HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 10-29 PRC Minutes PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes October 29, 2012 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Barb Faxrell and JoAnne Cope Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Paxks and Recxeation Student Volunteers: CeCe-Amari Gaines Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia,son called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Commissioner Cope asked that at a future meeting we discuss our mission sta.tement and how it relates to community gardens. Schultz stated that he would include this on the meeting agenda for November. 3. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 24,2012 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the September 24,2012 meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None G. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Fees and Fee Policy- Schultz e�cplained that we review our fees and fee policy on annual basis to make suxe oux fees axe in line with the local ma,rket and other neighboring communities. He asked the Commission if they had any additional information they would like to see with regards to a comparison of fees. T'he Comxnission asked how we would address the fees for the UMore Ballfields. Schultz indicated that he anticipates that the fees would be the same as our existing parks such as Erickson or Shannon. It was mentioned that we still need to discuss a name for the complex that was constructed on the property pre- dedicated by the Univexsity of MN. Schultz sta.ted that it would be on our next agenda and that everyone needed to bring three potential names with them to the next meeting.Bartz asked if we had information on what it costs to maintain our athletic fields. Schultz stated that we did xeview the costs of mainta,ining some of oux athletic fields when we were discussing a pla,yer maintenance fee with RAAA,Dakota REV and R.AHA. Schultz will bring a copy of the information to the next meeting. b. Capital Improvement Budget- Schultz reviewed the projects coming up in 2012 and future projects through 2020.'I'here were several parks and recreation facilities discussed. The Commission voiced concerns about the tennis court project still be listed in the 2013 CIP budget. Several Commission members stated they that feel the City can wait on building the courts until we meet some of the other needs in the community. Commissionex Ferrell asked about creating a pla,n to deal with the buckthorn in Carroll's Woods. Schultz sta.ted that the City has done some buckthorn xemoval in past years but it has been difficult to keep up - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes October 29, 2012 with the xe-growth of the invasive species. Bartz indicated that if we are going to set funds aside for covered benches at Charlie's Park,that we should reallp set aside funds to cover the playeYs'benches at our athletic facilities or at least ask the user groups to help fund the amenities. Eisold asked if we have looked into the new ADA requirements and how they might impact our facilities. Schultz stated that we work to meet the requirements with all new construction and that we have not done an assessment of oux facilities. c. Director's Report—The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of September 30,2012 was $531,889.10. Dedication fees of$17,000 were received. Interest for the month was $38.23. 'I'here were no donations. There were e�cpenditures of$424,720.35 for UMore Ball Field Improvements. Schultz provided updates on the following items: Fall Clean Up,Schwarz Pond Park,Recycling Pxesentation,DNR Tree Grant, Highway 3 Trail, Halloween Costumes Event, One Book, One Rosemount and the Steeple Center development of the former St.Joseph's School Property. 8. ADJOURNMENT -MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 5 Naps: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dan Schultz,Parks and Recreation Director -2 -