HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 05-24 PRC Minutes PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 24, 2010 APPROVED Members Present: Barb Farrell,Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason Members Absent: Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Stephen Sawyer Others Present Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor; Jason Lindahl,City Planner;Lil Leatham, Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc.;John Loch,Rosemount Area Arts Council Member;and Keith Reed,Rosemount Area Axts Council President 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 26,2010 MEETING MINLJTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Apri126,2010 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION(Response to Audience Input): None G. OLD BUSINESS: a. Pedestrian/Bicycle Master Plan—Lil Leatham,of Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc. (HKgi),Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor and Jason Lindahl,City Planner were in attendance to provide an upda.te on this item. Leatham reviewed the refined draft Framework Plan and went over the items that were discussed at last month's meeting. She pointed out a number of sidewalk/trail connections and enhancements that would improve the system. She then reviewed the draft Walk-Bike Priorities outline that was included in the Commission packet. Priorities included creating sidewalk/trail connections in the school compleg,creating a trail connection on the south side of Lebanon Hills Park and creating trail connections to downtown Rosemount destinations. The priorities also included several items that would help to make walking and biking safer including an underpass under Hwy 3,improving the conditions at some intersections,and supporting the"safe routes to school"program. Other items that would increase awareness and use of the sidewalk/trail system included creating maps that would be available in printed form and on-line,installing signage to help people find connections,hosting a bike event,and providing bike racks for those using the system. This was only an update and more detailed infoxrnation will be available at the open house scheduled for June 2. b. Pre-Parkland Dedication UMORE—Staff is continuing to work on this item and hopes to soon receive parks dedication of 22.78 acres that would be used for ball fields. UMORE is asking that we accept the land"as is". The City is doing some environmental research/soil samples.The Commission asked for clarification of a couple of items in the draft agreement that wa,s included in the packet: Farrell asked for clarification on the second to last paragraph on page 2. Schultz explained what this paragraph means. Bartz asked for clarification on item 2.a. "....the Univer.rity�vill be allozvecl to u.re the Land Area Credit for at least tzventy-five percent(25%)of the land dedication require�ent..." Per Schultz,he will have the Ciry Attorney revise this to say"...up to taventy-five perc•ent(25%)..." Schultz also brought up the issue of road ownership and access to the property. The road is split between UMORE and the MNSCU,and the City will need access easements from both in order to have access to the property. MOTION by Eisold to recommend the Pre-Parks Dedication agreement with the University of Minnesota be presented to the City Council for approval. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. Schultz asked if we could start the new business with item 7.b.Service Agreement—Rosemount Area Arts Council(RAAC),to accommodate Keith Reed and John Loch,RAAC representatives in attendance. 7. NEW BUSINESS: - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 24, 2010 a. Softball League Rules—Sta.ff was recently contacted by a softball league participant who questioned the league rule that dogs are not allowed at Erickson Park dwing softball league games. This rule was added in 2007 because for many years we had complaints and problems relating to dogs at league games and there were many police calls to deal with this issue. We have had no issues since the rule to not allow dogs was added. Schultz checked with other nearbp cities and they have similar rules. The league participant who took issue with the xule was invited to attend tonight's meeting but was not in attendance. Schultz asked the Commission if they would like to change the rules. The Commission felt that the rule should not be changed,since we have had only one request since 2007. It was suggested that we note the request and revisit this issue aga.in in a couple of years. It was also suggested that possibly something could be added to the roster that states that the participants have read the league rules. b. Service Agreement—Rosemount Area Arts Council—Schultz gave some background on the long- standing relationships the City has had with the committees for Leprechaun Days and the Halloween Haunted Trail. Both of these groups have been established for many years,and have had simple service agreements with the City for the last few years. No other groups (R.AAA,RAHA,or other organizations)have service agreements with the City. Schultz then reviewed the recendy proposed rental rates for the use of the Rosemount Steeple Center(formerly old St.Joseph's Church). The City Council had asked that the rental rates be kept low in order to attract renters,and the proposed rates are approximately half the rate charged for use of the Lakeville Arts Center. The lack of air conditioning at the Steeple Center,and the limited restrooms and parking were also considerations in the proposed rates for the Steeple Center. Schultz explained that the reason he was discussing rental rates was rela.ted to the RAAC agreement item number 7. This item reads: �C zvill be alloaved a long-terne r�re di.rcount of SO%of re�atal rates for,rho�.r/event.r that have a charge forad�ai.r.rion. Schultz explained that for cosponsored City/RAt1C events or events where no admission would be charged,no rental fee would be egpected from RA.AC. For events where admission is charged,the City would expect RAAC to pay the low fee for the period of rental,just as any other group would be expected to pay it. Schultz mentioned that for other organizations such as RAAA,the or�ni�ation pays the rental fee that has been set in the City's fee poliry. He also mentioned that there has recendy been discussion that at some point there will be an additional individual participant fee for RAAA participants. Loch and Reed addressed the Commission and egplained that RAAC members have egpertise in certain areas that would benefit the City,and that RAAC may be able to apply for grants for improvements such as air conditioning for the Steeple Center. 'I'hey felt that this type of improvement would be a benefit to the City that RAAC could provide in exchange for the reduced rental fee. Schultz restated that the rental rates proposed for the Steeple Center are very reasonable. Schultz went on to review the other items in the agreement and the list of possible events that RAAC provided along with the agreement. Per Schultz,this document will need further review and will be brought back at a later date. c. St.Joseph's School Athletic Fields—Possible Partnership—Schultz reviewed an aerial photo and a drawing of the school property and pointed out the location where they are proposing to build fields. The Commission felt that the location of the ball fields could be changed to better fit the space and the size and placement of the soccer fields needed to be looked at. Schultz asked if the Commission would like to continue to pursue a partnership with the school for use of fields. MOTION by Bartz to recommend staff continue working with representatives from St.Joseph's School on a possible outdoor recreation facilities partnership. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 4 Nays:0 Motion passed. d. Schwarz Pond Park—Wedand Mitigation and Enhancements—SKB Environmental has approached the City regarding 1.6 acres of off-site wetland mitigation required due to egpansion plans at their Rosemount site. Schultz reviewed a map of Schwarz Pond Park and pointed out a couple of areas on the west side of the Rosemount High School fields,as well as some areas in other parts of Rosemount,that might be suitable for the wetland mirigation. Schultz egplained how the mitigation process would affect the area in Schwarz Pond Park,including the removal of a number of trees and probable damage to the tra.il that runs near the proposed mitigation area. Equipment for the mirigation would have to use the trail,which would then need to be repaired or replaced. Schulz has spoken with high school staff and they currendy use this wooded area for science classes and were not in favor of - 2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 24, 2010 mitigation at this location. Whatever location is decided on for the mitigation,Schultz would like to bring this item back to the Commission. He did not feel that a decision could be ma,de on anything until we are provided with a better plan. There was discussion about asking for additional fencing/a larger net along the west side of the soccer field(near the proposed Schwarz Pond Park mitiga.tion area) as part of SKB's repair of the site after the mirigarion,adding signage along the trails,and adding an observation deck or fishing pier. Repairing/replacing the trail and finding a place for the fill that is removed will be necessary,and additional trees/landscaping will also be needed to replace what is removed for the mitigation. MOTION by Bartz to recommend the City continue working towards a wetland mitigation project that will enhance Schwarz Pond Park recreation and educational opporiunities. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed e. Preliminary Plat—Prestwick Place,D.R.Horton—The City has received the preliminary plat for the Prestwick Place development. Per Schultz,land dedication will come with future subdivision. After reviewing the preliminary plat,Schultz had four recommendations which he included in the ezecutive summa.ry. He reviewed each of these items. The Commission asked that a safe crossing on Connemara Trail from the development to the park across from it be included and that plowing for the sidewalk on the Outlot A side be done so that this section of sidewalk is passable in the winter. MOTION by Eisold to recomxnend the City Council approve the preliminary plat and that sta,ff s recommendations be incorporated into the final plans and subdivision agreement. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. f. Conuact for Plans and Specifications—UMORE Ball Fields—Schultz reviewed a concept plan for the ball fields. WSB and associates,the City's contracted engineering firm,will be coordinating the project with HKgi,landscape architects,who will provide the plans. Once the land for this project is acquired,work will begin on the plans and specifications for the fields. Per Schultz,we will be asking for a well design,as we will be drilling a well on the site for irrigation. MOTION by Farrell to recommend the City Council approve contracting with WSB to develop the plans and specifications for the UMORE ball field project. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 4 Nays:0 Motion passed. g. Ditector's Report—The park improvement fund balance as of Apri130,2010 was $1,478,786.24. Interest was$2,833.44. A donation of$12,000 was received from the Rosemount Lion's. No parks dedication fees or grants were received. T'here were egpenditures of$5,494 for Charlie's Park tennis court nets and bike racks. The expenditure for bike racks will be reimbursed through a Dakota County Department of Health grant. Ground Pounders—The South of the River Recreators (SORR) Ground Pounders n,nn;ng series kicked off with an event in Eagan on May 15. Tennis Courts—The color coating of the tennis courts at Charlie's Park will be done soon. Bike Racks—The City received a Dakota County Health Dept. Statewide Health Improvement Program(SHIP) grant. The$5,000 grant was used to purchase 13 bike racks that have been placed at parks throughout Rosemount. Parks Dedicarion Fees—T'he Rosewood Developers are finishing up six lots in Rosemount. They need to pay park dedication fees and believe that the fees they are being asked to pay are too high. A survey will be conducted by Dennis Kalsall,the appraiser who did the last survey,to determine whether our parks dedication fees are still appropriate given the decrease in most property values. This will give us a better idea of the properly's value. We will have a final report in a month or two. Schwarz Pond Park Foot Path—A footpath from the Schwarz Pond Park parking lot to the high school varsity baseball fields has been created by those going to and from the fields. The high school has informed staff that they have received some complaints about the condition of the path. Schultz felt that building a trail that meanders from the Schwarz Pond Park shelter to the varsity field might - 3 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 24, 2010 be a solution to this issue,but this is something that would have to be discussed further. The current footpath is steep and paving it is not the answer as water runoff would soon erode the pavement. Per Schultz,we are looking into closing the path until we can meet with the groups involved and try to resolve this issue. High School/MVTA Parking—We will be reevaluating the MV'I"A use of the Community Center parking lot and the high school use of the Community Center/Schwarz Pond Park parking lots. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -4 -