become available. DATE RANGE � ACTIVITY or EVENT {December 2& l0, j � 12015 �,-Funding priorities were determined and 2017 RFP was adopted. � December I5,2015 `-2017 RFP issued. � .___ _ -- � _-- _ _ _ _ ; March 11,2016 �-Last day to submit draft proposals for LCCMR staff review. , _.. __ _ � .____ . _--- March 21,2016 -Submission deadline for proposals responding to 2017 RFP. i __ � ._ _ __ _ _– "-All submitted proposals distributed to LCCMR members for review,evaluation,and � iSpring,2016 ��ranking. � '-A subset of high-ranking proposals selected for further consideration and invited to give June 7-8,2016 presentations before the LCCMR. a ,- __ ._. _ _ _ _ - , ---—---------- JJune 21,22,23,27, 4 �28,&29,2016 !-Selected proposals present before the LCCMR. ' __ t ____ _ _. _ _ , i '-Subset of proposals selected to recommend to the legislature for funding based on iJuly 12-13,2016 �consistency with funding priorities and total dollars available. . . ; . _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ __ __ . 'August-October, j-Projects recommended for funding begin submitting work plans for LCCMR staff review. �'2016 �-Research projects recommended for funding undergo peer review. , � . 'November 15& ;-Funding recommendations are adopted by the LCCMR in legislative bill format,as they ' �December 6,2016 ;will be presented to the legislature. ! � ;-LCCMR recommendations presented to the legislature for consideration via introduction as' � ':an appropriations bill. �-Bill is considered and acted upon by the Minnesota House and Senate. 'January-May,2017 -Upon passage,the bill goes before the governor to be signed into law. _ _ _ + __ _._ _ _ _ _ __ _ ; June TBD,2017 '-LCCMR approves work plans for projects funded. � .._ __ __ _ _ _ __ ', '-Money from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund becomes available for ; ;July 1,2017 {expenditure and projects can begin. ( TDS, Sodium, Chlorides III r - . . . . None Slight to Moderate Severe TDS mg/L <450 450—2,000 >2,000 Sodium mg/L <70 >70 Chloride mg/L < 100 > 100 . . • TDS, mg/L 797 1152 2176 422 979 1191 1230 654 688 Sodium, 144 262 508 15 223 259 269 127 132 mg/L Chloride, 270 448 313 44 364 489 451 195 244 mg/L Degree of restriction information from Food&Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO).1985.FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper,29 Rev.l.FAO:Rome, Italy(as reported in 2012 Guidelines for Water Reuse,EPA,September 2012�. WWTP sampling data is average for 3 months of sampling(1 sample/week)June—August,2015 by MCES. 1