HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993/09/21-PAP RM . - •✓ �✓ --................ Executive Summary for Action Planning Commicsion Meeting Date: Seotember 14, 1993 Agenda Item: Business Park Zoning District Text Agenda Section: Amendment DIRECTOR'S ANNOUNCE�trIEN'TS Prepared By: Lisa 7. Freese Agenda No.• � •Director of Planning IT'EM NO. 7. _ Attachments: Proposed Business Park District; ' Approved By: Comprehensive Plan Exceipt ����� In the development of the Comprehensive Plan update it was decided to develap a business park land use designation. The basic concept with the business park is that it would be more flexible than the traditional industiial park allowing some cammercial uses that are suited for a planned development or are complementary to industrial uses. At the current time the zoning ordinance does aot contain a cornesponding zoning district. Since the Comprehensive Plan is riearing approval and '� we have interest in several of the areas designated as business pazk, it is timely to consider . :- amending tlie ordi.nance to include a business park district. r Attached is a first draft of the business park d.istrict and accompanying standards. The existing IP Industrial Park zoning district was used as a starting point for the development of this district. A _ number of uses permitted in the C-4 General Commercial district are included in this draft ordinance as permitted uses in the BP Business Park distriet. - . On T�esday, Planning staff would Iike feedback from the Planning Commission on several items � regarding the Business Park district: 1) Do you think the proposed permitted uses are appropriate? 2) What kind of performance standards should be required for landscaping and building and parking setbacks? 3) What level of buildi.ng materials requirernents should be required in the business park district? 4) Should all of the properties currently zoning IP be rezoned to BP at this time? (See zoning map)? On Tuesday I will overview the range of choices for th�se issues and would appreciate direction from the Commission. ' Recannmended Action: Recommendations regarding the above mentioned questions. PlaIIuiug Cpmmiccio�l ACtiOn: . 04-1493.7 : / � City of Rosemount � Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE �MENDING OR.DINANCE $ . ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING OR.DINANCE TSE CTTY COUNCII. OF T� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT� 11J1,INNESOTA ORDA,Il�IS AS FOLLOWS: SECTTotv I. .Section 6.13 IP IrmUsr�.P.�xx D�sr�uCr of Oniu:ance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: SECTtoN 6.13 BP BUsrnr�ss PaRx Dist'�uCr A. Purpose and Intent This district is intended to accammodate new, modem, high' performance, light industrial uses and specified commercial uses which are planned as a unit and include an interaal circulation system. This district is located within the MUSA and is intended to be served by the public utility systems. Uses shall be conducted completely within . structures excepted as provided for herein. B. Uses Permitted bv Ri_ght .. 1. Business and Professional Offices. 2. Manufacturing, Custom. 3. ManufacturinQ. Warehousing Wholesalin� Distribution Processin Packagin� AssemblX, Compoundin� and Accesso , Uses. ' 4. Machine and Repair Shops. _ • . 5. Television and Radio Studios. ' � 6. Testin� and Research Laboratories. � 7. Agriculture Implement Sales and Services. 8. Automobile Equinment Sales and Repair Shopc. 9. Automobile and RV Sales Service and Rental. 10. Business Schools. 11. Business Services and Repairs including office supplies and equipment. 12. Commerciat Recreation - Indoor: bawling alleys, pool halls, racquetball and tennis courts, and roller rinks. 13. Communications Services including radio and TV broadcasting stations and studios, but excluding towers. ` � � � 14. Construction Materials Sales including lumber yards and building supply stores. 15. Entertainment Facilities: night clubs, theaters, movie theaters: . � 16. Financial Institutions and Banks. 17. Health Spas and Reducin� Salons. 18. Home Furnishings Stores. 19. Offices. Business and Professional. 20. Printing and Duplicating Shops. 21. Repair S_ervices including bicycles, furniture, appliances, shoes, etc. 22. Wholesale Businesses and Suppl enters. o�a�s- Page 1 of 4 , % 23. Animal Sales and Services including pet hospitals, pet shops, kennels, and veterinary clinics . provided they have no outdoor runs. . 24. Outdoor Storage of materials, supplies, and finished or semi-finished products provided such storage shall be completely screened from view from public streets and adjacent properties by a wall or fence. 