HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.c. City of Rosemount Consulting Pool UpdateG:\CONDAC\2016 Consulting Pool\Council Items\20160309 CWS Consulting Pool Update.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session: March 9, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: City of Rosemount Consulting Pool Update AGENDA SECTION: Updates PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer AGENDA NO. 3.c. ATTACHMENTS: Posted SOQ Request, SOQ Cover Letter APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND Engineering Department staff has collaborated with the Cities of Lakeville, Apple Valley and Mendota Height to develop a Request for Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for engineering related professional services. Each of the aforementioned cities posted their independent SOQ to their City websites on Friday, February 19th. With the development of the consulting pool, the city of Rosemount will have access to a variety of engineering consultants within several specialty areas. The SOQ will develop a pool of pre-approved consultants with services ranging from General Municipal through several specialty services including Architectural, Electrical, Municipal Utility and Water Storage facility specific services. A complete listing of the services being requested can be reviewed on the attached SOQ document. Proposals from interested consultants are due to be presented to the City of Rosemount on March 31st, 2016. It is intended to then review and rank the proposals on the basis of qualifications by a city selection team consisting of the City Engineer, Community Development Director, and Parks and Recreation Director. Additionally, one or more Council members could be included on the selection team. With the development of the Consulting Pool, city of Rosemount staff will have access to a range of consultants with known qualifications and contracting terms which will allow for the more timely development of professional services contracts. The intent of the SOQ is to develop a list of pre- approved consultants that will be available for a five-year term and at the end of this term the SOQ process will be repeated. SUMMARY Staff is updating the City Council on the status of the development of the City’s Consultant Pool. Upon selection of the pool, the selected firms will be presented for approval at a future City Council meeting. Individual professional services contracts derived from the pool members will be presented to the City Council for contract approval. INTRODUCTION This request for STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS (SOQ) has been prepared by the City of Rosemount in order to retain the services of professional consulting firms to provide municipal engineering services for the City. The City desires to establish various categories of services to which professional consulting firms will be assigned. The City of Rosemount intends to retain up to three (3) firms for General Municipal Engineering Services and may choose to retain at least one firm for each of the Technical/Specialty Services. It should be noted that firms are eligible to be retained in as many of the areas as they are qualified for. The municipal engineering services desired include all the planning, engineering, and support activities necessary to implement various public improvements. The services may include, but are not limited to:  Comprehensive system/facility plans and studies  Preliminary engineering feasibility reports  Development plan review  Applications for various funding programs  Environmental worksheets  Design, construction and legal boundary surveys  Detailed design and plan preparation  Technical specifications  Estimates and construction contract documents  Competitive bid solicitation and evaluation  Construction engineering, inspection and observation services  Contract management  The preparation of record plans and final contract close-out reports  Miscellaneous specialty/technical services identified herein Selection and future work assignments will take into consideration the workload, expertise and past performance of proposing consulting firms or any of its representatives. STATEMENT INSTRUCTIONS All responses, questions and correspondence should be directed to: Patrick Wrase PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN (651) 322 2022 Email: patrick.wrase@ci.rosemount.mn.us NOTE: All statements must be received at City Hall no later than 4:30 p.m., March 31, 2016. 2 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS CONTENT Cover Letter/ Title Page Include an explanation of the SOQ, the name of the firm, local address, telephone, Web site address, name of the contact person, and the date. Table of Contents Include a clear identification of the material by section and page number. Consultant Profile  Include the areas of general services and/or technical expertise proposed to be provided directly by the firm.  Identify the basis of the firm’s interest for each of the specialty categories for which the firm wishes to be considered.  Include qualifications of the firm as it relates to services to be provided. Resumes  Include the qualifications and resumes of the professional staff that will be routinely assigned to various City projects.  Include the name(s), experience, and qualifications of person(s) that will be routinely responsible for the management and administration of a contract with the City.  Identify the short and long-term availability of the aforementioned staff. References  Please include a list of municipal clients where related services were provided by staff identified in the resumes section of the SOQ, and the name and telephone number of a person who may be contacted at that municipality.  Include a list of current municipal clients identifying projects in progress, the specific activities being performed, and the name of a person who may be contacted at the municipality.  Include a list of previous or current services provided to the City of Rosemount and client representatives.  