HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Star Program ����� t�`�STAR COMMUNITIES Si v�i���;u n� �I�;,��;.,��r. �1,,,,,i�,���4 K si s>:<<C���,�i�.����., For Immediate Release March 25, 2015 Contact: Lacey Shaver Manager,Community Engagement lacey@starcommunities.org 855-890-7827,ext. 105 Rosemount, MN Named One of the Nation's Most Sustainable Cities National organization recognizes Rosemount as a leader in sustainability Rosemount, MN (March 25, 2015) —Today, Mayor Bill Droste announced that Rosemount, MN has been awarded a 3-STAR Community Rating for national leadership in sustainability. Rosemount is the smallest U.S. city to achieve certification under the national STAR Community Rating System (STAR). The STAR Community Rating System is a robust sustainability rating system for cities, towns, and counties that helps communities evaluate themselves across seven areas related to sustainability, such as built environment, economy and jobs, health and safety, and natural systems. "Several years ago Rosemount was working on several fronts connected with sustainability," Mayor Droste said. "But we lacked a tool to measure progress. The STAR Community Rating System provided the structure we were looking for. It points to areas where we need to focus." "Sustainable cities provide a healthy environment, support a strong economy, and continually improve the well-being of the community," said Hilari Varnadore, Executive Director of STAR Communities. "The data and information that Rosemount gathered through the process should help them continue to make improvements that benefit the whole community." Nearly 100 communities are actively using the STAR Community Rating System, with more than 60 engaged in the certification process. Rosemount is the first community in Minnesota to achieve STAR certification. Communities pursuing STAR certification accumulate points for their achievements across seven goal areas that are used to determine their rating. There are three STAR certification levels: 3-STAR Community (200-399 points); 4-STAR Community (400-599 points); and S-STAR (600+ points). Rosemount received a score of 324.9, which qualifies them as a 3-STAR Community, recognized for "sustainability leadership." Other 3-STAR Communities include Cleveland, OH; Des Moines, IA; Fort Collins, CO; and Indianapolis, IN. Staff from several City departments coordinated by Rosemount Community Development spent one year performing a thorough assessment of the community's sustainability and gathering the data required for certification. Notable achievements within the assessment include: • Parks and public spaces: Rosemount has over 21 acres of park and open space per STAR Communities • 777 North Capitol St. NE,Suite 500 •Washington,DC 20002 www.ST'��I��communities.org �~��r l�`�STAR COMMUNITIES �t�ti1:11A.iRll il�l TUi�I,�fi�H r���h��lAi���R.111N(,�.UV1Stl-VI'�.-1� 1,000 residents and over 97� of homes are within a %Z mile walk distance from a park or public space; • Community Water Systems: Rosemount's Comprehensive Water System Plan assesses the capital improvement needs to support a growing population and helped the community to meet national standards for wastewater and stormwater management, as well as drinking wate�quality. • Food Access and Nutrition: Rosemount is increasing the amount of food produced through local agriculture and has 49 community gardens and has increased the ability of low-income families to access low-cost, healthful food. • Regiona/ Col/aboration and Innovation: Rosemount is collaborating regionally on affordable housing issues with the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities and is also working on greenhouse gas mitigation and energy efficiency through their participation in the Regional Indicators Initiative, which is a partnership of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Regional Council of Mayors. Mayor Droste thanked contributors to the data that made Rosemount's application possible, including the Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools, the Dakota County Community Development Agency, the Rosemount Area Arts Council, and the Community Action Partnership. "The City Council will begin a review of our successful outcome in the STAR Community Rating System in the next few weeks," the Mayor said. "We will look for opportunities to build on Rosemount's progress in sustainability as identified by this comprehensive assessment and review of our local efforts." Staff from the City of Rosemount will be analyzing the STAR results, with an emphasis on areas where the city must improve. Rosemount's 3-STAR Community Rating is effective for three years, at which point the city will be reevaluated. To learn more about the STAR Community Rating System, visit the STAR website at www.STARcommunities.org. To learn more about sustainability in Rosemount, visit www.ci.rosemount.mn.us/STAR. ### STAR Communities works to evaluate, improve and certify sustainable communities.The organization administers the STAR Community Rating System, the nation's first framework and certification program for local sustainability. For more information, visit www.STARcommunities.or�. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @STARCommRatin�. STAR Communities • 777 North Capitol St.NE,Suite 500 •Washington,DC 20002 www.ST.ARcommunities.org EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Special City Council Work Session Meeting: January 5, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Review STAR Communities AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 2.b. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Task List, September Minutes and Council Staff Report, Star Communities Information APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Item UPDATE In September, 2015, staff brought an update of the Star Communities process to the Council for discussion and further direction. At that time there was a lot of discussion about various benchmarks for the variety of criteria and whether the City should continue to participate in the program. As staff mentioned, we had identified tasks that we are doing and those we won’t. We also identified items we might be able to do with additional resources, those we might be able to do but aren’t sure and additional research is needed and those we generally do but aren’t tracking. Since the last meeting staff has reviewed those items we thought could be reasonably accomplished within the scope of our work, and appear to be consistent with goals of the Council, from a sustainability standpoint. That list of 24 Local Actions and 8 Outcomes has been provided. These are in addition to the 164 Local Actions and 20 Outcomes we already capture. Staff is recommending that we move forward to adopt tasks to accomplish the attached list and include these actions in department work plans for 2016 and in the future. In September, the Council had a lot of discussion about continuing to participate in the STAR program. The Community Development Department does not have the capacity to take on that entire project given that we will be embarking on the Comprehensive Plan update in the next few months. Rather, staff is recommending we learn from the STAR process, and continue to incorporate reasonable strategies embodied in the STAR program into each department’s operations. As we have discussed, many of the outcomes and local actions are beyond the scope and control of our suburban local government programs and resources. This approach allows the City to benefit from the benchmarking exercise and also permits marketing the community as a 3-star community. SUMMARY In 2014 the City participated in the STAR Communities project and received a 3-star designation. Through the process, the City compiled a lot of information that would allow the City to increase sustainability efforts, should the Council choose to prioritize these tasks. Obviously, the City has been implementing a variety of sustainability programs and measures which allowed the City to receive the 3-start designation. The question is whether the Council would like to expand on the STAR program, which would mean initiating programmatic changes and increased tracking of measures not currently conducted. As the Council is aware, completing the rating system for STAR was a time-consuming process. Should the Council 2 prioritize this exercise and have a goal to increase our points, there would be additional work necessary for existing staff which would shift current work. DISCUSSION The STAR Communities has seven subject areas: • Built Environment • Climate & Energy • Economy & Jobs • Education, Arts & Community • Equity & empowerment • Health & Safety • Natural Systems Within those subject areas there are a “series of objectives aimed at achieving community-level aspirations. Objectives are measured in two ways: through attainment of community level outcomes and/or completion of local actions that are essential to reaching the outcomes.” For example in the Built Environment, Ambient Noise and Light is one objective that a city can receive up to 5 points. If the City meets the Community Level Outcomes listed, they could receive 70% of the points (5 points). There are 3 outcomes relating to Noise, Light in the Community, and Light in the Night Sky. If the City could meet all those outcomes, 3.5 points would be given. To receive all 5 points, the City would also need to meet some local actions, of which there are eight. Only 70% of the points can be obtained through Local Actions. The City can receive all 5 points through a combination of meeting Objectives and Local Actions, but the most awarded for this Outcome is 5 points. As can be seen from this one example, there is flexibility in how to obtain points but it is a cumbersome process to review all the options, in this case there would be eleven different assessments to be made to receive up to 5 points. One of the main program issues identified by staff is the criteria used to determine whether Rosemount is sustainable and the resulting point system. As we have discussed previously, some of the criteria are, in staff’s opinion, not indicative of the circumstances occurring in Rosemount. The prime example is the “Quality Jobs and Living Wages. We received 4.26 points for this category even though we have low unemployment, good local jobs with good wages. Staff has categorized all the Outcomes and Local Actions into 5 categories for the Council’s information. • Items we currently do (yes) • Things we wouldn’t do (no) • Yes, information available but not tracked • Yes, maybe we could do that but it will take resources • Yes, maybe with additional research Not surprisingly, staff feels we would be able to track the “yes, available” with the least amount of work, with the two other categories requiring a more concerted effort. The question is whether the Council would like to continue with this program and, if so, is the goal to increase points. We received 325 points which is within the 3-star category. To become a 4-star community we would need to increase our points by 75, which is almost ¼ more than the current points. There are costs and staff resources involved with application completion and fees. Additional staff resources would be necessary to take on additional tasks which would result in greater points. Or is the goal to assess the community and benchmark current circumstances, with the intention of making incremental changes over 3 time to improve the level of sustainability within the City. The Council should provide staff direction regarding their goals for this program. Depending upon that outcome, Staff will make recommendations to the Council in the near future about how to proceed. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending adding the attached outcomes and local actions to the work tasks for the appropriate departments to increase the city’s overall sustainability. Staff will keep the listing and look to add additional tasks over the next few years as capacity permits. If the Council would like to continue actively participating in the STAR Communities program, additional staff resources would be needed in the Community Development Department. Objective Area Section Action Description Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-1 Adopt a Climate Action Plan designed to reduce GHG emissions throughout the jurisdiction Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-2 Create a green purchase policy to ensure that the local government’s transportation and non-transportation energy supply increasingly come from renewable and alternative sources Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-10 Renovate local government buildings to improve energy and water use efficiency Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-1 Develop targeted strategies to improve the resource efficiency of public infrastructure systems Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-3 Adopt codes or design standards for new public infrastructure that will reduce GHG emissions and increase water efficiency Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-5 Implement incentives or enforce regulations ensuring that residents and businesses are working toward community waste reductions targets Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-2 Formally engage with the business community on a regular basis to improve conditions and address specific needs Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-5 Utilize tax incentives to retain or expand businesses, including property tax abatement, local sales tax rebates, and/or tax increment financing (TIF) Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-2 Adopt an economic localization plan to increase local production for local consumption and export Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-4 Create or support promotional campaigns to bank locally, buy locally, or buy from small and independent businesses and retailers Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-7 Connect entrepreneurs and business owners with lenders and investors to facilitate investment in the local economy Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-9 Establish programs that eliminate existing sources of light pollution coming from municipally-owned entities Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-3 Create guidelines to encourage incorporation of active building design features in new public, commercial, office, and multi-family residential buildings Local Actions Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-4 Create an education and outreach campaign to engage citizens and businesses in climate change vulnerability reduction efforts Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-3 Create an education and outreach campaign to engage citizens and businesses in GHG reduction efforts Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-4 Coordinate with universities, community colleges, the local Workforce Investment Board, private firms, and other community stakeholders to align research, workforce development, and resources to support targeted industry sectors Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-6 Use tax incentives to attract, retain, or expand businesses in targeted industry sectors Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-7 Enforce noise standards during the permitting, design, and construction of new large-scale developments that can significantly increase ambient noise levels Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-8 Enforce light standards during the permitting, design, and construction of new large-scale developments that can significantly increase ambient light levels Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-2 Adopt policies to ensure that the jurisdiction has the authority to enact water conservation measures during periods of drought Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-3 Collaborate with a regional water management group that includes other jurisdictions that share the same water sources Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-10 Provide at least 3 types of active recreation facilities that are available for community use, by population size Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-8 Ensure that all local government-owned buildings use native plants or non-invasive species in landscaping Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-6 Adopt land use strategies to incentivize permanent land conservation Category Area Section Outcome Description CLIMATE & Climate CE-1 O-1 Demonstrate a measurable reduction in vulnerability ECONOMY & Business EJ-1 O-1 Option A: Demonstrate an increased number of BUILT ENVIRONMENT Community Water Systems BE-2 O-3 Part 1: Demonstrate that all publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) are in compliance with EPA effluent guidelines permits --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate that existing industrial dischargers are in compliance with EPA permits NATURAL SYSTEMS Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-1 Option A: Achieve targets for acres of land conserved in priority natural systems areas identified in a locally adopted natural systems or land conservation plan -- OR-- Option B: Demonstrate incremental progress towards achievement of targets for acres of land conserved identified in a locally-adopted natural systems or land conservation plan NATURAL SYSTEMS Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-3 Increase the area of land directly connected to regional natural systems in order to improve ecosystem services NATURAL SYSTEMS Invasive Species NS-2 O-1 Show that no new invasive species have established themselves in the last 5 years in priority natural systems areas and critical entry points NATURAL SYSTEMS Invasive Species NS-2 O-2 Show that existing invasive species have not movied into priority natural systems areas and critical entry points NATURAL SYSTEMS Invasive Species NS-2 O-3 Option A: Eradicate existing invasive species from priority natural systems areas and critical entry points - -OR-- Option B: Demonstrate progress towards targets identified in the community's local integrated pest management plan [Partial credit applies] NATURAL SYSTEMS Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-4 Reduce the difference between the actual acreage restored and targeted acreage established in the natural systems plan or land conservation plan NATURAL SYSTEMS Water in the Environment NS-5 O-1 Demonstrate that the amount of water withdrawn from the system for human use does not exceed the amount of freshwater entering the system through precipitation, river flow, and other sources NATURAL SYSTEMS Water in the Environment NS-5 O-2 Achieve a biological integrity rating of 'Very good' or 'good' based on the EPA's 305(b) reporting requirements for all bodies of water with appropriate designated usesCLIMATE & Greenhouse CE-2 O-1 Demonstrate incremental progress towards Outcomes Local Actions Outcomes Yes 164 20 Yes, Available 24 3 Yes,Maybe 44 39 Research 122 32 No 56 14 Total 410 108 Excerpt from the September 8, 2015 City Council Work Session Minutes 2.C. Review STAR Communities Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the STAR Communities project issues. Staff reviewed each outcome and local action and qualified each one by whether it is something that might be done in the future and what inputs might be needed. Ms. Lindquist asked about the applicability of the system as a whole. Council member DeBettignies inquired about how the system has helped the residents. Council member Weisensel stated the original purpose was for benchmarking where the city is at from a sustainability standpoint. Staff and Council members discussed the applicability of the STAR measurements on the work of the City. Council members inquired about the overall costs of the program. Council member Weisensel stated that he feels that it validated a number of activities of the City. Council member Demuth stated we should choose items that we think should do that would help. Council member Nelson stated he doesn’t think that it’s worth spending the money when we’re the only city in Minnesota doing it. Council member Demuth stated this is a good selling point that the City is sustainable even without UMore being a sustainable development. Council member DeBettignies stated he thinks we know what we need to do without this particular system. The Mayor expressed doubt that we could agree on a short list of items to pursue. Ms. Lindquist asked Council to suggest feedback on whether and how the city should continue to utilize STAR program in the future. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session Meeting: September 8, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Review Star Communities AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 2.c. ATTACHMENTS: Star Communities Information APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Item SUMMARY In 2014 the City participated in the STAR Communities project and received a 3-star designation. Through the process, the City compiled a lot of information that would allow the City to increase sustainability efforts, should the Council choose to prioritize these tasks. Obviously, the City has been implementing a variety of sustainability programs and measures which allowed the City to receive the 3-star designation. The question is whether the Council would like to expand on the STAR program, which would mean initiating programmatic changes and increased tracking of measures not currently conducted. As the Council is aware, completing the rating system for STAR was a time-consuming process. Should the Council prioritize this exercise and have a goal to increase our points, there would be additional work necessary for existing staff which would shift current work. DISCUSSION The STAR Communities has seven subject areas: Built Environment Climate & Energy Economy & Jobs Education, Arts & Community Equity & empowerment Health & Safety Natural Systems Within those subject areas there are a “series of objectives aimed at achieving community-level aspirations. Objectives are measured in two ways: through attainment of community level outcomes and/or completion of local actions that are essential to reaching the outcomes.” For example in the Built Environment, Ambient Noise and Light is one objective that a city can receive up to 5 points. If the City meets the Community Level Outcomes listed, they could receive 70% of the points (5 points). There are 3 outcomes relating to Noise, Light in the Community, and Light in the Night Sky. If the City could meet all those outcomes, 3.5 points would be given. To receive all 5 points, the City would also need to meet some local actions, of which there are eight. Only 70% of the points can be obtained through Local Actions. The City can receive all 5 points through a combination of meeting Objectives and Local Actions, but the most 2 awarded for this Outcome is 5 points. As can be seen from this one example, there is flexibility in how to obtain points but it is a cumbersome process to review all the options, in this case there would be eleven different assessments to be made to receive up to 5 points. One of the main program issues identified by staff is the criteria used to determine whether Rosemount is sustainable and the resulting point system. As we have discussed previously, some of the criteria are, in staff’s opinion, not indicative of the circumstances occurring in Rosemount. The prime example is the Quality Jobs and Living Wages. We received 4.26 points for this category even though we have low unemployment, good local jobs with good wages. Staff has categorized all the Outcomes and Local Actions into 5 categories for the Council’s information. Items we currently do (yes) Things we wouldn’t do (no) Yes, information available but not tracked Yes, maybe we could do that but it will take resources Yes, maybe with additional research Not surprisingly, staff feels we would be able to track the “yes, available” with the least amount of work, with the two other categories requiring a more concerted effort. The question is whether the Council would like to continue with this program and, if so, is the goal to increase points. We received 325 points which is within the 3-star category. To become a 4-star community we would need to increase our points by 75, which is almost ¼ more than the current points. There are costs and staff resources involved with application completion and fees. Additional staff resources would be necessary to take on additional tasks which would result in greater points. Or is the goal to assess the community and benchmark current circumstances, with the intention of making incremental changes over time to improve the level of sustainability within the City. The Council should provide staff direction regarding their goals for this program. Depending upon that outcome, Staff will make recommendations to the Council in the near future about how to proceed. RECOMMENDATION Provide staff direction. Table of Goals & Objectives 2 Final Score 325 Points – 3-STAR Community Recognized for sustainability leadership. 4 Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Education, Arts Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 O-1 7.4 7.4 Demonstrate thatat least 75% of residents live within 1 mile of a community venue that is open to the public and offers free services and/or events for residents Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-5 Adopt zoning code, building code, or other legally binding regulations that address future climate change threats Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 O-1 3 3 Part 1: Demonstrate that the community is not in violation of EPA's 5% standard for coliform bacteria in water pipes --AND-- Part 2: Option A: Demonstrate that the water supplied to residents is notin violation of EPA standards for turbidity and water pathogens --OR-- Option B: increase the amount of all regulated contaminants over time [Can get partial credit] Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-6 Adopt energy efficiency regulations for buildings within the jurisdiction Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 O-4 3.8 3.8 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits have been obtained prior to discharging stormwater Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-9 Implement specific programs and services or create facility upgrades that reduce waste in the community Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 O-1 4.5 4.5 Provide ample parkland based on population density as follows: High: 6.8 acres per 1,000 residents Intermediate-High: 7.3 Acres per 1,000 residents Intermediate-low: 13.5 acres per 1,000 residents Low: 20.3 acres per 1,000 residents Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-3 Remove zoning, height, and other regulatory restrictions on the development of small-scale renewable energy installations and alternative fueling systems Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 O-2 4.5 4.5 Demonstrate that housing units in the community are located within a 1/2 mile walk distance of a public space or park based on population density as follows: High or intermediate-High: 85% Intermediate-low or low: 70% Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-8 Run a net-metering program that encourages the development of small scale renewable energy sources Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 O-3 4.5 4.5 Demonstrate that 90% of households are located within 3 miles of an off- road trail Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-4 Partner with local industries and voluntary greenhouse gas reporting programs to collect and report emissions and mitigation efforts Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 O-4 1.5 1.5 Option A: Demonstrate that 66% or more of surveyed residents visit a park at least once a year OR-- Option B: Demonstrate that 66% or more surveyed residents respond favorably regarding the quality of the community's public space and park system Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-2 Adopt or upgrade building codes to ensure that new and renovated buildings are more water and energy efficient Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 O-3 3.2 3.2 Option A: Demonstrate thatat least 50% of residents believe they are able to have a positive impact on their community based on a local survey --OR- Option B: Increase over time the percentage of residents who believe they are able to have a positive impact on their community based on local surveys [Partial Credit Applies] Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-4 Create an education and outreach campaign or challenge to engage citizens and businesses in energy and water efficiency efforts Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 O-1 5.3 5.3 Demonstrate that 21% or less of adults aged 20+ report no leisure time physical activity within the past month Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-7 Train inspectors to enforce water and energy efficiency standards in adopted building codes Health & Safety Emergency Prevention Response HS-3 O-1 6 6 Achieve a Class 4 Insurance Services Office rating or better Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-9 Create a program to help homeowners and renters upgrade to more energy and waterefficient homes Health & Safety Emergency Prevention Response HS-3 O-2 6 6 Demonstrate that 90% of response times are in compliance with standards set by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-1 Adopt a waste management plan that identifies the community’s greatest sources of waste, sets formal waste reductions targets and establishes actions to help reach the community’s waste reduction aims Health & Safety Emergency Prevention Response HS-3 O-3 3 3 Demonstrate that the community is in compliance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-2 Adopt specific product bans that will significantly advance progress towards waste reduction goals Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 O-1 2.6 2.6 Option A: Demonstrate an increase over the past 3 years in the amount of fresh food produced through local urban agriculture --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate an increase over the past 3 years in the amount of fresh food sold locally at farmers markets or other direct farm-to-consumer activities Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-3 Create a public education campaign or a focused outreach effort to inform residents and businesses of their roles in achieving waste reduction targets Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 O-2 2.6 2.6 Demonstrate an increase over the past 3 years in the ability oflow-income families to access low cost, healthful food Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-4 Develop or participate in a regional coalition that enhances the community’s ability to address waste management targets Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 O-1 1.8 1.8 Decrease the number of student, parent, and staff complaints to the public school district regarding indoor air quality (IAQ) over time Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-6 Provide services to enable residents and businesses to recycle and reduce their waste footprint Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 O-1 7.5 7.5 Option A: Demonstrate that the average violent crime rate for the past 3 years is below the following thresholds: 5.5 homicides per 100,000 residents, 70 incidents of rape or attempted rape per 100,000 residents, 462.7 aggravated assaults per 100,000 residents --OR-- Option B: Achieve targets for a percentage decrease in violent crime identified in a locally adopted safe communities strategic plan [Partial credit applies] Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-7 Collaboratively create and run at least 2 targeted recycling programs at key locations throughout the community Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 O-2 7.5 7.5 Demonstrate that the average number of incidents of school violence is less than 10 per 1,000 students for all public schools in the jurisdiction Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-8 Operate at least 2 specific waste management programs for critical waste stream types found in the community, such as: organic waste, hazardous waste, electronic waste, and construction / demolition waste Natural Systems Green NS-1 O-1 8.4 8.4 Option A: Demonstrate that 35% of the jurisdiction's land area has protected vegetated surfaces performing a minimum of 2 of the following functions: Localized cooling through tree canopy cover, green roofs, or green walls; Water management through wetlands, streams, buffers and permeable surfaces; Recreation through parks and/or greenways --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate a 2-5% increase in land area with protected vegetated surfaces over time Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-1 Conduct an assessment of local economic conditions, including economic leakage and targeted sectors for future investment Natural Systems Green NS-1 O-2 7 7 Demonstrate that 85% of the population levies within a 1/2 mile walk distance from green infrastructure features that are performing a minimum of 2 of the following functions: Localized cooling through tree canopy cover, green roofs, or green walls; Water management through wetlands, streams, buffers and permeable surfaces; Recreation through parks Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-2 Enact family-friendly workplace policies for all local government employees that include at least 2 of the following benefits: paid sick days, family leave, flexible scheduling, job sharing, and easily available childcare. Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 O-1 15 15 Option A: Achieve attainment or maintenance status for all measured criteria pollutants --OR-- Option B: Part 1 - Demonstrate a decrease in the annual concentration of the non-attainment criteria pollutant(s) that have the greatest impacts on public health, specifically PM2.5,PM10, and ozone AND-- Part 2 - Demonstrate a decrease in the annual number of days in which Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeds 100 over the past 5 years [Partial Credit applies] Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-7 Maintain collective bargaining relationships with public employee labor organizations that represent local government workers Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-9 Provide job training and assistance programs for employees and employers in professions or sectors where wages are below the living wage or self-sufficiency standard Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-2 Invest in market studies and research to support the continued growth and expansion of targeted industry sectors Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-6 Create data sharing agreements between local governments and private sector employers to maximize the availability and use of data in economic and workforce development planning Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-8 Provide support services and training tailored to the needs of the local workforce Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-9 Support expansion of community college programs to address the educational and training needs of the local workforce Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-4 Collaborate with private, non-profit, or regional organizations to increase access to and participation in the arts Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-5 Track participation and attendance at major community arts and cultural events, performances, festivals, and programs Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-6 Provide financial or logistical support to local arts, festivals, performances, or cultural tourism Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-7 Hire local artists to create artwork, sculptures, or perform in public spaces Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-9 Provide entrepreneurial and workforce development training programs that serve artists, writers, designers, and other creative industries professionals Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-10 Ensure that major arts and cultural facilities are accessible to people with disabilities Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-2 Adopt zoning and development regulations that support or incentivize farmers markets, community gardens, and urban agriculture. Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-7 Provide direct funding and management of at least 2 types of community and neighborhood venues Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-9 Provide programs that support the development of positive, strong youth leaders, particularly in low-income and/or minority neighborhoods Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-10 Provide financial or logistical support for publicly-accessible neighborhood events, activities, and programming, particularly in low-income and/or minority neighborhoods Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-3 Prepare an annual progress report for the public outlining the local school system’s performance Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-5 Provide full-day kindergarten for low-income students and students with special needs Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-4 Adopt land use, zoning, and design regulations that support and reinforce existing community character in older and historic neighborhoods and commercial areas, and promote development of sensitive, compatible infill Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-5 Collaborate with local non-profit or for-profit entities to support local events, recognition programs, and tourism efforts that celebrate and leverage the economic value of local historic resources Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-4 Promote events and programs that recognize and celebrate social and cultural diversity in the community Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-5 Provide equity and diversity training for local government staff Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-9 Provide financial or logistical support to programs, activities, or events that celebrate and deepen understanding and respect for the community’s diversity Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-1 Adopt a community noise policy, ordinance, or regulations as needed based upon a local assessment Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-2 Adopt a community light policy, ordinance, or regulations as needed based upon a local assessment Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-1 Adopt a jurisdiction-wide management plan for both water consumption and disposal that provides a clean and secure water supply for all local uses Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-4 Establish water quality monitoring and public reporting systems Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-5 Shift towards a full cost pricing system to ensure that users are paying for the true cost of water Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-7 Develop and provide water conservation programs to residents, businesses and agricultural water users in order to help ensure that the community is not depleting its water supply Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-8 Manage and upgrade infrastructure to reduce leaks in the system, eliminate contaminants, and achieve other local conservation goals Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-9 Implement at least 3 innovative water infrastructure and facility programs Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-11 Engage in restoration projects for critical water bodies that provide usable water for the jurisdiction or stormwater management assistance (also NS-5 / LA-8) Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-1 Demonstrate that the comprehensive plan supports compact, mixed-use development Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-2 Identify areas appropriate for compact, mixed-use development onthe community’s official future land use map Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-3 Adopt regulatory strategies that permit or incentivize increased residential and employment densities and diverse uses intransit- served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-8 Establish a design review board, neighborhood commission, or similar appointed citizen body that provides comments on proposed development projects Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-9 Implement programs to preserve and maintain existing subsidized and unsubsidized affordable housing in transit-served areas, compact and mixed-use areas, and areas with rapidly-rising housing costs Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-1 Develop a comprehensive housing strategy Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-4 Use regulatory and design strategies to encourage compatible infill and redevelopment with a mix of housing types in neighborhoods close to employment centers, commercial areas, and where transit or transportation alternatives exist Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-6 Collaborate with other jurisdictions to address affordable housing and location efficiency needs in the region Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-7 Partner with nonprofit or faith-based organization(s) to provide education, counseling, and financial assistance to homebuyers or renters, particularly minorities Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-8 Implement programs to preserve and maintain existing subsidized and unsubsidized affordable housing in transit-served areas, compact and mixed-use areas, and areas with rapidly-rising housing costs Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-1 Develop an inventory of infill, previously developed, brownfield, or greyfield sites of greatest priority and potential for development or redevelopment Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-3 Use regulatory and design strategies to encourage compatible infill and redevelopment with a mix of housing types in neighborhoods close to employment centers, commercial areas, and where transit or transportation alternatives exist Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-4 Educate residents and community groups about the importance of infill and redevelopment, brownfield assessment findings, and design strategies for compatible neighborhood development Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-5 Collaborate with state and federal authorities to advance brownfield cleanup Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-6 Establish a program to provide information and assistance to owners, potential buyers, and developers regarding brownfield assessments, redevelopment strategies, and available resources Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-7 Support temporary, creative neighborhood uses for vacant properties and greyfields Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-8 Provide financial incentives to encourage infill and redevelopment Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-9 Perform proactive zoning enforcement and vacant lot cleanup or maintenance to improve the attractiveness of a redevelopment or blighted area and to deter crime Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-10 Target local infrastructure improvements to revitalize redevelopment or blighted areas and catalyze private reinvestment Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-1 Adopt a parks and/or open space plan that promotes a community-wide network of public spaces that provide recreational, transportation, and environmental benefits Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-3 Adopt regulatory strategies or development incentives to create, maintain, and connect parks and public spaces Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-4 Adopt design guidelines for new public spaces and improvements to existing facilities to strengthen environmental benefits and provide visitor amenities Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-5 Participate in a local or regional alliance working to improve and expand the community-based or regional park system Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-6 Create an advisory board to regularly receive feedback from residents and organizations regarding planning, decision making, and other issues affecting the quality and availability of parks and public spaces Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-7 Host or partner with a volunteer program to support parks and public space maintenance Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-8 Provide assistance for low-income users to access and use parks and public spaces through subsidy, scholarships, and discounts Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-9 Host programs and events in parks and public spaces that bring the community together and encourage physical activity Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-10 Consistently invest sufficient capital and operational funding to create and maintain parks and public spaces Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-5 Implement at least 2 types of focused enforcement programs to ensure pedestrian, bicycle, and motorist safety Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-7 Increase the mileage of sidewalks, particularly on arterial or collector roads that connect people with destinations Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-8 Increase the mileage of striped or buffered bicycle lanes, cycle- tracks, parallel off-street paths and/or other dedicated facilities Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-10 Construct or retrofit transportation infrastructure to meet standards in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-1 Adopt a bicycle and pedestrian master plan and/or non- motorized safety plan that prioritizes future projects to improve access to non-motorized transportation and increase safety Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-7 Create a volunteer program for residents to assist the local government with special events, services, and operations Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-8 Provide support and resources to local community groups to help them achieve their missions Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-6 Provide equity and diversity training for local government staff Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-1 Conduct a community needs assessment to identify priority service needs and resources, including the needs of priority populations Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-3 Establish an advisory committee that provides ongoing consultation to local departments and agencies responsible for providing priority human services Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-4 Develop public education campaigns to inform residents about available service programs to help meet basic needs Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-3 Develop public education campaigns to inform residents about available service programs to help meet basic needs Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-4 Establish or support programs that reduce the costs of basic needs for low-income households, such as utilities, transportation, healthful fresh food, basic medical care, and school supplies Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-6 Create programs to improve employment opportunities for low- income individuals by strengthening hard and soft work skills Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-7 Provide child development programs for children living ator near the local poverty line, including food and nutrition, health care, and early childhood education Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-1 Include a chapter, section, or plan element focused on active living or active transportation in the comprehensive plan or transportation plan Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-2 Require or incentivize bicycle and pedestrian amenities in new major development projects in high-density, mixed-use areas or near transit stations Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-5 Create an advisory board to advise the local government on issues related to planning, policies, code requirements, and other actions affecting active living in the community Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-7 Appoint a physical activity specialist within the local health department to serve as a liaison with relevant local government departments or agencies Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-8 Host or partner with community groups to support at least 2 programs that encourage active living for adults and kids Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-9 Implement a local program that systematically improves bicycle and pedestrian amenities community-wide Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-11 Enable joint use of school-based recreation facilities during non- school hours Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-2 Develop a community health improvement plan to strengthen the delivery of health services and improve community health Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-4 Collaboratively engage the public in the assessment of community health problems and developing strategies to improve the delivery of health services Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-6 Provide information and education to the public regarding health issues and available local programs and services that support prevention and wellness Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-8 Use a performance management system to monitor and improve health services and programs that promote positive health outcomes and expand access to health care Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-1 Develop a NIMS-compliant local inventory of assets and resources available for emergency response and mutual aid requests Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-3 Participate in interstate, statewide, regional, or inter- jurisdictional mutual aid response systems Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-4 Participate in a regional emergency planning commission Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-6 Participate in training drills that involve the public and emergency management personnel from multiple departments and/or multiple jurisdictions Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-7 Perform an annual review or assessment of plans, procedures, resources, and trainings based on emergency response incidents and demands Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-9 Host an active Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) or Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-2 Adopt zoning and development regulations that support or incentivize farmers markets, community gardens, and urban agriculture Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-5 Demonstrate that the local public school district has adopted a model school wellness policy Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-8 Demonstrate that local schools or the public school district has received certification from the USDA Healthier US Schools Challenge or an award from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation in the past 3 years Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-10 Implement an “Increase Your Food Bucks” program for farmers markets Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-1 Prohibit smoking in all enclosed public places, including restaurants, bars, and workplaces Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-7 School district implements a system-wide IAQ management program to monitor and address IAQ problems (Bonus: School district has received an EPA Tools for Schools award or has been recognized as an IAQ Champion in the past 3 years) Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-1 Develop a hazard mitigation action plan that includes an all- hazard vulnerability assessment of the community’s primary hazard threats Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-5 Adopt zoning regulations that limit development in areas of high hazard vulnerability Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-6 Enact building codes with heightened standards for buildings in areas of high hazard vulnerability Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-7 Create insurance or incentive structures to help equitably remove residents from hazardous situations Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-8 Build or renovate locally-owned public facilities to meet higher building code standards to be used as shelters, command centers, and to set an example for the community Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-9 Implement highest priority utility improvements listed in hazard mitigation plan Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-1 Conduct a survey of community perceptions of safety recognizing that some crimes are not reported and to illuminate safety issues that need to be addressed Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-2 Adopt a safe communities strategic plan with a comprehensive, balanced approach that includes violence prevention, intervention, suppression and enforcement, and reentry strategies Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-3 Educate the public and the media about the plan, its implementation, and successful programs and strategies Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-4 Develop partnerships with local agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools, and residents to implement the strategies and programs recommended in the plan Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-5 Establish cross-agency coordination and procedures to support balanced implementation of the plan Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-6 Perform ongoing data collection, evaluation, and monitoring from multiple agencies to track trends and identify emerging community needs Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-7 Implement violence prevention programs and strategies to address community-identified risk and protective factors Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-8 Implement school-based violence prevention programs and strategies, particularly in highly impacted, urban, and at-risk neighborhoods Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-9 Develop violence intervention programs and strategies to support at-risk families and youth and to prevent the escalation of violence Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-10 Adopt violence suppression and enforcement programs and strategies that build trust through community collaboration, rapid, multi-sector response to violent incidents, and full investigations following the use of force Health & Safety Safe Communities HS-7 LA-11 Create or support a multi-faceted, monitored reentry program for ex-offenders that includes training, education, mentoring, and employment opportunities and other support services to reduce recidivism Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-5 Adopt local emergency operations plans and standard operating procedures for emergency response that address environmental damage mitigation, cleanup, and restoration; and include procedures for evacuating low-income, disabled, and other persons likely to need assistance Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-1 Develop a community-wide invasive species integrated pest management plan Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-2 Adopt a local ordinance requiring control of listed priority invasive species or enact a native plant ordinance for private and public landscaping Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-3 Partner with local volunteer groups or neighborhood associations to restore priority natural systems areas by planting native plant communities Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-4 Partner with local volunteer groups to monitor vector zones or areas at greatest risk of invasive species invasion, and organize weed pulls” and other invasive management actions Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-5 Create a public education campaign or targeted outreach effort to inform residents and/or plant or animal sellers about the hazards of invasive species Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-9 Take critical actions to prevent the spread of invasive species, especially in priority natural systems areas, such as monitoring, eradication, or other control programs Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-1 Develop a plan to protect and restore natural resources through land conservation, corridor connectivity, and restoration of biological integrity and function Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-2 Adopt land use regulations that establish appropriate wetland, stream, and shoreline buffer widths and adjacent land uses Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-4 Partner with adjacent jurisdictions, state and federal agencies, and local or regional non-profit organizations to advance land conservation and restoration efforts Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-5 Sponsor educational and outreach activities to increase ecological literacy and knowledge about natural resource protection Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-8 Restore, maintain, and monitor conserved natural lands to increase natural resource resilience, adaptability, and biological integrity Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-1 Adopt regulatory strategies that permit or incentivize increased residential and employment densities and diverse uses intransit- served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-2 Adopt performance-based parking pricing, establish parking maximums, or eliminate parking minimums in transit-served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development, AND incorporate at least 2 other advanced parking strategies Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-3 In collaboration with a local university or health department, conduct a study to evaluate the health impacts of acute exposure to outdoor air pollutants, particularly in consideration of environmental justice and equity impacts Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-4 Collaborate with local industrial operations to reduce and minimize the release of noxious odors in the community Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-YesOutcomes-Yes Yes Actions have been completed and data is tracked Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-5 Partner with a local or regional organization to support one or more transportation management association(s) that promote rideshare programs and incentives for commuters to use alternative modes of transportation to work other than single- occupancy vehicles Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-6 Educate the public about the impacts of poorair quality on human health and the natural environment and the efforts they can take to reduce pollution and exposure Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-7 Enforce anti-idling regulations or burning restrictions to prevent emission of excess pollution, particularly on Air Quality Action Days Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-8 Improve traffic signal timing or upgrade intersections to relieve congestion Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-9 Increase the mileage of sidewalks and dedicated bicycle infrastructure that connect people with destinations Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-10 Create or enhance programs aimed at increasing tree canopy through active planting or direct tree protections Natural Systems Outdoor Air Quality NS-4 LA-11 Implement targeted programs to encourage residents to transition to cleaner products Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-1 Adopt a watershed management plan that integrates natural water bodies with human water use and addresses inputs and outputs of the water systems Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-2 Adopt community regulations that protect water quality OR participate in a regional pollutant trading program that reduces watershed pollution levels Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-3 Create partnerships to address sources of ambient water pollution not covered by local authority or control Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-4 Create an education campaign about ambient water quality, pollution prevention, mitigation, and restoration techniques Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-6 Engage in restoration projects for critical water bodies and buffer zones that protect those water bodies Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 O-1 12 20 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction in community-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 [Partial Credit available] Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-1 Adopt a climate change adaptation plan Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 O-1 5.3 5.3 Part 1: Demonstrate increased ownership of alternative fuel vehicles by residents over time --AND-- Demonstrate increased ownership of fuel- efficient vehicles by residents over time ---BONUS--- Demonstrate a decreased percentage of residents who own motor vehicles Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-3 Develop a committee that includes climate scientists, adjacent jurisdictions, regional coalitions, state and federal agencies, and/or non-governmental organizations for the purpose of understanding and addressing shared vulnerabilities Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 O-2 1.8 5.3 Demonstrate that the community receives a portion of its overall energy supply from renewable energy sources [graduated credit available Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-4 Create an education and outreach campaign to engage citizens and businesses in climate change vulnerability reduction efforts Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-2 Require GHG emissions to be considered in broader local government planning processes and decision-making Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-3 Create an education and outreach campaign to engage citizens and businesses in GHG reduction efforts Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-5 Modify local government operations and facilities in order to reduce GHG emissions and serve as a leader in the community Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-7 Create incentives to improve reliance on distributed generation of renewable energy sources Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-4 Coordinate with universities, community colleges, the local Workforce Investment Board, private firms, and other community stakeholders to align research, workforce development, and resources to support targeted industry sectors Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-6 Use tax incentives to attract, retain, or expand businesses in targeted industry sectors Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-5 Develop a database of noise complaints and noise measurements (e.g. roads, industrial, outdoor music venues) or of light issues and neighborhoods targeted for improvements Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-6 Establish clear lines of authority for enforcement of nuisance noise violations relative to different noise sources Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-7 Enforce noise standards during the permitting, design, and construction of new large-scale developments that can significantly increase ambient noise levels Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-8 Enforce light standards during the permitting, design, and construction of new large-scale developments that can significantly increase ambient light levels Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-2 Adopt policies to ensure that the jurisdiction has the authority to enact water conservation measures during periods of drought Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-3 Collaborate with a regional water management group that includes other jurisdictions that share the same water sources Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-10 Provide