HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-25-16 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
April 25, 2016
Special Meeting
Members Present: MauYeen Bartz,Mike Elia.son, Barb Farrell,Bryan Feldhaus,David Speich,
Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recxeation and Sonja Honl,Recoxding
Others Present: Dwight Johnson, City Administxatox and Tom Schustex,Paxks Supervisor
1. CALL TO ORDER: Bartz called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Honl administered the oath of office to new Parks and Recreation Commission membexs Feldhaus
and Speich.
The Commission left City Hall for a tour of the Greystone Development. Eliason joined the toux
at the development site. The Commission viewed the site of the future paxk to be built in the
development,and also drove to the Bella Vista Development for a look at the park site and lake
which will someday have a trail axound it and other possible amenities. The group then xeturned to
City Hall Council Chambers for the duration of the meeting and Eliason called the meeting to
order at 7:04 p.m.
appYove the minutes of the March 28,2016 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. Parks and Recreation Facilities Referendum—Schultz handed out a special addition of the
Rosemount City News which was mailed to Rosemount residents to provide them with
information regarding the upcoming referendum. He informed the Commission that there will
be two open houses scheduled before the May 17 referendum, so that residents ma.y ask
questions and get more information about the referendum.
b. Public Park Planning in the Greystone Development—Schultz reviewed revised Concept
Plan C which was being brought back to the Commission after suggestions from last month's
meeting. 'The Commission had agreed that the park should include a basketball court,baseball
backstop, community garden plots and a water souxce/spigot. The pollinator gardens were to
be moved away from the play area and the pla.y area was moved away from the lot lines. The
plan also now includes an axea near the basketball court that can be flooded for use as a
pleasure rink. Bartz asked if we could include skate spots for skateboarders along the trail in
this park. Per Schultz we could add something to the motion that says we would considex
including a couple of ska,te stop amenities along the trail. Schultz also asked that the
Commission discuss whetheY ox not to accept the .8 acre strip of land under the power lines as
future parks dedication. Schultz would recommend accepting cash in lieu of land for the .8
acxes. MOTION by Young to appxove Concept Plan C for the public park in the Greystone
Development,with the addition of studying the plan fox possible locations foY skate stop
features. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
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April 25, 2016
Special Meeting
a. Scheduling Process for Spring/Summer Tournaments—Schultz received an e-mail from
the Rosemount AYea Athletic Associa,tion (RAAA)Txaveling Softball Director expxessing a
concern that a non-Rosemount gxoup has been given prioriry field use on one weekend in the
summex,June 18-19 (the third weekend in June). Schultz had received an e-mail in January of
2104 with the same concern. SeveYal years ago RAAA lost the use of fields for that weekend
when they had to cancel a tournament. The weekend has been used by MN Irish foY the last
few years. RAAA would like this weekend back. Schultz reviewed the paxk use pYoceduxe and
provided the Commission with a list of the tournament schedule for this summer.The City's
field xental procedure states that `�roup.r avho have hacl a aveekend tournalnent oneyear, avill have priority
u.re for the.rayne aa�eekend in the folloavingye�ar. If agroup decline.r a particular aveekend, it zvill then be naade
available for othergrouj�.r to u.re. Thi.r nezvgroup avill then hccve priority for the nextyear." R.AAA currendy
has baseball or softball tournaments scheduled for eight weekends,and MN Irish has
tournaments scheduled for two weekends. Staffls concern is that we don't want the fields to sit
empty if RAAA traveling softball doesn't have enough teams to run a tournament Schultz
asked the Commission if they would like him to check with othex cities xegarding the wording
in their field rental policies.The Commission noted that the MN Irish tournament brings
people from outstate to the axea,resta,urants and businesses benefit from this and also that
"non-residents" is an issue,but RAAA includes kids fxom other cities, so they have non-
resident participants, too.'The Commission noted that our policy is sttaightforward and well
known, and this is not an issue with procedure. The issue is that it is not working in RAAA's
favor. T'he Commission asked if groups could trade weekends, and Schultz stated that we don't
have a problem with that. It was suggested that RAAA and MN Irish ta.lk to each othex and try
to resolve this without the Parks Comxnission's intervention.
b. Parks,Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update—'The Parks Trails and Open Space
Mastex Plan was last updated in 2008. Schultz will make sure all of the Commissionexs receive
a copy of the plan fox xeview. We will look at trends such as disc golf,lacrosse, trails, and
growth of youth sports,and make recommenda.tions regarding facilities that should be included
in the plan. Schultz suggested that we could hold open house meetings in parks and also
possibly at a model home in a new development in oxdeY to ga.ther input from people who live
in the neighborhood. The plan should be completed this fall.'I'he Commission asked if we had
any statistics on use of the tennis courts in Rosemount and the skate park. We could post signs
at the paxks with "text this number to give us your feedback" on them. Schultz mentioned we
could use QR codes to link people to a survey, or use Survey Monkey to gathex information.
We could also look at light activation data.
c. Director's Report—Schultz handed out a flyer on"Pathways fYom Poverty to Thriving in
Dakota County," a pxesentation by Kelly Harder,Director of Community Services Division in
Dakota County, that was paxt of a training fox the City of Rosemount at the Rosemount
Community Center. The Commissionexs were invited to attend this free presenta.tion.
The park improvement fund balance as of Maxch 31, 2016 was $456,659.44. Dedication fees of
$44,503 were received. There wexe no gxants or donations. Intexest was $32.63. There weYe
expenditures of$1,728.50 for design fees for Greystone Park and Ailesbury (formerly
Prestwick) Park.
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April 25, 2016
Special Meeting
Highlights of Last Month—Parks and Recreation staff participated in the Red Pine
Elementary Health and Fitness Fair on Apxil 9. The Rosemount Ice Arena will have the ice out
for maintenance from May 9 to June 12. We had a very busy ice season and may not take out
ice in the future if maintenance isn't needed. We received 68 applications fox garden plots this
yeax and were able to accommodate all who decided to rent a plot. New batting cage netting is
up at Jaycee Pa,rk.
In May the Commission will need to choose a chair and vice chair. Both positions will serve
one year terms.
The City Council would like the Commissioners to join them on a bike tour of some of
Rosemount's parks. The Commissioners thought this was a gxeat idea. Schultz will let the
Commissioners know when a date and time are decided on.
Rosemount's Arbor Day tree give away event will take place on May 7.
One of the City Council's goals for 2016-17 is building a small dog paxk. We will talk about
this at the May Commission meeting. Staff will research what other cities are doing,rules, etc.
'The Commission asked if thexe was a way to find out how many Rosemount Yesidents have
licenses at the Eagan,Dakota.County,and Burnsville dog parks.
8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Young.
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. T'he meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,Parks and Recreation Secretary
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