HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-29-13PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
May 29, 2013
Special Meeting
Members Present: Maureen Bartz, JoAnne Cope, Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason, Barb Farrell
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary
Student Volunteers: None
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Ehason called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Schultz had some updates he will add as the meeting goes forward.
Change item 7. b. Director's Report to 7.d.
the minutes of the April 22, 2013 meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. Parks and Recreation Commission — Goals /Projects - Schultz reviewed the list of Parks and
Recreation Commission Goals that was revised after discussion at last month's meeting. The
Commission asked for clarification of which items funds have been set aside for in the CIP Budget.
Schultz went through the list and noted which items money has been set aside for. Discussion of the
items continued. Specific items on the list that were discussed included: Flint Hills Athletic Fields —
the Commission felt this was a priority and would like to move forward with completion as soon as
possible. Shaded Playgrounds — this is in progress. Trees are being planted and we are discussing
the possibility of including canopies over playground equipment in some locations. Outdoor
Exercise Equipment - the Commission didn't think this was a priority, and questioned the demand
for it and how many people would use it. Schultz will check with Eagan to find out if theirs is used.
Restoring Natural Areas — we should develop a management plan and set aside funds in the budget
for this. It should be on -going maintenance so it doesn't get out of hand. Benches along Trails — per
Schultz, the plan is to install benches at 10 locations. He will bring back more on the benches in
June. This item triggered discussion of the bench /resting area near Co. Rd. 42 /Chippendale that has
been neglected and is unsafe, unsightly and in a state of disrepair. Per Schultz, this is the
responsibility of Dakota County. He will contact the County regarding it. The Commission asked if
we could include shading for soccer, lacrosse and ball fields as these are high use areas. Schultz will
be bringing the 10 year CIP Budget to the June meeting. It will show the timeline for the projects
and estimated costs. Schultz will bring back more information on this in June.
a. Marshes of Bloomfield — Preliminary Plat — The Marshes of Bloomfield is now called Bella Vista.
In 2011, the Commission had reviewed a development plan for this site and recommended that we
build a passive recreational park here. Schultz explained where the park is to be built, and that the
development will be built in phases so it may be several years before the park goes in. The executive
summary had included a list of amenities that should be included in this park. Schultz reviewed the
list, pointing out that we are not limited to these amenities. Fliason suggested taking the basketball
courts out of the plan. Schultz provided an explanation of the specifics of the parks dedication for
this development, and explained why he was recommending that the City accept the fee title for the
land where the County is purchasing for conservation easements. Schultz also reviewed
recommendations regarding the greenway and trails that will run through the park. This item will be
brought back in the future for further review and discussion of amenities and features. MOTION
by Farrell to recommend that the City Council approve the preliminary plat with a park dedication
area of .65 acres and the rest in contribution and that includes the Parks and Recreation Department
staff comments. SECOND by Cope. Yes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. Jaycee Park Playground Equipment Replacement — The play equipment at Jaycee Park was
installed in 1992. It is very worn and is scheduled for replacement this fall. There is $75,000 in the
May 29, 2013
Special Meeting
CIP Budget for new equipment and $10,000 for a new border. Staff will hold a neighborhood
meeting at Jaycee Park shelter to gather input from residents who live around the park regarding the
style and color of the new equipment. Staff will review feedback from residents and then put the
project out for bid. Once the bids are received, Schultz would like two of the Commissioners to
work with staff to score the proposals. The top proposals will be brought to the Commission for
final selection. Hopefully we can start work in September and have the project completed by
November 2013. Schultz will bring this item back for discussion after the neighborhood meeting.
c. Erickson Park Playground Equipment Replacement — The play equipment at this park is also
scheduled for replacement this year. There was discussion on the best location for it and how to
protect the kids playing on the equipment from foul balls. Extending foul line fencing, and possibly
having some type of netting and /or a canopy was discussed. Providing some type of wall or fencing
between the play equipment and the parking lot for safety was also mentioned.
d. Director's Report - The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of April 30, 2013 was $491,241.93.
Dedication fees of $13,600 were received. No grants were received. There was interest of $14.21.
There were no donations. Expenditures were $25,488.15 for UMore ball fields, Flint Hills athletic
fields and Erickson Park Tennis Courts.
Friday Night Live — Rosemount Parks and Recreation staff partnered with Lighthouse and
Community of Hope churches to host the spring middle school event, "Jump into Spring ", in the
Community Center gym in April.
GPS Family Race — The SORR Amazing Family Race was held on May 4. Rosemount Parks and
Recreation cosponsored this event with the other SORR cities. Thirty -eight teams competed this year.
Garden Plots — The plots have been tilled and are ready for planting. This year we offered 49 plots
divided among five parks. All plots have been rented.
Flint Hills Phase 1— Schultz reviewed a plan of the three fields to be built at the site. The City
Council approved entering into a contract with Dakota Aggregates for in -kind grading, Class 5 and
sand and gravel for the project. The Planning Commission approved a conditional use permit and
we hope to have bids out next week for irrigation, etc. Flint Hills Resources has also offered us a
donation of the oil for use in making asphalt for parking lot and trails.
Splash Pad — Schultz reviewed rough - drafts of plans for the splash pad at Schwarz Pond Park and
Central Park. We will be looking into the cost to bring utilities to the Schwarz Pond Park site and
estimates to build the splash pad there. Both plans for Central Park involved quite a bit of
remodeling of the park, including relocating the Veterans' Memorial and playground equipment and
replacement of the ice rinks with parking lots. The Commission was concerned about the extensive
remodeling of Central Park and the costs involved, such as removal and relocation of the rinks to
another park. If the rinks are moved to Bloomfield Park, we would need to have a shelter there so
we'd have the same amenities as existed at Central Park, and we should get a cost estimate for that.
The Commission again voiced concern about the increase in traffic in the parking lot and the safety
issues due to the shared use with the police department. If we are redoing the parking lot, we should
consider dedicated access for police vehicles and parking for police department staffs personal
vehicles. Schultz will bring back revised plans to a future meeting.
ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Cope.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary