HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08-26-13 RMPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION August 26, 2013 Regular Meeting Members Present: Maureen Bartz, JoAnne Cope, Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason, Barb Farrell Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: None Others Present: Diane Wellman, Leprechaun Days Committee President; Mike Bouchard, Leprechaun Days Committee Secretary and Maureen Bouchard, Leprechaun Days Committee Member 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 24, 2013 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Farrell to approve the minutes of the June 24, 2013 meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. Bartz arrived. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: Project Updates — Schultz reviewed the list of projects from the Executive Summary. Items included: Armory / Community Center Sign - The City Council would like a new reader board sign at the Rosemount Community Center. The current sign has not been operational for several years. The National Guard was approached about partnering on the sign, but they did not wish to do so. Schultz showed the Commission some options for signs. The Commission pointed out that we need to make sure the new sign design complies with ordinances and that we know what can and cannot be posted on it per the City's ordinance /sign policy. Schultz will bring this item back for review at a future meeting. Neighborhood Enhancements — Plans for several public seating areas to be installed in parks and along trails were included in this month's packet. As far as the seating, the Commission thought that one rock at a site would be ok, but bench seating should also be included — something with a back. We are trying to get some of the sites completed this fall. The budget for this phase is $50,000. Tennis Courts — Two bids for tennis court construction came in, and both were higher than expected. Schultz will discuss this with the City Administrator to see if we should reject the bids, delay the project for a bit, and rebid it in the winter. The Commission mentioned that when the new courts are built, there will be a lot of tennis courts (18) within a quarter mile of each other on the west side of town. They also noted that we are giving up a field a season before a replacement field becomes available. To give up a field that is used four nights a week plus weekends before we have a replacement field doesn't seem right. Getting green space for other sports ready to use before we build new courts on the fields at Erickson Park was suggested since recent studies show that other sports are in need of green space and RAAA tennis has seen a decrease in participation. The Commission agreed we should reject the bid and rebid it later. Steeple Center Sound and L i t— $100,000 was budgeted for this project and the bid came in at $99,000. We hope to have everything installed by October 11, 2013. 1Veterans'Memorial Walk Group — Tom Schuster recently met with Dan McMenomy, the group's new leader. The group has some new ideas for the site. We've let them know that they need to bring ideas to the Parks and Recreation Commission and Schultz invited them to attend the August 29 meeting that was scheduled to discuss changes in Central Park. Splash Pad — Schultz reviewed the splash pad options discussed at the June meeting. At that meeting, the Commission thought Central Park wasn't the best location for a splash pad and thought Schwarz Park would work, but of the Central Park options they had recommended Option 3. This option put the splash pad near the flower gardens, with the playground staying where it was, and in between would be an area for a sunshade structure. In this option, there was talk that we might have to move the veterans' memorial to a different site. This was also the least expensive option. The Commission thought we could start small and maybe build a larger splash pad somewhere else in the future. The City Council discussed the splash pad at a work session held after the June Commission meeting and they thought the best location for the splash pad might be to the north of the parking -1- PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION August 26, 2013 Regular Meeting lot where the hockey rinks are currently located. Their vision for the area includes a splash pad, an ice skating oval with an island with trees in the middle and concrete pads along the edge for vendors, art displays, and ice sculptures in winter, and also a new playground area to the north of the splash pad (this would be in addition to the current playground area near the shelter). The garage located to the east of the rinks would be removed to make room for more parking. Schultz reviewed plans for Phase 1 of this option, which is for a 3,000 sq. ft. splash pad. The proposed changes to make room for the splash pad include moving one hockey rink to Jaycee Park and the second rink to Bloomfield Park. The Commission felt that if a rink is moved to Bloomfield Park, we need to build a shelter there to house the hockey teams. The Commission asked if Shannon Park might be a location where both rinks could be moved. A shelter building could be built there, but lighting would be a concern for the neighbors. They also asked if the Central Park shelter could be expanded, and if a covered pad for picnic tables could be added. The Commission again voiced concern about the parking lot getting really busy with kids and traffic, and that it could be dangerous with police vehicles leaving in a hurry for emergency calls. At this time, Schultz asked the Leprechaun Days committee members in attendance if they would like to speak. Maureen Bouchard introduced herself and explained that the committee members were there to find out more about the splash pad and how it would affect Leprechaun Days. She explained that 20,000 to 25,000 people come to Leprechaun Days for the final Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the 10 day event, and the importance of keeping it in Central Park near the amphitheater. The Committee hopes that Leprechaun Days will be able to continue at the site and they are worried about the future because they don't know how the splash pad is going to affect the events held at Central Park. Contracts for 2014 for insurance, fireworks and the bands need