HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 10-24 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2011 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,JoAnne Cope,Jason Eisold,Barb Farrell Members Absent: Mike Elia,son Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer. None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eisold called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 26,2011 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the September 26,2011 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. Cope asked if a joint meeting with the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission had been discussed or set up. Per Schultz,it was discussed,but no meeting has been planned yet. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION(Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Review of Parks and Recreation Fees and Fee Policy-Schultz reviewed in detail the 2011 Fees and Fee Poliry which was included in the October packet. He noted several items that will be reviewed. One of these is the rental of the National Guard kitchen adjacent to the gym. We need to verify if we will continue to rent this space as sometimes it is not left in the best condition by the National Guard.Schultz will also check with the Public Works Departxnent to see whether the Field Maintenance fee of$30 needs to be increased. Schultz then reviewed charts comparing Rosemount's Community Center,Parks,and Ice Arena rental fees with fees for other similar facilities in nearby dties. Items Schultz will check on include: whether other cities have maintenance staff present when fields are rented;the size of the outdoor shelters in other cities in the comparison;the possibility of the Parks and Recreation Departrnent renting equipment for volleyball,horseshoes,etc.;reviewing our ice rental fees—any changes would take effect in the fall of 2012,as the 2011-12 season is already in progress;and reviewing our gpm rental fees. There was discussion on whether the disc golf course should be rented out. Schultz egplained that Inver Grove Heights and South St.Paul have long-established courses that are availa,ble for rental. Both have a third party that is responsible for renting the course. Other cities such as Apple Valley and Burnsville are not prepared to start opening their courses for rentals. Their experience has been that if a group is using the course for a tournament,the group usually allows others to play the course at the same time with no issues.The Commission asked about rental statistics for tennis courts,rates for courts with and without lights,and how many tennis court rentals we have per year. Schultz will bring back information on this. The Commission felt that we should keep our fees somewhere in the middle range of what other cities are charging so that we have neither the lowest nor the highest rates. He will get more information on the items above and bring back a recommendation on fees to negt month's meeting. He did not expect any changes in the parks dedication fees or the Steeple Center rental fees. - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2011 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Director's Report—The parks improvement fund balance as of September 30,2011 was $1,280,284.92. No dedication fees,grants or donations were received. Interest was$77.32. There were expenditures of$27,491.20 for LTMore ball field planning. Brockway Park—A historical marker and two interpretive signs have been installed at Brockway Park. The signs give historical highlights of the site of the former Brockway Gla,ss Factory. Halloween Costume Exchange—The Parks and Recreation Depa.rttnent's costume egchange took place on October 11 and 13. Those who participated appreciated the opportunity to egchange their kids'Halloween costumes for"ne�'ones. The event is a great way to rerycle costumes that may otherwise only be used once. Family Resource Center-'The improvement project is nearing completion. Last week staff compiled a list of items that need to be repaired or replaced by the contractor. Schultz has talked to the City Administrator and the architect involved in this project regarding the possibility of having some type of process in place in the future so that we don't have the same problems we had with this contractor/project. Fall Clean Up—The clean-up event was held earlier this month at the Public Works facility. Two hundred vehicles were serviced. Tree Planting—This month 3 trees were planted at Central Park and 11 irees were planted at the Family Resource Center Park. The trees came from the City's nursery. UMote Ball Fields—Work has already begun removing trees and brush from the site. We have contracted with SKB to grade the ball field site. They plan to begin moving dirt in a week or two and hope to have the grading completed by the end of November. We should be ready to put the project out for bid this winter and start work in the spring of 2012. Community Gardens—This year, for the first time,the City offered community garden plots to the public. Twenty-four lots at the Flint Hills Resources property were available for rent. It turned out that the soil at the gardens was not in the best condition due to a road project near the site. Because of this,we are looking into moving the plots to another area of the property negt year and providing a water tank for participants to use. The City Council has also asked staff to look at four or five Rosemount parks that might be good locations for additional community gardens. Possible locations being considered are Jaycee Park,Twin Puddles Park and Claret Park, The idea is to have the gardens close to people who live in townhomes or apartxnents who may not have land available, but would like to have a garden. 8. ADJOURNMENT-MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary -2 -