Include a list of private clients for whom work has been or is being performed within the City of Rosemount, the type of project, the specific activities performed, and the name of a person who may be contacted at the client. Fees  Please include a fee schedule for 2016 including hourly rates, specialty rates, multipliers, percentages, etc., for the various classifications of personnel proposed to provide services under a contract with the City. Identify what services are excluded from these hourly rates (i.e., mileage, etc.).  Specifically state the firm’s preferred method of calculating fees for different types of services provided. Quantity  Please submit 2 hard copies and 1 digital copy of the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ). 3 CATEGORIES OF CONSULTANTS There are two (2) primary categories of consultant services anticipated.  General Municipal Engineering  Technical/Specialty Services General Municipal Engineering Summary of Services  Provide technical engineering expertise in the preparation and development of site specific and/or comprehensive system plans; prepare special studies, review of private development plans, feasibility reports and detailed plans and specifications for specific improvement projects; provide the necessary professional and technical manpower to supervise and manage improvement contracts and provide technical assistance to the City’s professional staff as required. Planning  Prepare, review, update and revise comprehensive sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main, water quality, transportation and park systems’ plans for the City of Rosemount.  Prepare site specific detailed Utility Service and Transportation planning studies associated with new developments.  Advise staff and Council of estimated costs, alternative financing methods and recommended schedules of needed capital improvements to implement provisions of the comprehensive plans.  Review plans submitted in conjunction with private development projects. Construction  Prepare preliminary engineering and feasibility reports for proposed public improvement projects.  Perform topographic surveying for design purposes.  Prepare detailed plans, specifications and technical drawings necessary for the construction of public improvements.  Advertise and evaluate bids.  Conduct public hearings and assist with necessary neighborhood meetings.  Determine and provide legal descriptions and assist in the acquisition of necessary easements.  Conduct pre-construction meetings and coordinate with other utility companies, contractors, governmental agencies, etc., to ensure the proper scheduling, permit applications and general supervision of public and private improvement contracts.  Perform construction staking and location surveying.  Perform inspection and construction observation services to ensure compliance with City and other applicable agency (County, State Aid, Federal, etc.) standards and approved plans and specifications. 4  Document the type and location of public improvement installations and prepare accurate record plans reflecting all changes or modification.  Prepare contract Close-Out Reports and perform the testing and inspections necessary to recommend acceptance to staff and the City Council.  Provide overall contract/project management acting on behalf of and as an agent for the City. Assessments  Assists the City staff in determining the proper and equitable assessment rates to properly finance public improvement projects.  Provide cost breakdown of all related project costs to allow City staff to prepare a detail assessment allocation. Miscellaneous  Review, evaluate and submit suggested revisions to existing fee schedules and assessment policies, utility user rates, public improvement financing surcharges, and general financing of public improvement projects.  Provide technical assistance and representation for the Municipal State Aid street programs.  Assist in maintaining and updating City utility and street index maps.  Provide necessary information as requested by staff in preparation of annual reports, budgets, bond obligation finance statements, etc.  Perform other related duties as requested in writing by the City Council or authorized staff. Technical Specialty Consultant Services These services are for consultants who are specialized in technical or limited areas of expertise for occasional specific work programs or on-going limited services relating to their area of particular expertise (soil testing, erosion inspection, etc.). Architectural  Park shelter buildings  Utility operation structures (well houses, reservoirs, etc.)  Municipal buildings (expansions, remodeling, etc.) Landscape Architecture  Outdoor Public space design  Park and Playground design  Trail Design  Streetscape Design Communications  Radio  Telemetry  Alarms  SCADA  Fiber 5 GIS  Asset Management  Mapping  Database Design  Software specification  Records Management/Retention Electrical/Mechanical  Street lights  Energy management  Pump efficiency and rehabilitation  System rehab (MCCs, wiring, etc.)  SCADA  Solar Land Surveying  Subdivisions/plats  Certificates of Survey  Easement descriptions  Lot corner (re)placement  Construction staking of City-design projects Natural Resources/Water Resources  Water quality studies  Non-Degradation & Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) review  Monitoring  Hydrologic/hydraulic analysis  Erosion control  Lake restoration  Wetland delineation and mitigation analysis  Best Management Practices/ Low Impact Development techniques  MS4 permit application preparation and required inspection services Soils and Materials  Construction density and material testing  Soil borings  Pavement structural analysis/testing Structural  Reservoirs  Buildings  Retaining walls  Bridges  Tunnels  Communication Towers Traffic/Transportation  Traffic impact/mitigation analysis  Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE)  Site plan layout and analysis 6  Traffic Signal System Design  Transportation System Modeling  Multi-modal transportation design and analysis  Railroad Crossing improvement projects, Railroad coordination Relocation/Benefit Analysis  Appraisals - Real Estate  Relocation Services Special Inspections/Studies  Building Municipal Utility System Services  Water Treatment Plant Facilities Studies  Water Treatment/Distribution System Operational Studies  Water Treatment Plant Design  Water Distribution System Hydraulic Modeling  Source Water Supply Engineering  Well field studies  Monitoring Wells  Well design, permitting, construction and pump tests  Groundwater Modeling  Water Storage Facility Design  Pumping/Lift Station Design and Rehabilitation  Sanitary Sewer System/Combined sewer system modeling  Sanitary Sewer System Engineering  I/I Evaluation  Rate Cost of Service Studies, Rate analysis and design Water Storage Facility Specific Services  Water Storage Tank/Tower Inspections  Water Storage Tank/Tower Maintenance Project Design/Delivery/Coating Inspections  Cellular Operator management services and inspections STATEMENT EVALUATION, FIRM SELECTION AND CONTRACT AWARDS Qualifications Based Selection (QBS): The City intends to select and award a contract to those firms evaluated to be best qualified to perform the work for the City with cost, compatibility and other performance factors also considered. Review and Recommendation Process: Based upon review of the SOQ’s, City Staff will recommend to the City Council the firms than are proposed to be retained. The City Council will consider formal approval at a May or June, 2016 meeting. Financial Liability Limitations: The City shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the applicant including but not limited to expenses associated with the preparation of the statement, attendance at interviews, preparation of a cost statement or final contract negotiations. 7 Rights of Review: The City of Rosemount reserves the right to reject any and all SOQ’s or to request additional information from all applicants. Qualification Evaluation: In evaluating whether a consultant is to be included in one of the categories, numerous factors shall be considered. Among those factors are the following:  An evaluation of the consultant’s technical qualifications, work experience and available personnel.  Recommendations of past and existing clients.  Previous experience with the City of Rosemount.  Actual or potential conflict with other clients doing business with the City. Selecting Criteria For Projects: For each project requiring consulting services, a municipal engineering consultant will be considered from the proper category of consultants approved by the City Council. The following criteria are used for considering a consultant:  The expertise and experience of both the firm and assigned personnel with projects or activities similar to the one under consideration.  The consultant’s knowledge of particular equipment, methods, time frames and services required.  The consultant’s ability to mobilize and make sufficient time, and appropriate personnel available to complete the project or activity within a specified time frame  The appropriateness and flexibility of the consultant’s fee schedule in relationship to the industry, the City’s desires and the scope of services to be provided.  The past performance of the consultant with regard to existing or previous projects or activities with the City.  The current workload of the consultant. SCHEDULE Schedule Date SOQ Release 02/19/2016 Deadline for Questions 03/29/2016 SOQ Proposals Due to the City 03/31/2016 Interviews (if Applicable) TBD Contract Awards (Tentative) May or June, 2016 The City reserves the right to modify this schedule at the City’s discretion. Notification of changes in the response due date would be posted on the City Web site or as otherwise stated herein. 8 CONTRACT EXECUTION Negotiations and Contract Execution  The City reserves the right to negotiate the final terms and conditions of the contract to be executed. Should the City and a consultant be unable to mutually agree upon the entire contract, the City reserves the right to discontinue negotiations, select another consultant or reject all of the statements. Upon completion of negotiations agreeable to the City and consultant, a contract shall be executed.  Contracts will be for a minimum of five (5) years assuming satisfactory service delivery and or continuity of acceptable assigned personnel. Contracting Ethics  No elected official or employee of the City who exercises any responsibilities in the review, approval or implementation of the proposal or contract shall participate in any decision which affects his or her direct or indirect financial interest.  It is a breach of ethical standards for any person to offer, give, or agree to give any City employee or Council person, or for any City employee or Council person to solicit, demand, accept, or agree to accept from another person or firm, a gratuity or an offer of employment whenever a reasonable prudent person would conclude that such consideration was motivated by an individual, group or corporate desire to obtain special, preferential, or more favorable treatment than is normally accorded to the general public.  The firm shall not assign any interest in this contract and shall not transfer any interest in the same without the prior written consent of the City.  To remove any potential or actual conflict of interest, a Regular or Specialty consultant representing any private party client submitting a project or activity to the City shall not represent or review the project or activity on behalf of the City.  This firm shall not accept any private client or project which, by nature, places it in ethical conflict during its representation of the City of Rosemount.  