HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 09-27 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATIOId COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2010 APPROVED Members Ptesent: Ma,ureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell Members Absent Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretaty Student Volunteer: Stephen Sawyer Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 23,2010 MEETING MINLTTES: MOTION by Farrell to approve the minutes of the August 23,2010 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION(Respottse to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Pedestrian Bicycle Master Plan—Schultz reviewed the final draft of the plan. Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor,was on the Pedestrian Birycle Master Plan committee and was in attendance to answer questions from the Commission. Schultz asked the Commission for any additional comments they might have. Farrell asked how we ensure that a subdivision ordinance(page 59, fourth bullet item and page 69, under section titled"Encourage sidewalks along with new development&redevelopment) is adopted that would require five foot sidewalks on both sides of the street for new developments. If such a subdivision ordinance was adopted by the Ciry,it would be in place so developers would know up front that sidewalks would be required for new developments. Per Schultz,we can add this to a recomtnenda.tion accepting the pedestrian bicycle master plan. Farrell also mentioned seeing people walking in the grass along Hwy 3 in front of the Community Center,and children trying to cross Hwy 3 on birycles,and the need for a trail connection along the stretch of road between Connemara Trail and 145�Street. A trail connection here would allow easy,safe access for people to walk or bike to the downtown area. She pointed out that the trail connections shown on the map on page 34 of the plan are not along Hwy 3. Schultz explained that there is a state right-of-way restriction along Hwy 3,a steep slope,and also a pond on the south side of the Comxnunity Center that would make it difficult to build a trail there. Options could be to build a trail along the west side of the Community Center that would run behind the building or along the front of the Community Center. Signage could be put in place to direct bikers/walkers to these trail connections. Bartz suggested running a trail along the la,st row of stalls in the Community Center parking lot. Eisold wanted to reiterate that the pedestrian bicycle master plan is a tool to be used as a resource,but it is not the answer to all questions that may come up. As an aside,it was mentioned that it would be nice to have maps directing people to trails to get to Leprechaun Days activities at Central Park. Also,more birycle racks could be used at Leprechaun Days,possibly in two locations,for those who bike to the event. MOTION by Bartz to recommend that the City Council adopt the Pedestrian Birycle Master Plan,with the following changes recommended by the Commission: striking the word con.rider from the sentence on page 69 that says"The City.rhould�formali�eirsg exzrting ordinanc•e.r to require developer.r to j�rovicle S'si�lezvalk.r, .reparatecl by a planted boulevard on both.ricle.r of all local.rtreet.r,u�ale.cr they are found to be unnece.r.rary 6y City.rta�:..." SECOND by Farrell Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. Schultz suggested that the Commission meet to discuss trail priorities in December or January. b. Family Resource Center-Play Equipment Proposals—Schultz reviewed each of the 11 proposals for the new playground equipment for the Fa.mily Resource Center. 'The Commission discussed each plan, taking intd account the layout,play opportunities,and how closely each plan met the requested specifications. Based on these criteria,they felt the Minnesota/Wisconsin Playground plan D4997J was the best option. MOTION by Eisold to accept the Minnesota/Wisconsin Playground proposal drawing D4997J as the new pla,yground to replace the egisting equipment at the Family Resource Center. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 27, 2010 SECOND by Bartz. DISCUSSION: The Commission asked sta.ff to find out the cost to replace the discovery table and balance beam with a tire swing and a Maypole. Schultz proposed green slides,and that burgundy and tan be worked into the color scheme. Schultz will contact the vendor and ask for an updated plan and pricing. He will check on exchanging the two equipment pieces and let the Commission know if the pricing changes significantly from the initial plan. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed c. CIP Budget—This is a carryover item from last month. Schultz reviewed a list of park and trail projects that was included in the Executive Summary. Schultz informed the Commission that the City is close to signing an agreement with UMore for ball fields,which was the first item on the list. He asked if there were any other items that the Commission would like to include for 2011. Farrell felt that natural areas should be a priority. Schultz egplained that McMenomy's Woods,one of the items already on the list,is a natural area that could meet the needs for this type of parkland on the east side of Rosemount. Per Schultz,we are currently focusing on moving forward with the UMore ballfield project,we can add McMenomy Woods as a priority,and we will continue to look for natural areas we may be able to partner on. No recommenda,tion was needed on this item. As an aside,Bartz mentioned that she had heard that the current skate park surface causes more abrasions when kids fall than that of other skate parks. Schultz will check into this. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. User Fees for Athletic Groups and Leagues—Schultz explained that as part of the 2011 budget process,the Parks and Recreation Department will be combining our winter and spring brochures,and our summer brochure will be coming out earlier. Maintenance levels in parks and charging fees to user groups to help offset the cost of field maintenance are also being looked at. Schultz included an Associa.tion Field Fee Survey from the City of Woodbury in the Commission packet. Schultz reviewed the survey and the various fees charged by other communities to offset field maintenance costs. Staff has met with Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RA.AA)representatives regarding potential fees,and RAA.A asked if they could make a donation instead of charging a per participant fee. Staff is still discussing how to handle this. The City Council does not want additional fees to deter children from participating or discourage user groups from hosting tournaments in Rosemount. No recommendation was needed on this item. Schultz asked the Commissioners to get input from friends and neighbors regarding user fees. b. Director's Report—The park improvement fund balance as of August 31,2010 was$1,449,433.57. No park dedication fees were received in August. We received a grant reimbursement of$1,413.13 for the Family Resource Center project. Interest for August was$162.69. There were no donations. Expenditures were$269.63 for plans for the Family Resource Center project. RCC Gym Floor-'The gym floor was refixi�ished in AugusL The cost will be shared with the National Guard. RAAA traveling basketball may help with the purchase of new backboards,or we may be able to use the backboards from the gym in the old St.Joseph's School attached to the Steeple Center. Arena Advertising—We are planning a concentrated effort to increase our advertising in the arena. Staff negotiated an egclusive agreement with Fast Signs in Inver Grove Heights to make signs to meet our specifications for a special rate of$140 per sign. RAHA may also want to install a T.V.with advertising in the arena. Details on this are still being discussed. LaFarve Property—A developer is interested in the LaFarve property located near the intersection of Bonaire Path and Bacardi Ave. Schultz reviewed a map of the area and pointed out that the property includes a wetland/lake area which could provide a nice natural park. The properiy also includes two pipeline easements. This item will be discussed fiirther when the developer's plan comes in. Bartz asked if a sign could be put up on the athletic complex property near Flint Hills to inform anyone interested in developing near the property that it is the fizture site of lighted ball fields. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 4 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary - 2 -