HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 09-24 PRC Minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 24, 2012 plots at Winds Park and could add two more,we could potentially add 10 plots at Claret Park and 10 at Camfield Park,and we have eight plots at Biscayne Park and could add up to 16 more. We will discuss where to put the plots at our October meeting. Schultz mentioned that there may be interest in having some half-plots for those who want a smaller garden. There was discussion about the plots at Flint Hills site. If the site is ever developed, they could remain where they are or close to their current location,or we could move them to another location on the site. The plan would definitely be to keep plots here. Schultz recommended giving returning Rosemount participants first opportunity for 2013. He will also check to see where all of the 80 callers from this year were from. T'he plan would be to first notify current Rosemount participants to give them priority for 2013 and have a deadline for them to respond. We would then open the registration to all Rosemount residents,and finally,if any spots remain,we would open registration to non-residents. Eliason asked that we add"priority registration will be reviewed and evaluated on an annual basis"to our notification to current gaxdeners. MOTION by Bartz to recommend that Rosemount residents be given priority registration when assigning garden plots for 2013 and that all 2012 resident gardeners be given the first opportunity to get a plot in 2013 prior to the plots being offered to the public. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Director's Report—T'he Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of August 31,2012 was$939,571.22. Dedication fees of$17,000 were received. Interest for the month was $57.79. There were no donations. There were expenditures of$249,004.77 for UMore Ball Field Improvements. Steeple Center—The fronts steps demolition started last Monday. The separation of the former school from the church/gathering space is close to done. We are hoping demo of former school will start in mid-October. We are working on a developer's agreement for senior housing on that property. The Commission will be talking about a senior activities center sometime in the future. UMote Ball Fields—The grass is coming in nicely,lights are up and working,foul poles are not up and the second lift of asphalt isn't in yet and may be done next spring. Fields may be ready next fall. Innisfree Park—A large willow tree blew down in Innisfree Park this summer.Several residents called regarding replacing it. We moved three clump river birch trees to that park. Meeting with RAAA—Schultz will be meeting with RAAA on October 1 to discuss facility needs. We were hoping to have this infortnation earlier,but when Schultz recently met with the RA AA's president and one board member there were some discrepancies in the nuxnbers. They are going to review and clarify their data. The City Council will discuss facilities at a work session on October 10. The City Council recently awarded the Hwy 3 trail project which will begin in a couple of weeks. The trail will run from the south side of the Rosemount Community Center entrance, along Hwy 3 in front of the armory,and will connect with Connemara Trail. Some trees were recendy moved to other locations to accommodate the new trail. Staff inet with the City Council and also talked with the Ciry Administrator regarding the improvements needed at the Erickson Park Shelter. Priorities include improving the restrooms, making the shelter as ADA accessible as possible,updating the kitchen,and adding a sign/plaque that gives some history regarding the name of Erickson Park(it was named after a Rosemount doctor who gave free physicals and was a big supporter of athletics in Rosemount). Schultz will meet with the City Administrator tomorrow to go over what our architect is considering. The parking lot and Brazil Avenue have been paved and the second lift will be going in soon. 8. ADJOURNMENT-MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary -2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 24, 2012 DRAFT Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell Members Absent: JoAnne Cope Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 27,2012 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the August 27,2012 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION(Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Splash Pad—Schultz talked to other cities found that they didn't have occupanry numbers or capacity limits for their splash pads,and it hasn't been a concern. Schultz also talked with a representative from USA Aquatics,and they do have industry standards of 1 person/15 sq ft. Per the rep,a 3,000 sq. ft.pad would have a capacity of approgimately 200 kids. There is no set number of amenities per square foot. Decking around the splash pad is not included in the 3,000 sq. ft.,and could be approximately 7,0000 additional square feet. Schultz provided a photo of a splash pad in St.Louis Park. This splash pad includes two large umbrellas for shade and a pump house for treating/reusing water. This type of water system requires a certified pool operator. Schultz also provided an aerial photo of a splash pad in Bloomington which has sun canopies,a playground nearby,and is near a church so there's lots of parking. Eisold mentioned that St.Louis Park had issues with busloads of kids from outside the area coming to their splash pad. Because of this,they had to add fencing,start charging$1.00 admission and requiring advance reservations. They also staff it from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Their splash pad amenities are on a timer and shut off when the park closes. Eisold will check on the number of parking spaces at this location. Schultz reviewed plans of the future outdoor recreation compleg at the Flint Hills site and the Dakota County Technical College soccer field site and pointed out locations where a splash pad could be incorporated at each site. Schultz was still waiting for infortnation on the cost of Burnsville's water feature. That water feature is labor-intensive and requires one full-time summer staff person who's a certified pool operator,plus two part-time summer staff people. Some major issues we need to consider are adequate parking,adequate shade,and what type of water system we will have. Lack of parking downtown is a concern and Schwarz Pond Park may be an alternative. Schultz spoke with a representative from Vortex who thought that we could possibly drill a well for a splash park at the Schwarz Pond Park location.We really need to figure out what kind of water system we want. Schultz will discuss this with our City Engineer. We will be getting water usage numbers from other cities,too. Per Schultz,Vortex also does studies for cities to help them choose the best location. The Commission asked Schultz to gather information on water features that are available from different vendors. Schultz will bring back more information in the future on locations for the splash park,the process other cities have used to select their vendors, which type of water system we should use,how to choose the best site,and whether there would be concerns about taking water from the system. b. Community Garden Program—At last month's meeting we discussed giving this year's gardeners priority for 2013. Staff checked with other cities to see how they handle this and found that they all allow returning gardeners prioriry registration. We do plan to expand the number of garden plot we offer next year. We currently have six plots at Jaycee Park and could add four more,we have six - 1 -