25. Other Support Commercial Uses providerl they aze located within the same structure as the principal use, and are incidental to the principal use, and do not have an entrance except ` from within the principal building. .- C. Uses Permitted bv Planned Unit De�elopment (PUDI Industrial developments involvina multiple parcels, structures, or uses shall be required to use the PUD procedure. . S�orr II. Section 7.1 DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS of Ordinance B - G�ity of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: SECTION 7.1 DIlVSENSIONAL STANDARDS . A. � 1Vrnimum Lot Size (ftl NGnimimn Yards (ftl � Other Standards . � Maam�= Mu Btda Maz Lot9 GUOS/ Diatrids Zons� Width(!t) Araa Depth Front �de10 Rear Dmoty Ht(R) Co��r Untt(a� AG N/A 300 2.5 AC SO 30 30 1/10 AC 50 N/A N/A AG-P N!A 300 40 AC 50 30 30 1l40 AC SO N/A N/A RR N/A 200� 2.5 AC� 40 30 30 1/5 AC 35 NtA N/A RL N/A 310 20,000 180 30 15 30 N!A 35 30% NfA , R-1 t�I/A 80 10;000�� 125 305 10 30 N!A 35 ' 3096 N!A R-lA N!A 80 10,000�i 125 30S SiZ 25 N/A 35 30% tI/A R=2(S� N!A 100 12,000 120 3tr� 10 30 6/AC 35 30% N/A , (3+� N/A 120 18,000 150 305 30 30 6lAC 35 75% N/A R-3 N/A 150 22,500 350 305 30 30 18/AC 35 15% 500 R-4 N/A 150 22,500 150. 305 30 30 40JAC 35 75% S00 G1 1 AN I50 15.000 125 30S 106 106 N!A 35 ?59G N/A C-2(CBD) N!A N/A N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A 35 N/A N(A. C-3 .5 AC 120 0.5 AC 305 106 306 N/A 35 75'b N!A G4 1 AC 120 20,000 305 106 106 N/A 35 75% N/A BP 5 AC N/A 0.5 AC 30 30� 30� N/A 40 75% N!A WM 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50? 507 N/A �5 50% N/A IG 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50� 507 N/A 75 50% NtA P N/A N/A N/A ' 30 30� 30� N/A 40 75'X+ N/A � FP N/A `N/A N/A • N/A N/A N!A N!A N!A Ai/A N!A . t For additional roquiremwts rofer w Section 7.2.Supplementary Rcgulations:Section 8.Off-street Parfcing:�nd Section 9.Specist Overluy Reguletions. Z Unlas oontiguous to an oxisting such distriM. . 3 Threa(3)acres mazimum zonc size. . •300 feet aidth and 5-�cro lot i�ze minimum when land'u not plaued. S Refer to Section 7.2 C.4.a.for nmblished fmnt yards. 6 30-foot minimnm side or tear yart!whcre abuttiag an'R'Distric4 �Refer to Section 7.2 C.2.c.for build'mgs exeeeding 35 feet m height =UniWGrosa Acia. 9 Inc(udes sUucauca.Paved ParkinB arca.nnd other impervious wrfacu. ��See Soetion 7.2 C.2.a.md?.2 C.2.b. �� Comer Lou in R-1 shall lmve a minimum of 12.000 aquare feet ia erca. 12 5 feet for aiagle story raidmas;�0 feet for two-story residencu. Ord1►8- Page 2 of 4 SECTION III. $eCtiOA 7.2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Of Ordi.ruince B - L'ity pf • Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: • SECTION 7.2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGUI,ATIONS A. Building 1`vue and Construction: 3. Business Park District BP) In the Business Park District all buildings with an - exterior finish of curtair_ v�all panels of fuushed steel, aluminum, or fiberglass shall be required to face with brick, decorative block, wood, stone, architectural concrete cast in place or precast concrete panels on at least fifty (50) percent of all wall surfaces. Any metal finish used�in the building shall be a minimum of twen -six 2 6 u e steel. - tY � ) � g 6._ Accessorv Buildings Dimensioaal Standai�ds for � Accessory Buildings and Surface Parking ACCE.SSORY BUILDWGS S�JRFACE PAiLSIIVG Minimum Yards (ft.) MB�um Nlinimwm Yarc3s (ft) _ . DISTRICTS I�tONT SIDE REAR H�(ft) FRONT SIDE REAR AG 50 30 30 75 502 53 52 AG-P 50 30 30 75 502 5 5 RR 40 305 30 35 402 53 52 RL . . 30 15 15/304 18 3 5 52 � R-1 301 1 5/304 18 3Q2 lU3 102 ' ' R-lA 30i 5 5/254 18 30� 1 102 R-2(2F� 301 105 5/304 18 3Q2 53 52 . (3+� 301 105 10 18 30 10 10 R-3 301 1 10 18 30 10 10 R-4 501 105 10 18 30 10 10 G1 18 20 10 10 C'Z 18 N/A N!A N/A C-3 25 20 10 10 C� 25 20 10 10 BP . 40 20 15 15 IG - .. 75 40 . . 25 50 I WM ._.� _ 75 40 25 50 . P 40 - 20.� 20 20 � N/A. N/A . N/A N!A Or tho Required Froat Yard as auy be prescribed by Section'7.2C.Estsblished Fmnt Yards. 2 Except parking mey occur within a norcnal driveway that crosses a required yard. 3 Driveways shaU comply with yac+d setback requiremeatsfor surface parking. 