HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Watermain Design Contract – TH52-CSAH42 Interchange EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting:May 3, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Watermain Design Contract –TH52/AGENDA SECTION: CSAH42 Interchange,City Project 461Consent PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. 6.g. Works/City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Proposal APPROVED BY: ddj andWork Task Detail RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize Engineering Services for Trunk Watermain in Coordination with Dakota County TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange Project, County Project No. 42-82, City Project 461 BACKGROUND At the April 19, 2016 meeting of the Rosemount City Council, the Council approved of a resolution to order the installation of trunk watermain along the length of the CSAH 42 with the improvements to be constructed with theTH52/CSAH42 Interchange project. Staff has requested and received a proposal from SRF Consulting Group, Inc., to carry out the design of the trunk watermain and include the watermain within the bid documents for the52/42 project. SRF is Dakota County’s primary engineering consultant responsible for the design of the 52/42 project. The proposal received from SRF offers to provide project management, design, permitting and bidding services at an estimated fee of $49,034.38. The SRF fee for professional services is approximately 7% of the preliminary estimated $698,000 construction cost for the installation of the 16” trunk line along the extents of the CSAH 42 improvements. The proposed SRF fee is within the guidelines of Manual 45 published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and other professional engineering agencies for a project of this complexity. Staff is recommending execution of a contract with SRF to proceed with the design and bidding of the Rosemount trunk water main. The fee is within the range of that to be expected with this type of project and the utilization for the prime design engineer for the overall project will help to insure a seamless installation. SUMMARY Staff recommends that the City Council authorize a contract with SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for Professional Services for Watermain Design and Bidding services for the installation of Trunk Watermain in coordination with the Dakota County Project to Reconstruct the Interchange at TH 52 and CSAH 42, Dakota County Project No. 42-82, City of Rosemount Project 461. G:\\ENGPROJ\\461\\Council Items\\20160503 CC 42 52 Watermain Extension Contract.docx March 23, 2016 Mr. Patrick Wrase, PE Director of Public Works/City Engineer C ITY OF R OSEMOUNT 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 SUBJECT: P ROPOSAL FOR P ROFESSIONAL S ERVICES FOR W ATERMAIN R EPLACEMENT, I N C ONJUNCTION WITH TH 52 AND CSAH 42 I NTERCHANGE Dear Mr. Wrase: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) is pleased to provide this proposal for final design services for watermain replacement in conjunction with the TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of Rosemount to complete this project. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services includes project management, data collection and final design, specifications, preparation of final construction plans, tabulations of proposed watermain improvements, and an construction documents will be prepared consistent with that required for a City of Rosemount project as appropriate and incorporated into the Dakota County roadway project. The project consists of the following elements: Coordination, analysis, and replacement of the City-owned watermain within the interchange project area. Our understanding of the work involved in watermain replacement includes the following: County Road 42 (approximately 5,400 feet, from 1,600 feet west of TH 52 to 3,800 feet east of TH 52). New 16-inch DIP pipe was requested to be installed for the entire length of CSAH 42. Connections to the existing looped distribution system will be required at various branches, along with any services and the reconnections with the original pipe on either end. It is assumed that casings will be required when crossing CSAH 42 and interchange ramp locations. These crossing may need to be jacked. Mr. Patrick Wrase, PE - 2 - March 23, 2016 City of Rosemount Watermain construction plans, general conditions, and special provisions are to be included in the Dakota County TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project bid. Coordination of design details and schedule with the Dakota County TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project. We have attached a detailed scope and task item breakdown for our specific budget and fee, which includes the following items: 1)Meetings Meetings with City staff via conference call or "GoToMeeting" during the design process, as needed. Attend Dakota County PMT meetings as needed to coordinate watermain design with the roadway project. 2)Construction plans will be submitted for review at final design (60 percent and 100 percent) stages. The plans will meet both Rosemount design criteria and MnDOT/Dakota County format. The project schedule and staging plan will be incorporated within the overall TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project design and delivery schedule. Preliminary and of Probable Construction Cost will be prepared. 