at least 3 types of active recreation facilities that are available for community use, by population size Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-2 Publish information to encourage residents to develop emergency kits and evacuation plans and encourage businesses to develop emergency procedures and shelter-in-place plans Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-10 Distribute emergency kits or supplies to residents, particularly low-income and vulnerable populations Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-3 Increase community awareness of natural hazards through education and outreach materials Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-6 Establish a green infrastructure monitoring program and regularly report on status of desired outcomes Local Actions-Yes, AvailableOutcomes-Yes, Available Yes, Available These actions have not been completed because of incomplete data Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-Yes, AvailableOutcomes-Yes, Available Yes, Available These actions have not been completed because of incomplete data Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-8 Upgrade public spaces and public buildings based upon locally-adopted or recognized best practices in green infrastructure. Where possible, create demonstration projects to enhance public support Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-9 Provide for ongoing maintenance of green infrastructure at levels required to maintain evapotranspiring functions Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-8 Ensure that all local government-owned buildings use native plants or non- invasive species in landscaping Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-6 Adopt land use strategies to incentivize permanent land conservation Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 O-1 0 10.5 Demonstrate a measurable reduction in vulnerability in each of the 4 core areas identified locally [ partial credit available] Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-1 Adopt a Climate Action Plan designed to reduce GHG emissions throughout the jurisdiction Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 O-1 0 6.7 Option A: Demonstrate an increased number of business establishments in the county over time --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate an increased number of business establishments in the municipality over time Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-4 Develop a climate mitigation task force that includes the largest emitters in the community and engages them in identifying and developing reduction strategies Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 O-2 6.7 6.7 Demonstrate an increase in annual sales from businesses located in the jurisdiction over time Climate & Energy Greenhouse Gas Mitigation CE-2 LA-8 Implement specific programs and services or create facility upgrades that transition the community towards the use of alternatives modes of transportation and low-emissions vehicles Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 O-3 0 6.7 Part 1: Demonstrate an increase in the percentage of residents employed over time --AND-- Demonstrate a decrease in the unemployment rate of residents over time Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-2 Create a green purchase policy to ensure that the local government’s transportation and non-transportation energy supply increasingly come from renewable and alternative sources Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 O-1 2.6 2.6 Demonstrate decreased greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity over time. Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-5 Support a strong renewable portfolio standard for the investor-owned utility that would help it achieve a 50% renewable energy target Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 O-3 0 2.6 Demonstrate an increased number of renewable energy certificates (RECs) purchased by residents annually Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-6 Create incentive programs to support the development of renewable and alternative fuel infrastructure, such as electrical vehicle charging stations and small scale solar projects Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 O-2 4.2 5.3 Increase the total funds deposited in locally owned and operated financial institutions over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-1 Adopt a building energy efficiency plan to improve the energy and water efficiency of commercial, residential, and institutional buildings in the community Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 O-1 0 10 Increase real median household income over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-10 Renovate local government buildings to improve energy and water use efficiency Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 O-1 3.5 3.5 Increase the total number of new businesses in targeted industry sectors over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-1 Develop targeted strategies to improve the resource efficiency of public infrastructure systems Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 O-2 0 3.5 Increase the annual sales or total value of businesses in targeted industry sectors over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-2 Require public infrastructure managers to consider thorough greenhouse gas and water consumption implications when designing and installing new infrastructure components Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 O-3 2.3 3.5 Increase total employment in targeted industry sectors over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-3 Adopt codes or design standards for new public infrastructure that will reduce GHG emissions and increase water efficiency Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 O-1 0 5.3 Demonstrate improvements in workforce training outcomes for participants over the past 3 years Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-4 Partner with state or regional entities that own or operate infrastructure within the jurisdiction to develop strategies to reduce energy and water usage Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 O-2 0 5.3 Demonstrate increased post-secondary educational attainment in the community over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-5 Engage public infrastructure systems managers in participating directly in or partner with voluntary GHG reporting programs Education, Arts Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 O-1 0 7.5 Demonstrate that creative industries represent at least a 5% share of all businesses in the county Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-5 Implement incentives or enforce regulations ensuring that residents and businesses are working toward community waste reductions targets Education, Arts Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 O-2 0 7.5 Part 1: Demonstrate thatat least 35% of adult residents in the county attend a live performing arts event annually --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate thatat least 20% of adult residents in the county visit an art museum annually [partial credit available] Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-2 Formally engage with the business community on a regular basis to improve conditions and address specific needs Education, Arts Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 O-2 3.2 3.2 Demonstrate an increased percentage of neighborhoods reporting positive levels of neighborhood cohesion through community surveys Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-3 Appoint an advisory body to provide recommendations and represent the business community in local decision-making Education, Arts Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 O-1 6.7 6.7 Demonstrate at least 85% of third grade public school students meet or exceed reading proficiency Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-5 Utilize tax incentives to retain or expand businesses, including property tax abatement, local sales tax rebates, and/or tax increment financing (TIF) Education, Arts Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 O-2 6.7 6.7 Achieve a 90% average 4-year adjusted cohort high school graduation rate for all public schools in the jurisdiction Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-6 Provide direct financial assistance to businesses in the form of municipal bonds, grants, or loans Outcomes-Yes, Maybe Yes, Maybe Incomplete actions because they would require change in staff priorities Local Actions-Yes, Maybe Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Outcomes-Yes, Maybe Yes, Maybe Incomplete actions because they would require change in staff priorities Local Actions-Yes, Maybe Education, Arts Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 O-3 6.7 6.7 Increase the average 4-year adjusted cohort high school graduation rate for al students in all public schools in the jurisdiction from selected underperforming groups of race/ethnicity, disability, English proficiency, or income Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-8 Provide direct services and trainings tailored to the needs of the business community Education, Arts Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 O-1 3.5 3.5 Demonstrate that appointments to local advisory boards and commissions reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the community. Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-1 Amend existing local economic policies and strategies to increase market demand for green products and services Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 O-3 3.8 3.8 Part 1: Demonstrate that all publicly owned treatment works POTWs) are in compliance with EPA effluent guidelines permits --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate that existing industrial dischargers are in compliance with EPA permits Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-3 Review and amend zoning regulations to remove barriers or provide flexibility for green businesses Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 O-1 0 5 Option A: Increase the percentage of new development in locally designated infill and redevelopment areas OR-- Option B: Increase the percentage of new development located on infill, previously developed, brownfield, and greyfield sites Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-4 Create a green purchase policy to ensure that the local government’s transportation and non-transportation energy supplies increasingly come from renewable and alternative sources Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 O-3 5 5 Demonstrate that pedestrian and bicyclists fatalities are making incremental progress towards zero fatalities by 2040 Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-6 Create educational materials to define the larger vision of economic sustainability as one that proactively fosters green businesses, green jobs, and green practices Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 O-1 10 Demonstrate that each CCC achieves the following: Residential Density: Average of at least 12 dwelling units per acre within a 1/4 mile walk distance of bus rapid transit stops, light or heavy rail stations, or ferry terminals; Average of at least 7 dwelling units per acre within the rest of the CCC boundary. Employment Density: At least 25 jobs per acre. Diverse Uses: At least 7 diverse uses present. Transit Availability: At least 60 weekday trips and 40 weekend trips Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-7 Create an environmentally preferable purchasing program for local government procurement of safe, healthy, and environmentally responsible products Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 O-2 3 Demonstrate that each CCC achieves the following thresholds: 90% of roadways contain sidewalks on both sides 100% of crosswalks are ADA accessible 60% of block faces contain street trees at no more than 40 feet intervals 70% of roadways are designed for a travel speed of no more than 25 mph Minimum intersection density of 90 intersections per square mile Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-9 Implement a green business promotion program Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Outcomes-Yes, Maybe Yes, Maybe Incomplete actions because they would require change in staff priorities Local Actions-Yes, Maybe Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 O-4 4 Demonstrate that each CCC achieves the following thresholds: 10% of total residential units are affordable 10% of residential units build or substantially rehabilitated within the last 3 years are dedicated as subsidized affordable housing Some of the dedicated long term affordable housing units are deeply subsidized or deeply affordable for very and extremely low income households Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-10 Install electrical vehicle charging station Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 O-1 0 10.5 Demonstrate progress towards achieving targets for prioritized environmental justice sites identified in a locally adopted plan Partial Credit Available] Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-2 Adopt an economic localization plan to increase local production for local consumption and export Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 O-1 0 14 Demonstrate increased access and proximity by residents of diverse income levels and race/ethnicity to the following community facilities, services, and infrastructure: Public transit facilities and service levels; Public Libraries; Public Schools; Public Spaces; Healthful food; Health and human services; Digital access or high speed internet; Urban Tree canopy; Emergency response times Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-4 Create or support promotional campaigns to bank locally, buy locally, or buy from small and independent businesses and retailers Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 O-1 4.4 5 Demonstrate that the county is ranked in the top 15% in the state in regards to morbidity and mortality [Partial Credit Available] Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-7 Connect entrepreneurs and business owners with lenders and investors to facilitate investment in the local economy Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 O-2 5 5 Demonstrate that the county is ranked in the top 15% in the state in regards to key behaviors that impact health [Partial Credit Available] Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-8 Support import substitution strategies that positively impact key sectors of the local economy Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 O-3 5 5 Demonstrate that the county is ranked in the top 15% in regards to quality of clinical care, including access to health care [Partial Credit Available] Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-3 Educate the public about standards, effects of excessive exposure, and mitigation techniques for ambient noise or ambient light Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-1 0 3.5 Option A: Achieve targets for acres of land conserved in priority natural systems areas identified in a locally adopted natural systems or land conservation plan --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate incremental progress towards achievement of targets for acres of land conserved identified in a locally- adopted natural systems or land conservation plan Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-4 Create partnerships to address sources of noise and/or light pollution not subject to the local authority Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-3 0 3.5 Increase the area of land directly connected to regional natural systems in order to improve ecosystem services Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 LA-9 Establish programs that eliminate existing sources of light pollution coming from municipally-owned entities Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 O-1 0 2.3 Show that no new invasive species have established themselves in the last 5 years in priority natural systems areas and critical entry points Built Environment Public Spaces BE-6 LA-2 Conduct a study regarding the economic impact of parks and public spaces on the local economy to understand their contributions to community satisfaction and tourism Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 O-2 0 2.3 Show that existing invasive species have not moved into priority natural systems areas and criticalentry points Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-5 Provide training for police officers focused on non-discrimination and conflict prevention Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 O-3 0 2.3 Option A: Eradicate existing invasive species from priority natural systems areas and critical entry points --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate progress towards targets identified in the community's local integrated pest management plan [Partial credit applies] Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-3 Create guidelines to encourage incorporation of active building design features in new public, commercial, office, and multi-family residential buildings Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Outcomes-Yes, Maybe Yes, Maybe Incomplete actions because they would require change in staff priorities Local Actions-Yes, Maybe Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-4 0 3.5 Reduce the difference between the actual acreage restored and targeted acreage established in the natural systems plan or land conservation plan Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-6 Achieve recognition as a Bicycle-Friendly Community or Walk-Friendly Community Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 O-1 0 5 Demonstrate that the amount of water withdrawn from the system for human use does not exceed the amount of freshwater entering the system through precipitation, river flow, and other sources Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-1 Conduct a comprehensive community health assessment, which includes data collection and analysis of public health conditions, trends, and problems affecting the community Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 O-2 0 5 Achieve a biological integrity rating of 'Very good' or 'good' based on the EPA's 305(b) reporting requirements for all bodies of water with appropriate designated uses Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-4 Conduct local public education campaigns regarding prevention and safe remediation of common indoor air pollutants Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-1 Create a community-wide green infrastructure plan that is integrated with other relevant local plans Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-4 Partner with key community groups and other stakeholders to ensure that green infrastructure practices are used in appropriate settings Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-5 Create incentive programs to encourage land owners to adopt green infrastructure practices that link to broader green infrastructure systems Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-7 Increase the percentage of funding invested in green infrastructure government departments or agencies Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-3 Create an advisory board with scientific experts and other local stakeholders to inform land conservation and restoration activities Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 O-1 0 7 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction by 2050 in the energy use of industrial sector operations partial credit available] Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-2 Require that internal decisions by local government departments use the most current climate science and that staff monitor climate change impacts Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 O-2 0 3 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction by 2050 in the water use of industrial sector operations partial credit available] Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-6 Create or enhance programs and services that specifically help address climate change threats Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 O-1 0 6 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction by 2050 in the energy use intensity of the community's building stock [partial credit available] Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-7 Enforce regulations or offer incentives to encourage residents and businesses to shift behaviors to prepare for future climate change impacts Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 O-2 0 6 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction by 2050 in the water use intensity of the community's building stock [partial credit available] Climate & Energy Climate Adaptation CE-1 LA-8 Improve facilities throughout the community to be better prepared for climate change threats Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 O-3 0 3 Part 1: Increase over time the percentage of non-residential buildings achieving certification in STAR-qualifying energy efficiency and green construction programs --AND-- Part 2: Increase over time the percentage of residential units achieving certification in STAR-qualifying energy efficiency and green construction programs Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-1 Adopt a community-wide plan that includes a comprehensive programmatic and policy approach to shiftthe community towards alternative fuels and renewable energy sources, especially for non-transportation uses Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 O-1 0 7 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction by 2050 in energy use by selected public infrastructure partial credit available] Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-4 Establish partnerships with critical energy providers and consumers to match energy sources with community energy needs Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 O-2 0 3 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving an 80% reduction by 2050 in water use by selected public infrastructure partial credit available] Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-3 Adopt regulations to require energy use intensity and water use intensity reductions Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 O-1 0 15 Demonstrate incremental progress towards achieving a 100% reduction by 2050 in total solid waste generated within the jurisdiction that is disposed of via landfill or incinerator [partial credit available] Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-5 Work collaboratively with local industrial sector leaders to set local targets and strategies to reduce energy and water use Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 O-2 0 2.6 Part 1: Increase over time the percentage of non-residential buildings achieving certification in STAR-qualifying energy efficiency and green construction programs --AND-- Part 2: Increase over time the percentage of residential units achieving certification in STAR-qualifying energy efficiency and green construction programs Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-6 Create training and educational opportunities for industrial sector employees to learn about current best practices and techniques for reducing energy and water use Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 O-4 0 2.6 Part 1: Demonstrate increased ownership of alternative fuel vehicles by residents over time --AND-- Demonstrate increased ownership of fuel-efficient vehicles by residents over time Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-5 Establish a committee to provide recommendations on policies related to resource efficiency in buildings OR integrate this role into the work of existing committees Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 O-1 0 5.3 Demonstrate that 50% of import sectors have increasing location quotients over the past 3 years Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-6 Work with the local utilities to improve energy efficiency programs and increase sub- metering throughout the community Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 O-1 0 1.4 Designate at least one local historic district with specific design standards and a process for reviewing new projects Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-8 Create incentives to encourage the construction of energy and water efficient certified buildings Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 O-2 0 2.1 Increase over time the annual number of eligible structures and sites designated as local historic landmarks, added to local historic districts, and/or rehabilitated, restored, or converted through adaptive reuse Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-6 Develop training programs for infrastructure operators on energy and water efficiency techniques Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 O-3 0 2.1 Increase over time the annual number of historic structures retrofitted or rehabilitated with energy efficiency or clean energy technologies Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-7 Make specific upgrades to infrastructure systems that will increase energy and water efficiency Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 O-4 0 1.4 Demonstrate that historic preservation efforts have had a positive, measurable impact onthe local economy. Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Public Infrastructure CE-6 LA-8 Increase sub-metering from specific infrastructure systems to collect better information on energy and water use Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 O-2 0 3.5 Demonstrate that public events celebrating social and cultural diversity are held in the community Climate & Energy Waste Minimization CE-7 LA-9 Create a waste-to-energy conversion system for the community Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 O-2 0 3.8 Part 1: Demonstrate that the height of the water table for subsurface aquifers has been stable or rising --AND-- Part 2: Demonstrate that the height of the surface waters is within the range to meet expected demand for the next 5 years or is rising Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-1 Negotiate project labor agreements, community benefit agreements, and local hiring agreements Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 O-3 3 Demonstrate that each CCC achieves the following thresholds: 80% of front building setbacks along primary single-family residential blocks are not more than 25 feet from the property line 80% of front building setbacks along primarily commercial blocks are not more than 10 feet from the property line 40% of primarily commercial blocks have ground floor street frontages free from blank walls and loading docks, and do not have structured or surface parking as the principal land use along the street Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-4 Engage in regional coordination with other governmental, public, private, and non- governmental entities to attract and retain businesses in the region Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 O-1 0 6 Part 1: Demonstrate that there are at least 80% of Census block groups where a household earning the Area Median Income would spend less than 45% on housing and transportation combined Part 2: Demonstrate that there are at least 60% of Census block groups where a household earning 80% AMI would spend less than 45% on housing and transportation combined. Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-4 Align local economic development policy strategies with workforce development programs Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 O-2 0 4.5 Option A: Achieve targets for creation of new affordable housing units identified in a locally adopted comprehensive housing strategy. --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate that 10% of residential units built or substantially rehabilitated in the past 3 years in the community's Compact & Complete Centers are dedicated as subsidized affordable housing Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-1 Conduct a local economic analysis or participate in the development of aregional analysis of existing industry sectors to understand current needs and opportunities Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 O-3 0 4.5 Demonstrate no loss of subsidized affordable housing units due to expiring subsidies in the past 3 years. Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-8 Provide capacity building services and support for professionals in emerging and existing targeted industry sectors Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 O-1 0 10 Achieve the following thresholds for journey-to-work trips: Drive alone maximum: 60% Bike + Walk + Transit minimum: 25% Bike + Walk minimum: 5% Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-1 Adopt a strategic plan to protect, enhance, and expand the community’s arts and cultural resources and strengthen creative industries Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 O-2 0 5 Show thatat least 50% of households in the jurisdiction are estimated to spend less than 15% of income on transportation costs Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-2 Adopt a percent-for-art ordinance requiring public art to be installed as part of new major development projects Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 O-1 4.2 4.2 Part 1: Increase the percentage of registered voters over time -- AND-- Part 2: Increase the percentage of voters participating in local elections over time Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-3 Establish enterprise zones, arts or cultural districts, or overlay zoning that encourages businesses in the creative industries to cluster together and integrate with surrounding neighborhoods Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 O-2 0 3.2 Option A: Demonstrate thatat least 30% of residents in large jurisdictions or 35% of residents in small or mid-sized jurisdictions volunteered in the past year --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate an increase in the percentage of residents who volunteered over the past 3 years [Partial credit applies] Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-8 Develop special programs to advance arts education that is aligned with core curriculum in all public schools, especially early elementary grades Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 O-2 0 5.3 Option A: Increase the percentage of high school students that are physically active for 60 minutes per day on5 or more days per week. --OR-- Option B: Increase the percentage of public schools that require some form of physical activity daily, such as physical education classes or recess [partial credit applies] Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-1 Adopt neighborhood plans that guide future development, recommend strategies to create or preserve community venues, and address neighborhood-specific issues Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 O-4 0 5 Option A: Demonstrate thatat least one hospital in the county is recognized as a top performer by the join Commission --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate that the local public health department is accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) --OR-- Option C: Demonstrate thatat least 30% of the public health clinicians are board certified in their specialty areas and ancillary staff holds professional certification in their respective fields partial credit available] Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-3 Provide access to information about community issues, programs, services, and activities that is also accessible to non- English speaking residents Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 O-4 0 2.6 Demonstrate an increase over the past 3 years in the food service sales of fresh fruits and vegetables in the largest public school district Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-4 Partner with neighborhood associations, community organizations, and local service providers to identify and address neighborhood-specific needs Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 O-2 Demonstrate increased resilience to community-wide threats over time Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-5 Support neighborhood advisory councils to encourage dialogue on community issues and build the social capital of neighborhoods Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 O-2 0 3.5 Achieve no-net-loss of wetlands, streams, and shoreline buffers Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-6 Establish a department with staff assigned to work as liaisons with specific neighborhoods Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 O-1 0 6.3 Option A: Use best management practices (BMP) on 100% of working lands in the jurisdiction --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate 2- 5% increase in working lands utilizing BMPs over time [Partial credit applies] Education, Arts, Community Community Cohesion EAC-2 LA-8 Provide capacity-building programs to enable community leaders and groups to self-organize, resolve issues, and cultivate leadership Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 O-2 0 4.2 Increase the number of certified sustainable harvesters for a locally selected industry over time Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-1 Engage local education authorities, teachers, families, and young people to advance collaborative decision-making and a community-driven framework for improving education Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-2 Strengthen opportunities for parental and community involvement in schools Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-8 Implement career pathway initiatives Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-1 Create an inventory of designated and eligible historic structures and sites in the community Bonus: Inventory includes archeological resources) Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-2 Adopt a historic preservation plan that establishes community priorities for preservation Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-3 Adopt a historic preservation ordinance that establishes procedures for designation of local historic districts and landmarks and authorizes establishment of a historic preservation commission Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-6 Achieve Certified Local Government status, as recognized by the National Park Service Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-7 Establish a demolition by neglect ordinance Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-8 Provide incentives to encourage the rehabilitation of historic buildings and reinvestment in older and historic neighborhoods and commercial areas Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-9 Provide local financial assistance to low- and moderate-income homeowners, residents, seniors, and/or businesses vulnerable to rising real estate values and maintenance costs associated with historic preservation Education, Arts, Community Historic Preservation EAC-4 LA-10 Provide technical assistance to property owners or non-profit organizations seeking to add properties or historic districts to the National Register of Historic Places or the comparable state register Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-1 Conduct an assessment of the community’s social and cultural diversity to inform local government actions Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-2 Use the Diversity Index to analyze the effectiveness of policies, programs, service delivery, and infrastructure investments Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-3 Adopt a policy to encourage diversity in local government appointments to advisory boards and commissions Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-7 Provide leadership and training programs that encourage and support representation on local boards and commissions reflective of the community’s diversity Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-8 Provide programs that support the development of positive, strong youth leaders, particularly in low-income and/or minority neighborhoods Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-6 Create programs to guarantee the provision of water to low-income residents Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-4 Require walkability standards for new development that include sidewalks on both sides of roadways, street trees, ADA accessible crosswalks, roadways compact, mixed-use development designed for maximum travel speeds of 25 mph, and maximum block lengths in transit served areas and areas identified for Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-5 Require build-to lines for commercial and residential structures in transit-served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-6 Adopt performance-based parking pricing, establish parking maximums, or eliminate parking minimums in transit-served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development, AND incorporate at least 2 other advanced parking strategies Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-7 Require, incentivize, or subsidize creation of affordable housing in transit-served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development Built Environment Compact & Complete Communities BE-3 LA-10 Increase the percentage of households with access to transit Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-2 Analyze transit access and transportation costs for neighborhoods with housing affordable to low- and moderate-income households Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-3 When new transit or other major infrastructure investments are planned, analyze the likelihood and extent to which housing costs are anticipated to increase be developed to preserve and create long-term affordable housing in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods so that appropriate strategies can Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-5 Require, incentivize, or subsidize creation of affordable housing in transit-served areas and areas identified for compact, mixed-use development Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-2 Adopt a complete streets policy that addresses all users, applies to all projects with limited exceptions, and includes specific next steps for implementation Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-3 Subdivision and other development regulations require walkability standards that encourage walking and enhance safety Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-4 Local government offers employee incentives to encourage commuting by modes other than single-occupancy vehicles Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-6 Increase the percentage of households with access to transit Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-1 Adopt a policy to encourage diversity in local government appointments to advisory boards and commissions Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-2 Adopt guidelines to instruct local government agencies or departments about how to successfully engage residents Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-3 Conduct education campaigns about the electoral process, voter registration and participation, and other issues related to civic literacy Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-4 Partner with business, civic, and neighborhood organizations to increase voter registration and turnout OR volunteer opportunities and participation OR ongoing civic engagement in local decision-making Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-5 Provide training to local government agencies or departments on successful public engagement techniques Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-6 Establish regular, ongoing opportunities for elected officials and/or senior government staff to meet with residents to answer questions and listen to concerns Equity & Empowerment Civic Engagement EE-1 LA-9 Create a mock youth voting program to teach children about democracy, elections, and the importance of voting Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-1 Adopt specific policies or amend the jurisdiction’s charter to specifically protect the civil and human rights of all community residents Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-2 Establish an office within the jurisdiction with the authority and capacity to investigate civil and human rights complaints. Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-3 Conduct local public education campaigns regarding civil and human rights, such as the process for filing complaints Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-4 Establish an independent civil and/or human rights commission with the authority and capacity to investigate complaints Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-6 Operationalize the local government’s civil and human rights policies in programs, services, and operations Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 LA-7 Provide language translation or interpretation services to ensure that residents have access to information about local government programs, services, and operations Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-1 Create an Environmental Justice Collaborative Group (EJCG) composed of residents, stakeholders, and environmental professionals to assess risk and exposure, set targets, implement projects, and monitor improvements Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-2 Assess the risk and exposure to toxins related to the community’s prioritized environmental justice sites, establishing at least the location and community impact of each selected site Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-3 Adopt an environmental justice plan aimed at reducing polluted and toxic environments in the jurisdiction Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-4 Establish targets for each of the prioritized environmental justice sites related to air or water improvements Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-5 Incorporate environmental justice criteria and priorities into zoning, land use planning, permitting policies, and development of new projects Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-6 Create community benefit agreements (CBAs) for projects associated with prioritized environmental justice sites and proposed development projects with environmental justice concerns Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-7 Create an interdepartmental working committee within the local government to guide and support environmental justice activities Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-8 Monitor and enforce environmental regulations for existing facilities that impact prioritized environmental justice sites Equity & Empowerment Environmental Justice EE-3 LA-9 Implement projects to reduce acute exposure to contaminants and risks associated with prioritized environmental justice sites Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-1 Adopt an equity plan that evaluates current conditions in the community and establishes targets to improve equitable access and proximity in at least the categories identified in the outcome measure Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-2 Adopt an equity or social justice policy that establishes a clear commitment to equity in local government decision making, activities, and investments Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-3 Promote events and programs that recognize and celebrate social and cultural diversity in the community Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-4 Publicize efforts to improve equitable access and proximity to community facilities, services, and infrastructure Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-5 Establish partnerships that engage key community groups and stakeholders in activities to advance equitable access and proximity to facilities, services, and infrastructure Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-7 Modify the deployment of local programs and services to reduce disparities within the categories identified in the outcome measure Equity & Empowerment Equitable Services & Access EE-4 LA-8 Construct new facilities and infrastructure in locations that reduce existing disparities within the categories identified in the outcome measure Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-5 Implement information technology solutions to improve client support services and management Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-9 Upgrade existing facilities or build new facilities to better provide needed human services Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-2 Create a team of local government staff to work collaboratively and coordinate with non- governmental organizations to provide high-quality services and reduce poverty Health & Safety Active Living HS-1 LA-4 Establish school siting guidelines that give preferential considerations to locations that maximize the number of students who can walk or bicycle safely to school Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-3 Adopt a health in all policies statement or policy commitment for local decision-making Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-5 Collaboratively engage the local public health department and relevant local government departments or agencies to integrate health considerations into local plans and policies that affect the built environment, physical activity, and access to fresh food Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-7 Demonstrate that the local public health department, local government, or major hospital has received HealthLead workplace accreditation Health & Safety Community Health & Health System HS-2 LA-9 Conduct health impact assessments (HIAs) on proposed infrastructure investments and development projects to increase positive health outcomes and minimize adverse impacts Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-1 Conduct an assessment of the local food system, including existing policies and programs that increase access to healthful food and nutrition education Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-6 Establish a local or regional food policy council that includes health professionals, community organizations, schools, farmers, and/or related businesses Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-7 Develop public outreach materials, classes, or workshops for residents to learn about food, nutrition, and gardening OR develop public outreach materials to promote food assistance programs Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-9 Purchase and sell healthful food at facilities owned, leased, and operated by the local government Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-11 Provide incentives for healthful retailfood outlets to locate in underserved areas or for mobile vendors that only sell fresh food Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-2 Prohibit smoking in multi-family buildings community-wide OR residential buildings controlled by the local housing authority OR affirm by local ordinance the right for landlords to legally establish smoke-free rental units Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-3 Require all new or substantially renovated local government and school buildings to incorporate advanced ventilation standards Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-5 Reduce or eliminate toxic pesticide use in locally owned or managed buildings through the use of integrated pest management (IPM) techniques Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-6 Address residential IAQ problems related to mold, pests, and other hazards through inspections and enforcement using authority from the state or local housing code or public health code Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-8 Provide free, subsidized, orat-cost supplies to test and monitor IAQ to prevent harm from common pollutants Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-2 Develop a post-disaster plan that addresses long-range redevelopment issues such as land use, economic development, housing, infrastructure, public services, and environmental restoration Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 LA-4 Integrate an all-hazard vulnerability assessment