HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 03-26 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 26, 2012 APPROVED Members Present: JoAnne Cope,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell Members Absent: Maureen Bartz Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Dixector of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: Ce-Ce Amari Gaines Others Present: Tom Schuster,Paxks Supervisor and Eric Zweber, City Planner 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to ordeY at 7:03 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 27,2012 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Farrell to approve the minutes of the February 27,2012 meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. UMore AUAR—Schultz introduced Zweber who was in attendance to provide information to the Commission on the UMore AUAR plans. Zweber explained the differences among the UMore Park AUAR draft Land Use Concept Plans 1, 2, and 3. Copies of all of the plans,with corxesponding charts fox each,were included in this month's packet along with detailed background information about the project. The Conunission asked what was recommended for paxk areas. Per Schultz,we will do a comprehensive pla,n in the future and amend our park plan to include this development area. At this time,we haven't identified pa,rk locations but we will cxeate a ma,p that includes areas where paxks should be located. At this level,we are identifying seaxch axeas and once the AUAR is approved we will identify what type of parks to add. Per Zweber,it will take approximately 18 months for the AUAR to be adopted. Building might start in 2015 at the eaxliest. It is a 20-40 yeax plan. This was an upda,te for the Commission and staff will continue to bring back future upda,tes on this item. b. Pickle Ball Request—Parks and Recreation Departrnent staff have received a request to add additional pickle ball amenities at Claxet Park. Schultz explained wha,t has been added during the past two yeaxs as far as striping of the tennis courts for pickle ball at the request of a Rosemount resident. The new request is to add six pickle ball courts to the e�sting tennis courts. The tennis courts are currendy striped for two pickle ball courts. Sta,ff checked with the USTA and they could work with the additional lines,but the couxts could not be used for Quick Start tennis with the additional pickle ball striping. Concerns were about not having enough parking at the site if pickle ball tournaments were to be held there. T'he xesidents requesting additional pickle ball amenities also asked for horseshoe pits,and a place to play corn-hole (a bean bag toss game), and a storage box. It was suggested that the Central - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 26, 2012 Park hockep rink might be a potential location for pickle ball courts. This site has lights as well as a larger parking area. Possibly there might be a spot for horseshoe pits at Central Park, too. Staff will discuss this further with those making the request and bring back more information in the future. We will also check with other cities to see wha,t they have done as far as multi-striped courts. MOTION by Farrell to table this item until we have more information. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. c. Veterans' Memorial Walk—The March packet included a preliminary design concept prepared by the board of Rosemount's Veterans Memorial Walk and recendy submitted to the City. T'he concept includes eight stations celebrating American freedoms.T'he group is not looking for funding,just to move forward with their plan. They are going to raise funds by soliciting donations themselves. Per Schultz the City has an agreement with the group to move forward with the memorial walk,but the group does need to show us plans before anything is built. Schultz asked the Commission for their comments regarding the changes to the original concept of the memorial walk. The Commission noted that the name has been changed to"Rosemount's Veterans Liberty Memorial Walk". (The word Liberty has been added.) The Commission felt that this revised name was too long and that Liberty should be ta.ken out. T'he Commission also questioned why the group has chosen some"fxeedoms" and ignored others. They felt that the focus on veterans has been lost in the new plan. 'I'hey noted that originally this trail, donated by Flint Hills Resources (Koch),was intended as a nature walk,and questioned adding so much concrete, so many maYkers, etc. 'They felt that we are losing the original purpose of the trail and asked how we incorporate the group's plans into what was originally intended to be a natural area. T'he Commission also noted that the gYoup's brochute says they will need several million dollars for the new plan, and that their original pla.n was much less intrusive. Schultz felt that we could still keep the trail natural,although some of the ideas in the new plan are busy. The Commission asked why the name had been changed. Per Schultz,they did not mention any reason. Sta.ff will ask about this when we meet with them, and bring back more information to the Commission. d. Flint Hills Properry—Athletic Fields—Three concept plans were included in the Commission packet. Schultz reviewed each of the plans. The Commission also mentioned that we need more soccer fields. Without Dakota County Technical College (DCTC),we have only one full-size soccer field,and we will be losing the field at Erickson Park to tennis courts. Could we make this complex all soccer,to meet the needs for soccer fields? The Commission preferred Concept B. T'hey noted that Concept A incorpoxates a circle loop walking trail and the Commission asked if we could try to include this in Concept B. The Comxnission also asked for an estimate for lighting, conduit, etc. Schultz will get more a more detailed plan and costs for gxading, etc. and bring this information to next month's meeting. T'he Commission asked where the funds will come fxom foY tkis project. Per Schultz,we don't have a source right now. e. City Council Goals 2012—2013—Schultz reviewed the items that pertain to Paxks and Recxeation Department from the list of goals. We will discuss these further with the City Council at the April meeting. These items include: exercise stations along trails,a spla,sh pad,paving Brazil Ave.,improvements to the Erickson Park shelter and parking lot, Hwy. 3 underpass,tennis courts, senioY housing,a partnership with the YMCA and DCTC for a new facility,and priority trails. Schultz asked the Commission to provide him with any comments they might have on these items. We will discuss them furthex at next month's meeting. - 2 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 26, 2012 f. Ditector's Report—The Parks Improvement Fund Bala,nce as of February 29,2012 was $1,310,138.69. Dedication fees of$6,800 were received this month. No grants/other were received. Interest for the month was $60.65. There were no donations. There were expendituxes of$5,463.74 for UMore bids, the Lions Club plaque and McMenomy Woods pla.nning. Spring/Summer Brochure—The Parks and Recreation Spring/Summer brochuxe was delivered to Rosemount residents beginning on Saturday,Ma,tch 17. On-line registration was available as of Wednesda,y,March 14. DCTC/YMCA/City of Rosemount Partnership Discussions—We axe continuing discussions on a possible partnership for a field house with three full-size gyms, one collegiate basketball court with stadium seating,running track,locker rooms, classrooms,meeting rooms,outdoor trails,etc. Former St.Joseph's School Site—One possible plan for the site once the school is removed is for some type of senior center/activity center with senior housing,with access from Cameo Avenue only. Naming of UMore Ball Fields—Schultz asked the Commissioners to bring ideas to the April meeting. Discussion Regarding Rosemount Area Arts Council(RAAC)—We currendy have a number of partnerships with RAAC. T'hey are offering more pYograms and our staff is working with them as much as possible. Community Gardens Project—This year we have expanded our community gardens to include Winds,Biscapne,and Jaycee Parks,in addition to the Flint Hills Resoutces site that was used in 2011. We will also have a water tank at each park this year. So far we have had 54 requests for plots. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND bp Cope. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary - 3 -