3)SRF will prepare complete bidding documents in MnDOT/Dakota County format (both special provisions and general conditions, along with complete construction plans). It is assumed that the watermain replacement scope of this contract will be bid with the larger TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project. This scope includes assistance from SRF staff in answering bidding questions. PROJECT TEAM The Project Manager will be Steven Miller, PE (MN), Senior Associate, with advisory assistance from, Dave Nelson, PE, Principal. Steve has extensive experience with municipal services and utility work. Our design team is prepared to deliver this project within the same schedule as the TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project. SCHEDULE We will proceed with the project as soon as authorized. Project deliverables are subject to progress and timing of related roadway phases of the TH 52 and CSAH 42 Interchange project. Mr. Patrick Wrase, PE - 3 - March 23, 2016 City of Rosemount BASIS OF PAYMENT We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basis for the actual time expended. Other direct project expenses, such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost, and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. We estimate our cost to perform these professional services to be $49,034.38, which is summarized below. A detailed list of tasks is attached to this proposal. We will not exceed this total without your approval. COST SUMMARY Task No. Task Description Fees 1.0 Project Management $8,439.30 2.0 Data Collection $1,527.46 3.0 Watermain Plans - (60 percent) $20,313.32 4.0 Watermain Plans - (95-100 percent) $14,715.85 5.0 Permitting $803.05 6.0 Bidding Assistance $2,923.40 Direct Expenses (SRF) $ 312.00 Total Project Fees $49,034.38 CHANGES IN THE SCOPE OF SERVICES It is understood that if the scope or extent of work changes, our fee will be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-of-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not begin work until we receive written authorization from you. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The attached Standard Terms and Conditions (Attachment A), together with this proposal for professional services, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Mr. Patrick Wrase, PE - 4 - March 23, 2016 City of Rosemount ACCEPTANCE/NOTICE TO PROCEED A signed copy of this proposal, mailed or emailed to our office, will serve as acceptance of this proposal and our notice to proceed. The email address is dnelson@srfconsulting.com. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to continue to provide engineering services to the City of Rosemount. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, SRF C ONSULTING G ROUP, I NC. Steven J. Miller, PE (MN) David P. Nelson, PE (MN WI) Senior Associate Principal SJM/DPN/lo Attachments: Attachment A Standard Terms and Conditions Work Tasks and Fee Estimate APPROVED: C ITY OF R OSEMOUNT (signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. SRF reserves the right to adjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. SRF P160244 S:\\Marketing\\Proposals\\2016 Letter Proposals\\P160244 Rosemount Watermain-CSAH 42\\P160244_CSAH 42 Watermain_20160314.docx 0 3 . 9 3 4 , FEE 8 $ P160244 ESTIMATED 0 201515 5 MINNEAPOLIS, MN. TOTALS 000 0 CLERICAL 000 0 TECHNICAL 000 0 PROF. 000 0 SR. PROF. 5 0 1015 3 SR. ASSOC. 0 0 1010 2 PRINCIPAL Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 1 K S A T - L A T O T B U S T N E M E G A N A M T C E J O R CITY OF ROSEMOUNTWATERMAIN RECONSTRUCTION ON CSAH 42Design services related to the TH 52 & CSAH 42 Interchange Project WORK TASK DESCRIPTIONAssumptions:City of Rosemount to provide record drawings of water main on CSAH 42, including service connections as well as all other City owned utitilies in the project area, ie, storm sewer, lighting and circuits, etc.City of Rosemount to provide standard specifications, plates, etc for design and construction plan guidance.All private utility coordination and GSOC data collection will be included in the MnDOT roadway scope.Hours included for watermain replacement are based on approximately 5,400 feet of new watermain alignment. Assumes casings will be required under roadway crossings.Watermain plans include tabulations, details, and plan and profile construction information. All other related plan elements are expected to be combined in the MnDOT roadway plan sheets.Watermain design will follow Ten States Standards guidelines for water main design.Scope does not include utility demand analysis or modeling and is based on replacement of like sizes with new materials.Project is bid and let with Dakota County roadway project.Includes special provisions for watermain replacement to supplement Dakota County roadway project.Any additional survey or soil borings needed will be performed under the scope of the Dakota County roadway project.Does not include (post bidding) Construction Administration.Plans to be prepared in Microstation format.PCoordination with design staff and coordination with other design teams. Over the shoulder QA/QC for all design work through 90 %. Enhanced QA/QC performed on 100% plans. Includes other project management work such as invoicing.Meetings with City staff via conference call or "GoTo meeting" during the design process.Attend up to 3 PMT meetings. