HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Report for 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements ProjectI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\9.b. Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Report for 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements Project.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: May 3, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Report for 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements Project, City Project 470 AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer AGENDA NO. 9.b. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal; Resolution; Map APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements Project, City Project 470. BACKGROUND: Beginning in 2010, the City initiated a plan to prepare multi-year feasibility reports with the intention of providing a longer range look at upcoming projects and allowing for more advance notice to property owners. As a result, each year’s feasibility study will review and update the current project, as well as provide information about the proposed improvements for the following two years. At the February 8, 2016 City Council Work Session, Council was presented the revisions to the Pavement Management Program and preliminary 10-year Capital Improvement Plan. From the 10-year CIP, the following table highlights the proposed projects for 2017-2019. The attached map identifies the roadways proposed to be evaluated in the 2017 - 2019 feasibility report. The following information will be included in the report: Existing conditions with detailed information on the existing materials Proposed improvements Detailed cost estimates and proposed funding sources Estimated assessments Year Project Area Classification Current PCI Project Type 2017 Shannon Hills B Local 29 M&O Shannon Parkway A - CSAH 42 to CSAH 46 MSA 20 Reconstruction 2018 Motz Local 48 M&O Biscayne Pointe A Local 45 M&O Biscayne Avenue C - Connemara Trail to CSAH 42 MSA 49 M&O 2019 O'Leary's Hills A Local 48 M&O O'Leary's Hills B Local 55 M&O Carrollton C Local 55 M&O 145th Street C - TH 3 to CSAH 42 MSA 58 M&O Oak Ridge Estates Rural 48 M&O 2 WSB & Associates, Inc. has provided a proposal for the engineering services to complete the Feasibility Report. The estimated engineering fee is $20,998. This includes the following activities: Preparation of feasibility report Conducting one public informational meeting Public coordination including the preparation of informational letters, invitations, web page updates, and response to resident questions and inquiries Presentation of final report to City Council at the Public Hearing A detailed breakdown of the proposal scope and fee has been attached. The preliminary estimated cost for improvements proposed in 2017 is $980,000. This represents an estimated fee percentage of 2.1%. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council approval of the attached resolution to authorize the preparation of a feasibility report for the 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements Project. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016 – A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBLITY REPORT FOR THE 2017 - 2019 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 470 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount deems it necessary to investigate the feasibility of the 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The City Engineer is directed to have the necessary feasibility report prepared for the 2017 - 2019 Street Improvements Project. ADOPTED this 3rd day of May, 2016. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Building a legacy ǤƚǒƩ legacy. 540 Gateway Boulevard Burnsville, MN 55337 Tel: 952-737-4660 Fax: 763-541-1700 May 3, 2016 Mr. Patrick Wrase Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount th 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Scope and Estimated Fee to Provide Professional Engineering Services for 2017-2019 Street Improvement Program Feasibility Report Dear Mr. Wrase: We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal for professional services related to the pavement management program and 2017-2019 Street Improvement Program. This letter proposal outlines the services required to prepare all necessary documents to complete the 2017-2019 Street Improvement Program Feasibility Report. PROJECT BACKGROUND Beginning in 2010, the City initiated a plan to prepare multi-year feasibility reports with the intention of providing a longer range look at upcoming projects and allowing for more advance notice to property owners. At the February 8, 2016 City Council Work Session, Council accepted the revisions to the Pavement Management Program (PMP) and preliminary 10-year Capital Improvement Plan. From the 10-year CIP, the following table highlights the proposed projects for 2017-2019. Year Project Area Classification Project Type Shannon Hills B Local M&O 2017 Shannon Parkway A - CSAH 42 to CSAH 46 MSA Reconstruction Motz Local M&O 2018 Biscayne Pointe A Local M&O Biscayne Avenue C - Connemara Trail to CSAH 42 MSA M&O O'Leary's Hills A Local M&O O'Leary's Hills B Local M&O 2019 Carrollton C Local M&O 145th Street C - TH 3 to CSAH 42 MSA M&O Oak Ridge Estates Rural M&O Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\\02235-100\\Admin\\Docs\\LTR Proposal - Rosemount - 050316 - 2017-2019 SIP.docx Mr. Patrick Wrase May 3, 2016 Page 2 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The feasibility report will take the information from the PMP and detail the 2017-2019 street improvement projects. The City's PMP evaluates projects based on pavement conditions. During the feasibility stage of projects, city utilities should be evaluated. Of the project areas identified for 2017-2019, the Motz neighborhood in particular should be evaluated as it was originally constructed in 1960. The sanitary sewer is vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sanitary sewer and cast iron pipe (CIP) watermain. Additionally, there has been a question in the past about the capacity of the sanitary sewer along 143`d Street that receives flow from the sanitary lift station for the school district. To evaluate the city utilities in this area, WSB will meet with city staff to discuss items such as watermain breaks, tree root intrusion, sewer capacity, hydrant and gate valve operation, and determine if a sanitary sewer televising report is necessary for further evaluation. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB's project scope and proposed work plan are based on our understanding of the project as previously described. In order to complete the project,we propose the following scope of services: Task 1: Feasibilitv Report WSB will complete the feasibility report for the 2017-2019 Street Improvement Program, including, but not limited to: ■ Data collection ■ Existing conditions ■ Drawings and figures ■ Quantity and cost estimates ■ Funding breakdown ■ Preliminary assessment rolls and calculations ■ Project schedule ■ Feasibility and recommendation Cost: $14,132 Task 2: Pavement Analvsis WSB will conduct pavement cores throughout the proposed project areas to confirm the assumptions made with the PMP, and for informational purposes while completing the preliminary and final design. The most recent set of pavement cores were completed was in 2012. Pavement cores will be conducted in the 2017-2019 project areas totaling approximately fifty(50)cores. Cost: $2,250 K:\02235-300\Atlmin\Docs\LTR Proposal-Rosemowt-050316-2017-2019 SIP.doa Mr. Patrick Wrase May 3, 2016 Page 3 K:\02235-100\Admin\Docs\LTR Proposal - Rosemount - 050316 - 2017-2019 SIP.docx Task 3: Utility Analysis As is the case with older neighborhoods in Rosemount, many city utilities are in need of improvement. It is practical, cost effective, and provides limited disturbance to residents to complete utility and street improvements project concurrently. WSB will review and evaluate, with City Staff, televising reports provided by others to determine the need for utility work in the project areas. Cost: $1,260 Task 4: Public Involvement WSB will prepare meeting materials and presentations and attend neighborhood open house meetings and City Council meetings that pertain to the 2017-2019 street improvements. Cost: $1,536 Task 5: City Project Engineer Coordination As the role of Assistant City Engineer/Project Engineer, WSB will provide city related tasks and coordination at reduced hourly rates. Cost: $600 SCHEDULE WSB will complete the project within three months of receipt of a written authorization. PROPOSED FEE We propose to conduct the work listed above on an hourly basis for an estimated total fee of $20,998.00. We will review our progress weekly and will not exceed this amount without your prior approval should the scope of the project change. This letter represents our entire understanding of the project scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one original signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed agreement. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed, please feel free to contact me at (763) 287-7191. We look forward to working with you and greatly appreciate the opportunity to assist you and your staff in the completion of this project. Mr. Patrick Wrase May 3, 2016 Page 4 K:\02235-100\Admin\Docs\LTR Proposal - Rosemount - 050316 - 2017-2019 SIP.docx Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Andy Brotzler, PE Krista Anderson, PE Principal/Senior Project Manager Project Engineer Enclosures cc: Mitch Hatcher, WSB & Associates, Inc. jmh ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Signature: Name/Title: Date: Task Description11.1 Project Management 4 8 820$2,312.001.2 Project Meetings 4 2 4 212$1,418.001.3 Data Collection4812$1,072.001.4 Report 8142226$2,608.001.5 Drawings / Figures268$764.001.6 Quantity Tabulations and Cost Estimate 2 8 12 1234$3,408.001.7 Assessments2248$760.001.8 QA / QC 6 6214$1,790.00Task 1 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 16 34 44 30 4 6 134 $14,132.0022.1 Coring 66$1,410.002.2Analysis448$840.00Task 2 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 4 46 14 $2,250.0033.1 Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Analysis 4 6 6 622$1,260.00Task 3 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 4 6 6 622 $1,260.0044.1 Presentation and Meeting Prep44$392.004.2 Neighborhood Open House Meetings44$392.004.3 City Council Meetings4610$752.00Task 4 Total Estimated Hours and Fee12 6 18 $1,536.0055.1 City Coordination1010$600.00Task 5 Total Estimated Hours and Fee10 10 $600.00Total Estimated Hours 16 4 44 6 66 30 4 16 6 6 198Average Hourly Billing Rate158.00 158.00 112.00 98.00 98.00 85.00 85.00 60.00 235.00 99.00Total Fee by Labor Classification $2,528.00 $632.00 $4,928.00 $588.00 $6,468.00 $2,550.00 $340.00 $960.00 $1,410.00 $594.00 $20,998.00TOTAL PROJECT COST $20,998.00Two Person Coring CrewCostTotal HoursGIS SpecialistFeasibility ReportProject Manager Project EngineerEstimate of CostCity of Rosemount, MinnesotaProfessional Engineering Services2017 - 2019 Street ImprovementsEstimated HoursCity Project EngineerCity Project Engineer Coordination Pavement AnalysisUtility AnalysisPrincipalAdminPublic InvolvementGraduate EngineerWater/Waste Water Project ManagerWater/Waste Water Project Engineer M e a d o w s P a r k CentralParkInnisfree ParkBirchPark B loom field P arkClaretPark EricksonPark CarrollsWoodsPark RMSPark Charlie's Park JayceePark LionsPark ShannonPark Winds ParkTwin PuddlesKidderParkBiscayne ParkConnemaraPark Schwarz Pond Park Tw in PuddlesDallaraPark Innisfree Park Schwarz Pond Park FamilyRes Ctr ChippendalePark CamfieldPark BrockwayPark BrockwayPark Ames SoccerComplex UMore BallPark Ailesbury Park Flint HillsAthletic Complex WiklundPreserve Horseshoe Park Proposed 3-Year CIPImprovements 2017,2018 & 2019 Document Path: T:\GIS\City\Maps\Departmental Maps\Engineering\CIP\Proposed 3 Year CIP_Pavement_8x11.mxd 2017 2018 2019