HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 08-24 PRC Minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes August 24, 2009 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason Members Absent: Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Stephen Sawyer Others Present: Christine Pigsley,Dakota County Technical College Dean of Student Affairs 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 27,2009 MEETING MINiJTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the July 27,2009 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: Christine Pigsley,Dakota County Technical College Dean of Student Affairs, addressed the Commission. She invited the Commissioners to the kick-off game and dedication ceremony that will be held on September 8,2009,and thanked them for their help in getting the soccer complex built. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: 8. Project Updates— a, DCTC Soccer Fields—The nets are out and the fields have been cut and lined. The new scoreboard is up and they are in the process of installing the sound system. Seating for close to 800 people has been installed. 'The Commission asked how much of the originally budgeted funds for this project remained. Per Schultz,$104,000- $105,000 remains. 'I'he Commission asked if these funds could be used toward the installation of lighting on the championship soccer field. Per Schultz,the quote for installation of lights was approxitnately $175,000. We can discuss this further at a future meeting. b. Brockway Park—Schultz provided current photos of the park and the amenities that have been installed so far,including basketball hoops,a drinking fountain,backstop for the ball field and horseshoe pits, The playground equipment and the shelter will be installed by the end of September. The disc golf course is up and running and has been very busy. As part of a Community Development project,a historical marker was created for Brockway Park. The marker was on display in the Council Chambers and will be installed at the park soon. A ribbon cutting in early October is being planned. c. Charlie's Park—We are moving forward with the installation of the two new tennis courts. The soil test showed that the soils were very moist,and there was concern about heaving due to our winter freeze and thaw cycles. After discussions with the geotech firm and design landscape architect woxking on the project, the solution was to dig down four feet for the courts,then dig deeper in the center of the courts to allow any moisture to drain there. We are also looking into installing two covered benches between the courts. These will not be a part of the tennis court bid,but will be bid out in the future. Construction of the courts should be completed by the end of October ox mid-November. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes August 24, 2009 d. Veterans'Memorial Walk—The City Council has had the first and second readings of the ordinance relating to city involvement in veterans memorials as required by state statute. 'I'he Council asked for more detail as far as the phasing of the project and a breakdown of the costs per phase. An agreement allowing the Veterans'Memorial Walk to move forward will be brought to the September 1 City Council meeting for consideration. Once the agreement is approved,construction may begin. Schultz expected some activity to begin by November. e. UMore Ball Fields—Schultz provided a concept plan for the project and briefly reviewed some items such as roads that have yet to be built,entrance/exit access to the fields,and traffic patterns. UMore sta,ff had intended to dedicate the land to the City of Rosemount by now but was not able to finalize the dedication. Hopefully the dedication will be completed by late fall or early winter. f. St.Joseph's Church Improvements—The City Council reviewed a plan that outlined the minimuxn necessary improvements needed so the church would meet ADA accessibility Yequirements for public use. The cost of these improvements is approximately$260,000. These funds would come out of the Building CIP fund. The Commission asked that Schultz mention the empty lots behind the school in any discussions about the St.Joseph's site that may be held at meetings where the Commission is not in attendance. The Commission asked if the cost to remove some of the buildings on the site had been looked into. Per Schultz,the Council will be discussing this. g. Family Resource Center Grant—The City received a$75,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-R) from the federal government's Recovery Act for improvements to the Family Resource Center building. The funds will be used for improvements including moderate renovations to improve energy efficiency,and also to improve user circulation and storage capabilities. h. 2010 Budget—The City Council recendy discussed the 2010 budget. There were no reductions identified in services or staffing. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Director's Report-The park improvement fund bala.nce as of July 31,2009 was $1,779,272.98. There was discussion regarding possibly using some of the parks dedication funds fox installation of lights at the DCTC championship fields and also for a shelter at Bloomfield Park. The Commission thought that now would be a good time to move forward with these smaller projects,and that if we could get the projects bid out before winter,we may get better quotes due to the economic slowdown. Schultz will bring back some drawings of a shelter that he recently received for the Commission to review. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -2 -