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.S:\\Marketing\\Proposals\\2016 Letter Proposals\\P160244 Rosemount Watermain-CSAH 42\\P160244 Draft scope of tasks.xlsx 0 . 1 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Client:Project:TASK NO. 62 43 .. 73 21 53 ,, FEE 10 $2 P160244 $ ESTIMATED 773 46 85402335 18 1 MINNEAPOLIS, MN. TOTALS 0000000 00 CLERICAL 005880 01 20 4 TECHNICAL 552 07 40301025 10 1 PROF. 000500 05 20 2 SR. PROF. 2255021 43 1 SR. ASSOC. 0 000000 00 PRINCIPAL Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 23 KK SS AA TT -- LL AA TT OO TT BB UU SS ) % 0 6 ( S N N A O L I T P C N E I L A L M O C R E A T T A A CITY OF ROSEMOUNTWATERMAIN RECONSTRUCTION ON CSAH 42Design services related to the TH 52 & CSAH 42 Interchange Project WORK TASK DESCRIPTIONDReview as-built information. Update to CAD base files, if needed.Evaluate temporary service requirements and connections for intervals during construction that require water shut off. Make recommendations for providing temporary water service during construction.WDevelop preliminary plans for proposed watermain construction based on City direction, survey data and as built information. Allow for City staff over the shoulder review.All plan elements to meet City standards. After initial City staff over the shoulder review, prepare water main profiles, including length, size, material/class, elevations and slope.Coordination with other design teams for utility related plan continuity.Update pay items, quantities and engineering cost estimate accordingly. Pay item update will utilize the MnDOT Trns*port list to the extent possible.Submit plans to City staff for review. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.S:\\Marketing\\Proposals\\2016 Letter Proposals\\P160244 Rosemount Watermain-CSAH 42\\P160244 Draft scope of tasks.xlsx 00 .. 23 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Client:Project:TASK NO. 550 804 ... 533 102 789 ,, $ FEE 42 1$ P160244 $ ESTIMATED 62 385 173212175525 32 1 MINNEAPOLIS, MN. TOTALS 0000505 055 10 1 CLERICAL 00000000 000 TECHNICAL 512 530 1530101510 71 PROF. 00008000 800 SR. PROF. 222200 000 3210 41 SR. ASSOC. 00000000 000 PRINCIPAL Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 5 46 KK K SS S AA A TT T -- - LL L AA A TT T OO O TT T BB B UU U ) SS S % 0 0 1 - % 5 9 ( E C S N N A A T L S P I S N G I S A N A I MT G T I RN I E M D T R D A I E CITY OF ROSEMOUNTWATERMAIN RECONSTRUCTION ON CSAH 42Design services related to the TH 52 & CSAH 42 Interchange Project WORK TASK DESCRIPTIONWIncorporate City comments from the 60% submittal plan and develop 95% plan.Finalize water main design after reciept of City comments.Coordination with other design teams for utility related plan continuity.Compute and check contract pay item quantities. Prepare final Opinion of Probable Cost.Prepare project special provisions and other information needed for project manual.PMinnesota Department of Health: Prepare plan review submittal form and submit plans and specs for approval.Minnesota Department Transporation Permit Form 2525: Prepare plan review submittal form and submit plans and specs for approval.BAssist City of Rosemount staff with responding to questions from contractors during bidding process. Prepare language for addendums as needed. SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.S:\\Marketing\\Proposals\\2016 Letter Proposals\\P160244 Rosemount Watermain-CSAH 42\\P160244 Draft scope of tasks.xlsx 0 . 56 4 SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Client:Project:TASK NO. 0= 8 0= 3 . . = 4 2 = 3$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 1 = 0 3 , = $312.00$162.00$150.00$803.05 9 $ FEE = 4 $8,439.30$1,527.46$2,923.40 = P160244 $48,722.38$20,313.32$14,715.85$48,722.38 ESTIMATED = = $ = 6 1 4 MINNEAPOLIS, MN. TOTALS 0 2 $0.00$0.00$0.00 $104.00$520.00$520.00 $2,080.00$1,040.00$2,080.00 CLERICAL 1 4 $0.10$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 $0.540 $145.00 $5,945.00$5,945.00$5,945.00 TECHNICAL 5 0 2 $0.00 $94.35 $943.50$283.05$943.50 PROF. $7,076.25 $19,341.75$10,095.45$19,341.75 Miles @Copies @ 0 3 3 300 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 $95.00 $760.00 $3,135.00$2,375.00$3,135.00 SR. PROF. 7 9 $0.00 $145.99$583.96 $4,379.70$1,897.87$5,839.60$1,459.90 $14,161.03$14,161.03 SR. ASSOC. Mail, Express, Etc. 0 2 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00 $202.98 $4,059.60$4,059.60$4,059.60 PRINCIPAL Work Tasks and Person-Hour Estimates ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS ) S R U O H E S A B ( S R U O H - N O S R E P E E D F E D T E A T M A I M T I S T S E E L L A A T T O O CITY OF ROSEMOUNTWATERMAIN RECONSTRUCTION ON CSAH 42Design services related to the TH 52 & CSAH 42 Interchange Project WORK TASK DESCRIPTIONTAVERAGE HOURLY BILLING RATESESTIMATED LABOR AND OVERHEADESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES T MILEAGE:PARKING:REPRODUCTION:PRINTING:SUPPLIES:COMMUNICATIONS:PERMITS: Dept of Health plan review feeESTIMATED DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSESPROJECT MANAGEMENTDATA COLLECTIONWATER MAIN PLANS (60%)WATER MAIN PLANS (95%-100%)PERMITTINGBIDDING ASSISTANCE SRF CONSULTING GROUP, INC.S:\\Marketing\\Proposals\\2016 Letter Proposals\\P160244 Rosemount Watermain-CSAH 42\\P160244 Draft scope of tasks.xlsx SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Client:Project:TASK NO.ESTIMATE OF DIRECT NON-SALARY EXPENSES:SUMMARY OF COSTS: