HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012 11-26 PRC Minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes November 26, 2012 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Mike Eliason,Barb Farrell and JoAnne Cope Members Absent: Jason Eisold Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteers: None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Schultz asked the Commission about changing negt month's regularly scheduled meeting date from December 24,2012 (Christtnas Eve) to December 17,2012. MOTION by Cope that we make December 17,2012 the tentative date for our meeting in December on as as-needed basis. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 3. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 29,2012 MEETING MINLTTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the October 29,2012 meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Morion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Community Gardens-Schultz handed out copies of the 2008 Parks Master Plan goals and asked Cope to lead discussion on this item as she had requested that it be included on the November agenda. Cope had asked at last month's meeting for clarification on the use of park land for community gardens. She wanted the Commission to discuss this item as she was concerned that with further expansion of garden plot program next year,park land that could be used for other activities would be taken for gardens. Schultz reviewed the current locations of the gardens and explained that much thought has gone into their placement. The gardens have been located in areas of parks that are considered subpar or buffer areas and are not suitable for other activities. Because the community garden program has been so popular and successful,the City Council has given staff direction to e�and the program,and we are looking into adding more garden plots next year. b. Fees and Fee Policy—Schultz reviewed fee comparison spreadsheets that were included in this month's packet for the Community Center,parks,indoor ice time and parks dedication fees. The Executive Summary included a list of changes to the fee poliry that Schultz was recommending for 2013. Several fee increases were included in the recommendation so that our fees would be more in line with what other cities are charging based on the information compiled for the spreadsheets. MOTION by Cope to recommend the City Council adopt the changes to the Fees and Fee Policy for 2013 as recommended in the egecutive summary. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. c. Rosemount Veterans Memorial Walk—Schultz and Mayor Droste received a letter from Ed B.McMenomy,Sr.regarding the future of the Rosemount Veterans'Memorial Walk(RVMIX�. In the letter,Mr.McMenomy requested that the City take on the final design and construction as well as the long-term maintenance of the RVMW. The RVMW group has changed the project they oYlglrially presented to the Ciry from military service recognition to a themed trail with eight reflection stations,each representing a different"freedom". Mr.McMenomy has also submitted a letter to the Koch brothers (Flint Hills Resources) asking for assistance urith funding for the RVMW in the amount of$2,000,000. Schultz reviewed the original agreement which included the responsibilities of the RVMW group and the Ciry of Rosemount. Cope asked for permission to discuss this item with the Rosemount Area Arts Council(RAAC) as the letter written to the Koch brothers mentions that RAAC was asked to design the art for the project. Per Schultz that would be - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes November 26, 2012 fine. There was a lot about the project that Commission had questions on or would like changed. While they felt this was a well-intentioned project, they would have to see how it fits into our current park priorities before agreeing to anything and funding it would be a concern. Schultz felt that we should talk with the RVM�Y�group regarding the project we had originally agreed to versus the project they are now proposing. Schultz will be discussing this further with Mayor Droste. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Outdoor Athletic Field Analysis—Schultz met with representatives from the Rosemount Area Athletic Association (RAAA) and Dakota REV Soccer to clarify participation numbers and get a better idea of their current and future facilities use and needs. He also spoke with the high school's athletic director regaxding their outdoor facility needs. Solid data on participation and facility use was received from the athletic associations. This information shows the facilities we are currently providing and what the groups'needs are. Schultz mentioned that the two new baseball fields have come in nicely and should be ready sometime late next summer. The Commission pointed out that the tennis participation and facilities-use data show that there is no need for additional tennis courts and that there has actually been a net loss in tennis participation from 2009 to 2012. They also noted that the$250,000 budgeted for the four tennis courts would be a large portion of the parks dedication balance. The Commissioners expressed concern about such a large amount of the remaining parks dedication fund being used for construction of additional tennis courts when data did not support a need for them. They asked if they could make a recommendation to be brought to the City Council to let them know the Commission didn't agree with new courts being a priority based on the data collected. They suggested that when the time comes in the future when more courts are needed,the Flint Hills site would be a good location for additional courts and would serve residents who live on that side of the city. MOTION by Cope(as written by Bartz) to recommend that the City Council remove the construction of four tennis courts from the 2013 CIP budget based upon user need and usage data from city programs,school district programs,Rosemount Area Athletic Association programs,and available parks dedication funds. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 4 Nays:0 Motion passed. b. Director's Report—The Parks Improvement Fund Balance as of October 31,2012 was$485,342.03. Dedication fees of$6,800 were received. No grants were received. Interest for the month was $199.75. There were no donations. T'here were expenditures of$53,546.82 for the DNR tree grant plantings (reimbursable),UMore ball fields,Carroll's Woods Mapping,and Flint Hills athletic field planning. Schultz provided updates on the following items: SORR Ground Pounders run,parent education conference,two eagle scout projects,SORR Mother and Son Afternoon of Fun,Friday Night Live teen program,UMore ball fields,and tree plantings in parks in Rosemount. The Commission asked if we could send a note to the eagle scouts expressing our appreciation for their work. The following names were suggested for the UMore ball fields: O'Leary after Officer Jim O'I.eary who passed away recendy,Holiday for poc Holiday,Hanson for a past school superintendant,Arms Park for the munitions plant, 100 Farms Park for the farms relocated for the artns plant,Ryan Park who was a lawyer for the farmers and who became a chief justice on the Minnesota supreme court, GOP for Gopher Ordinance Park,and Akron Fields for the street it's on. 8. ADJOURNMENT -MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Cope. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary -2 -