HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 03-29 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 29, 2010
Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy I{night,Kevin Strayton
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording
Student Volunteer. None
Others Present: Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor and Jason Lindahl,Ciry Pla.nner
1. CALL TO ORDER Elia.son called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
approve the minutes of the February 22,2010 meeting. SECOND by Knight. Ayes:4 Nays: 0
Motion passed.
Strayton arrived.
5. DISCUSSION(Response to Audience Input): None
a. UMORE Baseball/Softball Field Project—A copy of the draft agreement for the
baseball/softball fields has been received and Schultz included a copy in the Commission packet.
Schultz noted some key issues that the City has concerns with in the Egecutive Summary. He has
shared these concerns with the City Attorney and the City Administrator. He has asked to have
these items changed or discussed further. Schultz reviewed each of the issues and asked the
Commission for any comments they would like him to share with the City Attorney regarding the
project. He asked the Commissioners to e-mail any comments they might have to him. The
agreement will be brought back once more for final edit and will be discussed at a futuxe meeting.
Eliason stated that we need to be consistent with what we have done in the past as far as what we
give parks dedication credit for.
b. Former St.Joseph's Chutch Improvements—Schultz gave a Power Point presentation on the
former St.Joseph's Church improvements. Construction on the improvements to the church began
in February. Schultz's presentation included photos of the construction on the ramp and stage area
in progress,and samples of the paint colors (white/tan/brown) and the carpet that will be used.
Schultz also mentioned that originally the stage was to be recovered with carpet,but he has recendy
met with the local arts council and they suggested that using hard wood for the stage would be a
better option. When looking at other performance stages,the most universal flooring is wood.We
are currendy researching the cost of hardwood or alternative flooring for the stage. Schultz also
mentioned that we have had several recent repairs to the boilers and we have also applied for federal
stimulus funds to remove one of the boilers and add two new boilers to the facility.
Schultz explained to the Commission that because the project came in under bid,replacing the carpet
in the main areas of the facility(which was not included in the origi�ial bid),has now been
recomtnended to the Council. Other items that staff is also now looking into include: tables,chairs,
podium,microphones,portable screen,and Wi-Fi.
Rental fees and policies are also being reviewed. Naming/branding of the facility and marketing the
facility are also being discussed. Via the City's website and ads in the several newspapers,the public
has been asked to offer suggestions for the facility. Using a steeple as the logo for the facility has
also been discussed. Schultz will bring a list of the suggestions for the new name to the next
Commission meeting. Schultz also mentioned that parking issues at the facility will need to be
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Regular Meeting Minutes
March 29, 2010
addressed. We are currendy looking at a construction completion date of July 1,with a grand
opening some time after that. This was an update only,and Schultz will prepare a recommendation
on the policies and fees and bring it to a future meeting.
a. Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plan—Jason Lindahl,City Planner and Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor,
presented information regarding a project they are working on with the Dakota County Active Living
Partnership. The City of Rosemount applied for and was awarded a$25,000 SHIP (State Health
Improvement Program)grant for funds to develop a pedestaan/birycle master plan in order to increase
activity and encourage people to be more active in our community as part of our comprehensive plan.
The funds are part of the Blue Cross Blue Shield tobacco settlement. In-town trips,(to the library,
restaurants,parks,etc.),are the main focus of the plan. As part of the process,the City will host a
meeting of stakeholders as well as two open houses for the public. A questionnaire will also be available
on the City's website,and the group has plans for a variety of other ways to get the word out to the
community including flyers,conta,cting churches,articles in the local paper,etc. Based on the
information gathered from the stakeholders and the public,presentations that include recommenda,tions
will be given to the Parks and Recreation Commission and finally the City Council. The end result will
be a document that tells us where we are now and where we would like to be as far as our
pedestrian/birycle trails.
b. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of February 28,2010 was$1,479,287.78.
Interest was $111.11. No parks dedication fees or grants were received. There were no egpenditures.
Grant for Lighting Replacement at Community Center—The Ciry has applied for a grant to retrofit
the lighting at the Community Center in some of the hallways and other areas that are shared with
the National Guard. We were recendy notified that we are on the short list to receive these funds.
Schultz will update the Commission on this grant at the next meeting.
Lights at Dakota County Technical College Soccer Fields-We are looking into lighting the main field at
DCTC for$85,000,which would be split 50/50 with DCTC and the Ciry of Rosemount. The original
agreement for this project did not include light. The City Attorney will be writing an amendment to the
original agreement or a new,separate agreement to cover the details.
Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association Conference—The MRPA will be hosting a conference at
Mysric Lake Casino in April.
City of Rosemount Commission Appreciation Dinner—Rosemount Commission members are invited to
attend an appreciation dinner on Thursday,Apri129 to recognize your service to the community.
Sandy Knight was thanked for her contributions as a Paxks and Recreation Cominissioner. Her term
ends with this meeting.
MOTION by Knight to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary
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