HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 04-26 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION
Speciai Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2010
Members Present Barb Farrell,Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Kevin Strayton
Members Absen� None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording
Student Volunteer. None
Others Ptesent: Bill Droste,Mayor;Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor; Jason Lindahl,City
Planner;and Lil Leatham,Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc.
1. C�1I.L TO ORDER Eliason called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Schultz informed the Commission that he had two additional
handouts for the Director's Report: A field user fee survey and a proposed Rosemount Area Arts Council
(ItAAC) agreement.
Mayor Droste administered the oath of office to Barb Farrell,new Parks&Recreation Commission
approve the minutes of the March 29,2010 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. Pedesttian/Bicycle Master Plan—Schuster provided a brief recap of the results of the meetings
and discussions so far. Lil Leatham,of Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc(HKGi),was introduced and
proceeded to review the draft needs assessment and the draft framework map that were created
based on input gathered from the public meetings. Obstacles as far as existing trails and sidewalks
were discussed(trails that end with no connection,intersections with difficult crossings,etc.) as well
as shifting people's mindset by"way finding,"using signage,maps and events to enhance the overall
experience. Leatham then asked for comments from the Commission. T'he Commission suggested
having more striped crosswalks and also mentioned that cars tppically do not stop for pedestrians
waiting at crosswalks. Installing pedestrian-activated signs at some crosswalks was suggested. The
intersections at Hwy 3/Connemara Trl and Hwy 3/Co Rd 42 are two of the biggest challenges as far
as safe crossing. Schultz asked if Leatham could provide examples of how crosswalks would be
striped. He felt that it was important that we ate consistent in marking all crosswalks,as well as
remarking them after street overlays. Schultz asked that a list of"general best practices"be created
to be used as a guideline,and that an explanation be included as to why crossings are marked in
different ways. There was discussion about sidewalk/trail maintenance practices,including plowing
in the winter,sweeping loose gravel,etc. Talking to representatives from surrounding cities and
Dakota County to find out their plans for trails and where we may possibly be able to connect with
their trails was also discussed (Lebanon Hills Park,Parkview Golf Course,Camp Sacajawea,and the
Apple Valley Zoo). Leatham pointed out a"focus area"in Rosemount where there are barriers to
schools,parks,the Community Center and downtown,especially from the north. She mentioned
that people are having trouble getting places due to gaps in trail/sidewalk connections. Our short
term goal is to fill these gaps. We also need to clarify whether bikers should be on sidewalks ox
streets. The Commission mentioned that the crossing signal at Shannon Pkwy/Co Rd 42 is not long
enough to allow people to get across the intersection. Eisold also asked that we keep county-wide
access in mind,and try to incorporate connections to Farmiiigton,Northfield,etc.,and also that
commuters are looking for the most direct route availa,ble. Leatham will incorporate the suggestions
discussed at the meeting into the framework map. Per Schultz,an update on this item will be
brought back to the May 24 Commission meeting,and a second open house will be held on June Z.
Strayton had to leave the meeting.
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Special Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2010
a. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of March 31,2010 was$1,478,417.82.
Interest was$91.08. No parks dedication fees or grants were received. There were egpenditures of
$961.04 for Charlie's Park and FMR Reimbursable Grant.
Partnership Opportunities—Staff recendy met with representatives from District 917 and the CAP
agency regarding the following partnering opportunities:
District 917-We had hoped to partner with District 917 for field use,but their fields are currendy in
rough shape. We may be able to work out an agreement where the City would provide maintenance
in eachange for field use. We will continue to work on this partnership.
Biscayne Park—Biscayne Park,next to the CAP agenry,has been underutilized and staff
approached the CAP agenry several years ago regarding a parking lot use partnership/agreement so
that we could use Birch Park for more acitivities. Nothing was ever finalized. Recently,the CAP
agenry has discussed adding a community garden around their building. We may be able to work out
an agreement to allow for this in eachange for use of their parking lot. Eliason expressed concern
about giving up park space,and that balls going into the garden area could be an issue.
Schultz will bring an update on both of these items back to the next Commission meeting.
Additional Items-
Field Fee Survey—Schultz reviewed the Field Fee Survey results and there was discussion on the
various fees collected in other cities. Fees included resident and non-resident per participant fees,per
hour use fees,tournament fees and various other charges. The fees varied widely from city to city.
Basically,cities are charging these fees to try to offset some of the costs associated with field use.
Schultz will be meeting with Rosemount Area Athletic Association representatives this Friday to
discuss this further.
RAAC Agreement—Schultz had just received an agreement from the Rosemount Area Arts Council
(RA.AC). This item will be discussed at a future meeting when everyone has had more time to review
the agreement.
MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Apes: 4 Nays:0 Motion
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 933 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary
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