HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-22-13PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
April 22, 2013
Regular Meeting
Members Present:
Maureen Bartz, JoAnne Cope, Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason, Barb Farrell
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording
Student Volunteers:
CeCe -Amari Gaines
Others Present:
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Schultz had some updates he will add as the meeting goes forward.
3. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 2, 2013 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Cope to approve the
minutes of the April 2, 2013 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
Per Schultz's request, discussion jumped ahead to item 7.a.
a. Prestwick Park - The City is preparing to start the street improvements in the Prestwick
Development. As part of this project, we would like to include the Prestwick Park parking lot, trails,
and basketball courts as bid alternates. We have done this in the past in other developments and are
able to save money by adding these items at the same time as the street improvements. Money for
these items will come from the parks improvement fund. Schultz advised the Commission that the
current parks improvement fund balance is $503,115.87, which will be reduced to $342,115.87 after
additional expenditures of $46,000 for UMore ball fields, and the $115,000 for the Prestwick Park
parking lot, trails and basketball court. He also mentioned that Flint Hills Resources would like to
pay for the asphalt for the parking lot at the athletic complex site. Schultz is currently in discussions
with their staff regarding this donation, which would save us some money on the project. Schultz
also informed the Commission that he has spoken to a representative from a new company coming
to Rosemount who would like to provide the grading, etc. at the athletic complex, which will result in
a savings of close to $500,000. MOTION by Bartz to recommend that the City include the parking
lot, trails and basketball court as bid alternates to the public improvement project for Prestwick Place
Seventh Addition. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. Selecting a Chair and Vice Chair - On an annual basis we select a chair and vice chair for the
Commission. The current chair is Mike Eliason and the current vice chair is Jason Eisold.
MOTION by Cope to nominate the current chair and vice chair to continue in their roles.
SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
c. Director's Report - The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of March 31, 2013 was $503,115.87.
Dedication fees of $3,400 were received. No grants were received. There was interest of $12.55.
There were no donations. Expenditures were $5,709 for UMore ball fields and the Flint Hills
athletic complex.
Adopt A Park — Letters were recently sent to the current adopt a park groups thanking them for
their help and giving them information regarding this year's program. At this time, Schwarz Pond
Park and Connemara Park are available for adoption.
April 22, 2013
Regular Meeting
Tree Removal — The Public Works Department has been selectively removing ash trees from
Rosemount Parks in anticipation of the arrival of the emerald ash borer. About 60 trees have been
removed so far. A grant received from the Minnesota DNR will be used to purchase other varieties
of trees that will be planted in place of the ash trees as soon as weather permits.
Health & Fitness Fair — Parks and Recreation staff participated in a health and fitness fair that
took place at Red Pine Elementary School on Saturday, April 13.
Senior Housing Partnership — Stonebridge is the new partner for the senior housing project. They
are already working on the project and hope to have something started by this fall. The Commission
asked that there be no exceptions for parks dedication for this project.
Fields - Fields at Rosemount parks are very wet and are currently closed due to the continuing snow
and rain. We hope to open them next week, if weather allows.
Playground Equipment at Jaycee Park —The Public Works Department will be replacing the
playground equipment at Jaycee Park this fall. The Parks and Recreation Department will work
them. We will have a neighborhood meeting in May or June to gather input, then put together an
RFP and select the new equipment. There is $75,000 in the budget for this project.
May Commission Meeting - The next regularly scheduled meeting date is May 27, which is Memorial
Day. Schultz asked the Commission if they could meet on Wednesday, May 29 instead. He will contact
the Commissioners to confirm that date once everyone has checked their schedules.
PCA Groundwater Well — The Pollution Control Agency (PCA) recently contacted City staff regarding
installing a groundwater testing well at Winds Park. Schultz explained that they would need a property
access agreement with the City for this well. The proposed location for the well should not cause any
issues at the park. Eliason asked that we include in the agreement that they are responsible for capping
the well when it is no longer needed.
a. Parks and Recreation Commission Goals / 2014 Budget Timeline - Schultz reviewed a list of
Parks and Recreation Commission Goals and the 2014 budget timeline and asked the Commission
for items they would consider a priority. The Commission asked that development of the Flint Hills
Donated Property (athletic complex) be accelerated. The Commission asked that the following items
be added to the list: artificial turf, trees strategically planted so they provide shade and serve as
natural sun shelters, covered dugouts and batting cages, a covered playground at Erickson Park
(make sure it's close enough to the fields for easy access but also safe — like it where it is now),
restoration of Carroll's Woods (buckthorn removal), a meandering river -type water feature like
Burnsville's, and benches along trails /sidewalks. They suggested that possibly the aquatic center
listed under Special Interest Facilities could be included as an indoor amenity with the YMCA
project. They asked that the following items be removed: parking lot at Erickson Park (completed),
tennis court complex (in progress), dry land training facility (this type of facility is no longer being
used much and isn't needed), and outdoor exercise equipment (City Council item - may be able to
incorporate this into the new senior center project.) Cope asked that in the future the project costs
be included. Schultz will bring this item back to a future meeting to prioritize the items.
8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz.
Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary