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MPCA Green Steps 5/11/2016 Minnesota GreenStep Ci6es r------------ ___ ___ _ .. ____ __.. __ _ —_ __, Search i i i I G � Home � About � The 29 best practices � Become a GreenStep City � Rec;ognftion � Ordinances � City log-in � Contact Stay Connected�� � City of Rosemount ► � I Background Information County: Dakota Population: 21,a7a GreenStep Coordinator GreenStep City category: A Jason Lindahl Full-time equivalent city staff(approx.): 78 City staff jason.lindahl@ci.rosemount.mn.us Participating township(s)/school district(s): 651-322-2090 City web page relating to sustainability/GreenStep activities: GreenStep City resolution: Click here to view the file. www a rosemount.mn.us GreenStep City status and date: STEP 2(06l1012012) Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed Completed actions are denoted by stars Mouse over a star for its def�nition [ Open all aCtiOn reports ] [ View/print full city report ] ��s��' y.�`�� .,� �,�.�''�"` land Use Comprehensive Pians �qction 1:Adopt a comprehensive plan or(for Category B&C cities)adopt a land use plan that was {BPno.6) - adopted by the county or a regional entity [Click here for self-reported city details] *Action 2: Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the comprehensive plan including but not limited to having the zoning ordinance explicitly reference the comprehensive pian es the foundational document for decision making. [Click here for self-reported city details� *Action 3: include requirements in comprehensive andlor other plans for intergovemmental coordination addressing land use and watershea i welihead impacts, infrastructure economic development and city�regional services. (Click here for self-reported city details) *Action 4: Inciude ecologic provisions in the comprehensive plan that explicitly aim to minimize open space fraymentation and/or estabiish a growth area with expansion critena [Click here for self-reported city details� Action 5: Adopt climate protection or energy independence goals and objectives in the comprehensive plan or in a separate policy documerit, and link these yoals to direct imptementation recommendations. [Click here for self-reported city details J http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu code=2396433 ��5 5/11/2016 Minnesota GreenStep Cities __ Efficient City Growth *Action 1: Limit barriers to higher density housing by including in the city zoning ordinance and zoning {BPno.7} map: [Click here for self-reported city details] a. Neighborhood single-family density at 7 unirsiacre or greater. b. Multi-family housing at a gross density of at least 15 urnts/acre adjacent to a commercial zoning district or transit node. _ *Action 2: Encourage higher density housing through at least two of the following sYrategies: [Click here for self-reported city details) a. Incorporate a flexible Iot size/frontage requirement for infill development. b Use density and floor area ratio(FAR)bonuses in selected residential zoning districts. c.Tie a regulatory standard to comprehensive plan language defining compact city expansion zones that limit low-density development. d.Allowing accessory dwelling units or co-housing or tiny houses/apartments by right in selected zoning districts. _ _ __ *Action 3: Encourage a higher intensity of commercial land uses through at least one of the following strategies: [Click here for self-reported city details] a. Include in the city zoning ordinance and zoning map a commercial district with reduced lot sizes and zero-lot- line setbacks, or a FAR minimum of 1. b Set targets for the mi�imum number of employees/acre in different commercial zones. ___ _ _ _ _ _— _ *Action 4: Provide incentives for infill projects,or for life-cycle housing at or near job or retail centers, or for achieving an average net residential density of seven units per acre. [Click here for self-reported city details j Mixed uses �qction 1: Organize or participate in a community planning/design process for the city/a mixed use district. {BPno.8} - [Click here for self-reported city details� _ __ *Action 2: Locate or lease a school,city building or other govemment facility that has at least two of these attributes: [Click here for self-reported city details] a.Adjacent to an existing employment or residential center. b. Designed to facilitate and encourage access by walking and biking. c Accessible by regular transit service. *Action 3: Modify a planned unit development ordinance to emphasize mixed use development or to limit residential PUDs to areas adjacent to commercial development. [Click here for self-reported city details] '�Action 5: Have a downtown zoning district that allows residential and compatible commercial