HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 06-22 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 22, 2009 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Sandy Knight, Kevin Strayton Members Absent: Mike Eliason Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Dixector of Parks and Recxeation and Sonja Honl, Recoxding Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chair Eisold called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 18, 2009 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the May 18,2009 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. DCTC Soccer Fields—Per Schultz,DCTC has a new finance person and we were recendy able to get an updated financial report from them. A copy of the report was included in the Commission packet. The current balance remaining from the original$450,000 is $107,786.76. There is some additional woxk needed(seeding, topsoil dressing,etc.) in order to complete the project. Schultz estimated this would cost approximately$20,000 - $25,000. Schultz explained that the installation of lights on one field was included in the original agreement, and that we are working with DCTC to get updated price quotes for lights. Schultz asked the Commission whether we should pursue spending the remaining funds for the installation of lights on the championship field. The lights would provide increased flexibility for scheduling games and tournaments. The Commission asked if there is a list of other amenities that might be needed. Per Schultz,there is not. The possible need for a maintenance building was also discussed. Per Schultz we do not need one at this time,but there is a small maintenance building for the irrigation system,and we might look into sharing the building in the future with the UMORE site. Schultz also explained that we will be looking at charging a fee for the use of the lights,in order to generate revenue to off-set their cost. MOTION by Knight to recommend that the City pursue lighting the southeast soccex field at DCTC. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed b. UMORE 6811f1eIdS—UMORE had planned to have the Limited Liability Company(L.L.C) set up this spring to handle the development,but it is taking longer than anticipated. They have had Hoisington Koegler prepare a schematic design for UMORE,and they are also getting new cost estimates. Once the land/access are deeded to the City,we can begin grading and preparing the site. UMORE now expects the LLC to be in place by late fall or early winter. Schultz hopes to have more information at next month's meeting. c. Future Park Projects and Capital Improvement Budget(CIP)—schultz was bringing rhis item back for review. He handed out a copy of the City Council's 2009-10 goals and reviewed the items that pertained to Parks and Recreation. He asked the Commission what our priorities should be given the current economic situation. It was mentioned that the trail system in Rosemount is beneficial to a large number of residents,and having a continuous trail system with safe crossings is important.It was also requested that we stop discussing building tennis courts on the green space at Erickson Park and that any new tennis courts should be built where there isn't currently green space. The Commission asked about sharing fields at the new St.Joseph's school. Per Schultz, the school is thinking again about bui.lding fields. We have told them that if we parmer with them, we would need a use agreement in place to address use issues. Parmering with ISD 917 for the use of their small ball field and gym was also discussed. We would need a use agreement with them,too. Schultz asked the Commission what they saw as the most urgent needs. It was mentioned that lacrosse is growing and that their - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 22, 2009 field use needs coincide with those of soccer. T'he Commission felt that we should try to sustain and maintain what we currently have and look at some of the older parks that need renovations,such as Erickson Park (repairing/replacing the swing set,adding irrigation and lights,paving the parking lot). Per Schultz,our goal is to identify park locations with potential for growth in the Parks Master Plan and utilize what is available as much as possible. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Central Park Expansion Planning Study—Ciry staff have created a plan for rhe potendal future expansion at Central Park. The study will be used in the future to apply for grants or other funding through such organizations as the Metropolitan Council or CDA. The study includes five design alternatives,none to be exclusive,that provide possible scenarios for egpansion. The plan will be kept on file to show reviewers that the City has prepared for the expansion of the park. Schultz stressed that any development would require a much more detailed plan than those included in the study. The Commission asked what amenities would be added. Schultz explained that that would depend on which,if any, of the adjoining businesses the City would acquire. He reviewed the plans included in the study for each of the possible scenarios and explained that the City Council's goal is to allow for more development downtown by opening up this corner. They see this as a way of attracting people to downtown Rosemount. The Commission asked exactly what they were being asked to approve. Schultz explained that he was asking for a motion from the Commission supporting the expansion of Central Park,and the information in the report. The Ciry Council's goal is to attract people to the downtown area through redevelopment,park development,and economic development. The Commission wasn't sure a fountain or gazebo would attract people,but thought that an incredible playground or a concert series would. They also mentioned all of the improvements needed at other parks. They wanted to be sure that they were not approving using park improvement funds to purchase properties. Schultz explained that they were not recommending approval of spending any funds by supporting the study. MOTION by Strayton to recommend that the City Council approve the Central Park Expansion Planning Study. SECOND by Knight. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Di�eCto�'S RepOrt—Strayton announced that he would have to leave shortly. The park improvement fund Balance as of May 31,2009 was$1,792,545.10. No grants or donations were received in May. Interest was $241.74 and there were expenditures of $2,318.58 for supplies for the disc golf course and advertising for Brockway Park bids. Family Resource Center—The FRC received a$75,000 grant for building improvements through the government stimulus package. T'hey are also hoping to get funds for a small addition to the building. Ch1�IleS P81'k—ISD 196 and City attorneys are finishing up the agreements. Schultz hopes to bring them to the City Council in early July. SummeP P�Og�a111S—Programs aze up and running for the summer. SUI11me�ICe—The ice went back into the rink the week of June 8. Summer ice rentals began June 15. Bartz asked if nets could be installed to help some of the neighbors near Charlies Park tennis courts. Schultz will check on this. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Knight to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -2 -