HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10-26-15 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
October 26, 2015
Regular Meeting
Members Present: Maureen Bartz, Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell, Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreatron and Sonja Honl,Recordmg Secretary
Student Volunteers: None
Others Present: Rosemount City Council Member Sean Nelson
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
approve the minutes of the September 28,2015 meeting. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. Recreation Facilities Discussion—This was an update regarding the recreat�on facilities discussion at
last month's meeting. The first facility being discussed was a second sheet of indoor ice. The cost
estimates we received were included in this month's packet. This month's packet also included a site
assessment by Leo A.Daly regarding the possibility of adding a second sheet of ice to the e�sting
Rosemount Community Center Ice Arena(RCC). The site assessment findtngs included several issues
with the RCC site. One of the major concerns was the lack of sufficient parking. The assessment
findings noted that the facility would be deficient by appro�nately 395 parking spots.The Ciry Council
has asked staff to meet with the user groups/stakeholders to fmd out what they really need. Staff will be
meeting with the Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) in November to get more detailed
information on what amenities they think a second sheet of indoor ice should include.
The second facility that was discussed was an artificial turf field/future dome.The City Council gave
staff direction to have a feasibility study done to get a cost estimate for this faciliry. When the feasibiliry
study is complete,it will give us a better idea of the project's cost. Dakota Rev is very interested m this
faciliry and has expressed willingness to help with funding. They had talked about possibly bringing
$1,000,000 to the project, and they provided a proposed schedule of usage they would like to have in
return for the funds. Staff would need to review the schedule further before agreeing to anything. This
item will be discussed further as more information becomes available.
Indoor Court Space was the third facility being discussed. Dan Corley is interested in building a
60,000 sq. ft. field house that would include courts,a swiinming pool, etc. The City's role and financial
options for partnering on this project are still being discussed. Schultz mentioned that looking into the
possibility of including a second sheet of ice at this faciliry has been suggested. An outline of a draft
letter of agreement has been created by City staff as a guideline for Mr. Corley of the City's expectations.
Issues regarding scheduling the facility would need to be worked out. It was also mentioned that there
was a rumor that a"long course"pool is being built somewhere and that Jim Wise from Wise Swim
might be interested in this. There were questions about how it would work if residents paid dues and
what their schedule for use of the facility would be. This is something that will we need to be discussed
and clarified.
Schultz will bring back monthly updates on all of these facilities as things further information is available.
b. Claret Park- Pickle Ball—Schultz reviewed a list provided last month by Terry Taylor of the top 10
reasons why the Claret Park tennis courts should be converted to pickle ball courts. Schultz supports
building pickle ball courts in Rosemount,but did not support replacing the tenms courts at Claret Park
with pickle ball courts. These are the only tennis courts located on this side of town,and replacing them
would leave the residents in this area without tennis courts. Parking at Claret Park would also be an
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October 26, 2015
Regular Meeting
issue, especially if pickle ball tournaments were held there. Having pickle ball players use the Cub Foods
parking lot is not an acceptable solution to the parking issues. An option to consider would be building
pickle ball courts at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex. Pickle ball players are currendy driving to Apple
Valley and other cities to play, so driving to this site shouldn't be an issue. There will also be more
parking at this site. Schultz explained that we have a lot of requests from a lot of groups for facihties
right now,and we will need to look at the CIP budget in November. We will revisit this item when we
prioritize the needs versus available funds when we discuss the budget. We could ask for a feasibility
study to be done on adding pickle ball courts at the athletic complex site. The Coinmtssion asked if a
permeable parking lot would be an option at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex,how much it would cost
and if it would eliminate the need fox some ponding.
c. Park Name—Prestwick Place/Falmoor Glen Developments—Orginally, this entire development
was named Prestwick Place,and based on this the park in the development was named Prestwick Park.
Because the development has now been split into two sections,Prestwick Place and Falmoor Glen,
several residents of the Falmoox Glen secrion have quesrioned why the park is named Pxestwick Park
when it is closer to the Falmoor Glen area. Staff is recommending that the park be re-named Ailesbury
Park, after the street on which the park is located. Several other parks in Rosemount have been named
for the street they're located on. MOTION by Bartz to change the name of the park known as Prestwick
Park to Ailesbury Park,after Ailesbury Avenue. SECOND by Tilson.Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
a. Review of Parks and Recreation Fees—These fees are reviewed annually by the Parks and Recreat�on
Commission. Schultz will bring thls item back in November.
b. Director's Report-The park impxovement fund balance as of September 30 was $559,849.18. Parks
dedication fees were$12,507.16. There was interest of$26.80. Thexe wexe no grants or donations.
Expenditures were$10,977.60 for Prestwick Park(nosvAile,rbury Park)improvements and picruc tables
for Erickson Park.
Steeple Center Project—The project is near completion. We still need a parking lot,and hope to have
all the punch-list items done by mid-Novembex.The Rosemount Area Arts Council has scheduled their
Christxnas at Steeple Center to take place on December 5,2015,and a ribbon cutttng will take place at
the official opening in January.
8. ADJOURNMENT -MOTION by Farrell to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Tilson.
Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,Parks and Recreat�on Secretary
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