HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 07-25 PRC Minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
Regular Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2011
Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell
Members Absent: JoAnne Cope
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Ditector of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 27,2011 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the
minutes of the June 27,2011 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None
a. UMore Ball Fields—Schultz handed out a preliminary plan design and pointed out the changes from
the previous plan. Based on the budget of$800,000,we would be close to building a portion of the
western parking lot,two of the lower ball fields,and possibly a third ball field. We will hold off on
building the larger field until we have discussions with DCTC. City staff are currently trying to locate the
legal owner of the pipeline easement that runs through the outfield of the lower,southeast ball field. We
will be building the project in phases,and staff will be assigned to apply for grants to fund the future
phases. The goal is to grade and start work this year. This was an update only and no action was needed
on this item.
b. Marshes of Bloomfield—Pteliminary Plat—Schultz egplained that the developex would like to have
all the parks dedication as land. Staff would prefer the parks dedication to be a combination of land and
cash dedication: four acres of land and 3.24 acres of cash dedication. The development will be built in
four phases,with the park to be built as part of the last phase. We would collect dedication as the phases
are completed. Schultz reviewed two park concept plans from HKGi and the features and parking for
each. Concept 1 included parking along the street,which allowed for more open play space. Schultz also
reviewed some park features that could be included,such as a stairway with handrails for the steep,
northeast part of the trail that runs along the lake,and pervious surfaces for the basketball court and
parking lot. Staff will continue to work with Dakota County regarding the interpretive trail through the
park and reitnbursement options. MOTION by Eisold to recommend adding the following conditions
to the list created at the June 26,2011 Parks Commission meeting. 1)'I'he parks dedication credit be
satisfied with 4.5 acres of land credit and 2.75 acres of cash in lieu of land to be paid at the time of
building pexmit;and 2) That the trail along Bonaire Path east of the egception parcel will not be
considered part of the greenway trail and should be built within the Bonaire Path right-of-way as part of
the public improvement project paid for by the developer. AMENDMEN'T: include"and the
developer will pay to install the parking lot"to the first condition above. SECOND Bartz. Ayes: 4
Nays: 0 Motion passed.
c. Discussiott of Amenities—The City Council will be meeting soon to discuss future amenities in the
community. Schultz listed four categories of amenities in the executive summary for this item: Athletic
Facilities,Natural Resources,Special Interest Facilities,and Trails. Schultz asked the Commission if they
had any priorities as far as the items listed under each category. The Commission asked that the City
Council consider the following items priorities: a sun shelter at Bloomfield Park,egpansion of the skate
park and other recreation options for those not involved in organized sports,recrea.tion opportunities for
residents of all ages,a community water feature,a splash pad or something similar,movement/progress
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Regular Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2011
with the development of the property donated by Flint Hills,looking into adding an artificial surface—
football field size—somewhere,better scheduling of fields with R.AAA,resting fields,having dedicated
fields for lacrosse fox safety reasons (possibly on the land donated by Flint Hills),doing something as far
as the McMenomy Woods (that the City Council consider looking at funding this sooner than later and
making them aware that parks dedication funds are not enough to pay for it). The Commission did not
feel that a tennis court complex was a pressing need at this time and that until other local connections
could be made,the City might hold off on the Highway 3 underpass. T'he Commission asked that
Schultz let the City Council know that it is a continuing concern that we cannot pay for everything with
only parks dedication funds,and that as far as natural resources,once the land is developed,it is gone
forever. Farrell asked if the City Council would consider visiting Stuart Anderson Park in Eden Prairie
to see what has been done there. Schultz will share this information with the City Council and let them
know that the Parks and Recreation Commission would like to attend the Council meetings when there is
discussion about amenities.
a. Directot's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of June 30,2011 was$1,425,347.70.
Dedication fees of$3,400 were received. No Grants/Other were received. No donations were
received. Interest was$52.96. There were expenditures of$11,414.90 for UMore ball field
planning and the Family Resource Center Grant Project. The Parks Improvement Fund will be
reimbursed through the CDA for this Family Resource Center project expense.
Kids Corner—The Parks and Recreation Department's free Kids Corner program is being held at
several parks this summer. So far 1490 kids have participated. This week we held a Party in the Park
at Jaycee Park. The Party included music,sno-cones,along with an inflatable jutnpy,slide and 30
foot obstacle course.
d. Evening T-Ball—This summer's T-ball lessons ended last week. A round robin tournament was held
on the last day of lessons so that the kids could put the skills they learned to use.
8. ADJOURNMENT-MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 4
Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary
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