or other key local hazards information into the community’s comprehensive plan Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-2 Adopt local design criteria and associated codes that require proactive green infrastructure practices for new developments Natural Systems Green Infrastructure NS-1 LA-3 Adopt a policy requiring relevant departments be engaged during early reviews of proposed developments to ensure that project sites are evaluated for green infrastructure potential and environmental protections are put in place prior to construction Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-6 Use incentive programs to encourage local businesses and private owners to grow and sell native or desirable plants and animals and not sell invasive species or other harmful plants and animals Natural Systems Invasive Species NS-2 LA-7 Enforce locally-adopted regulations to control the use and sale of listed priority invasive species Natural Systems Natural Resource Protection NS-3 LA-7 Implement local and market-based financing strategies to acquire land or development easements, or fund restoration and maintenance activities Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-1 Include considerations for protecting working lands and identifying areas where critical BMPs are necessary in the community’s land conservation or natural resource plan Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-2 Create critical partnerships with owners and operators of working lands to promote sustainable harvesting practices Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-3 Partner with certification programs to engage local owners and operators of working lands to assess and report sustainable harvest practices Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-ResearchOutcomes-Research Research Actions incomplete and would require more research to determine feasibility Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-4 Create an education campaign to teach owners and operators of working lands about the benefits of critical BMPs and help them identify ways to implement those practices Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-5 Develop outreach programs to inform residents and visitors about public access to working lands and the importance of sustainable harvesting Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-6 Create programs to facilitate the implementation of BMPs that protect ecosystem services in combination with sustainable harvesting practices Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-7 Maintain a program in collaboration with community-based conservation groups to encourage owners of working lands to put all or part of their property into easements Natural Systems Working Lands NS-6 LA-8 Implement financing strategies for working land conservation and transition to better management practices Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 O-2 0 10 Demonstrate that 90% of household incomes in the jurisdiction meet or exceed the living wage standard Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-7 Use a feed-in tariff or other financial mechanisms to increase the mix of renewable energy sources supplied to residents Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 O-1 0 1.4 Option A: Demonstrate that daytime ambient noise levels do not exceed 70 dBa in commercial areas --OR-- Option B: Show progress towards locally identified key ambient noise targets Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-9 Work with state and regional partners to electrify truck stops to reduce idling and unnecessary emissions Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 O-2 0 1.4 Show progress towards locally identified key light targets for light glare and/or light trespass Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-10 Install electrical vehicle charging stations Built Environment Ambient Noise & Light BE-1 O-3 0 0.7 Achieve a sky glow ator below 4 in the Bortle Dark-Sky Scale where theMilky Way is still visible in residential areas Climate & Energy Greening the Energy Supply CE-3 LA-11 Build the necessary distribution infrastructure to support further investment in renewable energy sources Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 O-2 0 5 Demonstrate thatat least 75% of new housing units in the past 3 years utilized existing water and sewer mains and did not require extending or widening public roadways Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-1 Adopt a plan designed to improve the resource efficiency of the community’s industrial sector Equity & Empowerment Civil & Human Rights EE-2 O-1 0 7 Demonstrate that all civil and human rights complaints in the past 3 years have been investigated and violations redressed in a timely manner Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-2 Adopt policies that promote shifts to improved data collection Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 O-1 0 14 Reduce the percentage of people in selected priority populations who need assistance obtaining selected priority human services partial credit available] Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-7 Administer programs that support the industrial sector’s transition to less energy and water intensive practices Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 O-1 0 12 Demonstrate progress towards a target of no residents living below the poverty line by 2025 [Partial Credit Available] Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-8 Create financial incentives or industry-focused challenges to encourage companies to reduce the intensity of their resource consumption Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 O-2 0 8 Demonstrate a decrease over time in the percentage of residents living below the poverty line from at least 3 population subgroups Climate & Energy Industrial Sector Resource Efficiency CE-4 LA-9 Develop the necessary infrastructure for industries to transition to less resource intensive practices Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 O-3 0 2.6 Option A: Demonstrate an increase over the past 3 years in the percentage of residents within a walkable 1/4th mile of a healthful retail food outlet -- OR-- Option B: Demonstrate a decrease over the past 3 years in the percentage of residents living in a urban or rural food desert Climate & Energy Resource Efficient Buildings CE-5 LA-3 Adopt an energy and water use information disclosure ordinance requiring energy and water users to disclose consumption levels Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 O-2 Decrease the number of tenant complaints regarding IAQ over time.Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-7 Support business development activities in special investment zones, such as Business Improvement Districts, Enterprise Zones, or other similar districts Health & Safety Natural & Human Hazards HS-6 O-1 Part 1 -- Option A: Reduce over time the number of homes below code standards that are located in designated high risk areas --OR-- Option B: Reduce over time the percentage of residents living in designated high risk areas --AND-- Part 2: Reduce over time the critical infrastructure below code standards that is located in designated high risk areas Economy & Jobs Business Retention & Development EJ-1 LA-9 Provide focused support, resources, and services to young entrepreneurial companies through business incubators Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 O-3 0 5 Option A: Demonstrate pollutant loadings below Total Maximum Daily Load levels --OR-- Option B: Demonstrate a steady decrease in pollutant levels towards a long-term goal of below TMDL levels partial credit applies] Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-2 Adopt policies and regulations that increase overall market demand for green buildings and associated materials, renewable energy products and infrastructure, and recyclable products Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 O-4 0 5 Option A: Demonstrate that all non-industrial bodies of water are swimmable and fishable during 90% of the days in the past year --OR- Option B: Demonstrate a steady reduction in water closures of at least 2% annually towards achieving 90% of days being swimmable and fishable [Partial credit applies] Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-5 Partner with other local governments, community groups, and private entities in the region to articulate an overarching sustainable economic development strategy and work collaboratively to increase demand for green products and services Local Actions-NoOutcomes-No No Actions incomplete because they go beyond City activities Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-NoOutcomes-No No Actions incomplete because they go beyond City activities Economy & Jobs Green Market Development EJ-2 LA-8 Create programs to help businesses transition to new green practices Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-3 Promote purchasing preferences for locally-produced goods and services in anchor institutions, including the local government Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-5 Provide incentives for businesses that use materials produced within the region and sell their products within the region Economy & Jobs Local Economy EJ-3 LA-6 Provide support services to targeted sectors to strengthen value chain infrastructure and develop market channels Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-1 Enact a living wage policy that covers local government employees, contractors, and entities receiving financial incentives or assistance from the local government Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-3 Require that local government contractors provide at least 2 of the following benefits to their employees: family leave, flexible scheduling, job sharing, and easily accessible childcare Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-5 Support living wage and/or economic self-sufficiency campaigns in the community Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-6 Support a Best Places to Work campaign to recognize local businesses that support employees and their families Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-8 Provide training programs and assistance to local businesses to encourage them to provide family-friendly workplace policies and extended benefits Economy & Jobs Quality Jobs & Living Wages EJ-4 LA-10 Enforce the living wage policy with a living wage officer or equivalent function Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-3 Coordinate or support local and regional associations or formal networks of related businesses in the targeted industry sectors Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-5 Educate residents about the economic impact of targeted industry sectors in the community Economy & Jobs Targeted Industry Development EJ-5 LA-7 Provide direct financial assistance, such as local bonds, grants, or loans, to attract, retain, or expand businesses in targeted industry sectors Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-1 Adopt a workforce development plan or comprehensive strategy to educate, train, and prepare residents for local employment opportunities Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-2 Align local economic development policy strategies with workforce development programs Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-3 Require local government contractors and entities receiving financial incentives to prioritize hiring local residents Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-4 Participate in and promote community workforce agreements or project labor agreements Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-5 Create a workforce development committee to align post- secondary education, workforce development training programs, and economic development strategies Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-7 Produce an annual report that tracks workforce readiness performance measures Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-NoOutcomes-No No Actions incomplete because they go beyond City activities Economy & Jobs Workforce Readiness EJ-6 LA-10 Invest in community college facilities and capital improvements to accommodate residents and members of the local workforce Education, Arts, Community Arts & Culture EAC-1 LA-11 Protect and maintain local public artworks and cultural resources for future generations Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-4 Provide funding or other resources to support Head Start programs in the community Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-6 Program or support after-school activities, tutoring, extended day- and/or summer programs for students who need additional academic assistance Education, Arts, Community Educational Opportunity & Attainment EAC-3 LA-7 Offer multiple pathways to graduation as a way to improve educational outcomes for students Education, Arts, Community Social & Cultural Diversity EAC-5 LA-6 Establish an office within the jurisdiction to ensure access, equity, and inclusion in policies, programs, procedures, and service delivery Built Environment Community Water Systems BE-2 LA-10 Upgrade and improve stormwater and wastewater treatment facilities to meet current and foreseeable needs Built Environment Housing Affordability BE-4 LA-9 Work with private employers to provide live-near-your-work or employer-assisted housing financial incentives Built Environment Infill & Redevelopment BE-5 LA-2 Adopt a policy commitment to limited or no expansion of physical jurisdiction boundaries or extension of urban services Built Environment Transportation Choices BE-7 LA-9 Establish or support a community-wide public bike share program Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-2 Adopt a human services plan designed to guarantee that basic human needs are met in the community Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-6 Monitor and evaluate the quality, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness of priority human services for selected priority populations Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-7 Equip human services personnel with the skills and training needed to effectively improve the well-being of the community’s priority populations Equity & Empowerment Human Services EE-5 LA-8 Support the provision of high quality, priority human services in coordination with non-governmental service providers Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-1 Adopt a community-wide plan to reduce poverty Equity & Empowerment Poverty Prevention & Alleviation EE-6 LA-5 Implement supportive workplaces programs for people living at or near the poverty line that includes affordable child care, transportation assistance, health care, medicine and toiletries, household goods, and shelter Health & Safety Emergency Prevention & Response HS-3 LA-8 Achieve accreditation by the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-3 Adopt zoning and development regulations that limit or prohibit the sale of unhealthful foods Health & Safety Food Access & Nutrition HS-4 LA-4 Adopt menu-labeling requirements or regulations that discourage, tax, or prohibit the sale of unhealthful foods or beverages Health & Safety Indoor Air Quality HS-5 LA-9 Provide grants or loans to remediate indoor air pollution problems in low-income homes or affordable rental units Category Area Section Outcome Total Points Points Available Description Objective Area Section Action Description Local Actions-NoOutcomes-No No Actions incomplete because they go beyond City activities Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-5 Provide incentives to residents and developers to protect and restore critical watershed protection areas Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-7 Develop and provide water conservation programs to residents, businesses and agricultural water users in order to help ensure that the community is not depleting its water supply Natural Systems Water in the Environment NS-5 LA-8 Establish or partner with a group that routinely inventories and monitors natural water bodies for biological, chemical, and hydrological integrity (also BE-2 / LA-11)