HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-30-15 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION March 30, 2015 Regular Meeting DRAFT Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Barb Farrell,Lincoln Tilson Members Absent: Mike Eliason Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eisold called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 23,2015 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Farxell to approve the minutes of the February 23,2015 meering. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Veterans Memorial Walk—Rest and Reflection Area 1—Schultz xeviewed a site plan and a drawing of the statue,benches,monuments, etc. that were submitted fox the fixst xest and xeflecrion area the Veterans Memoxial Walk gYoup is proposing to build along the trail at Central Park. The Coinmission had some questions about the plans,including: what the memorial monument wall of names would actually look like (it was difficult to tell from the drawing);on "The Brothers" monument, could the "The Bxothers" be changed to something moxe inclusive of women who serve in the military; on the "Lest We Forget" monument, could"Islamic Jihadists"be changed to "terxorists" and also, the message on this monument was questioned in genexal.The Coininission asked if the City's attorney should review it. The Coinmission also mentioned that the memorials aYe supposed to be inclusive of all military branches,but that the Rosemount's Red Bulls are specifically mentioned on both monuments, and also that there has been discussion of the Red Bulls leaving Rosemount. They asked if the group had given Schultz an estimate of the cost fox this plan. Per Schultz, the group has not provided him with a cost estimate,but he was expecting them to provide one soon. Schultz will talk to the group's xepxesentative and get back to the Coinnlission with more information at a future meeting. This item was tabled for Cuxthex discussion. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Recreation Facilities Summit- Update—Approxirnately 40-50 people attended the summit held on February 21. Schultz gave the Coinmission an overview of the information that was provided. Representatives from the Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA),Dakota REV,and the Rosemount Area Hockey Association (RAHA) pxesented information on their individual organization's needs. MoYe indoox Yecreation space was RAAA's first priority, and theix second prioxity was upgraded baseball fields, dugouts, and batting cages. Schultz xecently attended a R13AA scheduling meeting and he told the Commission that RAAA does a great job of scheduling facilities for all of their sports,and a majoxity of the�needs for outdoor facilities are being met. Indoox facilities are feeling a pinch since the closure of the High Perfoxmance Academy in Eagan. RAAA has had to make cuts in theix traveling basketball progxam because of the lack of indoor facilities. RAHA xequested a second sheet of ice and they are putting together a pxoposal for the City Council that will include funding options and oprions to - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION March 30, 2015 Regular Meeting maximize the use of ice. Dakota REV's first priority was an indoor trauiuig facility (similax to the IYish Dome) that they would have more access to. They aYe currently spending a lot of money Yenting space in other cities. They suggested the Flint Hills Athletic Complex as a possible site for a dome. They have funds that could be used to finance turf and field pxep/footings foY this type of structure (but not grading). All three groups would like more indoor faciliries. Per Schultz,he and City Adininistrator Johnson plan to meet with each of the groups individually and gathex more details about their needs. AfteY that, the City Council would like to meet individually with each of the three groups as well. The Coinmission suggested that when Schultz and Johnson meet with the RAAA,Dakota REV,and RAHA, they ask each of the groups to contribute to the cost of doing a feasibility study before moving forward with anything else. Schultz suggested that the championship field at Dakota County Technical College would be a good site fox a dome facility because there axe alxeady lights and bleacheYs there. Moxe infoxmation on this item will be bxought to a future Commission meeting. Bartz had to leave. b. Park Name—Prestwick Place/Falmoor Glen Developments—A neighborhood meeting was recendy held at the Rosemount Community Centex to discuss the Prestwick neighborhood playground improvements. Approximately 30 people attended, and a couple of neighborhood xesidents questioned why the park was being called Prestwick Paxk. Schultz explained that originally the entire development was called Prestwick Place,but the developer later changed the name of the aYea south of Connemaxa Trail,whexe the park is located, to Falmoor Glen. The Coinmission threw out a few suggestions for names. Street names have often been used in the past foY naming parks. The park is on Ailsbury Avenue,but the Commission wasn't sure Ailsbury Park was the best name fox it. Schultz will contact residents in the neighborhood regaYding the naming of the park and he will also contact the historical society for suggestions for names that would have historical relevance. c. Director's Report-The Parks Impxovement Fund Balance as of February 28, 2015 was $113,919.28. 6,253.58 of dedication fees were received. No grants were received. Interest for the month was $1,506.93. There were no donations. There were expendituxes of$145,551.32 for the Prestwick Park parking lot, trail and basketball couxt. Hockey Touxnament—RAHA hosted a Bantam C District Tourney March 8-15 at the ice arena. Family Fun Fest—on Friday, February 27, the Parks and Recreation Department hosted the annual free Family Fun Fest in the gym and arena. Approximately 250 kids and their parents attended. City Council Goals—The council is still working on-goal setting. They are xeviewing the list of park pxojects that the Coinxnission developed the end of last year. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Tilson to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Parks and Recxeation Secretary - 2 -