The City requires affirmative action and, therefore, the firm selected shall not discriminate under the contract against any person in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Policy for Engaging Professional Consulting Services SOQ and RFP Procedures  All consultants for various services will be selected in accordance with the attached City Policy. Affirmative Action  The City of Rosemount, Minnesota, has adopted a policy that it will not discriminate in employment practices on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, public assistance status, veteran status, handicap or disability; that it has agreed to take affirmative action to recruit 9 minorities, women and handicapped persons into its employment; and that it will transact business only with firms who have adopted similar non- discriminatory and affirmative action policies.  In cases where a contract with the City of Rosemount will exceed $50,000 and the number of full-time employees exceeds twenty (20) in the company making a Proposal, in its Proposal the company must furnish the City of Rosemount with documentation that shows the company has adopted a written affirmative action policy.  Contracts that exceed $50,000 will not be awarded to companies of more than twenty full-time employees, which fail to provide verification of an affirmative action policy. CITY INFORMATION City Organization The City of Rosemount was established as a municipal corporation in 1858 and incorporated in 1974 as a statutory Plan A City. It has a Council-Administrator form of government. The City provides a full array of municipal services and general administrative functions. City Council The Rosemount City Council is the final review and approval authority regarding all contracts, payments, plans, improvements, policies, procedures and other business of the City. The City Council, composed of four members and the Mayor, is the legislative and policy making body of the City. The Mayor, who presides over the City Council meetings, and all Council members are elected at large for four-year terms. Set forth on the following table is certain information pertaining to the City Council. NAME TITLE TERM EXPIRES William Droste Mayor 12/31/2018 Mark DeBettignies Councilmember 12/31/2018 Vanessa Demuth Councilmember 12/31/2016 Shaun Nelson Councilmember 12/31/2018 Jeff Weisensel Councilmember 12/31/2016 City Administrator The City Administrator reviews and coordinates all matters coming before the City Council. He is responsible for the implementation of Council direction and coordination and management of City departments on a daily basis. City Staff The City Administrator implements Council directions through the Department Heads of 7 City departments. For purposes of this proposal, the primary department shall be Public Works. However, other Department Heads shall act as the project manager and principal liaison to the consultants for projects/work orders initiated by the specific department. The Public Works Department consists of 24 employees within 6 divisions as shown by the attached organizational chart. 10 City Statistics Population The City of Rosemount is a growing suburban community of 36 square miles that has increased its population as shown by the following census figures: 1970 = 4,034 2000 = 14,619 1980 = 5083 2010 = 21,874 1990 = 8,622 2015 = 23,244 (staff estimate) Infrastructure The City is responsible for maintaining approximately 110 miles of streets, 110 miles of water main, 80 miles of sanitary sewer (9 lift stations) and 97 miles of storm sewer (7 lift stations). There are approximately 240 lakes, ponds, and/or wetlands interconnected through a complex storm drainage system. The City’s Water System (12.1 MGD) is supplied by 8 deep wells and supplies 4 separate reservoirs (3.5 MG) and two pressure zones. At the present time, an additional 1200 GPM well is under construction and plans and bids have been received for a 1.5 MG ground storage reservoir. All utility operations facilities are interconnected with a System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) program. Comprehensive Plans and Studies The City has accommodated its growth through periodic updates of the following master plans showing the date of latest revision:  Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan 2007  Comprehensive Water System Plan 2007  Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan 2013  Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan 2007  Transportation Plan 2008 These documents are all available on the city website on the Public Works page 10-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The Rosemount City Council has approved of the 2016 CIP for funding within the 2016 City Budget. As part of the long-range planning process, a 10-year CIP working plan has been adopted for the years 2016 through 2025. More detailed information regarding the City’s CIP can be found at: http://ci.rosemount.mn.us/cip 11 February 17, 2016 RE: Statement of Qualifications Dear Engineering Professionals: The cities of Apple Valley, Lakeville, Mendota Heights and Rosemount have worked together to coordinate the release of requests for Statements of Qualifications to retain the services of professional consulting firms to provide municipal engineering services for each of our cities. Each City has posted a copy of their requested Statement of Qualifications on our respective websites. The requests are very similar, but have been tailored for the needs of each community. The requests for Statements of Qualifications can be found at: www.ci.apple-valley.mn.us/bids.aspx www.lakevillemn.gov (under the “Request for Bids” link on the homepage) www.mendota-heights.com www.ci.rosemount.mn.us/publicworks (under the “Announcements” heading) All Statements of Qualifications will be due to each of the aforementioned communities you would like to be considered to work within by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2016. A detailed schedule and submittal requirements are outlined within each community’s complete request for Statements of Qualifications. Sincerely, City of Apple Valley City of Lakeville City of Mendota Heights City of Rosemount