HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-18-15 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
. May 18, 2015
Special Meeting
Members Present: Maureen Baxtz, Mike Eliason, Barb Farxell,Jim Young
Members Absent: Lincoln Tilson
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary
Student Volunteers: None
Others Present: Shaun Nelson, City Council Member, and Paul Esser,PYesident, Rosemount
Area Athletic Association (RAAA)
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. ,
3. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 27,2015 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Young to approve the
minutes of the Apri127,2015 meering. SECOND by Faxrell. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. None
a. Evermoor Place Preliminary Plat—Schultz reviewed a map of the area where this development is
proposed to be built. Bartz arrived. Schultz also reviewed a map that showed where other city parks are
located, or proposed to be located in the future,and their proximity to this development. He then
reviewed the Evermoor Place Utility Plan which shows the lots, streets, etc., for the development.
Schultz was recommending that the city collect$306,000 in parks dedication fees, and that a sidewalk be
added that connects to the regional trail between Lots 33 and 34. The Commissioners were concerned
about the distance between this development and parks in the area,and that getting to the nearest parks
involves crossing busy roads (Connemara Trl and Hwy 3). After discussion, they agreed that the
Evermoor Place development should include a one-acre park to serve its residents.The city would
collect appro�xnately$200,000 in parks dedication funds which would be enough to build a small park.
The park would include a playground and picnic tables,and possibly a basketball court if there is room
and funds available. It was suggested that the park be located near the regional trail connection in the
development. It was also mentioned that the trail should be completed before homes go in so people
buying homes will know it's there up front. MOTION by Young to modify the preluninary plat for the
curxently named Evermoor Place Development as follows: the City will collect one acre of land,and the
remainder of parks dedication in cash;the developer will add a sidewalk between Lots 33 and 34,and
complete the connection of the e�sting trail from the northeast corner of the Glendalough
Development to the regional trail in the northwest corner of Evermoor Place. SECOND Bartz.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed
b. 2016 Budget Planning—Schultz introduced Sean Nelson and Paul Essler. They were both at the
meet�ng to find out where the Parks and Recreation Coininission is at regarding youth facilities in
Rosemount. Schultz reviewed the Parks and Recreation Project List, and which items are in the CIP
Budget and their approxirnate budget year,if there is one. He wanted to make sure we had included
everything and that the items were in the correct priority order. The Comin.ission didn't have any
additions or changes to the order. Mr. Essler addressed the Commission. He was in attendance to
elaborate on the information presented at the recent meeting of the youth sports stakeholders.They
currently have 17 board members who are very proactive in expanding youth sports in Rosemount.
RAAE1's 2013-14 enrollment was up 10%,and indoor courts/facilities are their immediate priority. They
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May 18, 2015
Special Meeting
have talked with a private developer regarding a facility that would meet their needs,and they would
like/need assistance from the Ciry on this. NIr. Nelson addressed the Commission next. He explained
that is'been 20 years since the Rosemount Community Center was built and we haven't added any
indoor facilities since then. Nelson mentioned a recent article in the StarTribune on cities that are
competing to build cosdy new recreation facilities in order to attract residents. (Schultz will send the
article to the Cominissioners.) He stated that they would like to have tournaments like other cities do,
which would bring people to Rosemount and stimulate the economy, but Rosemount doesn't have the
faciliries to host a tournament. Currently,RAHA has 34 teams sharing one sheet of ice. Schultz will
bring back an updated CIP Budget to next month's meettng.
c. Director's Report—The parks improvement fund balance as of April 30,2015 was $241,051.33. There
wexe dedication fees of$6,800, there were no grants or donations,interest was $4.03, and there were
expenditures of$1,989.81 for architect fees for the splash pad and Erickson Park tennis court project.
Red Pine Health Fair—Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department staff participated in this health
fair which was held on Saturday,April 11 at Red Pine Elementary School. Information promoting all of
our spring and summer programs,camps, and special events was handed out. We also gave out jump
ropes as a way of promoting recreation and fitness.
Emerald Ash Borer(EAB)—A number of ash trees have been removed from parks and boulevards
this spring as paxt of the EAB management program,and St. Croix Tree Service has been grinding out
the stumps that remained.
Arbor Day—Our Arbor Day celebration was held on Saturday,May 2. 180 trees were given away to
Rosemount residents. This program is sponsored in part by Dakota Electric.
Tennis Block Party—The Parks and Recreation Department participated in the annual Tennis Block
Party at the high school tennis courts. This event is a collaboration of Rosemount High School tennis,
and RAAA in-house and txavehng tennis. Appro�mately 40 kids and adults participated this year.
Garden Plots—In 2015 we increased the number of garden plots from 49 to 68. We were able to do
this by offering a number of half-size plots,due to requests from gardeners for smaller plots. A master
gardener who has one of the plots has been giving workshops to gardeners at all the garden plot sites.
Lacrosse Fields at Flint Hills Athleric Complex—Schultz provided an aerial view of the fields at the
complex and explained that there are concerns about lacrosse balls leaving the field and going as far as the
trail. Fencing is needed for safety reasons. Schultz suggested that we temporaxily construct 6' fencing and
monitor it for a month,with staff observing games, to see what is actually necessary. The Commission
mentioned that Apple Valley uses a 10'to 12' fence with an additional 10'of netting on top for their
lacxosse fields. It was suggested that we ask some lacrosse players to go to the field at the athletic complex
and shoot at the goal as hard as they can to see how far the ball travels. Schultz will contact the field
coordinator and observe a practice,and ask for some players to come to the Flint Hills Complex to give it
a test.
8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Farrell to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,Parks and Recreation Secretary
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