HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 02-23 PRC Minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes February 23, 2009 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: None StafF Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann Others Present: Andy Brotzler,Ciry Engineer 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 26, 2009 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by I{night to approve the minutes of the January 26,2009 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: None. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Family Resource Center Annual Report - Schultz gave a brief overview of the history of the Family Resource Center and its relationship with the City since 1998. Shira Rabinowicz,Neighborhood Services Volunteer Coordinator,then presented the 2008 Progress Report. The Family Resource Center (FRC) has been receiving between 60-70 calls per day for assistance.They partner with a variety of local resources including churches,the Rosemount Police Dept,civic groups and businesses to help individuals and families in our community. They provide a variety of services including before and after school programs,a book club,a Kindergarten readiness progxam and a program that provides low income students with school supplies. Their programs provide students with a healthy breakfast in the morning,book mobile visits,and homework help after school. There are also a numbex of outreach services for adults and families. Rabinowicz thanked the City of Rosemount for supporting the Family Resource Center's efforts. MOTION� by Bartz to accept the Community Action Council's 2008 Progress Report for the Family Resource Center. SECOND by Knight. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. Motion passed. Strayton thanked Rabinowicz for attending the meeting and presenting the report. b. Rlght Of Way ACCesS111g NOvBCek PI'Operty-Schultz reviewed a map of the area being discussed. He explained that there was a street and utiliry improvement project in 2007 and it included assessing properties along the project corridor that benefited from it. The Novaceks own property at 2058 Bonaire Path West and are one of those who were assessed. The Novaceks appealed theix assessment,and they and their attorney are now proposing the dedication of a 60 foot right-of-way for the sole purpose of facilitating the future construction of a public street that would provide access to this parcel of land when it is subdivided for development. Brotzler then explained that Co. Rd. 38 is a collector road and there are specific guidelines for this type of road. He explained why the access right-of-way is being looked at for this location and provided some background on the Novacek's assessment appeal. Legally the City is obligated to allow access,and this is a good location to access the property if/when it is developed in the future. The issue before the Commission is that the property owner is willing to setde their appeal and agree to an additional assessment of$6,000 if the right-of-way along their property is approved. Any costs of developing the future street and moving the trail that runs along it would be the responsibility of the developer. The Commission discussed the issue of utilities in this area,whether it was possible to plan for something like this in the futuxe,how the area will be developed and whether we could ask for additional parks dedication when the property is developed. MOTION by Strayton to support the proposed dedication of a 60-foot right-of-way for the sole purpose to facilitate the future construction of a public stteet to access the Novacek parcel in the future if and when the parcel is subdivided for development. SECOND by Knight. Ayes 5 Nays:0 Motion passed. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes February 23, 2009 c. Consider Placement of Boy Scout Statue in a City Park- Noel Berkebile,Scout Leader for Pack 270,recently approached City staff about the possibiliry of installing a statue in Central Park that would commemorate the celebration of 100 years of Boy Scouting service. A limited number of statues are being awarded to communities that go through the application process. Schultz asked the Commission for their input regarding installing a statue in Central Park. The Commission did not support adding a Boy Scout statue at Central Park due to the fact that there is already a Veteran's Memorial monument at this park and the Veteran's Memorial Walk will be developing there in the future. They discussed the possibility of installing the statue at another park,but weren't sure of the timeline or what other park would be a good alternative. Having the Boy Scouts adopt a future park and possibly helping with the installation of play- ground equipment was suggested,as was offering a formal proposal to local Girl Scouts so that they could also be included. Schultz will contact Berkebile to find out the timeline for applying for one of the statues. d. D'IPeCtO�'s Rep01't—The park impxovement fund balance as of January 31,2009 was $1,727,683.83. No parks dedication,grants or donations were received in January. Interest was $6,281.53. There were no expenditures last month. UMORE Planning —Schultz provided the Commissioners with a new concept plan for the proposed athletic fields on UMORE property and pointed out the road locations around the fields. UMORE is currently waiting for an estimate from Hoisington Koegler Group and has also asked HKG how the project can be phased in over time. Schultz egplained that this item is an update only and asked the Commissioners for any input they might have regarding the project. Eisold asked if the fields could be 315'. Schultz explained that this would be a challenge due to the topography and site limitations. Schultz will e-mail the Commissioners any new concept plans/grading plans as they become available. Brockway Park-The two pipeline companies with easements in this park have raised concerns about grading and landscaping that are proposed for the area in their easements. Putting the project out for bid has been delayed due to these concerns. Changes to the plans are alxnost complete,and once they are reviewed by staff and approved by the City Council, the project will be put out for bid. We are still on schedule,with construction planned to begin in June. B�OCkway P81'k P18yg�0utld Equlpment—A playground representative will provide us with samples of rubber square tile and a synthetic turf blanket that can be used instead of wood chips or pea rock. Schultz will bring samples of both materials to the March meeting. Schultz will also bring back information on playground equipment and samples of the sports turf recently used in Edina for a playground project. R/�AA FBCIIIt1@S Meet111g—City staff recently met with the various area athletic associations to gather input and discuss their priorities/needs for field use. All sports were represented. The discussion stressed max;m;7ing the use of the fields we currently have and also making use of facilities available in surrounding areas such as Valley Park,Inver Grove Heights,Red Pine in Eagan,etc. Youth from all of these communities participate in Rosemount athletic programs. It was also stressed that the various groups need to pay close attention to their true needs for facilities. Eliason asked that the following items be discussed at a future meeting. 1) some type of building/sun shelter is needed at Bloomfield Park;2)portable/smaller rinks at some parks;3) the cost for portable warming houses at Bloomfield Park. Per Schultz,we will have data in March or April from the Public Works Dept. on pleasure rink use at neighborhood parks. It was suggested that we could ask the Rosemount Lion's if they would be interested in a donation to build a shelter. Bartz asked if they might be interested in partnering with DCTC as well. Schultz informed the Commission that we are in the process of finding a new student representative for the Commission. Schultz has been e-mailing a student who is interested in this opportunity. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -2 -