HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 12-27 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 27, 2010
Members Present: Maureen Ba.rtz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recrea,tion and Sonja Honl,Recording
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present John,Betsy and Mike McMenomy
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. The meeting started with item New Business 7. c. to
accommodate the McMenomys.
approve the minutes of the October 25,2010 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion
passed. (There were no minutes for November 2010 as there was no quorum.)
5. DISCUSSION(Response to Audience Input): None
c. LaFarve Property Development—Schultz provided a map of the site that Pulte Homes is interested
in developing. T'he property is located at the northeast corner of Bacardi Avenue and Bonaire Path and
the development is to be single-fa.mily residential. The area earmarked for the park is located in the
southeast corner of the property. Schultz explained that there are some challenges due to a pipeline
and wetlands on the site. Schultz provided a concept sketch of the park and pointed out where there
are some grading issues in the area designated for the park as well as the location of the pipeline
easement in the park. There is a lake on the property and an island that is to be included as part of the
parkland. Schultz mentioned that there is also an eaisting trail that circles the lake. The sketch
included a parking lot with 12 stalls,a playground with two sun shelters,an open play area and a bridge
to the south side of the island. The esisting bridge on the north side of the island would have to be
replaced to meet current standards. The sketch also includes a potential fishing pier. Schultz
mentioned that the interpretive trail corridor recendy adopted by the Metropolitan Council as a
Regional Tra.il and runs through Rosemount and the developer is aware of the trail location. This
could be a connection site,and we will be talking to Dakota County regarding the possibility of mastex
planning it.
Schultz asked the Commission for feedback on the concept sketch. The Commission did suggest
increasing the buffer between the plapground and the residentiallot nearest to it. T"here was
discussion about the path around the lake,and whether or not it should be paved. There was
concern about whether or not the parking lot was big enough and that the pla,yground area seemed
cramped. The Commission thought that the trail around the lake was a real benefit and would draw
people to the park. They asked for the depth of the lake,and information on the high water mark
and flood plain. Per Schultz,the high water and flood plain information will be included on the
development plan. He will bring back the information on the depth of the lake. T'he Commission
asked if the lake would be open to motorized boats and egpressed concern that home owners whose
property is near the lake might encroach on the easement and build docks,etc. Per Schultz,the plan
shows the lots ending before the trail/park,but this is something that should be discussed with the
City Attorney and Planning Department during the design process. If the developer dedicates the
land between the property and the shore land,we could have a conservation easement written that
includes what is and is not allowed in regard to this. There was discussion regarding including a
small,enclosed shelter that could be used year-round,possibly available for rental and/or used for
rental of skis,etc.in the winter(similar to Trapp Farm in Eagan),and possibly for hosting nature-
type programs. Schultz esplained that according to the master plan this is a neighborhood park and
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Regular Meeting Minutes
December 27, 2010
it should serve that purpose rather than that of a community park. An enclosed shelter may not be
possible,but there
are two picnic shelters in the plan that would each hold three picnic tables and would accommoda,te
small groups. Schultz suggested that Schwarz Pond Park might be a better location for nature
programs,as it was built as a community park,with a larger parking lot and more space for this.
Mr.McMenomy addressed the Commission. He stated that this is a beautiful area that would be
great for walking and biking,and opportunities to see deer and other wildlife.
It was the consensus of the Commission that this was an exceptional property with great
opportunities to create a natural-area park,and that we should do our best to make the most of it.
Bartz asked if nature classes,such as a junior ranger program,could take place here or at Carroll's
Woods. T'hey could have activities such as scavenger hunts,and the City could post scavenger hunt
sheets on its website. Schultz mentioned that we could also include interpretive signage along the
trail. Schultz will meet with developers and relay the Commission's input to them. No motion was
needed on this item
a. Family Resource Center Annual Report—Shira Rabinowicz,Neighborhood Service Volunteer
Coordinator for 360 Communities (formerly the Community Action Council),attended the November 22,
2010 Commission meeting to give an update on the Family Resource Center and present their 2009 annual
report. Because there was no quorum at that meeting,Schultz was reviewing the information at tonight's
meeting that Rabinowicz provided in November. During 2009,the food shelf at the Familp Resource
Center was very busy. The Family Resource Center also coordinated a number of popular programs
including homework help,kindergarten rea,diness,a teen group,the annual national night out,and a new
youth gardening project with Dakota County Technical College master gardeners. Rabinowicz eaplained
that they rely on many volunteers to make their programs successful. She also stated that the
improvements being made to the Family Resource Center will help them better meet the needs of those
using the facility. (Interior and exterior improvements are being made to the building and a new
playground was recently installed.) Based on the information provided by Rabinowicz,Schultz felt that
360 Communities is meeting the goals of the original Youth Initiative Grant. MOTION by Eisold to
accept the 360 Communiries Annual Report for the Fatnily Resource Center. SECOND by Farrell.
Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
b. Fees and Fee Policy 2011—Schultz reviewed a few minor changes to the fee poliry for 2011 that
were listed in the Executive Summary. These changes included adding"+ tax"to the Class 1 Fees
on page 27;removing"slide projector"on page 29 as this equipment is antiquated and is no longer
requested;reducing the LCD projector fee to$100;and adding a$10 fee for the sound box that is
used to access the sound system in the Banquet Room. Schultz reviewed the 2010 changes to the
fee policy for the ice axena and banquet room and the changes to outdoor field fees. Negt,the
2010 and 2011 fees for the Steeple Center were xeviewed. Schultz explained that the Steeple Center
opened mid-2010,and introductory rental rates were set at that time. After several months of
operation,the introductory rates have been adjusted and these rates will be included in the 2011 fee
policy. There was discussion regarding changes to the current parks dedication fees. Based on the
HKgi survey,information gathered from park directors in other cities,and discussions with
developers and land owners,Schultz recommended lowering the residential park dedication fees
from$85,000/acre to between$60,000/acre and$65,000/acre. This is consistent with the drop in
market value of homes in a recent survey that identified approximately of 30%drop. Schultz also
spoke about the state sta.tute pertaining to park dedication. The Commission expressed concern
about lowering the park dedication fee. T'hey didn't feel that the cities listed in the survey were
comparable to Rosemount. 'They asked if Schultz could get information on park dedication fees
from Eagan,Apple Valley,Lakeville,and Inver Grove Heights,as far as what they are currendy
cha.tging,whether any of them had recendy lowered their fees,and if they have,the percentage they
were lowered by. They also asked if we could get data from Dakota County on property/la.nd
values. There was concern that the only data we have in writing shows the value at closer to
$70,000/acre,and that if we apply the$60,000/acre to$65,000/acre to both low density and
mediuxn density development,we may be underestimating the market value.
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Regular Meeting Minutes
December 27, 2010
Before a decision is made on this,Schultz will try to obtain more data to support the change in fees
including data from Dakota County,and a comparison of current park dedication fees for other
growing,nearby cities including their current fees,when they were last updated,and how they are
determined. Schultz also suggested that the parks dedication ordinance should be reviewed to
make sure it meets our current needs. Schultz asked for a recommendation from the Commission
on the changes to the fee policp for community center,steeple center and park(outdoor facilties)
fees (egcluding parks dedication). MOTION by Farrell to recommend that the City Council
approve the proposed changes to the current fees and fee policy for the Community Center and
parks (outdoor facilities) and to add the fees for the Steeple Center as identified by staff.
SECOND by Bartz. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
c. Director's Report—'I'he park improvement fund balance as of November 30,2010 was
$1,440,133.06. No park dedication fees,grants or donations were received in November. Interest
for November was $170.64. Egpenditures were$1,686.61 for installing the concrete border around
the Family Resource Center playground,upgrading the drinking fountain at Shannon Park that was
destroyed by fire but not totally covered by insurance,and for professional services for the Family
Resource Center building improvement project.
Family Resource Center Play Equipment—'1 he pla,yground equipment has been installed and is
ready for use. The swings will be installed as soon as weather permits.
Family Resource Center Building Improvements—A number of improvements are being made
to the Family Resource Center building. The improvements are being funded through a$75,000
Community Development Block Grant. Construction should begin in January.
Steeple Center Boiler Replacement—The City received an Energy Efficient Community Block
Grant(EECBG) for$G8,000 to upgrade the boilers at the Steeple Center. The project is nearly
complete. These funds were part of the federal stimulus program.
UMORE Pte-Dedicarion Agreement—'The City Council approved the pre-parkland dedication
agreement with the University of Minnesota at its November 16,2010 meeting. The agreement
allows the City to accept 27 acres of parkland prior to the University developing their land. The
University presented the agreement to their Facilities Committee for the Board of Regents on
December 9 and we are waiting for their decision.
Community Center Lighting Upgrades—A$50,000 EECBG grant through the federal stimulus
program was received by the Ciry to upgrade the lighting at the Community Center. The project is
nearly complete.
Patenting Conference—The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department participated in a
parenting conference that was organized by ISD 196 and held at Eastview High School on Saturday,
November 6. Approximately 20 family-oriented organizations had information booths at the event
and there were also presenta,tions by parenting experts and teachers.
Mother/Son Afternoon of Fun—This first-time event was sponsored by the South of the River
Recreators (SORR) and held at the Steeple Center on Saturday,November 13. Siaty moms and
their sons participated in an afternoon of dancing, face painting,crafts and snacks. Other SORR
sponsored family events are being pla,nned for the future,including a father/daughter dance in
February and a family dance in the spring.
Warming Houses and Outdoor Skating—Warming houses are open and operating. Thep will
be open through the first week of February,depending on weather conditions.
8. ADJOURNMENT-MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 4 Nays:0
Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary
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