HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03-28-16 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION March 28, 2016 Regular Meeting DRAFT Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell,Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Pa,Yks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary Others Present: Paul Kangas,Principal Architect,Loucks 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 22,2016 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the February 22,2016 meeting. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. NEW BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Parks and Recreation Facilities Referendum—Schultz provided the Commissioners with an update on where we'Ye at as far as the upcoming referendum that will be held on Tuesda,p,May 17. Schultz reviewed the pla,ns that were included in the March Commission packet for the four proposed improvements: an ice ska,ting/events plaza and new pla,y axea at Centra,l Park;two additional lighted ball fields at UMore/Dakota Counry Technical College; four additional fields for soccer,lacrosse and football at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex;and a new indoor ice arena. City sta,ff is in the process of creating an informational brochure that will be distributed to Rosemount residents and businesses xegarding the referendum. Schultz will provide the Coxnmissioners with a copy of the brochure as soon as it's available. There will be two informational meetings that residents can attend to find out more about the referendum. Schultz reviewed the 2016 Referendum Project Costs list that was included in the packet. The projected total for the four improvements is $14,291,811. Schultz explained that funding from the Mighty Ducks program may be available fox the ice arena and the Rosemount Axea Hockey Associa,tion may also be donating money foY this project. There was discussion about the improvements to the Flint Hills Athletic Complex which include adding fields,paxking lot and road access,but not the park buildi.ng. Schultz mentioned that Dakota Rev is interested in helping to fund a turf field at the complex. The Central Paxk improvements were discussed next. Including one or two zip lines along the border of the park was suggested,as the one at Ailesbury Park is very popular and is used a lot. The Commission asked about the priority for completing the four projects. Per Schultz, the Central Park improvements will probably be the la,st project,and the second sheet of ice will also requ.ixe extra planning and the purchase of land. We are looking at various sites that would be suita,ble. It would be nice to build it in the vicinity of the field house that is proposed to be built by Dan Corley. Public Park Planning in the Greystone Development—Two concept plans for this park were included in the March packet. Paul Kangas,Principal Landscape AYchitect from Loucks Inc., was - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION March 28, 2016 Regular Meeting present to review the amenities in each park plan and answer questions. Concept Plan A includes a pla,ygxound, sun shelter,gaga court,half-basketball court, open play area,hockey xink,small free- skate rink,loop trail,an asphalt pad for a temporary warming house and a parking lot. Concept Plan B includes a pla,ygxound, sun shelter,gaga court,half-basketball court,open play area,youth baseball field,pollinator garden,native grass area,loop trail and parking lot. The Commission liked the loop trail,and the gaga court.T'hey asked if the pollinator garden could be moved away fxom the pla.yground area as a precaution because of children who may have allergies to bee stings. There was cliscussion about a variety of ideas for the this park:would the need for a ball field be filled if the Yeferendum passes, do we need the hockey rink, could the park cater to people who have an interest in sports,but not team sports? Other suggestions were to include a zip line, incorporate skateboard elements along the trail loop,have a place for parents to teach theix kids how to skate,have open space where soccer or lacrosse could be played,and have moxe seating areas foY paxents. Keeping noisier activities away from homes along the edge of the paxk was discussed. There was also discussion about how much parking is needed and how that changes based on the amenities that are included in the park. Schultz mentioned that every park doesn't need to have a ball field oY rink and that we could put these in a larger neighborhood park. He said that the open green space at Birch Paxk is always busy and is a fle�cible space that's used for pick-up games of baseball and touch football,and for a variety of other sports. (Young left at 8:30 pm) Another suggestion was to include community gardens at this paxk,and to provide a water source fox the gardens, as well as drinking fountains for people and water for dogs. b. Director's Report-The park unprovement fund balance as of February 29,2016 was $413,851.73. Dedication fees of$3,400 were xeceived. T'here were no grants or donations. Interest was$3,599.13. There were expenditures of$3,149.80 for planning fox the UMore ball fields. Highlights of Last Month-There was a Rosemount Area Hockey Associa,tion tournament at the Community Center Ice Arena,the free Family Fun Fest event was held on February 26,and City sta.ff axe continu.ing their efforts to remove ash trees as a preventative mea,sure against potential emerald ash borer infesta,tion. Schultz announced that the Paxks and Recreation Commission will increase by two members in April, from five to seven Commissioners. The new Commissioners are Bryan Feldhaus and David Speich. Schultz introduced Feldhaus,who was in attendance at the meeting. Farrell recommended the book"The Adventure Gap"by James Edward Mills. The book explores why..."lninority po�iulation.r are 7nuch le.r.r likely to.ceele recreation, adventure ancl.rolcace in our outdoor�arilderne.r.r.rp�ce.r': 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Son�a Honl,Parks and Recreation Secretary - 2 -