HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b PC ExSum Harmony 7th Add E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Planning Commission Meeting Date: April 26, 2016 City Council Meeting Date: May 17, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Case 16-12-SP – Timeless Homes Minor Amendment to the Harmony PUD and Simple Plat for Harmony 7th Addition AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Project Description, Harmony 7th Addition Final Plat, Construction Plans, Minor Amendment Area Map, Revised Building Plans (1-3), City Engineer Review APPROVED BY: K.L. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Simple Plat for Harmony 7th Addition without conditions. Staff is approving the Minor Amendment subject to the following conditions (Planning Commission action not required; information only): 1. Final building plans shall match the approved designs they are replacing in terms of materials used, colors, and other architectural design elements. 2. Final building plans shall include brick or stone wainscoting on the ends of buildings wrapping onto the front of the first unit and a brick base on the columns in front of the garages. 3. Walkways connecting individual dwelling units to adjacent trails or public sidewalks shall be provided. 4. Landscaping on each lot shall conform to the approved Harmony PUD landscape plan. SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a Simple Plat request to replat a portion of the Harmony Planned Unit Development (PUD) area. The proposed subdivision would change a portion of the lots that were originally approved as part of the Harmony 6th Addition for back-to-back three level townhomes to a single level, lofted design with half the number of lots. The applicant has also applied for a minor PUD amendment to change the approved design for two of the approved residential unit types. The minor amendment does not require Planning Commission review but the amendment PUD does require Council approval; the applicant’s proposed building designs are attached for informational purposes. Applicant & Property Owner(s): Timeless Homes – Don Willenbring Location: Lots 26-56, Block 1 Harmony 6th Addition – North of Connemara Trail, South of Bonaire Path and West of Bronze 2 Parkway and East of Brockway Avenue Area in Acres: Approximately 1.72 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: MDR – Medium Density Residential Current Zoning: R-3 – Medium Density Residential PUD BACKGROUND Don Willenbring of Timeless Homes has acquired several lots within the Harmony (Brockway Area) PUD and is requesting approval from the City in order to build townhouses on these lots that differ slightly from the building designs approved with the original PUD and as subsequently amended. His request includes the following components: 1) Lot 1, Block 5 of Harmony 2nd Addition. Adjust the grading plan to allow a full basement under the proposed “Urban Villa Townhome II” design. No change to the approved housing style or design; grading plans have been updated to reflect revised low floor elevation for this lot. Administrative Minor PUD Amendment approval allowed by ordinance. 2) Lot 1 and 2, Block 4 of Harmony 5th Addition. Change the approved housing style from “Easton Rowhomes” to a single-level design that matches the footprint of the planned units. The approved plan depicts 5 units on each lot; the proposed plan reduces each building by one unit for a net decrease of two units in this area. The area was platted to allow a condominium- style building and the applicant is not changing this aspect of the site plan. No replatting is necessary to support the revised plan. Administrative Minor PUD Amendment approval allowed by ordinance. 3) Lots 25-56, Block 1 of Harmony 6th Addition. Change the approved housing style from “Vantage II Townhomes” to a single-level design with lofts that extends the individual dwelling units across the existing east/west boundary of each townhouse block. The individual buildings proposed will fit within the platted boundaries for each building, but will decrease the density of each building in half (from one 12-unit and two 8-unit buildings to one 6-unit and two 4-unit buildings). The proposed amendment would reduce the overall number of units/lots in this area from 28 to 14. The combination of individual lots and minor lot line adjustments may be approved through a Simple Platting procedure that combines the preliminary and final plats into one review step. This action must be processed through the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. Of these three components, the Planning Commission is being asked to make a recommendation on only the third. The other building design changes do not alter the approved PUD plans in a manner that would be considered a “Major” PUD amendment since they do not increase the number of approved units, increase the size of planned buildings, or require additional roads or other public infrastructure. The applicant has submitted updated grading and utility plans to address the building design changes, and these plans have been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. In general the replat does not require any significant revisions to any existing infrastructure, but the construction plans should be updated to reflect the new building layouts. The Developer has submitted information (including sketches of the updated building designs) concerning the minor PUD changes, and these have been attached for consideration by the Planning Commission. Staff has found that the proposed one-level designs are generally consistent with the 3 approved plans for the Harmony PUD, but is recommending that the final building plans be further reviewed for consistency with the materials, colors, and architectural detailing of the designs they are replacing. The applicant is making this request in response to the shifting housing market and to diversify the exterior appearance of the neighborhood. At this time Mr. Willenbring believes that there is a strong market for the one-level design he is proposing, and that these units will provide some additional variety to the existing homes on the neighborhood. ISSUE ANALYSIS Unit Mix/Design. The proposed replatting and amendments to the Harmony PUD will bring a different type of townhouse unit into this neighborhood than has been built to date. Specifically all existing one-level townhouses are a quad-type design with back-to-back units while the proposed design is a one-level row-style townhouse (all the units are side-by-side with garages in front and living space in the rear). The side-by-side townhouses with lofts in the proposed 7th Addition are also a new product that is different from the back-to-back multi-level design previously approved for this area. Overall, the orientation of the garages and access to each of the units is not changing, and each of the proposed buildings will fit within the building envelope approved with earlier subdivisions. The ability to fit each of the proposed buildings into these existing building envelope is one of the reasons staff determined that the building design changes require a minor PUD amendment instead of a major amendment. Comparing the approved plans with the designs proposed by the applicant, staff would like to point out the following general observations:  The overall PUD plans for the Harmony area stresses pedestrian connectivity throughout the neighborhood. The applicant’s proposed designs do not alter the orientation of any buildings to the street, but the final building plans should provide walkways connecting to adjacent trails or public sidewalks, whenever possible.  