HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 04-23 PRC Minutes - Joint Mtg PARKS & RECREATION/CITY COUNCIL COMMISSION Joint Meeting Minutes April 23, 2012 APPROVED Council Members Present: Mayor Bill Droste,Mark DeBettignies,Matt Kearney, Kim Shoe-Corrigan,Jeff Weisensel Commission Members Present: Maureen Bartz,JoAnne Cope,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell Absent: None Staff Present: Dwight Johnson,Administrator,Dan Schultz,Director of Paxks and Recreation,Andy Broetzler, Engineer and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: Ce-Ce Amari Gaines Others Present: Terry Taylor and Pamela,Cecchini 1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia,son called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. 2012/2013 City Council Goals—Schultz presented a power point presenta,tion of the goals: • Paving Brazil Ave and Erickson Park parking lot—Schultz provided an aerial view of the road and paxking lot and explained that this road is heavily used on weekends in the summer and noted several areas on the west side where there are washouts. There was discussion regarding the Rosemount Woods neighborhood to the north of the paxk and whether the cost of the road impxovements would be split with them. They have already been assessed foY the Connemara Trail improvements in 2003. The City will conta.ct the owners regarding this. T'he improvements include angled parking on the east side of Brazil Ave.There was discussion about the best/safest options for cars leaving games/tournaments to turn axound,including one-way traffic through the parking lot,building a roundabout, or building a road fxom the parking lot through Erickson Park back to Brazil Ave. The cost to pave the parking lot was estimated at $310,000. We should make sure the paxking lot drains to existing ponding by the soccex fields oY create some type of rain garden to collect run-off. • Erickson Park Shelter Improvements—Schultz explained that the shelter is 30+ years old. We have made some improvements to it over the years and it is structurally sound. Schultz showed photos of the shelter kitchen and it is in good shape. The shelter could use some cosmetic improvements and the batlirooms definitely need to be updated. The City Council agreed. Other items mentioned included the playground being a futuxe project,possibly moving it closer to the trail,and the field lighting. 'The field lights are old and technology has improved since they were insta,lled. We could look into grants to xepla,ce the lights with more energy efficient and more focused lighting. • Hwy 3 Underpass—Schultz reviewed the trail connections that would work in conjunction with a Hwy 3 underpass. We have applied fox grants but so far have not been awaxded any. We ma,y be able to use state aid we collect to pay for this. We could do the project now or we could wait for a grant. To build it this year,we are behind schedule. We would have to do a feasibility study to cut through Hwy 3 and MnDot would have to approve it. We were not actually anticipating doing it this year, and the goal is for 2012/2013, so it could be done next year. - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION/CITY COUNCIL COMMISSION Joint Meeting Minutes April 23, 2012 • Splash Pad—Schultz showed a photo of Apple Valley's splash pad and asked if the City Council had a preferred location for this type of amenity. It was suggested that we incorporate some type of water feature that could be used for two or three seasons. Something similar to what was done at Frog Pond in Boston Commons,with a wading pool/fountain that could be flooded in the winter and used for skating,was suggested as an option. We'd like something that would serve all ages and have moxe than one use. Possibly xepla.cing a hockey rink with a spla,sh pad was suggested, oY replacing the ball fields at Erickson Park with a splash pad, exercise area,and trails. It was also noted that na,tural areas,and parks with more green space were desirable,and that ball fields axen't parks. • Senior Exercise Areas—Schultz provided an example of one version of the type of equipment that is currendy available. There are a variety of options that will fit the size of the area they'll be located in. The equipment covers a variety of fimess levels. The City Council mentioned a vision of having walking trails plus the stations. The cost is appro�rimately$25,000 or less for su�to seven stations with a range of complexity. • Lighted Tennis Courts—Schultz provided an example of one possible layout with eight courts and a trail linking them to the paxking lot. We need to look at the best layout fox this space and keep in mind the need for turnabout for ball fields. The USTA recommends grouping courts to create a destination,having lights and parking, and progxamming for adults such as cardio tennis and different kinds of drills. 'I'he Commission asked where a soccer field would be added to repla,ce the one where tennis courts are proposed to be built. The Council e�cplained that three fields at Dakota County Technical College (DCTC)were purposed to repla,ce this soccer field. • It was suggested that we could bond all together soccer fields/all purpose fields and an unpaved parking lot at the athletic complex site. • Senior Housing/Senior Activity Center—T'he City is woxking with a developex on a pla,n for a memory caYe/assisted living/independent living/activity center. We are hoping to heax back from the developer soon. It was mentioned that parking is at a premium at the site. The current plan includes 50 spots. There will be underground parking for sta.ff and residents. Othex pa,rking options axe the library, the paxk and ride lot and the Central Park lot. Access to the facility will be off of Cameo Avenue. The pla,n includes a green space/mini paxk area. More information will be coming on this. • Joint Facility with Dakota County Technical College and YMCA—The facility being discussed includes three full-size, collegiate size,vaxsity game courts with a track. A zero-depth pool for all ages has also been discussed. We haven't yet discussed how it would be funded or the division of funding. How the partnership would work and what might be included have yet to be determined. • Additional Amenities for Neighborhoods (benches, trees and landscaping)— An area near Shannon Park was mentioned as a possible site fox seating along trails and enhancement of trails. b. Master Plan Athletic Complex—Flint Hills Property Update—Schultz reviewed a pxeliminary master plan for the complex. In the new pla.n, sewer and watex ha,ve been bxought to the site,there are seven la,rge athletic fields with plenty of space between them so we can move them as needed,and there is a paxking lot. This could be built fox $2,000,000. Trails at the site will be built as part of the Yegional gteenway. We do need to add some loop trails for visitors to use. This pxoject could be completed in stages. The City Council asked about issues with field use and whether we could consider artificial turf. Schultz had information and a map of artificial turf locations in the twin cities. T'he south - 2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION/CITY COUNCIL COMMISSION Joint Meeting Minutes April 23, 2012 metro does not have any. A field at DCTC could be a potential site for this. We are looking into it and hope to have a report completed by the end of May. It was suggested that we could save money by not paving the parking lot at the complex,and using Cla,ss 5 instead. It was also mentioned that Bloomfield Park would be a good location for lacrosse. Finding a good location for 13 year old baseball was discussed. Possibly retrofitting Bloomfield Park so it's like Jaycee Park was suggested,or looking at the size of the full-size field at UMore. Staff will study tbis further and get additional input. We will be working on identifying which facilities work best for specific sports, such as lacrosse, football and soccer,and deciding the best use of fields to meet our needs. c. UMote Ball Field Project Update—The approval of this project will be on the Planning Commission agenda. for tomorrow night. T'here was an issue raised regarding soil testing, but this has been addressed. Everything is moving forward. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Cope to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. "The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary - 3 -