HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 11-23 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 23, 2009
Members Present: Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason and Kevin Strayton
Members Absent: Maureen Bartz and Sandy Knight
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation
Student Volunteet: None
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
approve the minutes of the October 26,2009 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. 2010 Fees and Fee Policy— Schultz was recommending three changes to fees for 2010:
1) Increasing the Prime Time Ice Fee from$175 to$185 per hour;
2) Increasing the Banquet Room Class 2 and Class 4 Fees by$50,and the Class 3 Fee by$100.
a. Class 2 Saturday: �-58$700;Friday: �b�59$600;Sun-Thurs $300;
b. Class 3 Saturday: �5A$850;Friday: �-59$750;Sun-Thurs $350;
c. Class 4 Saturday: �68�9$900;Friday: �5A$800;Sun-'Thurs $400.
3) Increasing the Per Day Per Field Tournament Fee from$35 to$40.
Schultz went on to review the information requested by the Commission at October meeting.
MOTION by Strayton to approve the proposed 2010 Fees and Fee Policy. SECOND by Eislod.
Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
a. Director's Report—The park improvement fund balance as of October 31,2009 was $1,587,017.02.
No parks dedication fees or grants were received. Interest was $2,283.03. Egpenditures were$90,405.63
for Brockway Park improvements,playground,shelter and Charlie's Park Tennis Courts.
Charlie's Park Tennis Courts—The project was slowed a bit by the rain we received in October
but the project is moving along and we now have fencing and first lift of asphalt in place. Any work
not completed this fall wi11 be finished early next spring.
November City Council Work Session—At the work session on Tuesday,November 17,the City
Council directed staff to bring forward the plans and specifications the City has been working on for
unproving the former St.Joseph's Church and seek approval to advertise the project for bid.They
also discussed the 2010 CIP Budget but did not come to a conclusion on the two park items which
are the UMORE ball fields and tennis courts at Erickson Park.
MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Dan Schultz,Parks and Recreation Director
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Paxks &Recreation Department
Weekly Report
All Council Backgrounder.
Staff inet for a community tennis meeting on Wednesday,November 4. In attenda.nce was Jeanne
Ewen with Rosemount High School,Lynette Haden with RA.AA Traveling,Mike Haden
representing RAAA In-house and Mi.ke Goldhamer Executive Director,USTA Northern. The
intent of the meeting was to gather information about each organization and to share with each
other what programs we offer to make sure we axe offering tennis opportunities to every population
in the community.
The outcome of this discussion was that we feel as a group we are offering great opportunities for
youth. The Parks and Recreation Department offers the USTA QuickStart progtam in the morning
and afternoons while RAAA In-house offers the QuickStart program in the evenings. The RAAA
Traveling program offers further instruction and ma.tch play for age groups 18 and under and 14 and
under (age 10 is generally the youngest participant). Rosemount High School tennis offers the Block
Party and is interested in hosting two tournaments for the community. From this meeting it was
determined that the population that is being underserved in Rosemount is the adults, from college
age on up.
An update on the Charlies Paxk tennis courts addition was given by sta.ff. At this time,RAAA In-
house and Traveling Tennis do not foresee using Charlies Park tennis courts for their programs.
They feel they can continue to grow their program while utilizing the high school courts. This led to
a discussion on offering adult programs at Charlies Park next summer. Sta.ff will meet again with the
group in Janua,ry to discuss adult tennis opportunities and a possible collaboration.