The building designs approved through the Harmony PUD require brick or stone wainscoting on the ends of buildings wrapping onto the front of the first unit and a brick base on the columns in front of the garages. Some of the applicant’s plans appear to be missing this detailing, and staff is recommending a condition of the Minor PUD approval that the final buildings designs meet this specific PUD requirement.  The change to a one-level design means that garages are more predominantly featured along the side of the proposed buildings. Staff is recommending that the developer consider including architectural features on the final building plans that can help minimize the appearance of the garages. At the request of staff, the developer has provided an alternative design for the 5th Addition townhouses that moves the location of the front gables emphasize the living space and front entry instead of the garages.  The townhouse portion of the Harmony PUD included areas for off-street parking that were in addition to the required two covered stalls per unit. These parking areas were built with an earlier subdivision improvement project, and will remain even though the revised dwelling unit count will reduce the overall demand for parking in this area. 4 Density/Comprehensive Plan. The applicant’s lots are all guided for medium density residential development under the comprehensive plan and are zoned R-3 PUD Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development. With the most recent changes to the density within the Harmony PUD approved in 2010 (Harmony 5th Addition) the overall number of approved units stands at 519 dwelling units. With an overall project area of 91.38 acres, the approved density is 5.68 units per acre. The applicant’s proposed changes would reduce the approved number of units to 503, which results in an updated density of 5.50 units per acre. The proposed amendments would keep the project within the density range of 5-10 units per acre as specified in the Comprehensive Plan. Simple Plat. The Subdivision Ordinance allows residential plats less than 10 acres in size and with less than 20 lots to follow a simple platting procedure that combines the review for preliminary and final plat into one action. The Harmony 7th Addition meets this requirement and essentially combines two back-to-back lots into one parcel to create 14 new, larger building sites. In order to accommodate the proposed buildings in this subdivision, the applicant is shifting some of the side property lines very slightly. Because the new lots all fall within the outside perimeter of the previous building design, there is no need to change existing easements or other improvements over the common areas. All required public improvements to serve this subdivision have been installed as part of previous additions; therefore no further work outside of individual utility connections will be needed. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Simple Plat request for Harmony 7th Addition. This recommendation for approval is based on the information submitted by the applicant and the findings made in this report and is subject to the conditions listed in the recommended action. Harmony Village PUD Amendment Property Information Ap ril 11, 2016 0 225 450112.5 ft 0 60 12030 m 1:2,400 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Project Description: The following is a description of our application. We are requesting to amend the existing PUD for the Harmony Village. Our request to amend is in three parts: Request # 1. We would like to have the ability to install basements under the townhomes. We have asked our engineers to confirm the lowest floor elevation with the City of Rosemount engineering and as long as we stay above their findings we would like to be able to install basements as an option. Request # 2. Lots 1 & 2 Block 4 off of Butterfly Path of the plat. We would like to substitute a one level plan in place of the proposed multi-level plan. We would also be reducing the townhome building from a 5 unit to a 4 unit. Grading, utility services and keeping it as a condominium would all be as it is now. Request # 3. Lots 26-55 Block 1 off of Bronze Parkway of the Plat. We would like to substitute a one level plan with a loft in place of the multiplex, tuck-under, 2 stories in place. The substituted plan is a row style front to back with a loft and we propose all Garages would be facing North and fronts of homes facing the park or South. We would be reducing total townhomes from 28 now to 14 proposed. We will be staying with in the plat boundaries and setbacks now in place. They will remain as lot and block legals. We will be installing individual sewer and water to each unit as proposed now. Grading and utilities would be similar to as it is now. In all three request our substituted plans will be keeping with the existing exterior materials and similar elevation features as what is now proposed to be built and with what exists in the development now. What we are providing with the application: 1. Construction Plans 2. Proposed New Plat 3. Plans, renderings and pictures of the buildings to be built and our requested substitute plans numbered as Request 1, Request 2, and Request 3. Phone (952) 937-5150 7699 Anagram Drive Fax (952) 937-5822 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 Phone (952) 937-5150 7699 Anagram Drive Fax (952) 937-5822 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 Phone (952) 937-5150 7699 Anagram Drive Fax (952) 937-5822 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 Phone (952) 937-5150 7699 Anagram Drive Fax (952) 937-5822 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Toll Free (888) 937-5150 Request 1 - Retai n E x i s t i n g B u i l d i n g D e s i g n S i d e - b y - S i d e S i n g l e - L e v e l Q u a d s Request 2 - Alternative Design A Request 2 - Alternative Design B S i d e - b y - S i d e S i n g l e L e v e l w i t h L o f t MEMORANDUM DATE: April 21, 2016 TO: Kyle Klatt, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Anthony Nemcek, Planner Amy Roudebush, Planning & Personnel Secretary Patrick Wrase, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer RE: Harmony 7th Addition Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by Westwood Engineering, the Harmony 7th Addition submittal dated March 30, 2016. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: •Grading, Utility, & SWPPP Plans (5 pages) •Harmony 7th Addition Final Plat, (1 page) •Application for Minor Amendment to Planned unit Development (PUD) GENERAL COMMENTS: The developer has made three requests for the minor PUD amendment. Request #1 Sanitary services have been provided to Westwood. Westwood will ensure the low floor and footing elevations can be installed with the existing services. New, proposed low floor elevations have been reviewed and are acceptable. Request #2 Grading and utility plans are unchanged. No engineering comments. Request #3 Minor changes to the utility plan have been reviewed and approved. Services will be installed along on side of the building, instead of both sides as originally planned. Number of services will be reduced by half. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015.