HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 06-27 PRC Minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 27, 2011 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,JoAnne Cope,Jason Eisold,Mi.ke Eliason,Barb Farrell Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recordi.ng Secretary Student Volunteer. None Others Present: Ian Peterson, from Pulte Homes and John McMenomy,property owner. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 23,2011 MEETING MINiJTES: Corrections to the Minutes: Others Present-add Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor and Director's Report—change the dimensions of the garden plots from 24'by 30'to 20'by 30'. MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the May 23,2011 meeting as corrected. SECOND by Cope. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION(Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. UMore Ball Fields—Schultz explained that work is continuing on the design development and that he will be meeting with the design team tomorxow. Schultz handed out a draft budget and mentioned that there are a few items that will need to be adjusted. Eisold arrived. Schultz reviewed the updates to the plan. The field wheel layout has been adjusted slighdy and the bleacher section will be larger. 'The project will be completed in stages,with one field possibly ready by la,te fall or early negt spring. We will be discussing further how the different amenities will be phased in and Schultz will bring back a revised budget. The two southern fields and small parking lot on the south side will probably be built first. The playground will probably not be part of the first phase. We will prioritize what makes the most sense to complete first in order to build as much as possible with the funding we have. We have set aside$15,000 for turf and irrigation system maintenance and we are negotiating who will be doing the scheduling. Schultz mentioned that possibly the Commission could meet before the negt regularly scheduled meeting to discuss this project in more detail. No recommendation was needed on this item. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Marshes of Bloomfield—Preliminary Plat—Pulte Group has submitted a preliminary plat for the Marshes of Bloomfield. Ian Peterson from Pulte Group was in attendance to answer questions about the plan. Schultz explained that the Parks Master Plan calls for a neighborhood park in this development and he reviewed a map of the area. He pointed out the interpretive corridor which is now a County regional trail. Schultz reviewed a map that identified the grades and topographq on the site. In December,the Commission had talked about building a neighborhood park for this development that focused on natural resource-type recreation,with trail connections and greenway corridors. The revised development plan that was included in this month's packet is a lower density plan,so we would not require as much parks dedication. Schultz pointed out that the neighborhood par.k is located on the south side of the lake and that the plan identifies a greenway trail,which is a County project. Schultz was told today that because the Counry does not have a master plan in place for this,they do not have funding availa.ble to potentially reimburse the City if we acquire either the land or an easement. They do potentially have funds available to pay for an easement and/or property preservation around the wedand. To get money from the Met Council, they need to have an approved, fully completed concept plan for the project. They do have some money from the Lessard/Legacy Act fiznds that could be used for either conservation easements around some of the wedands and/or for helping the City acquire some of these wetlands. The reason Schultz is talking to the County about this is because the developer has proposed putting - 1 - ' PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 27, 2011 forth land credit for all of the parks dedication. This does not provided us with any funds to build the park in this neighborhood. Schultz mentioned that originally we had thought that the LaFarve property could potentially be part of the greater development. T'his would have provided us better opportunities for a trail around the lake. This property is no longer part of the plan. Originally, there was no identification of a trail to the east toward the McMenomy property where the interpretive trail corridor runs,but now there is one. The developer is currendy requesting that the park dedication consist of an area of land that was highlighted on one of the maps included in this month's packet. Schultz noted setbacks required around the wetlands and the lakeshore,and pointed out that the property contains wetlands and pipelines that require easements. Schultz also reviewed the location of the parking lot,tot lot,and fishing site. Schultz mentioned that he had included a stairvvay that would go down to the lake in his recommendation. T'here was discussion on the regional trail and what the County will do if we don't acquire the trail easements at this time. The County may be able to reimburse the City for a portion of the trail. Schultz will know more about this after meeting with the County. The Commission asked if Lot 10 could be added to the park as the parks seems tighL Per Schultz,we are drawing up a couple of different plans for this. T'he Commission asked if the sidewalk in one of the cul de sacs could be moved to the north side of the cul de sac instead of the south side,in order to connect with the trail to the north. Peterson egplained how the trail could be connected along Lot 1 and another exit spot,Oudot M. Per Schultz we can look at including this in a recommendation. Including signage for sidewalks that are not part of the homeowners association,such as the area to the right of Lot 1,was also suggested. Peterson explained that everything on the east side is a concept plan of a future eatension of Autumn Path. Schultz recommended moving forward with a motion on the majority of the items in the summary,leaving out the part on parks dedication which is still to be determined. MOTION by Bartz to recommend approval of the preliminaty plan with the conditions sta,ted in the executive summaxy with the following changes: for bullet item three,the parks dedication credit is to be determined;add a recommendation that we move the sidewalk on Street E to the north side of the street;and leave bullet points one,two,four and five unchanged. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of June 30,2011 was$1,433,779.74. Grants/Other of$3,400 were received from Rosewood Development for one parks dedication credit. No donations were received. Interest was$114.68. There expenditures of$12,414.90 for UMore ball field planning. Summer Progtams—The Parks and Recreation Department summer programs are in full swing. Safety Camp—This year 110 kids participated in Safety Camp. The Police Department received a $500 donation from the American Legion that was used to purchase bike helmets. Kids whose helmets didn't fit correctly were given new helmets. Lunches were provided by Suzie's Kitchen. Prestwick Place Second Addition—We now have the final plat approval. Nothing has changed since the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the plan. They will be paying parks dedication on 221ots in the near future 8. ADJOURNMENT-MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Cope asked about the meeting Schultz had mentioned having before our next Comtnission meeting in July. Schultz will let the Commission know if we can schedule a meeting in early July. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion passed. 'I'he meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary - 2 -