develvpment [Click here for self-reported city details j http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/cirylnfo.cfm?ctu code=2396433 2/5 5/11/2016 Minnesota GreenStep Ci6es I i *Action 7: Creake incentives for verticai mixed-use development in appropriate locations(downtown. commerciai districts near colleges or universrties, historic commercial disfricts) [Click here for self-reported city details] Design for Natural Resource **Action 1: Conduct a Naturai Resource Inventory or Assessment i NRI or NRA). incorporate protection of Conservation priority natural systems or resources through the subdivision or development process. [Click here for self- {BPno.10} reported city details) . . � � � � Transportation Mobility Options *'�Action 1: Promote walking, biking and transit use by one or more of the following means. [Click {aP no.�2} here for seif-reported city details j a. Produceldistribute route maps. signage or a web site. b. Document increased bike facilities, such as racks. bike stations or showers. c.Add bus infrastructure, such as siynage benches. shelters. park and ride lots, and real-time arrival data- streaming. d. increase the number of empioyers promoting mulUple commuting options. indudmg offering qualified transportation fringe benefits instead of only a tax-free parking fringe benefit. e. Be recognized as a Walk Friendly or Bicycle Friendly Community *_*Action 2: Launch an Active Living campaign such as a Safe Routes to School program [Click here for self-reported city details J � Environmental Management Urban Forests *Action 1: Certify as a Tree City USA [Click here for self-reported city details) {BPno.16} - Stormwater Management Action 3: Adopt by ordinance one or more of the foilowing stormwater infiitration/management strategies: {BP no.�7} [Click here for self-reported city details � a.A narrower streets provision that t>ermits corstruction of 22-or 24-foot roads for public, residential access and subcollector streets(with fewer than 500 average daily trips). b. For sites less than one acre. retam the water quality volume of 1.1 inches of runoff from all impervious surfaces for new and fully-redeveloped construction sites. c. For non-MS4 permittees, adopt an iilicit discharge prohibition rule or ordinance and an erosion and sediment control ordinance. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu code=2396433 3/5 5/11/2016 Minnesota GreenStep Cities *Action 6: [Click here for self-reported city details J _ Parks and Trails *qction 1: Make improvements within your dty's system of parks, offroad traiis and open spaces. [Click {BP no.t8} here for self-reported city details j _ __ _. *Action 2: Plan and budget for a network of parks,green spaces,water features and trails for areas where new development is pianned. [Ciick here for self-reported city details J *Action 8: Deveiop a program to involve community members In hands-on land restoration and stewardship projects (Click here for self-reported city detaiis] Surface Water 4uaiity Action 3: Adopt and report on measurable, publiciy announced surface water improvement targets for water {BP no.19) bodies. [Click here for seif-reported city details j *Action 4: Adopt a shoreland ordinance f�,r all river and lake shoreland areas [Click here for self-reported city details] _ _ Septic Systems *�Action 1: Report to landowners suspected noncompliant or failing septic systems as part of an {BP no.21) educational, informational and financial assistance and outreach program designed to trigger voluntary landowner action to improve septic systerns. [Click here for self-reported city details j __ _ __ _ *Action 4: Rdopt a subsurface sewage treatment system ordinance based on the Association of Minnesota Counties'model ordinance. [Click here for self-reported city details] *Action 6: Work with homeowners and businesses in environmentaily sensitive areas and areas where standard septic systems are not the least-cost option to promote innovative waste water systems, including centrai sewer extensions. [Click here for self-reported city details j _ _ _ ��� Economic and Communit Develo ment Y P Local Food �*Action 3: Create, assist with and promote local food production/distribution within the city [Click {BP no.2�) here for self-reported city details) a.A farmer's market or co-ap buying club. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu caie=2396433 4/5 5/11/2016 Minnesota GreenStep Cities h An urhan aynculture business or� commun��y-supported agrir,ultu�e (CSA)arrangement between farmers and cc�mmunity memberslempioyees c A community or school garden, orchard or forest. Minnesota Poliution Control Agency i Contact � Web site policy i http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu code=2396433 �5