4 220 aquare feet or less in R-1 and R-2 Districts: 10-foot setback; R•IA District:S-foot setback; in RL District: 15- foot setback; except double frontage or corner lots:30.foot setback. Over 120 squan feet:30-foot setback. S See Sectioa 7.2C.2.a.and 7.2C.2.b. � - Otdi�B- Page 3 of 4 � SECTION IV. Th� is ord�.nance shall be effect�ve unmediately upon its passage and � publication according to law. AnoP�n this daY of , 1993. ' CrrY oF Rosnv�otmrr ` E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: - - Susan M. Wa1sh, City Clerk � Published in the Dakota County Tribune this day of , 1993. o�a�s- _ Page 4 of 4 extensive evaluation, the City has decided to commercial uses are permitted only where clearly redesignate those areas for residential, in part accessory to the aeneral industrial activities. • because of the limiteii land for residential � development. To ensure adequate ]and supply for PQjfjCIES industrial users, the Ciry has identified a new azea - in western Rosemount to focus business park � 'I'he City's policies for Industrial areas are to:� development. Generally, this area is south of Counry . • Road 42 and to the east of State Trunk Highway 3. l. expand the Urban Service Area in eastern The development of an industrial area in the western Rosemount to service re�ional-scaie industrial part of Rosemount is important to balance the City's �_ �low,farethe expansion of i du trial de el pment rapid residential development. in the Pine Bend area where land is undesirable The nvo t}�pes of indusvial development proposed for other uses or could be adversely influenced aze as follows: ' by adjoin:na uses (incinerator) provided such � � development is a�ithin the Urban Service Area; BuSlileSS PSr� (B-P) will not ad�cersely impact Ion;-�erm a�ricultural Business Park areas are intended to sen�e li�ht activities; is serviceable by public utilities in industrial uses, �eneral office development, and sequential fashion (i.e., is conti�uous to already su ortinQ commercial service uses. Generally served areas v��here services can be readily hus ness parks are developed under one sinQle extended); and is able to be aecessed via pubIic ar�•nership, but in an�� e��ent, de��elopment must streets without public assistance; o�cur in a coordinated fashion that demonsuates 3. require that all indusuial de�elopmenu comply iuture phasins capabiIiry Cf applicablej; aa internal with U.S. EPA and r4PCA standards for effluent circulation s��stem with limited access to collectors_ emissions per applicable permit procedures, � � � and streets)• hiQh standards of plannina, - � 4. require that all-on-site ind�strial v��aste•water _ ' = treatment systems be matritained and-inspect�d -� - = architectural and lan�scapin� desi�n which remain �� accordin, to the requireme�t��f�e Ciry's - ,; consistent throu=hout the pzrk; adequate buffering _ , - from adjacent residential uses throu�h the use of Subdi�ision Ordinance, BuildmQ Code;and - exua-ordinary setbacks and/or effecti��e screenin„ applicable h4PCA Rules; V = � and limited, �well-screened outdoor stora�e. Typical �• require that all industrial uses within Urban = business park uses include��arehousin„ , Service Areas be connected to public sewer and s distribution, li?ht assembly, and wholesalin� as v��ell Water services as such services become available;: as office uses and commercial uses that clearly 6. require that planninD for industrial developments' rninimize environmental impacu, land use supgort, are incidental to, or complement the conflicts and visual accessibility frorn business park (e.g, office supplies and services or surroundin�propenies and public streeu and restaurants that serve employeesJ. Business parl;s highways; � � should to be developed within the Urhaii�Service �, initiate the de��elopment of a business park for � Area, adjacent to an arterial or collector street. . _ low impact Ii�ht industries in v��estern Rosemou General Industrial (Gn and consider the use of economic incentives as� means to stimulate tax base enhancement and jo General Industrial areas are those reserved� creation; exclusively for industries requiring large sites and/or 8. maximize land use compatibility by requirin; �- exterior stora�e. The general industrial areas are extraardinary standazds for setbacks, bufferina, located to minimize adverse effects on adjacent land screening and landscaping at the ed�es of _ uses and in areas where they are ���ell-served by industrial areas and alon� major streeu and ".� arterial roadways, barge, and rail transportation hi�hways; systems: Typical general industrial uses include 9. encoura,e the pro�rision of open spaces and U� processing and heavy manufacturina, lacge-scale within industrial areas for use by employees : 'trans-shipment and distribution centers, outdoor to tie industrial areas into the City's trail syst. storaae yards and mininb. Offices and ?enerai to provide recreation opportunities and - . commutin� alternatives. � � • • . 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