to be signed in October, November and December this year and the committee is unsure if they can move forward with this or if there will be construction that will limit or prevent the usual events planned for Central Park. They also had concerns about how the beer garden would be handled once the rinks are removed. It works so well now with the beer sales confined within the rink. Bouchard asked if the splash pad would be running during Leprechaun Days. Per Schultz, that's something we need to talk about. It could definitely be shut off Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 6:00 p.m. on. Bouchard asked if the splash pad would be completed by next summer and if it would be shut down when other events are taking place at the amphitheater. Per Schultz, the City Council would like it done by then. Bouchard asked if it would be possible to build the splash pad without removing the west rink which houses the beer garden. Per Schultz, we do need to decide when the west rink would be removed, and it might not need to be removed until next fall. Bouchard asked how often the splash pad would need to be shut down. The Commission wondered about that too, considering other events that take place at Central Park and the amphitheater, such as the Blue Grass Festival, Thursday Music in the Park, etc.. Per Schultz, this is going to be an issue and will be a policy decision the Council will have to make. Schultz suggested that the 2014 Leprechaun Days service agreement should be approved now and possibly something could be added that the Leprechaun Days Committee would be paid back if Leprechaun Days is cancelled. Bouchard also noted that as far as the garage, volunteers have built shelving and transformed one stall for storage of Leprechaun Days and Halloween supplies such as electrical cords, numerous Halloween props, a freezer, etc., and it is full from top to bottom. It is such a convenient spot for both events, and volunteers constantly go to the building to get needed items. Bouchard also stated that she was glad the Commission mentioned the concern about the number of kids and cars that will be in the parking lot, with police vehicles that may need to leave in a hurry. It was one of her biggest concerns, too. Schultz explained that this is still a concept plan and only one redrawing has been done since the Council asked for these changes. We still need to verify topography, spacing, etc. The Council has also asked staff to put out an RFQ to firms that provide splash pad equipment. They are looking for a natural- setting design that incorporates some stone -work and a few overhead amenities, and they want to see what these firms have designed in the past. Per Schultz, the shape, features and location are still to be determined. As far as the location, the Council prefers Central Park, but the location within the park has not been finalized. Cope asked if a motion was needed for further study on changing the location in Central Park and to re -look at Schwarz Pond Park as a possible splash pad -2- PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION August 26, 2013 Regular Meeting site. Per Schultz, no recommendation is needed. He thought that the Commissioners and Leprechaun Days Committee members should talk to the Mayor and City Council and share their ideas and concerns with them, as multiple recommendations have already been brought to them. The Commission thanked the members of the Leprechaun Days Committee for attending and giving their input. Bouchard said she wished the Leprechaun Days Committee would have had a chance to discuss this project and give their input earlier in the process. Schultz mentioned that a meeting has been set up for this Thursday that includes both veterans' memorial groups, Bruce Bentley, the pastor from the City on the Hill Church, Leprechaun Days committee members and RAAC. The City Administrator will be there to hear the concerns of users of the park so that he can relay them to the Council. Schultz has suggested to the City Administrator that it may be a good time for a joint meeting of the Council and Commission. a. Jaycee Park Playground Request for Proposal (RFP) — Schultz reviewed the RFP details and asked for two volunteers from the Commission who would be willing to review and evaluate the options. Bartz and Eisold volunteered. The goal is to have the new playground equipment installed this fall. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Senior House and Activity Center — Schultz reviewed the floor plans and elevation drawings for the complex. The Commission was concerned that there was not adequate parking based on the size of the complex. Schultz informed the Commission that the Community Development Department received a grant for a garden plaza area with benches, etc. The Commission asked if the kitchen would service both the Steeple Center and the Activity Center. The concern was the location of the kitchen on the plan. It was suggested that it be located on a wall of a multi- purpose room, so caterers have better access and don't have to cross the hallway to serve rooms. The need to provide well- located catering access into the building was also discussed. b. Director's Report - The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of July 31, 2013 was $511,656.55. Dedication fees of $6,800 were received. No grants were received. There was interest of $13.52. There were expenditures of $5,397.31 for tennis courts and the UMore ball fields. Mississippi River Land Use — Cope had asked about the recent articles in the newspaper regarding land -use rules for property along the Mississippi River and how the rules would impact Rosemount. Schultz explained that much of the land along the river in Rosemount is owned by industries such as Flint Hills Resources and there are few individual land owners. The City's Community Development Department staff will attend a meeting on this on September 3 and Schultz will have an update at the next meeting. Buckthorn Update — Cope had asked for an update on this. Per Schultz, we are still in the process of figuring out how to attack it. There are companies that will come in and remove as much as possible, and then provide an annual maintenance program. It was noted that there is a lot of buckthorn at the Bella Vista development site. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -3-